KAREN BUILT HOUSE ON MY LAND! My Lawyer make You Removed your Walls! I am the Owner r/EntitledPeople

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 72

  • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
    @HappilyHomicidalHooligan Год назад +3

    Lake Property Story: OP's Neighbours were VERY wise to get Title Insurance...It's intended for just this kind of situation...
    The Realtor's involved in the recent sale of the Property screwed the Pooch by not verifying the Property Lines (something they should do along with checking for Permits for Work done in the last 1-3 years)...the fact that OP's Property was Violated by the previous Owners of the Neighbouring Property absolves the Current Neighbours of Wrongdoing and should Trigger their Title Insurance to pay for either the Purchase of the sections of OP's Property that would need to be sold to adjust the Property Lines to correct the Setback encroachment or to move the offending structures so they're not in the Setbacks or on OP's land...

  • @jamiesuejeffery
    @jamiesuejeffery Год назад +20

    I've been a Christian pastor for 30 years. For the record, I am not one of the crazy dudes who stands on the street corner and screams at you. Every parish I have served has had a food ministry. My rules were all the same for every parish: ask no questions, make no judgements, don't give cash, let the poor haul all they can. One day, I was in the office of a suburban church. We were literally located on top of the hill about 1/4 mile away from downtown. We had an amazing food pantry. I always had fresh fruit, veg, milk, cheese, all the dairy, meat, and of course the shelf stable foods (canned ham, chili, etc.) At this parish, I had one part time administrative assistant. She had gone home for the day. I was in my study, which had a window that overlooked the parking lot (great view!). I watched a person walk up the drive, and since I saw her (because one can only stare at scripture for so many minutes before the mind starts to wander), I greeted her at the door because the church was locked. She demanded cash. I knew that my wallet had no dollars because I had just given my last bit of cash to my kid for school lunch. The church never had any cash on hand (do yourselves a favor folk, no church ever keeps any cash on hand). So I offered her three options: 1) we had a deal with the local gas station. I would purchase a tank of gas for her. 2) I have this amazing pantry, and will help you get everything you need to feed yourself for a week. 3) take nothing. Not only did she choose option three, but also managed to curse me all the way down the parking lot, which I was pretty impressed with, since when I was in seminary (graduate school), I was voted most likely to swear from the pulpit (I never have.).

    • @kurotsuki7427
      @kurotsuki7427 Год назад

      That is unfortunate.

    • @busymom4kc
      @busymom4kc Год назад +4

      It’s really sad when the “fix” is more important than a week’s worth of groceries, which I’m surprised she didn’t take to sell for said cash.

    • @deeperthings
      @deeperthings Год назад +2

      When food is free, and everyone around knows where they can get it for free, she knows it isn't worth the bother to try to sell free food.

  • @merlinathrawes746
    @merlinathrawes746 Год назад +3

    Chocolate story: Yeah, she was obviously trying to scam you in order to get more for less. You were more patient than I would have been, I'd have thrown her out and called the cops if she refused to leave. Part-time seasonal job? That's rarely a big deal.
    Dude story: First I have to ask. What's LaCroix? But yeah, I doubt dude actually wanted food, he wanted booze/drug money. That's pretty obvious in that he was trying to sell the orange. He might have gotten 50 cents from it, if someone was willing to buy an orange from a random homeless dude. I'm not.
    Big Lots story: OP, I'm surprised at your dad. The manager and cashier went above and beyond in helping you, banning Karen and offering to call the police. Though given Sandy was on its way, I doubt the police would have been in too much of a hurry to show up for anything not involving an injury.
    Property story: What a mess. The other property owners probably got sold a bill of goods from the previous owners. I don't know if you or they would have any recourse against the previous owners, but it's likely the only remedy provided you can even find them.

    • @darkmage9252
      @darkmage9252 Год назад +2

      LaCroix is a kinda sparkling fruit water

    • @kurotsuki7427
      @kurotsuki7427 Год назад

      ​@darkmage9252 it honestly does taste like crap (in my opinion) but that guy didnt have to be a bitch.

    • @merlinathrawes746
      @merlinathrawes746 Год назад

      @@darkmage9252 Thank you.

    • @darkmage9252
      @darkmage9252 Год назад

      @@merlinathrawes746 your welcome

  • @nixboox
    @nixboox Год назад +12

    I had that same experience where a homeless guy asked for my leftover food and then complained about what I'd eaten. This was back when I was working out 6 days a week and was thin and gorgeous, so when I went out I got chicken breast and cottage cheese and some broccoli. I had the stomach of a bird too, so I ate very little (hint; this is how thin people stay thin, they eat two ounces of food and they're finished) so I had a half of a chicken breast, a quarter cup of cottage cheese and slightly less than that of steamed broccoli leftover after we'd eaten. I put it all in the take-out box together and they all clumped together, which I didn't care about. We left, heading to the car, and this scruffy, half-naked old man came up to me and shouted; "I'm hungry, are you going to feed me or not?" and, of course, not knowing what else to do I handed him the leftovers. He took it greedily, popped it open and, I kid not, went "ew! what is that!" And I just said: "dinner!" I walked off so I don't know if he ate it or not.

    • @KMCA779
      @KMCA779 Год назад

      Tell that to multiple people in my life. They eat more than me and way half of what I do.

    • @alakazamlover4908
      @alakazamlover4908 Год назад

      if a half-naked guy said "are you going to feed me or not" I would say "sure are you going to feed me? we'll grab lunch, ill pay for your meal if you pay for me"
      that or just ran

  • @patricialadd520
    @patricialadd520 Год назад +1


  • @welshdragonfunhunter3461
    @welshdragonfunhunter3461 Год назад +1

    Hello RedWheel hope you are well. Thanks for sharing. Please stay safe.🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿😁😷👍. Have a great day and a wonderful week ahead everyone

  • @larrysmith937
    @larrysmith937 Год назад +7

    As to the last story, that's what title insurance is for....they will be paying for the mistake, as it was their oversight

    • @OzarkSophistry
      @OzarkSophistry Год назад

      Title insurance will not cover the neighbor because of no survey.

  • @lewischase
    @lewischase Год назад +2

    Good afternoon to all my friends

  • @Rallyhn
    @Rallyhn Год назад +1

    just hearing that name as a big lots worker makes me shiver on my day off, lol

  • @little1942
    @little1942 Год назад +3

    Second story: I hope the crazy lady got a good cold out of that experience on top of her humiliation.
    Last story: that’s a flustercluck. Sounds like this goes back decades and may not ever be resolved to the current owners satisfaction.

  • @randyk636
    @randyk636 Год назад +3

    That second story reminds me of a homeless guy I see at an intersection. I would occasionally buy him a meal from a nearby Burger King. The last time I did it, he didn’t want the food, only money and was mad I didn’t give him any. So that was the last time I’ll help him (or anyone else) out. Scumbag probably left the area in his motorized wheelchair, threw it in the back of his BMW, and drove home.

  • @golab41
    @golab41 Год назад +4

    Hello from Poland Redwheel and everyone!!!

    • @timothybattey171
      @timothybattey171 Год назад +2

      Good morning! Aloha!

    • @jo-annbastings
      @jo-annbastings Год назад +1

      I live in Montréal (Québec,Canada) and my daughter treated me yesterday for my birthday. We went to a Van Gogh exhibit (awesome!) and after, we went to eat at a very cute polish restaurant. The food! THE FOOD! 😋😋😋It was the first time for me but my daughter knew that place since a while. We started with beets consommé, than we had cabbage rolls (2 different flavors) and pierogies all served with caramelized onions and marinated red cabbage. It was absolutely delicious. I will have to go back to try something else. Have a nice evening!

    • @timothybattey171
      @timothybattey171 Год назад +1

      @@jo-annbastings Happy Birthday!

    • @jo-annbastings
      @jo-annbastings Год назад +1

      @@timothybattey171 thank you👋🏻!

  • @dbackscott
    @dbackscott Год назад

    Last story: if the offending house was built in the 1960s, then this might be a case where the neighbors now own that land through adverse possession. Of course, that will vary depending on the local laws and specific details of that case.

  • @jefferykaplan4400
    @jefferykaplan4400 Год назад +4

    As to the person offered food and became a choosing beggar op should have just walked away. As to the idiot that grabbed the child charges should have been pressed and crazy lady should get sued to teach her a lesson. She should serve time for assault. Then maybe she will learn the world doesn't revolve around her.

  • @evelynharber6077
    @evelynharber6077 Год назад +3

    Just have a question as per last story. Are you unable to find out the end of the saga before presenting your fans with an open story like that or are you afraid someone else will get the story before you? I strongly dislike reading or hearing half a story without the solution! VERY FRUSTRATING!

  • @davidvalenta9394
    @davidvalenta9394 Год назад

    re: homeless hustle: yep.. `run into this often. `just ask what they want first if you're going to do it. Give without expectation of even a thank you, and it'll be easier no matter the response or lack of it.

  • @dwasifarkaralahishipoor2223
    @dwasifarkaralahishipoor2223 Год назад +4

    Big Lots story: You were putting away CARTS? And you're confused about why you were mistaken for an employee?

    • @kurotsuki7427
      @kurotsuki7427 Год назад +2

      Ya but a kid putting away carts doesnt mean employe. Heck ive walked carts back from several blocks away, you dont have to work somewhere to want to put carts away.

    • @justtrouble1040
      @justtrouble1040 Год назад +1

      It’s known as OCD. Been there done that.

    • @dwasifarkaralahishipoor2223
      @dwasifarkaralahishipoor2223 Год назад

      @@kurotsuki7427 Walking a single cart back is one thing; collecting multiple carts in the parking lot is another. I'm not defending the other customer's subsequent actions, but if you don't want to be mistaken for an employee, don't act like one.

    • @dwasifarkaralahishipoor2223
      @dwasifarkaralahishipoor2223 Год назад

      @@justtrouble1040 And now that you've seen what can happen, you have an incentive to learn to control it. :D

    • @kurotsuki7427
      @kurotsuki7427 Год назад

      @dwasifarkaralahishipoor2223 but i like things to be where they are supposed to go. It bugs me if someone leaves things like that out. What if someone hits one and gets hurt? They go in the cart return so thats where i want to put them. Also OP was a child, i get being confused for a moment but once they respond it shouldn't be too hard to realise that the preteen is trying to be helpful and isn't an employee.

  • @millingabout2447
    @millingabout2447 Год назад +3

    So on the first story OP caved in to a Karen and then she complained about the Karen.

  • @Scott-uo7ns
    @Scott-uo7ns Год назад

    I’d put in the small cup then dump small cup in the big cup.

  • @xephthetamagochi4046
    @xephthetamagochi4046 Год назад +1

    retail workers should be allowed to punch ONE karen a year no repercussions.

  • @eskimolost2012
    @eskimolost2012 Год назад

    Manager should of get the police involved. She basically kidnapped a child and thought it's ok

  • @Remy-qm4hn
    @Remy-qm4hn Год назад

    Alot of these situations could have been avoided.

  • @missharry5727
    @missharry5727 Год назад

    In the UK there is a quirk of land law called adverse possession, colloquially known as squatter's rights. It is not easy to prove but if you have been occupying a piece of land in such a way that you exclude other users e.g. by fencing it off, openly and without a challenge from the owner, for at least 10 years, you may be able to apply to the Land Registry to be formally registered as the owner. Occupation must be neither by force, secret or with the permission of the actual owner. It isn't easy to prove and legal advice is advisable, but it's possible.

  • @Maninawig
    @Maninawig Год назад

    Last story: I wonder what the statute of limitations are with Real Estate....

  • @susanvanophem4569
    @susanvanophem4569 Год назад

    Getting closer. #35. 😅❤

  • @Sparky102970
    @Sparky102970 Год назад

    Ice cream story, you dug your own hole, as manager you shouldn't have given in, you should've told her to leave when she became a problem. Because of OP karen will do that again.

  • @metroidhunter965
    @metroidhunter965 Год назад

    “I’m really hungry”
    Evidently not hungry enough to still be discriminatory to _WHAT FOOD_ goes in your mouth.

  • @scottvergin4732
    @scottvergin4732 Год назад

    NGL, La Croix tastes pretty bad

  • @H3xx99
    @H3xx99 Год назад +2

    In defense of the homeless dude, people often donate the weirdest crap to food pantries that they wouldn't even eat themselves, and expect Homeless and Poor people to just deal with it because they don't really have a choice. It's rude.
    And it's understandable the guy wanting doughnuts, because they're more calories than fruit, and you burn a lot more calories being outside, exposed to the elements at all times. Being homeless is a LOT harder than people realize.

  • @chezsnailez
    @chezsnailez Год назад

    Le Croix is pronounced la-kwah, sweetie...

  • @richardrybicki749
    @richardrybicki749 Год назад

    I happen to be drinking a la Crox lemon cello be kind I had 3 cupons for a any size case the store had a deal buyone get one free went home with 6 large cases 2 lemon I have 3 cans and Im done.

  • @magnusprime27
    @magnusprime27 Год назад

    Most homeless use it as a scam

  • @alexius23
    @alexius23 Год назад +1


  • @scotthultin7769
    @scotthultin7769 Год назад

    308👍's up RW thank you for sharing 😊

  • @lorettaross2007
    @lorettaross2007 Год назад

    I'm back number 587, if that matters. 1st I don't want to deal with the public at all. 2nd he wasn't hungry enough. 3rd typical kid, wiping nose on sleeve LOL. 4th you seem to buy a lot of places with a lot of problems. All great stories tho. I'll catch you later!

  • @markallison6666
    @markallison6666 Год назад +1

    My precious!

  • @MrSubsound90
    @MrSubsound90 Год назад

    I'd rather die of thirst instead of a LaCroix, but some people rather have the cash because they're douche canoes that happen to be homeless. I've gotten multiple people over the moon for any help I have, and I've had people scream at me because I can provide days worth of vouchers for meals instead of cash.

  • @rickmills4801
    @rickmills4801 Год назад

    Fruit Sunday Karen --- "Lady, where's your nurse? You obviously need a keeper of SOME sort! Of COURSE I got your order wrong! That's because I am NOT psychic, and I DON'T SPEAK IDIOT with any facility!"

  • @corjp
    @corjp Год назад

    I keep wondering why `you guys` ( OP's) allways try to give the other one an explanation why you do things you do... Just tell them this is what I can do for you if not OKAY than F.OFF and stop explaning youself. You are not obligated to give an excuse or reason for your actions.

  • @courtneywoodbury5198
    @courtneywoodbury5198 Год назад

    I am so done with these false titles.

  • @thebibosez7949
    @thebibosez7949 Год назад +1

    I think we need to ask: WWBD? What would Barbie do? Barbie eats WHATEVER SHE WANTS in her new glittery pink pumps! And that is what Barbie would do.

  • @mksmith713
    @mksmith713 Год назад

    Shit, it seems like I spend all my time, listening to your stories and disapproving them. Wish you would tell some true stories for a change I would love to hear some nonfiction.