The last voyage from the captain of the "Exodus" - Ike Aranne
- Опубликовано: 31 янв 2025
- In English:
Documentary by Juliane and Eberhard Geick, Germany 1999/2017, 88 min
In 1947 the dramatic voyage of the Exodus from France across the Mediterranean ended shortly before its destination. More than 4,500 refugees, survivors of the Holocaust, were on board the completely overloaded ship and hoped to find a new home in Palestine. But six British warships attacked the Exodus, far offshore in international waters. There were dead and wounded. The people on the ship who resisted had no chance. Badly damaged and unable to maneuver, the ship reached the port of Haifa, where the refugees were divided into three freighters and transported back to Europe. The world public was shocked and under this impression the United Nations decided to approve the division of Palestine into an Arab and a Jewish state. This cleared the way for the establishment of the State of Israel.
In 1996 director Juliane Geick and cameraman Eberhard Geick followed in the footsteps of the Exodus. They found the then captain Ike Aranne, born as Yitzhak Aronowicz, in his house within sight of the port of Haifa. They traveled with him three years later to Gdansk (Danzig), the city of his childhood that he had left 65 years earlier. Ike Aranne died in 2009. The intended film about him could no longer be realized, but the video recordings from 1999, shot with an amateur camera, have remained. They show a person who selflessly and completely devoid of vanity lived his convictions. "I didn't do it alone," he said, when asked about the dramatic events surrounding the Exodus. He wanted everyone involved to be properly recognized.
In Jiddish:
dakiumenteri durkh Juliane aun Eberhard Geick, daytshland 1999/2017, 88 minut
in 1947 hot zikh farendikt di dramatishe rayze fun itsyas frankraykh ibern mitlendishn im. iber 4,500 flitim, iberlebte funem khurbn, zenen geven aoyf der ingantsn ibergeladener shif aun habn gehaft tsu gefinen a neye heym in falestine. ober zex britishe vorships hobn atakirt dem exodus, vayt ofshor in internatsyanale vasern. m'zeynen geven toyte aun farvaundete. d i mentsh n aoy f de r shif , va s hab n zi kh antkegn t geha t key n shans . shver geshedigt aun nisht gekent manvuern, hat di shif dergreykht dem fart fun khifh, vau di flitim zenen eyngeteylt gevarn aoyf drey freyter aun tsurikgefirt gevarn keyn eyrafe. der velt-tsibur iz geven shoyderlikh aun aunter dem eyndruk hat di fareynigte felker bashlasn tsu bashtetign di tseteylung fun falestine in an arabishe aun a idishe mdinh. dos hot opgevorfn dem veg farn aoyfshteln fun mdins ishral.
in 1996, direktor julyane geikk aun kamerman eberhard geikk zenen nakhgegangen in di fussteps fun di exodus. zey hobn gefunen in zayn hoyz in derzen fun dem port fun khifh dem demoltikn kapitan ike aran, geboyrn gevorn als itskhk aronovitsh. zey zenen gefarn mit im drey yor shpeter keyn gdansk (dantsig), di shtot fun zeyn kindshaft, vos er iz avek mit 65 yor fryer. Ike Aranne iz geshtorbn in 2009. der bdeh film vegn im ken nit mer zeyn realizirt, ober di videa rekording fun 1999, shos mit a libhober aparat, zenen farblibn. z ey veyz n a mentsh , velkhe r ha t aumzisgey t au n ingants n a n fu n nishtikeyt , geleb t zeyn e ibertseygungen . "ikh hob dos nisht geton aleyn," hot er gezogt, ven men hot im gefregt vegn di dramatike gesheenishn arum itsyas mtsrim. e r ha t gevalt , a z yede r eyngemakh t ver t geheri k anerkent .