Anthem of the Polish Armed Forces - My, Pierwsza Brygada [ENG subs]
- Опубликовано: 11 фев 2025
- Szara piechota: • Polish Patriotic Song ...
"My, Pierwsza Brygada" (We, the First Brigade), also known as Marsz Pierwszej Brygady (The March of the First Brigade) and Legiony to żołnierska nuta (The Legions Are a Soldiers' Song), is one of the best-known songs of the Polish Legions formed during World War I by Józef Piłsudski. It was written in 1917.
Extolling the First Brigade of the Polish Legions, the song is considered an important emblem of the early-20th-century struggle for Polish independence. It is also now an official anthem of the Polish Armed Forces.
Between 1926 and 1927, many of Piłsudski's supporters viewed the song as the national anthem of Poland.
Fact that this song wasn't neither in Battlefield 1 nor Call of Duty WW2 was a CRIME.
Is it wise to talk about crimes you know nothing about? For many years I have been wondering what you would say if you were locked up in camps and shot...
That is not what this song is about? It originates from WWI, from the Polish Foreign Legion within the army of Austro-Hungary
"Stos" can mean bot a "pile" and a "pyre" - context tells me it should be the latter here.
"Straceńcy" doesn't mean "lost ones", more along the lines of "desperados"
"Wędrówki kres" is not "wanted goal" but "journey's end".
"waszych mów" is not "your words", but "your speeches".
" I judged the Poles by their enemies. And I found it was an almost unfailing- truth that their enemies were the enemies of magna- nimity and manhood. If a man loved slavery, if he loved usury, if he loved terrorism and all the trampled mire of materialistic politics, I have always found that he added to these affections the passion of a hatred of Poland. She could be judged in the light of that hatred; and the judgment has proved to be right.“ - G. K. Chesterton
SAma prawda.
No i co z tego, i tak nie pomogliście nam w 1939 roku kiedy tego najbardziej potrzebowaliśmy, można było wysłać okręty Royal navy na Bałtyk, można było wysłać myśliwce i samoloty transportowe Royal airforce na most powietrzny do Polski, ale po co,i tak się nie obronimy, gdyby nie my to i wy byście się nie obronili i zostalibyście Niemiecką kolonią, choć właściwie to już byliście i do tej pory jesteście Niemiecką kolonią bo rządzi u was Niemiecka dynastia, to co dzieje się teraz już nie ma żadnego znaczenia, lepiej dokładnie wsłuchaj się w słowa tej piosenki a zrozumiesz nasz punkt widzenia i dlaczego mamy dzisiaj do was takie pretensje...
You all do not realize what does it meant. After 120 years of slavery Poland was free of opressors won the battle with stronger oponent by miracle.
Nobody will understand this, even today poles, just those brave men. My polish great grandpa unfortunately had to serve the german army in the IWW, then he survived the war because he was baker.
Haha, we Latvians were under occupation for 700 years and by miracle we defeated 2 stronger opponents, so we very much know how was it.
@@punishedlatvian5710 Bhahaha, we Finns were under occupation 1150-1917, helped Bulgari against Ottoman Empire in the 1800s, had a civil war 1918-1919, helped Estonia against communists in 1919, had a war against the USSR 1939-1940, had another war against the USSR but this time on the same side as the Axis 1941-1944 and then had a war against Nazi Germany in 1945.
@@ancientwarrior3482 Eastern European dick measuring contest, nice bro
@@maxwellcharlton8871 Misery Olympics
Listen this song makes me feel pretty sad..
Respect for Poland heroes 🇵🇱
Poland soldiers 🇵🇱
Super respect from Brazil
A beautiful, patriotic, uplifting song, that makes me sad each time I listen to it. So many lives perished, national treasures destroyed, history of our nation marked by great sacrifices, yet at the end we gained very little. But thanks to the people publishing this song there may be something we can never lose.
Poland has gained something special though, it has come out of all it endured with a resilient and strong people ready to defend their nation a culture to the last man, not many other nations can say they have that.
very little? be free it's maybe one of the most important things they gained
@@elduquecaradura1468 Yeah. I also was like, wut ? Little ? We speak Polish and walk on Polish land, free to be the way we decide to be.
@@Lesminsterwe Lost Kresy wschodnie
Poland is not yet lost.
And it never will be.
Long live Poland!
personaly its one of my all time favorite polish songs. good upload!
This is a lively tune that is very uplifting.Thank you so much!
Respect from Corsica, France✝❤Fratelli cristiani, fratelli cattolichi
Support Poland brothers from Hungary!🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺❤️🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱
Hungary hello !!!! 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
@@tomaszwieczerzak2863 :D
Support Polish, Hungarian and Yugoslavian brothers from Romania🇵🇱🇭🇺🇷🇸🇹🇩
Slovian brothers !!
@@maksu2163 hungarians are descended from magyrs not slavs...i mean the name "hungary" implies that they are descended from huns
This song makes me feel like i can do everthing with a strong willpower, like all the polish who survive to all thinks what the dark fate sended them.
This song is so epic 1000000000000000/10
Jeszcze Polska nie zginęla!!!!
Poland is a symbol of catholicisme,faith and honor! Thats why communist hate it and Thats why i love Poland ! God Bless my polish brother! From France!
Religion is garbage, I'd rather see poland drop it all together, stone age superstition has no place in a modern society
@@TheAnnoyedHumanist You're literally promoting an ideology that wants to revert 10 000 years of human history.
@@painzrt7928 I'm actually literally not, societies in their modern structure are a relatively new occurrence, plenty of society in the past had little to no centralized government and functioned fined
@@TheAnnoyedHumanist (athiest and agnostic everytime someone mention religion)
@@TheAnnoyedHumanist Welp, religion works better than anarchism. Lol.
Chwała Polskim żołnierzom!
As a German citizen i can only apologize what my ancestors did. Personally i'm interested in polish history and culture. I pray every day that our botn nations continue to live in peace and Blossom in prosperity.
Sie sind nicht wirklich verantwortlich für die Ereignisse von 1939-45. Sie müssen sich für nichts entschuldigen. Ein polnischer Patriot schreibt.
this was ww1 so the polish were fighting with you guys since wilhem the 2nd made a polish soldier group called polish legion soldiers that fought with you thinking if they help they get independence
Don't repeat these mistakes and don't look at the right side of the map. We know who it is and everything will be fine. With God. Adam (POL)
Great Song!
Thanks for uploading
Long live to Poland!
Nice song Hungary
we alweys with hun bro-tx for help our brothers
@@thenickerpl no taaa
Poland... A flagellant of Europe.
Bloodied, punished... And still standing.
The best of europe, the most patriotic
God bless our polish brother! France and Poland will always be united!!
yeah...😑after 1939 i don't think so
@@Czipsy.kola.i.budowa WE just start a War but think what you want dude
Thanks. With God. Adam (POL).
Poland was one of the most important countries in WW2, and yet all movies, games and books are about Germany, France, Russia, UK, Italy, Japan or USA
Polska jaśnieje na tle innych państw odwagą, honorem i niezłomnością w swoich przekonaniach czyli umiłowanie wolności 😊
We must remember!
Dodatkowa zwrotka: „A gdy cię zdradzi dziewczyna miła, to ty się bracie z tego śmiej, w miłej kompani napij się wina i bolszewika w mordę lej. My batalion trzeci, Piłsudskiego dzieci, na stos, rzuciliśmy...”. Trochę błędów w tłumaczeniu, ale to trudna do przetłumaczenia pieśń. “Fate of lost soldiers” - zamiast “lost ones” (w prawdzie w polskim tekście nie ma wyrazu „żołnierzy”, niemniej o nich chodzi domyślnie a zdanie jest wtedy zgrabniejsze i lepiej zrozumiałe. Przy tłumaczeniu liryki przyjmuje się, (choć gdzie to możliwe wskazana) dosłowność nie jest absolutnie konieczna. Ważniejsze od dosłowności jest zrozumiałość odbiorcy i precyzyjne oddanie myśli i zamierzonego przekazu autora z zachowaniem dobrej gramatyki i stylistyki. Także nie jest to błąd tłumaczenia, ale uwaga poprawiająca zrozumiałość i stylistykę). „We are the First Brigade” - poprostu “We The First Brigade” - tak jak po polsku, „are” zbędne. Użyłbym „riflemans band” zamiast „shooters group” (Brzmi dużo lepiej. „Shooter” kojarzy się bardziej z napadem rabunkowym niż określeniem militarnym). „To the pile” - „Onto the sacrificial pile” (samo “pile” brzmi trochę niezrozumiale jeśli ktoś nie powiąże tego z wcześniejszymi zwrotkami. „To” jest niepoprawne gramatycznie). Druga zwrotka zamiast „wandering end” „Our goal” („The” niepoprawnie, „wandering” oznacza raczej „włóczyć się bez celu” niż „wędrować”). Trzecia zwrotka poprawnie powinno być: „Not believing us that “want” means “can do”. (Tak jak jest: ”nie wierzyli nam, że ty chcesz być w stanie do”). „Steamers” - “otumanieni” całkowicie niezrozumiale (slumbered, fooled, deceived, mislead, manipulated). To samo z „Quitting” - powinno być „knocking”. “Today strong in unity”(trafniej). „Dear leader” zamiast „great leader”(trafniej, niemniej „Great” tez przechodzi mimo że to trochę inne znaczenie). Zamiast “we had became lonely” (staliśmy się samotni) „We spilled our blood alone”(dosłownie: przelewaliśmy naszą krew samotnie”). „Diligent” (sumiennie) zamiast „quite urgent” („urgent” po angielsku oznacza „pilny” tzn wymagający szybkiej reakcji jak np pilna robota, pilny telefon, a nie „pilny” w znaczeniu „wykonujący swoje zadanie sumiennie” jak np „pilny uczeń”. Od tego jest wyraz „diligent”). Nie „if you are” ale „because you are”. “You will be left with descendants shame” (tak jak jest: „zostaną wam pełne wstydu dzieci”). Po tylu uwagach zabrzmi pewnie to dziwnie, jednak całkowicie szczerze: dzięki za wysiłek włożony w tłumaczenie! Lepsze tłumaczenie z kilkoma błędami niż całkowity brak tłumaczenia!
Dziękuję bardzo
Języki wyrastają z kultury narodowej. Żeby je w pełni zrozumieć, należy wpierw poznać obyczaje drugiego narodu.
@@StanObirek to ciekawe stwierdzenie, przelom nawet mozna by rzec. dotychczas bowiem to slowo- czyli jezyk, okreslalo stanowienie
Jest wiele wersji, jest ‚by żyć dla ideału, żarem swej krwi miazgą ciał’ itp
wprawdzie byles blisko ale to jednak nie ta piesn... 🙂
Twoja " dodatkowa zwrotka" to fragment piesni " Szwolezerowie"видео.html
beautiful song
The somber tone makes it sound like the composers knew what would happen in 1939.
It’s sombre bc war was a sombre situation
this song was written in 1917, in the middle of the WW1 and just when the polish-soviet crisis was happening. they arent talking about WW2. They're talking about WW1.
It remids me 1th September, when third Reich attacked Poland. We were like kamikaze becouse our allies left us so we were alone but this is weird: Poland defending from third Reich and Soviet Union for 36 days and France with better like everything with some soldiers from Poland and soldiers from Great Brittain defended for 53 days
Super xdddd musze się tego nauczyć na muzyke wiec okeee
Tej pieśni się uczy dla siebie a nie dla durnej oceny z muzyki przyjacielu
Polska zawsze była i zawsze będzie (nawet jeśli tłumiona i niszczona - co w każdej chwili ma miejsce) największym, najświetniejszym, najpiękniejszym krajem, pełnym bohaterów. W całej Europie.
Respect from Ukraine!
ouuuu, I guess this hit different now
Wołyń 1943... Fucking UPA, Bandera
@@thenickerpl tak ale to pikuś przy tym co nam roSSianie i niemcy zrobiły
@@thenickerpl Russians are our enemies, not Ukraine, times has changed, Ukraine has changed but Russia didn't. Also we weren't saints towards Ukraine either throught our history, we gave them alot of reasons to hate us. We have difficult history together but its nothing compare to Russia
@@dytiscusmarginalis8443 you are very wrong my friend, Zelenski is a war criminal, I am a Romanian from Romania, no matter what you have heard about us, we as a people live in a dictatorship, our country has been a slave for 32 years, for the Romanian people all the propaganda that he does America is obvious, however we know the truth, and we can talk for hours about the war in Ukraine, because the conclusion is only one: Putin is a hero and Zelenski a war criminal
Poland is my home my holy land, the polish army will never fall back into the communist rule from Russia and and Germany.
yes long live Poland
Russia's not communist anymore dipsh*t, and neither is Germany in regards to nazi's, get into the present
>Get freed from Eastern authoritarian socialism
>Entered most destructive socialist union worse than USSR
G'luck with that
@@m.rizalarvandy4510 >EU
My brother, I fucking wish. It's as imperialist and capitalist as you can get.
legiony panie marszałku dziekujemy za stworzenie tradycji wojskowych genialny hołd dla sił zbroojny wojenka to pani krwawa ale piekna siła honor piłsudczyk szczwa pozdrawia na bój sie chce isc taka robota los brutalny krwawy nsr wilk
You got the 1st Brigades mixed up, this song is of the Independent polish Austro-Hungarian legion in WW1
The 1st Independent airborne brigade was a part of the British forces, even though it's been a while, if you're seeing this I'd appreciate if you corrected the title :)
Aspecially since your video is the thing coming up with a Google search under "Polish paratrooper song" Spreading mass misinformation :/
Chwała bohaterom. Dzisiaj 01.08.2024
Greetings from Germany! :)
@mateusz w Sry, youre at the wrong comment.
@mateusz w The hell are you talking about
@@ManiacMVK what did he say?
@@adankmeme651 I can't remember. Sorry.
@@ManiacMVK ok
Dobrze , ale na obrazku jest chyba utworzona we Francji polska ,,Błękitna Armia'' Hallera, a nie Legiony .
I'm polish. I love my nation.🇵🇱🤍❤️
Good video as always. Also can you do a chinese patriotic song 沒有共產黨沒有新中國 ( No Communist Party ,no new China) ?
[中国]毛泽东 Yes, I could :)
@@AgtfCZ Thanks
It's a very fitting song for the International Legion currently fighting in Ukraine, in all aspects.
Not really.
You mean those fighting alongside banderites, who idolize those who murdered thousands of poles with hitler?
@@matteohysaj64 Bandera is only used as a figure symbol by the Right Sector and affiliated militias.
I think even Azov doesn't use him.
@@daniels0376 indeed, but it doesn’t make any difference for russian trolls…
Is it officially?
@@pep-qewpieśń reprezentacyjna
So this is of the polish legion. Fair enough
20/06/2021 at 11:17 pm this video had 666 likes which is a bit worrying.
I Played it When my dad was near and He thinked it was Soviet
It’s an insult for a Pole…
@@kapergames5038 He can speak Russian
But this song IS Little unheard
@@EstonianBrotherU don’t even realize how big insult it is for us to compare this to some russian sh**
first :)
143 ... but I'm happy too ... 🙂
Get this song to Hell Let Loose!
All Slavs United!
I agree, but first, we must liberate our Slavic-Russian brothers & sisters from the influence of Lenin (a Jew, a German agent financed by Wall Street)
I am German, I do not understand the song. I literally do not understand it, as I do not speak Polish.
in memory of the germans childrens and women of Silesia, Pomerania and Prussia killed by millions by racist polish milizias.
Millions??? Maybe billions???
Silesia, Pomerania and Prussia were not Germanic lands!!!
There were three Silesian uprisings. Silesians fought for Poland.
Prussia should have been incorporated into the Kingdom of Poland and the Germanic invaders expelled from these lands immediately after the Battle of Grunwald in 1410, when the Polish-Lithuanian army made a pulp out of the Germanic invaders and their Western European minions. I suspect that the then Pope saved the Germanic invaders from total destruction and expulsion from these lands.
Niemcy otrzymali od Polaków 100x mniej krzywd jak Polacy od Niemców!!...
In memory of Polish children and women of whole Poland killed by racist German militias, military and security forces.
you are a bloody troll, just turn of the internet connection, forever