Student Accused Of Stabbing Other Student At Sacramento School

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024
  • One student has been stabbed at Sierra Oaks K-8 school in Sacramento on Thursday.

Комментарии • 44

  • @dogie1070
    @dogie1070 2 года назад +4

    Sac high cafeteria only has spoons.
    I asked why, they gave me the”look”.

  • @hiero9589
    @hiero9589 2 года назад +2

    After this happened we watched movies and worked on our homework.

  • @andrewcarr2416
    @andrewcarr2416 2 года назад +5

    I blame Will Smith making it ok to assault some one over words.

    • @naomiperreira1809
      @naomiperreira1809 2 года назад +1

      Surely you jest about blaming Will Smith for this knife attack that happened at a school between 7th graders because, I don't know what you know about our country's history of violence in schools going as far back as into the 1950s, or even earlier, with knifes and/or even worse than ended with fatalities. For example, just go research online what occurred here within ALL educational levels of schools, especially in the late 1950s and during the 1960s, when there were people around like Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X. In addition, during those same time periods various groups developed such as: the Black Panthers, the Black Muslims, the Simbanese Liberation Army, the Weathermen, and others who were creating much chaos and violence with many deaths too. Like the Weathermen used even bombs.
      Also, i was witness to most of the tragic events here in this country, and world too, since I was already 3 years old when the Korean War ended. Also, in the Sacramento, CA area plus a lot of other places within California too during those years there were riots, stabbings, and shootings, and even much more going on within our public/private schools. When I was at lunch while still in Junior High in 1963 a fight with a stabbing did truly breakout in our cafeteria between 2 of the boys, supposedly it was a racial thing, and it involved the metal silverware that us students ate with, and they ended up closing school early and ordering us to go directly home. It was sometimes very intense within Northern California during those years mostly due to forced busing, and other new things that the Blacks were finally allowed to get.

    • @DearestDawn
      @DearestDawn 2 года назад +1

      Contact Attorney General Rob Bonta and insist that his office file charges against Will Smith. Be Brave Do Something

    • @DearestDawn
      @DearestDawn 2 года назад +1

      @@naomiperreira1809 Baby, that was 60 years ago. Four days ago the world witnessed a wealthy accomplished man assault another man over words and got away with it. Shoplifting is not a crime until $950, and violence is not a crime if it involves an action hero.

    • @m.f.richardson1602
      @m.f.richardson1602 2 года назад

      Naomi Pierre.
      I lived in NorCal during the fifty and sixths.
      To be exact Del Paso Heights.
      What your said is some what true.
      San Juan school district was was one of the best school districts.
      Hard to believe you guys had trouble back in the 50s and 60s.
      Just saying

    • @naomiperreira1809
      @naomiperreira1809 2 года назад

      @@m.f.richardson1602 , I lived in North Sacto, so you and I both lived in Grant Unified School District. And, I do know the Del Paso Heights area very well, and North Highlands too, etc.
      Did you ever hear of the once big Air Force Base named McClellan? That's where my father worked as a Civil Service Employee until he had to retire because of his poor health after decades of working there in the early 60s.
      Also, if you're truly were there during the 50s and 60s, especially, then you can't deny that there wasn't any riots or uprisings or stabbings or beatings up or shootings in the Sacramento area because that wouldn't be true, and you'd know that there were like there was going on across this country during those years cause of the racial tensions and then over the Vietnam War too

  • @bilwillard9810
    @bilwillard9810 20 часов назад

    One of the most effluent schools in San Juan School District

  • @michaeln.2383
    @michaeln.2383 2 года назад +1

    I thought that was the rich school.

  • @Taemamba
    @Taemamba 2 года назад +3

    I thought the schools were closed

    • @DearestDawn
      @DearestDawn 2 года назад

      They have been open for a year

    • @westsidewarrior7285
      @westsidewarrior7285 2 года назад +2

      This happened in San Juan Unified, not Sac City Unified. Sac City Unified is the district that is on strike and where schools are closed.

    • @seeharvester
      @seeharvester 2 года назад

      They should be. Kids don't be learning nothing no how.

    • @Taemamba
      @Taemamba 2 года назад

      @@seeharvester pay the teachers then

    • @seeharvester
      @seeharvester 2 года назад

      @@Taemamba The fact that you understood my highly improper English proves my point.

  • @junaidisalam5718
    @junaidisalam5718 2 года назад

    greatest country in the world, they say...
    Non Stop Stab bing, Random Shoo ting, Mass Shoo ting, School Shoo ting, Road Rage Shoo ting, Smash and Grab Looting, Homelessness, Carjacking, they've got it all...

    • @naomiperreira1809
      @naomiperreira1809 2 года назад

      WELL, just take a look at who has been doing their darndest to change our country's laws and rights since the 44th President was voted into office, and then even a couple have been changed by our U. S. Supreme Court too since he took office in 2008. And, I do really regret now that I ever voted for him as a leader of this nation, in the first place because he ended up not truly helping out any of his citizens but put us more into debt and war, etc. Also, he didn't really try to stop racial tensions either between any ethnicity. For example, under his terms in office, 3K detention facilities were built along our country's Southern Border with Mexico, and the percentage of violent crimes increased a lot as well as riots during those years. In addition, I won't even go into economics, or about housing, infrastructure, etc because I'll leave that research up to you.
      ALL throughout the History of the world in all places there's been both good and bad leaders from various ideologies, political parties, monarchies, etc. One must choose a person for an official position very careful by doing research first, if possible, and don't vote for them just because of whom they're loyal too.

  • @wildbill60
    @wildbill60 2 года назад +1

    Get answers? Sure media

  • @dennisnagel4422
    @dennisnagel4422 2 года назад +5

    There is no way it's the students fault ! It is the knife/knifemakers fault ! Was it a AR knife ? Did it have a serial number or was it a Ghost knife ? Are the parents to blame for allowing easy access to this knife ? Did they give it to him ? Did he have a license to carry/have it ? So many UN Answered questions. I certainly hope he is Not held responsible. He needs to be free to do this to other students, maybe yours ? If he does face charges, Hope the judge lets him off easy/ free so their kids can play together.

  • @NevermoreNC
    @NevermoreNC 2 года назад +1

    The Great Democrat voter experience 🤡

  • @ov7369
    @ov7369 2 года назад +1

    That's what you call a ghetto School

    • @sheenakadoo1445
      @sheenakadoo1445 2 года назад

      Sierra Oaks is in Fair Oaks which is a nice neighborhood, not the ghetto.

  • @DearestDawn
    @DearestDawn 2 года назад +1

    This school is located in a multi-million dollar affluent neighborhood.

  • @cristianzuniga569
    @cristianzuniga569 2 года назад +5

    Ban those semiautomatic extended clip knives now

  • @lavonnetollison1900
    @lavonnetollison1900 2 года назад


  • @lionheart93
    @lionheart93 2 года назад


  • @naomiperreira1809
    @naomiperreira1809 2 года назад +2

    Yeah, for those of us Seniors who are on below poverty fixed incomes and disabled plus have been made by our federal and state health insurances to live in facilities which are extremely expensive, and who raised our rents the first of the year more than the 5.9% COLA increase that we received from the Feds. We do have co-pays for many things that are not covered under either Medi-Cal or Medicare which are necessary for every day living such as: ALL our personal toiletries to keep our hygiene safe and clean; a lot of medicines now are no longer covered by either of these insurance systems and unless you've got family that can afford to help pay for a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan for you than you're up a creek without a paddle for even a ton of generic drugs; and then it you need to be on a special diet neither of these insurances pay for Pedialyte or Gatorade as just 1 example; and there's much more that I could list even here. Board and Care facilities, and Assisted Living facilities within California have you rent by the month thus we could be evicted if we get behind in our rent.

    • @sharonmenzel7791
      @sharonmenzel7791 2 года назад

      Your better off getter a better medical plan anyway, and get a advantage plan. My sister has the Humana pop plan , doc visits free, plan free, and she just had her hip replaced surgery $265. 00, and got to go to the best doc of her choice. My friend retired and chose to only keep Medicare insurance which covered nothing, and she past away last week.

    • @naomiperreira1809
      @naomiperreira1809 2 года назад

      @@sharonmenzel7791 , I would love to be able to afford a Supplement Health Insurance Plan, or an Advantage Plan, and so would a lot of people that I've come to know over the years since I've been living in senior and/or disabled facilities after my health conditions got to bad for me to continue living in my low+income studio apartment. What makes the difference between who can pay what is the amount of money one receives monthly from the Social Security Administration of which they calculate for each individual depending upon certain criteria they've established by law that must be met and proven, and so this amount of money varies from person to person. And the same goes for people who apply for Supplemental Security Disability Income handled by the Social Security Administration BUT IS DIFFERENT than getting SSA. In addition, SSDI and SSI are officially called by the Federal Government as Medicaid, and NOT EVERY STATE has to ADD MORE MONEY for their own people to either of these programs OR EVEN let their own people within their state have the option or availability for Medicaid at all, this in those states their people only have Medicare whenever they become officially eligible for it.
      California is one State that does add a little extra money monthly to the SSI or SSDI amounts which people receive.
      FYI: After I pay rent, and it's been this way for years now, I've got less than $50 for the rest of the month to buy what I wrote above, and most of the time I've had to go without eating a meal or two because many of these facilities no longer make available meals for people on special diets thanks to inflation.

    • @sharonmenzel7791
      @sharonmenzel7791 2 года назад

      @@naomiperreira1809 I’m sorry, I didn’t know your full story and I don’t want to sound snobby, cause I’m disabled too. I got awarded in oct, and must wait 2 yrs to choose my insurance which I’ll go with the Humana adv plan like my sissy has. We live together, both vets and are disabled. We had to put our mom in a nursing home because she only made $400 ssi they paid everything, but me and my sis kept her advantage plan going so I could make sure her medical was top notch. I was a in the medical field all my life, I’m just saying my friend ora who just died last week , had plain Medicaid, when she decided to up and retire. I told her she needed a advantage plan, Medicare refused to do something with her eyes etc, if she had Humana it would of been done. I don’t like nursing homes, my dad was killed in one, and my mom just died in oct because she fell and broke her arm and hip so the just medicated her for pain, which she wasn’t eating and she died 4 days later,, I’m not kidding, you might as well say they starved her cause her death certificate is failure to thrive, never heard of it, anyway, keep safe, do you have family who comes to visit you?, I used to work in a private nursing home in San Diego, and it sure is different than now, you have to care about people not the money

    • @naomiperreira1809
      @naomiperreira1809 2 года назад +1

      @@sharonmenzel7791 , Thanks for replying, and the kind words.
      I'm so sorry to learn of the lose of your friend, Ora, who was only on SSI and in a nursing home here in Cali. Thank you for sharing some of her story with me about what terrible conditions are like in a nursing home. BUT, you see, I already know that because: number one, my mom was in one in Santa Ana for less than 4 months on SSI and Civil Servants Widows Annuity when she suddenly died from a full-blown cardiac arrest; and then number 2, because I, myself, was in one from 2/17 until 5/19 when it was decided by Medi-Cal, actually just 1 of their CA State Nurses, after reading for an unknown amount of time my records in their chart about my medical health/treatment. And, I discovered after this from getting copies of my records from charr that there was a diagnosis in there for me from someone unknown. I had to go to the Administrator and threaten him with a lawsuit if he didn't get it deleted from my records and chart. Unfortunately, I thought that they had did that, but after I got moved to the next lower-level of care facility per my insurance I not only found out that was still in my records plus a surgery which I've never had done to me in my life which even surprised my family. So I filed a formal complaint against that place with CalOptima, but it probably won't go anywhere from there to
      Even joining AARP didn't give me any real low monthly rates that I could afford to buy additional that was a waste of money.
      As far as family,, etc there's no more that live here in SoCal. I've got a few family members left alive now, but they live in other states.which are to far away for me or even them to see each other again. We ALL have become old, and live on our retirements from Uncle Sam, and whatever their individual state offers them if any as far as additional stuff. This, I've got to rely on staff here to do stuff for me, and I dislike it a ton.
      I've got to go now.
      May God bless you and your sister,and keep both of you safe from harm's way.

    • @sharonmenzel7791
      @sharonmenzel7791 2 года назад

      @@naomiperreira1809 wow, didn’t know you live in Cali. My mom put my dad in a 5 person private temporarily nursing home till her eyes were better to give him his insulin shots. In 30 days he died of stage 5 gangrene and his feet were rotted off. They drugged my dad, didn’t give him water or his insulin and my mom caught them. Finials a nurse couldn’t stand it and took off the sheets and showed my mom. Kaiser per hospital saw him 26 times for dehydration and said nothing. We sued Kaiser hospital Sacramento, the doctor, and the nursing home, then the director got snippy with me so my sister called the governor who was Arnold Schwarzenegger at the time and they came in their and shut them down. I didn’t go to my dads funeral cause I fight of hurt someone, I used to work at one and that should of never happened. So that’s why I say keep you eye out, I wish their were more staff cause that’s a big problem now. They still have to treat you with respect. So how’s Cali? I was stationed in San Diego at the naval hospital balboa too. Miss somethings but not all the crazy politics you guys got now. Hope all goes good write me if you need a fried. Sharon🙂