He'll clinch the votes from turkish citizens in foreign countries, who, in a form of sadism, like to *vote* for him, but don't like to *live* under him 😅
Oh look, all of my family. 'we vote for Erdoğan because he's strong leader' 'sure. Why don't you live there then?' 'Erdoğan is killing the Republic, the economy and is a warmonger.' 'but you vote for him.' 'he's a patriot' 🙄🙄🙄🙄
@MaxTest-f5rUnless those elections take place next week ,Erdogan will remain president for life and his party will hold to power , and maybe not even there Even if 99 % of Turkey vote for the opposition , Erdogan will still win , you don't understand that until now ?
That was quite a fair summary. You omitted the fact that Erdoğan and the AKP consolidated power by incarcerating journalists and closing or buying up media outlets until opposing voices were silenced. But you are correct in that the lack of an attractive, uncorrupt alternative has helped him stay in power.
@@kizgintosbaga So your argument is that the only way that anyone could possibly oppose is if they were foreign agents? Think about that critically for a minute
You do realise the Turks from GER vote for him because they are the immigrants from Turkeys ultra secularism and Islamic ban -- are you always this uneducated and politically inedpt?
The Mehmet, Plattenbauten, Berlin voting bloc will carry him to yet another victory in the 2028 election despite losing Izmir and Istanbul by landslides.
@@3three3No? They went to Germany for job opportunities and the money they earned their was great so they are still living there. Also they still have Turkish citizenship, how they can be banned while still having citizenship? This is the most brainrot comment I've encountered recently.
Just a small correction: Turkey does not have a first past the post system. The system does indeed impose a high threshold for a party to get parliamentary seats, but once that threshold is passed, the parties are represented proportionally in the parliament.
@@islammehmeov2334 but aren’t Turks gypsy? The original Chinese gypsies that traveled and live in huts unlike Kurds who are native to Kurdistan and historically speaking
A Turkish citizen moved to Ireland due to the economic crisis: Erdogan's approval ratings 3-4 years before an election don't carry much weight. In the last election, they manipulated monetary policy, offering cheap credit to everyone and branding the opposition candidate as "terror-affiliated." Erdogan is highly skilled at winning elections, though his leadership lacks moral integrity. At 30 years old, I’ve never known another president. Additionally, Erdogan’s approval ratings aren’t comparable to those of leaders like Macron. Many who have voted for him before are simply looking for a minor reason to support him again. If monetary policy eases in the next three years, people will likely find an excuse to back him. I don’t see a clear path to defeating Erdogan-most of us are just waiting for him to be unable to remain president due to health issues etc :d
If you don’t know another president it’s maybe your fault becouse there where multiple presidents in the last 20 years including Sezer who was alcoholic
Kaybetmesinin tek yolu muhalefetin güçlü olması ama muhalefet de kendi içinde parçalanmış gibi. Dediğiniz gibi erdoğan’ın kitlesi ona oy vermek için her zaman bahane bulurlar.As someone who still lives in Turkey, we don’t have any more choice than moving to another country. It is not only the president but also people. Nobody respects other’s opinions.
Unlike Macron etc. Erdogan does not have a viable alternative in Turkey. He is objectively a better stateman than all of his rivals and not really that much worse when it comes to corruption as they are all corrupt garbage people. European media like this channel or rags like Guardian etc. simply cannot comprehend this rather simple truth. Then again, what do you expect from westerners, they all live in a bubble
@@1Rab I know it's funny, but it is astonishing how much you can make people believe when you comtrol %85 percent of the television and media industry
1:32 it's more accurate to say that it's unlike Anglo countries, Ataturk's brand of secularism is very similar to French secularism (freedom from religion rather than freedom of religion) especially under the revolutionaries and radical leftists.
yeah it can even be shown in the turkish vocabulary. We use Laiklik(which comes from the french word Laïcité.) People think its the same thing with secularism but it is vastly different.
The distinction between Christianity and Islam in terms of state governance makes secularism more challenging for us. Islam provides specific guidelines on how to govern a state, including rules on inheritance, women's rights, marriage, and numerous other aspects of governance. This makes separating religion from state affairs more difficult in Islam than in Christianity. While the Church may hold influence, the Bible does not prescribe direct rules on how to run a country, unlike Islamic teachings.
@@metegenezz That is why Kemalism is all too necessary for Turkey, otherwise religion will taint the progress of the state with antiquated ideas... to put it lightly.
I don't understand why these ''western'' news channels are reluctant on depicting the refuggee problem in Turkey, as it is a major cause of Erdoğan's fall.
because the truly "free west" recognized Erdogan as the angry old diktator he is/wants to be! he will do anything to not loose his grasp on absolute power!
Economists : In times of inflation you are supposed to raise interest rates and vice versa. Erdogan : No. I will do the opposite and pray to Allah for help
Broke Greeks in bankrupt Greece have usually much experiences with depts. You really do not know why he did? With higher rates, the poors cannot pay the credits back. He had to show a strong believe in low rates to let his poor voters feel in safety.
@@benb.9235yeah except inflation rate is sky high, so whatever they have left after paying off debts have less and less purchasing power, which means they might have to borrow more to spend. So the cycle repeats.
As a turk, i don't think he really believe in what he said that it is gods will to eradicate the interest rates. Im damn sure he and his rich mates saw that they somehow will make profit off it so they did what they did so their voter base would say "yeah yeah interest bad" and shut their mouth about it as they are very sensitive about religious affairs.
The framing of this video was heavily biased in his favor. “victim of his own success”? Seriously tldr? “unorthodox economic policy” Thats quite a generous way to put it. “Presided over impressive economic growth” rode on the back of the international economic growth leading up to 2008 and has been shrinking since 2013. “Long period of political stability” A rule characterized by political and civil crackdowns, attacks on civil liberties, total erosion of the rule of law, ever increasing authoritarianism and centralization of power, entrenchment of his lackeys in positions of power in every level, and worse relations with every single neighbouring state.
I’d agree with your interpretation, but it’s a more partisan perspective. Sometimes, a more partisan perspective can tell a more complete and accurate story, and sometimes, the opposite is true. TLDR strives to be more nonpartisan, the benefit of which is to keep the attention of viewers who might have a variety of perspectives. These videos are meant to inform, not to persuade.
@@FTCpersonal He wasnt the worst canidate ever, in europe people would have liked him, bc he is openhearded, determined, authentical, etc. But the turks hate such people (look at the pres before (Ecevit is the exception). Another thing was, that he was an Alevi, getting votes from the right spectrum was even harder.
I had planned to retire to live in Turkey (I use the old spelling). I made my plans and was looking forward to early retirement, a small apartment in Istanbul and a small land holding in the countryside. When Erdogan was elected Mayor of Istanbul, I was sceptical, then I watched with growing alarm at Erdogans antics and posturing. I’d been critical of the sentence Erdogan received but began to see what the Tribunal had seen in him. The “switch” to Islamist economics by Erdogan was the watershed. Erdogan has destroyed 2 generations of work by the Turkish people, the rapid and dramatic theft of middle class wealth via inflation, the widening gap in wealth by the elite, the deepening of concealed unemployment, the “brain-drain” of Turkeys “Best and Brightest” to migration overseas. I finally gave up on retiring in Turkey.
@@Ducaqabe259 Hello Ducaqabe, Pre Erdogan, Turkey was NOT a Moslem country specifically as set by Mustapha Kamal, (more than the George Washington of Turkey, without him Turkey would have been dismembered and be largely Greek today). M. Kamal is almost deified in Turkey, he specifically “de-fanged” the clerics, put them all on the government payroll and subjected them to Public Service Rules, he banned the Fez and the veil, prohibited religious tests and instituted equal hiring practises (remember that nearly 25% of the population of Turkey is both racially and religiously NOT “Turkish” but Kurd. After some fairly minor ebbs and flows over the years (albeit with very heavy handed practises against the Kurds and to a lesser extent the remaining Christians) along came Erdogan, who slid the country into the Islamist philosophy and systematic mis-government typical of Moslem countries. The country is in the shitter! Some areas are thriving, but waves of inflation have virtually wiped out the middle class, the middle classes have fled, hiring on in countries where their energy, skills and education is rewarded, they may come back to retire in 30 years. What’s left is the under educated and under skilled working class and the Uber-rich upper class who neither delve nor spin.
@@Ducaqabe259 majority muslim population, but a secular country. the guyt was literally arrested for citing a religious poem as a politician, Turkey is secular, now less so.
7:55 im so happy you guys added this. He was a largely unpopular candidate that was forced on us by the politicians. There were much better candidates, namely the Mansur Yavaş and Ekrem İmamoğlu, would easily win us the last election. Its really disappointing that even though many opposed his candidacy, i guess he desired the glory of being the person overthrowing the Erdoğan and made us suffer our amazing president 5 more years.
@@kizgintosbaga Cool delusions, Erdoğan wouldn't win if Kılıçdar didn't force himself as the candidate though. Don't care about the rest of the garbage you typed.
Kılıçdar is a standard political old man who has used his leverage built up over the years to impose himself where no-one particularly wants him. Other examples : Trump, Putin, Iranian Ayatollahs.
why do you like ekrem imamoglu? one thing he did that i really hate is say sorry to israel in the events this past year. israel for me is a red line and i would never vote to someone who likes them because that speaks about who he is as a person
No party should stay in power more than 8, and no president or PM should be able to stay in power any longer in total time either. It just leads to corruption in government and moves countries to far in either direction leading to societal instability as well
Turkey has a lot of potential. It has a high, growing and educated population, has control over the euphrates and tigris rivers and the straits which could give it a lot of leverage. It is surrounded by weaker countries, which it could gain a lot of influence over. I think the hardest part is leadership. Turkey needs good leadership for the following decades to open room for the use of such opportunities.
An important omission is that when Erdogan's popularity wanes, he tends to enter armed conflicts (Syria, Libya, Kurds, etc.) in an attempt to boost voters' confidence (especially uneducated, religious nationalists). The more unpopular Erdogan becomes in Turkey, the more he becomes a threat for global security and the Mediterranean/Middle East regions.
Netanyahu lost 3 times in his politica carier and didn't become prime minister. Aslo elections in Israel are fear. No control for media from the gorverment
Kemalism is the political ideology of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and the Republic of Türkiye, secularism specifically Laïcité/laiklik is one of the 6 fundamental principles of Kemalism not the ideology itself
@@loremipsum3147 he has but isn't it such a narrow view? It's the oldest political power in modern Turkey, its separated braches like DSP and SHP won elections at some point and most importantly it's the winner of local elections. Plus most of the educated citizens of Turkey vote for CHP, which might be a numerical minority but individually and socioeconomically a more valuable class for the country than AKP voters. Even in europe AKP votes have been declining because of the sheer amount of educated skilled Turkish expats that moved out during the last 5 years.
If Turkey did not have such a HUGE threshold, in 2002 a liberal coalition would've won with 51% of the votes, not even including far-left parties. I did the math. Erdoğan never had a majority.
the AKP never won more than 50% in a general election. It was around 34% in 2002, rose to more than 40% in 2007, 2011, 2015 & 2018, and descended to 35% in 2023. Also 35% in the recent local election.
@@Vakowski Yeah, but you forget other anti-democratic parties, predominantly the neo-f@scist, extremely r@csist MHP. Not to mention that it literally has a terr0rist wing.
@@enesyakac So you are telling me Erdoğan just drastically changed? It was always conservative and Islamic. "The core of the party was formed from the reformist faction of the Islamist Virtue Party - an Islamist far-right party". And others that defected from the Liberal-Conservative ANAP.
2:40 Turkey did not have first-past-the-post. Each voter had a single vote but the parliament was elected through proportional representation based on the d'hondt system. It was the 10% threshold that left out significant parties ranged from 7% to just below 10% from the parliament.
The world is sick of these dictator types. Even modi got a reality check in India, and could only continue the new term after securing the alliance parties. Now Erdogan.
there should be limits to politicians in office or politics. i think 14-16 years is more than enough for any individual to rise and do things he or she has in mind. after that, others can carry on with their modification in place if needed.
@@amirbahalegharn365no I think it should be the ppl who decide what limit a leader should have on the basis of vote not a predetermined limit as if a leader who is very good gets on power he would be forced to leave after a bunch of election so let the ppl decide the limit by the votes of the ppl
Yea for you modi will always be a dictator all nationalist guys you islamists and lefties can't digest and unlike 🦃s erdogand modi is delivering fast growth and is reforming the system internally laying foundation for future growth unlike erdogand who don't give a shit about economy and development anymore and if modi fails to deliver he will lose he lost a lot of seats this time around he needs to deliver extraordinary results this time around or will go.
Oops, Turkey doesn't have a first past the post system, instead, Turkish parties publish a list of candidates in Turkey's 81 provinces and once a party passes the 10% national treshold, seat are allocated via the D'hondt method in every province. The reason why Erdoğan won a big majority in 2002 is that Turkey had a massive financial crisis in 2001 when many banks went bankrupt so all the mainstream parties of the last 20 years narrowly missed the treshold and only Erdoğan's AKP (%34) and Baykal's CHP (%19) were able to enter the parliement which ultimately gave Erdoğan a supermajority.
😮you don't understand that there is no difference between conservative Turks and secular Turks on national subjects. So you will never get what you want.
As a Turk, let me say, pretty accurate. Let me also say, if he fixes the economy problem, people will continue supporting him all the way, that's how effective he is.
@@mho... nah this guy is honest, you can talk about his faults like we all have but he genuinely wants to help his people/country, and stand against cruelty. The alternative is secular dictatorship anyway, so he's the only choice.
Annoyingly the Canadians who dislike Trudeau are most likely to vote for an even worse leader in Poilievre. We can never escape the liberal/conservative pendulum. Which to me makes even less sense given the subtle but not insignificant ideological difference between the two parties. People don't really think about the underlying ideology or policies (given the cons don't really have any) but just vote in opposition more then anything else. I do detest neoliberals.
@@SLDimarco Also the same camp of people, apparently if I'm getting this correct, praise countries like Uganda for cracking down against "traditional values" yet melt down when the US tries to "enforce woke ideology"
While I dont like their politics at all conservative and far-right parties have had some of the greatest and most extra party names ever: - Nationalist Task Party - Welfare Party - Virtue Party And my personal favorite: -True Path Party
leftist parties just get you straight to the point: Republican People's Party: Republicanism Social Democratic People's Party: Social Democracy Democratic Left Party: Democratic Leftism Turkish Communist Party: Communism
@@Anon-y4w It was a word play, since the characters "IYI" looks like the seal of the Kayı tribe (which founded the Ottomans), but it also means "good" (iyi) in Turkish
7:50 one thing that is mentioned here but not talked about enough is that Kılıçdaroğlu is no longer the leader of CHP. His election campaign was so terrible that he got voted out. Both of the popular candidates of his party were suppressed through "the table of six" which was a electoral coalition formed by CHP and 5 other minor parties of right-wing conservative origins. He promised some national representative seats by asking the support of the other parties when he announced his candidacy. This has a two-fold result: the right-wing NR candidates (mostly ex-AKP) made left-leaning CHP voters vote for other parties, even though CHP did get a significant percentage of votes it still had to split seats with parties that wouldn't be in the parliament. And he himself didn't get voted president - therefore this is just catastrophic campaign management. Erdoğan got away with a small margin, everyone thought that he still wouldn't get it even with Kılıçdaroğlu as his opponent
Muslims in the comments are too damn emotional. Why does everything has to be religious with you guys . Calling Mustafa Atarturk a traitor is just stupid but since these are coming from people blinded by that cult , it is understandable
Muslims want to impose Sharia and avoid womem to vote and study. So.the will keep voting Erdogan regardless of the economy as lomg as they can impose Sharia and elimate women's voting rights
Mustafa Kemal, as a soldier in service to Mehmed VI, led an army in rebellion against him. If that's not betrayal, what is? To be clear, I think he was right to do so, but my approval with a hundred years of hindsight doesn't make it any less treasonous.
yes economy might seem like the biggest part in his decreasing votes but the real reason is only obvious to Turks living in Turkiye. Turkiye always had bad economy so we don't really hold the economy as the main reason to vote for a candidate. Biggest reason for his decreasing votes amongst Turks living in Turkiye is mainly social and ineffective bureoucracy. Turkish people are divided amongst themselves in a violent way due to the policy followed by a party which I cannot disclosure for my own freedom, which is what he is gambling on to always win the elections since citizens are too busy fighting amongst themselves for their political views. Another reason is Turkiye has a justice system that rewards criminals and punishes innocent people. Opressive politics and change in constition legally allowing government to ignore your basic human rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of who you love, freedom of religion etc. Most importantly we have a "puppet" opposition that plays in favour of Erdogan whenever his party does something that would decrease their votes. Most recently for example opposition talked good about terrorists right after ruling party took some questionable decisions by outright banning some websites, apps and restricting internet access instead of going after criminals, maybe they are going after them after restricting internet access but we'll never know. In short whenever a new generation gets added to the voting pool Erdogan loses votes because youth thinks his politics are wrong and too opressive all the while being unjust and unfair to the citizens of the nation.
*Eh* He'll hang on to power 🤷🏻♀️ He's done it so far. Erdogan will find the necessary votes and/or change the entire country to his liking. He's done it before
@@berkekadircelik6282 So? He has managed to hang on to power through various means 🤷🏻♀️ Even if his streak of "unpopularity" sticks and the turkish citizens or dual citizens in foreign countries can be ignored (he's beyond popular with people who don't live in Turkey, but can vote in turkish elections)... Erdogan will find a way, wouldn't be the first time that even the constitution would be changed to suit him better. Just one example
And a big hypocrite. What Israel is doing in the West Bank, is what Turkey does in Northern Cyprus. He accuses Israel of settler colonialism. But Turkey does settler colonialism in Northern Cyprus. The Nakba that the Palestinians went through is less worse than the genocides Turks inflicted on Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians. Yet Erdogan has the audacity to hold the torch of morality. When he cannot even recognize the crimes the state he runs has committed in its past.
he realy does not tho, he preys for israel to keep bombing muslim people so he could use that to get some muslim votes.. bytheway, last 2 weeks erdoğan started a new kurdish-sided politics, to get kurdish votes too.. so whatever he does, it is allways for his sake
Turkish here! Polls before an election in Turkey don't reflect the reality on the ground. This was evident during the May 2023 election when Erdogan's party was expected to receive around 25-28% of the vote, yet ended up securing 36%. Polls had also predicted that Erdogan would win 40-45% of the vote, but he ultimately achieved 52% with ease. Erdogan has mastered the art of manipulating and terorizing elections to his advantage, ensuring he gets what he wants. Moreover, the elections in Turkey are far from free or fair, making it difficult to trust any official results.
I visited turkey at the time of election I remember ppl celebrating in Istanbul outside the area I was staying in for his victory so I think I disagree there was support for him
@@Vakowski It is radical Islamism like any other. Including supporting radical Islamist terr0r groups. But there's no forced Sharia. The government may act by that law, but not all the citizens must abide by it.
I very closely know someone who works in for a very popular media company in Turkey. People have been tired of him for about a decade. They’re just forced to say nice things about him on the microphones so it makes it seem like otherwise. This isn’t news by any stretch of the word.
Conservatives and nationalists love Erdogan and this means the majority of Turkey. The reason why you are even discussing Turkey here is the result of Erdoğan's correct policies and soft power. We love Erdogan, you are prejudiced because you pollute your mind with subjective comments. Erdoğan is a system man. Come to Turkey and enjoy the freedom. The journalists in prison are members of the NATO structure called "FETÖ", that is, they are affiliated with the terrorist organization. They wanted to stage a coup. Erdoğan has struggled with a lot and the people love him. You will see their votes increase in the next election. Assad left the country and this is Erdogan's job. Control in Syria passed to Turkey.
1:48 it wasn't resisted by the majority of voters. Highest percentage of votes that those party got was %21,68 by Refah Party in 1995. Most of the population was and today still supports secularism.
Great video! Two slight corrections can be made, however: 1) Turkey did not have a first-past-the-post electoral system in 2002, and still doesn’t have one. The system is proportional with a high electoral threshold. 2) The CHP is still very much against the watered-down version of secularism that Erdoğan has adopted. The government’s attitude towards religion is unconstitutional, as the Sunni Muslim majority's beliefs are now being illegally favored by state institutions in many different domains of everyday life including places of worship and regulations against alcohol consumption.
constitution is just a piece of paper lmao, you dimwits care way too much about it. This is not the US where people worship that piece of garbage written hundreds of years ago. Once you secure majority of the law making power in the parliament you can do whatever the hell you want.
Fantastic video🔥🔥! I have incurred so much losses trading on my own....I trade well on demo but I think the real market is manipulated.... Can anyone help me out or at least tell me what I'm doing wrong??
Trading on a demo account can definitely feel similar to the real market, but there are some differences. It's important to remember that trading involves risks and it's normal to face looses sometimes. One piece of advice is to start small and gradually increase your investments as you gain more experience and confidence. It might also be helpful to seek guidance from experienced traders or do some research on different trading strategies.
If you are trading without a professional guide... Ah, I laugh, because you will stay where you are or even suffer huge losses that will prevent you from trading, this has been one of the biggest problems for new traders.
He is popular in those areas not because he is erdogan but because he is president of turkey. Should another president come to power then he will be just as popular in those areas.
We already knew when Erdogan said he will be pro-türkiye, Everything will be against him, so Türkiye will face with many struggles. As already he said" We are not committing a rose garden to you" It means it will never expected to be an easy going way. So Türkiye citizens have strong endure and they still keep protecting Erdogan despite everything against him happening. Today Türkiye is making the most brave decisions in their history.
Erdoğan developed the country with his strong staff and strong economic model after the economic crisis in 2001, and today, the middle and old age segment still remember Erdoğan only for this success. They say that no matter how dark the country is, Erdoğan will still pull us out of this darkness.
What he did was a damn miracle...we should all acknowledge this. He was all EU until he was rejected and became bitter. Luckily he has a few years left
@@Wasengenyie All the economic policies were set by the prime minister Ecevit(The PM before Erdog). Erdog only followed those policies. He doesnt understand anything about Economics as you can observe from his recent policy where he blindly believes that interest causes inflation which is BS. The only thing he is good at smooth talk and getting the votes of brainwashed religous majority.
be uase in the end, or long term, it shows how politics & governmental plans and corruption leads to. if you were really openminded and implement good ones for benefits of people instead of your own party or yourself, country will prosper in both short and long terms but without good economy output, you must have done things against people's interest
I think this require at the very least a sacrificial offering to the French people in order to beg for our pardon. He didn't even gave us the usual treatement we get from English speaker, the good old "I'm ready every part of the word like a retard hoping it'll sound French enough". It was straight up murder at this point
So many classic deluded western centric narratives too many to address here but we can address one: That coup was not because of "Erdogan"s authoritarian slip" or whatever bul*shi* Western narrative. If the actual military coups you in Turkey, it does successfully during the night while people are asleep and it is successful just like the previous 3 coups. It would also be backed by the people. This "military coup" was executed by a small fringe group called Feto that has infiltrated not just the army but also the political and juidical system in Turkey over the past 4 decades bit by bit. Search online to see that this CIA backed Islamist leader Fethullah Gulen literally lives behind huge private property protected by USA security personnel to this day in Pennsylvania. He was and still is a valuable CIA asset after all. So real TLDR: Classic West just like it has done all over the world especially in South America and the Middleeast tried to coup a country that it deemed strayed too far from its hegemony. Funny Erdogan was the "mild islamist" that the West backed when he first came to power 2002. Now since his government pursued more moves that the West did not agree with they tried to coup with this CIA backed Islamist organization called Feto. But failed miserably since the West forgot Turkey is not similar to most other countries that they can easily control. This coup is one of the reasons for the deterioration of the relationship between Turkey and the West. This terror organization while weakened still has operatives and supporters all over Europe, USA, Canada; from non-profits, schools, to media outlets(ex: Nordic monitor). Of course, your pea-brains will simplify everything to Turkey bad in the end anyways so go ahead. But it does not matter. Your fake EU union born out of necessity, as the whole world hates your conniving hypocritical colonizer nature, will soon disintegrate from lack of competitiveness in manufacturing, declining and old population, irregular migration, war at your doorstep with Russia, increasing energy costs etc.
@@canavarkatili6157 The longer Erdogan stays in power, the less of a chance that Turkey will ever be a significant player. If you want a weaker and more backward Turkey, keep sabotaging it by voting for Erdogan!
*"Instead describing themselves as conservatives or nationalists"* Yeah, knowing what we know now about "conservatives" world wide, in Turkey that basically just means islamist or adjacent to islamism.
Well yes, Turkey is a secular state, but let's not get carried away. The degree to which it has considered itself secular has fluctuated. The 1924 constitution declared (Article 2) that Islam is the state religion. It was only in the 1961 constitution that this declaration was removed. The military do "see themselves as" the guardians of Kemalism. But this is not without some color of constitutional authority. The constitutions of 1924, 1961 (post-coup), and 1982 (currently in effect) all authorize the military to protect the state against both external _and internal_ threats.
As a Turkish citizen and a political science graduate, I can say this video somehow managed to be biased towards Erdoğan, either by omitting facts or misinformation. For one; Kemalism isn't "particularly strong version of secularism", that's what Laicism is. Its an idea and a word French in origin. Kemalism only includes that idea. It isn't as radical as you make it out to be either; for example Headscarf wasn't banned in public, but was rather banned only for government officials/civil servants along with all religious attire, just like in France even today. There are other stuff too, but I can't be bothered to type them out.
French model is a stronger version of secularism. It’s widely criticised for violation of religious freedoms. British and American secularism is different. I live in a country with French-model of secularism and I think it’s too much. I’m highly secular but I prefer the British model. Display of religious attire in state organisations doesn’t mean civil servants can’t separate religion from their work ideas and decisions. Also, state organisations include public schools and public universities. Banning alcohol consumption/ sales is a violation of secularism, I agree. But as far as I know, there is plenty of alcohol sold in Turkey, at least in tourist locations and Turks drink a lot there. Maybe there are some limitations on sales, ofc, idk.
Erdogan was very bad news for the Turkish economy. When he became president in 2014 Turkey's GDP per capita was at $12,165. The next year it plunged to $11,050, then to $10,970 in 2016 and continued going down until 2020 when it reached $8,639. It has since recovered a bit, but the GDP per capita isn't higher than in 2013. That's 10 years of stagnation. Add to this the terrible inflation that the country experienced under Erdogan's presidency. 10 years ago €1 was worth 2.8 Turkish lira. Now €1 buys 37 Turkish lira, meaning that the lira has lost 13 times its value. Way to go. Erdogan is synonymous with stagflation. Only people who don't understand anything about the economy could support him.
Turkish guy here. Such a well thought out and crisp analysis. Great content as always. Really helps to visit an outsider’s view on what our country is going through. I objectively agree with the content. Keep up the good work, TLDR team!
Nice vid homie 🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🥭🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🥭🇹🇷🇹🇷🥭🥭🇹🇷🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭
Imagine calling The Republicans, Torries or CDU "christanist" parties, it would be absurd. AKP regardless of your opinion of them is an average conservative party. Obviously given the different society and culture of Turkey from the west, both conservatism and liberalism will manifest slightly differently.
The Tories and CDU aren't "Christianist" Parties, but the Republicans are, atleast a large segment of the Parties. So yeah, by the same standard that AKP is "Soft Islamist", the Republican Party is "Soft Christianist"
One would think high inflation would be good for export and tourism. That does not really the case in Turkey in the last years. Yes, some export sectors could profit, but tourism could not, prices for costumers from the Eurozone - those who really spend - have not fallen, and Tourism is struggling.
As a Turkish I agree but yeah by the way dont forget they steal votes. All power is on 1 man nobody can controll whats happening. He made himself elligable of being Presidential candidate for the 3rd time with his signature although it was against the constitution "One-man regime".
Corruptıon, nepotism (torpil) in the party and the 2018-2023 where his crazy economical strategy failed. But mostly, people are sick and tired of nepotism (torpil) and corruption. Still, he is the only alternative and most likely AKP will win again in 2028, because the opposition has no alternative.
It's just a coincidence that Erdogan's terms as prime minister then president coincided with a period of economic growth. He wasn't really responsible for it. That period experienced tremendous economic grows globally. It's a macroconomic trend. Now that the economy is slowing down in most countries from Europe to China, Turkish people are starting to understand that he can't do anything for the economy.
Partially, they do. But leftist parties are more mainstream, and they are more pro social welfare systems, which turks love the benefits coming from out of it. And in countries like Germany, they go full left.
Democracy and a secular system in Turkey were not the people's demand from the very beginning. Türkiye became a little more Europeanized with the great efforts of Ataturk and a group of his friends.
The government has really made things difficult for us, everyone needs more than their salary to be financially stable, as I consistently make $30,000 USD in cryptocurrency investment profits every 7 business days, I no longer depend on government salaries to survive.
👏 Hitting 10,000 today. I'm really grateful for all the knowledge and nuggets you've given me over the past few months. Started with 3k in August 2023.
After raising up to 45k negotiating with Mrs. Stephanie Weaver, I bought a new house and a car here in the United States = and also paid for my son's (Sergio) surgery. Glory to God.shalom..
İf i say all he did i would go to jail but i can say few of things he did,he destroyed economy and then takes all syrian refugees and released most dangerous criminals,and even old people who voted him for years had enough and at last voting times a new party formed called yrp which made old people come to them and were here
@@FaithfulFumoFan23 why would we develope those techs for gazza? Its not even located in our territories. We're making those tech for our country's safety and for export money. Not for gazza
@@FaithfulFumoFan23 we saw your “ummah” when arab muslims rebelled against us and sided with the british in WW1, the most peaceful time in the middle east in a MILLENIUM was under the ottomans. We are not arabs, ask qatar and UAE to help gazzza.
For context: Türkish is extreamly good at making poems , not so much for songs tho... So, the solution? Just wright ur SONGS/MUSIC like (fecin) POEMS, following the EXECT SAME RULES, AS POEMS. Thats why they put that there and i belive its blody hilarious 😂.
He created virtual wealth with British credits. People thought he did everything by his own. He invested all loaned money to back pain issue of country : construction. But in these days no one can afford to purchase an apartment.
People can be quite presumptuous. How can you discuss the politics of another country with such certainty when you lack a comprehensive understanding of its internal dynamics? I noticed a comment suggesting that "Erdoğan will seek voters in other countries to offset this loss." This is an inaccurate assumption, as this is impossible to do. You do not possess the necessary knowledge regarding the relevant statistics and voting patterns. Even if I were discussing a subject such as US politics, I would refrain from making such definitive statements without thorough research.
İn turkey (I do live here) you can vote anywhere from the world if ur a turkish citizen and since most people not living in turkey are not aware of how bad our current administration is they tend to vote in more favorably to it
what he said is 100% accurate, you're the one who doesn't know the internal dynamics of Turkey. most abroad "Turks" strongly favour Erdogan. And they can vote from any country they wish.
He'll clinch the votes from turkish citizens in foreign countries, who, in a form of sadism, like to *vote* for him, but don't like to *live* under him 😅
Oh look, all of my family.
'we vote for Erdoğan because he's strong leader'
'sure. Why don't you live there then?'
'Erdoğan is killing the Republic, the economy and is a warmonger.'
'but you vote for him.'
'he's a patriot'
@MaxTest-f5ri mean that would explain the votes against them....
German turks screwing over their countrymen by policies they never have to experience 😂
@MaxTest-f5r source?
@MaxTest-f5rUnless those elections take place next week ,Erdogan will remain president for life and his party will hold to power , and maybe not even there
Even if 99 % of Turkey vote for the opposition , Erdogan will still win , you don't understand that until now ?
That was quite a fair summary. You omitted the fact that Erdoğan and the AKP consolidated power by incarcerating journalists and closing or buying up media outlets until opposing voices were silenced. But you are correct in that the lack of an attractive, uncorrupt alternative has helped him stay in power.
Just like india
@@kizgintosbagathe results speak for themselves lul
@@Sahil_Ombalewhich ones were incarcerated there?
@kizgintosbaga everyone is a paid foreigner if the propaganda is strong enough😅
@@kizgintosbaga So your argument is that the only way that anyone could possibly oppose is if they were foreign agents? Think about that critically for a minute
I wouldn't say that introducing Islamic teaching into schools is soft secularism.
Sounds more like soft Islamism.
@@Estxoxo In what Western country?
@@Estxoxo thats a flatout lie
@@Estxoxo Well religion studies is fine, which teaches all major religions.
The issue is focusing on one religion.
@@coolbanana165then why is the only education on Islam given in the west are the terriost militias
Erdogan shouldn't worry. Turkish from Germany will help him win.
Just like the loudest critics of the Western lifestyle live in London
You do realise the Turks from GER vote for him because they are the immigrants from Turkeys ultra secularism and Islamic ban -- are you always this uneducated and politically inedpt?
The Mehmet, Plattenbauten, Berlin voting bloc will carry him to yet another victory in the 2028 election despite losing Izmir and Istanbul by landslides.
@@3three3No? They went to Germany for job opportunities and the money they earned their was great so they are still living there. Also they still have Turkish citizenship, how they can be banned while still having citizenship? This is the most brainrot comment I've encountered recently.
Me, European sirrrrr
Just a small correction: Turkey does not have a first past the post system. The system does indeed impose a high threshold for a party to get parliamentary seats, but once that threshold is passed, the parties are represented proportionally in the parliament.
A system created to keep Kurds out and continue occupation and oppression of Kurds and Kurdistan
Yup, only the elections until 1960 were first past the post, it was what allowed Democrat Party to take power so drastically in 1950
@@ll-eb2rt there is no kurdistan they are GYPSIES from India 😉
@@islammehmeov2334 but aren’t Turks gypsy? The original Chinese gypsies that traveled and live in huts unlike Kurds who are native to Kurdistan and historically speaking
A Turkish citizen moved to Ireland due to the economic crisis: Erdogan's approval ratings 3-4 years before an election don't carry much weight. In the last election, they manipulated monetary policy, offering cheap credit to everyone and branding the opposition candidate as "terror-affiliated." Erdogan is highly skilled at winning elections, though his leadership lacks moral integrity. At 30 years old, I’ve never known another president. Additionally, Erdogan’s approval ratings aren’t comparable to those of leaders like Macron. Many who have voted for him before are simply looking for a minor reason to support him again. If monetary policy eases in the next three years, people will likely find an excuse to back him. I don’t see a clear path to defeating Erdogan-most of us are just waiting for him to be unable to remain president due to health issues etc :d
If you don’t know another president it’s maybe your fault becouse there where multiple presidents in the last 20 years including Sezer who was alcoholic
Kaybetmesinin tek yolu muhalefetin güçlü olması ama muhalefet de kendi içinde parçalanmış gibi. Dediğiniz gibi erdoğan’ın kitlesi ona oy vermek için her zaman bahane bulurlar.As someone who still lives in Turkey, we don’t have any more choice than moving to another country. It is not only the president but also people. Nobody respects other’s opinions.
Unlike Macron etc. Erdogan does not have a viable alternative in Turkey. He is objectively a better stateman than all of his rivals and not really that much worse when it comes to corruption as they are all corrupt garbage people. European media like this channel or rags like Guardian etc. simply cannot comprehend this rather simple truth. Then again, what do you expect from westerners, they all live in a bubble
"Everyone against me is a terrorist." Is the same as saying, "I am the country."
@@1Rab I know it's funny, but it is astonishing how much you can make people believe when you comtrol %85 percent of the television and media industry
1:32 it's more accurate to say that it's unlike Anglo countries, Ataturk's brand of secularism is very similar to French secularism (freedom from religion rather than freedom of religion) especially under the revolutionaries and radical leftists.
To be fair, even French secularism isn't as far-reaching as Kemalist version. Kemalist secularism was dancing on the verge of state-atheism.
yeah it can even be shown in the turkish vocabulary. We use Laiklik(which comes from the french word Laïcité.) People think its the same thing with secularism but it is vastly different.
The distinction between Christianity and Islam in terms of state governance makes secularism more challenging for us. Islam provides specific guidelines on how to govern a state, including rules on inheritance, women's rights, marriage, and numerous other aspects of governance. This makes separating religion from state affairs more difficult in Islam than in Christianity. While the Church may hold influence, the Bible does not prescribe direct rules on how to run a country, unlike Islamic teachings.
@@metegenezz That is why Kemalism is all too necessary for Turkey, otherwise religion will taint the progress of the state with antiquated ideas... to put it lightly.
100% correct @@V01DIORE
I don't understand why these ''western'' news channels are reluctant on depicting the refuggee problem in Turkey, as it is a major cause of Erdoğan's fall.
because the truly "free west" recognized Erdogan as the angry old diktator he is/wants to be!
he will do anything to not loose his grasp on absolute power!
their own hypocrisy will be on full display then
Economists : In times of inflation you are supposed to raise interest rates and vice versa.
Erdogan : No. I will do the opposite and pray to Allah for help
Broke Greeks in bankrupt Greece have usually much experiences with depts.
You really do not know why he did?
With higher rates, the poors cannot pay the credits back.
He had to show a strong believe in low rates to let his poor voters feel in safety.
@@benb.9235yeah except inflation rate is sky high, so whatever they have left after paying off debts have less and less purchasing power, which means they might have to borrow more to spend. So the cycle repeats.
@@benb.9235Poor voters get poorer a shitty economy
@@benb.9235 With an High inflaction you obtain the same results.
As a turk, i don't think he really believe in what he said that it is gods will to eradicate the interest rates. Im damn sure he and his rich mates saw that they somehow will make profit off it so they did what they did so their voter base would say "yeah yeah interest bad" and shut their mouth about it as they are very sensitive about religious affairs.
The framing of this video was heavily biased in his favor. “victim of his own success”? Seriously tldr? “unorthodox economic policy” Thats quite a generous way to put it. “Presided over impressive economic growth” rode on the back of the international economic growth leading up to 2008 and has been shrinking since 2013. “Long period of political stability” A rule characterized by political and civil crackdowns, attacks on civil liberties, total erosion of the rule of law, ever increasing authoritarianism and centralization of power, entrenchment of his lackeys in positions of power in every level, and worse relations with every single neighbouring state.
Yeah it's ridiculous.
Pov upset westerner
I’d agree with your interpretation, but it’s a more partisan perspective. Sometimes, a more partisan perspective can tell a more complete and accurate story, and sometimes, the opposite is true. TLDR strives to be more nonpartisan, the benefit of which is to keep the attention of viewers who might have a variety of perspectives. These videos are meant to inform, not to persuade.
@@andithanoj8372POV of a Bakurî Kurd.
TLDR really has bad takes imo. There is a bias or they don't really understand what they are reporting completely.
Maybe they should've had enough before the election. Instead of after so they handed him the power to declare himself sultan.
@@FTCpersonalThey can have any candidate , elections dosent matter in Turkey, like in so many other places
Sultan Recep I. of the Neo-Ottoman Empire
@@FTCpersonal He wasnt the worst canidate ever, in europe people would have liked him, bc he is openhearded, determined, authentical, etc. But the turks hate such people (look at the pres before (Ecevit is the exception). Another thing was, that he was an Alevi, getting votes from the right spectrum was even harder.
@flavius5722 It literally does, thats why Kilicdaroglu lost
They had enough of him before the last election but at the end people just elected the one who they consider as lesser of two evils.
I had planned to retire to live in Turkey (I use the old spelling). I made my plans and was looking forward to early retirement, a small apartment in Istanbul and a small land holding in the countryside. When Erdogan was elected Mayor of Istanbul, I was sceptical, then I watched with growing alarm at Erdogans antics and posturing. I’d been critical of the sentence Erdogan received but began to see what the Tribunal had seen in him. The “switch” to Islamist economics by Erdogan was the watershed. Erdogan has destroyed 2 generations of work by the Turkish people, the rapid and dramatic theft of middle class wealth via inflation, the widening gap in wealth by the elite, the deepening of concealed unemployment, the “brain-drain” of Turkeys “Best and Brightest” to migration overseas. I finally gave up on retiring in Turkey.
isn't Turkey a Muslim country what the hell are you talking?
@@Ducaqabe259 Hello Ducaqabe, Pre Erdogan, Turkey was NOT a Moslem country specifically as set by Mustapha Kamal, (more than the George Washington of Turkey, without him Turkey would have been dismembered and be largely Greek today). M. Kamal is almost deified in Turkey, he specifically “de-fanged” the clerics, put them all on the government payroll and subjected them to Public Service Rules, he banned the Fez and the veil, prohibited religious tests and instituted equal hiring practises (remember that nearly 25% of the population of Turkey is both racially and religiously NOT “Turkish” but Kurd. After some fairly minor ebbs and flows over the years (albeit with very heavy handed practises against the Kurds and to a lesser extent the remaining Christians) along came Erdogan, who slid the country into the Islamist philosophy and systematic mis-government typical of Moslem countries. The country is in the shitter! Some areas are thriving, but waves of inflation have virtually wiped out the middle class, the middle classes have fled, hiring on in countries where their energy, skills and education is rewarded, they may come back to retire in 30 years. What’s left is the under educated and under skilled working class and the Uber-rich upper class who neither delve nor spin.
@@Ducaqabe259 majority muslim population, but a secular country. the guyt was literally arrested for citing a religious poem as a politician, Turkey is secular, now less so.
7:55 im so happy you guys added this. He was a largely unpopular candidate that was forced on us by the politicians. There were much better candidates, namely the Mansur Yavaş and Ekrem İmamoğlu, would easily win us the last election. Its really disappointing that even though many opposed his candidacy, i guess he desired the glory of being the person overthrowing the Erdoğan and made us suffer our amazing president 5 more years.
@@kizgintosbaga Cool delusions, Erdoğan wouldn't win if Kılıçdar didn't force himself as the candidate though. Don't care about the rest of the garbage you typed.
Kılıçdar is a standard political old man who has used his leverage built up over the years to impose himself where no-one particularly wants him. Other examples : Trump, Putin, Iranian Ayatollahs.
why do you like ekrem imamoglu? one thing he did that i really hate is say sorry to israel in the events this past year. israel for me is a red line and i would never vote to someone who likes them because that speaks about who he is as a person
@@Shloflog ? He never said that
@@Shloflog He doesn‘t support Israel. Btw, Turks don‘t really care about this conflict, they have other problems
No party should stay in power more than 8, and no president or PM should be able to stay in power any longer in total time either. It just leads to corruption in government and moves countries to far in either direction leading to societal instability as well
Lies. Western lies.
8? Most of world have 5 year terms not 4
That hungarian PM who has been in power for over 14 years:
@@Snp2024 Why does it matter that others do multiples of 5, they are wrong.
That female PM in Bangladesh who got kicked out after 17 years:
The videos about how Turkey would become a global superpower in five minutes are the most annoying thing on RUclips. Good to see legit takes.
Please send one of those videos ,I want to laugh
If they kick out Erdogan, it could be possible.
you have so many Turkophobic comments, I wonder why!?
Turkey has a lot of potential. It has a high, growing and educated population, has control over the euphrates and tigris rivers and the straits which could give it a lot of leverage. It is surrounded by weaker countries, which it could gain a lot of influence over. I think the hardest part is leadership. Turkey needs good leadership for the following decades to open room for the use of such opportunities.
@@emrealn3786it is true that unrealistic superower turkey videos are annoyed tho
An important omission is that when Erdogan's popularity wanes, he tends to enter armed conflicts (Syria, Libya, Kurds, etc.) in an attempt to boost voters' confidence (especially uneducated, religious nationalists). The more unpopular Erdogan becomes in Turkey, the more he becomes a threat for global security and the Mediterranean/Middle East regions.
He's bluffing. There won't be any war with Israel, especially because America is protecting them
@@k.umquat8604America is also protected turkey 🦃
Oh damn! Who will it be next time? Israel?
@@phoenix5054nah, he only commits to conflicts that he knows have relatively low impact at home. He wouldn't pick a fight with a top military.
@@silatrakdPerhaps Kurds again if Trump gets reelected!
I have been hearing the same thing for 10 years+. Just like with Netanyahu, I will beleave it is Erdogan's end when he is really gone.
Netanyahu lost 3 times in his politica carier and didn't become prime minister. Aslo elections in Israel are fear. No control for media from the gorverment
yeeah no, these angry old man, who are in power for faaaar tooo long will never leave & give up absolute power by themelfs.....why would they?!
Kemalism is the political ideology of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and the Republic of Türkiye, secularism specifically Laïcité/laiklik is one of the 6 fundamental principles of Kemalism not the ideology itself
No wonder he's political party never win
@@islammehmeov2334Just from this single comment you’ve made everyone here is aware of your intelligence level (or lack there of)
@@SixWasTaken well he has a point not to be neglected. (I'm Kemalist btw)
@@loremipsum3147 lol when you look at it from that perspective :)
@@loremipsum3147 he has but isn't it such a narrow view? It's the oldest political power in modern Turkey, its separated braches like DSP and SHP won elections at some point and most importantly it's the winner of local elections. Plus most of the educated citizens of Turkey vote for CHP, which might be a numerical minority but individually and socioeconomically a more valuable class for the country than AKP voters. Even in europe AKP votes have been declining because of the sheer amount of educated skilled Turkish expats that moved out during the last 5 years.
and they just banned discord yesterday
@@PoseidonOilRig shush
not enforced tho since vpns are easily avaliable
@@spork3526vpn’s are also banned
@@PoseidonOilRig did you reply to the wrong comment?
dont worry opposition will have some stupid scandals and it will help erdogan again.
If Turkey did not have such a HUGE threshold, in 2002 a liberal coalition would've won with 51% of the votes, not even including far-left parties. I did the math. Erdoğan never had a majority.
the AKP never won more than 50% in a general election.
It was around 34% in 2002, rose to more than 40% in 2007, 2011, 2015 & 2018, and descended to 35% in 2023. Also 35% in the recent local election.
Yeah, but you forget other anti-democratic parties, predominantly the neo-f@scist, extremely r@csist MHP. Not to mention that it literally has a terr0rist wing.
Are you dumb? The AKP itself was liberal in 2002.
So you are telling me Erdoğan just drastically changed? It was always conservative and Islamic. "The core of the party was formed from the reformist faction of the Islamist Virtue Party - an Islamist far-right party". And others that defected from the Liberal-Conservative ANAP.
No ot wasn't. Not to mention it split mainly from the Virtue party...
2:40 Turkey did not have first-past-the-post. Each voter had a single vote but the parliament was elected through proportional representation based on the d'hondt system. It was the 10% threshold that left out significant parties ranged from 7% to just below 10% from the parliament.
we was had enough since 2015
I don’t think Turkey has had enough of erdogan. The opposition is weak and the keep electing him.
@Sn.rv14 are you trolling or just ignorant?
No I think you are, hiding under some obscure name,
The world is sick of these dictator types. Even modi got a reality check in India, and could only continue the new term after securing the alliance parties. Now Erdogan.
there should be limits to politicians in office or politics. i think 14-16 years is more than enough for any individual to rise and do things he or she has in mind. after that, others can carry on with their modification in place if needed.
Nah what was happening in turkey was terrible no freedom of religion for ppl only enforced atheism by state law
@@amirbahalegharn365no I think it should be the ppl who decide what limit a leader should have on the basis of vote not a predetermined limit as if a leader who is very good gets on power he would be forced to leave after a bunch of election so let the ppl decide the limit by the votes of the ppl
Yea for you modi will always be a dictator all nationalist guys you islamists and lefties can't digest and unlike 🦃s erdogand modi is delivering fast growth and is reforming the system internally laying foundation for future growth unlike erdogand who don't give a shit about economy and development anymore and if modi fails to deliver he will lose he lost a lot of seats this time around he needs to deliver extraordinary results this time around or will go.
Which world is that?
I have had enough for like 10 years already. But sometimes democracy disappoints
Oops, Turkey doesn't have a first past the post system, instead, Turkish parties publish a list of candidates in Turkey's 81 provinces and once a party passes the 10% national treshold, seat are allocated via the D'hondt method in every province. The reason why Erdoğan won a big majority in 2002 is that Turkey had a massive financial crisis in 2001 when many banks went bankrupt so all the mainstream parties of the last 20 years narrowly missed the treshold and only Erdoğan's AKP (%34) and Baykal's CHP (%19) were able to enter the parliement which ultimately gave Erdoğan a supermajority.
6:18 You've got dollars and lira swapped on the y-axis. Hire a bloody proofreader.
He is busy working on the 1/3 of the video that is ads/self-promotion.
"Why Turkey has finally had enough of Erdogan". Very simple: Enough is Enough.
Keep up the great work guys!
😮you don't understand that there is no difference between conservative Turks and secular Turks on national subjects. So you will never get what you want.
As a Turk, let me say, pretty accurate. Let me also say, if he fixes the economy problem, people will continue supporting him all the way, that's how effective he is.
just like with the small bearded austrian in the 30s!
It's true, he made a grave error dismissing the advice of his central bank but he has also had a lot of wins from the Turkish perspective.
@@mho... nah this guy is honest, you can talk about his faults like we all have but he genuinely wants to help his people/country, and stand against cruelty. The alternative is secular dictatorship anyway, so he's the only choice.
So he’s going to magically fix economic problems by decree?
The solution to the economic problems is going to hurt.
He can’t wish them away
The younger generation is probably still going to Hate him because of the app bans
That roast on Kılıçdaroğlu at the end was bonkers 💀💀💀
Az bile leblebiye
@@testnameplsignore6916 öyle deme bülbülüme 😔
I feel like this video has been made every year for the past 5 years
Even a broken clock is right twice a year.
Turkeys economy is so wrong while latinamerica has countries that indeed are entero g what we called the second World @@erikthomsen4768
Erdogan ; Ben ekonomistim!
Dollar&Eu; Hahahahaaha 😀
5:14 Kinda hilarious to see Trudeau and Macron are hated even more than Erdogan.
Annoyingly the Canadians who dislike Trudeau are most likely to vote for an even worse leader in Poilievre. We can never escape the liberal/conservative pendulum.
Which to me makes even less sense given the subtle but not insignificant ideological difference between the two parties. People don't really think about the underlying ideology or policies (given the cons don't really have any) but just vote in opposition more then anything else.
I do detest neoliberals.
@@SLDimarco Also the same camp of people, apparently if I'm getting this correct, praise countries like Uganda for cracking down against "traditional values" yet melt down when the US tries to "enforce woke ideology"
Sadly, they lost their right to vote him out. They had the chance this year and fucked it up. Now they deal with the consequences.
He used votes of dead people from the earthquake region and gave refugees voting rights
While I dont like their politics at all conservative and far-right parties have had some of the greatest and most extra party names ever:
- Nationalist Task Party
- Welfare Party
- Virtue Party
And my personal favorite:
-True Path Party
DYP wasn't far right
leftist parties just get you straight to the point:
Republican People's Party: Republicanism
Social Democratic People's Party: Social Democracy
Democratic Left Party: Democratic Leftism
Turkish Communist Party: Communism
don't forget about "The Good Party"
@@Anon-y4wiYi is a reference to the tribe who founded the Ottoman state.
@@Anon-y4w It was a word play, since the characters "IYI" looks like the seal of the Kayı tribe (which founded the Ottomans), but it also means "good" (iyi) in Turkish
I doubt we we finally had enough bro, seems like more than half of the people still will vote for him.
The turks learn slow but they learn eventually
I’m low-key a little sad that Jack didn’t present and trot out another half-dozen different pronunciations of Kılıçdaroğlu 😊
7:50 one thing that is mentioned here but not talked about enough is that Kılıçdaroğlu is no longer the leader of CHP. His election campaign was so terrible that he got voted out. Both of the popular candidates of his party were suppressed through "the table of six" which was a electoral coalition formed by CHP and 5 other minor parties of right-wing conservative origins.
He promised some national representative seats by asking the support of the other parties when he announced his candidacy. This has a two-fold result: the right-wing NR candidates (mostly ex-AKP) made left-leaning CHP voters vote for other parties, even though CHP did get a significant percentage of votes it still had to split seats with parties that wouldn't be in the parliament. And he himself didn't get voted president - therefore this is just catastrophic campaign management. Erdoğan got away with a small margin, everyone thought that he still wouldn't get it even with Kılıçdaroğlu as his opponent
Muslims in the comments are too damn emotional. Why does everything has to be religious with you guys . Calling Mustafa Atarturk a traitor is just stupid but since these are coming from people blinded by that cult , it is understandable
Stop worshipping your desires.
@@curiouscat5229 stop worshipping made up fairytales
Muslims want to impose Sharia and avoid womem to vote and study. So.the will keep voting Erdogan regardless of the economy as lomg as they can impose Sharia and elimate women's voting rights
Mustafa Kemal, as a soldier in service to Mehmed VI, led an army in rebellion against him. If that's not betrayal, what is?
To be clear, I think he was right to do so, but my approval with a hundred years of hindsight doesn't make it any less treasonous.
Well he was a traitor.
yes economy might seem like the biggest part in his decreasing votes but the real reason is only obvious to Turks living in Turkiye. Turkiye always had bad economy so we don't really hold the economy as the main reason to vote for a candidate. Biggest reason for his decreasing votes amongst Turks living in Turkiye is mainly social and ineffective bureoucracy. Turkish people are divided amongst themselves in a violent way due to the policy followed by a party which I cannot disclosure for my own freedom, which is what he is gambling on to always win the elections since citizens are too busy fighting amongst themselves for their political views. Another reason is Turkiye has a justice system that rewards criminals and punishes innocent people. Opressive politics and change in constition legally allowing government to ignore your basic human rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of who you love, freedom of religion etc. Most importantly we have a "puppet" opposition that plays in favour of Erdogan whenever his party does something that would decrease their votes. Most recently for example opposition talked good about terrorists right after ruling party took some questionable decisions by outright banning some websites, apps and restricting internet access instead of going after criminals, maybe they are going after them after restricting internet access but we'll never know. In short whenever a new generation gets added to the voting pool Erdogan loses votes because youth thinks his politics are wrong and too opressive all the while being unjust and unfair to the citizens of the nation.
*Eh* He'll hang on to power 🤷🏻♀️
He's done it so far. Erdogan will find the necessary votes and/or change the entire country to his liking. He's done it before
did u even watch the video
@@3three3 Yes. Your point?
@@thepax2621He is not as popular as before.
He was pretty popular until now, whether you believe it or not
@@berkekadircelik6282 I don't believe that election rigging is a real thing. (I hope you understand what I mean)
@@berkekadircelik6282 So? He has managed to hang on to power through various means 🤷🏻♀️
Even if his streak of "unpopularity" sticks and the turkish citizens or dual citizens in foreign countries can be ignored (he's beyond popular with people who don't live in Turkey, but can vote in turkish elections)... Erdogan will find a way, wouldn't be the first time that even the constitution would be changed to suit him better.
Just one example
Erdoğan big supporter of Palestinian independence less so of Kurdish
there was never a kurdish state inside türkiye and never will be.
it was always turkish land from seljuks to ottomans to the republic of Türkiye. ATATÜRK
And a big hypocrite. What Israel is doing in the West Bank, is what Turkey does in Northern Cyprus. He accuses Israel of settler colonialism. But Turkey does settler colonialism in Northern Cyprus. The Nakba that the Palestinians went through is less worse than the genocides Turks inflicted on Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians. Yet Erdogan has the audacity to hold the torch of morality. When he cannot even recognize the crimes the state he runs has committed in its past.
he realy does not tho, he preys for israel to keep bombing muslim people so he could use that to get some muslim votes.. bytheway, last 2 weeks erdoğan started a new kurdish-sided politics, to get kurdish votes too.. so whatever he does, it is allways for his sake
Turkish hypocrisy
Turkish here! Polls before an election in Turkey don't reflect the reality on the ground. This was evident during the May 2023 election when Erdogan's party was expected to receive around 25-28% of the vote, yet ended up securing 36%. Polls had also predicted that Erdogan would win 40-45% of the vote, but he ultimately achieved 52% with ease. Erdogan has mastered the art of manipulating and terorizing elections to his advantage, ensuring he gets what he wants. Moreover, the elections in Turkey are far from free or fair, making it difficult to trust any official results.
I visited turkey at the time of election I remember ppl celebrating in Istanbul outside the area I was staying in for his victory so I think I disagree there was support for him
@@amaansaeed23 If only %20 of people support him that's still 17 million. Which is around the population of Istanbul
@@k.umquat8604Bro you can’t be serious. Your argument is trash.
@@emrefifty5281 Kanka adamin secimle gidecegini dusunuyorsan gecmis olsun.
@@emrefifty5281 İstersen kendin bak anketlere
Islamist secularism is not secular?
What kind of secularism is islamist secularism? wtf?
It is radical Islamism like any other. Including supporting radical Islamist terr0r groups. But there's no forced Sharia. The government may act by that law, but not all the citizens must abide by it.
@@user-sh3cf7kd6eW Sharia.
Thank you for pronouncing the Turkish ğ correctly and not as a hard G sound for engagement bait, so here's your positive engagement in return
I very closely know someone who works in for a very popular media company in Turkey. People have been tired of him for about a decade. They’re just forced to say nice things about him on the microphones so it makes it seem like otherwise. This isn’t news by any stretch of the word.
Conservatives and nationalists love Erdogan and this means the majority of Turkey. The reason why you are even discussing Turkey here is the result of Erdoğan's correct policies and soft power. We love Erdogan, you are prejudiced because you pollute your mind with subjective comments. Erdoğan is a system man. Come to Turkey and enjoy the freedom. The journalists in prison are members of the NATO structure called "FETÖ", that is, they are affiliated with the terrorist organization. They wanted to stage a coup. Erdoğan has struggled with a lot and the people love him. You will see their votes increase in the next election. Assad left the country and this is Erdogan's job. Control in Syria passed to Turkey.
1:48 it wasn't resisted by the majority of voters. Highest percentage of votes that those party got was %21,68 by Refah Party in 1995. Most of the population was and today still supports secularism.
delusional lmao
@@sk8erbyern wdym
Great video! Two slight corrections can be made, however:
1) Turkey did not have a first-past-the-post electoral system in 2002, and still doesn’t have one. The system is proportional with a high electoral threshold.
2) The CHP is still very much against the watered-down version of secularism that Erdoğan has adopted. The government’s attitude towards religion is unconstitutional, as the Sunni Muslim majority's beliefs are now being illegally favored by state institutions in many different domains of everyday life including places of worship and regulations against alcohol consumption.
constitution is just a piece of paper lmao, you dimwits care way too much about it. This is not the US where people worship that piece of garbage written hundreds of years ago. Once you secure majority of the law making power in the parliament you can do whatever the hell you want.
Fantastic video🔥🔥! I have incurred so much losses trading on my own....I trade well on demo but I think the real market is manipulated.... Can anyone help me out or at least tell me what I'm doing wrong??
Trading on a demo account can definitely feel similar to the real market, but there are some differences. It's important to remember that trading involves risks and it's normal to face looses sometimes. One piece of advice is to start small and gradually increase your investments as you gain more experience and confidence. It might also be helpful to seek guidance from experienced traders or do some research on different trading strategies.
If you are trading without a professional guide... Ah, I laugh, because you will stay where you are or even suffer huge losses that will prevent you from trading, this has been one of the biggest problems for new traders.
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Highly recommended
Wow, I'm surprised to see Fenella mentioned here as well. I didn't know she had been kind to so many people
I'm also a huge beneficiary of her..
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trade benefits
Erdogan has surprisingly huge popularity among Indian pakistani bangladeshi muslims..
He is popular in those areas not because he is erdogan but because he is president of turkey. Should another president come to power then he will be just as popular in those areas.
@@fatdoraemon2069 nope. He is popular for his decision for Muslims. Except erdogan no one knows any Turkish president.
@@fatdoraemon2069also helps that he is an islamist, an actually laic president would be disliked by the indian subcontinent muslims
They can take him, as a Turkish i wouldn't mind at all
@@HahaSaraiamapolicemanthey will take .. they worship him
I forget who originally said it, but "All political careers inevitably end in failure."
No lol
@@LeafSouls Yes. Inevitably, the political movement they represents wanes in power at some point.
@@kdubbsthe3rd that's way off the first statement you made above
@@LeafSouls lol Dude, it's the exact same thing, just worded differently. You have bad reading comprehension.
We already knew when Erdogan said he will be pro-türkiye, Everything will be against him, so Türkiye will face with many struggles. As already he said" We are not committing a rose garden to you" It means it will never expected to be an easy going way. So Türkiye citizens have strong endure and they still keep protecting Erdogan despite everything against him happening. Today Türkiye is making the most brave decisions in their history.
Erdoğan developed the country with his strong staff and strong economic model after the economic crisis in 2001, and today, the middle and old age segment still remember Erdoğan only for this success. They say that no matter how dark the country is, Erdoğan will still pull us out of this darkness.
hey there, fellow Berliner!
What he did was a damn miracle...we should all acknowledge this. He was all EU until he was rejected and became bitter. Luckily he has a few years left
@@Wasengenyie All the economic policies were set by the prime minister Ecevit(The PM before Erdog). Erdog only followed those policies. He doesnt understand anything about Economics as you can observe from his recent policy where he blindly believes that interest causes inflation which is BS. The only thing he is good at smooth talk and getting the votes of brainwashed religous majority.
All people care about is the economy. In every country.
be uase in the end, or long term, it shows how politics & governmental plans and corruption leads to. if you were really openminded and implement good ones for benefits of people instead of your own party or yourself, country will prosper in both short and long terms but without good economy output, you must have done things against people's interest
As a Turkish, I hate him😡😖
Why.. we pakistani consider him as a hero
His brilliant plan to join BRICS is like giving a gift that keeps on giving-right back to the sender!
China and India , and Russia , reject Erdogan ......forget the BRICS for ever
1:46 he really said the french concept of licid💀.
He has had some off pronounciations in the past but this one takes the cake, bro didn’t even try he just conjured a different word 💀
I think this require at the very least a sacrificial offering to the French people in order to beg for our pardon. He didn't even gave us the usual treatement we get from English speaker, the good old "I'm ready every part of the word like a retard hoping it'll sound French enough". It was straight up murder at this point
I can't find it did they take it out lmao
@@nathanpiazza9644 no way they just modified their video because of this comment💀💀💀💀💀
Problem is Erdogan hasn't had enough of Turkey
Finally some good news
They made this video only to make you happy. Erdogan or his party will remain still in power!
So many classic deluded western centric narratives too many to address here but we can address one: That coup was not because of "Erdogan"s authoritarian slip" or whatever bul*shi* Western narrative. If the actual military coups you in Turkey, it does successfully during the night while people are asleep and it is successful just like the previous 3 coups. It would also be backed by the people.
This "military coup" was executed by a small fringe group called Feto that has infiltrated not just the army but also the political and juidical system in Turkey over the past 4 decades bit by bit. Search online to see that this CIA backed Islamist leader Fethullah Gulen literally lives behind huge private property protected by USA security personnel to this day in Pennsylvania. He was and still is a valuable CIA asset after all.
So real TLDR: Classic West just like it has done all over the world especially in South America and the Middleeast tried to coup a country that it deemed strayed too far from its hegemony. Funny Erdogan was the "mild islamist" that the West backed when he first came to power 2002. Now since his government pursued more moves that the West did not agree with they tried to coup with this CIA backed Islamist organization called Feto. But failed miserably since the West forgot Turkey is not similar to most other countries that they can easily control.
This coup is one of the reasons for the deterioration of the relationship between Turkey and the West. This terror organization while weakened still has operatives and supporters all over Europe, USA, Canada; from non-profits, schools, to media outlets(ex: Nordic monitor).
Of course, your pea-brains will simplify everything to Turkey bad in the end anyways so go ahead. But it does not matter. Your fake EU union born out of necessity, as the whole world hates your conniving hypocritical colonizer nature, will soon disintegrate from lack of competitiveness in manufacturing, declining and old population, irregular migration, war at your doorstep with Russia, increasing energy costs etc.
Erdoğan all the way 🇹🇷☪️🐺🫵🏻
@@canavarkatili6157 The longer Erdogan stays in power, the less of a chance that Turkey will ever be a significant player.
If you want a weaker and more backward Turkey, keep sabotaging it by voting for Erdogan!
@@canavarkatili6157 'this comment sent from Berlin, Germany"
*"Instead describing themselves as conservatives or nationalists"*
Yeah, knowing what we know now about "conservatives" world wide, in Turkey that basically just means islamist or adjacent to islamism.
Well yes, Turkey is a secular state, but let's not get carried away. The degree to which it has considered itself secular has fluctuated. The 1924 constitution declared (Article 2) that Islam is the state religion. It was only in the 1961 constitution that this declaration was removed.
The military do "see themselves as" the guardians of Kemalism. But this is not without some color of constitutional authority. The constitutions of 1924, 1961 (post-coup), and 1982 (currently in effect) all authorize the military to protect the state against both external _and internal_ threats.
You can't call 50% interest rate painful, when inflation is 75%.
Its negative 25% real interest rate.
As a Turkish citizen and a political science graduate, I can say this video somehow managed to be biased towards Erdoğan, either by omitting facts or misinformation.
For one; Kemalism isn't "particularly strong version of secularism", that's what Laicism is. Its an idea and a word French in origin. Kemalism only includes that idea. It isn't as radical as you make it out to be either; for example Headscarf wasn't banned in public, but was rather banned only for government officials/civil servants along with all religious attire, just like in France even today.
There are other stuff too, but I can't be bothered to type them out.
French model is a stronger version of secularism. It’s widely criticised for violation of religious freedoms. British and American secularism is different. I live in a country with French-model of secularism and I think it’s too much. I’m highly secular but I prefer the British model. Display of religious attire in state organisations doesn’t mean civil servants can’t separate religion from their work ideas and decisions. Also, state organisations include public schools and public universities.
Banning alcohol consumption/ sales is a violation of secularism, I agree. But as far as I know, there is plenty of alcohol sold in Turkey, at least in tourist locations and Turks drink a lot there. Maybe there are some limitations on sales, ofc, idk.
1:23 'We need to separate church and state' makes no sense in Turkey. You would have to separate mosque and state.
Erdogan was very bad news for the Turkish economy. When he became president in 2014 Turkey's GDP per capita was at $12,165. The next year it plunged to $11,050, then to $10,970 in 2016 and continued going down until 2020 when it reached $8,639. It has since recovered a bit, but the GDP per capita isn't higher than in 2013. That's 10 years of stagnation. Add to this the terrible inflation that the country experienced under Erdogan's presidency. 10 years ago €1 was worth 2.8 Turkish lira. Now €1 buys 37 Turkish lira, meaning that the lira has lost 13 times its value. Way to go. Erdogan is synonymous with stagflation. Only people who don't understand anything about the economy could support him.
Lmao he came to power in 2002
@shafsteryellow Turkey's GDP per capita was the same in 2007 as in 2021. No improvement at all in 14 years!
Turkish guy here. Such a well thought out and crisp analysis. Great content as always. Really helps to visit an outsider’s view on what our country is going through. I objectively agree with the content. Keep up the good work, TLDR team!
Nice vid homie 🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🥭🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭🥭🇹🇷🇹🇷🥭🥭🇹🇷🇹🇷🥭🇹🇷🥭
Imagine calling The Republicans, Torries or CDU "christanist" parties, it would be absurd. AKP regardless of your opinion of them is an average conservative party. Obviously given the different society and culture of Turkey from the west, both conservatism and liberalism will manifest slightly differently.
I mean, bad argument bub the Republicans are blatantly Christian nationalists
The Tories and CDU aren't "Christianist" Parties, but the Republicans are, atleast a large segment of the Parties.
So yeah, by the same standard that AKP is "Soft Islamist", the Republican Party is "Soft Christianist"
If only the Turkish people had had this revelation a year ago.
One would think high inflation would be good for export and tourism. That does not really the case in Turkey in the last years. Yes, some export sectors could profit, but tourism could not, prices for costumers from the Eurozone - those who really spend - have not fallen, and Tourism is struggling.
Turkey got the leader they deserve. I feel bad for those who voted against him.
Feel bad for yourself. We are united even if we hate Erdogan. Cause we have enemies like your kind.
Namely city folks.
Yes. We love Erdogan.
As a Turkish I agree but yeah by the way dont forget they steal votes. All power is on 1 man nobody can controll whats happening. He made himself elligable of being Presidential candidate for the 3rd time with his signature although it was against the constitution "One-man regime".
@@akeel6328Are you an Arab?
Corruptıon, nepotism (torpil) in the party and the 2018-2023 where his crazy economical strategy failed. But mostly, people are sick and tired of nepotism (torpil) and corruption. Still, he is the only alternative and most likely AKP will win again in 2028, because the opposition has no alternative.
I feel happy when jews are crying for Erdogan 😂😂
It's just a coincidence that Erdogan's terms as prime minister then president coincided with a period of economic growth. He wasn't really responsible for it. That period experienced tremendous economic grows globally. It's a macroconomic trend. Now that the economy is slowing down in most countries from Europe to China, Turkish people are starting to understand that he can't do anything for the economy.
Factually not true
I was hearing this bulshit last 15 years.
As long his people want he will be here
As a turkish citizen ı think he will win i am pretty sure
Artık kazanamaz. Kazanmasının tek yolu Almanya'daki Tüm Türkler birleşip oy gönderse o da düşük ihtimal.
According to Constitution,he can not be candidate president of next election.
It’s as if they’re finally figuring out after over 20 years that this guy is an absolute moron
Isn't that one qualification for being a successful politician?
@@franroxburgh6055 only in countries with less developed brain cells e.g India, Lebanon, any undeveloped country in Asia tbh
He wasn’t doing bad for the entire 20 years tho
Calling Erdoğan a moron is ridiculous
Kudos guys, you’ve greatly improved your pronunciation of Turkish names!
It is hardly a separation of church and state of a democracy
As a relatively new migrant in NL, I am planning to vote Wilders just because Turks vote for leftists in NL and Erdogan in TR. Talk about hypocrisy.
Different situations call for different actions. The left is more favourable to migrants so they will vote for them obviously.
They don't vote for DENK?
Partially, they do. But leftist parties are more mainstream, and they are more pro social welfare systems, which turks love the benefits coming from out of it. And in countries like Germany, they go full left.
@@cawizardry different circumstances call for different measures
No matter who you vote for. Netherlands future is Islamic. Alhamdulillah.
Turks chose fascism over human rights and secular governing. They are paying the price.
Islamism, Not Fascism: Erdogan More Like Muslim Brotherhood Than Grey Wolves
Democracy and a secular system in Turkey were not the people's demand from the very beginning. Türkiye became a little more Europeanized with the great efforts of Ataturk and a group of his friends.
Secuarism and human rights don't go together. Case in point Gaza.
@@akeel6328 Israel is an ethno-religious state. It is the exact opposite of secularism. It is similar to Iran but with liberal coating.
@@AsianElijahWood He said Gaza, not Israel
The government has really made things difficult for us, everyone needs more than their salary to be financially stable, as I consistently make $30,000 USD in cryptocurrency investment profits every 7 business days, I no longer depend on government salaries to survive.
I am happy, $8,000 every month! Now I can give back to the people in my community and also support the works of God and the church.
HOW please? I know it's possible, I would appreciate it if you could show me how to do it.
👏 Hitting 10,000 today. I'm really grateful for all the knowledge and nuggets you've given me over the past few months. Started with 3k in August 2023.
Yes, and that is true. The current global economy is not helping. Keep in mind that people are really succeeding in cryptocurrency and Forex trading.
After raising up to 45k negotiating with Mrs. Stephanie Weaver, I bought a new house and a car here in the United States = and also paid for my son's (Sergio) surgery. Glory to God.shalom..
İf i say all he did i would go to jail but i can say few of things he did,he destroyed economy and then takes all syrian refugees and released most dangerous criminals,and even old people who voted him for years had enough and at last voting times a new party formed called yrp which made old people come to them and were here
Every Turk from Turkey i met told me he is dictator. However he is loved by a certain group of people.
Erdogan is making Turkiye a major military power with its own tech tho
Any of it to help Gaza? Or is it all for show?
@@FaithfulFumoFan23 why would we develope those techs for gazza? Its not even located in our territories. We're making those tech for our country's safety and for export money. Not for gazza
@@kemalerdemsahin410 I thought he was trying to restore Islam in Türkiye? The Ummah is a pretty important part of Islam
@@FaithfulFumoFan23 we saw your “ummah” when arab muslims rebelled against us and sided with the british in WW1, the most peaceful time in the middle east in a MILLENIUM was under the ottomans. We are not arabs, ask qatar and UAE to help gazzza.
We would rather help people of our own race, the uyghurs, being targeted by the chinese party.
1:45 calling it secularism is almost propaganda. What it is is Atheism basically
He made Turkey "rich" by burrowing money and poor because that money needed to be paid back
Oh ... Who give that much money to him
There is no way that anyone other than a Turkish could write this text for the video
Kick that erdogan out of office
@@TheAmericanPrometheus 😭
@@TheAmericanPrometheus His name mean: Brave, Warrior Hawk, or Fighter
OR... & hear me out. We kick you outta your mom's basement!
No without Erdogan there was no freedom of religion in turkey it used to not be a secular nation but rather a nation that imposed atheist my stte
Such a shame that the army couldn't maintain the ban on islamism.
Cry more. 😂
Why shame? If it was the opposite and happening on secularism you wouldnt be crying then right? Your comment doesnt have any value.
@@DreamTeamGlasgow Secularism built Turkey lmfao. "collective collapse" my ass
@@DreamTeamGlasgow No it isn’t, and you’re an Arab, you don’t even know what you’re talking about. Turks are sick of your people in their country
@@DreamTeamGlasgow don’t speak for Turks you Arab
2:25 Albums released?
For context:
Türkish is extreamly good at making poems , not so much for songs tho...
So, the solution?
Just wright ur SONGS/MUSIC like (fecin) POEMS, following the EXECT SAME RULES, AS POEMS.
Thats why they put that there and i belive its blody hilarious 😂.
😅😅😅 thats true. He had an album of poetry by famous poems voiced by him. At the time of his jail sentence, poetry albums were popular in Turkey.
@@badluck-cp8bv oh
He created virtual wealth with British credits. People thought he did everything by his own. He invested all loaned money to back pain issue of country : construction. But in these days no one can afford to purchase an apartment.
Remember,' DICTATORS are not good rulers...
People can be quite presumptuous. How can you discuss the politics of another country with such certainty when you lack a comprehensive understanding of its internal dynamics? I noticed a comment suggesting that "Erdoğan will seek voters in other countries to offset this loss." This is an inaccurate assumption, as this is impossible to do. You do not possess the necessary knowledge regarding the relevant statistics and voting patterns. Even if I were discussing a subject such as US politics, I would refrain from making such definitive statements without thorough research.
İn turkey (I do live here) you can vote anywhere from the world if ur a turkish citizen and since most people not living in turkey are not aware of how bad our current administration is they tend to vote in more favorably to it
@@MirzaPerez I live in Turkey too. But there aren't enough voters outside to change the results.
@@bugrasevinc9696 shhh let them have this. These people all live in a bubble you cannot counter such delusions with math and logic.
what he said is 100% accurate, you're the one who doesn't know the internal dynamics of Turkey. most abroad "Turks" strongly favour Erdogan. And they can vote from any country they wish.
@@imneverwrong5600 Where are you from?
5:15 How is Modi gaming this poll?