csmcrckrs nice one, so it's basically a dual oscillator, 4 gates, 4 loopable ad and a midi/cv convertor. Do you find that set up enough to produce different type of sounds? Thinking on starting an small bichos system and I'm quite interested. Thank you!!
Sounds great! :-)
Love this!
It sounded great. Loving the plucked sounds of the bichos. Which modules do you have there? Thanks
261e, 281e, 292e and 225e!
csmcrckrs nice one, so it's basically a dual oscillator, 4 gates, 4 loopable ad and a midi/cv convertor. Do you find that set up enough to produce different type of sounds? Thinking on starting an small bichos system and I'm quite interested. Thank you!!
These are my first baby steps with Buchla ... so I am probably not the right guy to ask ;-)