The main problem with OP drow characters is the unwillingness of DM's to balance that with "Almost everyone hates you and no one trusts you. Not even other drow."
Yeah being super classic has really set them in their ways for a lot of people, I think they should have a lot of depth and make great NPC, PC, beyond their traditional villainous rolls.
I made a Drider puppet user in an older campaign. Chaotic good. A librarian at heart. He had a little Drider sister who always wanted to ride on his back. One hell of a scare when the part met my character. Called him Kal'El. He was once under the influence of Lolth, but broke free and left the Underdark to a place our DM called the Black Library. Kal'El and his little sister made the library their home and with a host of Orks and Goblins, had them assist in bringing back the massive center of knowledge into useable order.
@@Rookzer0 if I remember correctly, the Black Library was also home to a Lich Prince. Forget the name tho, something something Malkidore or something like that.
The light sensitivity makes me think it would be fun to play a super serious drow paladin who gets blinded by his own sword and swings it wildly in a corner where there are actually no monsters and is unintendedly (is that a word?) is hilarious and super fun to play.
That could be really funny. having his sword cast daylight when drawn. just to blind everyone in the area. lol would a drow paladin be the equivalent of an elf antipaladin?
One aspect I pulled on my players ( couple years ago ) - is that having an independent male drow (with some PC loyalty), really a unique and cool idea. It was not borrowing off the Drizz't Dor'uden line of literature. Rather it was an observation of advantage of drow eyesight at night. Infravison seems very exceptional in drow. I used that during a long rest. And since elves don't sleep, per se...
I know drow have a ton of good points and arguments for why they should be played, many of which you’ve wonderfully included here, but please also consider: they’re just pretty. They’re just. They’re very pretty.
I love DMing but also playing my Drow character Razzy. Gotta say that I've learned a lot about how to try and be "evil". I started from 'stabby stabby' to more selfish and distrustful, trying to convince everyone that we can't trust NPCs or whatever. I mean stabby stabby is fun occasionally. Razzy's weakness is this tiefling called Ubuntu. He's a bit of a lovesick drow, and he clings onto her a little. Think it's because she's very nice to him. DMing wise, haven't had someone else want to play a Drow in a campaign yet. They love the power of seduction though. Seduction is used for everything now. It's beautiful.
My first character was a drow that I played in a Frostmaiden module campaign. As such, I always have a soft spot for the race. That character was a gloomstalker ranger/scout rogue and was a shy surface born and raised young adult with social anxiety (decided if I was anxious I might as well build it into the character). He was beloved by the party which I was so glad for as a first time player. But more recently I am playing in an Exandria campaign, specifically Wildemount. While I opted to play a wood elf, I was requested by my dm to create a tie to the Dynasty so he could toss the party that direction (I was a later addition). Since we rolled my background with the heroic chronicles I realized one of my rivals from the greying wildlands could reasonably by a drow, especially if they were scouting that direction. The rival connection I got was being blamed for killing the rival’s sibling. But I have a soft spot for drow and my character I built has no stake in the ongoing tensions of the Empire and dynasty, so what to do? I decided to take one of my inciting incidents I rolled up, the surviving a rampaging creature attack, and tie this together. My character was blamed for not protecting the rival’s sibling. To make the connection make sense, I had the rival’s sibling be my character’s romantic partner. And then the story between the two was established as one of grief and misplaced anger and guilt over an event that happened and was beyond any of their control but led to a lot of fallout. This actually created an interesting contrast between my new character and another who was a ex-soldier of the Empire. The two characters vibe with each other and have a growing friendship, and basically “speak” the same “language” (stoic, love swords, love sparring, love sweets, like to quietly sit with people they care about for quality time, etc). And yet, their relationship and view on the Dynasty and it’s people are both different and the same. The same in that both see the people….as just people. In different outward forms and culture, sure, but people. But yeah, one has a positive experience with the people and one a negative. Course, this wasn’t my only way of drawing the party into the Dynasty. I also created a half drow cousin for my wood elf, a child that my character adores (character is very family oriented and caretaking type) and would go to any lengths to dote on and protect. The mystery is that no one (except dm) knows who the drow parent is. This leaves another link into the Dynasty depending upon the direction the story and hooks pull us towards. But yeah, I left some drow related hooks in my character’s backstory. I’m very much enjoying the game and I still get to have my soft spot for the drow.
I am thinking about making a drow rogue that was his mother's/ house's personal Assassin that messed up a job and decided he needed to leave home for a very very long time. Maybe when he levels up he can be an Arcane Trickster, I don't know for sure though. I just think it would be a cool character to play as. He's neither a typical "evil Drow" nor a good Drizzt wannabe. I like Drizzt but I don't think I will be stealing anything from him. I guess this makes my character Chaotic neutral with time to change.
If you want to stay away from the drizzt trope it would interesting to see someone faithful to Lolth and trying to regain her favor, but struggling to do it in a non evil way. Could be really fun. also evil campaigns can be a lot of fun as well.
@@Rookzer0 that actually sounds pretty good, probably decides (after seeing how humans treat spiders), that every spider he finds he has to help out... no matter the size. Probably a mistake but interesting. Thanks for the idea!
I'm fairly sure the svart alfar in the Wierdstone of Brisingamen were an inspiration to Gygax. I read that book long before I first played D&D and the link seemed obvious the first time I heard of them.
I've been working on making a drow character named Argon. He escaped from Underdark when he was young(in elf years) because his older sister got jealous of their mother and convinced alot of people that her family was going to basically murder every high ranking family so they could more power. And un suprisingly his entire family minus his oldest sister got either killed or turned into spider people (yay). He just barely escaped and has lived on surface world ever since as thief/smuggler. His end goal is one day to return to uderdark and revenge the death of his beloved father. Argon is really afraid of spiders as he believes every spider he sees is Lolth's sign that he will be killed for his betrayal. I wouldn't consider him as edge lord. He is very curious and has always been fascinated by the surface world thanks to his father's stories(whether those stories where based on truth or not)
Really cool story. I hope you get to follow it through to the end. Side note: do edge lords get to decide if they are the edge lords? I like the spider element :)
My first true character was Mor’drath a LE Drow Wizard who had a knack for torture and conjuration. He wasn’t a rebel from Drow society because he disagreed with being evil as much as how they were evil.
Also I resent the idea that Drow are always cheaters, Mor’drath was an upstanding and honest member of the party and when he had a problem with the Gnome illusionist he didn’t slit his throat in the night or subtly ruin his life with magic, he had the ranger pin him down while he disembowled him with a dagger just as he said he would 2 minutes earlier.
Rookzer0 it was a party full of evil characters and the gnome had already become irredeemable in the eyes of the party, that was honestly the quickest way to cut losses and I exaggerated some of the details to make the story more interesting
Rookzer0 long story short he had stolen from the party, run ahead blindly setting off encounters and the cleric was considering doing much worse things to him so Mor’drath being practical ended it there, however he came back as a ghost so the gnome got the last laugh in the end. Outside the game we were all having fun the player of the Gnome included so there weren’t any hard feelings (he was a bit tired of the character by that point himself)
So good drow existed before Drizzt. Even in the earliest lore you got the good drow goddess Eilistraee whose whole thing is to guide drow away from lolth and to live a good life on the surface.
I remember having this conversation, with on of my mates, about which one of our favorite film characters would you make a DnD player. Mine was Stitch from that disney movie, Lilo and...well, Stitch as a Babarian Goblin (if a blue goblin is even possible), and then my mate's character was Deet, from that new Netflix series Dark Crystal as Druid Drow (I do not recommend you saying that ten times fast), which I can see where she's coming from, but now I find myself comparing Gelflings to DnD elf subraces thanks to that conversation.
I really like the idea. As for the gelflings you could do something fey based maybe a svirfneblin. Lots of fub things to do. For stitch i think a blue gobline is tge way to go with the feat hard head, big teeth.
I am playing a Drow right now and it is a fun character whose passive perception is the bane of my DM. His name is Quendar T'Sarran and he is an escaped noble from the Underdark, who sought freedom on the surface over death in the Underdark when his Matron Mother decided to back the wrong House in a rivalry between two houses and got her own house killed in the process. He is a bit a dick weed but he has always wondered if the Drow are so awesome, why haven't they taken the Surface already? So maybe he is a little predisposed to thinking that there is more to strength than what his society preaches.
@@Rookzer0 Unfortunately I'm using the basic rules for an Adventurer Drow and not features from the Monster stat block. The Drow Magic, specifically Darkness, has helped quite a bit so it has been a good time nonetheless. As for the other house, I left that up to the DM and it hasn't come up yet and likely won't. It is only a mini-adventure, one-shot-ish, type thing we are doing. We all started at lvl 10 and were teleported to this Wizards tower who sent us on a mission to stop a crown from being taken from some ruins by his Apprentice (who ended up being his daughter but we never asked his name or hers, so that was a thing). I do want to resurrect him for a proper campaign one day though. He has been fun to play, and as it has been my first time playing, I have learned a lot over the course of our sessions that would allow me to be more useful earlier on as a Rogue lol
Great to hear, Droq rogues are a great addition to any party. The darkness spell is really dope lower levels but its a great tool in any rogue tool kit! Keep me posted if you play more.
One could argue a DM party is what you need if you have a player who wants to play a drow noble. One DM to build the world and work all the maps, one to run combat, and at least one to handle NPC's, and they all work together to play all the drow's minions. One "player" 3-4 DM's. Sounds like a fun time to me, especially if all the DM's are also running other games where their players are the potential anti-parties to the evil Drow overload in the same world. Now I wish I had 3 DM friends and enough players to do this.
One of the most favorite NPCs of out group is a drow fighter that challenged our half-orc paladin to an arena fight. He lost and came to congratulate the party and offer his services. He had the typical cocky attitude of a princely edgelord, except one of the players reminded the DM that he lost his front teeth in a brutal critical finisher. The DM had him continue as he were, except with a heavy lisp. "I musht chograchulatche you on your vitchtchory. Itch hash been an etchernitchy shintche I chad wortchy challengersh." We could not take the guy seriously afterwards, but we also could not get enough of him.
I recently came up with an idea for a drow sorcerer to use in either 5e or pathfinder (her bloodline being the main change between the 2 being divine soul or unicorn bloodline). Her whole idea is that she left the underdark because she discovered sunlight and color on the surface and fell in love with it as well as her always having a more optimistic and peppy personality that made her different than other drow. I think she would be a fun character to play because no one is going to trust her outside of the party (and even they may not trust her at first) but she is really just the sweetest and most naive person they have ever met.
@@Rookzer0 yeah, the character idea was originally from the 5e rules and I liked the healing aspect so when I considered adapting her to be ready for a Pf campaign (my bf and I play both systems) I wanted to keep that and the celestial bloodline in pf doesnt have it
The queen's shining horn details are really cool. The game is not very popular in my area and I don't know the game rules. So I don't know much about Dungeon and Dragon, but I've always had a lot of interest in background stories, can you draw Lolth or Drizt Do'Urden next time?
Not Drow, but still fae creature. For the first game if 2020, we'll be doing an evil campaign. But my character is their unbeknownst judge, every misdeed they level up for, I automatically gain a level. My character is a Psychic Pixie, a Psychic Warrior, Psionic Wizard multiclass. I'm level 6 with innate druid spellcasting that requires only my own dust to cast. I'll be mostly investing into fighter because Druid Spellcasting so 15 Fighter, 3 Wizard, and lv 18 Druid spells. Meaning I have 3 extra attacks, free healing, 2 action surges, the literal force, and 9th level druid spells. 5 actions, 3 bonus actions, and a shit load of spell slots. My Pixie is a pocket sized armageddon of good.
@@Rookzer0 Sorta?? She has the wings of a Blue Emperor Swallowtail, and she looks like Erza from Fairy Tail with purple hair. And I based her class combination off of Golden Sun's Chaos Lord class. So her spells are Earth, Fire, and plant based, and maybe some light or psychic powers her or there.
4 DMs, 1 Player, all arguing over how the BBEG reacts to the one character's actions. I mean if nothing else it could make for a funny one-shot. Alas I have yet to play a Drow, not a particularly elf-y player to be honest, but a friend of mine did play a short stint as a sexy Drow Necromancer. She just kept making "get boned" puns and stuff. Good times.
It's more the Spell resistance mechanic in pathfinder. I've had players intentionally set of magical traps themselves and walk away unscathed, it's pretty fun.
I've been up in the air about what race to play with a Hexblade Warlock. Instead of a Shadowfell template, I was thinking about using a magical tree that was corrupted by sacrifices being made near it. It's in search of an Archdruid who could help it grow into an entire forest or more. In comes my PC who is lost. The tree offers help/power to help it grow. It stabs the PC and leaves a splinter in their heart (which manifests the powers). They then become this entity's warrior. Spells/themes will be re-flavored to fit into this. Like when summoning their weapon it'll grow out of their hand/arm; for Accursed Specter a seed can grow from their hand and roots/vines shoot out into the defeated enemy and with a swift pull, rips the enemies soul out and the vines and seed affixed to the spirit and leaving it in your service, etc. I was thinking a type of elf or Firbolg due to the nature theme I was going with but wasn't sure. Great video and art as always! Hope you have a blessed day.
Very cool idea. It made me think of the beast in over garden wall turning people into trees. Super creepy, let me know how the character goes, I would also suggest a goblin as a race. Hot lost in the woods and befriends a tree ha ha Nice work
@@Rookzer0 I appreciate the suggestion! I could really work with that. They could be afraid of Maglubiyet's wraith from running away from a goblinoid Host. Makes a deal with the tree and sets off. I like it!
I tend to not redraw my lines on new layers but erase with light opacity and redraw them so i get a bit of feathering. I hope that makes sense if you you can come check out the live streams and I can show you some time.
The main problem with OP drow characters is the unwillingness of DM's to balance that with "Almost everyone hates you and no one trusts you. Not even other drow."
It is totally achievable!
Of all the races, they are most interesting but also the most subjected to tired tropes.
Yeah being super classic has really set them in their ways for a lot of people, I think they should have a lot of depth and make great NPC, PC, beyond their traditional villainous rolls.
I made a Drider puppet user in an older campaign. Chaotic good. A librarian at heart. He had a little Drider sister who always wanted to ride on his back. One hell of a scare when the part met my character. Called him Kal'El. He was once under the influence of Lolth, but broke free and left the Underdark to a place our DM called the Black Library. Kal'El and his little sister made the library their home and with a host of Orks and Goblins, had them assist in bringing back the massive center of knowledge into useable order.
I really like the idea of collecting knowledge for the under dark.
@@Rookzer0 if I remember correctly, the Black Library was also home to a Lich Prince. Forget the name tho, something something Malkidore or something like that.
The light sensitivity makes me think it would be fun to play a super serious drow paladin who gets blinded by his own sword and swings it wildly in a corner where there are actually no monsters and is unintendedly (is that a word?) is hilarious and super fun to play.
That could be really funny. having his sword cast daylight when drawn. just to blind everyone in the area. lol would a drow paladin be the equivalent of an elf antipaladin?
One aspect I pulled on my players ( couple years ago ) - is that having an independent male drow (with some PC loyalty), really a unique and cool idea. It was not borrowing off the Drizz't Dor'uden line of literature. Rather it was an observation of advantage of drow eyesight at night. Infravison seems very exceptional in drow. I used that during a long rest. And since elves don't sleep, per se...
I know drow have a ton of good points and arguments for why they should be played, many of which you’ve wonderfully included here, but please also consider: they’re just pretty. They’re just. They’re very pretty.
Case in point, your fan art of the Bright Queen here? Gorgeous!! 😩👌🏼✨✨✨
So good!
I love DMing but also playing my Drow character Razzy. Gotta say that I've learned a lot about how to try and be "evil". I started from 'stabby stabby' to more selfish and distrustful, trying to convince everyone that we can't trust NPCs or whatever.
I mean stabby stabby is fun occasionally.
Razzy's weakness is this tiefling called Ubuntu. He's a bit of a lovesick drow, and he clings onto her a little. Think it's because she's very nice to him.
DMing wise, haven't had someone else want to play a Drow in a campaign yet. They love the power of seduction though. Seduction is used for everything now. It's beautiful.
I love the idea of a lovesick Drow. Not a archetype I've done with them before but maybe more so in the future!
randomly stumbled on your vid after looking for Drow research. i love your commentary and speech style man..keep it up.
So I am new at this and rolled for a Drow Ranger not sure what I’m going to do but it’s today that we get together for a campaign
How's it going so far
My first character was a drow that I played in a Frostmaiden module campaign. As such, I always have a soft spot for the race. That character was a gloomstalker ranger/scout rogue and was a shy surface born and raised young adult with social anxiety (decided if I was anxious I might as well build it into the character). He was beloved by the party which I was so glad for as a first time player.
But more recently I am playing in an Exandria campaign, specifically Wildemount. While I opted to play a wood elf, I was requested by my dm to create a tie to the Dynasty so he could toss the party that direction (I was a later addition). Since we rolled my background with the heroic chronicles I realized one of my rivals from the greying wildlands could reasonably by a drow, especially if they were scouting that direction. The rival connection I got was being blamed for killing the rival’s sibling. But I have a soft spot for drow and my character I built has no stake in the ongoing tensions of the Empire and dynasty, so what to do? I decided to take one of my inciting incidents I rolled up, the surviving a rampaging creature attack, and tie this together. My character was blamed for not protecting the rival’s sibling. To make the connection make sense, I had the rival’s sibling be my character’s romantic partner. And then the story between the two was established as one of grief and misplaced anger and guilt over an event that happened and was beyond any of their control but led to a lot of fallout. This actually created an interesting contrast between my new character and another who was a ex-soldier of the Empire. The two characters vibe with each other and have a growing friendship, and basically “speak” the same “language” (stoic, love swords, love sparring, love sweets, like to quietly sit with people they care about for quality time, etc). And yet, their relationship and view on the Dynasty and it’s people are both different and the same. The same in that both see the people….as just people. In different outward forms and culture, sure, but people. But yeah, one has a positive experience with the people and one a negative.
Course, this wasn’t my only way of drawing the party into the Dynasty. I also created a half drow cousin for my wood elf, a child that my character adores (character is very family oriented and caretaking type) and would go to any lengths to dote on and protect. The mystery is that no one (except dm) knows who the drow parent is. This leaves another link into the Dynasty depending upon the direction the story and hooks pull us towards. But yeah, I left some drow related hooks in my character’s backstory. I’m very much enjoying the game and I still get to have my soft spot for the drow.
I am thinking about making a drow rogue that was his mother's/ house's personal Assassin that messed up a job and decided he needed to leave home for a very very long time. Maybe when he levels up he can be an Arcane Trickster, I don't know for sure though. I just think it would be a cool character to play as. He's neither a typical "evil Drow" nor a good Drizzt wannabe. I like Drizzt but I don't think I will be stealing anything from him. I guess this makes my character Chaotic neutral with time to change.
If you want to stay away from the drizzt trope it would interesting to see someone faithful to Lolth and trying to regain her favor, but struggling to do it in a non evil way. Could be really fun. also evil campaigns can be a lot of fun as well.
@@Rookzer0 that actually sounds pretty good, probably decides (after seeing how humans treat spiders), that every spider he finds he has to help out... no matter the size. Probably a mistake but interesting.
Thanks for the idea!
I actually saw this immediately after the slime video,
your art is pretty rad m'guy and I think ill be subbing for more :D
Thank you! I hope you enjoyed the slime video as well, Let me know if you have any Race/character ideas worth sharing or just ones you really enjoy!
I'm fairly sure the svart alfar in the Wierdstone of Brisingamen were an inspiration to Gygax. I read that book long before I first played D&D and the link seemed obvious the first time I heard of them.
interesting, I'll have to take a look! thank you.
I've been working on making a drow character named Argon. He escaped from Underdark when he was young(in elf years) because his older sister got jealous of their mother and convinced alot of people that her family was going to basically murder every high ranking family so they could more power. And un suprisingly his entire family minus his oldest sister got either killed or turned into spider people (yay).
He just barely escaped and has lived on surface world ever since as thief/smuggler.
His end goal is one day to return to uderdark and revenge the death of his beloved father.
Argon is really afraid of spiders as he believes every spider he sees is Lolth's sign that he will be killed for his betrayal.
I wouldn't consider him as edge lord. He is very curious and has always been fascinated by the surface world thanks to his father's stories(whether those stories where based on truth or not)
Really cool story. I hope you get to follow it through to the end.
Side note: do edge lords get to decide if they are the edge lords?
I like the spider element :)
@@Rookzer0 that is true🤔😂
My first true character was Mor’drath a LE Drow Wizard who had a knack for torture and conjuration. He wasn’t a rebel from Drow society because he disagreed with being evil as much as how they were evil.
Also I resent the idea that Drow are always cheaters, Mor’drath was an upstanding and honest member of the party and when he had a problem with the Gnome illusionist he didn’t slit his throat in the night or subtly ruin his life with magic, he had the ranger pin him down while he disembowled him with a dagger just as he said he would 2 minutes earlier.
Oh wow.... that got dark fast. Does him being a cheater work into that story?
Rookzer0 it was a party full of evil characters and the gnome had already become irredeemable in the eyes of the party, that was honestly the quickest way to cut losses and I exaggerated some of the details to make the story more interesting
Rookzer0 long story short he had stolen from the party, run ahead blindly setting off encounters and the cleric was considering doing much worse things to him so Mor’drath being practical ended it there, however he came back as a ghost so the gnome got the last laugh in the end. Outside the game we were all having fun the player of the Gnome included so there weren’t any hard feelings (he was a bit tired of the character by that point himself)
There was a drider in a campaign. They were pretty self absorbed so we asked them how does it feel to have failed your god.
Eilistraee great for good drow. Check her out
Edit: and yes I realize I'm late to the party
So good drow existed before Drizzt.
Even in the earliest lore you got the good drow goddess Eilistraee whose whole thing is to guide drow away from lolth and to live a good life on the surface.
I remember having this conversation, with on of my mates, about which one of our favorite film characters would you make a DnD player. Mine was Stitch from that disney movie, Lilo and...well, Stitch as a Babarian Goblin (if a blue goblin is even possible), and then my mate's character was Deet, from that new Netflix series Dark Crystal as Druid Drow (I do not recommend you saying that ten times fast), which I can see where she's coming from, but now I find myself comparing Gelflings to DnD elf subraces thanks to that conversation.
I really like the idea. As for the gelflings you could do something fey based maybe a svirfneblin. Lots of fub things to do. For stitch i think a blue gobline is tge way to go with the feat hard head, big teeth.
@@Rookzer0 Stitch should go path of the Beast to sprout the extra arms... now that I think of it, Stitch is pretty gross.
@@vernonhampton5863 good call
Or Stitch could be Simic Hybrid created from a goblin, given his origins revolve around genetic experimentation
I am playing a Drow right now and it is a fun character whose passive perception is the bane of my DM. His name is Quendar T'Sarran and he is an escaped noble from the Underdark, who sought freedom on the surface over death in the Underdark when his Matron Mother decided to back the wrong House in a rivalry between two houses and got her own house killed in the process. He is a bit a dick weed but he has always wondered if the Drow are so awesome, why haven't they taken the Surface already? So maybe he is a little predisposed to thinking that there is more to strength than what his society preaches.
I dig it! I do enjoy a good broody drow. Are you using the spell resistances rules? Is the other house still hot oh his heals?
@@Rookzer0 Unfortunately I'm using the basic rules for an Adventurer Drow and not features from the Monster stat block. The Drow Magic, specifically Darkness, has helped quite a bit so it has been a good time nonetheless.
As for the other house, I left that up to the DM and it hasn't come up yet and likely won't. It is only a mini-adventure, one-shot-ish, type thing we are doing. We all started at lvl 10 and were teleported to this Wizards tower who sent us on a mission to stop a crown from being taken from some ruins by his Apprentice (who ended up being his daughter but we never asked his name or hers, so that was a thing).
I do want to resurrect him for a proper campaign one day though. He has been fun to play, and as it has been my first time playing, I have learned a lot over the course of our sessions that would allow me to be more useful earlier on as a Rogue lol
Great to hear, Droq rogues are a great addition to any party. The darkness spell is really dope lower levels but its a great tool in any rogue tool kit! Keep me posted if you play more.
One could argue a DM party is what you need if you have a player who wants to play a drow noble. One DM to build the world and work all the maps, one to run combat, and at least one to handle NPC's, and they all work together to play all the drow's minions. One "player" 3-4 DM's. Sounds like a fun time to me, especially if all the DM's are also running other games where their players are the potential anti-parties to the evil Drow overload in the same world.
Now I wish I had 3 DM friends and enough players to do this.
We ran a campain where my players had to hire and control minions while i as the dm asulted them with a party of advetureres that was pretty fun
David Pletsch wow
One of the most favorite NPCs of out group is a drow fighter that challenged our half-orc paladin to an arena fight. He lost and came to congratulate the party and offer his services. He had the typical cocky attitude of a princely edgelord, except one of the players reminded the DM that he lost his front teeth in a brutal critical finisher. The DM had him continue as he were, except with a heavy lisp.
"I musht chograchulatche you on your vitchtchory. Itch hash been an etchernitchy shintche I chad wortchy challengersh." We could not take the guy seriously afterwards, but we also could not get enough of him.
I want a DM party where we are all DMing and we pick one person to be the player
I've done something similar where my Evil Campaign players set up a dungeon for a "party" of adventures that were hunting them. I played the party.
I recently came up with an idea for a drow sorcerer to use in either 5e or pathfinder (her bloodline being the main change between the 2 being divine soul or unicorn bloodline). Her whole idea is that she left the underdark because she discovered sunlight and color on the surface and fell in love with it as well as her always having a more optimistic and peppy personality that made her different than other drow. I think she would be a fun character to play because no one is going to trust her outside of the party (and even they may not trust her at first) but she is really just the sweetest and most naive person they have ever met.
Sounds good, I like the inclusion of the unicorn as a means of shifting their magic type.
@@Rookzer0 yeah, the character idea was originally from the 5e rules and I liked the healing aspect so when I considered adapting her to be ready for a Pf campaign (my bf and I play both systems) I wanted to keep that and the celestial bloodline in pf doesnt have it
Eilistraee = No requirement for evil. In fact followers of Eilistraee are required to be good
I dig it
The queen's shining horn details are really cool. The game is not very popular in my area and I don't know the game rules. So I don't know much about Dungeon and Dragon, but I've always had a lot of interest in background stories, can you draw Lolth or Drizt Do'Urden next time?
I do really like Drizt i might come back around to him when i start doing classes and skills.
Not Drow, but still fae creature. For the first game if 2020, we'll be doing an evil campaign. But my character is their unbeknownst judge, every misdeed they level up for, I automatically gain a level. My character is a Psychic Pixie, a Psychic Warrior, Psionic Wizard multiclass. I'm level 6 with innate druid spellcasting that requires only my own dust to cast. I'll be mostly investing into fighter because Druid Spellcasting so 15 Fighter, 3 Wizard, and lv 18 Druid spells. Meaning I have 3 extra attacks, free healing, 2 action surges, the literal force, and 9th level druid spells. 5 actions, 3 bonus actions, and a shit load of spell slots. My Pixie is a pocket sized armageddon of good.
Jeeebus.... what does it look like? The tooth fairy?
@@Rookzer0 Sorta?? She has the wings of a Blue Emperor Swallowtail, and she looks like Erza from Fairy Tail with purple hair. And I based her class combination off of Golden Sun's Chaos Lord class. So her spells are Earth, Fire, and plant based, and maybe some light or psychic powers her or there.
4 DMs, 1 Player, all arguing over how the BBEG reacts to the one character's actions. I mean if nothing else it could make for a funny one-shot.
Alas I have yet to play a Drow, not a particularly elf-y player to be honest, but a friend of mine did play a short stint as a sexy Drow Necromancer. She just kept making "get boned" puns and stuff. Good times.
Always a good time when the someone yells "YOUR BONED NOW".... that means i cant bone wall.
Immunity to "sleep" and adv. against being charmed. Hardly "drop a fireball at your feet" stuff, eh...
It's more the Spell resistance mechanic in pathfinder. I've had players intentionally set of magical traps themselves and walk away unscathed, it's pretty fun.
I've been up in the air about what race to play with a Hexblade Warlock. Instead of a Shadowfell template, I was thinking about using a magical tree that was corrupted by sacrifices being made near it. It's in search of an Archdruid who could help it grow into an entire forest or more. In comes my PC who is lost. The tree offers help/power to help it grow. It stabs the PC and leaves a splinter in their heart (which manifests the powers). They then become this entity's warrior. Spells/themes will be re-flavored to fit into this. Like when summoning their weapon it'll grow out of their hand/arm; for Accursed Specter a seed can grow from their hand and roots/vines shoot out into the defeated enemy and with a swift pull, rips the enemies soul out and the vines and seed affixed to the spirit and leaving it in your service, etc.
I was thinking a type of elf or Firbolg due to the nature theme I was going with but wasn't sure.
Great video and art as always! Hope you have a blessed day.
Very cool idea. It made me think of the beast in over garden wall turning people into trees. Super creepy, let me know how the character goes, I would also suggest a goblin as a race. Hot lost in the woods and befriends a tree ha ha
Nice work
@@Rookzer0 I appreciate the suggestion! I could really work with that. They could be afraid of Maglubiyet's wraith from running away from a goblinoid Host. Makes a deal with the tree and sets off. I like it!
How do you get that effect on your lines? They're soft but not.
I tend to not redraw my lines on new layers but erase with light opacity and redraw them so i get a bit of feathering. I hope that makes sense
if you you can come check out the live streams and I can show you some time.
@@Rookzer0 Thanks for the reply!
@@tiger_toe_beans np
if you want to share your art with the community i'm sure they'd love to see it
What art program do you use?
I use photoshop and a cintique companion
Np good luck on your art adventures
Yupparoony, definitely broken in Pathfinder, I can speak to that as a DM/GM.
One of my players likes to just cast deeper darkness non stop.
Sayer Kobersmith I use the term “narrator”
For a 2019 video, are you even talking 5e here? Half the stuff you mention doesn't exist. If it is 5e, what bizarre drow rules were you looking at?
Most of the drow rules are from pathfinder and 3.5