Největší turnaj v historii na fotbalovém stadionu v pražském Edenu. 🏟 8. 6. 2024 🎫 Lístky na neopakovatelný zážitek na 👉
To první kolo je v pohodě datelný Najamdovi(kontrola na po pletivu, kontrola na zemi, a i nějaký signifikantní údery v postoji.) a jak se říká, poslední vteřiny dělají kolo, což hádám, že též hodně ovlivnilo
If you wonder why Nazhand calls himself a "stone eater," Nazhand is from Panjshir Province in Afghanistan, a region that was once a stronghold of Commander Ahmad Shah Massoud's resistance against the Soviet invasion. The Panjshiri people are known for their unique diet, which includes a type of dried mulberry called Talkhan that resembles stone. A famous story tells of Soviet soldiers returning to their base after a particularly devastating battle with Massoud's forces in Panjshir. As they were resting, they observed a local man eating Talkhan. Surprised by the unusual food, one soldier remarked to his comrade, "These people are so stubborn they eat stone. We can never defeat them." This anecdote is often cited as a symbol of the Panjshiri people's resilience and determination, which ultimately contributed to the Soviet withdrawal from the region.
Největší turnaj v historii na fotbalovém stadionu v pražském Edenu. 🏟 8. 6. 2024
🎫 Lístky na neopakovatelný zážitek na 👉
Mám pre vás námet na novú kategóriu pre OCTAGON AWARDS : Krádež roku :D :D
První dvě byly jasně Bahníkovy, třetí vyhrál Najand, jednoduchá matematika mi říká, že 2 je víc než 1.
To první kolo je v pohodě datelný Najamdovi(kontrola na po pletivu, kontrola na zemi, a i nějaký signifikantní údery v postoji.) a jak se říká, poslední vteřiny dělají kolo, což hádám, že též hodně ovlivnilo
If you wonder why Nazhand calls himself a "stone eater,"
Nazhand is from Panjshir Province in Afghanistan, a region that was once a stronghold of Commander Ahmad Shah Massoud's resistance against the Soviet invasion. The Panjshiri people are known for their unique diet, which includes a type of dried mulberry called Talkhan that resembles stone.
A famous story tells of Soviet soldiers returning to their base after a particularly devastating battle with Massoud's forces in Panjshir. As they were resting, they observed a local man eating Talkhan. Surprised by the unusual food, one soldier remarked to his comrade, "These people are so stubborn they eat stone. We can never defeat them." This anecdote is often cited as a symbol of the Panjshiri people's resilience and determination, which ultimately contributed to the Soviet withdrawal from the region.
nejsem rozhodci ale kuba za me podal lepsi vykon...
Bahník je moc bílej na to, aby to vyhrál s dvoukolovou převahou. Jinej důvod v tom být nemůže.
Der beste Stone Eater 🇦🇫🫡
Wahid najand next fight is so excited
První Najand, druhé Bahník, třetí Najand easy
tpč tak tohle jsem jeste nevidel
Sára s pinďourem❤
Krádež roku
pičovina ngl, vo dvoch kolach ho roztancoval a zbytok na nom typek ležal
Wahid Nazhand🫀