「 Timestamps」 ーーーーーーーー -00:31:27 Asmr Suara Semburan Ludah -00:46:00 Grhhhhahhh -01:55:20 Longest Vibing -02:07:09 Apel ASMR -02:28:12 Apple + Salt Wth -02:29:40 Kobo Bingung Apakah Sudah Endstream -02:08:24 Kobo Baru Nyadar Kalau Itu Luthfi Halimawan Asli -02:32:12 Jangan Lupa Nungging? 🤨🤨 |「 Nama Tumbuhan」 | -00:06:00 Lilypad/Teratai = Dimas -00:14:00 Squash = Candra -00:23:50 Saudara Kipli Kembar 3 = Terkiplikipli -00:34:43 Kelp = Tatang -00:53:06 Jalapeno = Juna Bin Juned -01:11:13 Dewi Tapi Ada 2 = Dewa Dewi -01:27:01 Torchwood = Garok -01:28:17 SpikeWeed = Syafiq Hidayat -01:43:18 Beni Tapi Tinggi = Fahrul Gunawan |「 Nama ZoMbrade」 | -00:27:00 Zombie Penyelam = Adam |「 Full」 | -00:02:15 Start -00:02:58 Hayo Dimas, Apakah Kamu Udh Redy? -00:03:34 Opening, Bokoboko Kanaeru At Your Service ☔ -00:03:49 Jokes Aside -00:06:44 Alasan Kenapa Teratai Dikasih Nama Dimas -00:07:38 Dimas = Dimasukin Air -00:08:58 Vibing, Gws Dimas -00:11:34 Dimas Rangga Di Block Iofi 😂 -00:12:04 Apakah Ada Bang Upi? -00:12:28 Biji Meledak Meledak -00:13:31 Oakwkw Candra -00:13:42 Bahasa Alien + Wujud Chandra -00:14:48 Trust Issue Dengan Chat -00:18:34 Menang Judi Bisa Nyawer Kobo -00:19:04 Minigames Unlocked -00:19:56 -00:21:36 Kobo Konsultan EE tidak Lancar -00:22:24 Dimas Sangat Berguna -00:22:45 Dimas Ini Ancrit Banget -00:23:39 Guncangkan Pantadmu -00:24:37 Penyelam Handal 👀 -00:26:10 Krinj Deck Krinjjjj -00:27:55 Kobo Yang Kebingungan Sama Arti Cone -00:28:39 Dimas Salah Posisi, Dimas Sangat Bermasalah -00:29:36 Menabung Pangkal Sehat 👍 -00:36:32 Apakah Kipli = Dimas! -00:36:50 Kobo Suka Banget Sama B1J1 Meledak -00:38:04 Tatang Slebeww 🥶 -00:38:20 Sopankah Begitu Kepada An1m3? -00:39:55 Dewi Lakik? 😂 -00:42:13 Tatang Bersinar -00:42:31 Adam Xialan Kamu Yach -00:42:53 Sinergi Menbangun Negeri -00:46:52 Sangat aesthetic -00:47:09 Kunci Kesuksesan -00:48:18 -00:48:41 Lagunya sangat Hype Abiezzz 🥶 -00:50:10 Zombienya C3bol Kayak Kobo -00:50:51 Kobo Tiba Tiba Mules -00:55:50 Sebagai Perempuan Harus Jual Mahal a6 🥶 -00:56:45 Kobo Sakit Perut? -00:57:16 Chat Selalu Salah -00:58:00 Ancr1t bet Kamu Kobo -00:58:13 Ancerit kamu Kipli -00:59:18 Kobo Selalu Benar -01:02:08 Beni Jadi Vtuber -01:03:05 Playing Minigames -01:03:37 Mengeluarkan Oksigen Lewat Pantad -01:04:24 -01:04:51 SILID(T) -01:07:30 Ancrit Banget Beliau Ini -01:08:37 Kobo Panik Mau Kalah -01:10:43 Piala Emas -01:11:00 Kobo Sedang Berbelanja Tanaman -01:13:01 Apakah Kobo Senang Channelnya Ilang? -01:13:46 😂😂 -01:14:43 Ngapain Berpikir, Emangnya Punya 0TAK? Best Quotes From Kobo -01:20:48 Nobar Dimas Diinjek Injek -01:26:31 Donate Pake Uang Kas Kelas -01:30:53 Moment Ketika Hampir Terkena Copyright -01:31:25 Kobo pengen Banget Karaoke Bahasa Indonesia -01:32:17 Kobo Sedang Mencari Orang Dalem -01:35:04 Notif Steam -01:41:03 Demon Lord Berfikir -01:50:14 Marah Dengan Syafiq Hidayat -01:53:51 Fahrul Gunawan Menangis 😭 -01:57:18 Aku Mulesss~ Kobo Mul3s -01:59:52 Sangat Panik -02:01:28 Kobo Capek Mau Turu (End Playing PvZ) -02:02:14 Kobo Minta Maaf Kalau Ada Salah Kata -02:02:56 Kobo Sudah Puas Menginjak Injak Dimas -02:03:50 Donation Reading -02:09:10 -02:11:10 Pury Indonesia Solid 😂 -02:17:34 Boboiboy Kuase E E Q -02:25:00 Kalian Kok Suka Banget Sama E E sih? -02:27:56 Hanya Kobo Yang Manis -02:29:00 Mami Kobo Juga Nonton 😅 -02:30:37 Ini Sebenarny bukan Kobo Tapi Mami -02:30:49 Makin Kesini Malah Makin Kesana -02:31:33 Teori Kob0logy -02:33:11 Kobo Sedang Dalam Mode Ceplas Ceplos -02:34:39 M Chan Masih Memantau ーーーーーーーー
식물의 여왕 코보🌊👑 결국 많은 좀비를 학살하는데..... 식물의 여왕 코보는 파트3도 해줄것 인가.... 식물의 여왕 코보sama!😝 오늘 식물 제군들로 좀비를 학살하시는게 유쾌하고 남다르시군요! 파트3를 위해 전력을 아껴둡시다! 다음 전투를 위해 힘을 아껴두시고 다음 전투를 기대하겠습니다 코보sama..! (Otsukaeru! ☔️💙💙)
You've made lots of progress today, thank you for the amazing PvZ gameplay Kobo!! Kobo unlocked many new plants and the new shop and even got the twin sunflower!!
Thanks for the playthrough. Hope you do part 3 of fighting the foggy night pool. The quick tip I can give you for facing the fog is to always have scaredy shroom with you at all times to know where the zombie is hiding by seeing him shoot. He cost only 25 sun which is not bad. Plant him far back is more safe since he is scared when zombies are close or around him from the other row. Be sure to upgrade the lawn mower to be able to mow through the water against zombies. Be careful there. You are more than halfway there. Cheers from the metal drummer and a pvz expert. Also I hope you will continue pvz playthrough since there’s mini games and survival to earn some more prizes including some mini levels like Vasebreakers and I zombie. I would also hope you would go through the adventures again which will be very different which involves extra flags or waves of zombie in each levels and the game chooses 3 plants for you. There is an achievement for that too.
Sekarang sudah 488k aja subscribenya, mungkin minggu ini bakalan sampe 500k, semangat kobo.... Baru 1 bulan lebih udah mau 500k aja subscribenya gimana kalo dah 2 atau 3 bulan ya, mungkin 1jt kali ya.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Trending lagi GG gimang. Pas live stream ini ketiduran sih jadi sekarang titip absen sambil nonton archive-nya. Selamat udah 500k subscriber kobo 👍
Thank you for this entertaining stream, Kobo! It was a delight to watch part two of Plants vs Zombies! Diving into the third stage had us on the edge of our seats as new undead intruders came into our backyard pool! The difficulty of the levels rose with further progress but you would also recruit more garden warriors to join you in the fight! Even Crazy Dave opened up his shop for you to purchase an assortment of useful goods! Those double sunflowers helped us out greatly in completing that part of the game! Another fruitful episode! Nicely done! For tomorrow, we’re looking forward to the HoloID DBD collab! Both your genmates and senpais will be there! Can’t wait! OtsuKaeru! ☔️❤️
「 Timestamps」
-00:31:27 Asmr Suara Semburan Ludah
-00:46:00 Grhhhhahhh
-01:55:20 Longest Vibing
-02:07:09 Apel ASMR
-02:28:12 Apple + Salt Wth
-02:29:40 Kobo Bingung Apakah Sudah Endstream
-02:08:24 Kobo Baru Nyadar Kalau Itu Luthfi Halimawan Asli
-02:32:12 Jangan Lupa Nungging? 🤨🤨
|「 Nama Tumbuhan」 |
-00:06:00 Lilypad/Teratai = Dimas
-00:14:00 Squash = Candra
-00:23:50 Saudara Kipli Kembar 3 = Terkiplikipli
-00:34:43 Kelp = Tatang
-00:53:06 Jalapeno = Juna Bin Juned
-01:11:13 Dewi Tapi Ada 2 = Dewa Dewi
-01:27:01 Torchwood = Garok
-01:28:17 SpikeWeed = Syafiq Hidayat
-01:43:18 Beni Tapi Tinggi = Fahrul Gunawan
|「 Nama ZoMbrade」 |
-00:27:00 Zombie Penyelam = Adam
|「 Full」 |
-00:02:15 Start
-00:02:58 Hayo Dimas, Apakah Kamu Udh Redy?
-00:03:34 Opening, Bokoboko Kanaeru At Your Service ☔
-00:03:49 Jokes Aside
-00:06:44 Alasan Kenapa Teratai Dikasih Nama Dimas
-00:07:38 Dimas = Dimasukin Air
-00:08:58 Vibing, Gws Dimas
-00:11:34 Dimas Rangga Di Block Iofi 😂
-00:12:04 Apakah Ada Bang Upi?
-00:12:28 Biji Meledak Meledak
-00:13:31 Oakwkw Candra
-00:13:42 Bahasa Alien + Wujud Chandra
-00:14:48 Trust Issue Dengan Chat
-00:18:34 Menang Judi Bisa Nyawer Kobo
-00:19:04 Minigames Unlocked
-00:21:36 Kobo Konsultan EE tidak Lancar
-00:22:24 Dimas Sangat Berguna
-00:22:45 Dimas Ini Ancrit Banget
-00:23:39 Guncangkan Pantadmu
-00:24:37 Penyelam Handal 👀
-00:26:10 Krinj Deck Krinjjjj
-00:27:55 Kobo Yang Kebingungan Sama Arti Cone
-00:28:39 Dimas Salah Posisi, Dimas Sangat Bermasalah
-00:29:36 Menabung Pangkal Sehat 👍
-00:36:32 Apakah Kipli = Dimas!
-00:36:50 Kobo Suka Banget Sama B1J1 Meledak
-00:38:04 Tatang Slebeww 🥶
-00:38:20 Sopankah Begitu Kepada An1m3?
-00:39:55 Dewi Lakik? 😂
-00:42:13 Tatang Bersinar
-00:42:31 Adam Xialan Kamu Yach
-00:42:53 Sinergi Menbangun Negeri
-00:46:52 Sangat aesthetic
-00:47:09 Kunci Kesuksesan
-00:48:41 Lagunya sangat Hype Abiezzz 🥶
-00:50:10 Zombienya C3bol Kayak Kobo
-00:50:51 Kobo Tiba Tiba Mules
-00:55:50 Sebagai Perempuan Harus Jual Mahal a6 🥶
-00:56:45 Kobo Sakit Perut?
-00:57:16 Chat Selalu Salah
-00:58:00 Ancr1t bet Kamu Kobo
-00:58:13 Ancerit kamu Kipli
-00:59:18 Kobo Selalu Benar
-01:02:08 Beni Jadi Vtuber
-01:03:05 Playing Minigames
-01:03:37 Mengeluarkan Oksigen Lewat Pantad
-01:04:51 SILID(T)
-01:07:30 Ancrit Banget Beliau Ini
-01:08:37 Kobo Panik Mau Kalah
-01:10:43 Piala Emas
-01:11:00 Kobo Sedang Berbelanja Tanaman
-01:13:01 Apakah Kobo Senang Channelnya Ilang?
-01:13:46 😂😂
-01:14:43 Ngapain Berpikir, Emangnya Punya 0TAK? Best Quotes From Kobo
-01:20:48 Nobar Dimas Diinjek Injek
-01:26:31 Donate Pake Uang Kas Kelas
-01:30:53 Moment Ketika Hampir Terkena Copyright
-01:31:25 Kobo pengen Banget Karaoke Bahasa Indonesia
-01:32:17 Kobo Sedang Mencari Orang Dalem
-01:35:04 Notif Steam
-01:41:03 Demon Lord Berfikir
-01:50:14 Marah Dengan Syafiq Hidayat
-01:53:51 Fahrul Gunawan Menangis 😭
-01:57:18 Aku Mulesss~ Kobo Mul3s
-01:59:52 Sangat Panik
-02:01:28 Kobo Capek Mau Turu (End Playing PvZ)
-02:02:14 Kobo Minta Maaf Kalau Ada Salah Kata
-02:02:56 Kobo Sudah Puas Menginjak Injak Dimas
-02:03:50 Donation Reading
-02:11:10 Pury Indonesia Solid 😂
-02:17:34 Boboiboy Kuase E E Q
-02:25:00 Kalian Kok Suka Banget Sama E E sih?
-02:27:56 Hanya Kobo Yang Manis
-02:29:00 Mami Kobo Juga Nonton 😅
-02:30:37 Ini Sebenarny bukan Kobo Tapi Mami
-02:30:49 Makin Kesini Malah Makin Kesana
-02:31:33 Teori Kob0logy
-02:33:11 Kobo Sedang Dalam Mode Ceplas Ceplos
-02:34:39 M Chan Masih Memantau
Thx bro
Seperti biasa speeeeeeeed
Thank You 👍
Thank you!
Beliau ini fesheng gimang
식물의 여왕 코보🌊👑 결국 많은 좀비를 학살하는데..... 식물의 여왕 코보는 파트3도 해줄것 인가....
식물의 여왕 코보sama!😝 오늘 식물 제군들로 좀비를 학살하시는게 유쾌하고 남다르시군요! 파트3를 위해 전력을 아껴둡시다!
다음 전투를 위해 힘을 아껴두시고 다음 전투를 기대하겠습니다 코보sama..! (Otsukaeru! ☔️💙💙)
peaknya trending 24 kmrn 👍
Welcome back maou sama, makasih m chan atas kerja kerasnya
Terima kasih atas stream hari bo💙💙
OtsuKaeru~ Terimakasih streamnya Kobo, hari ini viewersnya mentok sampe 18k. Ditunggu Fauna vs Ollie prat 3 nya.
Flora woy,,fauna mah binatang
Live nya kemaleman dah pada tidur
Flora bang kan tanaman
@@banejordan812 soalnya yg namanya Fauna itu tema charanya Tumbuhan bro wkwkwk
It feels good to be back, baby!
Congrats videonya trending koboo~
You've made lots of progress today, thank you for the amazing PvZ gameplay Kobo!!
Kobo unlocked many new plants and the new shop and even got the twin sunflower!!
Thank you for the fun Zombie Vs Plants stream, Kobo-chan!
Yeayyyyy TRENDING lagi yaa guys yaa⛲
Ever since hololive EN I'm waiting for someone to play BTD6 on stream. Plants vs zombies is one step away from that. Niceu Kobo (:
Cieeee² trendingg lagii
Omedetou kobo chann
I always love you and support you
Hari Hari Trending ya boo , cepet bgt 500k sub , TBL TBL Makin banyak cebokerz beraliansi dengan kobokerz
Kobos army increases in numbers.
It is only a matter of time till they conquer the rest of the world.
Thanks for the stream Kobo!
Yeah Otsukaeru~☔💙
Welcome back Maou-sama 🙏☔☔
SHEESHH 🥶 Kamu trending #26 sekarang Kobo dan 9 ribu lagi kamu 500 ribu subscriber. Keren kamu Kobo 👏
Mantap kobo, absen 10k lagi menuju 500k sub ~
Hayolohh Kobo dikit lagi 500K
Yeeyy Chanel Kobo balik lagi
OTSU!!! 💙☔
Good work on some of the levels. It was certainly an engaging stream watching you handle those zombies and so on. Thanks for the stream, Kobo.
Mantap trending lagi Kobo
OtsuKaero~ terimkaaih untuk streamnya
sankyu streamnya kobo ☔
Ntapss Trending lagi YgY 👍👍
Mantap kobo trending #34 letsgoo
Yok bisa yok 500k
Oiya sama selamat TRENDING LAGII
Selamat datang Kobokerz baruu
Kobo : kenapa kalian bahas eeq terus sih?
"Penonton menggambarkan streamernya" adalah benar
wkwkw padahal dia terus yg ngebahas
Thanks for the playthrough. Hope you do part 3 of fighting the foggy night pool. The quick tip I can give you for facing the fog is to always have scaredy shroom with you at all times to know where the zombie is hiding by seeing him shoot. He cost only 25 sun which is not bad. Plant him far back is more safe since he is scared when zombies are close or around him from the other row. Be sure to upgrade the lawn mower to be able to mow through the water against zombies. Be careful there. You are more than halfway there. Cheers from the metal drummer and a pvz expert. Also I hope you will continue pvz playthrough since there’s mini games and survival to earn some more prizes including some mini levels like Vasebreakers and I zombie. I would also hope you would go through the adventures again which will be very different which involves extra flags or waves of zombie in each levels and the game chooses 3 plants for you. There is an achievement for that too.
Otsu Kobo,seru banget main Plant VS Zombienya,GG Gimang !!
Masuk trending lagii🔥
Panjang umur perjuangan untuk para cebokerz!!
Trending 34 digaming, selamat kobo👏👏☔
Kipli, beni dkk pembawa berkah dan bisa bikin trending
Bokobokobo Otsukobo 🙌🏻
Yey bisa trending juga nih mantap kobo
Otsukobo terimakasih buat streamnya Kobo
Sudah kuduga pasti trending lagi
GG gimank kamu ,Kobo trending bisa untuk game
Widih dah balik akun nya. Kerenn
welcome backkkkkkk
500k omedetou
Syukuran channel kobokan balik
1 "kecepatannya ubah 1,5x agar kobo terlihat pro player pvz"
OtsuKobokan~ thanks for the PvZ stream kobo! Its fun to see someone playing this game again
Thank you stream nya kobo! GG gimang 👏👏
Mudah²an bisa tranding lagi kaya kemaren 😤
otsucebok~ thankyou for stream today kobo ..
Thanks for Kobo karena mau main game nostalgia ini
Sekarang sudah 488k aja subscribenya, mungkin minggu ini bakalan sampe 500k, semangat kobo.... Baru 1 bulan lebih udah mau 500k aja subscribenya gimana kalo dah 2 atau 3 bulan ya, mungkin 1jt kali ya.
Sekarang dah mau 600k
Skrg dh 2jt
Skrg 2.12M
Sekarang 2.17 M
Otw trending ygy
Selamat Kobo, kamu 3 kali masuk trending Game
mantap kobo, trending lagi
Trending lagi dong.
Emang best lah Kobo
Kipli pala tiga + api unggun op kak Kobo
Tapi mahal si Kipli pala 3, mesti farming dlu
otw Kobo thx for stream!
Gile subs ny Speed.. GG kalian kobokerz dan Cebokerz
Kan trending lagi, aku jadi bangga sama kamu kobo 😁👍
Otw On Trending lgi nih...
Trending lagi GG gimang. Pas live stream ini ketiduran sih jadi sekarang titip absen sambil nonton archive-nya. Selamat udah 500k subscriber kobo 👍
Baru balik dari banned masih tetap trending dong wkwkkwwkks
Hari hari meng-trending😎
Wah trending lagi Kobo~
Thank you streamnya kobo, ditunggu part 3 nya~
Otsukaeru~ Thanks for the stream Kobo!!
trending lagi nih si kobo... mantapppp
8k lagi 500k yuk bisa yuk malem ini tembusin, biar anime ini membuat kejutan buat kita hayukkkk
Menuju 500k oke
Ayo bisa 8k lagi 500k subs
Dikit lagi 500k subs, semangat semua
Gg kobo Trending lagi.. Pasti mama&papa mu bangga
Trending guys, mantap kalian semua
Welcome back kobo Chan:D 💙💙
congrats trending again
Trending lagi dong, ngeri kali ni Kobo
otsukaresamadeshita~ stang.. iie maou-sama yo~
Mantap trending 25 👏☔☔☔
Melepas kangen dengan Kobo😊
Gg kobo kamu trending lagi
Otsukaeru ~, trending lagi ini untuk game
Kak kakak lucu aku subscribe ah
Thank you for another entertaining stream
Hope your stomach get better and ready to kick zombie ass again later
See you next stream
Kobo semangattt sebentar lgi 500k
Baru cek stream lagi, dan ternyata namaku dipake dong wkwkk Jadi begini rasanya disebut sama anime 😌
Apakah kamu puas Fahrul, aku iri dan dengki padamu!
@@Luxchya Ehek~
Wah wah ihhh
Hadir sep
Stream ini semper nyampe trending 24 digaming next stream naik lagi bisa yuk👏👏
OTSUKAERU!! Makasih streamnya kobo. Semalem gw liat viewersnya sampe 18k, sangat gg gimank. Ditunggu prat 3 nya wkwkkwwk
Thank you for this entertaining stream, Kobo! It was a delight to watch part two of Plants vs Zombies! Diving into the third stage had us on the edge of our seats as new undead intruders came into our backyard pool! The difficulty of the levels rose with further progress but you would also recruit more garden warriors to join you in the fight! Even Crazy Dave opened up his shop for you to purchase an assortment of useful goods! Those double sunflowers helped us out greatly in completing that part of the game! Another fruitful episode! Nicely done! For tomorrow, we’re looking forward to the HoloID DBD collab! Both your genmates and senpais will be there! Can’t wait! OtsuKaeru! ☔️❤️
Anjaii gg gimank , 2 kali trend main tanaman doang 🤣