Control the controllables | Dr. Arman Taghizadeh | TEDxGrandCanyonUniversity

  • Опубликовано: 21 сен 2024

Комментарии • 201

  • @hubert-olszewski
    @hubert-olszewski 8 дней назад

    It's refreshing to hear someone talk about simplifying life instead of just pushing harder and harder. Sometimes we need that reminder.

  • @Rant-Diva
    @Rant-Diva 23 дня назад

    It's somewhat comforting to think that the controllables never change, and even more so to think of them AS controllables. It's a nice perspective.

  • @alexBBmichaels
    @alexBBmichaels Месяц назад

    I love "first attempt in learning" as an acronym for fail! Very clever and has the power to change your whole perspective on setbacks.

  • @elviragabriele
    @elviragabriele Месяц назад

    I love how he ties gratitude into daily life. Finding things to appreciate each day can really boost your mood and mindset.

  • @candyengelhardt
    @candyengelhardt Месяц назад

    Oh I love this so much. Hearing people talk about how they blended several passions into one career path is like magic.

  • @shift-change
    @shift-change Месяц назад +2

    I've always felt control is overrated, we chase it while we look outside ourselves. The great sages believe surrender is the gateway to nirvana

  • @wittylove7215
    @wittylove7215 Месяц назад

    Love how his whole story speaks to being able to find unexpecting and fulfilling paths if you just follow your passion. It so idealistic but it really does happen!

  • @mystic.10
    @mystic.10 4 месяца назад +2

    The concept of focusing on what we can control rather than what's out of our hands is a game-changer.

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych Месяц назад

      We have the power to simplify and take control of our effort, attitude and gratitude!

  • @nanburkhardt
    @nanburkhardt 3 дня назад

    I've never thought about the psychological power of negative thoughts before.... kinda amazed to hear they can be 4 to 7 times stronger than positive ones.

  • @BroadMarginGirl
    @BroadMarginGirl 21 день назад

    his story about his college teammates wishing they had known this stuff earlier is a good reminder that it's never too late to learn and grow.

  • @keranskeckter
    @keranskeckter 8 дней назад

    I liked the part about how mental effort plays a larger role than we think. I think something really shifts for both sports and life when you realize that

  • @kathy-ward
    @kathy-ward 5 дней назад

    Carol Dweck’s growth mindset research was a nice touch. It’s true that how you frame challenges really impacts your performance and overall success

  • @jordanjpatterson
    @jordanjpatterson 12 дней назад

    The emphasis on building relationships and trust as a coach and doctor is crucial. Relationships are the foundation of so much in life, you really want to make sure you've got good ones

  • @CuddleSkunk
    @CuddleSkunk 9 дней назад

    Aww I thought it was so sweet that where he ended up actually did align with what his parents wanted for him. There's something so wholesome about that

  • @shastadeed
    @shastadeed 3 месяца назад

    Love how the speaker connects his sports background with psychiatry, shows how diverse experiences shape us into whole and complex people

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 3 месяца назад

      We are often training to do something else when we don't even realize it.

  • @nomorerealitytv
    @nomorerealitytv 2 месяца назад

    It’s so true that focusing on winning can take the joy out of the process. We need to appreciate the journey more.

  • @smilingputin
    @smilingputin 3 месяца назад

    His insights on effort being largely mental are eye-opening and I agree a growth mindset and resilience are key. He's made some great points.

  • @averyrothschild
    @averyrothschild 2 месяца назад

    Interesting how he mentioned the impact of stress on students and athletes. Mental health is so crucial!

  • @wzhen9391
    @wzhen9391 2 месяца назад

    I wish I had heard this talk when I was a student athlete. The pressure to succeed can be so overwhelming, and it's easy to lose sight of what really matters.

  • @faithcortellis
    @faithcortellis 3 месяца назад

    I've always struggled with the idea of failure, but reframing it as a "First Attempt In Learning" as he suggested makes so much sense. It’s all about how we view our challenges.

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 3 месяца назад

      It truly is about a mindset. More failures will lead to more successes if you choose to reframe the concept of FAIL.

  • @maevequinn
    @maevequinn Месяц назад

    I really liked the part about focusing on 'effort, attitude, and gratitude.' It's such a simple attitude for approaching life and I think that can be way more helpful than all the over-complicated advice that's out there

  • @Raspberry-Media
    @Raspberry-Media 2 месяца назад

    I love the idea of setting three areas of focus each day. It's a simple but effective way to stay organized and avoid getting overwhelmed.

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych Месяц назад

      It will really compound over time, 21/week, 90/month...

  • @asikahoinka
    @asikahoinka 3 месяца назад

    I like the way he breaks it down, in terms of what we can achieve in a day and how it all adds up.

  • @elian-cruz
    @elian-cruz 9 дней назад

    The mention of 'chunking' to improve memory made me think about how I approach learning. I’m going to give that strategy a try for sure!

  • @happeehappeeme
    @happeehappeeme 3 месяца назад

    I think it's really cool how we can look back at our lives and pinpoint what each of our experiences has taught us, and I love hearing other people do it too, sounds like this guy got the perfect mix of qualities from each of his endeavours.

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 2 месяца назад

      Thank you. It took a while but I realized that all my previous experiences were training me to be a doctor all along!

  • @mikedrawley
    @mikedrawley Месяц назад

    his insight about how negative thoughts are stronger than positive ones is eye-opening... I like to think mine is pretty balanced but if those negative thoughts are stronger then you really need to have way more positive ones to balance out the impact of your thoughts

  • @thenextbigthingishere
    @thenextbigthingishere 3 месяца назад

    My one thing for today is finding this talk! Great advice delivered with that perfect combination of humility and confidence he was talking about!

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 3 месяца назад

      Really appreciate that! Always find that ONE thing!

  • @zacksuchodolska
    @zacksuchodolska 2 месяца назад

    Aww I love that he and his wife have a nightly gratitude ritual and has to laugh when he said the athlete in him means he want his to be better lol that's a true competitive spirit

  • @gaiasardoni
    @gaiasardoni 2 месяца назад

    I thought the way he acknowledges the challenges of meeting expectations, managing pressure, and prioritizing mental health was particularly well thought out. It's a reminder that we're all human and it's okay to struggle sometimes.

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych Месяц назад

      The growth is in the struggle. More losses leads to more wins!

  • @ayaanthetruth
    @ayaanthetruth 12 дней назад

    I appreciate the focus on mental health, I think that's becoming more and more important especially for students and athletes

  • @dr.timwalls
    @dr.timwalls 3 месяца назад

    I think this is a really great reminder that success isn't just about luck - it's about taking control of our own destiny.

    • @omerabdelgadir8464
      @omerabdelgadir8464 3 месяца назад

      I am asking what is the problem with Khartoom Bank is so crowdy every day with customers ?

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 21 день назад

      Always focus on controlling the controllables and you can increase the likelihood of success!

  • @clarewalston9506
    @clarewalston9506 4 месяца назад

    Really interesting! As a former student athlete, Dr. T has helped me in my journey with my mindset about how to look at failure as one step closer to success. So happy he got to share this with everyone !

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 4 месяца назад

      Thank you! More failures will lead to more successes!

  • @badkarma2005
    @badkarma2005 4 месяца назад

    the wrestling analogy to life's struggles is so apt.

  • @chloewendler
    @chloewendler 4 месяца назад

    One of the smartest people I know. Thank you Dr. T

  • @cristinaginsberg1668
    @cristinaginsberg1668 2 месяца назад

    the best and most succinct advice on finding your way in life to happiness and success. thank you for the reminder that failures are not only ok, but necessary in order to achieve your best self.

  • @jonasblix
    @jonasblix 2 месяца назад

    Pretty glad to have seen this, I have a lot of anxiety and the whole idea of just focusing on what is on my control was good to hear.

  • @msamymorin
    @msamymorin 2 месяца назад

    I love how he emphasizes the importance of focusing on the things we can control, like effort, attitude, and gratitude. It's a powerful mindset shift.

  • @JoshFlax
    @JoshFlax 4 месяца назад

    Great talk! Feel like I learn something new every time I listen to Dr T.

  • @maxinebennier
    @maxinebennier 7 месяцев назад +1

    I think we all aspire to meet our family's expectations, even when we may not have the skills or talents to do so. We want that approval more than anything else.

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 6 месяцев назад

      It's definitely important but so is choosing the mindset needed to get that approval from within.

  • @khloetaylor1674
    @khloetaylor1674 2 месяца назад

    his point about embracing failure and using it as a learning opportunity is so important. We need to normalize failure as a necessary part of growth and success.

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 21 день назад

      More failures and more losses will lead to more wins

  • @FreesbyFrog
    @FreesbyFrog 2 месяца назад

    His honesty about his own struggles with failure and anxiety is refreshing. It's a good reminder that even successful people face challenges and doubts.

  • @MyEvilRage
    @MyEvilRage 4 месяца назад

    This makes perfect sense and managing stress by focusing on controllables is such valuable advice. It's our attitude towards stress and failure that can change our success rate.

  • @priowgirl119
    @priowgirl119 7 месяцев назад +1

    From athelete to psychiatrist... Wow, that's a new one! Thoroughly appreciated the parallels he drew between the skills learned in wrestling and those needed in medicine... How unique and comparable! What passion!

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 6 месяцев назад

      It's really special when you choose to closely link your passion to your profession.

  • @tuckerpowell5035
    @tuckerpowell5035 6 месяцев назад

    Focus on the things that you can control! Love that!

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 6 месяцев назад

      So important to Control the Controllables!

  • @sophiachandler4662
    @sophiachandler4662 2 месяца назад

    As someone who has faced my own mental health challenges, I love how he normalizes seeking support and prioritizing mental well-being. I don't think it's spoken about enough but maybe if it was there would be less stigma around people who struggle with their mental health

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 21 день назад

      Really appreciate this insight. We also have the power to be happy and successful when we chose to simplify and focus on what we can control.

  • @cagneydd
    @cagneydd 4 месяца назад

    I think it's really cool that he took the discipline from wrestling and applied it to his medical career. There are all kinds of transferable skills and strengths that we might not know about until we make the swap.

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 3 месяца назад

      My life trajectory changed when I heard, "the world needs more wrestlers, the field of medicine needs more wrestlers!"

  • @MeganKiebasa
    @MeganKiebasa 4 месяца назад

    I admire this man! I really enjoy the F.A.I.L, and watching him sing to us!!

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 3 месяца назад

      We all remember that song right?!!! All about chunking in 3-5 pieces of info.

  • @aileascooper
    @aileascooper 2 месяца назад

    So cool that he could take his experience from wrestling and apply them to medicine, talk about transferable skills!

  • @luisximena
    @luisximena 3 месяца назад

    I really like this message. No point worrying or spending up all our time and energy obsessing over things we can't do anything about

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 2 месяца назад

      We can choose to focus on what we CAN control each day: Effort, Attitude, Gratitude

  • @RedHawkRanch-l4u
    @RedHawkRanch-l4u 7 месяцев назад

    F.A.I.L -- First Attempt In Learning -- The acronym is a powerful technique to frame your setbacks in the overall scheme of a successful life. This profound statement resonates with me. I refer back to this Talk to remind myself that we are all learners in this grand experiment.

  • @thisismindfulness
    @thisismindfulness 3 месяца назад

    It's refreshing to hear a professional talk about the mental aspect of effort. I always thought of effort as just physical, but it's so much more. This video is a great reminder of that.

  • @soneegoles4539
    @soneegoles4539 4 месяца назад

    Awesome insights Dr. T, I really loved hearing about the translation of the attitude of an athlete into a professional setting. Very inspiring!

  • @aspennotcolorado
    @aspennotcolorado 2 месяца назад

    I love how he gives props to the role of family and community in shaping our values and goals. We don't achieve success in a vacuum!

  • @jfall1313
    @jfall1313 7 месяцев назад

    Fantastic video! As a Manager I use the FAIL acronym often. Always train my team that not to focus on what did not go right. Focus on what went right and find things to change to work on next time for the areas that didn’t go as planned. Always need to keep your mind thinking positive.

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 6 месяцев назад

      The reframe applies to so much more than just sports!

  • @ThePackHunter
    @ThePackHunter 12 дней назад

    I agree it's important to reframe failure in a way that lets us keep trying... he makes it sound a lot easier than it feels though

  • @DavidPolsky-xz1jx
    @DavidPolsky-xz1jx 5 месяцев назад

    Truly inspirational. A lot of things are made a bigger deal in your mind than they end up actually being in reality. Really shows how strong your mentality can be.

  • @VodkaforDinner
    @VodkaforDinner 3 месяца назад

    "effort, attitude and gratitude, every single day." this is perfect advice.

  • @johnrowan9033
    @johnrowan9033 4 месяца назад

    This talk really puts into perspective how to navigate anxiety and improve our chances for success.

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 2 месяца назад

      We define anxiety as a feeling but it often stems from our thought process. If we choose to reframe our thoughts, we can change our feelings.

  • @immayasass
    @immayasass 7 месяцев назад

    Oh how I relate! I felt the pressure to pursue a prestigious career to make my parents proud. But deep down, I've always had a passion for sports and coaching, just like he did. Badminton and Basketball were my everything! Although I'm feeling a touch of envy, it's refreshing to see someone who did it

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 6 месяцев назад

      Appreciate you. Hoping others can be inspired to turn their passions into a profession.

  • @ivyharringten
    @ivyharringten 3 месяца назад

    This talk is a must-watch for anyone feeling overwhelmed by life's uncontrollables. His personal anecdotes make the advice so relatable and actionable.

  • @Chea122086
    @Chea122086 7 месяцев назад

    Love this TED talk and super important message. Thanks Dr T!

  • @diegosanchelez
    @diegosanchelez 4 месяца назад

    “First Attempt In Learning” - that's a keeper. Changes everything!

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 3 месяца назад

      F.A.I.L. more failures means more successes!

  • @jakobdewl
    @jakobdewl 6 месяцев назад

    Can relate to what he says about the more he focused on winning the less enjoyment he got from wrestling. It's tough lesson but yeah, once you're doing something only for the out come and not the joy of doing it, the joy just goes away

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 5 месяцев назад

      Really important to focus on the process to make it more enjoyable

  • @ermacohen
    @ermacohen 6 месяцев назад

    WISDOM! Success is as much about mindset as it is about skill.

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 6 месяцев назад

      Thank you. I would even say mindset>skill

  • @GreatoMatic
    @GreatoMatic 22 дня назад

    Chunking information to remember better is a neat trick. Makes sense why we remember phone numbers and credit card numbers that way!

  • @carsonhunt3271
    @carsonhunt3271 3 месяца назад

    Amazing message, his advice and practices have had indelible effect on my life! Someone everyone can learn from!!

  • @taylorgoldstein2580
    @taylorgoldstein2580 6 месяцев назад

    This really helped shift my focus to such a more positive light!

  • @cassiayi4889
    @cassiayi4889 7 месяцев назад

    Excellent talk. I sometimes forget how important mindset it in your daily life. Great tips and reminder! Good job Dr. T!

  • @zackarnold1560
    @zackarnold1560 7 месяцев назад +1

    It's easy to get caught up in the academic grind and lose sight of why we chose this path in the first place.

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 5 месяцев назад

      It definitely can be. Simplifying to intentional areas of focus can really help.

  • @phillipnorris3rd
    @phillipnorris3rd 7 месяцев назад

    From wrestler to medical school, that's quite a journey. Good talk Arman

    • @tarasuppleton
      @tarasuppleton 7 месяцев назад

      ha, you beat me here. Love that we always find these TED gems...

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 7 месяцев назад

      Thank you! The journey is all about learning.

  • @VodkaByNight
    @VodkaByNight 2 месяца назад

    The part where he talks about working out four times a day as an athlete was crazy. I can barely get to the gym more than once a week lol I wish I had some of that dedication

  • @TheShadowComesAlive
    @TheShadowComesAlive 2 месяца назад

    smart talk - after today at work, needed to see this. Thank you Arman

  • @gratitudeattitude1801
    @gratitudeattitude1801 7 месяцев назад

    Amazing learning and great story! Its like you were put on this earth to be a fighter and a thinker of the best kind. An independent mind finding the best way to contribute to humanity.

  • @sukyevers
    @sukyevers 3 месяца назад

    As someone who struggles with perfectionism, his message about letting go of control and focusing on effort is really helpful. Might be a bit tricky for me to put into practice though!

  • @hazrexall
    @hazrexall 16 дней назад

    Focusing on three main areas of your life each day is a great strategy. I can see how it would help break down overwhelming tasks into manageable pieces.

  • @nathanweircapfs
    @nathanweircapfs 4 месяца назад

    The world needs more people like Dr. T! What a fantastic job!

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 4 месяца назад

      Thank you. We can all make the choice to control our controllables and we would all be happier and more successful.

  • @irisscherr9877
    @irisscherr9877 5 месяцев назад

    This guy helped me so much!! ❤ Thank you Dr. T :)

  • @user-md9be8fg8r
    @user-md9be8fg8r 6 месяцев назад

    this is awesome! the overall point of this is very important to me because I try to only focus on what I can control and not what I can't control!

  • @charliechapgould
    @charliechapgould 2 месяца назад

    his point about focusing on the process rather than just the outcome is so important. It's easy to get so caught up in chasing success that we forget to enjoy the process and then when we do achieve the thing it's like... why do I do this?

  • @galasenser
    @galasenser Месяц назад

    The part about negative thoughts being psychologically stronger than positive ones is crazy. Super insightful but crazy lol kind of makes sense why people get stuck in the victim mentality so easily

  • @saajidahlip
    @saajidahlip 5 месяцев назад

    Gratitude exercise sounds like something I should start doing

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 4 месяца назад

      Intentional gratitude is highly correlated with sustained success! and its fun.

  • @TheBigFlameDrone
    @TheBigFlameDrone 5 месяцев назад

    Mindset, mindset, mindset! Thanks for the reminder. I'm off to buy the t-shirt.

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 5 месяцев назад

      Mindset is one of the most powerful choices we have!

  • @alliecoyle94
    @alliecoyle94 5 месяцев назад

    Effort. Attitude. Gratitude. Never thought of those 3 words together. Especially the gratitude. Definitely going to be a slogan for my upcoming season with my team. Along with embracing the failures. Every failure is an opportunity to learn. This video summed up the key pieces I like to bring to my team each season, but did it in a much simpler way.

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 5 месяцев назад

      Gratitude is the hardest one but the most important one!

  • @LifeLolling
    @LifeLolling 6 месяцев назад

    Reframing failure as a learning opportunity is an attitude everyone should learn when growing up. Definitely a "controllable" in your toolkit.

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 5 месяцев назад

      Reframing is so important, so valuable and so controllable!

  • @alextwarburton
    @alextwarburton 8 дней назад

    This is solid advice from a solid dude. Ya love to see it!

  • @JazzVanLoon-ss5ws
    @JazzVanLoon-ss5ws 7 месяцев назад

    Loved this! I will definitely take these lessons forward as I train for my next Triathalon - mindset is everything!

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 6 месяцев назад

      It sure is....and most importantly in any endurance race, remember to control the controllables!

  • @briannestory9750
    @briannestory9750 Месяц назад

    I don't think we properly acknowledge how much pressure is put on people who are juggling multiple things at once - especially if they're doing it well, we tend to downplay the efforts they're making

  • @MochaPundit
    @MochaPundit 12 дней назад

    I'll admit I don't know the intricacies of wrestling the way this guy does but I'm not sure I agree that it can teach us all the necessary skills for life.... Maybe it's more so that his view on life has been shaped by his experience as a wrestler.

  • @georgenotbest
    @georgenotbest 6 месяцев назад

    I'm all about this. No point putting your time and energy towards something that's ultimately not up to you to

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 4 месяца назад

      When you control what you can control, you dedicate your time and energy to things that matter

  • @leotencall
    @leotencall 5 месяцев назад

    I think I missed the moment that connected his love of wrestling, teaching and coaching with applying for med school but so cool that it all lined up like that for him!

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 5 месяцев назад

      "Maybe I was training to be a doctor all along so let me at least apply..."

  • @Cheyenne1989
    @Cheyenne1989 7 месяцев назад

    Reframing failure as a learning opportunity! Yes! More of this please!

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 5 месяцев назад

      Always remember: First/Further Attempts In Learning!

  • @jared9359
    @jared9359 5 месяцев назад

    Great video. It takes a lot of discipline to be a D1 wrestler and eventually a doctor. You can tell he is passionate about his work.

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 5 месяцев назад

      Thank you! The values that wrestling instilled continue to hold for life beyond.

  • @stevecmd
    @stevecmd 4 месяца назад

    Great presentation. Thank you Dr. T

  • @tarasuppleton
    @tarasuppleton 7 месяцев назад

    I struggle with knowing what I actually do control, and thats where it all starts for me and the spiral down gets faster.

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 7 месяцев назад


  • @11ThaoNguyen11
    @11ThaoNguyen11 7 месяцев назад

    His whole emphasis on maintaining a balanced mindset and finding joy in the journey reminded me to stay grounded and grateful... Yep. needed that today.

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 5 месяцев назад

      Thank you. When we simplify and focus on the process, we are more likely to improve outcomes.

  • @EllieByram26
    @EllieByram26 4 месяца назад

    Great words Dr. T!

  • @emmastandish
    @emmastandish 2 месяца назад

    Not sure I buy into the idea that controlling our attitude is that easy but I guess it's worth a try

  • @aldercaltrider188
    @aldercaltrider188 5 месяцев назад

    This was a great watch. Learned a lot from it. Thanks for always inspiring Dr. T!

  • @leeannpassaro6101
    @leeannpassaro6101 7 месяцев назад

    Dr. T is the man! I wish I had these tools when I was an athlete myself, but I will certainly be applying them to my everyday life. Thank you for this!

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 5 месяцев назад

      I wish I had these tools when I competed as well!

  • @hudsonwaters5454
    @hudsonwaters5454 5 месяцев назад

    Great speech and I really enjoyed the way it emphasizes the importance of effort, attitude, and gratitude. It highlights the significance of embracing failures as opportunities for learning and growth. Overall, this video encapsulates the key elements I value in leadership and serves as a reminder to stay grounded and grateful while pursuing success.

    • @dr.t_sportspsych
      @dr.t_sportspsych 5 месяцев назад

      When we simplify and reframe our experiences, we are more likely to be successful.