Cervical (Neck) X-Ray: Degenerative Disc, Bone Spurs and Neural Foraminal Narrowing (Radiculopathy)

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • In this video I discuss Cervical (Neck) X-rays. I cover the implications that structure has on function. By understanding normal anatomy we are able to identify a degenerative disc, bone spurs and foraminal narrowing. I also cover a case about a patient who had a cervical radiculopathy (numbness and tingling into her arms and hands) and how it was helped with Chiropractic.
    This video is about Cervical (Neck) X-Ray: Degenerative Disc, Bone Spurs and Neural Foraminal Narrowing (Radiculopathy)
    Visit our website at: www.elmirafc.com
    Any questions, leave them in the comments section below.
    Brought to you by: Dr. Thom Green and Dr. Sarah Green, Chiropractors in Elmira
    Come visit us at: Elmira Family Chiropractic, 25 Industrial Dr. Unit 1B,
    Elmira ON, Canada, N3B 3K3
    Call us at: (519) 669-5571
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    Dr. Thom Green and Dr. Sarah Green
    Elmira Family Chiropractic
    25 Industrial Dr. Unit 1B,
    Elmira ON, Canada
    N3B 3K3

Комментарии • 29

  • @fatimawaheed-wq9tr
    @fatimawaheed-wq9tr 2 месяца назад

    Bone spurs are treated by chiropractors, orthopedic or physiotherapists?

  • @leishawalker5916
    @leishawalker5916 Месяц назад

    I had an xray at my chiropractors office just this afternoon. I have a couple of bone spurs in my neck. I have had issues with my neck for several months now. I have tingling in my arms and legs. What would you suggest that I do in order to ease the pain ?

    • @Elmirafc
      @Elmirafc  15 дней назад

      Unfortunately I am unable to give specific advice as I do not know the details of your health situation...If I were you, I would talk to your chiropractor who took the X-rays and discuss a plan of management to hopefully help ease your pain and improve your body's overall health and wellbeing.

  • @rrkatamakata7874
    @rrkatamakata7874 3 месяца назад

    age 22 with neck spur at c34 and c45 it is very painful sadly i guess the only long term option is surgery. 30 session of physio helped a lot but when i lift weights it hurts again even though 3 different orthopedics and 1 physiotherapist says i should be able to lift weights. The cause of my problems were possibly due to forward head posture + calcification in my neck. I fear that whatever i do it will continue to create ne spurs

    • @Elmirafc
      @Elmirafc  15 дней назад

      Physiotherapy is great, but it will not address misalignments in your spine called subluxations that can cause bone spring and further degeneration. If I were you, I would find an upper cervical chiropractor in your area to address your neck dysfunction. Dr. Thom

  • @caro-tk7pm
    @caro-tk7pm 3 месяца назад

    I have c5 c6 c7 bone spurs and C5 foraminal narrowing in so much pain please help

    • @Elmirafc
      @Elmirafc  3 месяца назад

      Hi, sorry to hear you are suffering. If you let me know your whereabouts, I am happy to try to find you a chiropractor who might be able to help. Send me an email at team@elmirafc.com.
      Dr. Thom

  • @gjackson0227
    @gjackson0227 11 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you so informative and exactly what is happening to me now.How do I get rid of the constant pain,loss of movement in arm and dizziness please?🙏

    • @Elmirafc
      @Elmirafc  10 месяцев назад +1

      Your best bet is to consult with a Chiropractor who focuses on the upper cervical spine using X-ray analysis and specific adjustments. If you email me your location I can do my best to help find you a Chiropractor who might help you get to the root cause of your problem. email: team@elmirafc.com

  • @peny1981
    @peny1981 2 года назад +1

    What is the solution to the problem (bone spurs in neck) in this case? Stretches? Manual therapy? Operation to cut off this bone spur? Can body absorb them?

    • @Elmirafc
      @Elmirafc  Год назад

      The bone spurs are your bodies innate response to try and stabilize the vertebrae. Either due to trauma and excess movement or an overall lack of movement, the body is very smart and will start to fuse the segments together. Bone spurs are a sign of hardening of the ligaments and connective tissues as they turn to bone or calcify. Solutions: have proper alignment and biomechanics. Stretch, move, strengthen. Have a structural and neurospinal assessment from a chiropractor who can make specific adjustments to slow the degenerative changes occurring. Hope this helps!

  • @talkttalk2010
    @talkttalk2010 8 месяцев назад +1

    Great video. So clearly explained

  • @bonchauvin5744
    @bonchauvin5744 9 месяцев назад

    Doctor, do u think cervical issues can cause burning mouth syndrome. My neck can hardly turn to the left…..hurts..I’m 73…….I know I have cervical stenosis, degenerative disc disease. Had a cervical discectomy 10 years ago. Going to spine Dr tomorrow. Have u ever heard of cervical,issues causing the burning mouth thing. I can’t seem to get help with this? Thks bon. Blue ridge ga

    • @Elmirafc
      @Elmirafc  9 месяцев назад

      Being as that the nerves from the neck , specifically the ones that exit at the brainstem, control the tongue and mouth then yes. What did the spine doctor say? Have you consulted with a Chiropractor who specializes in upper cervical (neck) care? ~Dr Thom

  • @kennybraverman9719
    @kennybraverman9719 7 месяцев назад

    this sounds like what they said about my c7 ct1 vertebra narrowing of the disk and bone spurs. Can the bone spurs be removed and disk fixed and how does that happen.

    • @Elmirafc
      @Elmirafc  7 месяцев назад

      Your body is always trying to heal itself and help you best adapt to your environment. It may be that your C7-T1 is adapting to a specific stress on your body. And there could be a subluxation (misalignment of the vertebrae) at or near those levels in your spine impeding your healing and function. I would seek a Chiropractic consultation first with someone who does X-ray analysis and upper cervical care. This is the most non-invasive way to promote healing and proper nerve function. If you prefer the medical route, sometimes they may recommend a discectomy or other surgery, however it is invasive and does have potential side effects. Hope that helps. ~Dr. Thom

  • @scottypoppa1187
    @scottypoppa1187 10 месяцев назад

    I have a similar situation but my spur causes pain in the neck and shoulders and numbness in my left arm..... besides epidurals and other steroids to mask the pain, what other solutions can I do to resolve the situation??

    • @Elmirafc
      @Elmirafc  10 месяцев назад

      Your best bet is to consult with a Chiropractor who focuses on the upper cervical spine using X-ray analysis and specific adjustments. If you email me your location I can do my best to help find you a Chiropractor who might help you get to the root cause of your problem. email: team@elmirafc.com. Be well~Dr Thom

  • @cherylmendez945
    @cherylmendez945 2 года назад

    I went to my primary doctor for tingling and numbness in my head and face. Sometimes I find it in my hands and feet but not often. She took X-rays and told me I have bone spurs, degeneration and that reverse curve in my neck. Now I am having trouble feeling the urge to go number 2. I know arm tingling can be caused by pinch nerves but can constipation and face numbness be as well?

    • @Elmirafc
      @Elmirafc  2 года назад

      Hi Cheryl, issues with bowel and bladder function can be a medical emergency if there is an issue with your spinal cord. You might need more advanced medical imaging and I would also recommend seeing an upper cervical chiropractor. Please email me your location if you need help finding a referral. team@elmirafc.com

  • @AliJaw2d94
    @AliJaw2d94 9 месяцев назад

    Hello dic , am frim iraq and it’s kinda hard to find good doc here so i would be happy if you take a look on my x ray

    • @Elmirafc
      @Elmirafc  9 месяцев назад +1

      Send your inquiry to team@elmirafc.com

  • @Rob_2002_NCAA_Champion
    @Rob_2002_NCAA_Champion Год назад

    What angle did you use to get that X-ray?

    • @Elmirafc
      @Elmirafc  Год назад

      It is a neutral lateral cervical X-ray with no angulation.

  • @meerabro5626
    @meerabro5626 Год назад

    sir need ur review on my xray

    • @Rob_2002_NCAA_Champion
      @Rob_2002_NCAA_Champion Год назад

      I'd pay him

    • @Elmirafc
      @Elmirafc  Год назад

      If you are looking for a 2nd opinion, please let me know and I can find a doctor/chiropractor who can help if I can't be of service.

  • @CynthiaPulver
    @CynthiaPulver 4 года назад

    Chiropractic care sure has come a long way. Thank you, Dr. for the detailed explanation. The one thing that has me angry and confused and which you mentioned is that no one ever thought to look into the neck. Why would that be, I ask? I had carpal tunnel surgery that worked for a short time in 2015, but within the year the symptoms returned. By March 2017, my chronic shoulder pain started along with mid- back pain. The shoulder and thoracic x-rays were normal. Chronic pain was now part of my life and is today, but if not for the car accident in September 2019, I wouldn't have the correct diagnoses. "C5-C6 severe bi-foraminal stenosis and severe central stenosis, secondary to a circumferential disc-osteophyte complex. Coexistent intraspinal cord compression probably another baseline cervical feature." Great, where's the justice?

    • @Elmirafc
      @Elmirafc  4 года назад

      Sorry to hear Cynthia Lynn. Pain into the arms and hands is like the smoke alarm going off in your home. The pain is like the alarm alerting you there is smoke from a fire, but the alarm doesn't tell you where the fire is. You can go to the source and silent the alarm but the fire will continue to burn. Unfortunately our society looks to treat the symptom instead of looking to the cause of the problem.
      I hope you have a good Chiropractor looking after the health of your spine. if not please let me know and I can find you a good doctor near you.
      Dr Thom