dude this IS steve before he was a super star, before ABDC, before all that. And it's not that he was different it's that you have to be very intense when you compete in extreme/musical form.
AWESOME!!!!!! but he scares me when he scremes!!!!!!!!!!! i mean hes not himself at least when he is on abdc or in other places like the interviews n videos!!!!!!!!!
he is the best oh and his flashkick woho man
Amazing intensity!
damn, so good back in 01
dude this IS steve before he was a super star, before ABDC, before all that. And it's not that he was different it's that you have to be very intense when you compete in extreme/musical form.
how old is he here>?
ur very cool steve...
is this a screaming competition?
Ou men dont wanna mess with this guy
I felt like he screamed out of pain at 1:14. Ouch?
This seems like xma its pretty fun but you have to train alot and have alot of traits to do this
@o0subz3ro0o Tokia - Big in Japan
its martial arts. they yell at tournaments cuz its exhillerating. it shows more courage and strength. the judges like that.
I still don't understand why they yell.
Chuck norris his son
AWESOME!!!!!! but he scares me when he scremes!!!!!!!!!!! i mean hes not himself at least when he is on abdc or in other places like the interviews n videos!!!!!!!!!
quit dreaming, MMA BEATS TKD YES.. but u cant beat him for sure u muest be PRO