Saw this as an AD and I swear, it was my first AD ever, that I did not skip. The narration, the rhythm, the movement, everything is so fun and great here!!!
I am 67 years old next month (February) and truthfully I have never enjoyed a dance, fitness workout more than I did with yours for the last three days. I love the music, your backup talent, and more particularly your energy Caleb, your facial expressions and the routine itself. I love when you do the happy dance and fling your head back and so many aspects of your moves. You are handsome, funny and really put a positive outlook on exercise. I did a full 30 minutes and it didn't feel like exercise (even though I was sweating big time)! The most important part of this for me is that I love your motivational comments. You look into the screen and talk to us like you really care and you are really there. You give us hope and encouragement and make it feel like everything is going to be okay and not to quit. The last thing I wanted to tell you is that when I was doing the workout; I happened to glance at myself in a mirror and I didn't even realize that I had a huge Cheshire Cat smile on my face. I believe that your workouts have a Healing Factor in them. Thank you Caleb for everything you are doing! This senior in Canada really appreciates you!
Nearly 70 and because of mental health issues not exercised since retiring 4yrs ago 😞. Caleb's routines are fun and are going to help Me get out of this black hole!! I agree that he really seems to care. ❤
Not only are these great workouts, but I also watch a bit when I need to put a smile on my face. The inclusivity with infectious confidence reminds me that there's still people doing good out there ❤️
I recall watching Alison practice for this, which means Cam was thrown in last minute, and boy still gives it his all... You do you boo... #ourspiritanimal x
@@Noobmaster-es9hh you're right:) . It was the week of VidCon - Allison had flown from Indiana for that and to make new vids. When Caleb went to edit, he found the file was corrupted. Allison had already returned to Indiana, so Cameron had to fill in:)
💙💜💜 I love this!!! Thank you for the energy! I can’t wait to dance this! Seriously, we need more exercise instructors like you! I want to have fun and enjoy aerobics classes like this 🙌🏽
I definitely going to have to join the BootyArmy!! I have been LIVING for your videos. I am on track of eating better and exercising regularly. I have been overweight a lot of my life but I'm finally getting the fitness down at 30 years young! I have a bad knee but I'm still able to do many of your videos on days I dont go to the gym! I LOVE you and your crew!!! Keep moving Baby!!! ❤🙌🎉😍
Have you all ever had some of the hikers join in?I would love to see that.I love watching your vids.I am disabled and wish I could dance like that...Much love to you all,keep up the great work you do.
Kristelkriel TWDS and you didnt understand the original comment. they were saying that cameron had no idea what level 1 was which is why they eventually started copying level 2
I just want to say a huge thank you, I do your workout dances every night and always feel like I can rule the world after them! I'm feeling fitter and healthier . THANK YOU XXXXXX
I love you, can we just take a moment to say a big THANK YOU to this amazing guy that teach us how to dance without looking like a woodstick?!?! Thanks 😍
I had to SEARCH for this video because some dumb workout app used your video for an add. I downloaded the app thinking that this was what I was getting. I was very disappointed. So glad I finally found the actual creator.
I done any kind of excersize dance videos since 2012 so now by find your video I'm ready for this it's like I'm so ready to dance thank you for posting videos your Awesome 😎👍
Join the Booty Army for weekly 60min Sweat Sessions!
love love love love love love love love love love uuuuuuuu Celeb
Can you do for “lovesick girl” from black pink ?
Saw this as an AD and I swear, it was my first AD ever, that I did not skip. The narration, the rhythm, the movement, everything is so fun and great here!!!
DANILKA97 me too😂
lol same
I am 67 years old next month (February) and truthfully I have never enjoyed a dance, fitness workout more than I did with yours for the last three days. I love the music, your backup talent, and more particularly your energy Caleb, your facial expressions and the routine itself. I love when you do the happy dance and fling your head back and so many aspects of your moves. You are handsome, funny and really put a positive outlook on exercise. I did a full 30 minutes and it didn't feel like exercise (even though I was sweating big time)! The most important part of this for me is that I love your motivational comments. You look into the screen and talk to us like you really care and you are really there. You give us hope and encouragement and make it feel like everything is going to be okay and not to quit. The last thing I wanted to tell you is that when I was doing the workout; I happened to glance at myself in a mirror and I didn't even realize that I had a huge Cheshire Cat smile on my face. I believe that your workouts have a Healing Factor in them. Thank you Caleb for everything you are doing! This senior in Canada really appreciates you!
Aw I love this!!
Nearly 70 and because of mental health issues not exercised since retiring 4yrs ago 😞. Caleb's routines are fun and are going to help Me get out of this black hole!! I agree that he really seems to care. ❤
Blue haired Cameron is literally me trying to do these dances in my living room while trying to ignore that my children are watching me 😂😂😂
He's keeping it level 1. For us beginners. Caleb tells us at beginning. Cameron will be all levels in reality
Cameron knows his stuff!
Saw this as an ad and didn’t skip for once. Thoroughly piqued my interest ♥️
Alyanna Garcia same!!!
Alyanna Garcia same haha and now I’m here lol
Omg hi lol
me too, you can say i was hooked
Same I never skip there adds
I like the addition of a Level 1 dancer. Makes me feel less self-conscious about my poor coordination. Loved this video as an ad.
Im like level negative 100 🤣🤣
I also like that this video was an ad, cuz it's what made me discover this channel xD
Hhjkyyuu hi ok ko
Love that term. Now I can say I am a level 1 dancer instead of have 2 left feet hahaha
Just love this young guy! I am a 53 year old woman and I love every naughty word, gesture and dance move. This young man is so inspirational.
What naughty word?
@@Nonyah123 Lmao right? Tf😂😂😭🤚
"If you get bored look at everyone walking behind us" haha
Paty CG this was epic ahahhah
gold lmao
OMG i'm always watching for the facial expressions on the people behind them 😀💚💚😂
Paty CG. Lol😂😂
Whatever Cameron lacks in dancing he makes up for in facial expressions.
This is fabulous! I’m a combat wounded vet and this helps me (and laugh from the belly). THANX !
The guy with blue hair is EVERYTHING! 😂♥️
I love that we can see your genuine personality while you dance, youre funny and a great dancer, keep up the good work ❤
Not only are these great workouts, but I also watch a bit when I need to put a smile on my face. The inclusivity with infectious confidence reminds me that there's still people doing good out there ❤️
“if you get bored, just look at all the people walking behind us” 🤣🤣 this was the line that made me realise i found my new youtube fitness series 🥰
I love the level 1 dancer he is nice dancer than me could you teach me how to danceвидео.html
Someone knows where this place that guys were dacing? Please ;)
Yes !!! 😘
*oh my God! Who has been waiting for this video since forever?!* thank youuuuuu ♡
Cameron looks like he's having the best time of his LIFE!!!
2:06 all those people have no idea that the hills’s on fire 😂
Its not actually on fire its just effects 😂😂😂
@@millylehuray2911 no really?
@@Fracasse-0x13 well i think so. Jkjk 😂😂😂
Milly Le Huray r/woosh
@@smoothierr calm down ✋✋✋✌🖖🖖🖖
I recall watching Alison practice for this, which means Cam was thrown in last minute, and boy still gives it his all... You do you boo... #ourspiritanimal x
Sorry for asking but what happened?
@@Noobmaster-es9hh I watched the vlog, they had to re-record due to technical issues, Alison had gone home by then so Cam backup booty'd last minute.
@@Noobmaster-es9hh you're right:) . It was the week of VidCon - Allison had flown from Indiana for that and to make new vids. When Caleb went to edit, he found the file was corrupted. Allison had already returned to Indiana, so Cameron had to fill in:)
@@pufuone oh thanks for explaining
Where was this filmed?
💙💜💜 I love this!!! Thank you for the energy! I can’t wait to dance this! Seriously, we need more exercise instructors like you! I want to have fun and enjoy aerobics classes like this 🙌🏽
I subbed from an ad. Because this is the kind of stuff I do at 3 AM. I really can't wait to see more of this
Cameron’s dances always takes away my depression 😂😭♥️when i feel sad I go and watch these videos and hopefully at the I’ll learn some moves
Who’s here in 2024?
Check out Cameron serving up some serious FIERCENESS!!! ❤️❤️❤️
It doesn't matter _how_ you move, as long as you *move!* ❤️❤️❤️
1:50 the little girl in the background tho 😂 absolutely love this song and the dance moves! One of my favorite videos you've done!!
Lol 😂😂
Oml lmao I didn't even notice that 😂
I can't stop laughing 😂😂😂
I wish I had the same confidence Cameron has in front of all those people 😂😂
Jenna Sais Quois just give yourself confidence! I always think “dance like nobody’s watching” cause there not. There checking there phones😂
Jenna Sais Quois Http://
Ha I love Cameron...just doin' his own thing....
Hes doing level one They say what they’re doing at the start
Love your videos ❤️
Thank you for mixing level 1 and level 2 dancers. 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺
Yas queen!! 👏👏 He's like.. THE BEST!!
Marshall:loosen up like you have no bones
Me:ok *falls to the ground*
Now this is the perfect comment
I laughed at this comment for Hours😂😂🤣
Meeeeee !!!!! 😂😂😂
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha
Such a good comment
Oh my gosh I love all these videos!! I'm 54 yrs old and you make it so worth the workout!!
Love your videos this the best ever thank you for making this channel
1:50 *did y'all noticed that girl in the left wearing red top???* LMAO 😂😂😂
Omg thank u for pointing it out for me.
She had a pink bag, not a red top.
@@hnt-hd5io that looked as if she was wearing pink top lol. thanks for correcting tho. 😅😅😅
@@deepeshbasnet1974 haha no problem I understand
I don't look at the mirror while doing this. I just follow them and enjoy myself regardless of how much bad my dancing looks like .
Ahh yes m'am, was waiting for this video!!! Love the positive energy you give out! 💓💓
1:34 "oh my neck" 😂😂😂
Talented, charming, funny, cute this guy's amazing😘
I didn't even realize that until I saw this comment I was so focused on the dancing. Lol 😂
not cute
Best thing is level 1 guy facial expressions 🤣
It just looks like he forgot what he is supposed to do
No, he’s the guy who told the interviewer that OF COURSE he knows those computer languages/programmes! 😂
Cameron is my spirit animal. He looks like he just wandered in from the random hikers and decided this looks fun. Love him!
Cthulhucorvidae yeah. So that’s me dancing
So much love for Cameron trying his damn best 😂❤️❤️
I’ve had this video stuck in my head for the past 6 months, it’s so amazing
I'm in Cameron's camp: a strong level 1. I'm working up to Haley's sass level, though (dem hair flips are all dat!). I'm trying!
I love the way Cameron moves in this dance 😄 😄
Thank you so much for making these.
Your ads are the only ones I don’t skip. It speaks to the quality of your content. Keep it up!
I definitely going to have to join the BootyArmy!! I have been LIVING for your videos. I am on track of eating better and exercising regularly. I have been overweight a lot of my life but I'm finally getting the fitness down at 30 years young! I have a bad knee but I'm still able to do many of your videos on days I dont go to the gym! I LOVE you and your crew!!! Keep moving Baby!!! ❤🙌🎉😍
can we all take a moment to appreciate Cameron? I love that he comes back again and again to help us level 1 people =D
2:02-That was so smooth, Cameron😂!
Have you all ever had some of the hikers join in?I would love to see that.I love watching your vids.I am disabled and wish I could dance like that...Much love to you all,keep up the great work you do.
I feel so bad for Cameron😂 He doesn’t know what he was doing so half way he just coppied Haley and Caleb
Kay Mur actually, he’ doing the level one and the rest are doing level two.
Kay Mur actually, he’ doing the level one and the rest are doing level two.
He is doing level 1 you just didnt listen carefully on what his saying
Kristelkriel TWDS and you didnt understand the original comment. they were saying that cameron had no idea what level 1 was which is why they eventually started copying level 2
I feel bad cause I would think he wasn’t as good as a dancer but he just doing a less hard dance lmao
I really like the girl hair its very beautiful ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Happy Stingray well everyone has a taste and a style ✋
I was just trying to get someone annoyed or something
Cameron looks like he's having fun. Yaa! Love you all.
I just want to say a huge thank you, I do your workout dances every night and always feel like I can rule the world after them! I'm feeling fitter and healthier . THANK YOU XXXXXX
2:56" If you wanna be crazy.. land your helicopter " LMAOOOO
Alaa Alaa Http://
I died
Yeah totally landed my helicopter! 😂😂😂
Got to buy one helicopter, hahaha, just lov dancing behind close doors. God bless all.
Caleb Marshal Thank you for showing steps that we senior citizens can take.!
You just have to love this guy 😂😂😍😍
Hes always funny and I love that he uses all kind of People whit all kind of shapes in his videos 😊
It's my first time here. Thanks to Cameron, he makes me feel so welcomed. I on his level ;-)
Yes he really does 😅😅😂😂
Me to
I'm a real dancer
매일 보게되는 중독성강해요ㅎ
몸치라 따라하는건 힘들지만
이런 강사님이 있다면 행복하게
배울것같아요 에너지 대박 존예
Everyone was waiting for this, yesss finally.😀
(ps: ur vids are funny as hell! also congrats on almost 2 million subscribers! 👏🏻👏🏻❤️❤️)
I am recuperating from a knee surgery now, but I am so going to be in your class soon. Thanks for the positive energy.
The Guy in the left kept me watching til the end. Good move. Ahahha
It looks like the guy with blue hair didnt know the routine so he just did whatever and they called it level 1😂
thats literally what i was thinking lmao
Ha ha that’s what I was thinking.
Addictively Awesome!
I wasn't bored because of the other guy in the side line 😂😂😂
I wont be bored either way tho😂
me too 😂😂
OMG thizzzz hair 🤩 I Love it like I Love it when you call Me senorita 😂(Sorry it stucks in My Head)😍
Loved it!! I'm old as dirt, but I'm tempted to try it, too.😁
Probably the best ad i’ve ever had on youtube, didnt skip a single second
Cameron is a mooood. lol love it
I keep coming back to this 💕
I saw this in an AD & I didn’t skip it, plus I tracked it down. I love their dance move (level 2)! 💝
Hua Yue Http://
This came up as an add but damn so much of this was captivating!
KellyJayneAustralia wrong usage of ad, add means to- add. EX: 3+8.
But I still loved your comment.
Can't stop watching❤
I love when they leave their mistakes in because it makes you want to join in even if Youre afraid of making mistakes... know what i mean???
Don't be so hard on yourself. You need to relax when you learn something new. 🌟
@@User-yh4mn ygy
I love his energy!! 😍😍 I need this in my life.
Love love looooove your channel ...and all your people Cameron is funny 🤣🤣🤣but you r all great😘great job all xxx
Currently watching this in my room and my brother walks in, looks at my screen, and just says "Oh I love this guy" then continues to watch it with me
That gets me everytime😹
But I just always watch this for no reason at all
I just found my favorite fitness channel
Honestly makes me want to get up and dance! Love the enthusiasm, been hooked since the first ad I saw! ❤️
I know! It does that for me too! And he motivates and inspires me for when I choreograph and create dances! Do you like to dance too?
vikki stevens Http://
the guy with blue hair @1:16. Oh no hahahaha 😂what u doin dude?!!
I’ve just discovered this channel, and it’s the best thing ever. Subscribed. 😂❤️
First ever ad I don't instantly skip
5 months pregnant and i still think i dance like this lol . Loving this in my front room. thank you !!! xxx
This is lovely. Lifts my mood and it is a nice home office break :D
1:35 ouhhh my neck ☺️ holds my laughter* I felt bad for him at the same time.
Looking at those end credits and pictures... you've come so far and I'm just just so proud.
I have fun dancing with the Fitness Marshall
I rewatched this whole video again just to focus on Cameron's facial expressions! xD U slay boiiii
I love you, can we just take a moment to say a big THANK YOU to this amazing guy that teach us how to dance without looking like a woodstick?!?! Thanks 😍
I like it when you say: switch your body like to have no bones left! I like your videos, you are the best!
I had to SEARCH for this video because some dumb workout app used your video for an add. I downloaded the app thinking that this was what I was getting. I was very disappointed. So glad I finally found the actual creator.
Which app?
Nishita Skyes Home Workout Fitness.
I saw this add twice and I watched it all the way through.😀 I never do that on adds!
I done any kind of excersize dance videos since 2012 so now by find your video I'm ready for this it's like I'm so ready to dance thank you for posting videos your Awesome 😎👍
"Ooh, my neck just cracked"
I'm wheezing.
this is the most fun I have had with a dance workout. you need a contract and a nationwide distribution. good job.. keep up..
Cameron just slayed itttt.. I love his energy
"Like you have no bones left" my favorite line now
Thank you! I’ve been waiting for this! Please do Juice by Lizzo!
There just dancing and the trees on are fire.
what a life.
I've seen so many of the ads and it's finally led me to his channel