S3 EP8: Surviving Survivorland: the Institutional Child Abuse Movement in Ireland, Canada and the US

  • Опубликовано: 30 апр 2022
  • Let's talk about Survivors of Institutional Child Abuse on a global scale. Sometimes its imperative to scroll it back to comprehend the scope of the entire cake we're cut from.
    Historically institutionalized communities are calling upon the international community to activate and assist them in moving their advocacy forward.
    This week is #MMIWAwareness and the root of the rot of institutional youth abuse in the USA and Canada were the "residential schools" for the Indigenous. There is so much valuable insight to glean from how Survivors have pushed for reform, redress and reconciliation. But as we continue to benefit from Indigenous cultures, we must likewise center, elevate and amplify their voices as we move forward with any action items or advocacy in/on Turtle Island. As the rising toll of indigenous children confirmed stolen by the Church and State's institutional atrocities surpasses 10,000 in Canada, we implore you to jump on hashtags like #everychildmatters and help to proactively expand the visibility of these Survivors and Advocates. With that in mind, please follow and support one of our favorite Nonprofits in Canada, led by an MMIW Survivor and Second Generation Residential School Survivors @ChildrenFirstSociety on all socials and activate via their website: childrenfirstsociety.wixsite....
    In Ireland there are over 9,000 children confirmed killed by the Church and State in their residential homes including the Mother and Baby Homes. Please join the Survivors and Advocates via #motherandbabyhomes. If you're particularly interested in the institutional targeting of Irish Travellers in Ireland definitely support best selling author of "The Tinker Menace" Laura Angela Collins. You can support Travellers and other Nomadic Communities in the EU/UK via #WeRoamWithYou and #StopTravellerHate
    With everything we have to learn from the successes in these communities, as well as the obstacles they face, our hope is that we can apply this knowledge to our own quest for justice while also becoming more accessible, inclusive, diverse and accountable. We haven't used the hashtag #breakingcodesilence in a while but since we bring it up, we may as well include it here. We have to expand and round out our table of leadership, access and visibility so that all Survivors can see themselves represented whether they be from wilderness therapy, conversion therapy, religious boarding schools, or any Tough Love flavor of the so-called Troubled Teen Industry. And we must recognize when we individually or collectively DARVO ourselves and the community by deflecting the trauma we deny in ourselves and projecting it outward.
    Checkout "Take Back Your Life Recovery" by Dr. Janja Lalich, next deprogramming series for Survivors of High Control Groups starts in May: www.tbylr.com/
    We hope you will join us as we move forward into this next stage of our crucible, and we are incredibly grateful to everyone who has supported us thus far. Follow us @TalkTroubled everywhere, visit our website www.talktroubled.org and rate/review us on iTunes/Spotify/Facebook.

Комментарии • 4

  • @sarahcouture24
    @sarahcouture24 2 года назад +1

    Wow that’s so awesome how much work you have done for children, for animals, for the powerless and voiceless. It takes a very strong and dedicated heart to do that. Damn! So many people would rather not subject themselves to the ugly truth of things, it bums them out, so they choose not to think of such tragic things and avoid it… but ignorance is only bliss for the ignorant, and the suffering end up not getting any help when folks are not willing to face the horrors of this world. Thank you so much for doing what you do. I Fucking admire you! 🤩💜😻👏🙏🏻you are amazing!

  • @sarahcouture24
    @sarahcouture24 2 года назад +2

    Hahaha 🤣 everything I say is a trigger warning lol you’re cracking me up girl. Keep it real 😎

  • @sarahcouture24
    @sarahcouture24 2 года назад +1

    WOW ! You mean I’m not the only dirt poor survivor who lives in a motorhome and pumps water from the creek to shower and do dishes, or who cooks food bank cans over a fire or propane flame? You mean there are other survivors out there who simply cannot conform to social norms at all? You mean, it’s not just me who has major difficulties with interpersonal relationships and keeping friends? Well… i didn’t know it was a common thing with us…. I feel less alone and weird now. Gracias! 🤓

  • @sarahcouture24
    @sarahcouture24 2 года назад

    Omg 😆 shut the f up! you can’t have an opinion unless it’s my opinion! lol girl you are killing me! I’m rolling 🤣