Eric, there is a bank transfer, that can be "taxed" by a bank if the recievers card is emited by other bank. Try transfering money via SBP (СБП - Система быстрых платежей). It requires a phone number and a name of bank but its completely free and takes seconds for money to arrive.
Man, you was in Yaroslavl? I hope you visit jazz center. The cool thing is aside a lot of sports activity, it's a lot of different culture events and places. You can find here the cheif that making pizza and won the 1st place in pizza contest in Italy, cosplay festivals, etc. Hope you had a great time!
A year after moving with my American wife and children from Miami to Kazan, my wife told me: I am only now beginning to understand why Russia is called Mother))
I am an American who hates the small talk. Though that can really depend on region, the northeast does this less. I got a Russian coworker, and we could go 30 minutes without saying anything. It was amazing. He was my favorite coworker.
The differences are great and I find that in every aspect, Russia is a better quality of life. We Americans get used to everything costing so much and having 100 or more bills every month and not having any security either economical or physical. I moved from California in 2000, the first week of Jan, after giving everything away. I had worked all my life since 13 when I started my first real business that I sold when I graduated from High School and was very luck to have built up successful businesses. I had whatever I wanted, but life was empty, people worked to get things they did not have time to enjoy. It seemed people bought things to make up for boredom and taking care of the house or getting a larger house and never paying off the old one. There is almost no access to culture in the US and socializing outside the home is rare. I had everything I could think of such as car collections, an airplane, a boat, multiple houses, a horse ranch and multiple businesses but I worked all the time to pay for the on-going expenses of everything and had no time to do anything but work or taking care of assets. Most people envied me but few friends were real friends, even though I could drive 20 minutes and in in city center San Francisco which at the time was a culture center and actually had an opera house, a symphony hall and a ballet theater but the season for each did not overlap, and lasted only a few months and tickets were too expensive because you had to buy the entire season so only very wealthy could go. For the most part museums and culture do not exist in the US, yes, there are a few but 95% of the people could not go or count not get two them. California has 30,000,000 people but only a few museums. I had a home in the mountains also that was a working horse ranch When my wife left me to hook up with her physiatrist, who charged me $300 a hour when they has their "sessions" and moved down to LA. She left, and demanded $20,000 a month for the trauma of having an affair that lasted 2 years. Finally, I gave everything away, everything, businesses (one of the most successful recording studios, 197 gold and platinum albums produced in it), money, houses car collections, and I left with 2 suitcases and $6000 on my pocket and landed in St Petersburg Russia on the same day Putin was sworn in as president the first time. I had visited many time stating in 1976. And spent a lot of time in the terrible 90s in St Petersburg and had visited all over Russia. But being here with less than a day's cost of living in California that $6000 lasted me 18 months, I got a small apartment in the city center, really small and old but it was home and for the first time in my life I had real friends, community, and unbelievable access to culture that no one in the the US has. The city has, currently 54 concert halls, 473 museum, 600 beautiful safe well cared for parks, 235 drama theaters. The social and cultural life is available to all, every 10 year old has seem more world class opera and ballet than any 100 Americans combined. Home is for sleeping but living is out in the city, where so many people are out doing things every day and night. And, it is safe, fun, friendly and cheap. Crime almost does not exist. Everyone us cultured, well traveled and very social. My girlfiend could walk through any neighborhood or district in a city of 5.5 million officially or 7 mil including people registered someplace else but living here. I have never seen a fight, almost never heard harsh words, everyone gets along, all 200 native cultures here. Meeting new interesting people is almost assured just by going outside. There is no need for a car if one lives in the city center because public transportation is so good, cheap safe and reliable. The Subway system is a tourist attraction. beautiful fast and cheap. There are water taxi, canal boats and more canals than Venice. Live music is everywhere, Quality of life is so much better than the US or anywhere in Europe and cost of living is very low. The free medical services, education, city services out class anything in the US People are fit, stylish, very well educated and the women are known the world over as the most beautiful and cultured....all true but also very nice, feminine and pleasant to be around.....and also head more businesses and universities than men and none got those positions due to set asides or extra points on exams. And approachable friendly and happy. The sexes(here there are only 2 sexes) get along and like each other, the exact opposite of the US. All the races cultures and religions get along, people are honest, ready to help with any need or problem So in many ways Russia is the Anti-USA, just the opposite. So in many ways American society and Russian are polar opposite.
Interesting thought. The cat woke me up at 5 o'clock in the morning, I let him out and read your post to the end. I never wanted to leave Russia even in the 90s and I love my country and people. Thank you for sharing your life experiences and observations. Greetings from a Siberian village.
I would never switch benefits with Russia i live in Denmark. Where is the Russian system better than the Danish and where is the living standard higher? If Russia was the land of milk and honey it would be the gold target for all fugitives. And that is not reality... 99% living in Russia is white people..
I'm from Denmark. 5 years ago I was an exchange student in Russia. the education program is much more complex than in Denmark. I noticed that they are obsessed with cleanliness. In Russia they read a lot, many theaters and art galleries there. But what amazes me most is their language. He's figurative. I want to say that a combination of sounds gives an idea of an object, that is, sounds form an image. And the language itself is poetic, although very complex; I didn't learn it properly.
In Russia it's almost obligatory to walk every day, preferably twice a day with little kids😁. It's in the culture. If you don't do this, it looks weird and people think that you do not care about your child properly.
😂I'm Russian in Europe. One of my friends here has had a baby and she wasn't going out with him!!! I was in shock! Cause in Russia you HAVE to take a baby outside for an hour a day at least, even in the winter- for fresh air.
It's the matter of hormonal balance. Not being in the natural sun light for at least 2 hours a day makes a person practically disfunctional (it affects brain for the most part.)
I just walk to and from work everyday. Almost every day... Yes, it is an hour "wasted" instead of 15 minutes on a bus, but I like it. And I am much more healthy with those walks, considering my job includes me sitting before PC whole day.
@@andreisokolenko7719 Всё зависит от контекста. Чаще всего в России так говорят, когда есть свободное время и нет возможности заняться чем-то действительно интересным. А если копнуть глубже, то это характеризует человека, кто-то убивает время, а кто-то его проживает. Это как со стаканом на половину полным.
RE: CRIME IN THE USA Before I came to Russia and Married here and Moved here,,,,(in 2001) I lived single - in Seattle WA U District Near the University,,I had a Rented APT. Iliked it a lot then,,But its Changed for the worse. IN 1999...When I was at Work. IT was Burglarized in the daytime,When I was at work.....This is typical now in the USA. At Night I many times I heard gunfire,,,YES gunsfire !!! ONCE,,To my utter Shock,,I saw How bad thing were descending,,,in Seattle. ONCE IN DAYTIME. My Corner Grocery Store was robbed and the Robbers with guns in daylight..ran right past me............. Also When walking the back streets,I saw Too Many Heroin needles scattered --- the U district. .Hey.......I loved Seattle A Whole LOT It was a nice place to live but I could see even then the USA was going Down the drain then........... AND THAT was IN 1999 --------1999 --For Gods Sakes - ITS GOT MUCH WORSE NOW,,IN 2024 IN THE USA.--- EVERYWHERE --- 22 YEARS IN RUSSIAN,,,,I FEEL 100 % - SAFE LIVING HERE. !!! Im Glad I left the USA. --MICHAEL. USA EX-PAT--SIBERIA RUSSIA. 2024
when Americans say US is good, they mean the top 1% closed gated communities where old rich boomers play golf, the rest gets 80 hours a week and a shared room
my Russian Girlfriend (now fiance) and I moved to Sochi Russia 2 years ago... We met in a weird way but that's another story.. I'm from Jupiter Florida, I just opened my restaurant here in Sochi a year ago, sold everything back in Florida, Business is booming here... The big differences for me is cultural, traditional mostly, cost of living is way cheaper, it's clean, very safe, very good and well kept infrastructure... Women here has high morals aswell, People in general are very sane, warm and friendlier... It's very family orientated... I have 2 paths to citizenship My business currently employs 8 people when it gets to 11 I can apply but must Speak, read and write Russian aswell which I'm learning, 2nd option is marrying my beautiful Russian Queen still needs to Master Russian language and pass the exams on Russian laws, Constitution etc... I will never move back to USA!!! This is where I'll raise my kids and live the rest of my life!!! As a white Christian dude in the US it's like you're a second class citizen, Here it's like home normal, no blacks here or very few, but small minorities of Asians, Turks etc who are very nice and well integrated into the Russian culture
Те чернокожие, что живут в России, адекватные и не давят на жалость по поводу многовекового рабства и дискриминации. Они соблюдают правила и законы России. Правда, большая их часть приехала из стран Африки. Наверное поэтому их мозг не засорен той чушью, которую вдалбливают в мозг в США. На днях столкнулась с темнокожим в местном магазине. Воспитанно уступал мне место в очереди. 😉 Отказалась, так как не старушка и постоять лишние 2-3 минуты перед кассой мне не в тягость.
I've been connected to Russia through marriage for 25 years...what I find contrary to our Western stereotypes is how Russians are quite independent thinkers/persons --- quite willing & able to express themselves freely & forcefully in a way that is unusual in the West. I would say life is still materially more difficult in Russia but in no way poor ....rather rich in spirit---
You're right. I'm Russian living in Western Europe and I figured we had a LOT more freedom of speech and thought in Russia than here in the West. In Russia i was always free to think and say what I was thinking, even concerning other people. Here in Europe, people don't know that feeling. You have to be extremely careful about expressing specific opinions, find some cover words or just look each other in the eye and stay quiet. Let alone the censorship in the media and press!! That one shocked me completely 😅 Before coming here I was SO illusioned about the European heaven and democracy😅😅😅😅 Turns out we've all been lied to 😳 I feel bad for the local people here, because most of them don't realise they're being manipulated 😢
@@oliviao3686 This is critically true in personal relations. People are afraid or self-censor ... that's why so many people are sick & lost. They cannot express themselves
@oliviao3686 You can be arrested for years for expressing your legitimate concerns in Russia. There are hundreds of people imprisoned in Russia for just posting memes, criticizing the government, or being against the war. Discriminating against other people, making degrading racial and homophobic jokes is NOT freedom of speech. It is just being a savage asshole.
If I were young again , I would move to Russia. Actually more then half of my ancestry is from the Baltic into Russia and eastern Europe, and another good chunk Scottish. I have very little family here because our family were more recent immigrants. I will be 77 soon and have been watching our beautiful country go steadily down hill. It was not this way when I was a kid but a sickness has crept into the hearts and minds of many of the people. I hope we can turn this around in the next election, but if not I am afraid our country is going to see some really bad times. We have had just a taste of it big time in the last four years. God Bless Mother Russia, because if the United States falls, it might well be Russia to lead the world back into sanity. Our country has turned it's back on God and we are now seeing just what happens when you do that. In no way should we be enemies with Russia, but those in charge have made it so for their own selfish agenda. God Bless all people
Как же приятно читать здравомыслящий комментарий , и я теперь понимаю, что не все американцы наши враги , всего вам хорошего и спасибо за правду . Питер
As Russian living in states for 20+ years. Sometimes, when somebody says "How are you?", I feel like to say: - Ok, have a sit, make yourself comfortable cuz it's gonna take quite some time. I'm going to tell you what's going on in my life and, please, don't tell you didn't ask for this LOL. :) It's like: You wanted? You got it.
Is this a weird habit? I thought everyone is doing that :) Especially if u don't have many friends to go out with. I like just wandering about the city and think about smth
Это очень хорошая привычка на самом деле. Бесплатная физкультура, мы всегда знали, что ходьба полезна + прекрасное время, которое с пользой можно провести с друзьями. Я могу пройти с подругой и стаканом кофе 5 и более км и даже не заметить за беседой с ней
Because we have proper sidewalks. If you build a walkable city… people will go for walks. Me in Moscow: walk everywhere even in a blizzard. Me in US: drive 1 block to store because walking there is dangerous and uncomfortable (because drivers aren’t used to pedestrians, so don’t watch where they are going)
Рад, что вы оказались в нашей стране, мы любим хороших людей. Мы всегда были многонациональной страной и если вдруг у нас окажется весомый процент американцев среди граждан - будет довольно иронично) спасибо за ваш выбор😊
27:10 - Listen, what is "How are you" in English? - "How are you". - "Are they wondering how I'm doing?" - No, they not interesting. - Then why do they ask? - Just like that. Everything is just like that here (US), except for money! Dialogue between Danila Bagrov and Dasha in NY, "Brother - 2" movie. 😁
Теплый, только с печи. Разогретый в микроволновке - тоже теплый, но это не то. А вот только с производства. Ммм. Пока несешь с магазина, так пахнет, что корочку понадкусаешь🤤🤤🤤
I live in England in an apartment complex. We can regulate the temperature in each room ourselves, but we have central heating. This is very rare in Britain 😁👍
@@innafox6784 yeah but it is completely different system. Yours one is for the one or a few buildings but in Russia it is for the whole city. Just imagine they heat and transfer hot water to the each apartment building in the city and it exits in each city or small town. It is usually about 5atm pressure and at the beginning is about 130 degrees celsius inside pipes half a meter in diameter placed in the underground tunnels.
@@ruslanmustaev8170 Мне не нужно представлять преимущества этой системы. Я родилась в СССР в середине прошлого века. 😉 Поэтому я могу оценить этот комфорт, даже если он только в единственном квартале города 😁
@@ruslanmustaev8170 This though may break and you better don't be under that pipe at that moment :)) Central heating is a must when teperature goes beoynd zero in winter
I live in Canada for over 36 years and I can’t believe what happening. I left USSR and I’m afraid Canada becoming a dictatorship. Unfortunately people don’t understand or don’t want to.
I was also born in USSR, my parents brought me to Canada as a toddler. Canadians are like frogs that are being cooked: the temperature is slowly rising and most are not noticing because they get gradually accustomed to the new reality... Until it's too late!
Well, actually I see plenty of packs of milk that are sterilized (or ultrasterilized) on the shelves of supermarket. There are a few brands that sell totally fresh milk, mostly this brands are 30-50% more expensive. Though I'd say that I'm (personally me) fine with sterilized milk, since I don't drink it a lot, so super natural milk would spoil in my fridge. But it's good that we have a choice of what to buy for yourself. 😊
@@zed_fill_van_u_r_sparde I live in St.Petersburg. Unsterilized milk actually costs less than sterilized. But 1 thing is that volumes of that milk usually doesn't go over 1 litre. I find it better in flavour and by buying 1-2 packs for 4-5 days is completely fine. It doesn't get to spoil and I am saving money :D
It's worth looking for farm shops. The food there is a little more expensive, but it's straight from the farm. You will be surprised how different homemade butter or sour cream is from what is sold in stores. Traveling by car in Russia, we eventually got to know some people in nearby villages who were ready to provide us with some home-produced products (poultry, milk, butter, eggs, sour cream, cream, bread, milk and vegetables). Our relationship has been going on for many years. They do not use chemicals in their garden, only ordinary manure. There may be such people at the local city farmers' market (every city has one and more than one), but as a rule these are resellers posing as farmers. But homemade sour cream and butter can be seen immediately by its appearance.
В России считается, что дом нужно строить так, чтоб после урагана, наводнения и, желательно, после пожара тебе не приходилось строить дом заново, а можно было отремонтировать.
@@SirOt4 если грамотно организовать участок, предусмотреть места для слива воды, то никаких проблем. Мой дом вообще стоит под холмом на болоте. Он сухой. Потому что надо строить с умом
In western countries: - "explain us this complex situation" - "we are the goodies and they are the baddies, also democracy, freedom" - "but what about this issue" - "oh, you can`t say that, are you a conspiracy theorist? you care cancelled"
@@snowsnow4231 I asked a few times what democracy and feedom means. it was a wonderful reaction deserving to make face video. No one unswerd any particular, just hmmm and aaay...
Russia is called Mommy, they call Holy Russia, and the USA is called Uncle Sam. mom takes all her children and relatives and adopted into her warm embrace, and uncle, he is also an uncle in North America. The folk wisdom that gave such "names" to these two countries expresses everything
As a Russian living in USA I can tell that the biggest difference in your daily life is that in USA every step of your life is regulated. HOA has authority over homeowner, local government has code enforcement who will fine you insane amount of money like 500$\day for uncut grass and other ridiculous things. People in Russia can’t believe it’s true as none of this nonsense exists there. If not making money in USA- I would have returned to Russia years ago.
HOA are fascist organizations. The fact that people keep buying into them blows my mind. We hate them in the government, too. And since Americans are kept naive about everything, they think that the upkeep will keep and raise real estate values. But the 2008 crash proves that isn't the case. Our entire lives are conditioned to follow orders. Even the school lunch programs aren't charity, which was started by the military to ensure soldiers. Our education program was purchased by Rockefeller off the King of Prussia who made it to brainwash the Poles. We are are really naive and there is no one around to tell us differently because we have half a hemisphere to ourselves. They can convince us of anything. The rest of the planet has to share borders and deal with each other and we got Canadians and Mexicans. So a sibling and a cousin. Add to that we couldn't afford to fly anywhere till just the last 2 decades. Even then the tickets will double just crossing the Canadian border. Sometimes I wish someone would show up and cut the power so everyone is forced to unplug. They tell us we are free but since ww2 we have actually become more socialist and in lock step with the government than most socialist countries. Your president was correct that no one in history has propaganda like they do. It's terrifying for the few that can see it.
HOA? Why do you live in a neighborhood with an HOA? It's a choice to live in a neighborhood with an HOA. And yes, you need to cut your grass if you live in a house inside a city - not doing so causes problems with pests and insects, which is a problem for everyone in the neighborhood. If you want to be the person in your neighborhood who could potentially cause problems with pest and insects, fine, but you're also financially responsible for that. If you want to let your lawn attract all sorts of who-knows-what, move to the countryside, to a place without those sorts of rules. If you have a problem with cutting your grass, you should go to Russia and live in an apartment block, where the government just cuts the grass outside for you. It baffles me that people think there should be no consequences for their actions (or inactions).
Crimea is not the only place with a warm climate. The mainland's Sochi, Gelendzhik and the whole of Krasnodar Krai also have warm climates (it does get snow in the winter but melts relatively quickly). Yaroslavl is north of Moscow, so it does get very cold. Just like America is not warm year-round everywhere, Russia is not cold everywhere.
With so many tornadoes and hurricanes, all houses in America should be built out of concrete or brick but then only the millionaires would be able to afford to buy a house. Profit is almost always a priority over safety in America.
Tornadoes and hurricanes, especially tornadoes, would still destroy those structures. Then you'd have heavier, more dangerous materials flying through the air.
Not even that,why are cities being rebuilt on same areas that have tornadoes every 3 years? I understand such buildings in warm mild climates.Way cheaper than concrete or real wood.Especially when its a big house and no one around to cause noise. But as I understand even apartment blocks are built this way.
@@derpyeh9107 I looked online just for you, and here is what I found: Concrete currently is the only material that can hold up to severe tornados. For centuries, buildings constructed of brick have withstood the ravages of hurricanes, tornadoes, high winds, hail and punishing rain. When used in conjunction with modern building codes, brick homes can remain standing when others on the same block might be destroyed. (I am also a civil engineer by education and have common sense) As far as Russia is concerned, there are hardly ever any tornadoes or earthquakes in Russia, and there are no hurricanes.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on life and thanks for subtitles. You are a very positive guy with no arrogance, no weird thoughts. Glad to see you in our country. If you see bad comments, don't pay attention. Unhappy people are everywhere, they want to take out their anger on someone, so they go online. And also many provocateurs for waging an information war.
Да,американцы в Польше решили ещё один центр по "противодействию российской пропаганды построить" скоро ещё больше украинцев будет в комментариях,будут представлятся русскими как обычно.
@@dmitriy7658 большинство народа у нас закалённые уже, но также есть много доверчивых, к сожалению, да и иностранцы в основном не знают, что не все русскоязычные люди это россияне. И что братушки из соседней страны очень умело притворяются россиянами. Чем хуже дела у НАТОвской банды на фронте, тем сильнее они будут продавливать нас через информационное поле, интернет.
Детские сады в России и Беларуси работают с 7-19,00 чтобы родители могли успеть забрать детей после работы,так же там дети не спят на полу как придется а в своих кроватках на чистом белье! С ними проводятся целый день развивающие занятия и музыкальные,лепка,рисование,пение,танцы и спортивные.Есть завтрак ,обед и полдник.✌️🕊️🕊️🙏🙏🌍🌍🇧🇾❤️❤️👍😄😄
@@Darelis-ft3gm И в чем проблема? Дочери 3 год уже ходит в садик, вообще никаких проблем записать нет. Раньше были пока садиков и школ не построили, сейчас все ок
@@Марина-ь8ъ4й В каком большом городе? Я живу в Хабаровске (скажем так не самый большой город в стране и точно далеко от Москвы и западных областей) и обе дочки отходили в садик около дома вообще без проблем. Через Госуслуги все подали и все было норм. Также и со школой. Уже в 3 и 4 класс пошли
It used to be better. I feel very sad, our government does not work in the issues here in the country but rather on other regions of the globe. We must focus on fixing our home, before teaching others how to live. I just got back from a two month vacation in Russia and it made me even more sad to see how the JFK airport looks and feels when arriving, all this comparing it with Moscow’s The people and the tranquility, cleanliness and safety are clearly seen. I think is the decline of the west society. Lack of ethics and a list of morality. Sorry to say it, but I am living it!
Yep... I like that updates. Your reviews help me appreciate more my life here in Russia ))). I wish you best of luck here and hope the general situation will back to normality very soon. So we all could live even better. We all want to live in peace and friendship.
There are a lot of gyms in big cities, especially Moscow and St. Petersburg. There are three in my neighborhood, one is a half-minute walk away, the others 15-20 minutes away.
And not only in the big ones. I live in a small town of 250,000 people. I have 5 or 6 gyms within walking distance from my house , 15 minutes on foot. And I live on the outskirts of the city. And in the city center, they are generally at every turn.
Зимой в России популярно катание на коньках и беговых лыжах. Уверен, что любящему спорт парню из Техаса понравятся эти зимние виды спорта. На лыжах интереснее кататься за пределами города на лыжных базах. Там трассы подготовлены и лыжи можно взять на прокат. Для катания на коньках возможно найдется бесплатная площадка недалеко от дома. Там и в хоккей можно научиться играть. Или придется идти на платный ледяной каток под крышей. Но крытых катков в Ярославле не много и они заняты детскими и юношескими хоккейными командами или секциями фигурного катания.
I WOULD LOVE TO LIVE IN RUSSIA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am an Australian, and I lived in the US for ten years (1992-2001), and four things that struck me: 1) houses in the US are made of paper! :) ...houses in Australia are 99% build with bricks, so I can shout my head off and my neighbour will not complain! 2) the food is way more over processed with chemicals and tasteless compare to here, ...but sadly the food in Australia is now rapidly moving to the same crap as the US. 3) Don't get sick in the US, you will have to mortgage your house to pay for it, ... we have mandatory Medicare insurance paid for from our taxes. 4) The ignorance about the world by US people is STAGERRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Про незнание мира - это правда, судя по американским блогерам, которые только сейчас открывают для себя многие элементарные знания о мире. Люди даже никогда не видели ничего кроме американского кино, что уж говорить про более глубокие знания. Живут по факту под колпаком, в резервации и думают, что свободны.
Do you think that if a russian guy that could help the guys from west to move to Russia with immigration law services, translation and etc it would have a large demand?
As an american I've never been to Russia but these comments show just how sheltered most of us are. I've never heard one bad thing about the Russian people. I have Uzbek, Ukraine, and Russian friends here. I don't know what rug y'all been living under but there is a world outside of the USA ffs.
До миллиона рублей в месяц комиссии на СБП нет, во всяком случае в моем банке. Учитывая, что Эрик американец, и это видео частично предназначено для американцев, сумма в миллион рублей может оказаться не очень большой. Хотя, безусловно, для проживания одного человека в месяц при устроенном быте, миллион рублей в России - очень большие деньги.
@@skazki_na-noch в моем банке по моей карточке - миллион, потом комиссия. Конечно, еще зависит от "цвета карточки" - VIP-клиенты банков, разумеется, имеют повышенные лимиты и вообще другие условия.
В России еще женщина уходит в декрет, получает деньги с работы и ее место сохранеятся за ней. 3 года она может посвятить себя материнству вообще не беспокоясь ни о чем. 3 года провести с ребёнком, учить его ходить, есть, говорить и отдать в детский сад после и спокойно пойти на работу.
You don't need to eat milk and butter (or any dairy products). I moved to Russia, ate nothing but raw fruit and veg (well, mostly, I'm guilty of the odd pizza or burger every now and then - maybe once or twice a month), I dropped a ton of weight (I was chronically obese), and I no longer walk with a limp (it fixed my sore knee). I can now jog/run, and I now play table tennis like Ma Long! 🏓 Table tennis folks call me... *THE* *PUNISHER* , because I don't just win - I punish!!! 🤣
СССР не жили в дырах, страна строилась, развивалась. Бесплатное образование и медицина. Да. После Великой Отечественной войны многое было в разрухе. Но восстановили. От деревень до дворцов. Было сельское хозяйство, промышленность, культура. Современная Россия получила наследие Руси, Российской Империи , Советского союза. У нас прекрасная страна.
@@lance_deaconа ты думаешь, что потерять 27 млн человек и оправится от разрушения целых городов - это с понедельника на вторник должно само исправится и какбэ и не было? Жертва бесплатного образования
You can compare it to mathematics. You can count 2+2 and enjoy the simplicity. But having learned to work with derivatives and integrals, you have opportunities on a completely different level. What will you choose?
При рождении ребенка один из родителей может получить оплачиваемый отпуск до 3 лет по уходу за ребенком, поэтому так много женщин с колясками в парках (им работать не надо, государство оплачивает их отпуск)
У Вас очень важный комментарий, поэтому я переведу для англоязычных. When a child is born, one of the parents can receive paid leave for up to 3 years to care for the child, which is why you see many women with strollers in parks (they don’t have to work; the state pays for them to stay home).
@@marias5088 Спасибо за перевод, неужели во всем мире автоматом видео и текст не переводятся на нужный язык? Я уже привык В России что все переводиться сразу онлайн с помощью специальных плагинов (нейросетей) в любом браузере.
And they can return to their position at any time. It is forbidden to dismiss pregnant women or women on "Parental leave for children up to 3 years of age"
@@astroantares А еще на первого ребенка будут сделаны выплаты от государства (на подгузники одежду питание) а если у вас родился второй ребенок то вы получите от государства 10 000$ + дополнительно 4500$(если у вас есть ипотечный кредит)
The only comment is about a perceived artistic culture. I don't really know how to explain it, but while I was living in Australia for many years I don't remember anybody painting outside just for the joy of it. Now that I think about it, it strikes me as rather weird. Somehow people don't take a second job in Russia (that's very uncommon) and tend to do what they like. Some go fishing, some go bike riding, some do pointing outside. In fact, now that I'm thinking about it, the only kids that were doing painting in the Oz were Russian kids. And I spoke to quite a number of parents about their kids casually. Aussie kids prefer wave riding, skating, footy, other team sports, but I can'really remember anybody was into foreign languages or painting or ballet.
Значит СССР не была тоталитарной?! То есть она была более продвинутой в социальном плане, чем западные страны? СССР создавался из территорий России, которая была крупнее чем СССР. И кстати, а почему бывшие республики СССР не сохранили наследие СССР?
@@ПетрПетрович777 The former republics of the USSR are more socially advanced than the EU countries, and the EU countries are more socially advanced than the USA.
@@learning7140 Бывшие республики БЫЛИ более развитые, когда были в СССР. Это важно понимать. Как только они приняли западные "ценности" и впустили в свой дом западную "демократию" они резко пошли вниз во всех аспектах.
@@learning7140 Только две республики в СССР были донорами - БССР и РСФСР. Сегодня эти две страны под жесточайшими санкциями активно развиваются. Россия уже пятая экономика в мире и догоняет Японию. Остальные бывшие республики - нахлебники. Да нигде в мировой истории такого не было, чтобы окраины развивали в ущерб центру. После развала СССР всё это наследие промышленности "не рабы" на окраинах благополучно развалили и распродали, а России с нуля пришлось восстанавливать всю промышленность. Все эти нахлебники отваливались от России под лозунги :"Хватит кормить нищую Россию!" Сегодня они занимают мировой топ по самым быстро нищающим и вымирающим странам МИРА. Эстония в СССР 1,5 млн. человек Эстония 2024 год 1,3 млн. человек Латвия в СССР 2,7 млн. человек Латвия 2024 1,8 млн. человек Литва в СССР 3,7 млн. человек Литва 2024 2,7 млн. человек Грузия в СССР 5,4 млн. человек Грузия 2024 3,7 млн. человек УССР 52 миллиона. Перепись по понятным причинам никто вести не собирается. По некоторым подсчётам на украине осталось меньше 13 миллионов человек!
Glad to see more and more reasonable Americans and westerners in general coming to our country to make it their home. All the best to you and your family!
Через банкомат нельзя вносить больше, чем миллион рублей. Вы можете в любом банке прийти и попросить открыть вам вклад/счет на любую сумму, наличными принести миллиард и вам его внесут
не только в этом проблема. иностранцам нужно доказать что эти деньги не спонсировались госдепом, террористическими ячейками и так далее. Что эти деньги получены законным путем. и желательно расписать на что хотите потратить. даже счета Россиян блокируют и просят прийти в банк для выяснения источника поступления денег. У брата было что там поставщики его поставщиком его поставщиков его поставщиков. через 5 кругов как-то попали на радар ФСБ. блокировка. долго разблокировать пришлось, пока другим банком пользовался.
Regarding people painting and drawing outside - it’s probably kids from local art school at a(or doing) “plein air”. It’s a mandatory activity in art school done after a school year in June.
Насчет хейтеров. На пророссийских блогах работают профессиональные украинские хейтеры и боты. Работники информационной войны, финансируемые властями Украины. Если число подписчиков увеличатся,хейтеры тоже преумножатся. Потому не обращайте на них внимание.
@@Andre-cz3mrну так где им работать кроме как на пророссийских? Как раз их задача стоит в попытках создать смуту а может каким то образом переубедить в том что им нужно
Вот вы просто прикиньте, взрослый, здравый мужик на полном серьезе думал, что мы тут катаемся на танках и стреляем друг в друга ахахаха, жесть) А в целом, много именно с Техаса к нам перебераются, походу последний штат с адекватными людьми (ценности, семейные традиции и т.д.). Мужику удачи от всей души в новом доме, Бог даст все получится!
Ой да ладно тебе. В нашей деревне на 9 мая танк с постамента съезжает сам... Участвует в параде и заезжает обратно. Поэтому частично правда)) И да, в случае проблем у нашей деревни есть собственный танк для защиты🤣 Это вселяет чувство безопасности) хахаахах...
Дружище, ты хороший парень, желаю вашей семье как можно скорее адаптироваться на новом месте. Возможно, первое время тебе будет сложно и непривычно. Но через некоторое время, я думаю, что вы не пожалеете о своём выборе, переехав в Россию. Welcome😊
As for transport, you forgot to mention car sharing services, which are available to anyone who has a driver’s license, while there are also mobile applications in which it is very easy and quick to find the nearest car and rent it for an hour, for two, for a day or more. Public transport, such as electric trains, metro, buses, trams, trolleybuses, accepts not only special transport passes, but also contactless payments by bank card. The fact that our road traffic is regulated with the help of surveillance cameras for lanes on the roads, if people break the rules, for example, cross the markings or exceed the speed limit, or even drive without wearing a seat belt, they automatically receive fines thanks to this video surveillance system. Regarding shooting, you forgot to mention that, unlike the United States, in Russia it is much more difficult to obtain a license to own a weapon, it is almost impossible to buy one, and carrying weapons is generally prohibited. Even if a person wants to buy a weapon for hunting trips, it will be a very, very difficult task. The same applies to pneumatic weapons; obtaining them is also very, very difficult. There are metal detectors at the entrances to many public places; where there is very heavy passenger traffic, people scan their bags with a detector, sometimes asking them to put their bags in a special, more powerful scanner. In this regard, in the underground metro, security is almost like at the airport. As for the kindergarten, in fact, most likely there will be a fee, but it is quite tiny, no more than 15-30 dollars a month (1500-3000 rubles a month) I think. In Russia, also, every driver buys a video recorder for his car, which is mounted inside under the windshield and records the trip, sometimes a video recorder is bought that records what is happening behind, this helps in the event of an accident to find out and confirm that the driver was driving according to the rules, and the one who drove into it for some reason was wrong. And yes, sorry, unfortunately, we don’t have talking bears playing the balalaika and riding a bicycle at every turn, they are just animals on the verge of extinction as anywhere else. We can see a few of these animals in zoos, or we need to travel many thousands of kilometers to some huge and deserted forest. Many of us don’t like bears at all, some of us don’t like animals at all. Pets are like everywhere else, perhaps cats of various breeds, perhaps dogs of various breeds, sometimes fish in an aquarium, parrots, turtles, lizards, less often ferrets, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, rats, mice, chinchillas, someone likes exotic things like snakes, spiders. Sorry, but we rarely hear the balalaika, we don’t play nesting dolls, many have almost forgotten how to boil water in samovars, we rarely see traditional medieval outfits and only at festivals or on special holidays, here, like throughout the world, military people can meet only in special military territorial formations or during holidays at parades. There are a lot of police, they keep order on the streets very carefully. Most people try to be respectful and attentive to each other. But as usual, as everywhere, there are very different people, and if when coming to Russia you expect to see Russian people as a homogeneous mass of the same nationality, then your expectations will be wrong. You will see people of very different nationalities, very different appearances, including even those who speak Russian poorly and come from distant parts of Russia, because the Russian Federation consists of a large number of regions, each of which may have its own cultural traditions and its own native language. It’s not equally cold here everywhere and everytime. Most places are cold in the winter, but in very different ways, the summer is usually warm. In the Moscow region, in winter the average temperature is minus 15-20 degrees Celsius, in summer the average is plus 20-25 degrees Celsius. If you go further south, the summers are hotter and the cold season in winter does not last long.
Да ты что, а они все думают, что россияне каждый день общаются с говорящими медведями, играющими на балалайке. Особенно этот путешественник по Крыму, где у него "круглый год теплая температура" Он хотя бы яндекс карты открыл бы и увидел бы фото Симферополя в снегу. Ну ничего, он тебе обязательно скажет спасибо за то, что ты открываешь ему глаза.
@@PauloCampelo-u8e А какой смысл писать мне этот сарказм и говорить мне, что я занимаюсь сизифовым трудом? Есть текущий кейс: Парень не первый раз приезжает в Россию, он многое понял и переосмыслил, но не всё. Часть его стереотипов о России исчезла, часть ещё в процессе переосмысления. Он снимает видео на Ютуб, рассказывая о своём удивлении, рассказывая своё новое понимание и видение не для нас с Вами, а для англоговорящей части мира, для своих друзей и подписчиков. И в комментариях можно увидеть ответы, разные, со скепсисом, с удивлением, с интересом. Отношусь ли я к происходящему с негативом? Нет. Могу ли я как-нибудь помочь в понимании некоторых тонкостей? Могу. Займёт ли это много моего времени? Займёт, но очень не много. Делаю ли я что-то плохое, дополняя его картину мира? Я думаю, что я даже делаю лучше, потому что стереотипные взгляды надо как-то расшатывать, чтобы они разрушались. Расстроюсь ли я от того, что кто-то останется при своём негативном стереотипном мнении? Нет. Я не обозлён ни на кого, ну может кроме крупных политических деятелей, которых в мире меньшинство, я в целом настроен позитивно и мне нравится видеть интерес людей к тому как же оно по настоящему выглядит всё изнутри России, а не то как говорят в новостях. Почему я должен разрушать попытку культурного обмена? И хватит просто так чесать своё ЧСВ, лучше чем-то более полезным заняться.
На счет животных в лесу ты ой как ошибаешься. С жёсткими ограничениями на отстрел в предыдущие годы их очень много в лесу. По работе каждый день мотаюсь по всей области, обслуживаем "колхозников" в частности фермы. Волки, кабаны, медведи, лоси очень часто вижу. Кировская область. Да и сами сельские жители говорят, что зверья в лесу очень много стало. Хотя в тему могу еще сказать, разница на селе в 15 лет, как стал работать в этом направление стала ощутима заметна в лучшую сторону.
I should clarify a little. In Russia, personal possession of concealed firearms, such as pistols, revolvers, sawn-off shotguns, and the like is not permitted. Obtaining permission to purchase a gun is no more difficult than obtaining a driver's license. The rules were complicated several years ago after two mass school shootings, the so-called Columbine incidents. Before this, obtaining a license for shotguns and traumatic pistols was quite simple. After 5 years of owning a shotgun without violations, you can buy rifles.
It's amazing how in the 1990s many people wanted to leave Russia, but now there are so many who want to come and live here from other countries🤔 It's becoming a trend basically😊
Yaroslavl is an old historic cultural center, one of the principal russian towns that is 900 y/o. It used to have a fortification that is called traditionally kreml. Besides the place is on the old trade route from Persia to western europe. Central russia lacks shallow iron ore deposites what dictated the need to trade locally produced swamp iron goods for other metal slags.
It is so pretty and green where you are walking!! I have been following everything. Yesterday I watched two days of Brics athletic games, today diving is on. President Putin loves sports, the out of doors himself and with his dogs of course...they are both happy, healthy looking dogs..Royal Dogs for I like what everybody probably voted on to bring these sport activities out for people to enjoy. President Putin is a very educated man and should never be underestimated by the US. I live in Calif., and with the problems in the Middle East..simply am not proud of my country at all. Ashamed and feel terribly for the thousands of lost lives there. I wake up with their images on my mind, and go to bed, pray and most often cry to God for the people. I have over the past 8 months watched and read so many things my country has done to innocent people for their resources. They are villagers that were once happy to make things, cook, hunt, raise their little ones and are all dead because the US deems them as being worthless. God didn't think they were worthless and provided what those people needed to be happy in their villages. Look what they did to Laos! I just learned all about that two weeks ago. They are doing the same thing in GAZA for gas/oil located via satellite and permitted to drill for...waiting for all those people to be slaughtered so they can keep the proceeds for themselves, when actually they belong to the GAZENS. I saw this on Redacted at the beginning on this war. Redacted is here on RUclips. Anything President Putin decides is appropriate he will do. Right now he wants peace and the US is not listening. I am! I am 74 with my pets of cats and we want to live, but understand. If I had human children and married I would ask my husband to please relocate us, but I don't. Russia is very beautiful, I follow two young couples there on RUclips and one couple travels around the different cities to show you stores, foods, typical homes, gardens, meet different people...a fun channel. The other couple have big cats...Messi and Gerta are cats names. My own domestic cats watch them on our tell mine those are your cousins! Lol. Anyway thanks for your lovely channel, a new subscriber, fully billed and hit the like button!! Thanks for sharing your life in Russia.
I hope your experience will be positive further on. Go to some children's theater, once your daughter can understand Russian. My daughters really enjoyed that. Now we are in Canada and I cry in my heart over not being able to enjoy theaters as often as I would love to. When you are in St.Petersburg, be shure to visit a children's theatre "Театр на Неве".
Thin walls in US homes may also have their benefits. 1. Make Hollywood movies beautifully. (the car drives through the wall. The hero hits the bandit; he flies away, breaking the wall). 2.If your neighbors are making love, you can ask them to comment on their actions. By doing so, you will become friends and become closer. 😆😆😆😆 p.s. By the way, Abrams will not be able to drive through my house. Hello from Siberia.
So interesting to hear a western person, who can call positive sides of my coutry, when this sides for millions of russians are simple. All the best, stranger!
the major differences? - Russia has a president capable of using stairs to board planes. - in Russia you can life farther away from the capital - New York has a more impressing skyline than Moscow; the amount of shop-lifting is more 'impressive', too - USA have more vasals/puppies in Europe - chinese build transcontinental railway lines in the USA are older (Central Pacific) - the subway system in Moscow is safer and more beautiful than anything in the USA. - Vodca against Whiskey - Russia cannot compete with the amount of military interventions - Russia has less school shootings, no Mexican drug cartels in the neighborhood, no execution of criminals
Check out town Rostov that sits about 40 km away from Yaroslavl on the shallow lake Nero. Or go a little bit further towards Moscow where is Plesheevo lake where sits town Pereyaslavl and you can definitely swim there in July and august.
всегда говорю, если видишь гуляющих людей, там где обычно не гуляют, это почти 100% русские(казахи, украинцы, белорусы), потому что мы привыкли много ходить и любим это просто как досуг)
Very helpful seems people moving from States, Canada ,UK, to Mexico ,Spain, Greece Albania, Russia, Bulgaria, Thailand Especially older people can't afford it. God Bless You!!! I pray wars stop and we all unite.
Зиму надо просто полюбить. Купи лыжи, самые простые, но новые. выйди в январе , когда уже снег лег и побегай на них по лесу, послушай зимний лес, насладись моментом. Если почувствуешь, будешь каждое лето мечтать о зиме
Или купить лопату и Дарить добро людям....)))) Можно за деньги... Снег чистить)))) У меня соседи - пацаны, два брата по 10 и 13 лет, за зиму Хорошие деньги зарабатывают. Двор почистить = 500-1000рэ. За день могут от 2000 до 10000рэ заработать.
To me, too many people perceive..." a country" what they see in the news which is mostly about a country's government..." NOT THE CULTURE!!!"...or any said geographic region...Мать-Россия...("Mother Russia") not just some colloquial expression that evolved for no reason. The roots in the normative culture in most of Eastern Europe (where my Father's family is from) are as ancient as my Native and Celtic roots. Too few Americans with actual respect for a culture, or the "when in Rome" mindset. This was a great overall insight into "real Russia" and not the hype we see coming from biased media in both countries...Thanks for sharing your thoughts...
Just think, some children say that their stomach hurts in order not to go to school, their parents call an ambulance, they issue a certificate, and the child can officially not go to school for 2-3 days :)
Russia 🇷🇺 certainly doesn't have the problems that we have here in North America. I am from Canada 🇨🇦 and whatever happens in the United States 🇺🇸 happens in Canada, too. Like the Pro-Palestine protesting, for example, happening in the different cities across America and in Canada on the university campuses across America and Canada. Are the Russian university students doing the same thing, protesting on the university campuses across Russia against Israel ? Russia is a beautiful country. it's the weather is so much like Canada, and the scenery reminds me a lot like Canada. Cheers from Canada 🇨🇦 👍 to you and😅 your family in Russia 🇷🇺 Eric. Be safe and happy in Russia and keep on walking in Jesus's footsteps 👣 as he will always lead you into right direction. Amen 🇨🇦 🙏 Russia 🇷🇺 🙏 🙌
В России нет протестов,мы не финансируем террористов и Израиль и никогда не использовали рабов.Погода разная, потому что страна большая,на Юге России нет снега зимой и тепло.
We don't need to protest. Our government does not support Israel. So ther is no reason for us to do it. Our representative in UN has expressed our protest many times (as far as I know).
Зачем студентам протестовать против политики Израиля в отношении сектора Газа,,если политика нашего государства поддерживает сторону палестинского народа???? У вас протесты именно потому что ваши официальные лица поддерживают Израиль. Все очень просто
В России если ты купил кв или дом, ты собственник, не как в штатах если по каким-то причинам не смог оплатить считай тебя выкинут на улицу. В России если у тебя единственный дом или кв некто его не отберёт, могут отключить свет, воду но не заберут, и у тебя есть возможность оплатить счета за коммунальные услуги в рассрочку, не в одной европейской стране такого нет тем-более в США, вот почему в России почти нет бездомных.
Путаешь тёплое с мягким. В России тоже покупают недвижимость в кредит и тоже пока ты полностью не выплатил, то недвижимость принадлежит банку, а не тебе, а иначе кто бы стал париться с выплатами? Из единственного жилья тоже могут выселить куда-то в поменьше площадью, в менее престижном районе. В штатах тоже если ты выплатил какую-то часть, то тебе её вернут, а это приличные деньги.
Расскажи жертвам переселений по ренновации какие они собственники. В США право собственности абсолютно и распространяется в том числе и на недра расположенные на твоей земле. В РФ все принадлежит государству, и из квартиры и с "твоей" земли тебя выгонят если государству это потребуется.
Talking about banking, unlike US banks these days, banks in Russia actually pay you interest on your money you keep there. Weather, I like it cold. Everything else I can deal with. I am tired of the US and ready to leave as soon as I can.
Как жаль, что Ваша родина сейчас не в лучшем виде. В 1990-е годы в России было тоже плохо, но мы выбрались из ужаса и потому население ценит Путина за то, что он своей долгой политикой во многом улучшил жизнь в России. Я желаю Вам удачи и счастливой жизни в России.What a pity that your homeland is not at its best now. In the 1990s, it was also bad in Russia, but we got out of horror and therefore the population appreciates Putin for the fact that his long policy has largely improved life in Russia. I wish you good luck and a happy life in Russia.
Russia seems to be like the United States was during the 1950's. Russia has improved since their losses during WW2 and the United States declined considerably.
The WWII resulted in the destruction of approximately 70,000 Soviet cities, towns and villages 6 million houses, 98,000 farms, 32,000 factories, 82,000 schools, 43,000 libraries, 6,000 hospitals and thousands of kilometers of roads and railway track [wikipedia] 26.6 million people ware killed, of which only 11.3 million were military, the rest were civilians. I couldn’t find how many were left crippled, but this is also more than tens of millions and mostly men. Cold War propaganda claimed that the USSR was poor because of its political system. But this is a lie. The country was poor because it was forced to rebuild thousands of towns from scratch with the hands of women and cripples.
With only one difference: a working man in Russia cannot buy a two-story house in the suburbs and an apartment in the city, and support his beautiful housewife on his salary. In Russia, to earn money for a mortgage apartment in the suburbs of Moscow, both husband and wife need to work and save up for quite a long time.
My son was born in America, I moved back to Russia when he was 5. To give him school education there. When we returned back to America for college, he was mostly shocked with homeless everywhere. He never saw single homeless in Russia
Верные и интересные наблюдения. Мы много критикуем себя и свое правительство и хотим большего. Так устроен человек. Но все познается в сравнении. Оказывается, то, что для нас привычно и естественно, обычным людям в богатых странах недоступно. Спасибо автору канала, добра и процветания
еще нам постоянно говорят про несменяемость власти. Да у нас довольно авторитарное устройство! Но мне лучше сильный ответственный руководитель, чем выбирать себе президента из двух плюющихся, оскорбляющих друг друга кандидатов! Или чтобы мне кто-то подсунул попугая в цветных носках, выполняющего волю его тайных хозяев!
America was... 30-35 years ago... Yes maybe it was, even for us in Russia. But when you loosing original traditions, institute of family, and simple pleasures mostly changed to perversions.. and you become weak. But when yoy like sport and good simple food, and strong family, you become strong. I was in USA California in 2010. Good place, good weather, everything like in hollywood films, but not "my place". People of Texas i mean cool guys with many many guns in their truck))) Godd luck to you being in Russia✌️😄
Please consider subscribing if you haven't already :)
Oh, brother, that was a great video. Thank you very much for this spirit of freedom that you have shown us. I wish you happiness and prosperity.
Eric, there is a bank transfer, that can be "taxed" by a bank if the recievers card is emited by other bank. Try transfering money via SBP (СБП - Система быстрых платежей). It requires a phone number and a name of bank but its completely free and takes seconds for money to arrive.
Man, you was in Yaroslavl? I hope you visit jazz center. The cool thing is aside a lot of sports activity, it's a lot of different culture events and places. You can find here the cheif that making pizza and won the 1st place in pizza contest in Italy, cosplay festivals, etc. Hope you had a great time!
Рассмотрел. Подписался. 👍
Wonderful! You are making the right decision. May Gid bless you and the family my friend.
A year after moving with my American wife and children from Miami to Kazan, my wife told me: I am only now beginning to understand why Russia is called Mother))
Почему решили именно в Казань переехать?
@@kirillqa119 Казань шикарный город
I'm afraid to ask what America is.
@@N238E"Gangster", and not in a "good" way...
What is it that she liked so much?
You see, we don’t really have “small talk” in Russia. If you ask somebody how they’re doing it’s a question, not a greeting!
В натуре)))
I am an American who hates the small talk. Though that can really depend on region, the northeast does this less. I got a Russian coworker, and we could go 30 minutes without saying anything. It was amazing. He was my favorite coworker.
@@Nylon_riot , introverts' power!
На самом деле мы сами часто используем фразу КАК ДЕЛА, вместо приветствия
The differences are great and I find that in every aspect, Russia is a better quality of life. We Americans get used to everything costing so much and having 100 or more bills every month and not having any security either economical or physical.
I moved from California in 2000, the first week of Jan, after giving everything away. I had worked all my life since 13 when I started my first real business that I sold when I graduated from High School and was very luck to have built up successful businesses. I had whatever I wanted, but life was empty, people worked to get things they did not have time to enjoy. It seemed people bought things to make up for boredom and taking care of the house or getting a larger house and never paying off the old one. There is almost no access to culture in the US and socializing outside the home is rare. I had everything I could think of such as car collections, an airplane, a boat, multiple houses, a horse ranch and multiple businesses but I worked all the time to pay for the on-going expenses of everything and had no time to do anything but work or taking care of assets. Most people envied me but few friends were real friends, even though I could drive 20 minutes and in in city center San Francisco which at the time was a culture center and actually had an opera house, a symphony hall and a ballet theater but the season for each did not overlap, and lasted only a few months and tickets were too expensive because you had to buy the entire season so only very wealthy could go. For the most part museums and culture do not exist in the US, yes, there are a few but 95% of the people could not go or count not get two them. California has 30,000,000 people but only a few museums. I had a home in the mountains also that was a working horse ranch
When my wife left me to hook up with her physiatrist, who charged me $300 a hour when they has their "sessions" and moved down to LA. She left, and demanded $20,000 a month for the trauma of having an affair that lasted 2 years. Finally, I gave everything away, everything, businesses (one of the most successful recording studios, 197 gold and platinum albums produced in it), money, houses car collections, and I left with 2 suitcases and $6000 on my pocket and landed in St Petersburg Russia on the same day Putin was sworn in as president the first time. I had visited many time stating in 1976. And spent a lot of time in the terrible 90s in St Petersburg and had visited all over Russia. But being here with less than a day's cost of living in California that $6000 lasted me 18 months, I got a small apartment in the city center, really small and old but it was home and for the first time in my life I had real friends, community, and unbelievable access to culture that no one in the the US has. The city has, currently 54 concert halls, 473 museum, 600 beautiful safe well cared for parks, 235 drama theaters. The social and cultural life is available to all, every 10 year old has seem more world class opera and ballet than any 100 Americans combined. Home is for sleeping but living is out in the city, where so many people are out doing things every day and night. And, it is safe, fun, friendly and cheap. Crime almost does not exist. Everyone us cultured, well traveled and very social. My girlfiend could walk through any neighborhood or district in a city of 5.5 million officially or 7 mil including people registered someplace else but living here. I have never seen a fight, almost never heard harsh words, everyone gets along, all 200 native cultures here. Meeting new interesting people is almost assured just by going outside. There is no need for a car if one lives in the city center because public transportation is so good, cheap safe and reliable. The Subway system is a tourist attraction. beautiful fast and cheap. There are water taxi, canal boats and more canals than Venice. Live music is everywhere,
Quality of life is so much better than the US or anywhere in Europe and cost of living is very low.
The free medical services, education, city services out class anything in the US
People are fit, stylish, very well educated and the women are known the world over as the most beautiful and cultured....all true but also very nice, feminine and pleasant to be around.....and also head more businesses and universities than men and none got those positions due to set asides or extra points on exams. And approachable friendly and happy. The sexes(here there are only 2 sexes) get along and like each other, the exact opposite of the US. All the races cultures and religions get along, people are honest, ready to help with any need or problem
So in many ways Russia is the Anti-USA, just the opposite.
So in many ways American society and Russian are polar opposite.
Thank you. Very interesting experience.
What a brilliant story you told. Thank you.
Interesting thought.
The cat woke me up at 5 o'clock in the morning, I let him out and read your post to the end.
I never wanted to leave Russia even in the 90s and I love my country and people.
Thank you for sharing your life experiences and observations.
Greetings from a Siberian village.
I would never switch benefits with Russia i live in Denmark.
Where is the Russian system better than the Danish and where is the living standard higher?
If Russia was the land of milk and honey it would be the gold target for all fugitives. And that is not reality...
99% living in Russia is white people..
"Вам бы книжки писать, начальник." (С)
I'm from Denmark. 5 years ago I was an exchange student in Russia.
the education program is much more complex than in Denmark. I noticed that they are obsessed with cleanliness. In Russia they read a lot, many theaters and art galleries there. But what amazes me most is their language. He's figurative. I want to say that a combination of sounds gives an idea of an object, that is, sounds form an image. And the language itself is poetic, although very complex; I didn't learn it properly.
Do you want to continue learning Russian?
Thank you)
Спасибо за добрые слова!
Can you elaborate more on education system in Russia? Seams like your also have poetic mind.
Вы правы на счёт языка. Раз вы заметили, что язык образный, значит почти стали русским😊.
In Russia it's almost obligatory to walk every day, preferably twice a day with little kids😁. It's in the culture. If you don't do this, it looks weird and people think that you do not care about your child properly.
😂I'm Russian in Europe. One of my friends here has had a baby and she wasn't going out with him!!! I was in shock! Cause in Russia you HAVE to take a baby outside for an hour a day at least, even in the winter- for fresh air.
It's the matter of hormonal balance. Not being in the natural sun light for at least 2 hours a day makes a person practically disfunctional (it affects brain for the most part.)
@@Gobs-oh4bm вот, верно, щитовидная железа светочувствительный орган, а если с ней непорядок, умственная отсталость не за горами.
I just walk to and from work everyday. Almost every day... Yes, it is an hour "wasted" instead of 15 minutes on a bus, but I like it. And I am much more healthy with those walks, considering my job includes me sitting before PC whole day.
i'm russian and the guy is speaking the truth.
one correction.
we don't call it time to KILL
we call it time to LIVE
Nope. Phrase "убить время" is common saying in Russia.
@@andreisokolenko7719Killing the time is about waisting the time, whereas time to kill refers to having some free time.
@@andreisokolenko7719 Всё зависит от контекста. Чаще всего в России так говорят, когда есть свободное время и нет возможности заняться чем-то действительно интересным. А если копнуть глубже, то это характеризует человека, кто-то убивает время, а кто-то его проживает. Это как со стаканом на половину полным.
Before I came to Russia and Married
here and Moved here,,,,(in 2001)
I lived single - in Seattle WA U District
Near the University,,I had a Rented APT.
Iliked it a lot then,,But its Changed for the worse.
IN 1999...When I was at Work.
IT was Burglarized in the daytime,When I was
at work.....This is typical now in the USA.
At Night I many times I heard gunfire,,,YES gunsfire !!!
ONCE,,To my utter Shock,,I saw How bad
thing were descending,,,in Seattle. ONCE IN DAYTIME.
My Corner Grocery Store was robbed and the Robbers
with guns in daylight..ran right past me.............
Also When walking the back streets,I saw Too Many
Heroin needles scattered --- the U district.
.Hey.......I loved Seattle A Whole LOT
It was a nice place to live but I could see even then the
USA was going Down the drain then...........
AND THAT was IN 1999 --------1999 --For Gods Sakes -
Im Glad I left the USA.
Siberia is power!
Greetings from Gorny Altai.
Даже в самые темные 91-99 годы я ни разу нигде не видела ограблений, не слышала стрельбы. Хотя это было. Но не так нагло
when Americans say US is good, they mean the top 1% closed gated communities where old rich boomers play golf, the rest gets 80 hours a week and a shared room
Crime in the US is entirely dependent on where you are. The more rural, conservative, traditional, and religious an area is the less crime there is.
А я слышал и видел, иногда участвовал. Всё было, была жесть
So in Russia, you don't go to the bank. The bank goes to you. 😅
В России любой банк есть в твоём телефоне,поэтому не нужно друг за другом ходить.Я за Путина в Марте с телефона проголосовал.😂
@@dmitriy7658 Мне нравится, что ты так свободно признаёшься в своей умственной отсталости.
Yes. Russian saying: " if Mohammed can't come to the mountain, the mountain will come to Mohammed." Some business take it to heart.
Ниет к клиенту пойдёт уже коллекторная организация.
my Russian Girlfriend (now fiance) and I moved to Sochi Russia 2 years ago... We met in a weird way but that's another story.. I'm from Jupiter Florida, I just opened my restaurant here in Sochi a year ago, sold everything back in Florida, Business is booming here... The big differences for me is cultural, traditional mostly, cost of living is way cheaper, it's clean, very safe, very good and well kept infrastructure... Women here has high morals aswell, People in general are very sane, warm and friendlier... It's very family orientated... I have 2 paths to citizenship My business currently employs 8 people when it gets to 11 I can apply but must Speak, read and write Russian aswell which I'm learning, 2nd option is marrying my beautiful Russian Queen still needs to Master Russian language and pass the exams on Russian laws, Constitution etc... I will never move back to USA!!! This is where I'll raise my kids and live the rest of my life!!! As a white Christian dude in the US it's like you're a second class citizen, Here it's like home normal, no blacks here or very few, but small minorities of Asians, Turks etc who are very nice and well integrated into the Russian culture
What's the name of the restaurant? Greetings from Sochi.
Те чернокожие, что живут в России, адекватные и не давят на жалость по поводу многовекового рабства и дискриминации. Они соблюдают правила и законы России. Правда, большая их часть приехала из стран Африки. Наверное поэтому их мозг не засорен той чушью, которую вдалбливают в мозг в США.
На днях столкнулась с темнокожим в местном магазине. Воспитанно уступал мне место в очереди. 😉 Отказалась, так как не старушка и постоять лишние 2-3 минуты перед кассой мне не в тягость.
все так, кроме - дешево в Сочи не бывает! 😂
@@olgabebers21 Это ж если ему в Сочи дёшево, то на сколько ж ахренетительные цены в пендостане.
there are no blacks there? What? What do u mean
I've been connected to Russia through marriage for 25 years...what I find contrary to our Western stereotypes is how Russians are quite independent thinkers/persons --- quite willing & able to express themselves freely & forcefully in a way that is unusual in the West. I would say life is still materially more difficult in Russia but in no way poor ....rather rich in spirit---
You're right. I'm Russian living in Western Europe and I figured we had a LOT more freedom of speech and thought in Russia than here in the West.
In Russia i was always free to think and say what I was thinking, even concerning other people. Here in Europe, people don't know that feeling. You have to be extremely careful about expressing specific opinions, find some cover words or just look each other in the eye and stay quiet. Let alone the censorship in the media and press!! That one shocked me completely 😅
Before coming here I was SO illusioned about the European heaven and democracy😅😅😅😅
Turns out we've all been lied to 😳
I feel bad for the local people here, because most of them don't realise they're being manipulated 😢
@@oliviao3686 This is critically true in personal relations. People are afraid or self-censor ... that's why so many people are sick & lost. They cannot express themselves
@oliviao3686 You can be arrested for years for expressing your legitimate concerns in Russia. There are hundreds of people imprisoned in Russia for just posting memes, criticizing the government, or being against the war. Discriminating against other people, making degrading racial and homophobic jokes is NOT freedom of speech. It is just being a savage asshole.
per aspera ad astra man 🙂 if you bypass all the struggle you will throw baby out with bathwater, my friend. it is way to evolve...
@oliviao3686 - it is terribly sad, indeed
If I were young again , I would move to Russia. Actually more then half of my ancestry is from the Baltic into Russia and eastern Europe, and another good chunk Scottish. I have very little family here because our family were more recent immigrants. I will be 77 soon and have been watching our beautiful country go steadily down hill. It was not this way when I was a kid but a sickness has crept into the hearts and minds of many of the people. I hope we can turn this around in the next election, but if not I am afraid our country is going to see some really bad times. We have had just a taste of it big time in the last four years. God Bless Mother Russia, because if the United States falls, it might well be Russia to lead the world back into sanity. Our country has turned it's back on God and we are now seeing just what happens when you do that. In no way should we be enemies with Russia, but those in charge have made it so for their own selfish agenda. God Bless all people
You should visit Russia Mary!
Как же приятно читать здравомыслящий комментарий , и я теперь понимаю, что не все американцы наши враги , всего вам хорошего и спасибо за правду . Питер
Yes, God in the US is replaced by Satan. The is official church of Satan in the US, no kidding
Хотелось бы прекратить это насаждаемое сумасшествие
Отличный парень, удачи тебе и твоей семье в России! У тебя хорошее настроение, заряжаешь оптимизмом, спасибо.
As Russian living in states for 20+ years. Sometimes, when somebody says "How are you?", I feel like to say: - Ok, have a sit, make yourself comfortable cuz it's gonna take quite some time. I'm going to tell you what's going on in my life and, please, don't tell you didn't ask for this LOL. :)
It's like: You wanted? You got it.
Предпочту не совсем искреннюю вежливость, чем искреннее хамство.
А причём тут хамство? @@alexbayer2365
Живи там где хочешь- в чём проблема?
@@alexbayer2365 какой нежненький...
@@mikhailtrokhinin1168 а кому хамство приятно? Особенно в сфере обслуживания за твои же деньги.
there is another 'weird' Russian habit - people just like to go for a walk along the streets.
Is this a weird habit? I thought everyone is doing that :) Especially if u don't have many friends to go out with. I like just wandering about the city and think about smth
Это очень хорошая привычка на самом деле. Бесплатная физкультура, мы всегда знали, что ходьба полезна + прекрасное время, которое с пользой можно провести с друзьями. Я могу пройти с подругой и стаканом кофе 5 и более км и даже не заметить за беседой с ней
Because we have proper sidewalks. If you build a walkable city… people will go for walks.
Me in Moscow: walk everywhere even in a blizzard.
Me in US: drive 1 block to store because walking there is dangerous and uncomfortable (because drivers aren’t used to pedestrians, so don’t watch where they are going)
@aeluzarii seems like they do think so) It is normal, though. What is normal here can be weird there
мы вас тоже таких любим )))
Woah brother you don't have to yell 😅
Рад, что вы оказались в нашей стране, мы любим хороших людей. Мы всегда были многонациональной страной и если вдруг у нас окажется весомый процент американцев среди граждан - будет довольно иронично) спасибо за ваш выбор😊
Very much soon Mother Russia might become the only place to live.
- Listen, what is "How are you" in English?
- "How are you".
- "Are they wondering how I'm doing?"
- No, they not interesting.
- Then why do they ask?
- Just like that. Everything is just like that here (US), except for money!
Dialogue between Danila Bagrov and Dasha in NY, "Brother - 2" movie. 😁
- Какделайствуйте? -Делайствую! А вы?
- Делайствую, делайствую...
Вот и поговорили😅
А ещё Данила сказал, что скоро вашей Америке кирдык.
I love eating fresh bread too, just bread, with no butter, with milk, especially if it is still warm.
Нет, Эрик правильно сказал, белый хлеб с маслом и чашечка кофе! Что может быть лучше?))) Разве что чашечка чая и блин со сгушенкой))))
@@СергейКарпенко-п1в сырники со сгущёнкой, чёрный хлеб с маслом, домашняя выпечка... Много чего
@@СергейКарпенко-п1в нет, черный хлеб с молоком - вот вершина
согласна, хлеб и молоко - база, буквально мой обычный перекус
Хлеб всему голова!
Теплый, только с печи. Разогретый в микроволновке - тоже теплый, но это не то. А вот только с производства. Ммм. Пока несешь с магазина, так пахнет, что корочку понадкусаешь🤤🤤🤤
You forgot to mention about central heating system which from my view is the one of the biggest infrastructural projects were built in USR and Russia.
You're right, I covered it on other videos but forgot to mention it here :(
It was a HUGE shock for us especially in the winter
I live in England in an apartment complex. We can regulate the temperature in each room ourselves, but we have central heating. This is very rare in Britain 😁👍
@@innafox6784 yeah but it is completely different system. Yours one is for the one or a few buildings but in Russia it is for the whole city. Just imagine they heat and transfer hot water to the each apartment building in the city and it exits in each city or small town. It is usually about 5atm pressure and at the beginning is about 130 degrees celsius inside pipes half a meter in diameter placed in the underground tunnels.
@@ruslanmustaev8170 Мне не нужно представлять преимущества этой системы. Я родилась в СССР в середине прошлого века. 😉
Поэтому я могу оценить этот комфорт, даже если он только в единственном квартале города 😁
@@ruslanmustaev8170 This though may break and you better don't be under that pipe at that moment :))
Central heating is a must when teperature goes beoynd zero in winter
I live in Canada for over 36 years and I can’t believe what happening. I left USSR and I’m afraid Canada becoming a dictatorship. Unfortunately people don’t understand or don’t want to.
Go to Venzeu then 😂
And…. In 36 years never learned to speak proper English 😅
@@itistime5699 It can happen.
@@itistime5699 Pathetic stickler, bet you only speak one language!
I was also born in USSR, my parents brought me to Canada as a toddler.
Canadians are like frogs that are being cooked: the temperature is slowly rising and most are not noticing because they get gradually accustomed to the new reality... Until it's too late!
Well, actually I see plenty of packs of milk that are sterilized (or ultrasterilized) on the shelves of supermarket. There are a few brands that sell totally fresh milk, mostly this brands are 30-50% more expensive. Though I'd say that I'm (personally me) fine with sterilized milk, since I don't drink it a lot, so super natural milk would spoil in my fridge. But it's good that we have a choice of what to buy for yourself. 😊
@@zed_fill_van_u_r_sparde I live in St.Petersburg. Unsterilized milk actually costs less than sterilized. But 1 thing is that volumes of that milk usually doesn't go over 1 litre. I find it better in flavour and by buying 1-2 packs for 4-5 days is completely fine. It doesn't get to spoil and I am saving money :D
It's worth looking for farm shops. The food there is a little more expensive, but it's straight from the farm. You will be surprised how different homemade butter or sour cream is from what is sold in stores. Traveling by car in Russia, we eventually got to know some people in nearby villages who were ready to provide us with some home-produced products (poultry, milk, butter, eggs, sour cream, cream, bread, milk and vegetables). Our relationship has been going on for many years. They do not use chemicals in their garden, only ordinary manure. There may be such people at the local city farmers' market (every city has one and more than one), but as a rule these are resellers posing as farmers. But homemade sour cream and butter can be seen immediately by its appearance.
Saturday fairs are held in many cities.
but there is also a central market where farm products are sold all week
Homemade butter don't freeze in the fridge 😂 I was shocked the first time I buy it 😅 and it has very strong creamy taste - soo yammy 😍
Avito and VK are full of offers from Farmers and just Private Owners!!!
В России считается, что дом нужно строить так, чтоб после урагана, наводнения и, желательно, после пожара тебе не приходилось строить дом заново, а можно было отремонтировать.
Три поросенка - первое русское пособие для строительства частного дома.
@@Marussia_KlimOVa Это английская народная сказка)) Так что, это самоучитель, как не надо строить. 😂😂
Да, особенно потопленные и разрушенные дома весной
@@SirOt4 если грамотно организовать участок, предусмотреть места для слива воды, то никаких проблем. Мой дом вообще стоит под холмом на болоте. Он сухой. Потому что надо строить с умом
In Russia:
“-how are you doing?”
“-Let’s start with what back in the 5th century BC...” :)))))
Tacker approves
Hey, if you don't want to know, don't ask. We don't really do small talk. 🤷🏼♀️
In western countries:
- "explain us this complex situation"
- "we are the goodies and they are the baddies, also democracy, freedom"
- "but what about this issue"
- "oh, you can`t say that, are you a conspiracy theorist? you care cancelled"
@@snowsnow4231 I asked a few times what democracy and feedom means. it was a wonderful reaction deserving to make face video. No one unswerd any particular, just hmmm and aaay...
Russia is called Mommy, they call Holy Russia, and the USA is called Uncle Sam. mom takes all her children and relatives and adopted into her warm embrace, and uncle, he is also an uncle in North America. The folk wisdom that gave such "names" to these two countries expresses everything
Спасибо Очень тонко подмечено!❤
Yes, creepy Uncle Sam. The kind of uncle no one let's around the children.
Creapy uncle sam that snifs children
In SU, there was actually an analogue of Uncle Sam in Russian language - Sofia Vlas'yevna
As a Russian living in USA I can tell that the biggest difference in your daily
life is that in USA every step of your life is regulated. HOA has authority over homeowner, local government has code enforcement who will fine you insane amount of money like 500$\day for uncut grass and other ridiculous things.
People in Russia can’t believe it’s true as none of this nonsense exists there.
If not making money in USA- I would have returned to Russia years ago.
В России тоже есть штраф за нестриженную траву. Только они незначительные если сравнить с 500$\день
HOA are fascist organizations. The fact that people keep buying into them blows my mind. We hate them in the government, too.
And since Americans are kept naive about everything, they think that the upkeep will keep and raise real estate values. But the 2008 crash proves that isn't the case. Our entire lives are conditioned to follow orders. Even the school lunch programs aren't charity, which was started by the military to ensure soldiers. Our education program was purchased by Rockefeller off the King of Prussia who made it to brainwash the Poles.
We are are really naive and there is no one around to tell us differently because we have half a hemisphere to ourselves. They can convince us of anything. The rest of the planet has to share borders and deal with each other and we got Canadians and Mexicans. So a sibling and a cousin. Add to that we couldn't afford to fly anywhere till just the last 2 decades. Even then the tickets will double just crossing the Canadian border.
Sometimes I wish someone would show up and cut the power so everyone is forced to unplug. They tell us we are free but since ww2 we have actually become more socialist and in lock step with the government than most socialist countries. Your president was correct that no one in history has propaganda like they do. It's terrifying for the few that can see it.
@@hamoudeallam645 далеко не везде, много субурбанов где очень мало правил . Порядок и свобода не могут быть вместе.
In Germany, you will be a fine of thousands of euros if you try to put your bag with garbage into a crowded garbage container ..🤣
HOA? Why do you live in a neighborhood with an HOA? It's a choice to live in a neighborhood with an HOA. And yes, you need to cut your grass if you live in a house inside a city - not doing so causes problems with pests and insects, which is a problem for everyone in the neighborhood. If you want to be the person in your neighborhood who could potentially cause problems with pest and insects, fine, but you're also financially responsible for that. If you want to let your lawn attract all sorts of who-knows-what, move to the countryside, to a place without those sorts of rules.
If you have a problem with cutting your grass, you should go to Russia and live in an apartment block, where the government just cuts the grass outside for you. It baffles me that people think there should be no consequences for their actions (or inactions).
Crimea is not the only place with a warm climate. The mainland's Sochi, Gelendzhik and the whole of Krasnodar Krai also have warm climates (it does get snow in the winter but melts relatively quickly). Yaroslavl is north of Moscow, so it does get very cold. Just like America is not warm year-round everywhere, Russia is not cold everywhere.
@@donalkinsella4380 sure, whatever you say 🙄
@@donalkinsella4380as a Crimean I gonna tell you is not Ukraine, Is Russian again, go learn history and read why so happen!
@@donalkinsella4380 Just like California is Mexico?)
You are 10 years behind the times.)
@@donalkinsella4380за желудями приполз попрошайка?🐷😂
😂😂😂😂 какой смешной комментарий!!!Учи русски!😂😂@@donalkinsella4380
in Russia we don't call this artistic , we call it Russian soul !
With so many tornadoes and hurricanes, all houses in America should be built out of concrete or brick but then only the millionaires would be able to afford to buy a house. Profit is almost always a priority over safety in America.
As someone who lives in Florida, I approve this message!😊
Low paychecks in USA no $$ to afford home
Tornadoes and hurricanes, especially tornadoes, would still destroy those structures. Then you'd have heavier, more dangerous materials flying through the air.
Not even that,why are cities being rebuilt on same areas that have tornadoes every 3 years? I understand such buildings in warm mild climates.Way cheaper than concrete or real wood.Especially when its a big house and no one around to cause noise. But as I understand even apartment blocks are built this way.
@@derpyeh9107 I looked online just for you, and here is what I found:
Concrete currently is the only material that can hold up to severe tornados.
For centuries, buildings constructed of brick have withstood the ravages of hurricanes, tornadoes, high winds, hail and punishing rain. When used in conjunction with modern building codes, brick homes can remain standing when others on the same block might be destroyed.
(I am also a civil engineer by education and have common sense)
As far as Russia is concerned, there are hardly ever any tornadoes or earthquakes in Russia, and there are no hurricanes.
The more I watch this kind of videos the more I value my country. Thanks for the opinion. Wish u good luck in settling in our country❤
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on life and thanks for subtitles. You are a very positive guy with no arrogance, no weird thoughts. Glad to see you in our country.
If you see bad comments, don't pay attention. Unhappy people are everywhere, they want to take out their anger on someone, so they go online. And also many provocateurs for waging an information war.
Да,американцы в Польше решили ещё один центр по "противодействию российской пропаганды построить" скоро ещё больше украинцев будет в комментариях,будут представлятся русскими как обычно.
@@dmitriy7658 большинство народа у нас закалённые уже, но также есть много доверчивых, к сожалению, да и иностранцы в основном не знают, что не все русскоязычные люди это россияне. И что братушки из соседней страны очень умело притворяются россиянами. Чем хуже дела у НАТОвской банды на фронте, тем сильнее они будут продавливать нас через информационное поле, интернет.
Детские сады в России и Беларуси работают с 7-19,00 чтобы родители могли успеть забрать детей после работы,так же там дети не спят на полу как придется а в своих кроватках на чистом белье! С ними проводятся целый день развивающие занятия и музыкальные,лепка,рисование,пение,танцы и спортивные.Есть завтрак ,обед и полдник.✌️🕊️🕊️🙏🙏🌍🌍🇧🇾❤️❤️👍😄😄
Попробуй, запиши ребенка в садик или школу. Good luck
@@Darelis-ft3gm И в чем проблема? Дочери 3 год уже ходит в садик, вообще никаких проблем записать нет. Раньше были пока садиков и школ не построили, сейчас все ок
В больших городах, до сих пор проблема с садиками. Со школами, благодаря дистанционному обучению, проблем нет, но нельзя создать дистанционный садик!
@@Марина-ь8ъ4й В каком большом городе? Я живу в Хабаровске (скажем так не самый большой город в стране и точно далеко от Москвы и западных областей) и обе дочки отходили в садик около дома вообще без проблем. Через Госуслуги все подали и все было норм. Также и со школой. Уже в 3 и 4 класс пошли
И ужин есть. Я работала в детсаде.
Level 1: Russian bread. Level 2: Bread and butter. Level 3: Bread, butter, and a thick slice of bologna saussage (бутерброт с колбасой).
This is far too advanced for me at this point lol
@@ericpiccione level 4: slice of cheese on top. level 5: slice of tomato under the cheese. level 6: add mayonnaise :)
Level 5: put caviar on it!
@@valentinaladnaya3642вы меня опередили 😂
@@ericpiccione You'll get there, no worries :))
Hello, Eric. We are country that has lot of problems. We acknowledge our deficiencies. We are not the best. We are striving. We will be the best.
It used to be better. I feel very sad, our government does not work in the issues here in the country but rather on other regions of the globe. We must focus on fixing our home, before teaching others how to live.
I just got back from a two month vacation in Russia and it made me even more sad to see how the JFK airport looks and feels when arriving, all this comparing it with Moscow’s
The people and the tranquility, cleanliness and safety are clearly seen.
I think is the decline of the west society.
Lack of ethics and a list of morality. Sorry to say it, but I am living it!
Хорошо сказано
Thank you for your opinion. I wish you many more wonderful discoveries in Russia.
I make them every day and continue to feel Joy.
Yep... I like that updates. Your reviews help me appreciate more my life here in Russia ))).
I wish you best of luck here and hope the general situation will back to normality very soon. So we all could live even better.
We all want to live in peace and friendship.
There are a lot of gyms in big cities, especially Moscow and St. Petersburg. There are three in my neighborhood, one is a half-minute walk away, the others 15-20 minutes away.
And not only in the big ones. I live in a small town of 250,000 people. I have 5 or 6 gyms within walking distance from my house , 15 minutes on foot. And I live on the outskirts of the city. And in the city center, they are generally at every turn.
@@СергейКарпенко-п1в лучше бы воды в вёдрах потаскали, чем энергию в тренажёрках задарма сливать)))
Их везде полно
У нас почти в каждом дворе спортплощадки.. Бесплатные. + Корты, хоккейные, футбольные, баскетбольные
Зимой в России популярно катание на коньках и беговых лыжах. Уверен, что любящему спорт парню из Техаса понравятся эти зимние виды спорта. На лыжах интереснее кататься за пределами города на лыжных базах. Там трассы подготовлены и лыжи можно взять на прокат. Для катания на коньках возможно найдется бесплатная площадка недалеко от дома. Там и в хоккей можно научиться играть. Или придется идти на платный ледяной каток под крышей. Но крытых катков в Ярославле не много и они заняты детскими и юношескими хоккейными командами или секциями фигурного катания.
Обожаю лыжи беговые! Для этого не обязательно ехать загород, практически в любом парке или сквере можно кататься, мы так и делаем с мужем
I've been to Russia 2X and am now planning my 3rd trip. I'm enamored with Russia and the people. ❤
It's wonderful when good people come.
Take me with you lol 😅
I am an Australian, and I lived in the US for ten years (1992-2001), and four things that struck me:
1) houses in the US are made of paper! :)
...houses in Australia are 99% build with bricks, so I can shout my head off and my neighbour will not complain!
2) the food is way more over processed with chemicals and tasteless compare to here,
...but sadly the food in Australia is now rapidly moving to the same crap as the US.
3) Don't get sick in the US, you will have to mortgage your house to pay for it,
... we have mandatory Medicare insurance paid for from our taxes.
4) The ignorance about the world by US people is STAGERRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come! We welcome all cultural people.
Что мешает жить вам в стране Россия...?...покупайте недвижимость( квартиру или дом) и живите...
Про незнание мира - это правда, судя по американским блогерам, которые только сейчас открывают для себя многие элементарные знания о мире. Люди даже никогда не видели ничего кроме американского кино, что уж говорить про более глубокие знания. Живут по факту под колпаком, в резервации и думают, что свободны.
Do you think that if a russian guy that could help the guys from west to move to Russia with immigration law services, translation and etc it would have a large demand?
And I’m being serious on this.
Tack så mycket från mig i Sverige, jag har besökt både Sovjet och Ryssland 🥰
Добро Пожаловать в страну Россия Москва!
Приезжайте еще, рады всем ❤
As an american I've never been to Russia but these comments show just how sheltered most of us are. I've never heard one bad thing about the Russian people. I have Uzbek, Ukraine, and Russian friends here. I don't know what rug y'all been living under but there is a world outside of the USA ffs.
OK , you discovered hot water. . . . . .😀 Americans have to leave America to discover that there is a world beyond America.
Если платить через систему быстрых платежей - то есть по номеру телефона, то комиссия не взимается нигде.
комиссию на переводы отменили. но вот на что еще надо уточнять. потому что на оплату (что по сути перевод) жкх - нет.
До миллиона рублей в месяц комиссии на СБП нет, во всяком случае в моем банке. Учитывая, что Эрик американец, и это видео частично предназначено для американцев, сумма в миллион рублей может оказаться не очень большой. Хотя, безусловно, для проживания одного человека в месяц при устроенном быте, миллион рублей в России - очень большие деньги.
@@woofkaf7724в ВТБ вся коммуналка без комиссии оплачивается )
Там вроде лимит 100к в месяц. Потом комиссия.
@@skazki_na-noch в моем банке по моей карточке - миллион, потом комиссия. Конечно, еще зависит от "цвета карточки" - VIP-клиенты банков, разумеется, имеют повышенные лимиты и вообще другие условия.
В России еще женщина уходит в декрет, получает деньги с работы и ее место сохранеятся за ней. 3 года она может посвятить себя материнству вообще не беспокоясь ни о чем. 3 года провести с ребёнком, учить его ходить, есть, говорить и отдать в детский сад после и спокойно пойти на работу.
В Америке только 2 месяца и то за свой счет.
Желательно, конечно, после декрета всë же пройти курсы повышения квалификации, а-то работать будет тяжело, за три года много чего поменяется 😊
Спасибо СССР!
Такие льготы и гарантии могли быть приняты только в государстве рабочих и крестьян.
22:19 Thumbs up for a true statement: "Your happiness is internal"
Случайно наткнулся, но посмотрел неожиданно на одном дыхании! Привет Ярославлю из СПб :3
You don't need to eat milk and butter (or any dairy products). I moved to Russia, ate nothing but raw fruit and veg (well, mostly, I'm guilty of the odd pizza or burger every now and then - maybe once or twice a month), I dropped a ton of weight (I was chronically obese), and I no longer walk with a limp (it fixed my sore knee). I can now jog/run, and I now play table tennis like Ma Long! 🏓 Table tennis folks call me... *THE* *PUNISHER* , because I don't just win - I punish!!! 🤣
No thanks.. We eat beef, pork, eggs, cheese, butter and milk.
@@bradjenkins932 i eat fruit, veg, beff, pork and eggs (and rice)
СССР не жили в дырах, страна строилась, развивалась. Бесплатное образование и медицина.
Да. После Великой Отечественной войны многое было в разрухе. Но восстановили. От деревень до дворцов. Было сельское хозяйство, промышленность, культура.
Современная Россия получила наследие Руси, Российской Империи , Советского союза.
У нас прекрасная страна.
Советские бараки до сих пор стоят в Мурманске, Чите, Архангельске. И там ещё и люди живут.
После ВОВ, до "хрущевок" и в землянках жили, но в то же время и строили дома себе (качество стройматериалов было типа земля плюс шлак)
@@curious7570 ВОВ ведь буквально вчера закончилась, да
@@lance_deaconживут, простите, за деньги или бесплатно? Ипотеку платят, соц найм?
@@lance_deaconа ты думаешь, что потерять 27 млн человек и оправится от разрушения целых городов - это с понедельника на вторник должно само исправится и какбэ и не было? Жертва бесплатного образования
The only evil thing about Russia is their grammar. 😆
Thanks for sharing your experiences!
You can compare it to mathematics. You can count 2+2 and enjoy the simplicity. But having learned to work with derivatives and integrals, you have opportunities on a completely different level. What will you choose?
LOL, but yes. Our grammar and vocabulary may be challenging.
Еще у нас есть проблема с мигрантами, но сейчас начали законы удесточать по этому поводу.
@donnyboy2589, “evil??” You kidding, right? Don’t you think that’s a rather way too strong and inappropriate choice of word to use?
😀Это правда!
При рождении ребенка один из родителей может получить оплачиваемый отпуск до 3 лет по уходу за ребенком, поэтому так много женщин с колясками в парках (им работать не надо, государство оплачивает их отпуск)
У Вас очень важный комментарий, поэтому я переведу для англоязычных.
When a child is born, one of the parents can receive paid leave for up to 3 years to care for the child, which is why you see many women with strollers in parks (they don’t have to work; the state pays for them to stay home).
@@marias5088 Спасибо за перевод, неужели во всем мире автоматом видео и текст не переводятся на нужный язык? Я уже привык В России что все переводиться сразу онлайн с помощью специальных плагинов (нейросетей) в любом браузере.
And they can return to their position at any time. It is forbidden to dismiss pregnant women or women on "Parental leave for children up to 3 years of age"
@@astroantares А еще на первого ребенка будут сделаны выплаты от государства (на подгузники одежду питание) а если у вас родился второй ребенок то вы получите от государства 10 000$ + дополнительно 4500$(если у вас есть ипотечный кредит)
Not only parents but also grandparents can take a childcare leave from work
The only comment is about a perceived artistic culture.
I don't really know how to explain it, but while I was living in Australia for many years I don't remember anybody painting outside just for the joy of it. Now that I think about it, it strikes me as rather weird.
Somehow people don't take a second job in Russia (that's very uncommon) and tend to do what they like. Some go fishing, some go bike riding, some do pointing outside.
In fact, now that I'm thinking about it, the only kids that were doing painting in the Oz were Russian kids. And I spoke to quite a number of parents about their kids casually. Aussie kids prefer wave riding, skating, footy, other team sports, but I can'really remember anybody was into foreign languages or painting or ballet.
Social advantages are the heritage of the USSR
Значит СССР не была тоталитарной?! То есть она была более продвинутой в социальном плане, чем западные страны? СССР создавался из территорий России, которая была крупнее чем СССР. И кстати, а почему бывшие республики СССР не сохранили наследие СССР?
@@ПетрПетрович777 красава
@@ПетрПетрович777 The former republics of the USSR are more socially advanced than the EU countries, and the EU countries are more socially advanced than the USA.
@@learning7140 Бывшие республики БЫЛИ более развитые, когда были в СССР. Это важно понимать. Как только они приняли западные "ценности" и впустили в свой дом западную "демократию" они резко пошли вниз во всех аспектах.
@@learning7140 Только две республики в СССР были донорами - БССР и РСФСР. Сегодня эти две страны под жесточайшими санкциями активно развиваются. Россия уже пятая экономика в мире и догоняет Японию. Остальные бывшие республики - нахлебники. Да нигде в мировой истории такого не было, чтобы окраины развивали в ущерб центру. После развала СССР всё это наследие промышленности "не рабы" на окраинах благополучно развалили и распродали, а России с нуля пришлось восстанавливать всю промышленность. Все эти нахлебники отваливались от России под лозунги :"Хватит кормить нищую Россию!" Сегодня они занимают мировой топ по самым быстро нищающим и вымирающим странам МИРА.
Эстония в СССР 1,5 млн. человек Эстония 2024 год 1,3 млн. человек
Латвия в СССР 2,7 млн. человек Латвия 2024 1,8 млн. человек
Литва в СССР 3,7 млн. человек Литва 2024 2,7 млн. человек
Грузия в СССР 5,4 млн. человек Грузия 2024 3,7 млн. человек УССР 52 миллиона. Перепись по понятным причинам никто вести не собирается. По некоторым подсчётам на украине осталось меньше 13 миллионов человек!
Glad to see more and more reasonable Americans and westerners in general coming to our country to make it their home. All the best to you and your family!
Через банкомат нельзя вносить больше, чем миллион рублей. Вы можете в любом банке прийти и попросить открыть вам вклад/счет на любую сумму, наличными принести миллиард и вам его внесут
Тебя с миллиардом точно внесут)
Ну так внесите три раза по миллиону или переведите с другой карты, переводы между банками бесплатны и прилетают за 2-3 секунды
У него есть паспорт российский? Может нет и в этом причина, ограничения для иностранцев мы не знаем
не только в этом проблема. иностранцам нужно доказать что эти деньги не спонсировались госдепом, террористическими ячейками и так далее. Что эти деньги получены законным путем. и желательно расписать на что хотите потратить. даже счета Россиян блокируют и просят прийти в банк для выяснения источника поступления денег. У брата было что там поставщики его поставщиком его поставщиков его поставщиков. через 5 кругов как-то попали на радар ФСБ. блокировка. долго разблокировать пришлось, пока другим банком пользовался.
Какой миллион? Что за бред? Это на разовую операцию наверное. Я без проблем вношу и снимаю средства
Regarding people painting and drawing outside - it’s probably kids from local art school at a(or doing) “plein air”. It’s a mandatory activity in art school done after a school year in June.
The biggest lies we have been told in the US is that Russia is bad. I would love to move there! You and your family are very fortunate!
Переезжайте! Не тяните с этим, потом будет поздно!
Добро пожаловать, мы рады всем
Russia is not too bad. But it is not a paradise on earth either. There is no paradise on earth, that's something we forget sometimes.
@@Slavianophile Америка не так уж и хороша. Но это и не ад на земле
Ярославль очень милый город! Удачи и счастья вашей семье!
Насчет хейтеров. На пророссийских блогах работают профессиональные украинские хейтеры и боты. Работники информационной войны, финансируемые властями Украины. Если число подписчиков увеличатся,хейтеры тоже преумножатся. Потому не обращайте на них внимание.
На пророссийских работает Украина? Wtf?
@@Andre-cz3mr Да, гадит в комментариях, чего удивительного?
@@Andre-cz3mrну так где им работать кроме как на пророссийских? Как раз их задача стоит в попытках создать смуту а может каким то образом переубедить в том что им нужно
@Siberian_Bear72 Наверное в уровне зарплат за мкадом тоже боты виноваты и сейчас я не про себя конкретно говорю.
Да, они уже проникли в каждый дом
Вот вы просто прикиньте, взрослый, здравый мужик на полном серьезе думал, что мы тут катаемся на танках и стреляем друг в друга ахахаха, жесть) А в целом, много именно с Техаса к нам перебераются, походу последний штат с адекватными людьми (ценности, семейные традиции и т.д.).
Мужику удачи от всей души в новом доме, Бог даст все получится!
Ой да ладно тебе. В нашей деревне на 9 мая танк с постамента съезжает сам... Участвует в параде и заезжает обратно. Поэтому частично правда)) И да, в случае проблем у нашей деревни есть собственный танк для защиты🤣 Это вселяет чувство безопасности) хахаахах...
Я в Штатах жил 2004-2006, многие не знают где Россия на карте, и тем более, какая там столица.
Многие спрашивают, про когда мы голыми идем зимой из бани по снегу в свою землянку, как мы отбиваемся от белых медведей...
@@ac12484 это белые медведи должны отбиваться от нас
Thank you for appreciating the place and saying good things about my country! It was really nice to hear 😊.
Right on man, everything you said is exactly right!! Good luck!!!
Дружище, ты хороший парень, желаю вашей семье как можно скорее адаптироваться на новом месте. Возможно, первое время тебе будет сложно и непривычно. Но через некоторое время, я думаю, что вы не пожалеете о своём выборе, переехав в Россию. Welcome😊
It is +40 C in south of Russia now.
Не забывайте указать что это цельсия😂
Не забывайте указать что это цельсия😂
Я живу в Поволжье, у нас тут на солнце тоже +40, хотя это центральная Россия
Nice insights dude. Watched through the whole thing. Thank you!
As for transport, you forgot to mention car sharing services, which are available to anyone who has a driver’s license, while there are also mobile applications in which it is very easy and quick to find the nearest car and rent it for an hour, for two, for a day or more. Public transport, such as electric trains, metro, buses, trams, trolleybuses, accepts not only special transport passes, but also contactless payments by bank card. The fact that our road traffic is regulated with the help of surveillance cameras for lanes on the roads, if people break the rules, for example, cross the markings or exceed the speed limit, or even drive without wearing a seat belt, they automatically receive fines thanks to this video surveillance system. Regarding shooting, you forgot to mention that, unlike the United States, in Russia it is much more difficult to obtain a license to own a weapon, it is almost impossible to buy one, and carrying weapons is generally prohibited. Even if a person wants to buy a weapon for hunting trips, it will be a very, very difficult task. The same applies to pneumatic weapons; obtaining them is also very, very difficult. There are metal detectors at the entrances to many public places; where there is very heavy passenger traffic, people scan their bags with a detector, sometimes asking them to put their bags in a special, more powerful scanner. In this regard, in the underground metro, security is almost like at the airport. As for the kindergarten, in fact, most likely there will be a fee, but it is quite tiny, no more than 15-30 dollars a month (1500-3000 rubles a month) I think.
In Russia, also, every driver buys a video recorder for his car, which is mounted inside under the windshield and records the trip, sometimes a video recorder is bought that records what is happening behind, this helps in the event of an accident to find out and confirm that the driver was driving according to the rules, and the one who drove into it for some reason was wrong.
And yes, sorry, unfortunately, we don’t have talking bears playing the balalaika and riding a bicycle at every turn, they are just animals on the verge of extinction as anywhere else. We can see a few of these animals in zoos, or we need to travel many thousands of kilometers to some huge and deserted forest. Many of us don’t like bears at all, some of us don’t like animals at all. Pets are like everywhere else, perhaps cats of various breeds, perhaps dogs of various breeds, sometimes fish in an aquarium, parrots, turtles, lizards, less often ferrets, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, rats, mice, chinchillas, someone likes exotic things like snakes, spiders. Sorry, but we rarely hear the balalaika, we don’t play nesting dolls, many have almost forgotten how to boil water in samovars, we rarely see traditional medieval outfits and only at festivals or on special holidays, here, like throughout the world, military people can meet only in special military territorial formations or during holidays at parades. There are a lot of police, they keep order on the streets very carefully. Most people try to be respectful and attentive to each other.
But as usual, as everywhere, there are very different people, and if when coming to Russia you expect to see Russian people as a homogeneous mass of the same nationality, then your expectations will be wrong. You will see people of very different nationalities, very different appearances, including even those who speak Russian poorly and come from distant parts of Russia, because the Russian Federation consists of a large number of regions, each of which may have its own cultural traditions and its own native language.
It’s not equally cold here everywhere and everytime. Most places are cold in the winter, but in very different ways, the summer is usually warm. In the Moscow region, in winter the average temperature is minus 15-20 degrees Celsius, in summer the average is plus 20-25 degrees Celsius. If you go further south, the summers are hotter and the cold season in winter does not last long.
Да ты что, а они все думают, что россияне каждый день общаются с говорящими медведями, играющими на балалайке. Особенно этот путешественник по Крыму, где у него "круглый год теплая температура" Он хотя бы яндекс карты открыл бы и увидел бы фото Симферополя в снегу. Ну ничего, он тебе обязательно скажет спасибо за то, что ты открываешь ему глаза.
@@PauloCampelo-u8e А какой смысл писать мне этот сарказм и говорить мне, что я занимаюсь сизифовым трудом? Есть текущий кейс: Парень не первый раз приезжает в Россию, он многое понял и переосмыслил, но не всё. Часть его стереотипов о России исчезла, часть ещё в процессе переосмысления. Он снимает видео на Ютуб, рассказывая о своём удивлении, рассказывая своё новое понимание и видение не для нас с Вами, а для англоговорящей части мира, для своих друзей и подписчиков. И в комментариях можно увидеть ответы, разные, со скепсисом, с удивлением, с интересом. Отношусь ли я к происходящему с негативом? Нет. Могу ли я как-нибудь помочь в понимании некоторых тонкостей? Могу. Займёт ли это много моего времени? Займёт, но очень не много. Делаю ли я что-то плохое, дополняя его картину мира? Я думаю, что я даже делаю лучше, потому что стереотипные взгляды надо как-то расшатывать, чтобы они разрушались. Расстроюсь ли я от того, что кто-то останется при своём негативном стереотипном мнении? Нет. Я не обозлён ни на кого, ну может кроме крупных политических деятелей, которых в мире меньшинство, я в целом настроен позитивно и мне нравится видеть интерес людей к тому как же оно по настоящему выглядит всё изнутри России, а не то как говорят в новостях. Почему я должен разрушать попытку культурного обмена?
И хватит просто так чесать своё ЧСВ, лучше чем-то более полезным заняться.
На счет животных в лесу ты ой как ошибаешься. С жёсткими ограничениями на отстрел в предыдущие годы их очень много в лесу. По работе каждый день мотаюсь по всей области, обслуживаем "колхозников" в частности фермы. Волки, кабаны, медведи, лоси очень часто вижу. Кировская область. Да и сами сельские жители говорят, что зверья в лесу очень много стало. Хотя в тему могу еще сказать, разница на селе в 15 лет, как стал работать в этом направление стала ощутима заметна в лучшую сторону.
I should clarify a little.
In Russia, personal possession of concealed firearms, such as pistols, revolvers, sawn-off shotguns, and the like is not permitted.
Obtaining permission to purchase a gun is no more difficult than obtaining a driver's license. The rules were complicated several years ago after two mass school shootings, the so-called Columbine incidents. Before this, obtaining a license for shotguns and traumatic pistols was quite simple. After 5 years of owning a shotgun without violations, you can buy rifles.
And one more small clarification. In some republics of Russia gun laws may differ.
It's amazing how in the 1990s many people wanted to leave Russia, but now there are so many who want to come and live here from other countries🤔
It's becoming a trend basically😊
You're right. One of the Christian saints foreseeded it and wrote about it
@@IvanKristiansen every country is corrupted in some way. Russia fights its corruption as it can
Yaroslavl is an old historic cultural center, one of the principal russian towns that is 900 y/o. It used to have a fortification that is called traditionally kreml.
Besides the place is on the old trade route from Persia to western europe.
Central russia lacks shallow iron ore deposites what dictated the need to trade locally produced swamp iron goods for other metal slags.
It is so pretty and green where you are walking!! I have been following everything. Yesterday I watched two days of Brics athletic games, today diving is on. President Putin loves sports, the out of doors himself and with his dogs of course...they are both happy, healthy looking dogs..Royal Dogs for I like what everybody probably voted on to bring these sport activities out for people to enjoy. President Putin is a very educated man and should never be underestimated by the US. I live in Calif., and with the problems in the Middle East..simply am not proud of my country at all. Ashamed and feel terribly for the thousands of lost lives there. I wake up with their images on my mind, and go to bed, pray and most often cry to God for the people. I have over the past 8 months watched and read so many things my country has done to innocent people for their resources. They are villagers that were once happy to make things, cook, hunt, raise their little ones and are all dead because the US deems them as being worthless. God didn't think they were worthless and provided what those people needed to be happy in their villages. Look what they did to Laos! I just learned all about that two weeks ago. They are doing the same thing in GAZA for gas/oil located via satellite and permitted to drill for...waiting for all those people to be slaughtered so they can keep the proceeds for themselves, when actually they belong to the GAZENS. I saw this on Redacted at the beginning on this war. Redacted is here on RUclips. Anything President Putin decides is appropriate he will do. Right now he wants peace and the US is not listening. I am! I am 74 with my pets of cats and we want to live, but understand. If I had human children and married I would ask my husband to please relocate us, but I don't. Russia is very beautiful, I follow two young couples there on RUclips and one couple travels around the different cities to show you stores, foods, typical homes, gardens, meet different people...a fun channel. The other couple have big cats...Messi and Gerta are cats names. My own domestic cats watch them on our tell mine those are your cousins! Lol.
Anyway thanks for your lovely channel, a new subscriber, fully billed and hit the like button!! Thanks for sharing your life in Russia.
Тоже люблю наблюдать за пумой Месси и гепардом Гердой
Добрый день! Не знала про Лаос… где можно посмотреть эту информацию? В также про месторождении нефти и газа в Газе?
Thank you, Sandy. It was nice to read the comment of a good person who knows how to think and sympathize. Sincerely, Donbass Russia❤
Вы очень интересный человек. Спасибо за комментарий
Еще про литий в украине прочитайте
I hope your experience will be positive further on. Go to some children's theater, once your daughter can understand Russian. My daughters really enjoyed that. Now we are in Canada and I cry in my heart over not being able to enjoy theaters as often as I would love to. When you are in St.Petersburg, be shure to visit a children's theatre "Театр на Неве".
man, an ambulance ride in the US can be around $10k even
You must be kidding. 10k? Wow.
Why so high price? What they will do with you for such money?
Надеюсь,за такие деньги они дают гарантию на воскрешение
@@Bubonkaа то!Ты ж их выплатить должен.
Oh, brother, that was a great video. Thank you very much for this spirit of freedom that you have shown us. I wish you happiness and prosperity.
Thin walls in US homes may also have their benefits.
1. Make Hollywood movies beautifully.
(the car drives through the wall. The hero hits the bandit; he flies away, breaking the wall).
2.If your neighbors are making love, you can ask them to comment on their actions. By doing so, you will become friends and become closer.
p.s. By the way, Abrams will not be able to drive through my house.
Hello from Siberia.
So interesting to hear a western person, who can call positive sides of my coutry, when this sides for millions of russians are simple. All the best, stranger!
The new "American dream" is to leave for Russia as soon as possible!😂😂😂
the major differences?
- Russia has a president capable of using stairs to board planes.
- in Russia you can life farther away from the capital
- New York has a more impressing skyline than Moscow; the amount of shop-lifting is more 'impressive', too
- USA have more vasals/puppies in Europe
- chinese build transcontinental railway lines in the USA are older (Central Pacific)
- the subway system in Moscow is safer and more beautiful than anything in the USA.
- Vodca against Whiskey
- Russia cannot compete with the amount of military interventions
- Russia has less school shootings, no Mexican drug cartels in the neighborhood, no execution of criminals
Check out town Rostov that sits about 40 km away from Yaroslavl on the shallow lake Nero. Or go a little bit further towards Moscow where is Plesheevo lake where sits town Pereyaslavl and you can definitely swim there in July and august.
всегда говорю, если видишь гуляющих людей, там где обычно не гуляют, это почти 100% русские(казахи, украинцы, белорусы), потому что мы привыкли много ходить и любим это просто как досуг)
Enjoying your videos ❤
Thank you for the personal account of life in Russia! It looks like a wonderful and safe place to be now !!! 😊
Very helpful seems people moving from States, Canada ,UK, to Mexico ,Spain, Greece Albania, Russia, Bulgaria, Thailand Especially older people can't afford it. God Bless You!!! I pray wars stop and we all unite.
Зиму надо просто полюбить. Купи лыжи, самые простые, но новые. выйди в январе , когда уже снег лег и побегай на них по лесу, послушай зимний лес, насладись моментом. Если почувствуешь, будешь каждое лето мечтать о зиме
Или купить лопату и Дарить добро людям....)))) Можно за деньги... Снег чистить))))
У меня соседи - пацаны, два брата по 10 и 13 лет, за зиму Хорошие деньги зарабатывают. Двор почистить = 500-1000рэ. За день могут от 2000 до 10000рэ заработать.
To me, too many people perceive..." a country" what they see in the news which is mostly about a country's government..." NOT THE CULTURE!!!"...or any said geographic region...Мать-Россия...("Mother Russia") not just some colloquial expression that evolved for no reason. The roots in the normative culture in most of Eastern Europe (where my Father's family is from) are as ancient as my Native and Celtic roots. Too few Americans with actual respect for a culture, or the "when in Rome" mindset. This was a great overall insight into "real Russia" and not the hype we see coming from biased media in both countries...Thanks for sharing your thoughts...
Just think, some children say that their stomach hurts in order not to go to school, their parents call an ambulance, they issue a certificate, and the child can officially not go to school for 2-3 days :)
I lived in Moscow for 2 years fascinating place
Russia 🇷🇺 certainly doesn't have the problems that we have here in North America. I am from Canada 🇨🇦 and whatever happens in the United States 🇺🇸 happens in Canada, too. Like the Pro-Palestine protesting, for example, happening in the different cities across America and in Canada on the university campuses across America and Canada. Are the Russian university students doing the same thing, protesting on the university campuses across Russia against Israel ? Russia is a beautiful country. it's the weather is so much like Canada, and the scenery reminds me a lot like Canada. Cheers from Canada 🇨🇦 👍 to you and😅 your family in Russia 🇷🇺 Eric. Be safe and happy in Russia and keep on walking in Jesus's footsteps 👣 as he will always lead you into right direction. Amen 🇨🇦 🙏 Russia 🇷🇺 🙏 🙌
В России нет протестов,мы не финансируем террористов и Израиль и никогда не использовали рабов.Погода разная, потому что страна большая,на Юге России нет снега зимой и тепло.
Have you seen the Canadian family in Russia?
Countryside acres/ Countryside corner
No, they're not protesting. They're studying.
We don't need to protest. Our government does not support Israel. So ther is no reason for us to do it. Our representative in UN has expressed our protest many times (as far as I know).
Зачем студентам протестовать против политики Израиля в отношении сектора Газа,,если политика нашего государства поддерживает сторону палестинского народа???? У вас протесты именно потому что ваши официальные лица поддерживают Израиль. Все очень просто
Вы забыли упомянуть сметану и творог, эти молочные продукты тоже очень вкусные в России.
В России всё продукты вкусные и натуральные!!!
В России если ты купил кв или дом, ты собственник, не как в штатах если по каким-то причинам не смог оплатить считай тебя выкинут на улицу. В России если у тебя единственный дом или кв некто его не отберёт, могут отключить свет, воду но не заберут, и у тебя есть возможность оплатить счета за коммунальные услуги в рассрочку, не в одной европейской стране такого нет тем-более в США, вот почему в России почти нет бездомных.
Ну или копай скважину, ставь солнечные батареи и живи в автономке. Налог только на землю, смешной останется.
@@JULikXol так в частном доме и нужна скважина
Путаешь тёплое с мягким. В России тоже покупают недвижимость в кредит и тоже пока ты полностью не выплатил, то недвижимость принадлежит банку, а не тебе, а иначе кто бы стал париться с выплатами? Из единственного жилья тоже могут выселить куда-то в поменьше площадью, в менее престижном районе. В штатах тоже если ты выплатил какую-то часть, то тебе её вернут, а это приличные деньги.
Бездомных в России очень мало, потому что они редко переживают зиму.
Расскажи жертвам переселений по ренновации какие они собственники. В США право собственности абсолютно и распространяется в том числе и на недра расположенные на твоей земле. В РФ все принадлежит государству, и из квартиры и с "твоей" земли тебя выгонят если государству это потребуется.
Talking about banking, unlike US banks these days, banks in Russia actually pay you interest on your money you keep there. Weather, I like it cold. Everything else I can deal with. I am tired of the US and ready to leave as soon as I can.
Although it's because of high inflation.
As a Russian who lives in LA for 25 years I approve this message!
Hey Eric, I will be in St. Petersburg in August for the whole month. I can’t wait. Удачи тебе😊
Have a nice trip! From Moscow with love :D
Как жаль, что Ваша родина сейчас не в лучшем виде. В 1990-е годы в России было тоже плохо, но мы выбрались из ужаса и потому население ценит Путина за то, что он своей долгой политикой во многом улучшил жизнь в России. Я желаю Вам удачи и счастливой жизни в России.What a pity that your homeland is not at its best now. In the 1990s, it was also bad in Russia, but we got out of horror and therefore the population appreciates Putin for the fact that his long policy has largely improved life in Russia. I wish you good luck and a happy life in Russia.
Russia seems to be like the United States was during the 1950's. Russia has improved since their losses during WW2 and the United States declined considerably.
The WWII resulted in the destruction of approximately 70,000 Soviet cities, towns and villages 6 million houses, 98,000 farms, 32,000 factories, 82,000 schools, 43,000 libraries, 6,000 hospitals and thousands of kilometers of roads and railway track [wikipedia]
26.6 million people ware killed, of which only 11.3 million were military, the rest were civilians. I couldn’t find how many were left crippled, but this is also more than tens of millions and mostly men. Cold War propaganda claimed that the USSR was poor because of its political system. But this is a lie. The country was poor because it was forced to rebuild thousands of towns from scratch with the hands of women and cripples.
@@aphex0011 Красавчик! Хороший комментарий, ещё и подтверждённый фактами! Они на Западе это не знают!😊
With only one difference: a working man in Russia cannot buy a two-story house in the suburbs and an apartment in the city, and support his beautiful housewife on his salary. In Russia, to earn money for a mortgage apartment in the suburbs of Moscow, both husband and wife need to work and save up for quite a long time.
@@AnnaStrelkova I don't agree.
It all depends very much on skills, abilities and needs.
@@aphex0011 It's not about needs, but about the ratio of wages to the cost of a square meter of housing in 50s America and today in Russia
Wellcome to Yaroslavl :) It's not usual that there are a lot of artists around you, maybe there is some kind of art school nearby
My son was born in America, I moved back to Russia when he was 5. To give him school education there. When we returned back to America for college, he was mostly shocked with homeless everywhere. He never saw single homeless in Russia
Верные и интересные наблюдения.
Мы много критикуем себя и свое правительство и хотим большего. Так устроен человек. Но все познается в сравнении. Оказывается, то, что для нас привычно и естественно, обычным людям в богатых странах недоступно.
Спасибо автору канала, добра и процветания
Thanks for the video))) It was very interesting to hear your thoughts))
еще нам постоянно говорят про несменяемость власти. Да у нас довольно авторитарное устройство! Но мне лучше сильный ответственный руководитель, чем выбирать себе президента из двух плюющихся, оскорбляющих друг друга кандидатов! Или чтобы мне кто-то подсунул попугая в цветных носках, выполняющего волю его тайных хозяев!
Особенно много про несменяемость говорит наша оппозиция, лидеры которой не сменяются даже после своей смерти зачастую. Согласен. :)
Я с вами!
Agreed. Thanks for sharing your opinion. I feel the same way too.
Быстрая сменяемость порождает безответственность: выбрался, нагадил, ушёл в туман и поминай как звали!
@@longarm498 а безграничная власть порождает диктатуру. Это факт.
If there’s a fee it’s usually the recipient problem, since he hasn’t set up his account. Or you just go over your limit
America was... 30-35 years ago... Yes maybe it was, even for us in Russia. But when you loosing original traditions, institute of family, and simple pleasures mostly changed to perversions.. and you become weak. But when yoy like sport and good simple food, and strong family, you become strong. I was in USA California in 2010. Good place, good weather, everything like in hollywood films, but not "my place". People of Texas i mean cool guys with many many guns in their truck))) Godd luck to you being in Russia✌️😄