Soul PetitPot きわみシリーズ

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • [きわみ 絢爛]
    大切なものを納めるために古来より重宝されてきた漆器。その塗膜は耐久性、防腐性に優れ、時が経つほど、味わいをさらに深めていきます。世界が認める日本古来の伝統工芸であり、その中でも400年以上の伝統を誇る石川県加賀山中漆器の技を、惜しみなく注ぎ込んでつくりあげたのが「きわみ 絢爛」です。まさに芸術の域にまで昇華させた逸品。永遠の時を超えて、ずっとそばに寄り添うために、気品ある輝きを放ちます。
    [Kiwami Kenran]
    We deliver your feelings for your loved ones in "Kenran".
    After receiving your order, Yamanaka Lacquerware craftsmen will create the product with their traditional skills and heart.
    This is the pinnacle of the Kiwami series.
    Lacquerware has been valued since ancient times for storing important objects. Its coating is durable and antiseptic, and as time goes by, its flavor deepens even further. Kiwami Kenran" is a product of Kaga Yamanaka Lacquerware, a traditional Japanese craft recognized around the world, which boasts over 400 years of tradition. It is a gem that has been sublimated to the level of art. The Kiwami Kenran is a gem that has been elevated to the level of art. It radiates a graceful brilliance to accompany you through eternity.
    [きわみ 蒔絵]
    大切なものを納めておくために古来より使われてきた漆は、英語で「JAPANジャパン」と呼ばれ、 世界的に認められた日本古来の伝統工芸。漆が持つ塗膜は耐水性、防腐性に優れ、その表面は時が経つ程、味わいを深めていきます。
    400年以上の歴史を誇る石川県加賀 山中漆器の伝統と技を、惜しみなくつかってひとつひとつ手作りで仕上げるちいさな骨壺。
    季節の移り変わりや四季の花々の蒔絵や螺鈿が、大切な人を包み、暮らしを彩ります。遺骨を納めるためのきめ細かな気遣いと、漆工芸の粋の数々。 大切な方とそれを想う方を永久に結ぶ心を尽くした絆です。
    [Kiwami Makie]
    Lacquer has been used since ancient times to store important objects, and is known as "Japan Japan" in English. The coating film of lacquer has excellent water resistance and antiseptic properties, and the surface of the lacquer deepens its flavor as time goes by.
    This small cinerary urn is handmade using the traditions and techniques of Yamanaka Lacquerware of Kaga, Ishikawa Prefecture, which boasts a history of over 400 years.
    Maki-e and mother-of-pearl inlays of seasonal changes and flowers of the four seasons embrace your loved ones and add color to your life. The meticulous care and lacquer craftsmanship for storing the remains of the deceased. It is a heart-felt bond that permanently connects a loved one and those who care for them.
    It is available for purchase here.

Комментарии • 4

  • @klm31-z9v
    @klm31-z9v Год назад

    Изумительно!! Восхищена мастерством!!

  • @NastyaSiberia
    @NastyaSiberia 2 года назад

    5:59 😍😍😍

  • @KongfuPanpan
    @KongfuPanpan 6 лет назад +1
