It makes me laugh, it makes me feel, it makes me think, but most importantly it makes me happy. I'm really impressed how well they balanced serious sci-fi with the comedic drama.
I wouldn't say the Orville is addictive, but it's for some reason so easy to watch. It makes time fly faster, raises philosophical questions on a weekly basis, and gives you a good chuckle from time to time. I love it.
When I heard of this "Star Trek spoof" I thought I would hate it with a vengeance. How completely wrong I was. This show is highly entertaining, highly enjoyable, uplifting and so much more imaginative than any other sci-fi currently on TV. OK, not all the jokes work but who cares, there's always something that makes me laugh yet the stories also have a serious element to them. I hope the Orville lives long and prospers!
@Anti-Federalist 1776 I still do hope that they continue with at least some comedy, it makes it much more endearing and adds to it's charm. the amount of comedy in season 2 was perfect.
As a lifelong (since the 60’s) Star Trek fan, I watched the first episode of “The Orville” with much hesitation. I thought it would be a campy satire of Star Trek. Didn’t watch it again until recently; decided to give it another chance. So glad I did, I love the show. Seth MacFarlane is one of the most talented individuals in show business today.
"I'm sitting right here, I could have just told you that." I love this man. His style, his charm, his sense of humor. Stand up man, I'd love to sit and chat over a glass of whisky with him.
I watched the STD and it felt like an STD.... Randomly found The Orville after and honestly Seth almost made me cry... Well done man, you captured the soul of star trek and didnt pervert it like the STD people.
I grew up with Star Trek TNG and this show is the one thing that comes bang on top of it! It’s absolutely incredible, the details of bringing humanity into this environment with humour mimics what the crew did with Data in teaching him about the world, it’s absolutely phenomenal! Cannot wait for season 2 and beyond!
I started watching the Orville because I thought, Seth MacFarlane, and space adventure, this has to be a win. I was absolutely right! I can't wait to see what these characters are going to do next, and what new life form we'll be introduced to. Oh, and I want to hear Bortus sing karaoke, please.
I am loving the Orville, and could not agree more with Seth about the tone, comedy in every scene is not necessary. I find the characters all likeable, I can't even think of a crew member I don't care for or find annoying. The universe building is developing very quickly and showing more detail with the worlds and tech than I could have ever hoped for. The costumes are very well done, and the stories are keeping my attention, even though I have a short attention span, which is why I also love the episodic nature of the show, however a two parter every now again wouldn't hurt. I hope we can get at least 7 seasons of this show.
This came out of nowhere for me. At first i didn't know what i was watching..Galaxy Quest? But thankfully it leaned more towards the drama...what A Gem. Thanks Guys!!!
Great show. Even greater is the fact that the great Seth MacFarlane doesn't ever sit for an interview without some type of distilled spirit in hand. Thanks for all the great work, Seth!
okayyy... I love this show, it's campy, sci-fi which I love ! The Orville was done right, everything, even the smallest details..professionally and Artfully done. I did not realize the amount of talent Seth had backing him til I saw this video.. best of the best seated there ! silent.. Bortus must sing...
Blown away by the first season. Great stories, character development, has it all. I was really excited about a new Star Trek series starting this year - didn't know it was going to be Orville instead of that turd Discovery.
There are some good and some bad episodes, just like every Star Trek. At least every decision can be rationaly explained, in it's sci-fi domain. Some major decisions in Discovery don't make much sense at all. Lots of cringing watching that show, the show of spiritual continuation of JJ Abrams universe. If you're going to take yourself seriously, as Discovery does, then why didn't they make it serious, you know, for grown ups?
Neither is "for grownups" and cringe worthy moments may vary, depending on the individual. Can't say I'm impressed with either show but it seems like The Orville has chosen to accommodate to a minority of viewers who could or could not be sci fi fans.
I love and adore the Orville! As a science writer and fan of sci-fi, I've got to say this show is remarkable because it blends the science with the 'what if?' so well. The characters are great and seem like real people. The comedy is (almost always) just right for the context. It's reminiscient of Star Trek, but it's obviously it's own wonderful thing. I can't wait for season 2! Also, I'd love to see some Orville licensing - for t-shirts, toys, etc. To sum it up, more Orville please :)
BartJ583 Pretty sure Data never said "Boom, bitch!" then gave the conn officer a fist-bump. Closest he got was the "Yes!" in Generations. Only barfing scene was pregnant Kasidy Yates (Penny Johnson Jerald...giggle). No nervous barfing. No one ever replicated a pot brownie. Even though the plot of "Cupid's Dagger was obviously derivative, there'd been No Jell-O Jiggling. There hasn't been an episode of Star Trek where they had to destroy the adult versions of their enemies, but save the children. No one in Star Trek dry-humped a statue (fell into a bed of flowers, maybe, but no coitus moumentus). Barclay turned into a giant spider, but no one has been eaten by one. Closest thing to a clown was Michael McKean in "The Thaw", but he was more annoying than scary. Sci-fi plots have been recycled since sci-fi was invented. Waste not, want not.
I like that while they're doing TNG-style episodes, they're also trying to evolve beyond Star Trek by not limiting themselves to Star Trek's rules. Everyone on the Orville isn't a perfect little idealist. Technology has advanced tremendously in The Orville universe, but humanity has stayed pretty much the same.
Wow I wish this was a longer talk like some others are! Very good group making an amazing show, can't wait for season 2. Also Seth's reasoning of making a sci-fi show that he hadn't seen before makes me think of Billy Madison and his blue duck.
This show exists because of the incredible gifts of talent that Seth has been given. One of those gifts is the ability to assemble a staff that can enhance and develop his vision for a project.
TheSevenofMine We can't. One look at the ship tells you it isn't Starfleet-issue. However, they could use the quantum realities from TNG:"Parallels", and make Worf an engineering officer on the Orville, or, I don't know, some sort of different dimension where everything is the same, but different... If Michael Dorn doesn't play a Moclan, I will be much disappoint.
Never, thankfully. Star Trek is not Star Trek anymore, and I like that Orville is continuing what used to be good about Star Trek, but in a new-ish way.
I just love the tone of The Orville - it continuously hits the sweet spot. Was a huge fan of ST:NG and its various spins offs back in the day but think that The Orville, in its exploration of relationships and issues utilising both drama and comedy, goes to a whole new level. I love it and have binge watched every episode currently available. My new favourite show. (And how cool is it that they - cast and crew - all get along really well and enjoy being together? It surely shows!)
Orville is the Best Series of Star Trek since The Next Generation, hands down! And the best part about it is its getting better and better all ready. In my opinion it did start off slow, and the Critics seems to just throw shade on it for seemingly no reason, and unfortunately that mess was in my head while watching, but by the 4th Episode they had me. I agree with Seth, that they don't have to lean heavy on the Comedy, I think a lot of us prefer the Comedy as an aside, especially when it really fits into the story and isn't some crude thing thrown in your face out of no where, but when the Orville shines, they really shine bright and I can not wait to see what the rest of this season, and season 2 brings. I hope this is Brought back the full 7 Seasons, it deserves it. Also, I do enjoy the new Star Trek, but its not Star Trek. Its a Space Drama, its good, but its not what we love about Next Generation and the Original Series. I still watch it because it is still Sci Fi, I just wish they would have listened to the fans more, like Seth is.
Some of us are ok with them continuing the Legacy of the Next Generation. Sorry you don't enjoy it, not sure why your wasting you time here then, seems like if you don't enjoy something, you should spend your time doing something you do enjoy. For a lot of us, this is completely ok. I can see your point a view, and agree with it to a point, but I do think they are trying to put their own twist on it, and it has already grown so much in its first season. TNG took a few season to become what it was at its peak, Orville seems to be doing a pretty good job of getting there in their first season, so me and a lot of other Trekkers will give it its time and space to grow and will enjoy it in the mean time, if you don't like it or appreciate it, there are a million other shows out there, take your pick...
Got To Love people who spend there time ripping on things they claim not to like, instead of doing something they do like. Its kind of sad... If this is considered copying, then I sincerely hope they continue copying the best of Star Trek for a long time to come...
Thats a matter of opinion. I Love all the Series, but some people prefer some over the others. I personally think DS9 Is better than both Enterprise and Voyager, but Voyager is a close Third, then Enterprise (Especially the 2nd and 4th Seasons.) But again, thats just my opinion, who are any of us to tell someone else one series is better then the other, they are all awesome, and if You don't like one then great, don't watch it, the rest of us who do will love it forever. Regardless, Gotta Love Trek and the Philosophy behind it...
Theres a difference between Criticizing and Trolling, either way you do you, I am just pointing out that it is usually time better spent building things up then taring things down, but what ever makes you happy. With regards to your point on TNG I think it depends. I am 32, and was a toddler when TNG was on the air, and the biggest reason I think I love it is because I grew up watching it as it was first airing on TV. Then when I was in college I discovered reruns of Next Gen and the nostalgia hit me hard, I have been a hardcore fan of it since. But I bet if you are the same age as me and didn't watch it in your early years, your point is probably one 100 percent correct. Either way a lot of the writers that wrote the Seasons 4 Through 7 of TNG went on to write for DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise, which is why the later seasons of TNG have the same kind of stories that Voyager had. A lot of people who hate on TNG whom love Voyager, probably never gave anything past the first and second season a chance, and if thats all they saw then I don't blame them for not thinking its awesome, but it gets better if you give it a chance...
Absolutely fell in love with this show. Fun, lighthearted, not mean spirited, no virtue signaling, interesting stories that don’t try too hard to be epic (ie no doomsday device), great characters, and just the right touch of humor. Super entertaining.
Thank you so much for putting this up. Seth. This show is amazing. You can tell that you enjoy working with the people, and the stories are great. Keep it up>!
Seth, if you're reading this, The Orville makes me so happy and helps temper the insanity that is our political reality right now. I just can't wait for the next episode and now the next season. I wish the second season had started already because I've been jonesin' pretty bad. There's one idea that I can't get out of my head, and it would make the wait completely worth it. I'm thinking you might have already thought of it, but here's my wish: On one episode at the opening shot of Malloy and LaMarr on the bridge, they are jamming hard to Space Trucking. Please! Thank you for this body rush of a show!
To me, Orville, represents the best of any series I’ve ever seen in my 75 (almost 76) years of life. Why do I feel this way? The “humanity”, intelligence, thinking to reach understanding of why and how the cast regulars and new or returning actors to act and react to new situations weekly, and sometimes biweekly to create a thoughtful, passionate, empathic, and cooperative response to what happens in a given story is what makes this series so special and so different. I think, perhaps the Stephen King of video sci-fi presentations. The stories “feel” absolutely real. Since I have a creative type of mind, the Orville has the quality of humanity, a humane attitude, comedic interventions, and a sense of paying serious attention when the situation calls for it. In essence, different hats for different scenes totally appropriate to what is happening. At times the cast displays insecure moments that fit in perfectly when an unknown presents itself along with how to handle it.
Fun to see some of the people behind the camera. And yeah, shifting the balance of tone in the show improved it considerably. I didn't think Seth could pull it off, but glad I gave him a chance. I think he may have found his calling in doing sci-fi.
It was pretty interesting watching this interview today 5/5/19, because season 2 just recently ended. What Seth said about the feedback he received regarding the comedy, and not having to throw a pie in someone's face every page is so true. I feel like they really found their stride in season 2. The comedy works so much better now. I can't wait for season 3.
I'm glad for Seth's comments at the end, good to see he's learning. The humour in the Krill episode was just not right for me. Ep10 the humour is still there, but better placed, and doesn't ruin the drama. Love the show.
I Completely Agree with you as well Al! They are learning what works and what doesn't, and its already coming into its own. Already can't wait for the week after next...
I agree, you could tell they were still experimenting to get the balance right, and I think by near the end of the first season they managed to find a good balance. Hopefully they build upon this great foundation and expand further, I'm really interested to see where they can take us. This is on of my favourite Sci Fi shows right now, alongside the more serious toned The Expanse.
The funniest show on air right now. It's the only reason I got the Fox app. The human interaction is so natural, it kind of goes like every day People really goes along at work.
The Orville captures the spirit of the TNG in it's hayday and even surpasses it at times with incredible writing and character development. It started out as more humor but has morphed into very well done episodic stories with light flair and humor that feels natural to the characters.
As a military veteran, the only detail that the show gets wrong - or, more accurately, fails to include - is the transitive nature of military assignments as people transfer on and off a ship. I think it would be especially fun if he had an episode featuring the standard issue “that’s not the way we did it on my LAST ship” jerk we all either served with (or eventually became).
what a great interview... but yeah, The Orville is one of the greatest series I've seen in the last decade I am so glad that Seth actually put words to my frustration with TV drama... episodic vs serialized... hits the nail on the head there
I'm looking forward to season 3! I'm hoping that they expand on the Chak'tal, exspecially being the Union and the Krill have a treaty now. Be interesting how the Union will react towards a plea from the Krill for help dealing with a Chak'tal incursion.
2:15 YES YES YES!!! that's the reason why TNG didn't click with me at first. everyone, yes Picard, so buttoned up. (but giving circumstance that it was a freaking big ass ship with1000s people. yeah) but dang I miss sassy Bones VS Spock. I miss the 400s people ship (but we only know like 10s people) And I miss the imperfect, passionate, emotional and rackless captain. And Seth give Ed what so good about Jim character! (yeah without love-scene for rating LOL) I do like Picard but Jim is really fun to watch. The Orville hits home for me. I feel like it bring out the best from TOS and TNG. Kudos for you guyss and Thx so much for making the Orville
I loved the old Star Treks and I was prepared to be disappointed but Seth MacFarlane has really hit a grand slam out of the park with The Orville. Hearing them all talk about it makes me realize how talented and creative and inspired they had to be to get the drama-comedy balance so perfect like they have. Seth and his team make it look easy.
Thanks for sharing this. I've never seen it before. Also I was luckily enough to win 2 tickets to go to the PaleyFest, and meet Seth MacFarlane. He is, so nice♥
Love the show. Being a longtime ST/Sci-fi fan and also comedy like Family Guy, this seemed like a no-brainer, although you can see how it could easily go wrong. But Seth is a smart guy and surrounded himself with talented people and it works. As he says tone is very important and for me it works best when the comedy is more subtle, like in the last few episodes. Love the callback to Stewie calling mommy/mama forever. In the first few eps they were trying a little too hard to insert the comedy sometimes, but I feel they they are finding the balance much better now. Having season 1 under their belt, season 2 should be even better. Can't wait!
Star Trek, Star Trek: TNG, Star Trek: DS9, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: Enterprise and Star Trek: Orville (if only)- Thank you Seth CBS dropped the ball with you!
Sets comment about how he believed the military can be out of public view is so spot on. I worked in a room with no windows and 38 military individuals doing a specific job where our stations were manned 24/7. The card games movies and fart joke teasing and soda are all real. Both officers and enlisted male and female. So bringing that into the starship just made it feel more real for me and I loved it. Also kind of nostalgic.
Cd B I'm sure I saw a considerable amount of the special effects budget on one episode of STD being spent on panning out of a pair of pants. It's fascist and dull PC nonsense that panders to a clique. Star trek was always inclusive but it was never anti fun, sex and common sense. STD has alienated itself from the masses.
It makes me laugh, it makes me feel, it makes me think, but most importantly it makes me happy.
I'm really impressed how well they balanced serious sci-fi with the comedic drama.
TehJumpingJawa I like it's musk...
"It makes me laugh, it makes me feel, it makes me think, but most importantly it makes me happy." --Nice Line
Awesome I am on episode 3 it brings up allot of those feelings I can’t wait for season two and 3
I wouldn't say the Orville is addictive, but it's for some reason so easy to watch. It makes time fly faster, raises philosophical questions on a weekly basis, and gives you a good chuckle from time to time. I love it.
"My species urinates only once a year."
"Really? Me, I'm up two, three times a night!"
"That is unfortunate."
I was sold.
"i have laid an egg", has gotta be number one line from Bortus so far ! Me an Mrs still laugh at that now !
It is.
When I heard of this "Star Trek spoof" I thought I would hate it with a vengeance. How completely wrong I was. This show is highly entertaining, highly enjoyable, uplifting and so much more imaginative than any other sci-fi currently on TV. OK, not all the jokes work but who cares, there's always something that makes me laugh yet the stories also have a serious element to them. I hope the Orville lives long and prospers!
Indeed - completely agree.
Kenneth Rybarczyk I like the Orville and the Expanse.
@Anti-Federalist 1776 I still do hope that they continue with at least some comedy, it makes it much more endearing and adds to it's charm. the amount of comedy in season 2 was perfect.
@@coreysieben5855 still like the more serious Tone in season 3 nice german Name haha
'The Orville" is a delight to watch. Multi story lines, very well done. Well worth the time, you may have to think.
As a lifelong (since the 60’s) Star Trek fan, I watched the first episode of “The Orville” with much hesitation. I thought it would be a campy satire of Star Trek. Didn’t watch it again until recently; decided to give it another chance. So glad I did, I love the show. Seth MacFarlane is one of the most talented individuals in show business today.
"I'm sitting right here, I could have just told you that." I love this man.
His style, his charm, his sense of humor. Stand up man, I'd love to sit and chat over a glass of whisky with him.
I accidentally happened upon an episode of The Orville and now I'm a regular viewer. Great show!
and no lense crap like ST
I hope Fox realizes what an amazing show they have and setup this show with 6 seasons. The show is incredible. Seth is a genius.
FerFer1958 i hope they also realise that they need to bring back firefly :)
I believe it would be most symbolic for it to be 7 seasons.
Fox, I can never forgive you for cancelling Firefly but you've come a long way in redeeming yourself with Season 2 of The Orville :-)
Started watching Orville because I love Seth and I haven't missed an episode. Love the writing ,good job.
I watched the STD and it felt like an STD.... Randomly found The Orville after and honestly Seth almost made me cry... Well done man, you captured the soul of star trek and didnt pervert it like the STD people.
28:57: The most honest and relatable response to a not-that-bad question!
I grew up with Star Trek TNG and this show is the one thing that comes bang on top of it! It’s absolutely incredible, the details of bringing humanity into this environment with humour mimics what the crew did with Data in teaching him about the world, it’s absolutely phenomenal! Cannot wait for season 2 and beyond!
I started watching the Orville because I thought, Seth MacFarlane, and space adventure, this has to be a win. I was absolutely right! I can't wait to see what these characters are going to do next, and what new life form we'll be introduced to. Oh, and I want to hear Bortus sing karaoke, please.
i started watching The Orville coz of Seth MacFarlane PERIOD
I only starting watching the show a couple weeks ago. Now I have gone through all the episodes. It is great.
Bortus singing the theme from Titanic is something we need to hear
I am loving the Orville, and could not agree more with Seth about the tone, comedy in every scene is not necessary. I find the characters all likeable, I can't even think of a crew member I don't care for or find annoying. The universe building is developing very quickly and showing more detail with the worlds and tech than I could have ever hoped for. The costumes are very well done, and the stories are keeping my attention, even though I have a short attention span, which is why I also love the episodic nature of the show, however a two parter every now again wouldn't hurt. I hope we can get at least 7 seasons of this show.
The Orville is the BEST show I've watched in a very very long time, I love it!
The Orville definitely has the right mix. The comedy keeps the drama fresh and the drama sustains the comedy.
This came out of nowhere for me. At first i didn't know what i was watching..Galaxy Quest? But thankfully it leaned more towards the drama...what A Gem. Thanks Guys!!!
Great show. Even greater is the fact that the great Seth MacFarlane doesn't ever sit for an interview without some type of distilled spirit in hand. Thanks for all the great work, Seth!
His drink of choice is Jack Daniels. He wants a drink because he says he gets nervous on interviews.
Love this show so much.
okayyy... I love this show, it's campy, sci-fi which I love ! The Orville was done right, everything, even the smallest details..professionally and Artfully done. I did not realize the amount of talent Seth had backing him til I saw this video.. best of the best seated there ! silent.. Bortus must sing...
Seth Trek Rocks again! Best new series in YEARS! Fox has stuck classic GOLD.
Blown away by the first season. Great stories, character development, has it all. I was really excited about a new Star Trek series starting this year - didn't know it was going to be Orville instead of that turd Discovery.
Discovery is starting to look good. Make sure you watch the last episodes.
Let me know when it finishes. I'll watch the last 2 episodes.
Nuuu, go watch Seth bang the guy he caught his wife banging. Real social issues I tell ya.
There are some good and some bad episodes, just like every Star Trek. At least every decision can be rationaly explained, in it's sci-fi domain. Some major decisions in Discovery don't make much sense at all. Lots of cringing watching that show, the show of spiritual continuation of JJ Abrams universe. If you're going to take yourself seriously, as Discovery does, then why didn't they make it serious, you know, for grown ups?
Neither is "for grownups" and cringe worthy moments may vary, depending on the individual. Can't say I'm impressed with either show but it seems like The Orville has chosen to accommodate to a minority of viewers who could or could not be sci fi fans.
Seth is one of the renaissance guys of hollywood.
Love this series. Had no idea they used an actual model. Oh and Seth loves his Burboun.
Actually Seth's drink of choice is Jack Daniels. While it meets the requirements to be called a Bourbon, it's actually bottled and sold as a Whiskey.
I've been following since the beginning and every week this is my go to, must watch show. Love it!
I love and adore the Orville! As a science writer and fan of sci-fi, I've got to say this show is remarkable because it blends the science with the 'what if?' so well. The characters are great and seem like real people. The comedy is (almost always) just right for the context. It's reminiscient of Star Trek, but it's obviously it's own wonderful thing. I can't wait for season 2! Also, I'd love to see some Orville licensing - for t-shirts, toys, etc. To sum it up, more Orville please :)
BartJ583 Pretty sure Data never said "Boom, bitch!" then gave the conn officer a fist-bump. Closest he got was the "Yes!" in Generations.
Only barfing scene was pregnant Kasidy Yates (Penny Johnson Jerald...giggle). No nervous barfing.
No one ever replicated a pot brownie.
Even though the plot of "Cupid's Dagger was obviously derivative, there'd been No Jell-O Jiggling.
There hasn't been an episode of Star Trek where they had to destroy the adult versions of their enemies, but save the children.
No one in Star Trek dry-humped a statue (fell into a bed of flowers, maybe, but no coitus moumentus).
Barclay turned into a giant spider, but no one has been eaten by one.
Closest thing to a clown was Michael McKean in "The Thaw", but he was more annoying than scary.
Sci-fi plots have been recycled since sci-fi was invented. Waste not, want not.
Pretty sure there was no episode in TNG dealing with social media, either.
Which Trek episode dealt with choosing/changing someone else's gender for them? ...Honestly curious.
Yeah, I remember those. Neither is like the episode we got in Orville though.
I like that while they're doing TNG-style episodes, they're also trying to evolve beyond Star Trek by not limiting themselves to Star Trek's rules. Everyone on the Orville isn't a perfect little idealist. Technology has advanced tremendously in The Orville universe, but humanity has stayed pretty much the same.
Wow I wish this was a longer talk like some others are! Very good group making an amazing show, can't wait for season 2.
Also Seth's reasoning of making a sci-fi show that he hadn't seen before makes me think of Billy Madison and his blue duck.
THANK YOU Seth for bringing STAR TREK like we love it, back to live
Excellent show guys! Keep up the great work!
This show exists because of the incredible gifts of talent that Seth has been given. One of those gifts is the ability to assemble a staff that can enhance and develop his vision for a project.
lol Brannong freakin' Braga 'I'm a writer'... come on man the humility
he's not gona say "I destroyed Star Trek"
When can we start calling it Star Trek: The Orville?
TheSevenofMine We can't. One look at the ship tells you it isn't Starfleet-issue. However, they could use the quantum realities from TNG:"Parallels", and make Worf an engineering officer on the Orville, or, I don't know, some sort of different dimension where everything is the same, but different...
If Michael Dorn doesn't play a Moclan, I will be much disappoint.
If they got Robert O'Reilly or JG Hertzler as the other father, it would be perfection^^
About two months ago.
Never, thankfully. Star Trek is not Star Trek anymore, and I like that Orville is continuing what used to be good about Star Trek, but in a new-ish way.
Since Day 1 : )
I just love the tone of The Orville - it continuously hits the sweet spot. Was a huge fan of ST:NG and its various spins offs back in the day but think that The Orville, in its exploration of relationships and issues utilising both drama and comedy, goes to a whole new level. I love it and have binge watched every episode currently available. My new favourite show. (And how cool is it that they - cast and crew - all get along really well and enjoy being together? It surely shows!)
Such a great show! Thanks to Seth & Co. for bringing it to life!
"About a Girl" blew my mind.
You watch, there will be more people doing Alara and Bortus cosplay at the next Comic-con than will be Burnam or Space Water Bears
Orville is the Best Series of Star Trek since The Next Generation, hands down! And the best part about it is its getting better and better all ready. In my opinion it did start off slow, and the Critics seems to just throw shade on it for seemingly no reason, and unfortunately that mess was in my head while watching, but by the 4th Episode they had me. I agree with Seth, that they don't have to lean heavy on the Comedy, I think a lot of us prefer the Comedy as an aside, especially when it really fits into the story and isn't some crude thing thrown in your face out of no where, but when the Orville shines, they really shine bright and I can not wait to see what the rest of this season, and season 2 brings. I hope this is Brought back the full 7 Seasons, it deserves it. Also, I do enjoy the new Star Trek, but its not Star Trek. Its a Space Drama, its good, but its not what we love about Next Generation and the Original Series. I still watch it because it is still Sci Fi, I just wish they would have listened to the fans more, like Seth is.
Some of us are ok with them continuing the Legacy of the Next Generation. Sorry you don't enjoy it, not sure why your wasting you time here then, seems like if you don't enjoy something, you should spend your time doing something you do enjoy.
For a lot of us, this is completely ok. I can see your point a view, and agree with it to a point, but I do think they are trying to put their own twist on it, and it has already grown so much in its first season. TNG took a few season to become what it was at its peak, Orville seems to be doing a pretty good job of getting there in their first season, so me and a lot of other Trekkers will give it its time and space to grow and will enjoy it in the mean time, if you don't like it or appreciate it, there are a million other shows out there, take your pick...
agree with your comments evo
Got To Love people who spend there time ripping on things they claim not to like, instead of doing something they do like. Its kind of sad...
If this is considered copying, then I sincerely hope they continue copying the best of Star Trek for a long time to come...
Thats a matter of opinion. I Love all the Series, but some people prefer some over the others. I personally think DS9 Is better than both Enterprise and Voyager, but Voyager is a close Third, then Enterprise (Especially the 2nd and 4th Seasons.) But again, thats just my opinion, who are any of us to tell someone else one series is better then the other, they are all awesome, and if You don't like one then great, don't watch it, the rest of us who do will love it forever. Regardless, Gotta Love Trek and the Philosophy behind it...
Theres a difference between Criticizing and Trolling, either way you do you, I am just pointing out that it is usually time better spent building things up then taring things down, but what ever makes you happy.
With regards to your point on TNG I think it depends. I am 32, and was a toddler when TNG was on the air, and the biggest reason I think I love it is because I grew up watching it as it was first airing on TV. Then when I was in college I discovered reruns of Next Gen and the nostalgia hit me hard, I have been a hardcore fan of it since. But I bet if you are the same age as me and didn't watch it in your early years, your point is probably one 100 percent correct. Either way a lot of the writers that wrote the Seasons 4 Through 7 of TNG went on to write for DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise, which is why the later seasons of TNG have the same kind of stories that Voyager had. A lot of people who hate on TNG whom love Voyager, probably never gave anything past the first and second season a chance, and if thats all they saw then I don't blame them for not thinking its awesome, but it gets better if you give it a chance...
Love the Orville, I am old enough o have seen first run the original Star Trek, thank you Seth for paying homage and a great respect to the original!
Absolutely fell in love with this show. Fun, lighthearted, not mean spirited, no virtue signaling, interesting stories that don’t try too hard to be epic (ie no doomsday device), great characters, and just the right touch of humor. Super entertaining.
Well then came Identity S2 1/2 and flipped the show to a whole new level,pretty much what B5 did so well,one moment pathos then boom !
Cheering people going nuts and Bortis just goes YOU WILL BE SILENT and i was laughing my ass off.
MacFarlane is such a talented man. The Orville is just great, a real pleasure to watch.
Seth always makes me happy, don't know how, but his genius is just so satisfying, he's giving me braingasms 😅🥰
I watched the whole thing, no fast forwarding which is a first for ANY panel discussions ever. gj team Orville!
love the show, Orville rocks.
If you like TNG and have a sense of humor you will love The Orville! I can't wait for next season it's so fucking good!
I love The Orville. It's fantastic!
I'm freakin love this show! I haven't been this impatient to see a show each week - or as disappointed because the season ended - in a very long time.
BEST show on TV!!!
Thank you so much for putting this up. Seth. This show is amazing. You can tell that you enjoy working with the people, and the stories are great. Keep it up>!
Thanks, Seth. Just this: Thanks.
Love The Orville. I think season 2 will be even better, as they tweak a few issues.
The first thing I noticed about the costumes was the fantastic crew uniform design. Great job!
the man Seth is really good... and does many things very right....
Seth, if you're reading this, The Orville makes me so happy and helps temper the insanity that is our political reality right now. I just can't wait for the next episode and now the next season. I wish the second season had started already because I've been jonesin' pretty bad.
There's one idea that I can't get out of my head, and it would make the wait completely worth it. I'm thinking you might have already thought of it, but here's my wish: On one episode at the opening shot of Malloy and LaMarr on the bridge, they are jamming hard to Space Trucking. Please!
Thank you for this body rush of a show!
Orville is the best and biggest drug. I'm totally addicted!
Comedy + Sci-fi + action+romance.... I love show.
Thank you Seth and crew. You bring fun back in science fiction.
Best show on TV right now.
I am glad season 2 is starting this Dec. Best SFI show on TV!
The Orville is brilliant. Thank you Seth, it is the Star Trek we have been waiting for and we love it.
To me, Orville, represents the best of any series I’ve ever seen in my 75 (almost 76) years of life. Why do I feel this way? The “humanity”, intelligence, thinking to reach understanding of why and how the cast regulars and new or returning actors to act and react to new situations weekly, and sometimes biweekly to create a thoughtful, passionate, empathic, and cooperative response to what happens in a given story is what makes this series so special and so different. I think, perhaps the Stephen King of video sci-fi presentations. The stories “feel” absolutely real. Since I have a creative type of mind, the Orville has the quality of humanity, a humane attitude, comedic interventions, and a sense of paying serious attention when the situation calls for it. In essence, different hats for different scenes totally appropriate to what is happening. At times the cast displays insecure moments that fit in perfectly when an unknown presents itself along with how to handle it.
Fun to see some of the people behind the camera. And yeah, shifting the balance of tone in the show improved it considerably. I didn't think Seth could pull it off, but glad I gave him a chance. I think he may have found his calling in doing sci-fi.
It was pretty interesting watching this interview today 5/5/19, because season 2 just recently ended. What Seth said about the feedback he received regarding the comedy, and not having to throw a pie in someone's face every page is so true. I feel like they really found their stride in season 2. The comedy works so much better now. I can't wait for season 3.
I'm glad for Seth's comments at the end, good to see he's learning. The humour in the Krill episode was just not right for me. Ep10 the humour is still there, but better placed, and doesn't ruin the drama. Love the show.
I Completely Agree with you as well Al! They are learning what works and what doesn't, and its already coming into its own. Already can't wait for the week after next...
I agree, you could tell they were still experimenting to get the balance right, and I think by near the end of the first season they managed to find a good balance.
Hopefully they build upon this great foundation and expand further, I'm really interested to see where they can take us. This is on of my favourite Sci Fi shows right now, alongside the more serious toned The Expanse.
Well, the second season turned out to be AWESOME! Major congrats to the team, they did something that these days is quite rare. Quality and wit.
Awesome show!!
This is Star Trek in the most complementary way, love it!!
I absolutely love Orville. It is my go to for Star Trek. I would love to see Seth tackle Dr Who.
Seth macfarlane is a genius. The Orville is amazing
Already liking the costume-guy for mentioning deviantart. Best site for artists.
this show is just amazing,looking forward to season 2 ..
The funniest show on air right now. It's the only reason I got the Fox app.
The human interaction is so natural, it kind of goes like every day People really goes along at work.
And you are great. Thx for giving us back the weekly show we hoped for.
Costumes and makeup artists rock!
I love bits like this when you see the background work of the various departments to create a Fab Show, Love from the UK London
"Story Comes First" That is the entire reason this show succeeds where others are failing.
The Orville captures the spirit of the TNG in it's hayday and even surpasses it at times with incredible writing and character development. It started out as more humor but has morphed into very well done episodic stories with light flair and humor that feels natural to the characters.
Awesome show. Really hoping for a season 4!
As a military veteran, the only detail that the show gets wrong - or, more accurately, fails to include - is the transitive nature of military assignments as people transfer on and off a ship. I think it would be especially fun if he had an episode featuring the standard issue “that’s not the way we did it on my LAST ship” jerk we all either served with (or eventually became).
me: wtf is that middle guy wearing???
I'm the custom designer
me: ohhh ya he should dress like that
what a great interview...
but yeah, The Orville is one of the greatest series I've seen in the last decade
I am so glad that Seth actually put words to my frustration with TV drama... episodic vs serialized... hits the nail on the head there
I agree this show does Star Trek better than STD, but really it's more like MASH in space. Also, Seth is right. Tone is key on this show.
Thank you, Seth.
season 2 pickup!!!!!!! yeah!!!! i love the show we love you seth!
I'm looking forward to season 3! I'm hoping that they expand on the Chak'tal, exspecially being the Union and the Krill have a treaty now. Be interesting how the Union will react towards a plea from the Krill for help dealing with a Chak'tal incursion.
AWESOME JOB TO EVERYBODY Cast and all crew!!!
The costumes are perfect, the makeup ...OMG , the stories are spot on, great team !!!
Love , love this show, it keeps getting better and better.
2:15 YES YES YES!!! that's the reason why TNG didn't click with me at first. everyone, yes Picard, so buttoned up.
(but giving circumstance that it was a freaking big ass ship with1000s people. yeah)
but dang I miss sassy Bones VS Spock. I miss the 400s people ship (but we only know like 10s people)
And I miss the imperfect, passionate, emotional and rackless captain. And Seth give Ed what so good about Jim character! (yeah without love-scene for rating LOL)
I do like Picard but Jim is really fun to watch.
The Orville hits home for me. I feel like it bring out the best from TOS and TNG.
Kudos for you guyss and Thx so much for making the Orville
I loved the old Star Treks and I was prepared to be disappointed but Seth MacFarlane has really hit a grand slam out of the park with The Orville. Hearing them all talk about it makes me realize how talented and creative and inspired they had to be to get the drama-comedy balance so perfect like they have. Seth and his team make it look easy.
totally agree.
That is a fantastic looking model! I wish they'd make a miniature of it.
Thanks for sharing this. I've never seen it before. Also I was luckily enough to win 2 tickets to go to the PaleyFest, and meet Seth MacFarlane. He is, so nice♥
Love the show. Being a longtime ST/Sci-fi fan and also comedy like Family Guy, this seemed like a no-brainer, although you can see how it could easily go wrong. But Seth is a smart guy and surrounded himself with talented people and it works. As he says tone is very important and for me it works best when the comedy is more subtle, like in the last few episodes. Love the callback to Stewie calling mommy/mama forever. In the first few eps they were trying a little too hard to insert the comedy sometimes, but I feel they they are finding the balance much better now. Having season 1 under their belt, season 2 should be even better. Can't wait!
Star Trek, Star Trek: TNG, Star Trek: DS9, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: Enterprise and Star Trek: Orville (if only)- Thank you Seth CBS dropped the ball with you!
I like how Seth is just casually holding a scotch during this interview.
Sets comment about how he believed the military can be out of public view is so spot on. I worked in a room with no windows and 38 military individuals doing a specific job where our stations were manned 24/7. The card games movies and fart joke teasing and soda are all real. Both officers and enlisted male and female. So bringing that into the starship just made it feel more real for me and I loved it. Also kind of nostalgic.
It's great to have a good sci fi show again!!!
Hands down one of the best shows on TV in this era.
I fought against watching this show because I can't stand MacFarlane but I have to admit, it's a great show and 10x the show that STD is.
Cd B I'm sure I saw a considerable amount of the special effects budget on one episode of STD being spent on panning out of a pair of pants. It's fascist and dull PC nonsense that panders to a clique. Star trek was always inclusive but it was never anti fun, sex and common sense. STD has alienated itself from the masses.
Fun episodes and poignant humor. I will likely rewatch all episodes over the holidays to keep my Orville fix!!