quick question, is the max you can have is 999, or can you have as many as you want. and same with gems, my goal is to get 1.5 million gems before i open everything when it is needed in events to be like top 3 in events? and should i go the ant ace week or the other week, im queen 20 but i have 5 farms, 5, 8, and 3 15's and is there a maximum you can have of each item?
quick question, is the max you can have is 999, or can you have as many as you want. and same with gems, my goal is to get 1.5 million gems before i open everything when it is needed in events to be like top 3 in events? and should i go the ant ace week or the other week, im queen 20 but i have 5 farms, 5, 8, and 3 15's
and is there a maximum you can have of each item?
4 of them in state 1