The Campfire Song Song

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Audio from the Spongebob episode The Camping Episode

Комментарии • 125

  • @MonalisaS
    @MonalisaS 2 года назад +833

    LMAOOO Patrick actually moving Yelena's head got me good

  • @Droidkaju310Productions
    @Droidkaju310Productions 2 года назад +556

    [Song ends]
    Spongebob: Now wasn't that relaxing?
    Everyone: *NO!*

    • @spongeyspikes09
      @spongeyspikes09 2 года назад +34

      The reason why it's not relaxing:

  • @Kingkent1207
    @Kingkent1207 2 года назад +245

    While I love the SpongeBob quotes dubbed over the AOT clips, having the characters actually looking at SpongeBob and Patrick is somehow funnier

  • @merrittanimation7721
    @merrittanimation7721 2 года назад +42

    Magrath: "Are these your friends?"
    Hange: "No I thought they were yours."

    • @imgvillasrc1608
      @imgvillasrc1608 2 года назад +14

      Hange: *Remembers Patrick's contribution in the Battle for Wall Maria* "Nope, never knew these guys in my life."

  • @AnAmericanMusician
    @AnAmericanMusician 2 года назад +25

    It's dangerous to yell "tatakea" out here in the wilderness. It might attract... the attack titan.

    • @justsomedinosaur9440
      @justsomedinosaur9440 2 года назад

      Attack Titan? You mean something that DOESNT EXISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @planetbob6703
    @planetbob6703 2 года назад +79

    Never forget that Eren destroyed the three great anti sea-bear circles on Paradis Island.

  • @underconstruction6436
    @underconstruction6436 2 года назад +228

    Now I would kill for the entire series with the inclusion of any all Spongebob characters.

    • @k.h.g3695
      @k.h.g3695 2 года назад +5

      Me too

    • @Marko_184
      @Marko_184 Год назад +3

      maybe with ai one day...

    • @OliversTwinBrother
      @OliversTwinBrother Год назад +4

      I would like to see Fred getting Step on by a Titan and saying: My Leg!

  • @Droidkaju310Productions
    @Droidkaju310Productions 2 года назад +225

    [Jean finishes beating up Reiner]
    Annie: Reiner, are you okay?
    Reiner: No.
    Annie: Quick! Transform into your Titan before he comes back.
    Pieck: Yeah. Horseface Eldians often attack more than once.

    • @merrittanimation7721
      @merrittanimation7721 2 года назад +56

      Reiner: Are you crazy! Titan armor won't protect against that monster! I'm running for my life!
      Everyone: NOOOOOOOOOO!

    • @Freezie02
      @Freezie02 2 года назад +47

      @@merrittanimation7721 "What'd I do that time?"
      "I don't know! I guess he just doesn't like you."

    • @bigduelssevens2309
      @bigduelssevens2309 2 года назад +24

      @@merrittanimation7721 Annie: Don't run, Horseface Eldiands hate that
      Reiner: Thanks for the tip...I quiz I'll just limp away than
      Everyone: NOOOOOOOO

    • @jothamsian5137
      @jothamsian5137 2 года назад +12

      @@Freezie02 Pieck: “Pretend to be someone else”
      Annie : “ Here , quick, transform to your titan form (hand the knife) “
      Reiner : Thanks
      *Jean Continuously beat up Reiner*
      Reiner: AAAAHHHHHHHH
      Annie : “That is a half transformation, it has to be full”

  • @caydes
    @caydes 2 года назад +12

    It's nice to see SpongeBob cheering people up knowing that millions are going to die

  • @robertopalermo6424
    @robertopalermo6424 2 года назад +14

    I was fully expecting Reiner to get beat up when the fast part came 😂

  • @mcloven2013
    @mcloven2013 2 года назад +86

    I literally thought of this exact scene when I watched the episode. So glad to see it come to life!

    • @mcloven2013
      @mcloven2013 2 года назад

      @None honestly have no idea, I found it on one of my old hard drives lol

  • @lulusym3347
    @lulusym3347 2 года назад +29

    hange will likely sing along with them if it really happens

  • @DimitryNZ
    @DimitryNZ 2 года назад +41

    I watched this episode fully waiting for a certified Monkey Trouble C A M P F I R E S O N G SONG vid

  • @LoriSparks20
    @LoriSparks20 2 года назад +56

    Lmao u never miss it always fits

  • @eddielippert45
    @eddielippert45 2 года назад +22

    Thought it was gonna end with Jean wailing on reina lmaooo

  • @minecraftpiglinmattspoemsd2287
    @minecraftpiglinmattspoemsd2287 2 года назад +5

    Yelena looks so unhappy listening to Spongebob and Patrick

  • @slash618
    @slash618 2 года назад +117

    You never disappoint with these vids Lmao

  • @LuxDominusAeterna
    @LuxDominusAeterna 2 года назад +9

    best part is yelena seems to have a slight smile on her face toward the end

  • @sarahveien8541
    @sarahveien8541 2 года назад +4

    Scene suggestion!!! For when it comes to the anime (Manga spoilers)
    *Zeke attached to founding Titan Eren’s rib
    “We’re like brothers…….. only closer “
    *attached at the hip *

  • @isaacb7197
    @isaacb7197 2 года назад +14

    Dude... You are a literal meme lord. Not just any meme lord. You are the Lord of lords!

  • @radogoji7031
    @radogoji7031 Год назад +7

    [Song Ends]
    Spongebob: Ahhh, wasn't that relaxing?
    Everyone: NO!
    Jean: THIS is relaxing! (Starts playing an electric guitar)
    Spongebob: OH NO! (Pulls out a marshmallow) I'll save you Jean! (Fires the marshmallow into Jean's mouth, just as he was about to sing. Spongebob then comes over to assist him) Jean, are you alright? That's it, chew, chew, and swallow. (Jean swallows the marshmallow) There, better?
    Spongebob: But I HAD too! It's too dangerous to play the electric guitar out here in the wilderness! It might attract... (checks surrounding) [whispers] a Saurophaganax.
    Jean: [In a low, cautious tone] A Saurophaganax? You mean like the ones that... [In an angry tone] DON'T EXIST!?
    Hange: What are you saying!?
    Jean: There's no such thing! They're just a myth!
    Gabi: Oh no, Jean, Saurophaganaxes are all to real! It says so in the Bikini Bottom inquirer newspaper that Spongebob gave me! (Holds up newspaper)
    Jean: (Reads headlines) "Giant reptiles spotted inside of the titan forest"?
    Reiner: Yeah, the official Shiganshina timley magazine says so too! (Pulls out a magazine)
    Jean: (Reads the 3rd major topic) "Giant lizards officially named Saurophaganax"?
    Patrick: Yeah, and fake science monthly! (Pulls out a colourful newspaper)
    Jean: (Reads the 1st thing he sees) "Dinosaurs and fairy tales are no longer extinct"? That's the stupidist thing I've ever heard!
    Patrick: Well maybe it is stupid, but it's also dumb!
    Spongebob: Patrick's right, Jean. These guys are no laughing matter! Why, once I met this guy who knew this girl who knew this guy who knew this girl who knew this guy who knew this girl who knew this guy who knew this girl who knew this guy who knew this girl who knew this guy who knew this girl who knew this guy who knew this girl who knew this guy who knew this girl who knew this guy's cousin's sisters nephew, that was about to be attacked by a 24-meter tall abnormal, but then a Saurophaganax absolutley wrecked it, and that was just a juvenile!
    Jean: You're right! I should be more careful! In fact, why don't you tell me all the things I shouldn't do, if I wanna keep those blockheads away?
    Levi: Okay, that's easy, first of all, as the sponge said, don't play the electric guitar.
    Jean: Okay, then what?
    Gabi: turn off any light sources if you feel that one is nearby.
    Connie: Leaving them on could be the death of you. (extinguishes campfire)
    Jean: You're kidding!
    Falco: Don't dance aggressively, they could take that as an offense.
    Spongebob: Especially if it's over something like a mate or territory.
    Jean: Go on!
    Armin: Don't ever cover yourself in meat.
    Jean: Vegan or Normal?
    (Gabi, Falco, Spongebob and Patrick turn around to talk privately)
    Spongebob: Normal; vegan is fine.
    Jean: Yeah, yeah, and?
    Spongebob: Never wear your safari outfit-
    Patrick: -In a goofy fashion!
    Gabi: Or winter boots backwards!
    Falco: Or a strange plant as a beard!
    Spongebob: And never-
    Patrick: Ever-
    Gabi: EVER-
    Falco: (Gasps)
    Gabi, Falco, Spongebob and Patrick: SCREECH LIKE A CHIMPANZEE!!!
    Jean: Wow! It's amazing that there's so many things that can set a Saurophaganax off!
    Spongebob and Patrick: (Huddling together with Gabi, shuddering) They're horrible!!
    Jean: And, suddenly I have the sense that we're all in danger!
    Falco: Why?
    Jean: I don't know... (Rushes behind Pieck, and emerges with all the things that were said NOT to do, holding a maniacal expression on his face) JUST A FEELING!!!
    Hange: No!
    Jean: Yes...
    Magath: Don't you dare!
    Jean: (Starts hooting)
    Everyone: JEAN!!! PLEASE DON'T!!!
    Jean: (Screeches like a chimpanzee)
    Patrick: Guys, what are we gonna do? A Saurophaganax is sure to come and eat us!
    Gabi: Don't worry Patrick, I'll draw us an Anti-Saurophaganax circle in the dirt! (Does exactly that)
    Yelena: Good thinking! That big brain of yours is going on stage eh?
    Patrick: Yeah! All the experts say it's the only defense against a Saurophaganax attack! (Everyone expect Jean huddles in)
    Jean: (Laughs) You idiots are SO gullible! See? I did everything that attracts a Saurophaganax, and nothing happened! If those guys really exist, why didn't one show up?
    Hange: Maybe it's because you're not covering your entire body with regular meat!
    Jean: Oh, Pfft! Sorry, how silly of me! You mean like this? (Places a sausage over his crotch, and starts laughing. Then a giant set of jaws picks up a steak, and plops it on his head.)
    Mikasa: No! Like THAT! (at this point Jean stops laughing, as the camera zooms out to see an adult Saurophaganax growling at Jean, upon seeing it, Jean screams and runs away, causing the dinosaur to chase after him, off screen, sounds of biting and crunching can be heard)
    Gabi: Jean, are you okay?
    Jean: (Now injured) No!
    Pieck: Quick! Jump inside our Anti-Saurophaganax circle before it comes back!
    Connie: Yeah! Those things often attack more than once!
    Jean: Connie, you're one of my best friends, but ARE YOU CRAZY!? A DIRT CIRCLE WON'T STOP THAT MONSTER! I'M RUNNING FOR MY LIFE!!!
    Everyone: NO!!! (The Saurophaganax comes back, and attacks Jean even more)
    Spongebob: Don't run! Saurophaganaxes love that!
    Jean: (Now even more injured) Thanks for the tip. I guess I'll just limp back then.
    Everyone: NOOOOOOO!!! (The Saurophaganax returns, and resumes mauling Jean)
    Mikasa: They love limping more than running!
    Jean: Well, I guess I'll just have- (The mauling continues)
    Spongebob: We should've warned you about crawling! (The mauling again continues)
    Jean: What did I do THAT time!?
    Falco: I don't know, I guess it just doesn't like you!
    Patrick: Pretend to be somebody else!
    Armin: (Tosses a stick) Here! Draw a circle!
    Jean: Okay! (The mauling happens one last time)
    Spongebob: THAT was a PENTAGON!! It HAS to be a CIRCLE!!!
    Jean: MOVE OVER!!!! (Climbs ontop of Pieck, the Saurophaganax returns, then notices the circle itself below before snarls as it points a threatening claw at him, and leaves) Hey! It worked! You guys actually saved my life!!!
    Everyone: (Celebrates)
    Spongebob: Yeah, I'm glad that was just a Saurophaganax, this circle would NEVER hold back a Tyrannosaurus!
    Jean: What attracts THEM?
    Patrick: The sound of a Saurophaganax attack! (An adult Tyrannosaurus Imperator then walks up to them, and observes)
    Spongebob: Heh, good thing we still have our Anti-Tyrannosaurus undergarments! Heh, right Jean?
    (The Tyrannosaurus looks and growls at Jean)
    Jean: (Nervously) Y-Yeah.

    • @maxwellpeter5955
      @maxwellpeter5955 Год назад +2

      God, it hilarious with their voices when i read it🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @carlomazzoli6906
      @carlomazzoli6906 9 месяцев назад

      It's brilliant and fucking hilarious!

  • @Crox101
    @Crox101 2 года назад +3

    This is all I could think of when watching this episode

  • @dimitristsekeris1821
    @dimitristsekeris1821 2 года назад +32

    No character is safe from this meme abuse.

  • @PedroLucas-mg5je
    @PedroLucas-mg5je 2 года назад +5

    I imagine Eren and Ymir singing the Rumbling Song Song to the Alliance during the chapter 133 moment in the Paths!

  • @dylanbuchanan6511
    @dylanbuchanan6511 2 года назад +3

    This confirms Isayama is just making scenes to go good with SpongeBob memes

  • @supersunnyiscool
    @supersunnyiscool 2 года назад +15

    PLEASE!!!! We need a full version of this omg

  • @BBQSerenade
    @BBQSerenade 2 года назад +4

    watching this episode i literally said to my brother ‘oh dude that channel that does spongebob aot bits is absolutely gonna do the campfire song for this scene’ and i’m so glad it’s here

  • @KJ-ty1nl
    @KJ-ty1nl 2 года назад +25

    This is hilarious 😂

  • @degarpaykararyan3140
    @degarpaykararyan3140 2 года назад +10

    This is a masterpiece music

  • @purplepapos1460
    @purplepapos1460 2 года назад +12

    Wow what a wholesome time with friends it would've been nice if they invited us as well

  • @CallMeFreakFujiko
    @CallMeFreakFujiko 2 года назад +6

    The second I saw the setting in the latest episode I knew you would be doing this.

  • @yasuhohirose7231
    @yasuhohirose7231 2 года назад +5

    Another certified hood classic from this channel

  • @Legendarysannin27
    @Legendarysannin27 2 года назад +3

    C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G

  • @christianhaddad7582
    @christianhaddad7582 2 года назад +3

    The insane duality of AOT and spongebob

  • @sandwichmonster7067
    @sandwichmonster7067 2 года назад +3

    _Jean beats up Reiner to the beat of the music_
    *C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song!*
    *C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song!*

  • @sebastianmenendez7657
    @sebastianmenendez7657 2 года назад +4

    Eren’s speech “preparing the crabby patty”

  • @ajisaac
    @ajisaac 2 года назад +2

    I love that at 0:16 Pieck is looking directly at Patrick.

  • @matthew1232k
    @matthew1232k 2 года назад +3

    I just KNEW this one was coming 😂

  • @Raidoven
    @Raidoven 2 года назад +5

    Perfection. Not even the finale will beat this

  • @lawrencelu7256
    @lawrencelu7256 2 года назад +12

    I laugh out loud . Hope there is a full version of it

  • @FrostyPeace10
    @FrostyPeace10 2 года назад +1

    I love Patrick.

  • @user-mq8cp6jz6d
    @user-mq8cp6jz6d 2 года назад +8


  • @FanofZ
    @FanofZ 2 года назад +3

    Honestly was expecting spongebob singing it faster while jean beats reiner senseless lmao

  • @silentraven4582
    @silentraven4582 2 года назад

    I’m a simple man
    I see that Monkey Trouble has uploaded, I click like instantaneously

  • @hanselbarlowe2575
    @hanselbarlowe2575 2 года назад +2

    It's all fun and games till someone ask the magic conch shell what to do next

  • @josesalinasmorales5332
    @josesalinasmorales5332 2 года назад +1

    I got to admit, that video is hilarious.

  • @irvingbautista1841
    @irvingbautista1841 2 года назад +3

    C-A-M-P F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song

  • @Vaatacious
    @Vaatacious 2 года назад +2

    If they animate a certain part of the rumbling, I imagine a plankton scene in the newr future (or the squidward trample scene during strike)

  • @Mrcryptidsarereal
    @Mrcryptidsarereal 2 года назад +3

    You watch the next Attack on Titan episode to know the story. I watch the next Attack on Titan episode to guess what Spongebob memes will be made out of it. WE ARE NOT THE SAME

  • @VidaMagkavlove
    @VidaMagkavlove 2 года назад +8

    He looked like he was going to punch him

  • @brianachim2670
    @brianachim2670 2 года назад +1

    Patrick touching Yelena!🤣

  • @BrailleGamer04
    @BrailleGamer04 6 месяцев назад

    I’m diving right now! Love this

  • @Antasma1
    @Antasma1 2 года назад +2

    I like how it looked like he was looking at him

  • @Oof-tz5lg
    @Oof-tz5lg 2 года назад +1

    There's a clip for everything from SpongeBob that fits any scene from anything

  • @revancandra9620
    @revancandra9620 2 года назад +2

    In fact most of the attack on Titan meme/parody actually sync with old SpongeBob than the new version.

  • @freedom0330
    @freedom0330 2 года назад +1

    Yelena about to make that scary face to Patrick 😂

  • @necro4005
    @necro4005 2 года назад +4

    I was waiting for this

  • @SuperSaiyanLink093
    @SuperSaiyanLink093 2 года назад

    This is the best channel.

  • @volcanicmax007
    @volcanicmax007 2 года назад

    I FUCKIN CALLED IT! I said if monkey trouble doesn't do the campfire song on this one..... 😂😂😂

  • @ininidi
    @ininidi 2 года назад +2

    Now I'm hungry

  • @user-jg1ts3sd8m
    @user-jg1ts3sd8m 2 года назад

    peace and love

  • @inkchariot6147
    @inkchariot6147 2 года назад

    I knew this was coming

  • @Captain23rdGaming
    @Captain23rdGaming 2 года назад

    Somehow i knew this was coming xD

  • @kelleh711
    @kelleh711 2 года назад

    I was waiting for this one

  • @bondo532
    @bondo532 2 года назад +2

    Patrick brainwashing Yelena

  • @carlomazzoli6906
    @carlomazzoli6906 9 месяцев назад

    I wish there were more crossover fanfiction between Attack on Titan and Spongebob.

  • @ai-bl8fu
    @ai-bl8fu 2 года назад

    So wall Maria, Rose and Sina are huge anti-Titan circle.

  • @tylerhaggerty1974
    @tylerhaggerty1974 2 года назад


  • @jovanip98
    @jovanip98 2 года назад +1

    I knew you would use this joke!

  • @amazingtowelshorts2361
    @amazingtowelshorts2361 2 года назад +1

    lmao this guy always exceeds my expectations

  • @Reborn622
    @Reborn622 2 года назад

    We need the Fun Song. F stands for Fire....

  • @matte1381
    @matte1381 2 года назад +1


  • @yaboycream9099
    @yaboycream9099 2 года назад

    Dude your vids are too funny

  • @ahmadmustaqim7091
    @ahmadmustaqim7091 2 года назад

    You're the best!

  • @Ryder-a-Blaze
    @Ryder-a-Blaze 2 года назад +3

    They don’t make any s’mores

  • @half8n191
    @half8n191 2 года назад

    I fucking love your edits

  • @JohnSmith-pw1gf
    @JohnSmith-pw1gf 2 года назад

    You need to make these longer👍

  • @Twilight_Again
    @Twilight_Again 2 года назад


  • @SuperTrues
    @SuperTrues 2 года назад


  • @muhdshahhidayat7232
    @muhdshahhidayat7232 2 года назад

    Damn was waiting for the beat drop

  • @goodlin5864
    @goodlin5864 2 года назад

    Your videos always make my day😂😂

  • @Caileyfan101
    @Caileyfan101 2 года назад

    I was waiting for you to do this one 😂

  • @remini255
    @remini255 2 года назад

    Admittedly I saw this one coming

  • @767KirbyLord
    @767KirbyLord 2 года назад

    Then Pieck eats Spongebob and Patrick after the song ends

  • @wolfdreamer9
    @wolfdreamer9 2 года назад

    OH BOY

  • @muadhalahmadi6801
    @muadhalahmadi6801 2 года назад


  • @xxshedheadxx6134
    @xxshedheadxx6134 2 года назад

    You should have had Jean charge spongebob for the ending

  • @SirBean1274
    @SirBean1274 2 года назад

    Can you make an edit of Ymir working with mr Krabs going: “DAY 23 GIVE IT UP FOR DAY 23”

  • @johnsonken96
    @johnsonken96 2 года назад

    Random but-
    I can't believe the guy who created Phineas and Ferb wrote this song

  • @spongeyspikes09
    @spongeyspikes09 2 года назад

    Where is it .. WHERES THE REST?! WHERE'S THE REST OF THE SONG?! 😵😵😵😵

  • @Oof-tz5lg
    @Oof-tz5lg 2 года назад

    Make a part 2 to sea bear where the sea rhino comes plz

  • @leodanslayer
    @leodanslayer 2 года назад

    Ahhhhh hahahahaha

  • @Content_Bunny
    @Content_Bunny 2 года назад

    Welcome to the early comment section

  • @problemtf2532
    @problemtf2532 2 года назад

    How much for full version?

  • @angeledduirbonesu1989
    @angeledduirbonesu1989 2 года назад

    Use the campfire scene with the audio of Patrick's wallet, where the evil guy beats him

  • @mountainteavii7
    @mountainteavii7 2 года назад

    We’ll edited

  • @supersayinmaster
    @supersayinmaster 2 года назад

    Amazing video, I'd love to see Patrick edited onto a Trash Taste episodes

  • @TylerAndToast
    @TylerAndToast 2 года назад

    Extended version please!

  • @hanta1782
    @hanta1782 2 года назад


  • @dasboseimbusch7079
    @dasboseimbusch7079 2 года назад

    Why stop at the best part? :-/