Near-Death Experiences and Reincarnation

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • For many people, probably for all people who have had a near-death experience, it’s obvious that there is life after death. However, there is also the idea that we may live again on earth, that we may live more than just one life.
    In thanatology, are there also reports known that talk about reincarnation? Or are there reports by people who had a near-death experience that explicitly point against reincarnation? What does the research of reincarnation tell us?
    Werner Huemer discusses these issues with Swiss death researcher Dr. Reto Eberhard Rast.
    00:00:09 Talks about reincarnation
    00:03:27 Near-death experiences that explicitly point against reincarnation
    00:04:29 Near-death experiences and the belief in reincarnation
    00:05:10 What indicates that reincarnation does exist?
    00:07:25 What does the research of reincarnation tell us?
    00:09:40 Why can’t we remember previous lives?
    00:12:25 Near-death experiences enable to remember former lives on earth
    00:13:29 Have you already lived several times here on earth?
    Director: Mehmet Yesilgöz
    Translation: Katrin Salhenegger-Niamir
    Voice-over: Aryan Salhenegger-Niamir, Werner Huemer
    Editor, Interviewer: Werner Huemer
    ℗ Mediaservice Werner Huemer
    © 2022 Thanatos TV EN

Комментарии • 45

  • @strafe155
    @strafe155 Год назад +7

    "It is no more surprising to be born once than to be born twice: everything in nature is resurrection." - Voltaire

    • @mortalclown3812
      @mortalclown3812 Год назад

      I've loved Jesus for a long time, but find evangelicals intolerable. The fairy tale of a God who has favorites or one who damns is just that: there are 8 billion of us. The two NDEs I had displayed an amount of love so immense that it defies description.
      Instead of something like hell, we have to experience every effect of our behavior on each human in our path rippling out to folks we never even meet in life. By comparison, the idea of hell might be preferable. ☺️

  • @all4source813
    @all4source813 Год назад +5

    Thanks for the time to translate, its really helpful . I think we want to forget when we came here , when we reincarnate ,because if we remember past lives then the new life has lost his point.Majority of people choose not to remember so that may feel the true essence of the new life that has been offered.Many thanks again, super interview. I cant wait for future interviews like that !

  • @steveneardley7541
    @steveneardley7541 Год назад +1

    I remembered my past life at birth, and having been Catholic in my past incarnation was shocked and angry about being reborn. The implications of having to learn to walk, talk, etc. were also not lost on me. I did not remember anything about the between-life state. This knowledge weighed on me pretty heavily until I was about 8, when I put it aside and stopped thinking about it. I said nothing of this to my parents. In fact, I didn't tell anyone until I was over forty years. old.

  • @casiopea1953
    @casiopea1953 Год назад +2

    Very deep and helpful explanation about reincarnation.
    Thank you for sharing and congratulations!

  • @Jeffreyk7
    @Jeffreyk7 Год назад +9

    There is a great story of a young boy, 9/11 and the reincarnation of a New York City (FDNY) Lieutenant who died in the North Tower. The full story as told by the boy's mother on (and off) a popular Reincarnation Forum starting in 2007 up to the present day. The books full title, Fire in the Soul: Reincarnation from Antietam to Ground Zero. The author is Jeffrey Keene a retired Asst. Fire Chief. Watch RUclips; The TRAGIC REINCARNATION STORY of a Firefighter

    • @Phoenix_cataclysm_in_2040
      @Phoenix_cataclysm_in_2040 Год назад

      That lieutenant should have moved on to his next life instead of possessing this young child, interfering with boy's life and creating unnecessary confusion. I've seen such cases already. 🤔

  • @g.k.jensen7013
    @g.k.jensen7013 Год назад +8

    I believe in reincarnation, but I'm not happy about it.

    • @alba2042
      @alba2042 Год назад +2

      G.K.JENSEN: If you believe in reincarnation (in which I don't), why don't you believe in free will too ?. As such, it's up to you to come back or not. 👍

  • @bjlyon615
    @bjlyon615 Год назад +7

    You don’t need religion to explain why some people suffer more than others.

    • @PaulYoung-in-the-house
      @PaulYoung-in-the-house Год назад

      The original sin of humans is neither inherited from parents nor set up by God.
      From the perspective of reincarnation, the sin (original sin) of mankind is innate and comes from the past lives.
      We should first repent our sins.
      First, correct the faults in our words and acts, obey the commandments, and then repent the sin nature in our hearts.
      However, we cannot repent our sin nature completely with one lifetime.
      If you say, “I swear that I must ...”.
      Maybe after 2 days, you will pick up your old habits again and get caught up in various bad thoughts.
      Be aware that it is not as easy as we thought.
      We need to repent life after life, keep practicing, and remove the sin nature from our mind gradually.
      Some people do believe in God, but are not devout enough. They have committed many sins, and end up in hell.
      However it doesn’t matter.
      When he gets the deserved punishments in hell and determines to repent, he could be reborn as a human and continue to repent and reform.
      Some people don’t believe in God, but they are very kind and never do anything bad.
      After death, they could be reborn as a human.
      There must be a lifetime when he has a chance to hear the gospel and generate faith, and opens the path of repentance and reformation.
      God loves the world. What he gives to everyone is not just one chance to be saved.
      God gives everyone countless chances until he is eventually saved. This meets God’s will.
      For more details, please watch the sermon of the Light of Wisdom Church. video “”The Original Sin and Samsara reincarnation I Am the way, the truth and the life 03“”

    • @mortalclown3812
      @mortalclown3812 Год назад

      @@PaulYoung-in-the-house I'm not suggesting that the two NDEs I had mean all experience is the same, but God has no favorites nor does He damn.
      There are 8 billion of us. It's sheer hubris to suggest the force of love creates damnation for anyone. Humans create tales to create fear and judgement that no Creator could possibly wish upon humanity. It's a big universe. Fathom its size and let's grow with it.
      Paz y luz.

  • @TShi-dh6gr
    @TShi-dh6gr Год назад +3

    Thank you!

  • @happybergner9832
    @happybergner9832 Год назад +5

    Plato talked about reincarnation!?
    I watch a RUclips channel about children who, while young, recount their previous lives. One family PROVED that the little boy was the person he remembered. He was a WWII American pilot. Hope you all watch it. The little boy got to meet the still-living sister of his previous- life person. He asked her if she still had the drawing that his previous- life person saw while only a child. 😶. She had it, and showed the little boy.
    The yourube channel is LMN channel.

    • @MaxBorges888
      @MaxBorges888 Год назад +2

      Search: -
      IrishCentral -
      The woman who was reincarnated to find her Irish children.
      Jenny Cockell become famous in the 1990s for her reincarnation story, which saw her travel to Ireland to meet those she believed to be her children in a past life.
      There is a move too, _based_ on her story. She was Asperger which may explain why she remembers it so well.

    • @Phoenix_cataclysm_in_2040
      @Phoenix_cataclysm_in_2040 Год назад

      Earthbound spirits that haven't moved on after death of their physical body attach themselves to those still living here, projecting their life and making that person think that it's his or her previous life.
      Carl Wickland, MD, describes this in his "Thirty Years Among the Dead" book in chapter 15 called "Theosophy". It starts with "That the belief in reincarnation on earth is a fallacious one and prevents progression to higher spiritual realms after transition has been frequently declared by advanced spirits, while numerous cases of obsession which have come under our care have been due to spirits who, in endeavoring to "reincarnate" in children, have found themselves imprisoned in the magnetic aura, causing great suffering to both their victims and themselves."
      It's a fairly long chapter that explains the misconception of reincarnation.

  • @amertrkawi8821
    @amertrkawi8821 Год назад +1

    Just for clarification, the issue of reincarnation mentined in some NDEs is clearly the personal interpretation and conclusion of some people who claim to have lived some NDEs.
    Obviously their interpretation had originated from them seeing some historical events prior to them being born.
    Their vision of such events and feeling the impressions and all the feelings of the people who lived that part of history led to think that they actually lived those lives.
    I have listened to many similar NDEs, where their interpretation of seeing previous lives was intended to illustrating how human understanding of life changed with different circumstances and experiences. Feeling the feelings of the people of those experiences in previous times does not mean that they lived a previous life.
    For example, in all NDEs people, when going through a review of their one life events, the experimenter feels the same feelings that others feel, and this is completely fair, so that he or she knows the extent of the offense he caused to others, or the beautiful feeling that he caused to others. Does this mean that the person who lived the experience became in the place of those whom he wronged or improved to them. of course not. His feeling for the feelings of others was only to fully understand and realize the magnitude of the impact that resulted from his or her work.

    • @kevahouston5875
      @kevahouston5875 Год назад

      Good point. Read my comment above! I think I proved beyond a reasonable doubt that reincarnation does happen.

  • @razony
    @razony Год назад +2

    I'm left with absolutely no doubt reincarnation happens. Not everyone is reincarnated, but it happens. Being Christianity left out reincarnation, makes me believe in it that much more. My question in trying to figure out why some have to return in NDE's. Is it because we have a purpose, not yet fulfilled, and what is that purpose? Did we agree to come into this world before arriving in a body with certain conditions we're not aware of while in the present bodies. 'I agree to come into life/body and die of a disease at a certain time? Meet up with a certain someone from past lives? Meet up with someone(s) to convey a specific message? To live this life in a body that is not found anywhere else in existence just for the heck of it?' What did we know before arriving in this body. What did we agree on, and why? Can anyone imagine, if we did have those answers while in this body, in this time and space and how that would affect our lives? Why in the heck am I here?

    • @all4source813
      @all4source813 Год назад

      Reincarnation is even in Bible.Jesus resurected after the 3`rd day.We agree to come here, we do plan our lives before we came here, in big lines.We come here purely just to experience, we are curious beings !

  • @rotarolla1
    @rotarolla1 Год назад +2

    Using words like reincarnation is awesome, but most people think they come back as animals if you mention it. Misusing words like karma which is actually the intentional or unintentional use of will-power to achieve an objective isn't cool. A butcher is free from his killing karma for example. To understand karma you have to understand to are your family, your community, your country and your planet. You have to understand that you are not separate from these things no matter how convenient it would be to believe so. Buddhism explicitly states the soul does not exist and all is phenomenon. Also everything exists in the same moment in the same place so stop using your linear mind. Buddhism is not a religion it is the science of metaphysics and this channel should treat it as such. Thankyou for reading love your channel ❤

    • @practice-righteousness
      @practice-righteousness Год назад +1

      "A butcher is free from his killing karma for example."
      Many think so, but in reality the commandment "Thou shalt not kill" include not killing the animals either! Those, who have the heart to see it, will understand!

    • @alba2042
      @alba2042 Год назад

      JASON OLS: Evolution never goes back. It always goes forth, so you can never reincarnate in an animal and even I also doubt if we reincarnate in another human body. What for ??....

  • @PythagorasHyperborea
    @PythagorasHyperborea Год назад +2

    Howard Storm has a very conformist and elitist personality type that he needs to work on. But he currently has attached his conformist alignment to religion and tries to force everything into that narrative.
    Allan Kardec’s communications said we don’t need to remember incarnations because it would ruin the previous one and cause things like undue shame or vanity.

    • @mortalclown3812
      @mortalclown3812 Год назад

      Fwiw, I've had 2 NDEs and the idea of coming back with judgement about the rest of humanity is... crazy. And I'm someone who loves Jesus, too: I think he's only about love and humans are the ones who create stuff to be scared of. We're a pretty silly bunch, it would seem.

  • @kevahouston5875
    @kevahouston5875 Год назад

    I had a near death experience and I saw the single image of a rat sitting on a very small wooden beam in the middle of an ocean. I don’t think it was a coincidence that I saw this single image, because if it was just a random image my brain produced while shutting down from oxygen, there are tens of thousands of random things like dreams to see. Brooms, pianos, curtains, pencils, candles, hand sanitizer etc. for it to be a SINGLE image before being brought back to life and it being an animal while there’s religion revolving around rebirth is about 90% convincing that it is real, true and my fate as well as others.

  • @Phoenix_cataclysm_in_2040
    @Phoenix_cataclysm_in_2040 Год назад

    Earthbound spirits that haven't moved on after death of their physical body attach themselves to those still living here, projecting their life and making that person think that it's his or her previous life.
    Carl Wickland, MD, describes this in his "Thirty Years Among the Dead" book in chapter 15 called "Theosophy". It starts with "That the belief in reincarnation on earth is a fallacious one and prevents progression to higher spiritual realms after transition has been frequently declared by advanced spirits, while numerous cases of obsession which have come under our care have been due to spirits who, in endeavoring to "reincarnate" in children, have found themselves imprisoned in the magnetic aura, causing great suffering to both their victims and themselves."
    It's a fairly long chapter that explains the misconception of reincarnation.

  • @wagfinpis
    @wagfinpis Год назад +1

    This guy trying to talk about whether or not there is reincarnation is like trying to say whether or not there is a God. lol.
    we do not begin to understand who or what we are. we don't even know if we are capable of understanding what we are. words like God, Soul, reincarnation etc. are just shortcuts to accelerate our thought process, we don't have any valid definitions of these terms. lol

  • @ciceroferreira6831
    @ciceroferreira6831 Год назад +1

    I dont have more doubts
    We are millenary Spirits
    In new edition.
    This is not the First time
    We are here.
    We've lived many lives with many people different from our current family.
    We return tô continue our spiritual evolution.
    Learnings never ends.

  • @practice-righteousness
    @practice-righteousness Год назад +1

    Reincarnation is a fact, and that combined with Karma, is the true expression of God's justice!

    • @mortalclown3812
      @mortalclown3812 Год назад

      Stating anything as fact when we simply don't know is pretty silly... and I believe in reincarnation, too. People sound evangelical when they do that. 😂

  • @PaulYoung-in-the-house
    @PaulYoung-in-the-house Год назад +1

    The original sin of humans is neither inherited from parents nor set up by God.
    From the perspective of reincarnation, the sin (original sin) of mankind is innate and comes from the past lives.
    We should first repent our sins.
    First, correct the faults in our words and acts, obey the commandments, and then repent the sin nature in our hearts.
    However, we cannot repent our sin nature completely with one lifetime.
    If you say, “I swear that I must ...”.
    Maybe after 2 days, you will pick up your old habits again and get caught up in various bad thoughts.
    Be aware that it is not as easy as we thought.
    We need to repent life after life, keep practicing, and remove the sin nature from our mind gradually.
    Some people do believe in God, but are not devout enough. They have committed many sins, and end up in hell.
    However it doesn’t matter.
    When he gets the deserved punishments in hell and determines to repent, he could be reborn as a human and continue to repent and reform.
    Some people don’t believe in God, but they are very kind and never do anything bad.
    After death, they could be reborn as a human.
    There must be a lifetime when he has a chance to hear the gospel and generate faith, and opens the path of repentance and reformation.
    God loves the world. What he gives to everyone is not just one chance to be saved.
    God gives everyone countless chances until he is eventually saved. This meets God’s will.
    For more details, please watch the sermon of the Light of Wisdom Church. video “”The Original Sin and Samsara reincarnation I Am the way, the truth and the life 03“”

    • @mortalclown3812
      @mortalclown3812 Год назад

      There is no hell. We simply have to feel the effects of our behavior on every person in our lives. That's going to be tough for a lot of us.

  • @renatewagner-lammerzahl7004
    @renatewagner-lammerzahl7004 Год назад +2

    A horrible idea to be born several times.

  • @susanwarner8901
    @susanwarner8901 Год назад

    Unless anything said about reincarnation has been hidden from the Bible then I'm standing by the word of God.

    • @PythagorasHyperborea
      @PythagorasHyperborea Год назад +1

      What does that mean?

    • @kingofdubb2133
      @kingofdubb2133 Год назад +1

      Apparently the belief in reincarnation was common in early Christianity, but it was made heresy by the church. It is possible that Christ did teach about reincarnation, but it was edited out of the bible by the church, as the power of the church was based very much on fear - the wrath of God, eternally burning in hell, if you do not follow the laws of the church you will be executed as a heretic etc, whereas the teaching of reincarnation undermines that fear to a great extent, as you know you will not die ,it is just the body that dies

    • @asmodeus1274
      @asmodeus1274 Год назад

      @@PythagorasHyperborea Reading comprehension a problem with you?

    • @asmodeus1274
      @asmodeus1274 Год назад

      I’m with you, Susan.

    • @amyhudson1016
      @amyhudson1016 Год назад +1

      @@asmodeus1274is having some manners a problem for you. A reasonable question if you’re not a person who subscribes to organised religion. Put your manners back in!