Feel called to mention that, There’s no “”until fully comprehension.”” I’ve been listening for years on 0.75 speed, with the intention of a beginners mindset each time. I usually listen to fall asleep to the peace and wholesomeness and awesomeness of it, letting each bit take me as it comes. For example haha as the course states itself it’s a beginning , not an end
00:00:01 Preface 00:21:19 Introduction 🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣 00:22:15 *_CHAPTER 1: THE MEANING OF MIRACLES_* 00:22:20 01 Principles of Miracles 00:37:05 02 Revelation, Time and Miracles 00:43:44 03 Atonement and Miracles 00:51:35 04 The Escape from Darkness 00:55:32 05 Wholeness and Spirit 01:01:00 06 The Illusion of Needs 01:05:25 07 Distortions of Miracle Impulses 🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣 01:10:52 *_CHAPTER 2: THE SEPARATION AND THE ATONEMENT_* 01:10:59 01 The Origins of Separation 01:17:42 02 The Atonement as Defense 01:25:35 03 The Altar of God 01:31:57 04 Healing as Release from Fear 01:38:16 05 The Function of the Miracle Worker 01:48:33 A. Special Principles of Miracle Workers 01:52:31 06 Fear and Conflict 02:02:18 07 Cause and Effect 02:10:33 08 The Meaning of the Last Judgment 🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣 02:15:58 *_CHAPTER 3: THE INNOCENT PERCEPTION_* 02:16:04 01 Atonement without Sacrifice 02:24:32 02 Miracles as True Perception 02:29:56 03 Perception versus Knowledge 02:36:40 04 Error and the Ego 02:45:05 05 Beyond Perception 02:53:51 06 Judgment and the Authority Problem 03:03:52 07 Creating versus the Self-Image 🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣 03:10:58 *_CHAPTER 4: THE ILLUSIONS OF THE EGO_* 03:11:03 Introduction 03:14:01 01 Right Teaching and Right Learning 03:27:15 02 The Ego and False Autonomy 03:39:18 03 Love without Conflict 03:48:29 04 This Need Not Be 03:58:08 05 The Ego-Body Illusion 04:04:33 06 The Rewards of God 04:12:06 07 Creation and Communication 🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣 04:20:06 *_CHAPTER 5: HEALING AND WHOLENESS_* 04:20:12 Introduction 04:22:24 01 The Invitation to the Holy Spirit 04:28:44 02 The Voice for God 04:38:24 03 The Guide to Salvation 04:46:53 04 Teaching and Healing 04:54:41 05 The Ego's Use of Guilt 05:03:14 06 Time and Eternity 05:10:47 07 The Decision for God 🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣 05:15:23 *_CHAPTER 6: THE LESSONS OF LOVE_* 05:15:27 Introduction 05:17:11 01 The Message of the Crucifixion 05:30:12 02 The Alternative to Projection 05:39:54 03 The Relinquishment of Attack 05:43:30 04 The Only Answer 05:52:37 05 The Lessons of The Holy Spirit 05:55:38 a. To Have, Give All to All 06:00:36 b. To Have Peace, Teach Peace to Learn It 06:07:31 c. Be Vigilant Only for God and His Kingdom
Ditto I turned my life around totally by listening to 432hz music 24/7 in the background everyday it changed my chemical chemistry of my body from within this enabled a change in my thought processing I started making new choices that would benefit my emotional well being and hope followed this with actions to enable the new changes I wanted and kind loving folks 16 months later I have peace in my head my heart and my thoughts daily with joy in every day I’m 11 months into a course in miracles and life is real good 👍 bless you give it a go x
I've heard of so many people who tried reading the book and couldn't digest it, but I am loving it. There were only a few spots that I didn't quite understand and sort of put that on a shelf to come back later. What fascinates me is that the main message is to remember who you really are through forgetting the insanity of the ego, and it really coordinates with the parable of a prodigal son. The Greek version of the parable really stresses on remembering who he was and the connection between remembering his true nature and returning to his father. Wow!
A recent diagnosis of cancer unexpectedly to someone who does everything to prevent it has led me the stage of spiritual inquiry - I accidentally discovered this book... -what a divine intervention!
❤Ive learned that cancer is the blessing that people don't realize they need because they weren't doing their inner child healing from childhood trauma and emotional neglect that they didn't even know was in their subconscious, because that inner child that is wounded is running our lives as adults until we address it and heal it acknowledge and release it. And learned to Unconditionally Love & accept it. Everything is always been within us, yet we all got programmed to search externally where we will never find what we were searching for ;-). We're always looking in the wrong places until we wake up❤ depending on where the cancer is it will tell you what emotion needs the most attention, lungs hold grief, kidneys are anxiety, feminine body parts like breasts and ovaries and uterus is equal not sitting in your divine feminine qualities enough..... the same way prostate cancer for men means they were emasculated by their wives because they were emasculated by their mothers, ...and because we are energy frequency and vibration.... we continue to attract whatever type of energies, in the forms of people job situations or environments or health conditions.. that reflect back to us what we need to heal from😊 everything is a 🪞 mirror when there's no judgment of the external world, because we've learned to stop judging ourselves, and everything must be in balance... we can observe and learn the lessons we're supposed to learn..... flows and forms. com and Louise Hay are some resources to find the root cause of the cancer... as I'm sure you've discovered that we are the only ones that create illnesses and dis-Ease within us, so we are the only ones that can heal ourselves. Our external world is a reflection of our internal world, and our physical health is a direct reflection of our spiritual and emotional health. All cancer means is that we turned the light off in our own beautiful cells and we are the only ones that can love them back to health enough to turn the lights back on again so we can Thrive versus merely survive. When we are externally giving too much, or people pleasing, putting others first or caring what they think, that's what we're not supposed to be doing. It lets us know that we were living in a fawning response to Childhood trauma which occurs because we weren't able to be in fight or flight, parents always abused their Authority and as children, we make excuses for them so we can survive in a home we didn't even know it was dysfunctional, which is every single home... no one is exempt from some sort of emotional neglect😢 when we stop making excuses for them and pedestal I think them, or others around us, like doctors or professors Etc we learn that we are all one, and all equal. And we are powerful beings. You might like either the doctor Sebi diet Or Professor Arnold Ehrets way of healing the body, because no illness actually needs a label... it's all just inflammation. Grounding mats are great to use everyday, as is obviously being Barefoot outside.... the more connected to Nature we are, the less sick or we will be. Because that is what heals us. Ionic foot baths, infrared saunas, but of course immediately detoxing from parasites has eradicated cancer for many people, and that means removing parasitic energy from your daily life whether it be employers or Partners or friends that are really frenemies.❤ making sure to limit and eliminate all heavy metals like aluminum lead in Mercury from your environment and food, and of course no fluoride in toothpaste or water. The body has been trying to Keep Us Alive 24/7 but we keep destroying it by not paying attention to what it's telling us and what it truly needs😢 enjoy the journey of your healing because you will discover yourself and who you truly are.... along the way, gratefulness is the biggest lesson.... also the medical medium books might be of assistance to you as well❤ Dr Rashid buttar was instrumental in a red and Katie cancer from the body check out oxygenated water Etc Rockefeller created a very corrupt medical system in the early 1900s that continues to harm people and keep them in it rather than heal and eradicate root causes, which is where the REAL doctors, like naturopaths, functional medicine doctors, holistic chiropractors, acupuncturists, energy and sound healers Etc were taking people...empowerment & accountability ❤
❤Ive learned that cancer is the blessing that people don't realize they need because they weren't doing their inner child healing from childhood trauma and emotional neglect that they didn't even know was in their subconscious, because that inner child that is wounded is running our lives as adults until we address it and heal it acknowledge and release it. And learned to Unconditionally Love & accept it. Everything is always been within us, yet we all got programmed to search externally where we will never find what we were searching for ;-). We're always looking in the wrong places until we wake up❤ depending on where the cancer is it will tell you what emotion needs the most attention, lungs hold grief, kidneys are anxiety, feminine body parts like breasts and ovaries and uterus= not sitting in your divine feminine qualities enough..... the same way prostate cancer for men means they were emasculated by their wives because they were emasculated by their mothers, ...and because we are energy frequency and vibration.... we continue to attract whatever type of energies, in the forms of people job situations or environments or health conditions.. that reflect back to us what we need to heal from😊 everything is a 🪞 mirror when there's no judgment of the external world, because we've learned to stop judging ourselves, and everything must be in balance... we can observe and learn the lessons we're supposed to learn..... flows and forms. com and Louise Hay are some resources to find the root cause of the cancer/illnesses... I'm sure you've discovered --that we are the only ones that create illnesses and dis-Ease within us, so we are the only ones that can heal ourselves. Our external world is a reflection of our internal world, and our physical health is a direct reflection of our spiritual and emotional health. All cancer means is that we turned the light off in our own beautiful cells and we are the only ones that can love them back to health enough to turn the lights back on again so we can Thrive versus merely survive. When we are externally giving too much, or people pleasing, putting others first or caring what they think, that's what we're not supposed to be doing. It lets us know that we were living in a fawning response to Childhood trauma which occurs because we weren't able to be in fight or flight, parents always abused their Authority and as children, we make excuses for them so we can survive in a home we didn't even know it was dysfunctional, which is every single home... no one is exempt from some sort of emotional neglect😢 when we stop making excuses for them and pedestal I think them, or others around us, like doctors or professors Etc we learn that we are all one, and all equal. And we are powerful beings. You might like either the doctor Sebi diet Or Professor Arnold Ehrets way of healing the body, because no illness actually needs a label... it's all just inflammation. Grounding mats are great to use everyday, as is obviously being Barefoot outside.... the more connected to Nature we are, the less sick or we will be. Because that is what heals us. Ionic foot baths, infrared saunas, but of course immediately detoxing from parasites has eradicated cancer for many people, and that means removing parasitic energy from your daily life whether it be employers or Partners or friends that are really frenemies.❤ making sure to limit and eliminate all heavy metals like aluminum lead in Mercury from your environment and food, and of course no fluoride in toothpaste or water. The body has been trying to Keep Us Alive 24/7 but we keep destroying it by not paying attention to what it's telling us and what it truly needs😢 enjoy the journey of your healing because you will discover yourself and who you truly are.... along the way, gratefulness is the biggest lesson.... also the medical medium books might be of assistance to you as well❤ Dr Rashid buttar was instrumental in a red and Katie cancer from the body check out oxygenated water Etc Rockefeller created a very corrupt medical system in the early 1900s that continues to harm people and keep them in it rather than heal and eradicate root causes, which is where
I tried posting some wonderful info/ links for you in regards to healing and eradicating disease an illness but it won't take them, it's interesting how helpful information is being blocked by youtube. If you lived in any fear of not getting cancer, or there was a focus on not wanting it, I'm sure you've discovered that any energy we put towards not wanting something will also bring it to us instead of focusing on what we do want. Because we are energy frequency and vibration.. and there's an emotional repression somewhere that needs addressing from any neglect or trauma in childhood that's still in our subconscious. the body will reflect that, because it's our inner child trying to speak to us and scream out as to what we need to acknowledge, love, be grateful for, and then release Within ourselves..
Parasite detoxes have eradicated cancer from the body, but they also mean eradicate them internally and externally ;-). Any parents or family or employers or Frenemies must be distanced or removed from your energy field as well. Sea moss gel is wonderful, ionic foot baths, barefoot outside or grounding mats, eliminating and reducing heavy metals from water toothpaste personal hygiene products, staying away from sunscreen and modifying time in the sun etc etc and Performing acts of self-love self-care and self honor every day while setting boundaries especially with family, and doing our inner child healing and Shadow work demonstrates to our body that we love and adore and cherish it. I did the route by healing the body first and then of course the Mind heals because sound body equals sound mind but mind body and spirit must all be in Balance we can't just heal one without it impacting the other three❤
🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣 06:16:31 *_CHAPTER 7: THE GIFTS OF THE KINGDOM_* 06:16:36 01 The Last Step 06:22:35 02 The Law of The Kingdom 06:28:45 03 The Reality of The Kingdom 06:33:49 04 Healing as the Recognition of Truth 06:40:00 05 Healing as the Changelessness of Mind 06:50:36 06 From Vigilance to Peace 07:02:37 07 The Totality of the Kingdom 07:11:35 08 The Unbelievable Bilief 07:18:22 09 The Extension of the Kingdom 07:23:52 10 The Confusion of Pain and Joy 07:31:01 11 The State of Grace 🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣 07:37:03 *_CHAPTER 8: THE JOURNEY BACK_* 07:37:09 01 The Direction of the Curriculum 07:41:42 02 The Difference between Imprisonment and Freedom 07:47:39 03 The Holy Encounter 07:54:33 04 The Gift of Freedom 08:03:22 05 The Undivided Will of the Sonship 08:08:57 06 The Treasure of God 08:16:55 07 The Body as a Means of Communication 08:29:07 08 The Body as Means or End 08:37:26 09 Healing as Corrected Perception 🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣 08:44:15 *_CHAPTER 9: THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE ATONEMENT_* 08:44:21 01 The Acceptance of Reality 08:55:29 02 The Answer to Prayer 09:04:24 03 The Correction of Error 09:10:11 04 The Holy Spirit's Plan of Forgiveness 09:18:20 05 The Unhealed Healer 09:25:52 06 The Acceptance of Your Brother.
First I was led to Neville, then recently found Florence Scovel Shinn & listened to the game of life audiobook too many times to count, and now I’ve been led here. Only a few minutes in and I’m positive this too will bring me great power and peace. Thank you
❤This is a great book. It really shows how religions originally wanted to keep humanity under control. More and more humanity is learning how to be free and realise that our mind and thoughts are not in control of us, but we have control over it. Once we free ourselves from the old conditioning.
Just so you all know! This recording is only as far as chapter 11! I’m on my third time listening, but bought the physical book now reading it, and just noticed this.. this is a miracle to me 😄😂
An amazing book & daily exercises to create a divine connection to Creator! Whether your life is perfect or full of tribulations, one will beautifully grow in spiritual connection & in this connection, the fruits of blessings! 🙏💞🙏
I always enjoyed this audio reading of ACIM, his voice resonates with me. I also have watched countless hours of David Hoffmeister on RUclips along with reading ACIM as I've noticed he's an amazingly practical demonstration of these ACIM teachings and for me it was helpful to see someone who was very peaceful and clear in what he shared. He wasn't just talking about it but he was demonstrating it 🌟
Delusion reaches depths beyond anything you can ever imagine. It’s like Jung once said, “people will do anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid facing their own souls”. If you read the Course, it is not complicated. It is not an entire ideology which gives you techniques to “destroy” the ego. It simply teaches you that, “nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists”. Simple in theory, but hard in practice for those who’s ego sits on God’s throne.
It actually always helps to read the preface because there is something very important there. Where it says that your higher self should finish the course with you in a way that is good for you specifically.
In Gods I Trust .. unity is 1.. may the Universe continue to make Yu All Feel Blessed .. until then Know Yu Are. ✨️🪴🦋🧘🏽♀️ To Be True to UrSelf is The Only way to be.. with The Righteous (Love) for one another no matter who or where they're from.. reMember yourself in The Love that sends waves of frequency all thru your existence.. this is True Spirit... I Am a Miracle and I Will No Longer be Made to learn chains, only The free Will that I Own within my Spirit. Love Peace & Light
I am finding even in Christianity that there is a growing understanding that God always had a plan to reconcile the Universe. Hell isn't the truth. Judgment so to speak is correction, not eternal torture like most of Christiandom believes. Understanding the true meaning of many poorly translated words clears up much confusion and bad teaching that is so prevalent in the church today. GOD is love.
I am glad that you find your trueself and inner being. The inner light will guide and be with you gorgeous eternity. The father in heaven and Christ love you ❤❤❤❤
I found ACIM in 1978. It became my “bible”. I stayed with it almost daily until 1982. I am still carrying it with me as a foundation of my being. There are many other books that have come along to provide me with information that helped to develop who I am today. It is best to study ACIM with a group.
Only minds can truly join. It’s only at the level of Christ Mind that true Union is possible and can never be lost. “Whom God has joined together, Let no man put asunder.” The Holy Spirit’s doing… 💝🙏🏽
Peace to all who read this. Thank you to the White Robed Monks of St Benedict - whose learning requirements delivered me here, to this place - and at this book. Now, we shall 'listen' together...
i was trained by St. Mother Theresa!!! Listening to this audiobook with the catholic faith as the base of the story makes this book make sense/ tangible.
These comments are amazing. It’s why I’m undertaking an 11hr audiobook. Let us strive in seeking Him, find our purpose in His vision and be sanctified in His rest as we await with eagerness and excitement for His momentary arrival!
I don’t really understand this completely as I am 41 mins in and I’m getting some of it but some of it is over my head. I am still open to receiving this and will continue to listen and absorb ❤🙏
Just read feeling is the secret by neville goddard and from there become a doer and not only a hearer that's all you need, the rest the holy spirit will take care off when the time comes
I got this book many years ago and never finished it maybe now I will by listening to it. But I must admit I have difficulty with the father and the son only . What about the mother.and daughter? Reminds me of all religion patriarchal to the core and women and daughters are objects to be use or abused? Maybe spirit can help me comprehend this. I will ask for a miracle to understand this. What about Sophia? Where is she in this story?
I feel this. Perhaps because “God” is all encompassing, the perfect Union of the masculine & feminine, both the Father & Void ( Mother). HE is a word. I’d love to inner stand more about this as well.
Do you know where I can find the complete version of the reading? This one stops almost at the end of chapter 11. The voice of the reader is simply amazing. Thanks in advance.
This is a referral link to me on Amazon. If you want to support me, buy anything you like through my link. Thank you very much to everyone who watched the video. amzn.to/47Hri4t
Chapter 1: The Meaning of Miracles - 22:16 (Principles of Miracles) - 37:07 (Revelation, Time, and Miracles) - 43:36 (Atonement and Miracles) - 51:36 (The Escape from Darkness) - 55:35 (Wholeness and Spirit) - 1:01:01 (The Illusion of Needs) - 1:05:25 (Distortions of Miracle Impulses) Chapter 2: The Separation and the Atonement - 1:10:54 (The Origins of Separation) - 1:17:42 (The Atonement as Defense) - 1:25:36 (The Alter of God)
God gave us choice ! Now you and I are choice. You are Eve and I am still Adam. When this body lies down we then become all-knowing and the blindness-death we choose in the garden- earth in death of this learning being. Then We go back to Source-HOME. But it is not in our time but His. God is Good, we are not robots in our choice we cause a world of pain. And this is why Jesus gave us the Lord's prayer 🙏. So today put your sight on His WILL.
I struggled to understand much of that. Is it something I should listen to a few times to grasp. Is there something I should have listened to before. It’s like sitting down at a movie theatre ten mins before the end and trying to figure out what it was all about. 2 hrs in and all I can recall is the word atonement and forgiveness. 😯
Don't worry. Maybe if you listen more times you will understand it better. We are living a dream. It's not easy to understand. Leave your logic mind behind ❤
I'm back, after retrying it over and over... I conclude that the book is utterly useless, confusing, and even a potential threat to happiness. First it's written in an attempt to sound mystical, rather than a genuine desire to be easily understood. If you truly wanted to give happiness to the world, why not write the book in a manner that is easily digested? Instead, the book explains nothing. It even mentions perception as a lie, when every enlightened person, and even near-death experiences show us that perception is actually how you dispel anxiety and reach happiness. The common approach to meditation, and ultimately to be grounded in the world (out of your mind) is to root yourself in sensations like sight, sound, and touch. Yet ACIM will make you believe its fake, and urges you to continue asking more question. It asks you to continuously make use of the mind, rather than putting it to rest already... It is the constant usage of the mind that sees, creates, and tries to solve problems. Without it, no problems. It is that simple. That's all it takes. There's no need for a 1000 page book. Instead the book aims to hook into the common religion back then, sprinkled some fancy-elusive writing in, and called it a day. The book will just lead you astray. The idea that you can reach happiness through the mind is absurd. The mind cannot know happiness because its by nature a problem-solving machine. Again, it's that easy to summarize. If you want to be happy, discard the mind by focusing on your perception. That's it. Any attempt of thinking out of the problem is ill-advised, you are just going in the opposite direction by solving it intellectually.
I think the book more says that the mind in service of spirit leads to fulfillment versus the mind in service of the body/ego. That you can change your thoughts to change your perception, (which will also not be truth) resulting in a happy version of the dream before awakening.
The spirit is the invisible world which isn't located anywhere, the unseen and from there is a light where emanations are formed through imagination but it's your own splendor because it's impossible to see yourself, if you put your attention into an idea your imagination will follow it but what creates these images is the light in yourself.
I personally struggle with the audiobook, since the man reading it doesn't understand it. I recommend you get yourself a printed copy and just turn to random pages whenever you're feeling out of sorts. If you're really struggling emotionally, doing the daily lessons can help a lot to give you steps you can take. But reading the text cover to cover is, in my opinion, pointless. I find it works best as a divination tool. Get into a receptive state and then open to a random page. If you don't understand or space out while reading, read it again and again until it starts to click.
These comments are amazing. It’s why I’m undertaking an 11hr audiobook. Let us strive in seeking Him, find our purpose in His vision and be sanctified in His rest as we await with eagerness and excitement for His momentary arrival! (Unfortunately this is terrible)
I will listen to this book & repeat it until I fully comprehend & will hold Christ & the Holy Spirit in my heart forever ♾️ on.
In Gods I Trust .. unity is 1.. may the Universe continue to make Yu Feel Blessed ..
Feel called to mention that, There’s no “”until fully comprehension.”” I’ve been listening for years on 0.75 speed, with the intention of a beginners mindset each time. I usually listen to fall asleep to the peace and wholesomeness and awesomeness of it, letting each bit take me as it comes. For example haha as the course states itself it’s a beginning , not an end
That’s the golden nugget right there 💎
00:00:01 Preface
00:21:19 Introduction
00:22:20 01 Principles of Miracles
00:37:05 02 Revelation, Time and Miracles
00:43:44 03 Atonement and Miracles
00:51:35 04 The Escape from Darkness
00:55:32 05 Wholeness and Spirit
01:01:00 06 The Illusion of Needs
01:05:25 07 Distortions of Miracle Impulses
01:10:59 01 The Origins of Separation
01:17:42 02 The Atonement as Defense
01:25:35 03 The Altar of God
01:31:57 04 Healing as Release from Fear
01:38:16 05 The Function of the Miracle Worker
01:48:33 A. Special Principles of Miracle Workers
01:52:31 06 Fear and Conflict
02:02:18 07 Cause and Effect
02:10:33 08 The Meaning of the Last Judgment
02:16:04 01 Atonement without Sacrifice
02:24:32 02 Miracles as True Perception
02:29:56 03 Perception versus Knowledge
02:36:40 04 Error and the Ego
02:45:05 05 Beyond Perception
02:53:51 06 Judgment and the Authority Problem
03:03:52 07 Creating versus the Self-Image
03:11:03 Introduction
03:14:01 01 Right Teaching and Right Learning
03:27:15 02 The Ego and False Autonomy
03:39:18 03 Love without Conflict
03:48:29 04 This Need Not Be
03:58:08 05 The Ego-Body Illusion
04:04:33 06 The Rewards of God
04:12:06 07 Creation and Communication
04:20:12 Introduction
04:22:24 01 The Invitation to the Holy Spirit
04:28:44 02 The Voice for God
04:38:24 03 The Guide to Salvation
04:46:53 04 Teaching and Healing
04:54:41 05 The Ego's Use of Guilt
05:03:14 06 Time and Eternity
05:10:47 07 The Decision for God
05:15:27 Introduction
05:17:11 01 The Message of the Crucifixion
05:30:12 02 The Alternative to Projection
05:39:54 03 The Relinquishment of Attack
05:43:30 04 The Only Answer
05:52:37 05 The Lessons of The Holy Spirit
05:55:38 a. To Have, Give All to All
06:00:36 b. To Have Peace, Teach Peace to Learn It
06:07:31 c. Be Vigilant Only for God and His Kingdom
Thank you 🙏❤️
Thanks for sharing!👍🏾🎯🤗
04:04:33 06 The rewards of God
Thank you ❤
Thank you. 💕✨
Ditto I turned my life around totally by listening to 432hz music 24/7 in the background everyday it changed my chemical chemistry of my body from within this enabled a change in my thought processing I started making new choices that would benefit my emotional well being and hope followed this with actions to enable the new changes I wanted and kind loving folks 16 months later I have peace in my head my heart and my thoughts daily with joy in every day I’m 11 months into a course in miracles and life is real good 👍 bless you give it a go x
I've heard of so many people who tried reading the book and couldn't digest it, but I am loving it. There were only a few spots that I didn't quite understand and sort of put that on a shelf to come back later. What fascinates me is that the main message is to remember who you really are through forgetting the insanity of the ego, and it really coordinates with the parable of a prodigal son. The Greek version of the parable really stresses on remembering who he was and the connection between remembering his true nature and returning to his father. Wow!
Life changer, took me from suicidally depressed to happy camper.
I too hope to become better at camping but its gonna take a miracle.
I’m hoping for me too
Can I ask how? Did u just listen to it?
I really hope it does the same for me. I hope you are doing better.
So I fell asleep listening to this and I had a crazier experience than taking 5gs of mushrooms wow thank you spirit 🙏
Is there adverts?? Please say no!!
I have something to attend to , I will be back , thank you . Blessings to everyone, everywhere. ❤
Me too. Shedding of my skin.
Yeah the dreams from listening to the course are always intense, it works of subconscious and unconscious levels as well as the conscious level
A recent diagnosis of cancer unexpectedly to someone who does everything to prevent it has led me the stage of spiritual inquiry - I accidentally discovered this book... -what a divine intervention!
How timely! What a blessing. Also, listen to Dr. Thomas Seyfried. He's helped thousands.
❤Ive learned that cancer is the blessing that people don't realize they need because they weren't doing their inner child healing from childhood trauma and emotional neglect that they didn't even know was in their subconscious, because that inner child that is wounded is running our lives as adults until we address it and heal it acknowledge and release it. And learned to Unconditionally Love & accept it. Everything is always been within us, yet we all got programmed to search externally where we will never find what we were searching for ;-). We're always looking in the wrong places until we wake up❤ depending on where the cancer is it will tell you what emotion needs the most attention, lungs hold grief, kidneys are anxiety, feminine body parts like breasts and ovaries and uterus is equal not sitting in your divine feminine qualities enough..... the same way prostate cancer for men means they were emasculated by their wives because they were emasculated by their mothers,
...and because we are energy frequency and vibration.... we continue to attract whatever type of energies, in the forms of people job situations or environments or health conditions.. that reflect back to us what we need to heal from😊 everything is a 🪞 mirror
when there's no judgment of the external world, because we've learned to stop judging ourselves, and everything must be in balance... we can observe and learn the lessons we're supposed to learn..... flows and forms. com and Louise Hay are some resources to find the root cause of the cancer... as I'm sure you've discovered that we are the only ones that create illnesses and dis-Ease within us, so we are the only ones that can heal ourselves.
Our external world is a reflection of our internal world, and our physical health is a direct reflection of our spiritual and emotional health.
All cancer means is that we turned the light off in our own beautiful cells and we are the only ones that can love them back to health enough to turn the lights back on again so we can Thrive versus merely survive. When we are externally giving too much, or people pleasing, putting others first or caring what they think, that's what we're not supposed to be doing. It lets us know that we were living in a fawning response to Childhood trauma which occurs because we weren't able to be in fight or flight, parents always abused their Authority and as children, we make excuses for them so we can survive in a home we didn't even know it was dysfunctional, which is every single home... no one is exempt from some sort of emotional neglect😢 when we stop making excuses for them and pedestal I think them, or others around us, like doctors or professors Etc we learn that we are all one, and all equal. And we are powerful beings.
You might like either the doctor Sebi diet Or Professor Arnold Ehrets way of healing the body, because no illness actually needs a label... it's all just inflammation. Grounding mats are great to use everyday, as is obviously being Barefoot outside.... the more connected to Nature we are, the less sick or we will be. Because that is what heals us. Ionic foot baths, infrared saunas, but of course immediately detoxing from parasites has eradicated cancer for many people, and that means removing parasitic energy from your daily life whether it be employers or Partners or friends that are really frenemies.❤ making sure to limit and eliminate all heavy metals like aluminum lead in Mercury from your environment and food, and of course no fluoride in toothpaste or water. The body has been trying to Keep Us Alive 24/7 but we keep destroying it by not paying attention to what it's telling us and what it truly needs😢 enjoy the journey of your healing because you will discover yourself and who you truly are.... along the way, gratefulness is the biggest lesson.... also the medical medium books might be of assistance to you as well❤ Dr Rashid buttar was instrumental in a red and Katie cancer from the body check out oxygenated water Etc
Rockefeller created a very corrupt medical system in the early 1900s that continues to harm people and keep them in it rather than heal and eradicate root causes, which is where the REAL doctors, like naturopaths, functional medicine doctors, holistic chiropractors, acupuncturists, energy and sound healers Etc were taking people...empowerment & accountability ❤
❤Ive learned that cancer is the blessing that people don't realize they need because they weren't doing their inner child healing from childhood trauma and emotional neglect that they didn't even know was in their subconscious, because that inner child that is wounded is running our lives as adults until we address it and heal it acknowledge and release it. And learned to Unconditionally Love & accept it. Everything is always been within us, yet we all got programmed to search externally where we will never find what we were searching for ;-). We're always looking in the wrong places until we wake up❤ depending on where the cancer is it will tell you what emotion needs the most attention, lungs hold grief, kidneys are anxiety, feminine body parts like breasts and ovaries and uterus= not sitting in your divine feminine qualities enough..... the same way prostate cancer for men means they were emasculated by their wives because they were emasculated by their mothers,
...and because we are energy frequency and vibration.... we continue to attract whatever type of energies, in the forms of people job situations or environments or health conditions.. that reflect back to us what we need to heal from😊 everything is a 🪞 mirror
when there's no judgment of the external world, because we've learned to stop judging ourselves, and everything must be in balance... we can observe and learn the lessons we're supposed to learn..... flows and forms. com and Louise Hay are some resources to find the root cause of the cancer/illnesses...
I'm sure you've discovered --that we are the only ones that create illnesses and dis-Ease within us, so we are the only ones that can heal ourselves.
Our external world is a reflection of our internal world, and our physical health is a direct reflection of our spiritual and emotional health.
All cancer means is that we turned the light off in our own beautiful cells and we are the only ones that can love them back to health enough to turn the lights back on again so we can Thrive versus merely survive. When we are externally giving too much, or people pleasing, putting others first or caring what they think, that's what we're not supposed to be doing. It lets us know that we were living in a fawning response to Childhood trauma which occurs because we weren't able to be in fight or flight, parents always abused their Authority and as children, we make excuses for them so we can survive in a home we didn't even know it was dysfunctional, which is every single home... no one is exempt from some sort of emotional neglect😢
when we stop making excuses for them and pedestal I think them, or others around us, like doctors or professors Etc we learn that we are all one, and all equal. And we are powerful beings.
You might like either the doctor Sebi diet Or Professor Arnold Ehrets way of healing the body, because no illness actually needs a label... it's all just inflammation. Grounding mats are great to use everyday, as is obviously being Barefoot outside.... the more connected to Nature we are, the less sick or we will be. Because that is what heals us. Ionic foot baths, infrared saunas, but of course immediately detoxing from parasites has eradicated cancer for many people, and that means removing parasitic energy from your daily life whether it be employers or Partners or friends that are really frenemies.❤ making sure to limit and eliminate all heavy metals like aluminum lead in Mercury from your environment and food, and of course no fluoride in toothpaste or water. The body has been trying to Keep Us Alive 24/7 but we keep destroying it by not paying attention to what it's telling us and what it truly needs😢 enjoy the journey of your healing because you will discover yourself and who you truly are.... along the way, gratefulness is the biggest lesson.... also the medical medium books might be of assistance to you as well❤ Dr Rashid buttar was instrumental in a red and Katie cancer from the body check out oxygenated water Etc
Rockefeller created a very corrupt medical system in the early 1900s that continues to harm people and keep them in it rather than heal and eradicate root causes, which is where
I tried posting some wonderful info/ links for you in regards to healing and eradicating disease an illness but it won't take them, it's interesting how helpful information is being blocked by youtube. If you lived in any fear of not getting cancer, or there was a focus on not wanting it, I'm sure you've discovered that any energy we put towards not wanting something will also bring it to us instead of focusing on what we do want. Because we are energy frequency and vibration.. and there's an emotional repression somewhere that needs addressing from any neglect or trauma in childhood that's still in our subconscious.
the body will reflect that, because it's our inner child trying to speak to us and scream out as to what we need to acknowledge, love, be grateful for, and then release Within ourselves..
Parasite detoxes have eradicated cancer from the body, but they also mean eradicate them internally and externally ;-). Any parents or family or employers or Frenemies must be distanced or removed from your energy field as well. Sea moss gel is wonderful, ionic foot baths, barefoot outside or grounding mats, eliminating and reducing heavy metals from water toothpaste personal hygiene products, staying away from sunscreen and modifying time in the sun etc etc and Performing acts of self-love self-care and self honor every day while setting boundaries especially with family, and doing our inner child healing and Shadow work demonstrates to our body that we love and adore and cherish it. I did the route by healing the body first and then of course the Mind heals because sound body equals sound mind but mind body and spirit must all be in Balance we can't just heal one without it impacting the other three❤
06:16:36 01 The Last Step
06:22:35 02 The Law of The Kingdom
06:28:45 03 The Reality of The Kingdom
06:33:49 04 Healing as the Recognition of Truth
06:40:00 05 Healing as the Changelessness of Mind
06:50:36 06 From Vigilance to Peace
07:02:37 07 The Totality of the Kingdom
07:11:35 08 The Unbelievable Bilief
07:18:22 09 The Extension of the Kingdom
07:23:52 10 The Confusion of Pain and Joy
07:31:01 11 The State of Grace
07:37:09 01 The Direction of the Curriculum
07:41:42 02 The Difference between Imprisonment and Freedom
07:47:39 03 The Holy Encounter
07:54:33 04 The Gift of Freedom
08:03:22 05 The Undivided Will of the Sonship
08:08:57 06 The Treasure of God
08:16:55 07 The Body as a Means of Communication
08:29:07 08 The Body as Means or End
08:37:26 09 Healing as Corrected Perception
08:44:21 01 The Acceptance of Reality
08:55:29 02 The Answer to Prayer
09:04:24 03 The Correction of Error
09:10:11 04 The Holy Spirit's Plan of Forgiveness
09:18:20 05 The Unhealed Healer
09:25:52 06 The Acceptance of Your Brother.
Thank you.
First I was led to Neville, then recently found Florence Scovel Shinn & listened to the game of life audiobook too many times to count, and now I’ve been led here. Only a few minutes in and I’m positive this too will bring me great power and peace. Thank you
Exactly same for me first Neville ,then Florence and now a course in Miracles
I also love Florence Scovel Shinn ❤
Who is Neville
@@Shoulder2CrayonI think Neville Goddard.
Conversations with god by neale Donald walsh
These lessons have added deep awakening to my life . I have never experienced such peace.
that is the purpose of this message. It was the author's life mission to deliver this message to humanity.
Same here ❤
❤This is a great book. It really shows how religions originally wanted to keep humanity under control. More and more humanity is learning how to be free and realise that our mind and thoughts are not in control of us, but we have control over it. Once we free ourselves from the old conditioning.
I sleep with the ACIM playing. Because i had bad dreams of war. The course brings peace
Thank you Father, thank you Jesus and thank you Holy Spirit.
you missed one.
Santa? @@grayson6451
Just so you all know! This recording is only as far as chapter 11! I’m on my third time listening, but bought the physical book now reading it, and just noticed this.. this is a miracle to me 😄😂
Is there adverts?? Please say no!!
@@tattlevixen2581 adverts?
@@tattlevixen2581adverts, yes.
"miracles represent the freedom from fear"
thank you so much for recording the course of miracles what a blessing
“You did not create yourself” chips away nicely at ego.
Chris is in me and where he is, god must be for chris is part of him
Thank you for sharing. I will listen as many times as I need to really leave it, understand it and teach it. It's a life changing course
An amazing book & daily exercises to create a divine connection to Creator! Whether your life is perfect or full of tribulations, one will beautifully grow in spiritual connection & in this connection, the fruits of blessings! 🙏💞🙏
I always enjoyed this audio reading of ACIM, his voice resonates with me. I also have watched countless hours of David Hoffmeister on RUclips along with reading ACIM as I've noticed he's an amazingly practical demonstration of these ACIM teachings and for me it was helpful to see someone who was very peaceful and clear in what he shared. He wasn't just talking about it but he was demonstrating it 🌟
Wake up dude, you’re living in a cult. David Cultmeister.
This is the book which show you the truth and way of merging your false ego back to the one and only one divinity
20,000 of your “views” were probably me. 😁
Thank you so much for your hard work. ❤️
Who'd have thought there's this many ways to say the ego isn't real. The ego likes to know it needs a book this big to overcome it.
yea it seems over the top
Delusion reaches depths beyond anything you can ever imagine. It’s like Jung once said, “people will do anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid facing their own souls”. If you read the Course, it is not complicated. It is not an entire ideology which gives you techniques to “destroy” the ego. It simply teaches you that, “nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists”. Simple in theory, but hard in practice for those who’s ego sits on God’s throne.
How to tell what is real ? What if I’m talking to God all the time but I don’t hear him respond ?
Thank you! Grateful!❤
Thank you, and be richly blessed…
Amen and may this book find EVERYONE who NEEDS it! This is a life saver when applied.
starts at 8:30
Thank you!
It actually always helps to read the preface because there is something very important there. Where it says that your higher self should finish the course with you in a way that is good for you specifically.
Thank you for making this available.
In Gods I Trust .. unity is 1.. may the Universe continue to make Yu All Feel Blessed .. until then Know Yu Are.
To Be True to UrSelf is The Only way to be.. with The Righteous (Love) for one another no matter who or where they're from.. reMember yourself in The Love that sends waves of frequency all thru your existence.. this is True Spirit... I Am a Miracle and I Will No Longer be Made to learn chains, only The free Will that I Own within my Spirit.
Love Peace & Light
I am finding even in Christianity that there is a growing understanding that God always had a plan to reconcile the Universe. Hell isn't the truth. Judgment so to speak is correction, not eternal torture like most of Christiandom believes. Understanding the true meaning of many poorly translated words clears up much confusion and bad teaching that is so prevalent in the church today.
GOD is love.
It’s not just bad translations, they literally changed the text numerous times to benefit them at a specific time in history
I am glad that you find your trueself and inner being. The inner light will guide and be with you gorgeous eternity. The father in heaven and Christ love you ❤❤❤❤
Live with a holy and wholesome intention. Everything else will fall into place. Sure as the day will follow the night. 🙏🏽
I found ACIM in 1978. It became my “bible”. I stayed with it almost daily until 1982. I am still carrying it with me as a foundation of my being. There are many other books that have come along to provide me with information that helped to develop who I am today. It is best to study ACIM with a group.
Only minds can truly join.
It’s only at the level of Christ Mind that true Union is possible and can never be lost.
“Whom God has joined together, Let no man put asunder.”
The Holy Spirit’s doing…
Great book, great reading!
What a beautiful gift. So grateful! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
So glad to find this in audiobook form. Thank you! 🙏🏼
Peace to all who read this. Thank you to the White Robed Monks of St Benedict - whose learning requirements delivered me here, to this place - and at this book. Now, we shall 'listen' together...
i was trained by St. Mother Theresa!!! Listening to this audiobook with the catholic faith as the base of the story makes this book make sense/ tangible.
13. They [miracles] undo the past in the present and thus release the future… 💥
Thank you for sharing this!!
Oh, this is EXACTLY what I need right now! Thank You!
Thanks for sharing this audiobook!🙏❤
Thank you 🙏 This is mind shifting for me. God bless you for sharing this.
This book in my guide, my Bible, my everything. ❤
22:00 Chapter 1 begins (for those who have already read the Preface).
These comments are amazing. It’s why I’m undertaking an 11hr audiobook.
Let us strive in seeking Him, find our purpose in His vision and be sanctified in His rest as we await with eagerness and excitement for His momentary arrival!
This is honestly remarkable work. Enlightenment condensed in a course.
Glad to have found this. Glad this found me
I don’t really understand this completely as I am 41 mins in and I’m getting some of it but some of it is over my head. I am still open to receiving this and will continue to listen and absorb ❤🙏
The Most Commonly Asked Questions About A Course In Miracles is a really useful book by Gloria and Kenneth Wapnick 🙏
Just read feeling is the secret by neville goddard and from there become a doer and not only a hearer that's all you need, the rest the holy spirit will take care off when the time comes
Thank you 🙏 and no commercials!
There is in 2024.
Commercials 😢
Thankyou so much❤❤❤❤
I have the book in dutch,my language but English resonates even more with me❤❤ thankyouuu
Wow 🤩 indestructible ❤️🔥
So profound, answers a lot of my questions. Just as I “thought “, the ego is not what I seek, only the spirit knows.
4:20:11 CHAPTER 5 Healing and Wholeness
4:22:29 01 Invitation to the Holy Spirit
4:28:47 02 The Voice for God
4:46:58 04 Teaching and Healing
4:54:45 05 The Ego’s use of guilt
5:03:18 06 Time and Eternity
Truly a blessing
Mind changing
ty 📘✝️for the video 📚📖📓🖋️✒️
Course in miracles have cause me to find peace
4:50:40 how to better impart the spirit in my actions? Grateful for the healing. Wish to better express the experience ❤
I got this book many years ago and never finished it maybe now I will by listening to it. But I must admit I have difficulty with the father and the son only . What about the mother.and daughter? Reminds me of all religion patriarchal to the core and women and daughters are objects to be use or abused? Maybe spirit can help me comprehend this. I will ask for a miracle to understand this. What about Sophia? Where is she in this story?
An all loving God treats woman differently, ? A woman in heaven as she is on earth , there is no difference
I feel this. Perhaps because “God” is all encompassing, the perfect Union of the masculine & feminine, both the Father & Void ( Mother). HE is a word. I’d love to inner stand more about this as well.
***SO MUCH LOVE ❤️💞From Brasil 🇧🇷GOD BLESS 🙏 ***
6:40 - 5 healing and changlessness of mind
Thank you for this 🙏❤️
Thank you for this ❤
Thank you. ✨💞🙏🏽
Getting to the end, so true so true so true!!!!
Do you know where I can find the complete version of the reading? This one stops almost at the end of chapter 11. The voice of the reader is simply amazing. Thanks in advance.
@RED PILL PORTAL no way. The entire book reads in about 50 hours.
Course in Miracles = 181K views
Barbie Trailer = 76M views
The planet is doomed.
I think because the bible let them down
You’re making it real 🥳
How many healers does it take to heal the world? See manual for teachers.
247K in 2024
00:00:01 - Preface
00:21:20 - Introduction
00:22:13 - Chapter 01 - The Meaning Of Miracles
This is a referral link to me on Amazon. If you want to support me, buy anything you like through my link. Thank you very much to everyone who watched the video. amzn.to/47Hri4t
I dont remember an ad every 5 minutes in the book?
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
So my understanding of miracle is giving or receiving grace through atonement via faith? Thats what im assuming so far. Thanks for this
6:25:00 meaning vs form in translation. The role of unlearning.
Vim aqui pelo canal 'Escola da Liberade' da Marcela Leal 🧡
Everything you create is a matter of will” - A Course In Miracles
Thanks again 😄
Thank you for reading this book.
Chapter 1: The Meaning of Miracles
- 22:16 (Principles of Miracles)
- 37:07 (Revelation, Time, and Miracles)
- 43:36 (Atonement and Miracles)
- 51:36 (The Escape from Darkness)
- 55:35 (Wholeness and Spirit)
- 1:01:01 (The Illusion of Needs)
- 1:05:25 (Distortions of Miracle Impulses)
Chapter 2: The Separation and the Atonement
- 1:10:54 (The Origins of Separation)
- 1:17:42 (The Atonement as Defense)
- 1:25:36 (The Alter of God)
God gave us choice ! Now you and I are choice. You are Eve and I am still Adam. When this body lies down we then become all-knowing and the blindness-death we choose in the garden- earth in death of this learning being. Then We go back to Source-HOME. But it is not in our time but His. God is Good, we are not robots in our choice we cause a world of pain. And this is why Jesus gave us the Lord's prayer 🙏. So today put your sight on His WILL.
this is my favorite audio reading of acim yet. is this the fip version?
Course in miracles could make peace in the whole world if we all awakened from our sleep
"Because i will to Know myself i see you as God son and my brother" 09:04:14
I struggled to understand much of that. Is it something I should listen to a few times to grasp. Is there something I should have listened to before. It’s like sitting down at a movie theatre ten mins before the end and trying to figure out what it was all about. 2 hrs in and all I can recall is the word atonement and forgiveness. 😯
Don't worry. Maybe if you listen more times you will understand it better. We are living a dream. It's not easy to understand. Leave your logic mind behind ❤
I think a great start is with Marianne Williamson's "A return to love", which are reflections and teaching based on ACIM.
I need miracles…🌈
Thank you for this
I'm back, after retrying it over and over... I conclude that the book is utterly useless, confusing, and even a potential threat to happiness.
First it's written in an attempt to sound mystical, rather than a genuine desire to be easily understood. If you truly wanted to give happiness to the world, why not write the book in a manner that is easily digested?
Instead, the book explains nothing. It even mentions perception as a lie, when every enlightened person, and even near-death experiences show us that perception is actually how you dispel anxiety and reach happiness. The common approach to meditation, and ultimately to be grounded in the world (out of your mind) is to root yourself in sensations like sight, sound, and touch.
Yet ACIM will make you believe its fake, and urges you to continue asking more question. It asks you to continuously make use of the mind, rather than putting it to rest already... It is the constant usage of the mind that sees, creates, and tries to solve problems. Without it, no problems.
It is that simple. That's all it takes. There's no need for a 1000 page book. Instead the book aims to hook into the common religion back then, sprinkled some fancy-elusive writing in, and called it a day.
The book will just lead you astray. The idea that you can reach happiness through the mind is absurd. The mind cannot know happiness because its by nature a problem-solving machine.
Again, it's that easy to summarize. If you want to be happy, discard the mind by focusing on your perception. That's it. Any attempt of thinking out of the problem is ill-advised, you are just going in the opposite direction by solving it intellectually.
I would recommend "A return to love" by Marianne Williamson
I think the book more says that the mind in service of spirit leads to fulfillment versus the mind in service of the body/ego. That you can change your thoughts to change your perception, (which will also not be truth) resulting in a happy version of the dream before awakening.
The spirit is the invisible world which isn't located anywhere, the unseen and from there is a light where emanations are formed through imagination but it's your own splendor because it's impossible to see yourself, if you put your attention into an idea your imagination will follow it but what creates these images is the light in yourself.
howcome the other version on RUclips is only 8hours!!?????? does anyone know?
I listened to the 8 hour, and I think this one is read more slowly. Although longer, I like listening to this one better.
And note that this version only goes to the end of chapter 11...the entire text consists of 33 chapters.
It's a course in ads. Every few minutes ads. Ads ads. Can you feel it. Ads
get premium.
Get pay membership
@@Gypseygirls Yeah just keep paying the MAN., ka-ching! ka-ching! The ads are oxymoronic to the text.
Ad blocker browser will solve this
A miracle minded person
I personally struggle with the audiobook, since the man reading it doesn't understand it. I recommend you get yourself a printed copy and just turn to random pages whenever you're feeling out of sorts. If you're really struggling emotionally, doing the daily lessons can help a lot to give you steps you can take. But reading the text cover to cover is, in my opinion, pointless. I find it works best as a divination tool. Get into a receptive state and then open to a random page. If you don't understand or space out while reading, read it again and again until it starts to click.
These comments are amazing. It’s why I’m undertaking an 11hr audiobook.
Let us strive in seeking Him, find our purpose in His vision and be sanctified in His rest as we await with eagerness and excitement for His momentary arrival!
(Unfortunately this is terrible)
Where can we buy the separate work book ? Or is in just this whole audiobook(
I love the concepts, but wish it wasn't written with such religious wording. I guess I'll stick with Eckhart Tolle
If anyone reads this, im looking for someone to study this book with.
Ken Wapnick videos are on RUclips.