What is the matter with you? How do you expect Shiba to move around when you have totally covered his hands, making it too hard for him to move,grip,or hold anything.You have left him unable to comfort himself ,why are you letting Dam suck his fingers,but not the baby this a natural instinct for such a small baby, binding his hands like that for what purposes except cruelty.You should be ashamed of yourselves.YOU ARE REPORTED.
What is the matter with you? How do you expect Shiba to move around when you have totally covered his hands, making it too hard for him to move,grip,or hold anything.You have left him unable to comfort himself ,why are you letting Dam suck his fingers,but not the baby this a natural instinct for such a small baby, binding his hands like that for what purposes except cruelty.You should be ashamed of yourselves.YOU ARE REPORTED.
Pe bebe Siba o puteti calca ,lovi din greseala,o lasati peste tot intinsa,in loc sa aibe culcusul ei,iar cea mare umbla nebuneste sa o întindă,o musca,urca pe eaAici tu ca om esti responsabila,tie nu ti pasa?
Why are you letting Dam bite the baby,he just bite him on the head and face,then he grabbed his tail severl times and bites.He pokes the babies eyes and you do nothing.Why are you letting him be cruel?You need to watch him closely before he really hurts Shiba.He hates him. Not like the baby has any chance of running away.You put a massive diper on the baby spreading his legs that far apart he is unable to walk,then bind his hands so he carnt grab anything or walk as he would slip and slide not able to grip anything. Your treatment of the baby is Repulsive to watch.
I would like to know where the baby came from. It can't be more than a few days old and you have taped his hands and forced a diaper on the poor little thing. You slap the older one for simply not understanding. Both babies need to be rescued by someone who knows how to raise them.
Ich habe immer Angst, dass er auf den Kleinen drauf springt. Die Wohnung , ist kein Ort mehr in dem Dam, leben kann. Bring ihn in den Wald. Endlich !!!!!!! Denn dieser Affe will springen, klettern. Seine Bewegungs-Instinkte und Bedürfnisse kommen durch und die kannst Du nicht länger unterdrücken. Bis er Dir einen Finger abreißt oder eine Auge auskratzt. Affen werden aggressiver, in Gefangenschaft, auch wenn Du es nicht verstehen willst.😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
Где ваша хваленая ассоциация, не грубите не оскорбляйте, да вас давно придушить пора , за такую работу за такие ролики,где совесть, так мучают животных, а у нормальных опекунов обезьян забирают,вот эту ведьму давно пора под суд!!!!!
Con varias madres pasa eso dejan que los monos grandes estropen a los bbs no les ponen cuidado, ellos los arastran los pisan los vuelven un trapo porqué Dios mio llegan estas criaturas a las manos de esta gente tan mala 😰😢😥🙊🙉💕💕
Babies need to stretch out and warmth n milk often and the clapping right in the newborns face and what is he supposed to do with all the energy if your gonna own monkeys where are the ropes and places to climb swing around he has 4 walls and prob caged when not with this lady poor baby shoulda been with his real mom...and be on the milk when they want in an upright position this lady is just alll about the show....he runs in the corner to bite his finger outa fear from that monster
Dam ha sido golpeado desde que era muy pequeño y ahora es violento con el pequeño, 😢. Está raza cola larga, tan pequeños, o los cuidan muy muy bien o mueren rápido. No sé qué es peor....🙏
Der große Affe ist sehr aggressiv. Warum hälst du dir solche Tiere wenn du keine Ahnung von ihnen hast. Ja und wenn man sich dann nicht mehr zu helfen weiß, wird geschlagen. Das ist Tierquälerei!!! Das arme Kleine. Wird ninicht einmal geschützt auf die Seite gelegt. Was bist du bloß für ein Mensch? Mit dir sollte man so umgehen!! Warum bindest du die Finger des kleinen ein. Unmöhlich!!!
Warum gucken viele Leute diese Quälvideos??Weil sie es nicht begreifen das es sowas gibt...diese Tiere gehören in die Wildnis und nicht zu solchen "Menschen"
❗️❗️❗️Dam can’t be released yet, if you will read about that type of monkey you will find out that he needs to grow up more and become mature enough, especially if he was on domestic care.. ❗️Also Shiba is working very hard doing all those videos. Every 2-3-4 hours he is busy and here for you. With that tied schedule, l hope he has a time to sleep normally without bothering him to prepare for next episode. Hope he will be ok!
Report channel Smacc for abuse. Stop commenting or sharing, she'll collect dollars for your comments, and laugh at you, Shiba won't get any better, she'll continue to torture her like this and let her starve, from day one Shiba is going through the motions Hell and now she's just a hassle and bones, it's over a month old, she keeps doing this to get your clicks, for which she collects the dollars, she's a person with no conscience, you can always help her by reporting this channel and always
Pobre desses animais,um absurdo o que esse povo faz com essas criaturas,tiram da natureza,onde estão acostumados, arrancam os filhotes recém nascidos das mamães macacas, e kevam para um outro mundo diferente, não entendo como as autoridades desse país permite tamanha crueldade,e tudo isso , porque essa gente so pensa em dinheiro,um nojo, uma vergonha!!!!😮😮😮😢😮😢😮
Okay, I usually dont like the long tails, they remind me of rats withcthose tails. But even i feel really sorry for the baby. It wont survive...its straight from the breeding farms. The babies are taken from the mother and sold. Kind of like puppy mills. Sad.
Он не человек,чтобы понять как относиться к малышу.Я попробовала смотреть канал,где домашнего высадили к макашатам.Они вообще насиловать его сразу стали.Даже отписалась,что там творится.Раньше надо было Даму брата заводить.😢
Всё что сейчас переживает Шиба, Дам уже пережил. Вы видите как она обращается с ним, она его доводит до истерики, бьёт. Он не послушный от того, что она не занимается с ним. Дам вместо игрушки у неё. Он тоже не видел ласки от хозяйки. Только показуха на камеру. А те кто плохо отзывается о Даме, вы пересмотрите видео когда он был такой же маленький как и Шиба. Много месяцев уже прошло, а я смотрю его с самого появления в семье. Ни чего хорошего он не видел, только крик и шлепки. Шибе ещё много придётся испытать, у него всё в переди. А Дам уже подросток и она может избавиться от него когда захочет. Хозяевам плевать на Макашат, а вот на деньги нет. Дам и Шиба банкоматы. 🤷♀️
@@АнтонинаФилина-ч8ы Вы столько смотрите про макашат и , что так и не поняли , что все макаши - это банкоматы. Возьмите хоть Биби , Ка- Ка , Пу - Пу. Они прошли жесткую школу воспитания и ничего не делают того , чего не хочет хозяйка или хозяин. А Дама хозяйка не бьет , кормит хорошо , ухоженный. Ни один макаш , пройдя суровую школу воспитания никогда не будет так себя вести , как Дам потому , что знает - за непослушания его ждет наказание. Сколько роликов в которых перед макашами стоят тарелки с едой , но они даже пальцем не только до еды , бояться до тарелки дотронуться. А сколько макашей прошли обучение хождения на задних лапах , а это очень болезненная процедура ,искривляется позвоночник , лапы задние принимают форму колеса и ходить им постоянно на задних лапах тяжело . А Дам бегает на 4 -х лапах , жопа не попрела , ест сколько хочет и ведет себя так , как он хочет потому , что не получает. .И за маленьким она ухаживает . Потихоньку растет , а подрастет больше , хозяйка и его откормит, как Дама. Ничего плохого по отношению к макашатам я в этих роликах не вижу. А вот в комментах , одни истерики
O recem nascido está muito mal por não ter consolo materno e não poder se consolar com o dedo, e o grande esta desesperado por não ter contato com a luz do dia, ponha eles no quintal que eles ja estão apegados a você não vão fugir, esse grande precisa ir ao quintal escalar em árvores durante o dia. o bebê maior com certeza está preso no escuro desesperado e nervoso, com certeza ele bate no menor, ponha eles para brincar no quintal durantr o dia todo,
What’s the reason of taping she was hands you don’t you don’t do that he hast to learn how to use his hands and his feet and by you taping them. What are you doing? Is crippling him
Why are you allowing the big one to suck his fingers? You are being very unfair and unkind. You need to care about something! Seeing this video and how you are not in control, says a lot about your care of these creatures.
Ela nao tem fita pra fechar as fraldas? Eu adoro animais...vejo que ela acha que tem paciência. O bebê não consegue se mexer e esra fraco. Tadinho! Realmente... muito triste.
Просматриваются проблемы в отношениях. Станет больше репрессий и ограничений старшего. Он будет отыгрываться на младшем. Нежной привязанности сводных детишек не получится из-за разницы в возрасте и характеров.
Dam is the way he is because she drove him mentally into what he does! She is the damn reason he and all the monkeys before him act this way. She is a mentally unstable monster who does not need children that she can't take care of let along Monkeys, Call them.names like tree rat or what you want! They have feelings to and still they are still Gods creatures! Doesn't make it right for her or anyone else as crazy as her to take these poor animals to be treated like shi$t. What she and others like her is inhumane to bring harm on these animals to abuse them like she does in ALL her videos!! I have a pet, She might not be a monkey, But I would love her if she was! And she would love me because I would give her warmth & affection and let her know just that Ill always be here for her! With these beautiful beings in her care, they would be ever so lucky to be rescued and this monster be put away so she can't abuse another living animal. This evil monster does not know what true feelings mean because she has none! Dam is what he is because of this monster. I just hate to think what evil she conducts away from the camera. Just give me 10 minutes in a room with her. She would not be able to do to these animals what she has been anymore. Enuff said
Taping up a baby monkeys hands like that is like sensory deprivation for the monkey. This is an infant just learning the world around her. And you have taken away her ability to touch and feel. She can't grab or cling. She will have difficulty crawling. You gave disrupted her life. This is incredibly cruel. And its the lazy way of dealing with finger sucking. You are making the trauma that caused the finger sucking much much worse.
Жизнь у этих обезьянок короткая, уже на место обезьянки Дам, принесли замену, значит скоро избавятся от Дама, как жалко, что в природе ручные одомашненные обезьянки не выживут самостоятельно не умеют добывать себе еду , да и сородичи их не примут....
Look how anxious the big monkey is Dan Dan is very very anxious scared he touches something and trying to pull on something trying to run around in circles not knowing what to do. He looks like he’s not comfortable. I’ve seen BB and his dad and he is not afraid he sleeps comfortably. He walks around comfortably, and he’s not afraid of his dadand he doesn’t tease him. He feeds him all day if he hast to she needs to take some lessons from him because this animal is going to turn on her and he has the right to because she is an animal.
You do a good job with the little one he's growing and looks so healthy his eyes are so bright with good color. Don't let that big beast bite you he will hurt the we one he needs to go.
vey que odio ela batendo no macaco, ele mordendo ela, ele andando impacientemente de um lado pro outro. se mostra desconfortável durante toda a filmagem, isso é abuso, devolva os para a natureza, eles são animais silvestre. do jeito que vc trata eles, eles ficarão muito agressivos quando maiores e vão causar mt problema pra vc. quanto ao macaco pequeno, tem nem oq falar, o coitado ta mt magro e parece que mal tem forca pra se mexer
the older one shoes many signs of abuse and being held in captivity they probably have him in the tiniest cage possible for like 20 hours a day it's sad and then this low life is stopping the infant from being able to self soothe so it will throw tantrums and cry!!! Give it a paci then !!
Well you are either breeding or stealing brand new babies and of course either is illegal . That baby will need at least 2 ounces of monkey appropriate formula milk every 2 hours or even more often because in the wild where he should be he would never be off his mothers teat for the first week at least and would be feeding even in his sleep. Left on hus own like this without his mothers warmth and love he is open to infection and pneumonia . You could at least wrap him up and make him feel secure or wouldn't that nake a good story line?
Oh whatever nut case
Será mejor que regrese a la selva... ¡Qué intensidad tan inmanejable!
What is the matter with you? How do you expect Shiba to move around when you have totally covered his hands, making it too hard for him to move,grip,or hold anything.You have left him unable to comfort himself ,why are you letting Dam suck his fingers,but not the baby this a natural instinct for such a small baby, binding his hands like that for what purposes except cruelty.You should be ashamed of yourselves.YOU ARE REPORTED.
What is the matter with you? How do you expect Shiba to move around when you have totally covered his hands, making it too hard for him to move,grip,or hold anything.You have left him unable to comfort himself ,why are you letting Dam suck his fingers,but not the baby this a natural instinct for such a small baby, binding his hands like that for what purposes except cruelty.You should be ashamed of yourselves.YOU ARE REPORTED.
thanks karen you really know it all
@@sandybuchanan2666he seems more like a dumbass than a bad ass 😊
@@sche1039clearly!! Nice one!
American badass ? Aren’t the sending money in share I might bite wrong
Pe bebe Siba o puteti calca ,lovi din greseala,o lasati peste tot intinsa,in loc sa aibe culcusul ei,iar cea mare umbla nebuneste sa o întindă,o musca,urca pe eaAici tu ca om esti responsabila,tie nu ti pasa?
Ja, nur die Aufrufe und Likes zählen, bringt viel Geld💵💵💵die Affen sind ihr scheinbar scheißegal keine Milch kein Obst nichts🤮🤮🤮🤮👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
Мракобесие, противно смотреть
She is mean
I can't imagine smaller than palm Shiba being staple. Diaper with tape should be made to wear her. Cruel people
Большой обезьяне надо в лес на деревья, а не держать её в 4-х стенах, ей не хватает пространства 😠😠
Ant that the truth
Ей скоро над углями на вертеле кататься,или на протвине в духовке загорать,а вы о каких то деревьях пишите.
Time for DAM to meet the Sovanna troop.
I agree.
Que enferma tirándole de su colita.???
Y le pegó unas palmadas
Why are you letting Dam bite the baby,he just bite him on the head and face,then he grabbed his tail severl times and bites.He pokes the babies eyes and you do nothing.Why are you letting him be cruel?You need to watch him closely before he really hurts Shiba.He hates him.
Not like the baby has any chance of running away.You put a massive diper on the baby spreading his legs that far apart he is unable to walk,then bind his hands so he carnt grab anything or walk as he would slip and slide not able to grip anything.
Your treatment of the baby is Repulsive to watch.
Elle s'en fout elle est encore plus cruelle que le grand singe cette personne
She is purposely not doing what it needs, so you should advise her. Stop commenting, and don't watch the video to the end so it won't be counted.
That is an excellent suggestion to not watch the video to the end so they don't get paid for it. I never watch all of them!@@junior16100
I would like to know where the baby came from. It can't be more than a few days old and you have taped his hands and forced a diaper on the poor little thing. You slap the older one for simply not understanding. Both babies need to be rescued by someone who knows how to raise them.
That poor baby is a month old. She has been starving it.
@@SherryRooney-m1t so sad 😢
@user-lh5oi7nj8p it's not starving. They have tiny stomaches if you feed it too much it will vomit.
They know how to raise monkeys. Are you really this ignorant? This is all staged so you DA viewers get addicted and continue to support this abuse.
Menuda mujer cocodrilo 🐊
She gives crocodiles a bad name!
Ich habe immer Angst, dass er auf den Kleinen drauf springt. Die Wohnung , ist kein Ort mehr in dem Dam, leben kann. Bring ihn in den Wald. Endlich !!!!!!! Denn dieser Affe will springen, klettern. Seine Bewegungs-Instinkte und Bedürfnisse kommen durch und die kannst Du nicht länger unterdrücken. Bis er Dir einen Finger abreißt oder eine Auge auskratzt. Affen werden aggressiver, in Gefangenschaft, auch wenn Du es nicht verstehen willst.😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
Un singe très dangereux il faut l emmener à la forêt. Visionne depuis le Maroc
Consiguen otro mono,son una peste y una plaga,en ese país, los están matando, porque miles de millones, de animales destruyendo todo.
Mean to the baby! He will hurt him!
Not him, but her. Do you really not see who is the bad one and who is acting terribly, or are you just playing dumb?
Those diapers are getting bigger or monkey is getting smaller 😂
Essa Monstra SÁDICA continua aí???
Un cadáver qué respira un cadáver qué respira
Где ваша хваленая ассоциация, не грубите не оскорбляйте, да вас давно придушить пора , за такую работу за такие ролики,где совесть, так мучают животных, а у нормальных опекунов обезьян забирают,вот эту ведьму давно пора под суд!!!!!
Con varias madres pasa eso dejan que los monos grandes estropen a los bbs no les ponen cuidado, ellos los arastran los pisan los vuelven un trapo porqué Dios mio llegan estas criaturas a las manos de esta gente tan mala 😰😢😥🙊🙉💕💕
I agree with you 😢😢😢
Não pode bater nos animais vc e maldosa e cruel tenha amor por eles vc e de mal da vida coisa triste de se ver mem zDeus
Alimenta os pobrezinhos de mais leite pra eles e pare de bater neles por favor isso é pecado 😢😢😢😢😢😢
Babies need to stretch out and warmth n milk often and the clapping right in the newborns face and what is he supposed to do with all the energy if your gonna own monkeys where are the ropes and places to climb swing around he has 4 walls and prob caged when not with this lady poor baby shoulda been with his real mom...and be on the milk when they want in an upright position this lady is just alll about the show....he runs in the corner to bite his finger outa fear from that monster
Thank you monkey expert and abuse supporter.
See the big ones behaviour. Circles and pacing !
Stress behaviour from being in cage all time!!!!!!
It's boredom. He has NOTHING to climb in there. He's freaking bored!
Большого скоро выкинут назад в лес, слишком агрессивный даде для хозяев опасен
You need to get dam some excersize outside. He has so much pent up energy he literally doesn’t know what to do with himself
He is very undisciplined and should be put back into the jungle. He takes his position for granted
Dam ha sido golpeado desde que era muy pequeño y ahora es violento con el pequeño, 😢. Está raza cola larga, tan pequeños, o los cuidan muy muy bien o mueren rápido. No sé qué es peor....🙏
Во первых это не ребёнок а звёрёныш вы видели как они общвются в своем лесу мвть их так тоскает покамням и им всё квк с гуся вода
Девушка очень хорошая,аккуратная,терпеливая,чистоплотная,как вот только большой детёныш к ней попал,его точно надо выдворить в лес,чумной какой то.
Did you report yourself for supporting this abuse?
Did you report yourself for supporting this abuse?
Stop the abuse
Dam & SHIBA missing now
.ih ,8
They get no food, this is because they suck the fingers!
Зачем вам они нужны? Пусть живут в своей среде.
Ella mira lo que le hace al bb y tranquila se queda que pena pobre criaturita 😭😭😭😭😭
😢😢Mauvaise personne! Je ne lui souhaite que du mal!!
Bitte unbedingt melden dieses Haus. DER GROSSE MUSS IN DEN Wald. Er beisst den Kleinen
MISSBRAUCH ICH werde sie melden. 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
Der große Affe ist sehr aggressiv.
Warum hälst du dir solche Tiere wenn du keine Ahnung von ihnen hast.
Ja und wenn man sich dann nicht mehr zu helfen weiß, wird geschlagen. Das ist Tierquälerei!!!
Das arme Kleine. Wird ninicht einmal geschützt auf die Seite gelegt.
Was bist du bloß für ein Mensch?
Mit dir sollte man so umgehen!!
Warum bindest du die Finger des kleinen ein.
Aggressive? It's undisciplined, sassy and doesn't listen. Not aggressive.
Warum gucken viele Leute diese Quälvideos??Weil sie es nicht begreifen das es sowas gibt...diese Tiere gehören in die Wildnis und nicht zu solchen "Menschen"
Какие глупые вопросы,читайте научную литературу про макак и их содержание и тогда вы не будете писать глупости.
Полностью с вами согласна, ничего не знают , а бесконечно лезут со своими глупыми советами
@@millerlaureneliz”sassy” seriously?!? Ugggh reading totally uneducated nonsense like your comment is so aggravating!
She doesn’t have control over the older monkey
Ah gee maybe because it's a wild animal.
He’s smarter than her
Naucz ssać smoczek a nie blokować rączki małemu
No one wants to see or hear you clap your hands and sing - when you do, Shiba is terrified. And what’s with the sniffing???
No one wants to read an abuse supporters ignorant comment or question.
❗️❗️❗️Dam can’t be released yet, if you will read about that type of monkey you will find out that he needs to grow up more and become mature enough, especially if he was on domestic care.. ❗️Also Shiba is working very hard doing all those videos. Every 2-3-4 hours he is busy and here for you. With that tied schedule, l hope he has a time to sleep normally without bothering him to prepare for next episode. Hope he will be ok!
Great observations from a true monkey aficionado
Report channel Smacc for abuse. Stop commenting or sharing, she'll collect dollars for your comments, and laugh at you, Shiba won't get any better, she'll continue to torture her like this and let her starve, from day one Shiba is going through the motions Hell and now she's just a hassle and bones, it's over a month old, she keeps doing this to get your clicks, for which she collects the dollars, she's a person with no conscience, you can always help her by reporting this channel and always
Animals should Never Ever be the ruler over the Human !
Dam doesn't give a dam what this woman wants!
Because she is giving all of her attention to the small one. She used to be nice to him before Shiba.
Why do you keep sniffing him?
She is psico
Damn you taped he babys hand now it can't really walk... You something else lady.. two is to much for you ... Wow
Pobre desses animais,um absurdo o que esse povo faz com essas criaturas,tiram da natureza,onde estão acostumados, arrancam os filhotes recém nascidos das mamães macacas, e kevam para um outro mundo diferente, não entendo como as autoridades desse país permite tamanha crueldade,e tudo isso , porque essa gente so pensa em dinheiro,um nojo, uma vergonha!!!!😮😮😮😢😮😢😮
Okay, I usually dont like the long tails, they remind me of rats withcthose tails. But even i feel really sorry for the baby. It wont survive...its straight from the breeding farms. The babies are taken from the mother and sold. Kind of like puppy mills. Sad.
Yeah that one is so tiny , you just know he's not getting enough to eat and probably cold ,no mom to cling to.
Ja esta na hora de levar o grandão par floresta, e deixar o pequeno
Du verrüvckte frau, die aeffchen brauchen liebe,warum schlägst du sie?? 😅😅😅
Malá opička se snad právě narodila, tak brzo byla odebrána od své matky, smutné...😢😢😢😢
Большой, плохо себя ведёт, совсем не послушный, даёт ему под зад, а толку нет. Малыша обижает🎉🎉🎉🎉
Он не человек,чтобы понять как относиться к малышу.Я попробовала смотреть канал,где домашнего высадили к макашатам.Они вообще насиловать его сразу стали.Даже отписалась,что там творится.Раньше надо было Даму брата заводить.😢
Всё что сейчас переживает Шиба, Дам уже пережил. Вы видите как она обращается с ним, она его доводит до истерики, бьёт. Он не послушный от того, что она не занимается с ним. Дам вместо игрушки у неё. Он тоже не видел ласки от хозяйки. Только показуха на камеру. А те кто плохо отзывается о Даме, вы пересмотрите видео когда он был такой же маленький как и Шиба. Много месяцев уже прошло, а я смотрю его с самого появления в семье. Ни чего хорошего он не видел, только крик и шлепки. Шибе ещё много придётся испытать, у него всё в переди. А Дам уже подросток и она может избавиться от него когда захочет. Хозяевам плевать на Макашат, а вот на деньги нет. Дам и Шиба банкоматы. 🤷♀️
@@АнтонинаФилина-ч8ы но какие там деньги??? Если бы у неё было миллион подписчиков, а там мизер, ютюб не раздаёт деньги просто так
Большой ревнивец😅
@@АнтонинаФилина-ч8ы Вы столько смотрите про макашат и , что так и не поняли , что все макаши - это банкоматы. Возьмите хоть Биби , Ка- Ка , Пу - Пу. Они прошли жесткую школу воспитания и ничего не делают того , чего не хочет хозяйка или хозяин. А Дама хозяйка не бьет , кормит хорошо , ухоженный. Ни один макаш , пройдя суровую школу воспитания никогда не будет так себя вести , как Дам потому , что знает - за непослушания его ждет наказание. Сколько роликов в которых перед макашами стоят тарелки с едой , но они даже пальцем не только до еды , бояться до тарелки дотронуться. А сколько макашей прошли обучение хождения на задних лапах , а это очень болезненная процедура ,искривляется позвоночник , лапы задние принимают форму колеса и ходить им постоянно на задних лапах тяжело . А Дам бегает на 4 -х лапах , жопа не попрела , ест сколько хочет и ведет себя так , как он хочет потому , что не получает. .И за маленьким она ухаживает . Потихоньку растет , а подрастет больше , хозяйка и его откормит, как Дама. Ничего плохого по отношению к макашатам я в этих роликах не вижу. А вот в комментах , одни истерики
I think it's time to release Dam back into nature. He is very undisciplined, he needs to be more afraid of you, work on it.
Lol,c you sure w e bosses not to be in charge of anyone here😂
Yes he has been spoiled and needs a reality check
Stop erasing my comments about Shiba's death on Feb,/24 !!!!!!
Did anyone else see video on Feb /24 where Shiba died ????!!!!
@@Lindamartin-ml1nvthere is no such video and you know it
The big monkey is hurting the baby monkey the the mo keys in separate rooms
Em vez de grapear as fraldas
O recem nascido está muito mal por não ter consolo materno e não poder se consolar com o dedo, e o grande esta desesperado por não ter contato com a luz do dia, ponha eles no quintal que eles ja estão apegados a você não vão fugir, esse grande precisa ir ao quintal escalar em árvores durante o dia. o bebê maior com certeza está preso no escuro desesperado e nervoso, com certeza ele bate no menor, ponha eles para brincar no quintal durantr o dia todo,
What’s the reason of taping she was hands you don’t you don’t do that he hast to learn how to use his hands and his feet and by you taping them. What are you doing? Is crippling him
Solte as patinhas dele por favor
Зачем так мучить макаку? Она маленькая и не умеет сопротивляться, а хозяйка пользуется этим. Большая обезьяна а конце концов загрызет маленькую.
Batendo na criança?!!!!😮😮😮😮
Why are you allowing the big one to suck his fingers? You are being very unfair and unkind. You need to care about something! Seeing this video and how you are not in control, says a lot about your care of these creatures.
Omg her care? And who are you to judge? This abuse continues thanks to you awful awful viewers.
She isn’t very bright.
Ela nao tem fita pra fechar as fraldas?
Eu adoro animais...vejo que ela acha que tem paciência. O bebê não consegue se mexer e esra fraco. Tadinho!
Realmente... muito triste.
Dam has never had a toy or a place to climb. She should have channel shut down with all the abuse.
Просматриваются проблемы в отношениях. Станет больше репрессий и ограничений старшего. Он будет отыгрываться на младшем. Нежной привязанности сводных детишек не получится из-за разницы в возрасте и характеров.
Mono grande odioso grosero con el bb nunca los deje solos 😢😢😢
The diaper is much too big for this little baby! You are blind?
Why don’t you reply to comments…………????????
Get him away from the baby please your not watching him he will hurt the baby 😭😭😭
Stop hitting him! Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord. You gonna get yours!!!
Dam is the way he is because she drove him mentally into what he does! She is the damn reason he and all the monkeys before him act this way. She is a mentally unstable monster who does not need children that she can't take care of let along Monkeys, Call them.names like tree rat or what you want! They have feelings to and still they are still Gods creatures! Doesn't make it right for her or anyone else as crazy as her to take these poor animals to be treated like shi$t. What she and others like her is inhumane to bring harm on these animals to abuse them like she does in ALL her videos!! I have a pet, She might not be a monkey, But I would love her if she was! And she would love me because I would give her warmth & affection and let her know just that Ill always be here for her! With these beautiful beings in her care, they would be ever so lucky to be rescued and this monster be put away so she can't abuse another living animal. This evil monster does not know what true feelings mean because she has none! Dam is what he is because of this monster. I just hate to think what evil she conducts away from the camera. Just give me 10 minutes in a room with her. She would not be able to do to these animals what she has been anymore.
Enuff said
Die armen, die Windel ist 10 mal zu groß
She taped baby shibas hands up so he couldn't scratch her monster eyes out 😢
they are taped to stop thumb sucking otherwise the baby monkeys thumb will become rotten. nothing to do with scratching!
Taping up a baby monkeys hands like that is like sensory deprivation for the monkey. This is an infant just learning the world around her. And you have taken away her ability to touch and feel. She can't grab or cling. She will have difficulty crawling. You gave disrupted her life. This is incredibly cruel. And its the lazy way of dealing with finger sucking. You are making the trauma that caused the finger sucking much much worse.
You are no better. You support this abuse when you watch. If it weren't for you ignorant viewers this abuse wouldn't be happening..
Ну закутала в пацырь ,мучительница
STOP hitting Dam!!!
Чем больше макаку лупят тем лучше она становится 😜
Why were tape on this baby monkeys hands?
Жизнь у этих обезьянок короткая, уже на место обезьянки Дам, принесли замену, значит скоро избавятся от Дама, как жалко, что в природе ручные одомашненные обезьянки не выживут самостоятельно не умеют добывать себе еду , да и сородичи их не примут....
Don't need diaper, ain't eating, ain't shitting!!!!
does he ever go climb trees with get rid of that energy ❤
Wow stop letting him bite the little one on his face for god sake control that jerk
Очень люблю игривых обезьян, ваша красивая но без лохмотьев, зачем они ей?
You can tell the older one is scared of her
If it was scared it wouldn't be jumping around like that, it would be hiding in the corners quiet
Why are you letting the eldest bite the baby...This only means trouble ahead!
😅😅😅,🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Отдай е эту мышь большому- пусть нянчиться!!👏👏👏
Die Windel muss noch etwas groeer sein,, und dann mit Heftklammern. Es gibt ja auch warscheinlich kein Klebebandbei Euch
Acusadora no le pegues es un animalito q no entiende no un ser humano. Tienes la mano muy larga.
Look how anxious the big monkey is Dan Dan is very very anxious scared he touches something and trying to pull on something trying to run around in circles not knowing what to do. He looks like he’s not comfortable. I’ve seen BB and his dad and he is not afraid he sleeps comfortably. He walks around comfortably, and he’s not afraid of his dadand he doesn’t tease him. He feeds him all day if he hast to she needs to take some lessons from him because this animal is going to turn on her and he has the right to because she is an animal.
You do a good job with the little one he's growing and looks so healthy his eyes are so bright with good color. Don't let that big beast bite you he will hurt the we one he needs to go.
Dam is a good monkey she is abusing him by using the baby to make him jealous.
vey que odio ela batendo no macaco, ele mordendo ela, ele andando impacientemente de um lado pro outro. se mostra desconfortável durante toda a filmagem, isso é abuso, devolva os para a natureza, eles são animais silvestre. do jeito que vc trata eles, eles ficarão muito agressivos quando maiores e vão causar mt problema pra vc. quanto ao macaco pequeno, tem nem oq falar, o coitado ta mt magro e parece que mal tem forca pra se mexer
He's freaking out because she's putting a diaper on the baby, he knows he hates it
Where is Shiba today?
С таким памперсом эта кроха не скоро на лапы встанет!
Its legs are deformed. Cant walk.
We all know what that's like to try to get our children to stop sucking their fingers.
Niech opiekunka uczy się od matek małp, jak z dyscyplinować starszego😂
the older one shoes many signs of abuse and being held in captivity they probably have him in the tiniest cage possible for like 20 hours a day it's sad and then this low life is stopping the infant from being able to self soothe so it will throw tantrums and cry!!! Give it a paci then !!
Для малявки хватило бы ж.прокладки вместо памперса.
Well you are either breeding or stealing brand new babies and of course either is illegal . That baby will need at least 2 ounces of monkey appropriate formula milk every 2 hours or even more often because in the wild where he should be he would never be off his mothers teat for the first week at least and would be feeding even in his sleep. Left on hus own like this without his mothers warmth and love he is open to infection and pneumonia . You could at least wrap him up and make him feel secure or wouldn't that nake a good story line?
He won’t get it from her.
У этой няни ангельскойе терпение,это непоседа,дай ему так чтоб знал свое место
Let him hold her. Make him feel wanted too!
Stop pulling the monkey arms and give him some attention to 😢
You are so cruel, Woman! You are killing Shiba, don’t you feel ashamed of yourself?
Lol and you are helping. If you ignorant viewers would stop watching these awful videos then this abuse would stop.
Stop letting it bite the baby!!!
Quanta crueldade é capaz o ser humano! Onde estão as autoridades pra prender essa mulher?
El pañal es más grande que él....... que abuso dejen de maltratar animal TENEIS QUE cerrar el canal denunciar 😡
Mighty ig diaper for a mini monkey!
Какой живчик этот толстячок😊
Não deixa o Dam perto do bebê ele está com muito ciumes está judiando do bebê