Only this universe in db original chichis mother is a different woman but died on a disease but she was good to ox king perfect like gine gokus mother and kind and pretty we see her on a picture in the Wall In ox kings Castle not only that he keeped their Wedding dress chichi uses
My Favorite Video From You. May Your Soul Find Peace & May That Peace Be Everlasting. Hope the angels you meet share the laugh I did when you dropped this. Rest in Peace, Slick.
I'm going to start greeting my friends with "what's good my Sayain" "Hey bitch! You ain't going to be able to get that trust fund money ANYMORE!!!" BEST line in the episode
I feel like if Ox Queen actually gives birth to the kid, Its gonna either look up to Slick as a mentor and he'll train the kid in the art of being slick or Ox Queen is gonna mould the kid into a Slick-hating rival, like Frieza but with more family drama mixed in
The second divorce I've seen today, maybe I'm bad luck tbh. Edit: thought the joke was apparent, my mistake i appreciate the concern! Thank you everyone.
Look at us who think it was about Slick divorcing with Chi-Chi when it was about Ox king divorcing Chi-Chi's mom....the man slick misslead us with the pic on the video XD, nice one my saiyan
@@zanephair5684 i dont think he will go as far as devorcing his wife, he says it many time that he love her...yes she is annoying sometime but thats comon for most couple
You do realize its only in this universe in db original chichi mother was kind loyal and in love with ox king no sister cha cha or whatever she died of a disease through than chichi was young thats why she got her mothers Wedding dress we see chichi mother on a Wall pic she looks nothing like here portayed a beauty of king saved the Wedding dress even from the fire almost dying thats how much he loved his wife
I honestly thought this whole devorce thing was between Slick and Chi Chi which made me feel shocked. But now I don't really feel so surprised. This was bound to happen. Slick's first court case can't wait : D
Slick:"ok about that so the number tripled" *Gets zoro* Slick:"zoro, did you or did you not smash that woman" *Points at chi chi's mom* Zoro:"oh yeah, i hit that shit back like an eight track" **mass destruction**
Oof man I was so scared I thought that Slick and Chi chi were gonna divorce each other in this my heart dropped, thank God they have each other Chi chi may seem hardcore despite how she is but she's a good wife who means well. But I don't think she'll ever look at her mom the same way ever again.
@@shiseidochan6605 maybe real Goku to a certain extent considering how he doesn’t have anything to give in the divorce anyway so there really would just be a split. That’s it. However Slick and Chi Chi’s relationship is different. It’s the only relationship out of the Dragontubers that feels extremely genuine. They have problems but they’re all misunderstandings that they try to solve together.
Love how vegeta voices the Ox king. Fuckin sweet voice acting from EVERYONE ! Keep up the great work y'all, also I HEAR THAT STEVEN UNIVERSE BEAT IN THE BACKGROUND WHEN THE HEAVY SHIT HIT !
It was not perfect never was goku and trouble were always in Combo despite his earth saving no minute at peace or time for them training or not hes a trouble Magnet
Hitting it from back like a 8-track & also I just have to say #PrinceVegeta has the best cry baby man voice ever it's just like the real Vegeta's dub voice Act from the anime when he was screaming don't touch my Bulma 💯🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
This is like a large jolly married man being told his whole family was a lie, that his younger and better built brother was the real father/husband. And that he is gonna die of a heart attack that he's trying to deny.
*> Me after watching the chi chi smash Slick & Goten video:* Aww they do have their whole moments. Just hard to show it. *-> Looks at this video's title:-* -Well damn, right when I had hope LOL.- *> Actually watches video:* Phew. Had me there for the first half. Maybe. It's crazy to see when Ox king and Slick work together, and they hate each other. that's true family bonds right there.
“Mommy became a hore but daddy’s still here”
I’m dead 😂
Shit sad
This is very sad bro...
@@retroskeleton891 true
I was done
revenge.....caught cho mama in 8k
@@SlickGoku2GS lol
@@SlickGoku2GS my boy nice job but if you need back up shit I can always go back in time so if ya need me you OG I'll be in the court
its ok chi chi, hubbies is here, like slick said.
Can we give vegeta props about this convincing emotional breakdown
I actually was feeling horrible and getting teared up for the ox king when he started apologizing to slick
@@manmanpower15 🤔 yeah
@@manmanpower15 I see why
Very much so
"Yea I hit her with the A-track"
Kinda made me laugh when I wasn't supposed-
Me too man
I rewinded it so much
EASILY one of the most intense family situations I've seen , not even professional reality shows could live up to this.
Intense and funny all at the same time
@@reaperking7748 true
Are Chi-Chi’s parents still together?
@@SayianRace not after this no
@@bluestreaksthehedgehog. they are done
Slick finally got the last laugh.
About time 🤣😂
@@joshuahackshaw7703 ikr 🤣😂
Payback time AT LAST
Child support: HAHAHAHHAHAHA
It’s only just begun
He now has evidence
" So. The number had triple zero's." That bit had me rolling. 🤣
Triple zeros? Like in the millions?
@@alekso8254 no it's in the thousands
@@SonGokan7376 Oh ok so she spent her time in the afterlife "getting busy?"
@@alekso8254 YUP.😂😂
Caught her shiz in 8K😎
@@yoitsSmitty2004 8k!? Dude, that is 16k tops!
Funny enough I imagine chi chi just screaming at the mom, but she got enough from ox king
Honestly same
"Did you just thank Frieza?"
Must be an alternate universe
Yh its the slick verse
@@summer_stanier Awesome it'd be cool if Goku met Slick Goku
Oh wow 😮
@@joshuahackshaw7703 surprised?
The therapist said that this universe is a mess
"Chi-Chi has a sister?!" (Hopefully we'll meet this sister down the road)
in court??
@@rossjones8656 we'll see
@@alekso8254 it makes since but yeah we'll see
Please let's meet her sister
@@scream4224 we'll see
Caulifla text’s Slick right away 😂
More like instantly
No my friends its not for slicky milk
Its for the ox king AND his wife
Now the Ox King knows how Hinata feels.
Ox Queen's cheating count is in the triple 0's meaning she made Naruto's 100 look tame by comparison! That's insane...
@@ArtsyJet Naruto is a grain of sand compared to the Ox Queen she’s the whole freaking desert.
No cap tho
Only this universe in db original chichis mother is a different woman but died on a disease but she was good to ox king perfect like gine gokus mother and kind and pretty we see her on a picture in the Wall In ox kings Castle not only that he keeped their Wedding dress chichi uses
In db universe you can compare chichi mother to Dracula wife martha in hotel transylvania beautiful like moon nothing like this version here through
When I heard ox King cry, but also apologise to slick for calling him those names, it really got me in the heartstrings.
Just a racist being humbled nothing special
The man literally pulled the Chris Hanson card on her XD
Slick & Order
@@nole8146thick victims unit
Now you chris hanson but ya see I call ya Chris handsome
@@xellierguerra1586 I WATCHO TV SHOW ALL THE TIME
My Favorite Video From You.
May Your Soul Find Peace & May That Peace Be Everlasting.
Hope the angels you meet share the laugh I did when you dropped this.
Rest in Peace, Slick.
I'm going to start greeting my friends with "what's good my Sayain"
"Hey bitch!
You ain't going to be able to get that trust fund money ANYMORE!!!"
BEST line in the episode
Yes it is epic
Slick: imma dip
Other saiyans: getting clapped by slick
"Did you F*ck fairies?"
Lmao that part had me dying
I feel like if Ox Queen actually gives birth to the kid, Its gonna either look up to Slick as a mentor and he'll train the kid in the art of being slick or Ox Queen is gonna mould the kid into a Slick-hating rival, like Frieza but with more family drama mixed in
@Victor E. Vector M. probably the abortion...
But if not the abortion what do you think the kid's name is going to be.
@@damianwolfe613 Probably something to do with either milk, the cold or both.
@@finmorton6840 yogurt?
@@bluestreaksthehedgehog. oh
The second divorce I've seen today, maybe I'm bad luck tbh.
Edit: thought the joke was apparent, my mistake i appreciate the concern! Thank you everyone.
You ok bro?
Second? What was the first
What was the first
You ok bro
The first being?
This episode was deep man real deep
Yes kind of
Look at us who think it was about Slick divorcing with Chi-Chi when it was about Ox king divorcing Chi-Chi's mom....the man slick misslead us with the pic on the video XD, nice one my saiyan
I mean... why do you think Slick was studying law in his words “behind Chi Chi’s back” it’s still very possible
@@zanephair5684 i dont think he will go as far as devorcing his wife, he says it many time that he love her...yes she is annoying sometime but thats comon for most couple
I know
If he really divorces chi chi
Than caulifla, esdeath or hinata finally have a chance
I'm part of the Caulifla Army, so you know who I'm voting for
I'm wishing luck for Slick
I wanna have him get with Hinata, personally
Oh no
Dont forget 21
i feel so sorry for the ox heart breaks for him.
You do realize its only in this universe in db original chichi mother was kind loyal and in love with ox king no sister cha cha or whatever she died of a disease through than chichi was young thats why she got her mothers Wedding dress we see chichi mother on a Wall pic she looks nothing like here portayed a beauty of king saved the Wedding dress even from the fire almost dying thats how much he loved his wife
Than again this here is a different universe
Ox King might've made the mistake that Slick warned Goten about: He made a ho into a wife.
I honestly thought this whole devorce thing was between Slick and Chi Chi which made me feel shocked. But now I don't really feel so surprised. This was bound to happen. Slick's first court case can't wait : D
Well 🤔
I was excited actually.
Note: I don't hate Chi-Chi nonono I just hate it when she nags or whatever, she's so control-ative and I no liek ;c
@@jahdarius9448 she has to beside blame the wife training she had in db db it before she married goku
Ox King apologized!? Slick and Ox King about to be homies now? WOOOOOOOOO YEAH BABY THAT'S WHAT WE WERE WAITING FOR
lmao vegeta's voice its like hes on the toilet im laughing so hard bro
Slick being phoenix wright tbh is lit
Slick is a man of respect and this is an example
Welcome to his therapy session
It’s crazy how after all the m words ox called slick, slick comforts the man.
the hero that we needed, BUT DIDN’T DESERVE Slick Goku.
Good job bro 😎
that title though....
you got us all in the first half
Slick:"ok about that so the number tripled"
*Gets zoro*
Slick:"zoro, did you or did you not smash that woman"
*Points at chi chi's mom*
Zoro:"oh yeah, i hit that shit back like an eight track"
**mass destruction**
Rest in peace Reggie God bless you and your family and loved ones always ✝️🙏🏿🔥🔥🙏🏽👏🏾🍷🐟🐟🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞🍯🌹🕊️👑🥛
Oof man I was so scared I thought that Slick and Chi chi were gonna divorce each other in this my heart dropped, thank God they have each other Chi chi may seem hardcore despite how she is but she's a good wife who means well. But I don't think she'll ever look at her mom the same way ever again.
Who would cause she a part of the *HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TRAIN*
If chichi divorce goku, goku will be happy to train even more
@@shiseidochan6605 maybe real Goku to a certain extent considering how he doesn’t have anything to give in the divorce anyway so there really would just be a split. That’s it. However Slick and Chi Chi’s relationship is different. It’s the only relationship out of the Dragontubers that feels extremely genuine. They have problems but they’re all misunderstandings that they try to solve together.
How did any slick goku came through out dragon Ball to dragon Ball super broly???
@@shiseidochan6605 Fair ponit
Lmao guys i thought it was gonna be chi chi and slick i've been fooled😂😂😂😂
but i'm glad because i like ch chi so
Me too
Thank goodness it wasn’t because I love this version of chichi
@@nataliawashington872 that cap chichi is mean sometime
"Did you fuck fairies?" I can't breathe 😆😂😭🤣
Love how vegeta voices the Ox king. Fuckin sweet voice acting from EVERYONE ! Keep up the great work y'all, also I HEAR THAT STEVEN UNIVERSE BEAT IN THE BACKGROUND WHEN THE HEAVY SHIT HIT !
"Can't wait to see my boy Slick in court" (Law & Order theme song plays)
Me and Ted:let’s all go to court, do do. Let’s go make some law, now~, yeah, yeah, yeah, some law. Now~
17:51 where did that Lizard come from 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I'll admit, when I read the title I was scared that it was Chichi and Slick getting a divorce. I was like: 'What? NOOOOO! THey're too cute together!"
This might be a premonition to that I know when but I could tell you this much
Actually I was thinking “bout fucking time!”
@@Wardragonkong me too
@@Wardragonkong it was about that time
@@Wardragonkong same, Chichi be controllin his life so no they are not a match anymore
Wait wasn't chi chi the one studying law? She took slick to court over some donuts. Lol
She's retired.
@@casualkillingspreewelcome lol
@@casualkillingspreewelcome Damn. That was fast.
She retired because she got found out by capcom because her shit look like maya fey
Future come and get her SHE BELONGS TO THE MULTIVERSE!!!
16:00 - 17:29 was the best, especially when Slick roasted frieza when he started the call.
Love how he said I don't like my son in law but have to agree with him that had me dieing 🤣🤣
"In approximately 2 months from now she's gonna be pregnant"
Me: And the hits just keep on coming!!! 🤣
I know
I get why
At 4:15 I thought my headphones were acting up but instead her mic was acting up. XD
So when Prince Vegeta was voicing as the Ox king, how many onions did he peel to sound like he's crying
I can only imagine how many onion food he had to cook AFTER the video.
Ox King: I want a divorce
Me and Slick: Oh Shiz
More like all of us
I know
What there is a slick Sonic, dang now I have seen it all.
@@slickvegito6966 ?
@@xenostopmotion Slick Goku + Slick Vegeta + Potara = Slick Vegito.
When goku has to play therapist because Kronk skipped town
The moment he put on the Steven Universe song Everybody Knows something about to hit the heart
Damn this is deep
Glad you handled your business Slick!
Got to say though, I feel bad for Chichi and her father, let’s hope y’all all win!
Slick and the ox king: The spark!? *Sad dad noises in the background *
I know this is probably dumb but the editor was on point every single step of the way😂
This is the greatest video i have ever fucking seen. Slick deserves a god damn Oscar for this god tier performance!!
Repercussions has been faced, thanks to Slick Goku.
That’s right
The ox queen belongs to the universe 🤣
Which one?
@@astraangelo7262 the one who has the 1/2 lizard kid on the way
Fun fact:this was made before it even started
😃👍 now that's fun and interesting
I predicted this would come lmao
Sure thing
Oh really interesting 🤔
Poor Chi-Chi.
Chi-Chi’s life was going great up until this.
It was not perfect never was goku and trouble were always in Combo despite his earth saving no minute at peace or time for them training or not hes a trouble Magnet
I wonder why picollo is still single he did a decent Job with gohan for a while than goku played dead with radditz
Hitting it from back like a 8-track & also I just have to say #PrinceVegeta has the best cry baby man voice ever it's just like the real Vegeta's dub voice Act from the anime when he was screaming don't touch my Bulma 💯🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
So Justice really does exist in the 2GS Universe after all.
This is the best dragon ball z parody video I ever laugh and love it.
these are the good times
Indeed they are.
You know what I love is that whenever they say something big slick always has a remark
Slick be like: You got a sister?? 👀 Then: Slick changes his mind doesn't even wanna ask at that moment. 🤣🤣
He has a huge smile on his face and he is crying at the same time?
That devil grin on Slick's face.
The day Slick did the right thing.
I can’t even point out what was the best part of this was, this whole thing is amazing 😂
Love how he's smiling the whole time
I just realized that the ox king is prince vegeta I know those scream's of sadness anywhere
That Steven Universe music hit different now 😔
This feels so real!
Dang, it turned into a anime soap opera, not gonna lie.
I like it! lol
"So I guess this means Chi-Chi is gonna have a literal half sibling?"
@@ajayxerx1511 we'll see
I guilty watching this as a new supporter of the slick. Can only imaging how long peeps were waiting to see this...😁
Don’t tell me you going to do what you said in the title with chi chi.
He just might
The Steven Universe music in the background. 😭😭😭🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
what are you talking about?
I knew he would expose her
I cannot describe how much I love this channel
Me too
After this we need to see the slick family tree to get everything straight
Bubbles with the camera quality. Good work.👍👍
Oh dear god chichi gonna have a freza rise baby brother/sister oof idk if I should feel bad or be laughing
This is like a large jolly married man being told his whole family was a lie, that his younger and better built brother was the real father/husband. And that he is gonna die of a heart attack that he's trying to deny.
Most viewers in the stream lol (1.3k)
Vegeta is killing me😂😂😂😂
Vegeta-This bitch f#+ked a lizard
Holy shiz the Title really scared me!
No....NO....Slick....are you actually gonna...?!
I was not expecting that but I was expecting not to expect something so it doesn’t count
@@gamerfury9846 look on the bright side, at least it wasn't both him and chi chi
@@slimeghost103 true
@@gamerfury9846 me either
@@slimeghost103 well that might happen in the future
*> Me after watching the chi chi smash Slick & Goten video:*
Aww they do have their whole moments. Just hard to show it.
*-> Looks at this video's title:-*
-Well damn, right when I had hope LOL.-
*> Actually watches video:*
Phew. Had me there for the first half. Maybe.
It's crazy to see when Ox king and Slick work together, and they hate each other.
that's true family bonds right there.
19:14 she got what was coming to her
This has got to be the weirdest bonding session between in laws I've ever seen
I'm the cause of this
Divorce but it has been Unfiltered and added humor into it
Chichi literally went to her friends and said u weren't supportive 😂 u better get on that dog I ain't no simp I'm a saiyan
Yeah an a a dic-tion 😂😂😂😂
Vegeta: Aye bitch you ain’t gonna be able to get that trust fund money anymore 🤣🤣🤣
Now we got sum to be hyped for in 2 months
Anyone else notice the terminator eye that Chi Chi's mom had for a few seconds. I think something fishier is going on here
This a whole mess and I love it fam😂💯