Shadow Vs Cyclops!? HILARIOUS Sonic Move 3 Interview | Ben Schwartz, James Marsden & More!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 10

  • @ajscastle2248
    @ajscastle2248 12 часов назад +7

    4:15 Ben Schwartz - "Wow." he really felt jealous ngl

  • @WaterMeLoan64
    @WaterMeLoan64 11 часов назад +12

    Constantine vs. Donut Lord

    • @SkyCinema
      @SkyCinema  6 часов назад +1

      We need to see it!

  • @danamarvelstar
    @danamarvelstar 15 часов назад +8

    They are talking about comedy and the first thing I think of is:
    "🎶I've been dreaming..🚴" 😂

    • @SkyCinema
      @SkyCinema  6 часов назад +1

      They are a DREAM cast after all 😉

  • @TOXICYT2016
    @TOXICYT2016 11 часов назад +13

    Crazy Tika Sumpter is 44 she's fine af

  • @arc7375
    @arc7375 6 часов назад +4

    Honestly, James Marsden was the perfect casting choice for Cyclops. It’s a shame that the writers never gave him anything to do, and focused exclusively on Wolverine for twenty years.

  • @dreamsthatgotogether7553
    @dreamsthatgotogether7553 Час назад

    My most memorable quote is probably Dr. Robotnik’s phone call to Donut Lord in the first movie (when he talks about the school bully injuring his orbital bone) but then again also the part with Sonic and Donut Lord in the western bar and Sonic says “Howdy Partner” and also “What’s a bucket list?” 😭 and also “Is this bull missing its head or does it have two butts?” 😆

  • @JamesMcArthur634
    @JamesMcArthur634 5 часов назад +1

    Can the legend respond?
    I love sky movies more than sky cinema!

  • @VanessaDo-lu7cd
    @VanessaDo-lu7cd 2 часа назад

    Donut lord vs sonic ❤❤❤