It's no surprise that their show got dropped or terrestrial radio, it's generally a slog until the second half begins. I'm writing this during the Sharpton bit in the beginning so I don't know if it gets better this episode, but... boy is it dragging on.
2:32:51 missed Steve joke
bear ass... rawr!
2:35:00 the irony of that statement
It's no surprise that their show got dropped or terrestrial radio, it's generally a slog until the second half begins. I'm writing this during the Sharpton bit in the beginning so I don't know if it gets better this episode, but... boy is it dragging on.
the political crap definitely killed them in the major cities
3:41:10 Finally Sam's very own song again. I was afraid I'd lost it since it had been months without it making another appearance on the show.
I really hate hearing Opie excitedly yell "that's the bit!"