10시간 거문고 연주 + 풀벌레 소리🎵 / 3분후화면꺼짐 (휴식/명상/힐링/자연/수면유도/불면증치료) Relaxing Music / Stress Relief Music

  • Опубликовано: 15 дек 2024
  • #거문고 #국악 #연주
    #힐링 #휴식 #자연 #명상 #쉼
    #수면음악 #수면유도음악 #잠잘때듣는음악 #잠잘때듣기좋은음악 #잠오는음악
    #Geomungo #Sound #KoreanTraditionalMusic
    #HwaseongFortress #Relaxing #Nature #Meditation
    #SleepMusic #StressReliefMusic #StudyMusic #DeepSleepMusic
    🎶거문고 10시간 (Geomungo 10 hours)
    Geomungo is a Korean traditional string instrument originating from Goguryeo that produces wide octave sounds from low and profound to high.
    It is a musical instrument that is tying six silk threads on a log and plucking it with a wood stick of 'Suldae'.
    The sound is deep, sturdy, and magnificent, so it has been regarded as best instrument that makes you feel your inner beauty.
    배경 사진: unsplash.com/p...

Комментарии • 7