I'll be making karaoke videos for Hazbin season 2 when it arrives! Stay subscribed if you wanna see that whenever it comes out. I'll try to get the videos out a bit faster next time lol In the meantime I'll be doing some related karaoke videos - Addict & some Helluva Boss stuff. I had some requests for that stuff a while back! whoops
@@MADDIEANDRALPHIE-BEAR It can't be helped since there are some parts that have been slightly changed in Japanese, but the Japanese lyrics are also wonderful! But English is number one! (This is a translation. The sentence is strange, but I can't speak English, so please take it with a grain of salt.)
Charlie] Se sacrificou Agora ele está em paz Em nós confiou E olha o que a gente faz Talvez tudo fosse evitado Se os anjos quisessem ouvir direito O meu hotel foi arruínado Eu podia dar um jeito, jeito Mas nós ficamos no chão [Lúcifer] Não chore, nem tudo foi em vão Em milênios foi você Quem mudou a situação É possível, eu sei disso A tristeza já vai passar Nós voltamos ao início Mas podemos recomeçar Você tocou os corações Viu o bom no mais cruel O seu hotel desmoronou Mas por Deus, charlie! O show só começou [Lúcifer, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk, Niffty e Cherri Bomb] É possível, nós podemos Vamos juntos reconstruir Com mais quartos Mais banheiros [Lúcifer] E mais hóspedes vão surgir [Lúcifer e Vaggie] O sonho é seu [Lúcifer, Vaggie e Angel Dust] Nos prometeu [Lúcifer, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk, Niffty e Cherri Bomb] Um dia mais feliz! [Charlie] Vocês são tudo o que eu sempre quis Assinar e remover anúncios [Niffty] Fazer um hotel Requer madeira e tijolos [Lúcifer] É nosso troféu Contemplem com seus próprios olhos [Angel Dust] Só um reforço [Lúcifer] Ah, não é nenhum esforço pra mim [Lúcifer, Niffty e Angel Dust] Não tem como ser ruim [Charlie] Sem cara triste A gente não tem tempo a perder A chance existe É só fazermos acontecer [Vaggie] Bota mais cor [Husk] Com luzes fortes assim [Charlie, Vaggie e Husk] A magia não tem fim [Vox] Fim da batalha, alastor falha [Vox e Valentino] Outra vez lordes vão cair No momento exato Nosso mandato vai se sobressair [Valentino] O inferno se fode [Vox] Alastor foge [Vox e Valentino] Toda sua banca se desfez Deixa o poder e vai embora Agora é a nossa vez O inferno vai ver a ordem dos vês [Alastor] Um clima sombrio De sentir calafrio Escapei do meu fim Mas fiquei por um fio O alastor morre salvando vocês Me desculpe informar, mas não foi dessa vez Me dê liberdade, me lembre o sabor Meu acordo me prende e não posso me opor Mas quando eu souber como me libertar Adivinhem quem vai comandar [Lúcifer, Angel Dust, Husk, Niffty, Cherri Bomb e Charlie] É possível (é possível) Nós faremos (nós faremos) Basta a gente acreditar (basta a gente acreditar) Pecadores uniremos [Alastor] E um sorriso não vai faltar! [Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Niffty e Cherri Bomb] É! [Lúcifer] Esse cara [Charlie] O povo vai se redimir [Charlie e Vaggie] Nós vamos juntas conseguir [Charlie, Vaggie, Lúcifer, Alastor, Angel Dust, Husk, Niffty e Cherri Bomb] A porra desse sonho finalmente pode ser real! Assinar e remover anúncios
In polish Lucifer Hej młoda damo, rozchmurz się przez ostatni tysiąc lat nikt nie dokonał tylu zmian Ty dasz radę! Jestem pewien twej historii to ledwie start nie odpuszczaj goń za celem! Do naprawy tak wiele masz wiedziałaś jak ich serca skraść ocaliłaś nas od zła. Choć odszedł tłum i sceny brak, to mój Boże, Charlie twój pokaz musi trwać!
Он ради всех нас Принёс в жертву сам себя... Он верил в меня, И вот что в взамен дала?! Можно было не проливать кровь Но я найти нужных слов не сумела. В руинах всё, разрушен отель мой- Лишь на мне вина за это, Это ведь я тебя подвела! Малышка не стоит слёзы лить... Лишь тебе хватило сил Наш родной город изменить! Знаю точно-ты всё сможешь, Ведь, жизнь долгая впереди. Сдаться- это слишком просто, Дел немало нам предстоит! Ты в их сердца свет принесла, В глубине найдя добро! Казалось бы, финал уныл, Но, бог мой, Чарли! Продолжим шоу мы! Мы всё сможем,восстановим, Наш отель засияет вновь Больше спален здесь построим, Каждый грешник дом обретёт! Но без тебя никак нельзя, Пора идти вперёд! Вы рядом, значит мне под силу всё! Отель строим, Где кирпичи и весь инструмент?! Добавить стоит Магические цифры в конце! Прочный фундамент Заложен будет нами сейчас! Просто словно дважды два! Для слёз не время, У нас работы хватит на всех Пойдёт хлам в дело, Даже от руин польза есть! Краску дава! Шатёр мой должен сиять, Так добавим волбшества! После сраженья в стаде волненья, Шатко у оверлордов всё! С лёгкой ноткой бравады, Может быть завтра Сможем взойти на трон?!
Все от страха в штаны ссут, Аластар сгинул, Ловко ему прижали хвост! Мы же сейчас шанс не упустим, И место в аду займём, Над нам трио ВИ захватит контроль! Здесь холод могил, И смерть бродит вокруг... Я едва не погиб, Хоть и близок к тому! "О, Аластор, что жизнь Отдал за друзей!" Не хочу огорчать, но ещё не конец! Мечты о свободе так давят меня... Невозможно, что был Без лазейки контракт! Как только пойму, как оковы порвать, Кукловода, роль верну опять! Всем под силу измениться, Каждый цену заплатит сам Искупленье предстоит нам, Но мы встретим судьбу смеясь! Ох, опять он... Лишь подожди и убедись- Пройдём всё вместе, я и ты! И, значит, завтра, будет просто, Сука, лучший день в аду!
This track is awesome! I’m thinking of doing a Super Mario cover for this song. Here are the lyrics. Mario: He did it for us, the ultimate sacrifice He gave us his trust, and look how we paid the price Luigi: This battle could have been avoided If we convinced Delfino to work together Mario: You built the castle and I destroyed it I know I could have done better Mario and Luigi: Better, instead of letting you down Peach: Come on mustache, why the frown? In the last 40 years You’re the first ones to change this town You can do this, now they know it! For your story has just begun You can’t quit now. Heck, you owe it! There’s still damage to be undone You’ve changed their minds, you’ve touched their hearts Found the goodness they still have The stage is wrecked, the crowd is gone But by golly, Mario! The show, it must go on! Everyone: We can do this We can build it Best impact that you’ve ever made! Twice the bedrooms, we can fill it Peach: And there’s no one we’d ever trade! Peach and Daisy: It starts with you, Peach, Daisy and Toad: You know it’s true, Everyone: Fulfill your destiny! Peach: So long as I’ve got both of you with me! Rosalina: To build a castle, I think we need a giant tower Wario: Good thing we can help Check out this little bubble flower! Waluigi: Start with foundation Toadette: A remedial creation from me! Rosalina, Wario, Waluigi and Toadette: It’s like cleaning up a shrub! Mario: No time for crying, we got a lot of work to do and Luigi: We gotta try and make the best of what’s in ruins Daisy: New coat of paint! Peach: New lights across the marquee Mario, Luigi, Peach and Daisy: With a little power-up! Bowser: After the battle, masterless cattle Bowser and Bowser Jr.: City folk hanging by a thread With a bit of bravado Maybe tomorrow, we’ll be more dangerous Bowser Jr.: While the mushrooms are kissing Bowser: Count Bleck is missing Bowser and Bowser Jr.: Fled with his tail between his legs Nature abhors a power vacuum, it leaves room for most of us The Mushroom Kingdom belongs to the Koopas (laughing) Count Bleck: This place reeks of death, there’s a chill in the air And I barely escaped being killed by a hair “Great Lord Blumiere, egotist, died for his friends”? Sorry to disappoint… That is not where this ends! I’m hungry for freedom like never before The constraints of my chains surely have a back door Once I figure out how to unclip my wings Guess who will be pulling all the strings! (laughs) Everyone: We can do this (Mario: We can do this) We’ll be better (Mario: We’ll be better) Our adventure is never done (Peach: Heck no, it’s never done) Wayward rivals, clear their ledger Pauline: And it’s gonna be super fun Mario and Luigi: Yeah! Daisy: Yay! Mario: We’ll make a difference, wait and see Mario and Luigi: We’re gonna do this, you and me Everyone: And then tomorrow is a great day in the Mushroom Kingdom! (Cue fireworks) Like this comment if you like this idea.
Madagascar the bad guys shrek 3 madagascar 2 shrek 2 jurassic world camp cretaceous Shrek 4 madagascar 3 shrek great adventure hazbin hotel zoophobia bad luck jack catwoman bunks so undercover hannah montana the movie descendants royal wedding descendants wicked world Sophie and Sheba adventure of teenage dragonslytes invader Zim rl stine goosebumps rl stine haunting hour the movie music instrumental karaoke soundtrack finale
Manny sid and diego adventure of hazbin hotel ice age rio ice age 2 rio 2 ice age 3 madagascar ice age 4 madagascar 2 ice age 5 madagascar 3 the bad guys the movie music instrumental karaoke soundtrack finale
Dreamworks animations in New York the musical Madagascar the bad guys shrek 3 jurassic world camp cretaceous Shrek 2 madagascar 2 the bad guys haunted heist shrek madagascar 3 the bad guys a very bad holiday shrek 4 hazbin hotel dr seuss the lorax luck 2022 if 2024 kidz bop the movie music soundtrack
Lo ha fatto per noi È morto per colpa mia Un colpo e poi Ce l'hanno portato via E lo avrei potuto evitare Se avessi convinto il paradiso Il mio hotel ho fatto crollare Lo so che vi ho deluso Sono un fallimento per voi Coraggio, tesoro, non lo sai? Prima o poi succederà Questo inferno lo cambierai Lo puoi fare, io ci credo La tua storia comincia qua Non mollare, già lo vedo Il tuo sogno si avvererà Io credo in te Non vedi che hai cambiato tutti noi? È quel che è, È andata così Ma per dio, Charlie Non può finire qui Si può fare, tutti insieme Noi lo ricostruiremo qui Grande il doppio e accogliente Un hotel pieno di ospiti Lo sai anche tu Ma noi di più L'inferno cambierà Insieme a voi, so che succederà Ricostruiamo con i mattoni e un po' di energia E per fortuna da queste parti c'è la magia Basta l'impegno, il re dell'ingegno è qui È più facile così Non disperiamo, il nostro sogno rinascerà Se ci proviamo, niente al mondo ci fermerà Solo così rischiareremo la via Basta la stregoneria Dopo la lotta, cambia la rotta Saremo noi al vertice Ora siamo in vantaggio, Forza e coraggio Ci manca poco, ormai Con l'inferno nel cesso E Alastor perso Pensa che festa ci sarà In questo vuoto di potere C'è un posto per noi tre L'inferno sarà alla nostra mercè Trascino fin qui quel che resta di me Ma la morte so che mi voleva per sé Se pensano che sarei morto da eroe Mi dispiace, ma no, sono tutte bugie Lo bramo soltanto la mia libertà Dal contratto che storpia la mia volontà E quando le ali io dispiegherò Finalmente il mondo piegherò Si può fare (Si può fare) Anche meglio (Anche meglio) Questo hotel li redimerà (Tutti redimerà) Chi è dannato è anche peggio Un sorriso li salverà Sì! Così l'inferno cambierà E niente ci separerà Un giorno in mezzo a questa merda, ci sarà felicità
Blue sky studios in Las Vegas the musical ice age rio ice age 2 rio 2 ice age 3 george of the jungle 2 ice age 4 robots ice age 5 thr movie music instrumental karaoke soundtrack finale
I'll be making karaoke videos for Hazbin season 2 when it arrives! Stay subscribed if you wanna see that whenever it comes out. I'll try to get the videos out a bit faster next time lol
In the meantime I'll be doing some related karaoke videos - Addict & some Helluva Boss stuff. I had some requests for that stuff a while back! whoops
Yay, finally! The best original clean instrumental of this glorious song has arrived!!
Стоп, ты тоже здесь?...
@@Dornu_ ну да, это ведь минусовка, которую я использовала)
10/10 end-of-third-act finale song! This show is GOING places most live musicals never have!
I only came here for the vox and Valentino duet
HAHAHAH real tho
2:13 btw:3
Not me singing this by myself at 2:00 AM in the morning.
FR 😢
Fr it's 3:45 am for me 😂
@@WynterFoxYT14for me is 1:09 (don’t go to time)
Lmaooo same
2:12 THE VEES (I put this as a marker for my Cover lol)
Thank you for making this!! I love the Vees’ part so much omg!
I opened youtube at the perfect time!!!! Amazing playlist. Thank you so much for doing this x
3am got me singing hazbin hotel songs
Same my friends and I be suckin at this lookin at you number 2
I am number 3 btw
I’m 2
Same I was at a sleppover and we all start singing 😂😂😂😂
Also if your wondering the people who claimed 2 and 3 are actually the real people
The fact that i wanted to make a cover of this song-
私を信じて 立ち向かい
あの日 私がもっと
天使と 手を取りあえば
この悲劇は 止められた
誰のことも きっと
きっと 失うこともなく…
見渡せば ほら
できるさ 大丈夫!
まだまだ これから
今さら もう止まれない
旅は ここからだ
お前が 変えたのさ
どんなに ボロボロでも
そうさ 進め
できるさ 作れる
客室は 満杯!
自分を 信じよう
集めよう たくさんのレンガを
そんなこと ほら朝飯前だ!
涙拭き 今できる仕事を
前よりも もっといいホテルを
残された ブタ箱は
きっと 今こそが
腰抜かし 逃げた
当然 俺らのものさ
ついに来た Vの時代!
街中が 血に染められ
どうにかして ここへ逃げた
「彼は 友のために死んだ」
そう簡単に 終わるもんか
私を縛る 契約
必ず見つけるさ 抜け穴
自由を 手に入れてやる
できるさ 大丈夫
みんなで 償おう
いつでも 笑顔で
変えよう みんなで
きっと 明日は
when I translate it there's the complete wrong lyrics 😢
It can't be helped since there are some parts that have been slightly changed in Japanese, but the Japanese lyrics are also wonderful! But English is number one!
(This is a translation. The sentence is strange, but I can't speak English, so please take it with a grain of salt.)
Bro, I love the vees part
Man I've been waiting for this! Good job man
Who are you? Husk?
@@SOOFI_FI114 no i am a cat wizard
@@SOOFI_FI114oh hi Angel
@@TULIP._.OFFICIALS I'm not a angel to account, easy to think that though!
@@SOOFI_FI114 I was talking about profile
Se sacrificou
Agora ele está em paz
Em nós confiou
E olha o que a gente faz
Talvez tudo fosse evitado
Se os anjos quisessem ouvir direito
O meu hotel foi arruínado
Eu podia dar um jeito, jeito
Mas nós ficamos no chão
Não chore, nem tudo foi em vão
Em milênios foi você
Quem mudou a situação
É possível, eu sei disso
A tristeza já vai passar
Nós voltamos ao início
Mas podemos recomeçar
Você tocou os corações
Viu o bom no mais cruel
O seu hotel desmoronou
Mas por Deus, charlie!
O show só começou
[Lúcifer, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk, Niffty e Cherri Bomb]
É possível, nós podemos
Vamos juntos reconstruir
Com mais quartos
Mais banheiros
E mais hóspedes vão surgir
[Lúcifer e Vaggie]
O sonho é seu
[Lúcifer, Vaggie e Angel Dust]
Nos prometeu
[Lúcifer, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk, Niffty e Cherri Bomb]
Um dia mais feliz!
Vocês são tudo o que eu sempre quis
Assinar e remover anúncios
Fazer um hotel
Requer madeira e tijolos
É nosso troféu
Contemplem com seus próprios olhos
[Angel Dust]
Só um reforço
Ah, não é nenhum esforço pra mim
[Lúcifer, Niffty e Angel Dust]
Não tem como ser ruim
Sem cara triste
A gente não tem tempo a perder
A chance existe
É só fazermos acontecer
Bota mais cor
Com luzes fortes assim
[Charlie, Vaggie e Husk]
A magia não tem fim
Fim da batalha, alastor falha
[Vox e Valentino]
Outra vez lordes vão cair
No momento exato
Nosso mandato vai se sobressair
O inferno se fode
Alastor foge
[Vox e Valentino]
Toda sua banca se desfez
Deixa o poder e vai embora
Agora é a nossa vez
O inferno vai ver a ordem dos vês
Um clima sombrio
De sentir calafrio
Escapei do meu fim
Mas fiquei por um fio
O alastor morre salvando vocês
Me desculpe informar, mas não foi dessa vez
Me dê liberdade, me lembre o sabor
Meu acordo me prende e não posso me opor
Mas quando eu souber como me libertar
Adivinhem quem vai comandar
[Lúcifer, Angel Dust, Husk, Niffty, Cherri Bomb e Charlie]
É possível (é possível)
Nós faremos (nós faremos)
Basta a gente acreditar (basta a gente acreditar)
Pecadores uniremos
E um sorriso não vai faltar!
[Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Niffty e Cherri Bomb]
Esse cara
O povo vai se redimir
[Charlie e Vaggie]
Nós vamos juntas conseguir
[Charlie, Vaggie, Lúcifer, Alastor, Angel Dust, Husk, Niffty e Cherri Bomb]
A porra desse sonho finalmente pode ser real!
Assinar e remover anúncios
I used this to make a cover and credited!🎶💕 You’re the best!!
2:12 Vox and Valentino's part
I've been waiting for it yay!!
2:54 Horror moment
3:40 Perfect fireworks show finale 🎉
The vees (and somewhat alastor) carry this song
Something about Lucifer's picture is so funny and I can't tell what it is, but I can stop laughing. lol
2:39 Alastor’s part
0:44 here trying to master Lucifers part lmao
I only sing vail and vox its too good
In polish Lucifer
Hej młoda damo, rozchmurz się przez ostatni tysiąc lat nikt nie dokonał tylu zmian Ty dasz radę! Jestem pewien twej historii to ledwie start nie odpuszczaj goń za celem! Do naprawy tak wiele masz wiedziałaś jak ich serca skraść ocaliłaś nas od zła. Choć odszedł tłum i sceny brak, to mój Boże, Charlie twój pokaz musi trwać!
Guys it 44 minutes past 9:00, my voice is done.
2:12 with 0.75 speed is good
Он ради всех нас
Принёс в жертву сам себя...
Он верил в меня,
И вот что в взамен дала?!
Можно было не проливать кровь
Но я найти нужных слов не сумела.
В руинах всё, разрушен отель мой-
Лишь на мне вина за это,
Это ведь я тебя подвела!
Малышка не стоит слёзы лить...
Лишь тебе хватило сил
Наш родной город изменить!
Знаю точно-ты всё сможешь,
Ведь, жизнь долгая впереди.
Сдаться- это слишком просто,
Дел немало нам предстоит!
Ты в их сердца свет принесла,
В глубине найдя добро!
Казалось бы, финал уныл,
Но, бог мой, Чарли!
Продолжим шоу мы!
Мы всё сможем,восстановим,
Наш отель засияет вновь
Больше спален здесь построим,
Каждый грешник дом обретёт!
Но без тебя никак нельзя,
Пора идти вперёд!
Вы рядом, значит мне под силу всё!
Отель строим,
Где кирпичи и весь инструмент?!
Добавить стоит
Магические цифры в конце!
Прочный фундамент
Заложен будет нами сейчас!
Просто словно дважды два!
Для слёз не время,
У нас работы хватит на всех
Пойдёт хлам в дело,
Даже от руин польза есть!
Краску дава!
Шатёр мой должен сиять,
Так добавим волбшества!
После сраженья в стаде волненья,
Шатко у оверлордов всё!
С лёгкой ноткой бравады,
Может быть завтра
Сможем взойти на трон?!
Все от страха в штаны ссут,
Аластар сгинул,
Ловко ему прижали хвост!
Мы же сейчас шанс не упустим,
И место в аду займём,
Над нам трио ВИ захватит контроль!
Здесь холод могил,
И смерть бродит вокруг...
Я едва не погиб,
Хоть и близок к тому!
"О, Аластор, что жизнь
Отдал за друзей!"
Не хочу огорчать, но ещё не конец!
Мечты о свободе так давят меня...
Невозможно, что был
Без лазейки контракт!
Как только пойму, как оковы порвать,
Кукловода, роль верну опять!
Всем под силу измениться,
Каждый цену заплатит сам
Искупленье предстоит нам,
Но мы встретим судьбу смеясь!
Ох, опять он...
Лишь подожди и убедись-
Пройдём всё вместе, я и ты!
И, значит, завтра, будет просто,
Сука, лучший день в аду!
This track is awesome! I’m thinking of doing a Super Mario cover for this song.
Here are the lyrics.
He did it for us, the ultimate sacrifice
He gave us his trust, and look how we paid the price
This battle could have been avoided
If we convinced Delfino to work together
You built the castle and I destroyed it
I know I could have done better
Mario and Luigi:
Better, instead of letting you down
Come on mustache, why the frown?
In the last 40 years
You’re the first ones to change this town
You can do this, now they know it!
For your story has just begun
You can’t quit now. Heck, you owe it!
There’s still damage to be undone
You’ve changed their minds, you’ve touched their hearts
Found the goodness they still have
The stage is wrecked, the crowd is gone
But by golly, Mario!
The show, it must go on!
We can do this
We can build it
Best impact that you’ve ever made!
Twice the bedrooms, we can fill it
And there’s no one we’d ever trade!
Peach and Daisy:
It starts with you,
Peach, Daisy and Toad:
You know it’s true,
Fulfill your destiny!
So long as I’ve got both of you with me!
To build a castle, I think we need a giant tower
Good thing we can help
Check out this little bubble flower!
Start with foundation
A remedial creation from me!
Rosalina, Wario, Waluigi and Toadette:
It’s like cleaning up a shrub!
No time for crying, we got a lot of work to do and
We gotta try and make the best of what’s in ruins
New coat of paint!
New lights across the marquee
Mario, Luigi, Peach and Daisy:
With a little power-up!
After the battle, masterless cattle
Bowser and Bowser Jr.:
City folk hanging by a thread
With a bit of bravado
Maybe tomorrow, we’ll be more dangerous
Bowser Jr.:
While the mushrooms are kissing
Count Bleck is missing
Bowser and Bowser Jr.:
Fled with his tail between his legs
Nature abhors a power vacuum, it leaves room for most of us
The Mushroom Kingdom belongs to the Koopas
Count Bleck:
This place reeks of death, there’s a chill in the air
And I barely escaped being killed by a hair
“Great Lord Blumiere, egotist, died for his friends”?
Sorry to disappoint… That is not where this ends!
I’m hungry for freedom like never before
The constraints of my chains surely have a back door
Once I figure out how to unclip my wings
Guess who will be pulling all the strings! (laughs)
We can do this (Mario: We can do this)
We’ll be better (Mario: We’ll be better)
Our adventure is never done (Peach: Heck no, it’s never done)
Wayward rivals, clear their ledger
And it’s gonna be super fun
Mario and Luigi:
We’ll make a difference, wait and see
Mario and Luigi:
We’re gonna do this, you and me
And then tomorrow is a great day in the Mushroom Kingdom!
(Cue fireworks)
Like this comment if you like this idea.
I legit said while the rest of hells missing alastors pissing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Also 100th comment y’all
Vox and Valentino
if you combine them, Ukraine will be
Vox and Val
2:13 my fav
02:13 Sounds like it would fit as the endcredit Music if the V’s got a Spinnoff
Hey, I know it's not exactly a Hazbin Hotel song, but could you do the song Insane by Black Gryphon and Bassik please?
"Insane" karaoke: ruclips.net/video/8exJtLNzRCs/видео.html
Can you also do one for Addict?
Here's my "Addict" karaoke: ruclips.net/video/pB-xwdy2TH4/видео.html
can i use this for my cover?? i'll credit you:)
Yeah, go ahead
You can doing karaoke of Helluva Boss?
That's the plan, yeah
I love singing this in a british accent 😂
i need friends; it's way too hard to sing all of these at the same time
do "Monster Ball" from Helluva Boss plsssssssss❤
w song💪💪💪
Madagascar the bad guys shrek 3 madagascar 2 shrek 2 jurassic world camp cretaceous Shrek 4 madagascar 3 shrek great adventure hazbin hotel zoophobia bad luck jack catwoman bunks so undercover hannah montana the movie descendants royal wedding descendants wicked world Sophie and Sheba adventure of teenage dragonslytes invader Zim rl stine goosebumps rl stine haunting hour the movie music instrumental karaoke soundtrack finale
Manny sid and diego adventure of hazbin hotel ice age rio ice age 2 rio 2 ice age 3 madagascar ice age 4 madagascar 2 ice age 5 madagascar 3 the bad guys the movie music instrumental karaoke soundtrack finale
I love you
What program did you use for subtitles?
the amount of voice cracks
Dreamworks animations in New York the musical Madagascar the bad guys shrek 3 jurassic world camp cretaceous Shrek 2 madagascar 2 the bad guys haunted heist shrek madagascar 3 the bad guys a very bad holiday shrek 4 hazbin hotel dr seuss the lorax luck 2022 if 2024 kidz bop the movie music soundtrack
Why does alastor’s part give me Tim Burton vibes
3:12 uansaifigerhauthautujakofmaidik, geshowilbicamingindasink
Vees part 2:13
Lo ha fatto per noi
È morto per colpa mia
Un colpo e poi
Ce l'hanno portato via
E lo avrei potuto evitare
Se avessi convinto il paradiso
Il mio hotel ho fatto crollare
Lo so che vi ho deluso
Sono un fallimento per voi
Coraggio, tesoro, non lo sai?
Prima o poi succederà
Questo inferno lo cambierai
Lo puoi fare, io ci credo
La tua storia comincia qua
Non mollare, già lo vedo
Il tuo sogno si avvererà
Io credo in te
Non vedi che hai cambiato tutti noi?
È quel che è,
È andata così
Ma per dio, Charlie
Non può finire qui
Si può fare, tutti insieme
Noi lo ricostruiremo qui
Grande il doppio e accogliente
Un hotel pieno di ospiti
Lo sai anche tu
Ma noi di più
L'inferno cambierà
Insieme a voi, so che succederà
Ricostruiamo con i mattoni e un po' di energia
E per fortuna da queste parti c'è la magia
Basta l'impegno, il re dell'ingegno è qui
È più facile così
Non disperiamo, il nostro sogno rinascerà
Se ci proviamo, niente al mondo ci fermerà
Solo così rischiareremo la via
Basta la stregoneria
Dopo la lotta, cambia la rotta
Saremo noi al vertice
Ora siamo in vantaggio,
Forza e coraggio
Ci manca poco, ormai
Con l'inferno nel cesso
E Alastor perso
Pensa che festa ci sarà
In questo vuoto di potere
C'è un posto per noi tre
L'inferno sarà alla nostra mercè
Trascino fin qui quel che resta di me
Ma la morte so che mi voleva per sé
Se pensano che sarei morto da eroe
Mi dispiace, ma no, sono tutte bugie
Lo bramo soltanto la mia libertà
Dal contratto che storpia la mia volontà
E quando le ali io dispiegherò
Finalmente il mondo piegherò
Si può fare (Si può fare)
Anche meglio (Anche meglio)
Questo hotel li redimerà (Tutti redimerà)
Chi è dannato è anche peggio
Un sorriso li salverà
Così l'inferno cambierà
E niente ci separerà
Un giorno in mezzo a questa merda, ci sarà felicità
Blue sky studios in Las Vegas the musical ice age rio ice age 2 rio 2 ice age 3 george of the jungle 2 ice age 4 robots ice age 5 thr movie music instrumental karaoke soundtrack finale
ISNT THAT @kayandtay 😮