Human Rights in Africa’s Great Lakes Region - Straight Talk Africa

  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024
  • In this edition of Straight Talk Africa, host Shaka Ssali discusses the state of human rights in Africa’s Great Lakes Region. His is guests are Ida Sawyer, Deputy Director for Africa at Human Rights Watch, Claude Gatebuke, Co-founder and Executive Director of the African Great Lakes Action Network and Jean Paul Ruhosha, Executive Director of Congo Today.
    #GreatLakesRegion #DRC #Rwanda #Uganda #Burundi #AfricaHumanRights #HumanRights

Комментарии • 25

  • @dortmoon4860
    @dortmoon4860 4 года назад +15

    I think this idea that Paul Kagame stopped the genocide is the inverse of the truth. He started the genocide and in fact it never ended, because after he conquered the country, he didn’t stop killing Hutu. And within a short time, he went in to start killing Hutu and do other things in the Congo, where vast numbers of Hutu were killed. And he knows who did the killing, that he himself with his forces did most of the killing. But also, the army that was in the Congo, the old Hutu army, was no longer a real force. It had been defeated and these people had been dispersed in the Congo. They did not constitute a real threat to Rwanda. So this claim was really, essentially, a big lie that Kagame was using with the support of the United States to continue attacking in the Congo. I mean you couldn’t say, “I’m going into the Congo to exploit their rich resources.” No, you had to have a better excuse, and so the excuse was that there were these people who had committed planned genocide in Rwanda out there in the Congo and he was going in after them. For 20 years. This is baloney but it’s been very effective. It’s one reason why the ICTR, the tribunal, and the continuous prosecution of Hutu in Rwanda played into Kagame’s hands. He could argue, look, these people are being tried and convicted. These are people who’ve committed genocide and there are some of them out there in the Congo, so I must hunt down these evil criminals. It’s a wonderful propaganda gambit. And it was swallowed in the West and he was not stopped. So we’re dealing here with really mass killing. And yet there’s no tribunal that’s ever been established to try anybody for these crimes that tower over even what happened in Rwanda. Why is that? It’s because he’s a U.S. client and he’s serving U.S. and British interests in this resource rich Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Tutsis were always a minority in Rwanda. During the Hutu rule of Kayibanda and Habyarimana, there were many Tutsi attempts to invade and take power by force. There was no single time when Hutus ordered their army of civilians to butcher Tutsis. Yet in neighboring Burundi where Tutsi minority control the country, since 1960, there have been numerous pogroms of Hutus by ruling Tutsis which have claimed thousands of innocent Hutus. NRA in Uganda ousted Obotes regime and brought Museveni to power. The same tricks were repeated in Rwanda when the same group NRA/RPF invaded Rwanda and overthrew Habyarimanas government and established a Tutsi dominated junta. The Tutsi controlled radio Muhabura was spreading ethnic hatred of Hutus and never received criticism from either the USA or the UK. The Voice of America also set up a special Kinyarwanda Broadcast reporting the Tutsi side of the Rwanda crisis. The game of demonizing Hutus as mass killers was orchestrated at maximum speed by the western media, utilizing reporters and human rights watchers who were censored by USA or UK and had to go through Uganda to reach Rwanda. RPF/NRA had portable radio transmitters which broadcast their messages over the same channels of Hutu radio and spread murderous messages as part of the wider scheme to demonize Hutus. For outside listeners, all that sounded as the work of a highly organized Hutu killing machine. Yet indeed, the Hutus as a people were in total disarray and confusion at that moment in time. This assertion does not deny a fact that Hutus killed Tutsis. However, the organized killing of thousands of innocent civilians was the work of Kagame and Museveni. The greatest majority of the victims were Hutus but not Tutsis as the cabal propagandists want us to believe.

    • @tshibuk9802
      @tshibuk9802 4 года назад +4

      You know what interesting about what you said. The mossad went to South America hunting down all the nazis leaders and those involve in the holocaust. But yet they didn't kill a single innocent civilian. Kagame could have done that if it was his objective. But noo we all know he had a hidden plan.

  • @dortmoon4860
    @dortmoon4860 4 года назад +15

    Why International non-government organizations (NGO’s) have been prohibited by the RPF government to go into these areas and assist these widow-run families to move ahead, and to mend the traditional family nucleus and the social fabric which have been completely shattered??? Families in these areas with a member in the previous government army have been especially targeted and hit the hardest by the RPF. my simple question is this: why has the international community remained blind in the face of such blatant brutalization of human life? From 1990 to 1994, a reported 400,000 people have died in these areas. Who killed them? many extremist RPF members in Kigali and other cities had large caches of weapons in their residences, and had dug up very deep pits in their backyards a few months before the genocide. What was the purpose of these weapons and pits? many RPF youths received extensive fire arms training in the CND parliament building housing the RPF battalion, and at the RPF headquarters in Mulindi. Also, it is no secret that while the ruling MRND party had the Interahamwe militia, the MDR party had the JDR (Democratic Republican Youth) militia, and the PSD party had the Abakombozi militia, the RPF had a youth militia of its own that inflicted as much damage as the other militias. An independent inquiry of these facts is needed, and witnesses are available to testify openly. The killings in Rwanda in 1994 were called genocide. Today, the killings in Darfur are being denounced as genocide. The killings in Zaire from 1996 to 2001, which took the lives of more than 4 million innocent lives, were called just that: killings. Where is the logic? Some of the perpetrators of the Rwandan genocide have been punished, and from all indications the perpetrators of the Darfur genocide will be punished, since the setting up of an International Criminal Tribunal for Darfur is already in the works. That’s all good. But when are we going to have the International Criminal Tribunal for Congo? When will the perpetrators of the Zairian killings be punished? Never mind calling the Zairian killings genocide, can their perpetrators at least be punished? There are countries which do not have a total of 4 million inhabitants. That’s a lot of people to kill and live freely ever after. We all know beyond a doubt that the RPF committed these killings. You, the international community and Paul kagame, can you tell us who you hold responsible for these wholesale massacres? For the same crimes, there must be the same punishments. Contrary to RPF claims, there is no peace in Rwanda. That explains why far too many Rwandans continue to flee overseas and are easily granted asylee or refugee status. How long is the RPF going to use genocide as a pretext to stifle democracy and entrench one of the most predatory dictatorships ever? Political opposition is completely muzzled. How long Hutus and Congolese continue to die a slow death? You, the ICTR, whose original mandate was to reconcile the Rwandan and Congolese people among other things, what is going to be your legacy for Rwanda & DR Congo when your time expires? So the simple question to the United Nations is this: why are the people of Rwanda being so toyed with, persecuted and killed by their own government in this fashion and nothing is being done about it? Finally, what is Presidential Immunity? It seems to mean that someone can kill all the people he or she wants, and not worry about any consequences as long as he or she is president of a given country! We are in the 21st century, and humanity sure can come up with better laws. Paul Kagame is the living Satan of the great lakes. As long as this butcher is free, the dead will continue to demand for Justice.

    • @tshibuk9802
      @tshibuk9802 4 года назад +5

      The goat is speaking facts

    • @tshibuk9802
      @tshibuk9802 4 года назад +5

      International community has remained silence because they benefit from the chaos. International community get over 600-700 billion dollars from Congo. They know very well. Their strengths is in Congo. That why Russia is making a slow move in Congo. Even though they know very well it is a red zone for them.

    • @dortmoon4860
      @dortmoon4860 4 года назад +5

      @@tshibuk9802 Thank you fam, I love debunking the myths of these uneducated clowns who were never born in the Congo or who never went to Mulenge to talk about eastern Congo, it really pissed me off. Tutsis ( who claimed they’re Banyamulenge) They raped congolese women and killed over 8 million congolese, according to numerous Human Rights Watch reports. There are over 250 different tribes and over 400 languages spoken in the Congo. All of them were outraged, affected, and reacted to the massacres perpetrated in the eastern part of the Congo except the Banyamulenge. That speaks for itself.

  • @idoido3963
    @idoido3963 4 года назад +17

    This is a joke, when you have real Congolese on your show, then you could discuss about the DRC.

    • @tshibuk9802
      @tshibuk9802 4 года назад +4

      Not real Congolese. Congolese resistance

    • @worshiptunez
      @worshiptunez 4 года назад

      What makes a real Congolese? Is it the language, morphology, or what? Clearly u don’t know this man, never seen his ID and yet u have the guts to refuse him Congolese nationality. U guys need to re-examine your understanding of who is Congolese.

    • @dortmoon4860
      @dortmoon4860 4 года назад +5

      @@worshiptunez Yes, A language, a tribe, a morphology, etc., this is what defines and makes that the Congolese and all the Congolese have a common ancestry, a common culture, and live in their own independent territories, villages, cities etc., and live in their own enclosed society whereas the “Banyamulenge” are itinerants who originally come from Rwanda and have a Rwandese culture, Rwandese tradition, Rwandese language and different morphology to that of Congolese, therefore claiming to be Congolese is absolutely hypothetical since there is nothing Congolese about them. This illiterate vagrant Ruhosha guy has no identity document or has never been to Mulenge, he is an uncultivated and unconscious secret agent who clearly lies that he was born in Congo without showing us his presence in Mulenge or provide credible evidence that Banyamulenge are brutally terminated by Congolese nor has he ever been to the DR Congo or encouraged his Tutsi brethrens to embody society, the answer is no. All he wants is Western sympathy so that he can archive his objective and exterminate and replace the local Congolese with Tutsi refugees from Rwanda.
      There is no Tutsi in the Congo because all of the progenitors of DR Congo were exclusively Bantus. When Kagame and his Tutsi rebels massacred Congolese, there was not even a small demonstration to support the Congolese victims. It is because Banyamulenge betrayed the Congo by joining Paul Kagame to Invade, plunder and destroy the Congo. Community and tribe are two different things. There is no village, no chiefdom, no authentic Tutsi ancestral territory in the DRC. You have to stop lying. Settling in a village in foreign territory doesn’t make you indigenous. Rutshuru is the territory of Hunde as far as present-day Rwanda. The more videos there are, one of them is thereвидео.html brings evidence so that your information is not considered false.

    • @kivuunitedtv2740
      @kivuunitedtv2740 4 года назад +2

      Dort Moon, you are true child of the Congo. Thanks a lot for being the truth onto the table. There’s no tribe in Congo called “Banyamulenge “. Those are Rwandese Tutsis who have always been loyal to the Rwandan government with their bad intentions as usual to kill and destroy Congolese. He is not even ashamed to say he is Congolese.

  • @machaggechacha3422
    @machaggechacha3422 4 года назад +14

    This is a joke!

    • @hassanijilow6996
      @hassanijilow6996 4 года назад +1

      Me my dotar Sam beboll feri bawa full of Kenya gafament wanafanya gurb feg hosteg wakati tulifata tuli junguza tule elza pasta Ana tumiya hosteg pastar abyuz blz sijuwi kuandika tafadali nime dulimiwa na sirkali ameni yayaza na frek gurub Wana tumiya kanisa hiyo ni hatari kuwa duniya Kenya is the beez abyuusin chald mlz na wa omba Muni saidiye musichana wangu

  • @truth884
    @truth884 4 года назад

    Wow Rwanda!

  • @plantcell3975
    @plantcell3975 4 года назад +2

    Ruhosha, what you saying might be true but stop selling Banyamulenge name for your own interest. You seemed to be look a hero but your intention is money. You work with Rwanda politicians who are actually backing our enemies and you go to news with a difference face.

    • @worshiptunez
      @worshiptunez 4 года назад +1

      Clement Bagaza why would u accuse Rubosha all of that? Do u have evidence to what u say. The man clearly is accusing the Rwandan government and yet u say this. What’s more than accusing RED-TABARA to be behind the killings of Banyamulenge. It’s sponsored by Rwanda. If u accuse one, u are indirectly accusing the other.

    • @plantcell3975
      @plantcell3975 4 года назад +1

      @@worshiptunez watch not just africa talk but other media. Follow his different speeches at different media. There is a big difference between an opportunist and a hero, they might look similar.

    • @successfulman7032
      @successfulman7032 4 года назад


    • @successfulman7032
      @successfulman7032 4 года назад

      Espoir Mdanyuzwe naho se umutima mubi wishyari babona abakoze neza ntibashime bakazana amatiku namazimwe, RUHOSHA COURAGE KANDI NTUKITE KURI BENABA NTIBABURA

  • @kivuunitedtv2740
    @kivuunitedtv2740 4 года назад +1

    Rwanda has been enjoying the killing of innocent Congolese for many decades. Rwanda is about to pay back and Congolese will never forgive you. Your arrogance will soon come to end.

  • @zairecongo4592
    @zairecongo4592 4 года назад

    Common Gatebuke you are against the government of Rwanda but don’t say banyamurenge committed genocide against refugee who came from your country after Tutsi genocide in Rwanda in fact Rwandan government did go after refugees because refugees are believed to be behind Tutsi genocide that took place in 1994 what am saying here is that Rwanda is looking for those who committed genocide

    • @kadogo7712
      @kadogo7712 4 года назад +14

      Shut up if u are devoid of facts

  • @plantcell3975
    @plantcell3975 4 года назад

    We all know that Rwanda is the key player in what is happening to us, but there some banyamulenge such as you who are just after interests.