How should muslims react to burning of the Quran? - assim al hakeem

  • Опубликовано: 21 сен 2024

Комментарии • 640

  • @Luko_3578
    @Luko_3578 Год назад +341

    As a Christian it is truly upsetting to see this. May peace be upon all of you my respected brothers and sisters 💙💙

  • @sweetcheeks11
    @sweetcheeks11 Год назад +106

    I was angry at first and thought there should be consequences for what happened, but I realized it is sufficient to protest with my wallet and increase my knowledge and dawah. "Truth stands out clear from error" - Surah Al-Baqara verse 256

    • @7625e
      @7625e Год назад

      Khalaas. Increase my knowledge and dawah. Perfect mentality

    • @dresdi
      @dresdi Год назад

      protest with your faith, believe in Allah and the last day even if the whole world is against you.

    • @st0n3p0ny
      @st0n3p0ny Год назад

      ​@@dresdiand be sure to use infidel technology to tell people about it.

    • @xeedsenterprise505
      @xeedsenterprise505 Год назад

      Yes...the quran is for the mankind guidance...they burn the quran so they dont want to be guided. Many muslims are also ignorance of the quran. Al Furqan 30

    • @evangaltier1761
      @evangaltier1761 Год назад

      So do you think the Swedish government allowing the freedom to do whatever you want to a book you own is worse than the Chinese who have destroyed many mosques, including the largest in China very recently? Or is Sweden a softer target?

  • @Tamer55361
    @Tamer55361 Год назад +166

    Aaaah I love his teachings so much, strict and to the point but never fails to make you laugh either and he ALWAYS refers to either qur'an or sunnah. Jazakallah khair sheikh

    • @excelsior31107
      @excelsior31107 Год назад

      Muslims today are strict but weak and not as strict and harsh in the time of Muhammad when they still had the power in the military and inspired his men to war with the basest of motives, using captured loot, sex and a gluttonous paradise as incentives. He beheaded captives, enslaved children and raped women captured in battle. As Allah says in the Quran (48:29):
      “Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. And those with him are hard (ruthless) against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves"
      What the Muslims did in the past has a lot in common with the Vikings. Muhammad directed Muslims to wage war on other religions and bring them into submission to Islam. Humiliating and hurting non-believers not only has the blessing of Allah, but it is ordered as a means of carrying out his punishment and even "heals" the hearts of Muslims.
      Quran (9:14) - "Fight against them so that Allah will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give you victory over them and heal the breasts of a believing people."
      Within the first few decades following his death, his Arabian companions invaded and conquered Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and Zoroastrian lands. A mere 25 years after Muhammad's death, Muslim armies had captured land and people within the modern borders of over 28 countries outside of Saudi Arabia. Muslims continued their Jihad against other religions for 1400 years.
      Quran (9:29) - "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."
      “People of the Book" refers to Christians and Jews. According to this verse, they are to be violently subjugated, with the sole justification being their religious status. Verse (9:33) tells Muslims that Allah has instructed them to make Islam "superior over all religions."
      That chapter of the Quran was one of the final revelations from Allah and it set in motion the tenacious military expansion, in which Muhammad's companions managed to conquer two-thirds of the Christian world in the next 100 years. Islam is intended to dominate all other people and faiths. To this day, not a week goes by that Islamic terrorists do not attempt to kill Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists explicitly in the name of Allah. In fact, they have already carried out more than 43747 deadly terror attacks around the world in the name of Allah since 9/11 attack in 2001.
      In the case of Muhammad, the number of people he attacked and killed was actually too great for historians to fully know. Indirectly, Muhammad is the one who is actually responsible for the millions of people who have been slaughtered over the centuries by Muslims who continued their legacy of Jihad. According to the Quran, Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter. Muhammad was not only a murderer, he was truly one of the bloodiest figures in history. Most of the majority of Muslims still survive to this day because Islam is the only religion in the world that is allowed to lie which is usually to advance Islam and must in certain circumstances the most famous is Taqiyyah. One of the examples you are witnessing right now. In some other cases to gain the trust of non-Muslims and then defeat them. And to maintain their membership as the true religion of all religions is to officially threaten to kill anyone who leaves it. This is according to the example set by Muhammad.

  • @Fad31800
    @Fad31800 Год назад +92

    They Can Burn All The Quran in the World but we can still write it Again because its in our Heart❤

    • @jadenalmeida8592
      @jadenalmeida8592 Год назад +9

      After you finish writing it please sent it to Sweden to be burnt

    • @adasaja157
      @adasaja157 Год назад

      In Realistic way, they cannot

    • @hornerfarah2282
      @hornerfarah2282 Год назад +10

      ​@@jadenalmeida8592you know what I think we should make the Qur'an more expensive in Sweden so that you have to be buy price every time you burn it.

    • @jadenalmeida8592
      @jadenalmeida8592 Год назад +1

      @@hornerfarah2282 what you mean by buy price. I think that rasmus paludan guy is pretty wealthy i think the people who are poorer in Sweden are the muslims so even if the price of the Qur'an was increased the Qur'an burners would only buy it not the muslims

    • @hornerfarah2282
      @hornerfarah2282 Год назад +6

      @@jadenalmeida8592 and who is going to benefit from that? I mean you just help the people who copy the Qur'an by buying it constantly. In the end he would realise how silly his Act was.

  • @emirddlbj
    @emirddlbj Год назад +78

    "...but demonstrations, burning, destroying... that is not from Islam..." Such a strong message at the end from the Shaikh. Even in such a difficult topic, he promoted those values. Elhamdulillah and MashaAllah! Hope many will take a message from this.

    • @pushparajkudaw2551
      @pushparajkudaw2551 Год назад

      Hola Ukraine you don't no to finish your papa country Islam is supported Russia ok

    • @brotherjaafar2861
      @brotherjaafar2861 Год назад

      This shaikh follows the salafi sect other sects or movements have different views

    • @derkaiser7968
      @derkaiser7968 Год назад +1

      So easy to say whenever any muslim do anything bad you can always sooth yourself by saying ''they are not real muslims'', even if every muslim in the area does burn, destroy and hurt people. Just sounds hypocritical to me.

    • @brotherjaafar2861
      @brotherjaafar2861 Год назад +2

      @derkaiser7968 let's do it this way if your from Indonesia and a random Indonesian guy killed someone in another country, is it logical to blame all Indonesians or just that person ?

    • @WTBASP6500
      @WTBASP6500 Год назад +3

      ​@@derkaiser7968can you please read the reply above mine

  • @user-ct4qx6go4m
    @user-ct4qx6go4m Год назад +42

    I don't like the burnings but I love his attitude about it. Really shows how good of a person he is. Allahumma barik

    • @REBECCA12341
      @REBECCA12341 Год назад +3

      Jesus was not killed nor jesus was crucified

    • @shabahfarook7527
      @shabahfarook7527 Год назад

      What the fuk does this mean fam?

    • @Zual-Kifl
      @Zual-Kifl 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@REBECCA12341 Yes we know, that's why we are muslims.

  • @dmskaoakwk
    @dmskaoakwk Год назад +62

    I start reading the Quran translation after the burning incident. It took me 5 months to finish reading it. I haven’t read the Quran for many years. Alhamdulillah Allah guides me, now I’m a practicing Muslim and I lost my depression too. Seriously sooo peaceful!
    Those Quran burners just make the Quran a famous book! Hahaha

    • @mizzboomorris3276
      @mizzboomorris3276 Год назад +3

      I Agree With you. But I am A 'Western Muslim', And it hurt me so incredibly much When this happened. Like a piece of my own Skin Was getting burned. It hurt so much. As in 'our houses We don't Even Get so much as finger smudge on this book of God. I'm a peaceful person, but I Would still like to know 'the truth behind it all', so that 'certain 'person's', know that it is not on , and that they cannot put any Racism to culture About.

    • @Hey_MkT
      @Hey_MkT Год назад +4

      @@mizzboomorris3276 Stay strong brother. They're just jealous of our beautiful religion. They're trying to make us sad, angry, annoyed by provocating us, and then using that against us. It's very disgusting, indeed, but Allah swt knows best. We'll always be here no matter what happens. Jazakallah Khair ❤

  • @khadijafatima9240
    @khadijafatima9240 Год назад +53

    May Allah protect us from every evils of people, May Allah make a way out of our difficulties with khair o afiyat & shower his mercy upon us 🤲

    • @dickchambes3514
      @dickchambes3514 Год назад

      May freedom of speech protect the burning

    • @hameedkatoor7469
      @hameedkatoor7469 Год назад +1


    • @moosadiamond
      @moosadiamond Год назад +1

      Amin ya rabul Alamin

    • @matsjonsson9492
      @matsjonsson9492 Год назад

      Does your god protect you from muslims who kill other muslims just because they're
      the "wrong" kind of muslims?
      Doesn't seem like he does.
      A never ending Islamic Civil War.

  • @ahsanejoyo
    @ahsanejoyo Год назад +94

    Subhanallah very beautiful response as always sheikh. May Allah SWT reward you ❤

  • @mokhachoka2918
    @mokhachoka2918 Год назад +46

    If you see these quran burning stunts and feel hurt and upset and angry, my brothers and sisters in Islam, say alhamdulillah, as nothing happens without Allah's knowledge and wisdom. Have sabr and see this energy as a blessing, and use that energy to please Allah. Donate to the production of qurans, give money to your local dawah organisations, work on improving yourself, your family and your Muslim Community. The more hate that is given towards to Islam, the more energy is giving to it and it only strengthens Islam. Allah mentions many verses like this if you read the quran I. E. Allah is the best of planners, they try to remove the light of Islam but Allah continues to perfect it even though they hate it. It's normal to feel angry and upset, but use that energy for the sake of your religion

  • @sharifft9471
    @sharifft9471 Год назад +55

    A very wise advice. Jazakallahukhairan, Sheikh.

    • @JimHarris-g7p
      @JimHarris-g7p Год назад

      you think 9/11 was a false flag?

    • @mightyhadi6132
      @mightyhadi6132 Год назад

      @@JimHarris-g7p No it's not. deviant Muslim did it. Yes it was misguided Muslim who did it but deviant and twisted sect group (Al Qaeda that all members where inspired from "Sufi muslim brotherhood " group . This group had been forbid exist even before the attack on 9/11 in Saudi. But the Saudi Intelligent failed to track them because the group it self build their kingdom on Afghanistan which is backed by US it self. So it's a mixed of both twisted misguided deviant + US indirect proxy armies against Russia in Afghanistan.

  • @rasheedaali8004
    @rasheedaali8004 Год назад +37

    The best of us are those whom follow the Sunnah.

    • @Ox1326
      @Ox1326 Год назад

      Yes, the sunnah of Allah 😀

    • @thenightcorereaper
      @thenightcorereaper Год назад +4

      @@Ox1326 *of the prophet, since when did we see Allah pray or fast? astagfurallah i shudder from even typing this.

    • @ajmalabidin1307
      @ajmalabidin1307 Год назад +1

      ​@@thenightcorereaper Sunnah of Allah means the way of Allah. The phrase is straight from the Quran, read it, my brother. Here's an example:
      Al-Fath 48:23
      [This is] the established way of Allāh which has occurred before. And never will you find in the way of Allāh any change.
      Read the Arabic

    • @Celestial_Warrior
      @Celestial_Warrior Год назад

      ​@@ajmalabidin1307brother sunnah is of prophet, way of life he gave as example. What allah gave are orders I think u misunderstood it a bit. Brother quran is above mortal books wher words mean literally. U gotta get the deeper meaning to realize it. I say U read a book which explains the verses of quran Or ask a scholar

  • @HectorDomino.
    @HectorDomino. Год назад +11

    He is truly a man of knowledge. May The Almighty Allah make him successful in this world and the next. Ameen.

  • @shahnazpatil1930
    @shahnazpatil1930 Год назад +12

    Masha Allah, so well spoken and the fact remains that no living being has the ability to turn down the words of holy book quran instead as told by sheikh there will arouse eagerness to know more about it and thus after reading it, mankind will be automatically be benefitted,as said by Allah (subhan wa tala) in quran ,with patience comes great reward.

  • @OmarAbdulMalikDHEdMPASPACPAPro
    @OmarAbdulMalikDHEdMPASPACPAPro Год назад +5

    Assalamualaikum dear Muslims! Greetings from the U.S. I found this advice to be very helpful, alhamduliLah! Jazakh'AllahKhair for sharing this with us!❤️☝🏽📖

  • @vrk1131
    @vrk1131 Год назад +20

    what a wise opinion. this is why I like Sheikh Assimalhakeem so much. May Allah SWT bless him, and all of us. And my dear brothers and sisters, please dua for me and my family. May Allah SWT protect us all. Subhanallah.

    • @Jinkazama123
      @Jinkazama123 Год назад

      His opinion is against Qur'an and sunnah I don't understand that how much low iq the majority have
      According to Qur'an what they are saying is totally absurd
      But this is true for soft muslims that doesn't have knowledge of Qur'an and hadees
      And they think Islam =peace

  • @faiqmindeel7695
    @faiqmindeel7695 Год назад +4

    جزاك الله خير الجزاء شيخنا الفاضل وجعله في ميزان حسناتك إن شاء الله

  • @drabdullahkhan228
    @drabdullahkhan228 Год назад +3

    May ALLAH Subhan o Taalah bless the Muslim Ummah and Guide us to the right path of Islam and prosperity AMEEN Ya RABB UL ALIMEEN

  • @baborsregime9922
    @baborsregime9922 Год назад +7

    I love this lecture. Alhamdulillah

  • @RFK_71
    @RFK_71 Год назад +4

    Insha Allah, our religion will prevail regardless of the intent of the haters. Alhumdililah…

  • @ylley
    @ylley Год назад +18

    "Excuse my french" 😂
    MashaAllah tabarakAllah

    • @zeekubaid4701
      @zeekubaid4701 Год назад +1

      Bro he says kiss my *** is this appropriate to say this....

    • @HusXX
      @HusXX Год назад +1

      @@zeekubaid4701 He said ''excuse''. Are you deaf?

    • @boredresort
      @boredresort Год назад

      ​@@zeekubaid4701no that is not, he said "he wants to kiss ***" which means that he wants to suck up to those people pretending to be from them. It is not good to say such things

    • @theanarchist4312
      @theanarchist4312 Год назад

      He just said donkey

  • @tibzig1
    @tibzig1 Год назад +5

    Excellent and wonderful advice sir! I have always advocated this method. By acting out, screaming and engaging in violence we only bring disrepute to our cause and Islam. This is especially true when it comes to those who are not familiar with Islam and believe all the propaganda that Western media dishes out. I had a Baptist Christian once confront me in college (he knew from my name that I was a Muslim) and yelled, "You are all sinners and are going to hell. You will not be saved!" I just smiled and walked away. The next day all of my classmates, many of them whites and Christians, told me that nobody appreciated what he had done, and everyone was embarrassed because of his behavior. I knew that this person wanted me to "engage" him in some pseudointellectual debate, but I did not take the bait.

    • @matsjonsson9492
      @matsjonsson9492 Год назад

      And, yet, people have been murdered and beheaded over cartoons.

    • @tibzig1
      @tibzig1 Год назад

      @@matsjonsson9492 And millions have been murdered over empire-making wars of the West, all initiated under false pretenses. "Weapons of mass destruction." Real Reason: OIL.

  • @geographynatureandwildatit6067
    @geographynatureandwildatit6067 Год назад +1

    Jazakumulahu khairan fih duniyah wal'akhiro yah sheikh

  • @stefka9156
    @stefka9156 Год назад +2

    I can tell you how I reacted: I bought 10 Qurans and I gifted them

  • @D-M-W
    @D-M-W Год назад +1

    I being Christian stand by my Moslem Brothers and Sisters and support Islam and the Quran which is the Message of Allah. No one no one no one has the right to abuse Moslems and if any one does so then Legal Law and Order must be immediately activated. Who gave them the right to Insult Islam ??? Who are these Western 👹👹👹 ??? Allah will not let you escape mind that. Allah is divine so dont play around with Islamic Sentiments.
    Look what happened in Africa just now. So Islam will fight this curse in prayers and love and respect to all Islamic nations and my brothers and sisters.
    I feel ashamed of this injustice and inhuman behaviour. Stay strong the Saviour ks coming. ❤❤❤

  • @guitarman6526
    @guitarman6526 Год назад +7

    I'm sorry to say this, but sheikh have a sane mind and he referring most of hadist, al-Quran and Islamic scholar compare to most Muslim nowadays

  • @carlosminjarez9050
    @carlosminjarez9050 Год назад +2

    Alhamdulillah, I hope now many muslims have a good see in Manhaj Salafiyyah, you can see Salafi is not the wrong that many muslims (for ignorance) things about that Manhaj, is just follow Rasulullah SAW and Sahabat and Tabi'in and Atba'at-tabi'in...

  • @hamidzidane4933
    @hamidzidane4933 Год назад +2

    Logic agreeable opinion you are absolute 100% right.

  • @adambui7935
    @adambui7935 Год назад +2

    What should muslims do in this situation it is simple. Go the masjid and pray your salat on time and seat down and start reading your Quran. After that go back to your work and continue your day as normal

  • @QueenAleenaFan
    @QueenAleenaFan Год назад +1

    Burning religious texts is protected speech, as believers we must accept that nonbelievers may act in offensive ways.

  • @neeluk5995
    @neeluk5995 Год назад +2

    What if we muslims already living in sweden and need to buy those products in compulsion.
    Jazak Allah khair for your peaceful advice on how we as a muslim should react on this situation.

    • @theanarchist4312
      @theanarchist4312 Год назад

      I think if governments were to carry out boycotts, then it would work. If some countries were to stop importing Swedish products then there will be an obvious gap in the lack of profits.
      But imo you should try as best as you can if and where possible.

  • @subrinmukhia5080
    @subrinmukhia5080 Год назад +8

    To be honest I'm an atheist but what you said I totally agree with you. 👍👍

    • @berealinthisfakeworld1270
      @berealinthisfakeworld1270 Год назад

      Demonstration are prohibited in islam people react emotionally than what islam teaches us...

    • @matsjonsson9492
      @matsjonsson9492 Год назад

      Then, control your emotions,
      don't let your emotions control you. People have been murdered and beheaded over cartoons.

    • @berealinthisfakeworld1270
      @berealinthisfakeworld1270 Год назад

      @@matsjonsson9492 Don't worry about me get a life and have so bussiness to support your family

    • @matsjonsson9492
      @matsjonsson9492 Год назад

      I´m retired and done working. If I didn´t have to provide for MENA - freeloaders my pension would
      be much better. But it´s still good enough so I can have a comfortable retirement, ´cause you see,
      I´m one of the net-payers in Sweden and that´s more than can be said about
      hundreds of thousands of MENA immigrants.

    • @matsjonsson9492
      @matsjonsson9492 Год назад

      I couldn´t care less about you.
      What I´m worried about is my children´s and grandchildren´s future - especially the girls,
      due to the influx of islam. Misogyny on steroids, amongst other islamic habits.
      We´ve already had two islamist-motivated terror attacks in Sweden. 2010 and 2017.
      Now, since a bunch of easily triggered islamic fundamentalists are offended and going
      absolutely bonkers over a book, the threath level is up - again.
      Now we´re not only a "legitimate target" for islamic terrorists, we´re a "prioritized target"
      Never mind that we´ve taken in hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the Middle East,
      given them a safe haven and provided for them.
      Before ISIS was kicked out of Mosul they looted and torched the University Library,
      one of the finest in the Middle East.
      Thousands of books and manuscripts was destroyed. Their most valuable acquisition
      was a 9:th century Quran - now it´s gone. Where was the outrage after THAT?
      But, when an iraqi refugee lights up a couple of pages from a copy you can buy in just
      about every bookstore, all hell breaks loose. You sure know where your priorities are - don´t you?
      What´s it like to always play the victims and living with self-pity as a virtue?

  • @kenanhadziedhemovic6945
    @kenanhadziedhemovic6945 Год назад +1

    they are not gonna harm anyone but themselves

  • @WeWillAllReturnToAllahSoon
    @WeWillAllReturnToAllahSoon Год назад +2

    A good response is that whenever incidents like this happen then we should all make it a habit to gather in crowd and recite the holy Quran and translate it to the people in the streets and invite them to guidance, let us take advantage of every situation to guide people to the truth xd

  • @abubakrabdullah6626
    @abubakrabdullah6626 Год назад +1

    جَزاكَ اللهُ خَـيْراً

  • @Mini-14_Attorney_at_Law
    @Mini-14_Attorney_at_Law Год назад +5

    I always thought sheikh Assim looked like he had some ancestry like the bahasa speaking brothers. Funny to find out that he did. Small world for us Muslims al hamdu Lillah.

  • @deeqaNYC-RN
    @deeqaNYC-RN Год назад +2

    Mansha Allah well said ❤❤

  • @rabiuIndHood
    @rabiuIndHood Год назад

    I so much love the way you elaborate this kind of question in fact my heart is so relieved

  • @AbdurRahman-fs1rh
    @AbdurRahman-fs1rh Год назад +3

    Dua for indian muslims.

  • @helper4665
    @helper4665 Год назад +3


  • @maxponsetis1948
    @maxponsetis1948 Год назад

    Wise wise wise man and extremely positive blessigs from France

  • @TahaJaveed
    @TahaJaveed Год назад +2

    If protest is haram
    How to express our discontent with the government?

  • @salhaike754
    @salhaike754 Год назад +5

    Wise man Mr Asim

  • @zabiullahamiry4301
    @zabiullahamiry4301 Год назад

    Mashah Allah my dear brother, very good explanation, may Almighty bless and protect you all the time 💚

  • @MRSyonicBoom
    @MRSyonicBoom Год назад +10

    I try to boycot china because the uyghur are still in hardship but your advise is very good

  • @atlast6530
    @atlast6530 Год назад

    Jzkh.very wise advise. May Allah reward you Amin

  • @fahr.879
    @fahr.879 Год назад +4

    [𝙎𝙚𝙚𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙆𝙣𝙤𝙬𝙡𝙚𝙙𝙜𝙚] Mu’awiyah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: If Allah intends goodness for someone, he gives him understanding of the religion. (Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 71, Muttafaqun Alayhi)

  • @hasan_z
    @hasan_z Год назад +1

    ignoring them is the best thing. we burn old qurans ourselves when they have been used so much they have reached their endlife and need replacing

  • @huzaifabdulganiyu3346
    @huzaifabdulganiyu3346 Год назад +1

    Ma Sha Allah ❤️

  • @elyaaa
    @elyaaa Год назад +1

    Masya Allah, a good start for the day

  • @shaistaijaz2019
    @shaistaijaz2019 Год назад

    SubhanAllah YaAllah ☝️burning Holy Quran they can’t harm the Deen of Allah InShaAllah islam is glorious n it’s the only Deen from Allah ❤

  • @muhammedalimi
    @muhammedalimi Год назад +2

    Barak Allah feek ❤ ❤ ❤

  • @Enigmaafk
    @Enigmaafk Год назад +1

    اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَ رَحْمَةُ الله وَ بَرَكَاتُه

  • @kamranshaikh2378
    @kamranshaikh2378 Год назад +2

    Excellent Sheikh ❤

  • @stefang.5732
    @stefang.5732 Год назад

    What a wise and fun man 👍 Glad i found this.

  • @MAyaan-by6wu
    @MAyaan-by6wu Год назад

    Finally I got a best answer regarding this . Dawah is best solution against haters

  • @reliancelogistics8232
    @reliancelogistics8232 Год назад

    Absolutely wonderful advice from our wise and learned shaeikh .
    The solution is simple the muslim world to boycot all swedish products and bring them dowm economlcally, period .
    You will see the resilts with no time.
    My request to my leaned Sheikh is to give this advice to OIC

  • @mohammadfareed6347
    @mohammadfareed6347 Год назад +1

    Masha Allah

  • @Abdullah-bd2bg
    @Abdullah-bd2bg Год назад +2

    The shaikh is saying protesting is Haram. Then how will you explain the Hadid that says the greatest jihad is to speak against tyrant ruler.

  • @aliyangco8178
    @aliyangco8178 Год назад

    MashaAllah sheikh❤️🔥

  • @Kabir-cs4zd
    @Kabir-cs4zd Год назад

    Subhan Allah, this is beaty of islam. ❤❤❤❤

  • @smooth2477
    @smooth2477 Год назад +4

    He is 💯 percent right. Demonstrations don’t do anything cause end of the day everyone goes back to their regular lives. If you want to hurt anyone just boycott their products and they will be on their knees quick

  • @zakariasuraka7946
    @zakariasuraka7946 Год назад +1

    Ma sha Allah

  • @thisnameisnotfake517
    @thisnameisnotfake517 Год назад

    I am not muslim but his man understands the universal truth.

  • @mizzboomorris3276
    @mizzboomorris3276 Год назад +2

    I thank 'The Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem', so really much for his very great Wisdom here. His faith and mind in 'Allah', is Amazing, and it it is very moving . In just a very few sentences you can see how this sense in Islam is such a powerful thing, that he can use it to help his people Always to survive. Because.: so many in the World right now, they Get tricked by the darker side into Argument ' hatred , conflict and as a result downfall into chaos . But 'the Sheikh', is too Wise to Ever follow this pathway. The One Who really did this has tried to Use being rude to Islam to try to split certain countries up so that he can Gain a Control more to What he sees as a World Power 'for him'. But Actually he doesn't get this control at all. because the Sheikh is Guided by his true God.
    And Without Conflict or reaction, 'the Control from another Will Get defeated from its intention. The Control Will not come About. totally poor Qadaffi should have Allowed his God to protect him this same Way into a 'Peace' that could not be manipulated or touched. Only Peace he should have followed to save him from the 'Whisperer'. But I truly Appreciate that 'Sheikh Hakeem', has the Guidance to save his own people With such a Good and Peaceful islamic knowledge.

    • @mdazharali4160
      @mdazharali4160 Год назад

      Masha Allah brother correct Sheikh is truly blessed

  • @thai-m3c
    @thai-m3c Год назад

    Reading the Quran and exactly what makes people oppose them. How does he not know this?

  • @J-FLaw
    @J-FLaw Год назад

    Well said Mashallah ❤

  • @queenmai
    @queenmai Год назад +2

    Love this❤❤❤

  • @vannysalafi3530
    @vannysalafi3530 Год назад +1

    The more Kafirs try to burn the Qur'an, the more people are curious to read it and the more Muslims are competing to become memorizers of the Qur'an. Alhamdulillah. 🤲❤

  • @firuzjon2753
    @firuzjon2753 Год назад

    Subhanallah, shout out for Kuwait

  • @AslamBaig-x2c
    @AslamBaig-x2c Год назад +1

    Is sheikh saying that any type of demonstration/peaceful protests are wrong? Or is it particularly in this context that he is saying that? If demonstration/peaceful protests are haram isn't it an obligation to raise our voice when there is injustice. Looking for an answer honestly, if anyone has any references please do share with me.

  • @Life-pl6tn
    @Life-pl6tn Год назад

    They wish to extinguish Allah’s light with their mouths, but Allah will ˹certainly˺ perfect His light, even to the dismay of the disbelievers.
    I remembered this verse of Quran when i see this may Allah guide us all and forgive us all

  • @ugbadomar5881
    @ugbadomar5881 Год назад

    الحمد لله على نعمة الإسلام والقرآن

  • @lazarusxavier1854
    @lazarusxavier1854 Год назад

    As a fellow Christian, it is truly upsetting and shameful to see such heinous acts against a Holy Book of God.
    We have to remember that Jews, Christians, and Muslims all Serve and Pray to The same God.
    The end of The age is Near. We Should repent for our sins and refrain from such heinous and blasphemous acts.

  • @wasiraja1353
    @wasiraja1353 Год назад

    Ma Sha Allah 💖 well explained ❤❤

  • @iba6947
    @iba6947 Год назад +1

    The Quran burning and destroying issue reminds me of the Islamic story of the Elephants. I remember listening to it somewhere on RUclips and there was the scene when the leader called Abraha of the enemy of Islam with his Elephants was on his way to Makkah to destroy the Kaaba and when he arrived almost at the Kaaba Abdul Muttalib came to him. And Abraha thought he is gonna challenge him and fight him bcuz he wanted to destroy the Kaaba but Abdul Muttalib did not approach him to fight or to defend the Kaaba but to tell him to give him back the camels he has stolen from his people. That catched the leader of the army by surprise and Abdul Muttalib kind a explain to him that he came for his and the people's camels to defend but as for the Kaaba it has its own Defender (Allah) (am parafrasing with my own words rn). That's how I see the Quran burning issue here, as much as it hurts to see the Quran treated with such evil acts Allah watches them and H

    • @iba6947
      @iba6947 Год назад +1

      He is the best Defender and the best Planner. We wait for Him to bring justice.

  • @atiquaalam
    @atiquaalam Год назад +3

    A very wise advice Masha Allah

  • @NaseerOmran
    @NaseerOmran Год назад +10

    Asalamu alaikom wr wb, first even if they burned all the Qurans on the planet we have millions of hafiz who know it by heart. Second like Sheikh Yusuf estes once explained muslims themselves burn the Quran when its damaged instead of throwing it in the garbage. Third people with ill intentions thrive on responses and always try to trigger people.

  • @dubaidude7561
    @dubaidude7561 Год назад

    best way to answer

  • @Aiueorif
    @Aiueorif Год назад +1

    MasyaAllah semoga Allah menjagamu Syeikh

  • @taufiqbatu8669
    @taufiqbatu8669 Год назад +2

    Allah Hu Akbar

  • @AfundamentalistMusim
    @AfundamentalistMusim Год назад

    MashAllah ya sheikh

  • @Lghtnthndr
    @Lghtnthndr Год назад

    “But thus shall ye deal with them;
    ye shall destroy their altars,
    and break down their images,
    and cut down their groves,
    and burn their graven images with fire.”
    Deuteronomy 7:5 (KJV)
    So God commands His children.
    Muslims are angry ? Means God's children must obey YOU instead of God ??
    My O my ..

  • @yeager9731
    @yeager9731 Год назад +1


  • @gunerumut6640
    @gunerumut6640 Год назад

    What a problematic view: "Yes If it is going to put me in trouble I will shut up..." O yeah this must be so permissable in Islam!!

  • @tarekcat1
    @tarekcat1 Год назад +1

    he just burned a single quran,but it has been memorized by millions of people

  • @7o7-zoz97
    @7o7-zoz97 Год назад

    If a quranic verse is written on a piece of paper, one of the correct ways to dispose of it is to burn it, not dumped in the bin. So what's the problem?

  • @abdulrhmanba4769
    @abdulrhmanba4769 Год назад

    10000000% jazakallah khira

  • @Yertaiofficial
    @Yertaiofficial Год назад

    Wise man

  • @Era_Of_Awakening
    @Era_Of_Awakening Год назад +1

    I don't mind the radical approach

  • @stavrospaidarakis1452
    @stavrospaidarakis1452 Год назад

    I am an orthodox Christian and i am against everything that disrespects others religion..hate creats only hate

  • @damirage2010
    @damirage2010 Год назад

    I would never have thought this sheikh is indonesian even I'm my dream subhanallah but at the end we are all muslims.

  • @bakihanma4826
    @bakihanma4826 Год назад

    What a wise man

  • @adrianlee248
    @adrianlee248 4 месяца назад

    Protest and demonstrations brings change. It is not haram

  • @poshvibes4021
    @poshvibes4021 Год назад

    What fantastic advise

  • @30yoboomer
    @30yoboomer Год назад

    Almost all swedes find the act of Quran burning dispicable, but we also believe in freedom of speech - and burning the Quran constitutes as a form of expression, which is a form of speech, in the same way as performance art, music and painting is.
    The freedom of press act, where freedom of speech is a part, was implemented in 1766 and isnt something we will just surrender because people boycott IKEA, Spotify or H&M, or stop playing Minecraft. But I dont see why we cant just accept eachothers different cultures, and trade with eachother even if we have different values.
    Sweden have been the most open country in west for muslim refugees, we offer education in arabic (and persian, kurdish, turkish, and so on) for all children with parents speaking these languages, we have very strict anti discrimination laws and give out millions of dollars every year for organizations promoting Islam and other religious and cultural affiliations. We do this because of our belief in a secular state which offers freedom for any cultural and religious expression - and now you are firing on a conflict because you want these removed?
    Luckily, these institutions have extremely strong support in Sweden, but you are playing with fire if you think this is the case in all European countries.

  • @brotherjaafar2861
    @brotherjaafar2861 Год назад

    The guy is Christian Iraqi and actually most Christians are against his actions

    • @SurhamCheese
      @SurhamCheese Год назад

      Coward christians or fake christians

  • @MohedRizwan.
    @MohedRizwan. Год назад

    It's not about attacking or demonstration it's about what prophet said that if you see a bad thing stop itwith your hand if you cannot then say it with your tongue

  • @ambruscsanady1366
    @ambruscsanady1366 Год назад

    Hé dind’t burn the quran to expect any reaction just to teach muslims a lesson it’s that simple.

  • @gogadgetgo3125
    @gogadgetgo3125 Год назад

    Problem of ignoring is as bad as the act itself. You are enabling the act by not communicating that this is unacceptable. Imagine if Every muslim were to ignore every transgression past and present? We would be in much more of a less comfortable state than we are today.
    Yes, riches, ease and comfortability seem to be the real enemies today.