Answering Comments

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • Discord- / discord

Комментарии • 15

  • @aldriel8274
    @aldriel8274 6 месяцев назад +2

    At the moment only a few are still really playing the game. 90% of the Icecrown's player base is made of farmers, wintergrasp lunatics, ninjas, scammers, Pandemic Ravenlord showoffs and 6 bosses deranged people, they're not even raiders, they're just toxic people with Warmane installed.

    • @Redemptionproject09
      @Redemptionproject09  6 месяцев назад

      i wouldent say toxic, although i get thats the easy label to slap on them and even i do it from time to time but i really hate that label. Misinformed yes. How do we fix it though?

    • @aldriel8274
      @aldriel8274 6 месяцев назад

      No Funky, I'm sorry but you are recurrent on saying that "I wouldn't say toxic" in my comments. Please stop. "Fuck off bot" "I fuck your mother" "Delete wow noob" "kill yourself" "you're too poor to talk" etc etc etc on a daily basis, on raids on trade chat on general chat and on global too. Depravity Racism and demented lunacy, all of this in a server like Turtle WoW is instantly treated with severe bans to a point that the weirdos there simply quit playing the server. Icecrown is just a very bad place to play WoW. Facts.

  • @aarkayrohit638
    @aarkayrohit638 6 месяцев назад

    Most people in warmane have latency problem even with good internet that is why it is a problem, healing as 50 ms vs healing is 500 ms is very different

  • @flexwheeler707
    @flexwheeler707 6 месяцев назад +1

    0 buff imo is only fun in frostmourne or progressive servers. no shadowmournes and majority of ppl still in togc gear. icecrown ppl in full bis 0 light is easy, coupled with pampered community and booster mentality its more of a hassle than anything because people are so used to skipping mechanics or just ignoring it cuz you can get healed through it haha. you should really play on Onyxia once it gets to wrath, the game is simply more fun when people are progressing and learning.

    • @Redemptionproject09
      @Redemptionproject09  6 месяцев назад

      i had that experience twice already. once in retail and once on warmane. Me personally i dont have the time to level and run splits etc. You are however correct in saying its a joke in BiS gear. Thats my whole point. Sunwell for example the guys did it there with ToGC gear only and it wasent too many attempts if i recall where they got it. That should show everyone how easy 0 buff is. 0 buff is easy. regardless it should be held as the standard that guilds aim for. doing 30 in BiS gear is fun? that i will never understand nor can i take anything on 30 buff seriously unless again its a solo heal bc mathematically some classes just cant solo heal 0 buff even if you played the healer perfectly.

  • @win_97
    @win_97 6 месяцев назад

    I meant from my pov as a supportive dps (ret) after doing 0 buff so many times (and i dont mean regular 0 buff but challenges like 2-3 heal solo tank) i just became annoyed and tired of it. You need to remember every assignment like on which infest you aura mastery, on which reaper you sac the tank, which holy wrath you are doing, soaking spirits with bubble, sacred shield on warriors 1st phase etc. And its easy to do if your only goal is to kill the boss and support the raid, but if you want to do both great dps and support in same time it can get exhausting because you need to play every gcd perfectly or you either lose fuckton of dps or someone will die. Its very different if you play warrior or mage because its just zug zug no support, same shit like in 30% buff. From your pov as a healer nothing changes either so i understand why you are thinking that way, only thing that changes is mana management but even then you are just fed innervates. And another thing is that once you put this thing on farm, and you do hardest challenges that barely anyone did before you can start to feel like theres nothing to play for anymore, and you just want to relax for 1-2 hrs of your free time after work, family, working out or whatever your day consists of.

    • @Redemptionproject09
      @Redemptionproject09  6 месяцев назад

      the only thing i can say to that is... its not hard to time things out correctly when it comes to dps. Its really not hard to ask for cds at correct times, hell it should come as second nature honestly. Why would you not time out things correctly to push numbers in 30? i mean in your last comment you said you wanted to pump big numbers right? so you are still going to min/max your dps regardless correct? i mean no offense when i say this because i loved your comment but, how does that help hone anyone elses craft or skill in the game? it allows for lazy to stay lazy. 0 buff is not that hard once a good group of players knows what to do. sure you have to be on it but its not some mythical thing that guilds who farm it wipe weekly to. years and years we did it with no wipes. im not saying guilds have to 2-3 heal or anything like that. if they want to and the guild does sure. at least from my experience it was not something done on the regular at all.
      everything changes as a healer. You have to be on your game a lot more on LK and doing things properly to conserve mana and use the right heal at the right time. The rest of the bosses are still a joke. On LK only you cant be going spam crazy willy nilly. honestly helps hone my craft a lot more. IDK our 0 buff runs were always around 2 hours. Id argue unless you have the same group of players with the same skill your going to spend about the same amount of time in a typical 30 buff guild.
      i get you are burnt out from it. im not condemning you for that at all.

    • @win_97
      @win_97 6 месяцев назад

      Yeah part of it is being burnt out as you say. But also it depends a lot what class you play, dps spec with biggest skill difference between 30% buff player and 0% buff challenge player is ret by far, you can ask any good ret and he will tell you the same answer. Most challenges that are done on this server are done mainly because of good rets, even your solo heal lod wouldnt be possible without good rets in afterlight. So my point is its fun to do it couple of times but later you just get burnt out like u said. Maybe its being lazy, ego, real life idk but thats just my opinion. Also what i forgot to mention, and i think this matters especially lately, is that people are playing 30% buff because of parses and they are competing for fun with each other, cant parse if you do 0 buff. Then you also have these boost runs where guilds sell items and achievements for gold, cant do that on 0 buff either.

    • @win_97
      @win_97 6 месяцев назад

      And i forgot to add, in my opinion every player should do 0 buff couple of times, to improve and become good at the class and game overall. But at some point you just reach your skill ceiling and theres no point to it anymore, better have some fun and do 30% buff parse runs most of the time, and 0 buff maybe twice a month.

    • @Redemptionproject09
      @Redemptionproject09  6 месяцев назад

      @@win_97 you can do the gdkp on zero but yea I get why people don't. I hate these boosted runs. That's another story for another day though.
      Beanlord aka riko being ret for sure helped in that regard for the solo heal. Basically having the best ret in the game backing you up is nice 🙂.
      Parses.... I mean personally I can care less about parsing because it's so easily manipulated. No druid for example would be able to outparse another druid when one guild does it solo and another is forced to 2-3 heal it. Again, skills learned in 0 buff help teach that. You can load a raid with idk a shadow priest or mage and get 8 PI,s on him. Plus honestly, anything done on 30 buff isn't that impressive minus solo healing lk because some classes cannot even mathematically do it on 0 buff no matter their skill. It's to do with the limitations of the class itself.

    • @Redemptionproject09
      @Redemptionproject09  6 месяцев назад

      @@win_97 I can honestly say I never found 30 buff to be fun. Parse runs or not. Id also be curious to see where these parses are at for the top classes and if they are kept recorded.
      30 buff offers no challenge. Not to be condescending here but just bc "big numbers" = some kind of weird flex in the players minds means very little. Once youve done 0 buff regularly why would I be impressed with 30 buff numbers? It's how and why we had players like gnev and awbee promoting how good they were parse wise but never doing 0 buff or getting removed from 0 buff runs bc they are incompetent.
      There are levels to this as you know. The tip of the spear is where I prefer to play in order to challenge my mechanics and skills. You and I both know in almost every case a guild doing 0 buff 2-3 heal runs or farm 0 buff weekly would destroy pretty much anyone parsing on 30.