I feel like this is more of a ‘how hard is it to pick up this brawler?’ tierlist. I feel like mastering short range brawlers is a lot harder than people give credit for, for example how to play them in their worst match ups. I specifically think Max, El Primo, Bull and Bibi should be much higher if we’re talking about mastering them.
Yes and no. Some of the top spot brawlers seem to have in mind the actual skill cap of the brawler. Sam is the biggest example. You can use Hearty Recovery, shoot your super at someone, use the first gadget to prevent the enemy from running away and you pretty much won the match.
@@typicalgalaxy087 I agree that some of the top spots are hard to master, but they’re also hard to pick up. And just to be clear, I don’t main Max, El Primo, Bull nor Bibi (I suck with each of them). I’m just always impressed whenever I see a pro player play those brawlers to success. There’s obviously more examples, every brawler is hard to master in my opinion. I just feel like people underestimate that short range brawlers are hard to master as well.
There is way more skill to brawlers than just „aiming”. It’s one of the biggest myths in Brawl Stars that short range brawlers are easy to play, moving around the map and choosing your targets is much more important with them
@@uhhhhhh3527 Spike would be B tier with Fertilizer, F tier with Curveball. That stupid star power just turns him from something that actually needs you to do something, to being completely brainless and dependant on how much skill your enemy has, not yours. If the enemy is good at dodging your spikes, there will be no way to outplay them even if you're good, unlike with aiming brawlers where its mindgames, you cant control where curveball goes, you just mindlessly throw them and hope they hit.
Yeah if your judging off of aiming a character mostly spike with curveball is def down there however I feel like curveball is needed sometimes cause it switches up how his attacks are so it’s harder to avoid by standing where the spike isn’t going to go.
I feel that Ash is more skill needed that you may think, especially if you don’t have a healer. At high levels you need to balance health and rage meter to make sure you won’t die
Without a healer he is really hard deciding when to use gadget, when to stop, how to hit with delayed attack, using rats to increase rage. But with Byron he just walks in a straight line and auto aims.
Without a healer, ash is one of the most highest skill cap tanks in the game, the only time auto aim is plausible when using him is when you find yourself swerving against an enemy meaning body positioning is much more helpful to land your shots.
@@nightarcher55 exactly, tbh what im about to say might sound a bit biased, but ash might be the best tank in the game, he has drones that can sort of counter single shot long range brawlers like belle, bea, piper etc, making running them down for the kill a great possibility, exceptional health comparable to frank without his sponge star power, and medium range that becomes even more useful when in max rage mode. Overall ash is a great tank and is definitely underated.
Something I feel like you forgot to mention is positioning, not just aiming. For example throwers are easier than close range brawlers because you need good positioning
Close range brawlers are generally able to get close to enemies easily, and throwers are really hard to attack people when they’re close to you. Close range brawlers just need good strafing but throwers need good aiming and strafing. Poor example bud, sorry
@@noahallen1239 just sit in the bush and shoot. Nothing hard. Most of close ranged brawlers only work on certain maps and still have hard time getting their super that's usually the only way to get closer (and still not really reliable). And yes, on many levels worse = harder because it's harder to make a bad brawler work.
There are three things to consider: 1) Skill floor 2) How hard it is/long it takes to hit the skill ceiling 3) Once the skill ceiling is reached, how does it compare to other brawlers? While I understand each placement based on why you placed them there, you kind of floated between all three. I think you could do a their list for each of the three different criteria and you’d see something very different. Even averaging the three would probably look different then your list. The main thing that separates good players from bad is positioning and map awareness, which is constant for all brawlers and is the biggest factor with #3.
I’m also surprised about how little people are arguing for poco. If you teammates are literally Garbo, the amount of carrying you can do is crazy. Knowing when it’s good to save your super for teammates, or in a 1v1 situation. And your spacing/movement/predictions has got to be perfect to win any sort of 1v1/1v2 against any sort of brawl with movement tools
@@cooperelt1299 I mean, on a technical side, there are a lot more brawlers (probably most of them) with more complex tech. Poco's abilities kinda work independently from eachother so there isn't much skill to consider when to use each one (gadjets, movement options, star powers and basics) in combination. (not saying they don't synergize, just saying there isn't much skill in that)
If this is how you're ranking this tier list, I think this is more of a "difficulty of use in general", not when you main the brawler. If you main a brawler like Shelly, you have to know the situation when using her super. True, the super does tons of damage and with shellshock it stuns for awhile. But, not every time you have to get up close and personal to be a Shelly main. It's easier, but that's like saying Bea's attacks are easy, but you only pay attention to her charge shots.
She should be b tier at least, gadget increased her skill cap a lot, but she is kind of underpowered. In sd she is very easy to play, although maybe that's just for me as I have some experience on her and have pushed her very high in ladder
I'm not sure how much I agree with this list, I don't really agree with a sizable amount of the placements. I think it's also good to consider that there's a difference between the skill floor and the skill ceiling. Seeing that you say how hard it's to *master* them I think this is meant to be about the skill ceiling, but especially in that case I don't think the weight factor should be so much on how hard it's to aim with brawlers. This is mostly relevant with the brawlers that have attacks that are so hard to aim that part of mastering them isn't just the strategy and positioning, but also just how to hit your shots in the first place. Of course a big part of positioning is also quite a general skill that applies to all brawlers, like playing in lanes, and paying attention to how far you are from your teammates and enemies, though a lot of it is also specific to brawlers, or at least types of brawlers (for example close range vs long range) That's just what I think though, and it was interesting to see your opinion on it anyway.
I personally feel max should be higher in the tier list, as it's not really easy to master it. You must be able to land all 4 shots and at the same time be able to juke attacks from your enemies.
Amazing video. At first i thought rico will be probably A tier (random guess) but your explanations really made ton of sense. There are some things you didn't cover about rico. There are some mechanics that many people don't know for example my friend has 50k trophies and he first time found out that ricos super and gadget bullets can hit every enemy only once ( i told him when he was like 45-47k trophies) also being able to make a "healing spot" (using gadget in between 2 block gap) amd rushing fast enough so when enemies hit you you heal instantly can be tough. Also hitting you enemies that are kinda far apart can be tough (ofc its not in a map like Cavern Churn where u can stay in place and just check all the bushes but being able to while running and stuff perfectly hit corner of the wall with normal attack so you kill both enemies really takes time to master). There are many other stuff but i gotta clean my room or my mom will kill me 😂. Amazing video❤
Personally, I main Byron. I just like playing non-committal healers that can also dish out damage if needed, and I also just love his characterization. I will never get tired of the charismatic dealmaker villains
I disagree with his placement of Nita. At least in higher players, Nita has a lot of "tricks" that require a decent of coordination. Such as using your bear to soak attacks, allowing you to essentially have more health against enemies that don't pierce. Or using her bears stun to stop certain objectives like people carrying the ball. She's not hard to play, but not one of the easiest to master either.
Some comments already talk about this, but I feel like this tier list falls more in brawlers' skillfloor than their skill ceilings. Because of their mechanics, it's pretty much objectively easier to play decently with El Primo than with Sam. However, if we talk about their skill ceiling (How hard is to master a brawler, how hard is to reach its maximum potential) then, even if it's more subjective, El Primo would have a higher skill ceiling that Sam, and so on with every brawler. PS: Nice video nonetheless!
Partially, but definitely not entirely. Brawlers like Mortis, Sam or Fang are easy to play but hard to master, they have low floor and high ceiling, and then brawlers like Nani or Colt require decent aim to even play, so their positions fit both skill floor & ceiling
Now, THIS is how you voice your opinion while also respecting the person who put himself out there in front of all of you. Just because Kairos has 100,000 people watching his videos does not mean that he won't appreciate all those folks who spend the extra second putting themselves in his shoes and then stating his/her opinion with respect for the other party.
@@dank_meme01 nani and colt has a high skill floor, but the ceiling is just tightening up on your aim. nani is a little more interesting because of her teleport gadget and counterhit gadget, but that's about it.
Sam is op and wins games just by rushing down his enemies, but if forced he can do amazing things, aint no way simple tank like primo is harder to master
i think Bibi should be a bit higher because of the double bubble (when you time it perfectly, combining her super with her charged attack can make the enemy get hit by the bubble twice without it having to bounce off a wall
Skill isn't just about aiming, it is also about positioning and knowing your matchups. Tanks and assasins are probably the hardest brawlers to master, since most brawlers can counter them really hard or have an escape option. You should know how pressure enemies, so your teammates could damage them and you can finish them off. Also, bad brawlers in meta are usually the hardest to master. So I'm kinda surprised seeing Edgar, Mr. P and other worst brawlers so low
Although EMZ's attack has a large range and her super is massive, I do think that she shouldn't be in F tier due to the fact that 1. to get max damage you need to hit people at the tip, 2. She is kind of an offensive area control brawler because her main attack lasts so long and 3. her super can hit through walls but her main attack can't so I think she deserves more credit
@@IHateEverybody4 Sorry to disappoint but I am not an EMZ main. I am fully aware that he doesn't main every character in the game but brawl stars is literally the guys job. Saying it would be hard for him to "comprehend" every character in the game simply shouldn't be said bc he lives and breathes brawl stars. Kairo does not do assumptions especially when he is making tier lists. All I did was give my opinion with points to back it up so I don't see the issue.
Emz is really easy. If you know when to restrict someone, then you're already close to mastering her. I would even go as far as saying that using her ult the way your team benefits from it the most is harder. You can do a lot with the ult, despite it being a simple slowdown with a large range. Emz can even win against Mortises and Edgars with the Friendzoning gadget. A good Emz is really dang strong
with most of the close range brawlers it's really your game sense that needs to be good because you need to know how to position yourself in certain places, but that's pretty important for every brawler.
I'm not even done with the video at the time of writing this comment but I feel like your placement of brawlers on this tier list seems to based mostly on "how easy it is to hit your shots with them". The analogy you're giving seems to be purely on a surface level, like someone who only played a maximum of twenty matches with each brawler, then presented their experiences and thoughts. While you do touch upon various tips with each brawler, I think each and every brawler needs their own set of skills to use them optimally. It's probably just me, but I think you're really giving tank mains too much shit in particular simply because using them does not require much aim. You still need to know when it's optimal to jump in and go all damage inc. and when it's better to stay put, for an example. Just my couple 'o cents.
@@LONGplays1 he's still bad in showdown ngl he gets countered by everything. the only reason he succeeds in showdown is because all the opponents are playing Edgar, mortis or dynamike
I love playing Brock but he's become way more difficult to use once they took his projectile speed. Its cool that they increased the blast radius of his basic attack so now you can shoot through walls, but I miss the old Brock 🥺
Idk how much has brocks main attacked since one year but as a brock main myself I want to say that hitting brock shots is super simple specially at max range, its even easier.
I think that over all, Stu is a little bit harder to master than Mortis because even though Mortis is melee and Stu is ranged, Mortis can dash with each regular attack, while Stu has to hit an opponent to be able to dash ( besides Stu’s mutation that is). And also Mortis’s super can heal himself while you need a star power for Stu to do that and Stu doesn’t even heal as much as Mortis does. And to top that, Mortis has more base health than Stu does which makes it worse for Stu’s survivability and more reliant on dodging attacks. And if you are trying to escape with Mortis or Stu, Mortis can naturally dash and for Stu, you would need to hit an opponent before you can try to escape.
“Aiming spikes attack and making sure you know where his projectiles go” I guess this is a good time to say that I won a 1v1 blind folded using curveball spike. Should have been in F tier, no way he takes more skill than collete, spike is in the same tier as Jacky.
Curve ball is brain dead star power. Once you learn to dodge curve ball it's not as effective anymore, although it's always obnoxious. (you basically just need to walk towards or walk away from the explosion, you don't even need to get the right angle)
Another thing that people don’t realise about nani is that her attack pattern can be used to hit people behind walls with its curvature. It’s really convenient actually on maps like shooting star which now have indestructible walls, so you can hit those throwers without them just dodging around the wall
as a dynamike main, I agree that dyna's skillcap is insane. if u play dyna in 800+, you need to predict the enemys' movement all the time. I sometimes can even beat a mortis or stew(hardest matchups for dyna) with precise aiming
There is no skill gap with Mike he takes no skill😂😂😂 and in high trophies you need to predict you’re opponent regardless of the brawler you use baby bro. Also consider the fact that no skill Mike can throw over walls and has a fat ass splash damage so don’t say stupid shit like that again
@@fernandogarcia2717your opponent* I would say dynamike is easy to use because of how powerful his attack is, you usually are behind a wall or away from range when using him he's quick and all, but he does take some skill to master. I wouldn't say he's the most difficult, if he was there wouldn't be so many people having him as their nain.
I agree with your list with some exceptions. For me, there are two main components on how to play a brawler: movement and aim. And I agree that a lot of brawlers do not have this aim component so they are way easier to play (F, D, C tiers). BUT, Billy, for example kinda has a strange aim to master because of the delay plus positioning/movement skills that you have to master big time if you want to win a game. I would say it should at least be S tier. Sniper brawlers (like Brock, and Piper...) for me are S. You often lose a game just because you missed one shot... A 100% accuracy + the "covering" fire part + ammo management + positioning are hard to get. Sam for me is basically Rosa. Ok you have to think a little bit more but in the end, have your decisions/trade-off with your super any weight on the game ? I don't think so. And dynamike, well I see your point, but most of the time when you have a jumping dynamike in your team it is as if you don't have a teammate. I mean ok it's hard to master, but if you do, if you can do 6 jumps in a row or whatever, are you really going to be a strong asset for your team? I guess in most of cases it's a big NOPE. So, hard to master yes, useful, no: B tier, just average. But I guess each and everyone would have a different list because we don't main all brawlers aha
As someone who mains Frank i disagree. Its real difficult to actually get close enough so that brawlers cant just back a way but far enough so they cant just move around your attack. Also the big hitbox and high damage potential means your 11000 health is going to melt like butter.
Its tough to say which takes more skill, ranged or close ranged. It really comes down to match up. Say a bunch of tanks running down a bunch of ranged brawers which happen to lack dps to take them out before the tanks back them up in the corner and comence spawn trapping. Both styles of brawlers have their difficulty, whether it's connecting shots as a ranged brawler or not feeding super as a tank.
Based on personal opinion tbh. What makes a brawler hard ? Ask people and you'll get different answers. If you think dodging and positioning is harder, tanks are more skillful. If you think aiming and predicting is harder, long ranged is more skillful. As simple as that.
@@skinsarentskill259 no i just find that most ranged brawlers are well equipped with stuff that allows them to escape fast when tanks are getting close while tanks are poorly equipped with such things to help them reach long ranged brawlers Take darryl for example you roll onto a gale? Gadget Emz? Gadget Gene? Gadget eve? also Gadget Whils his gadgets are this weird useless rotator and Mid tar barrel Tanks arent well designed they are either broken asf or niche asf
@@Abdod I can totaly understand where you are coming from, saying that most ranged brawlers have some sort of way to escape tanks. And it could very well be argued that too many of such brawlers are being added to the game. However i do believe the game is in a fairly balanced state, "fairly". Excluding Sam's star power and Gale's twister. Tanks are very viable, depending on the map tanks can carry the game, like Sneaky fields. Till then, ranged brawlers that have to use gadgets on tanks only have 3 attempts, so you can bait them or do small pushes. Which can be seen as anoying but gives the ranged brawlers a chance. And of course you're not going to be using tanks in open maps like shooting star (which can work out don't get me wrong, but will make you're job 10x harder). Also, when it comes to a power league match. You always have to keep in mind that the enemy can go a tank on 6th pick and completely flip the draft to their favour. Which is why tank counters like Griff and Gale have their place, although i agree Gale needs a bit of a nerf.
I'd say this is a tier list ranking not how hard it is to master a brawler, but how hard it is to play a brawler well. Every brawler is hard to completely master, with specific timing, spacing, and micro-interactions that set players like Rzm and Pika apart from us normal folk
As a spike main, I have learned that you should NEVER auto aim with spike, because most pepole can dodge the projectiles. But they still get hit by the mini projectiles with the curveball starpower. I am also glad that he is that high up on the list because I dont want pepole to say that I play with an easy brawler. And for last, where was pearl, cordelius, chuck and the other new brawlers?
I really hate barley because it takes CENTURIES for him to land his shots but then there's always that one barley in the enemy team that would DESTROY THE ENTIRE LOBBY
I disagree with those short range brawlers being so low at the list because they are actually pretty hard to master. For example against counter comps it’s very crucial to perform your best with a short ranged brawler. Spike should be lower with curveball gadget it doesn’t require any skill to hit them
Literally. Bro said 'when knowing where the ball explodes and where the spikes go..." like bro that doesn't happen people just put on curveball and spam shots😭😭
In my opinion Poco should be at least 1 tier above, yeah his damage area is huge but a lot of brawlers range is longer, so you will find yourself hitting just a pixel to do damage a lot of times, also you can autoaim but I personally NEVER autoaim with him, thanks to his huge range you can hit more than one enemy if done right in a situation where autoaim wouldnt allow you to do this, you can be a much better zoner aiming your attacks. He also has 2 different playstyles, agressive with his second star power and passive/support with his first, and we can talk about his second gadget too.
I don't really like the tier list because it's just based on aim. Melee brawlers are mostly based on who to attack (who is safe), trapping ennemies to get them closer and closer to you and dodging attacks. Aim is just an option to consider
@@eli5897melees dont take aim skill, sure. Bur positioning and actually getting close to the enemy while not taking too much damage is why they are skillful. Its also the reason most people push primo in showdown.
@@SomeCowguyyou're right, that's why I refuse to used short range(melee)brawlers everything is about positioning and getting the right time to engaged
Brawlers like Edgar and Shelly can be skillful but not in a fun way. Like their supers are really intimidating and just by lighting them up you can push back enemies and create a bit of panic. If you stay near an important teammate, then enemies will think twice about approaching them. But that kind of play is very stale and not at all engaging. So everyone goes with the gadget-super-emote route.
As a former Jacky main, you're half right. The part that requires skill is being able to play Jacky in a long range map. Being able to do that, shows you have the skills.
Colette should honestly be much higher its so hard to calculate how many hits you need to kill an enemy or how much damage you will do to them, considering her attack damage is based on the other brawlers hp. Also with the shield gear Colette has more proplems successfully killing the brawlers, because she won't be able to kill them with the usual 2attacks - super compo. Many brawlers have healing and shield abilities, which is another reason she can't always rely on her compo. Therefore she could be very complicated to play and kill the brawlers. Also her hp gadget is hard if you are facing low hp brawlers you can't know how much healing you will get and if it will be enough. Also her shield starpower is hard to aim. Iam saying this as a colette main. I had to learn how colette interacts with every brawler and how she can kill them and what compo and gadgets I need to use to kill the brawlers iam facing. For example when iam facing a crow or tick I need to use a completely different strategy and compo as if iam facing a primo. That means when playing colette you need to know about the other brawlers if you want to know how to kill them and not only know how colette is played. For example if iam playing Jessie , I already know how much damage she will do so I can easily calculate how many hits I need to kill the brawlers with.
nah its same 2 shots and super and u kill and mid and close range u can auto aim .its easy to play and has alot health and gadget is powerful. u just need tank in opponents and less walls.@@ilyquackio
Edger needs more skill than what kairos said. Firstly, u cant just auto aim u have to swipe ur finger to the target u want to kill if there are other stuff ( example, colonel ruffs's beanbags). Secondly, u can "outrange" other bralwers that have short ranges like edger (idk how to prove but i can do it) Thirdly, u also have to time ur jumps Edit: why did i even say this
Bro is probably one of those kids that camp in the bushes for the entire game of showdown and also probably one of those kids that run around a wall with a thrower super no skilled if you do that I would say people that do that just quit the game fr
Bibi should be much higher. Positioning is difficult and also charging so that her knockback is used when you need to. For example, you might not want to knockback a far-ranges brawler, that type of thing
I'd say that Sprout is one of the at least 5 hardest bc you have to be really good at predicting how the attack is gonna bounce and the wall is also really hard to predict
My dad mastered Dynamike so it’s not impossible but as a Person who mastered Colonel Rufs I totally agree with his position on the tier list.Nice video as always,keep up the good work❤
Bibi should definitely be higher considering she gets out damaged by most close range brawlers like Edgar and it's hard to get up close to ranged ones like Brock or Bea. Amber also should be much higher because it is difficult to aim at max range which is what your mostly going to be using her at, most brawlers outrun the flames and keeping the attack constantly on the enemy which they are moving is not easy. Janet is also hard to use cause the bombs when she flying are hard to hit, her attack is slow if your at range and it doesn't do that much damage. Tick is absolutely no skill, just stand behind wall and spam. Collette is also somewhat harder then average since its hard to finish off an opponent since her dmg get reduced by a lot. 8bit should be lower, insane hp insane dmg and good supper, if u can aim a bit, u got it. Colt should be A, not much harder then other marksmen like belle or piper.
Facts, I like playing tick because I play him more aggressively than I see most people do. If you aren’t actively trying to take space and force people even further back, you’re playing him wrong imo
as a sprout main im not sure what dynajump really does for dyna players except for short s with complete immobility + the skill of attacks is about in the middle of the 8 throwers currently in game and deals 3200 damage compared to sprout's 1960 damage on max power. also considering the skill it requires to counter an assassin with sprout or grom who also has similar/lower damage and even slower projectile speed. overall dynamike became popular for the dynajump that no one uses
as a edgar main i can say that edgar should be A, he has alot of counters and you have to use different tactics to lure them in. You can jump on everyone and you can die to tank easily.
I main jacky and i always hate how people say she is easy. The game is not about just pressing the attack button. Every brawler has different mechanics and that's what makes them hard. Jacky has a lot of positiong, understanding which walls can give you the advantage and having a killer instinct as to when to ult all enemy team and kill them. Not the hardest, but cmon, the easiest?
gale is much easier due to the amount of solutions he has to even counter one kind of brawlers. the guy really can pair a slowing attack, a portable wall and a huge knockback on the same set. plus of that, his attack literally can't miss due to its pattern.
very true i think rosa is way easier than jacky it infuriates me when i see a roas mashing auto aim and running through an entire team, jacky has unique mechanics like shooting through walls that take getting used to similiar to eve water mechanic
i mostly agree with this tier list except for mortis i don't understand what's so difficult about spamming the red button until the yellow one lights up people will be like "but ohhhh he can uh he can teamwipe" well yeah by brainlessly spamming his auto aim and his super it's harder with fang for God's sake since you can't just heal away every point of damage done to you in an instant by pressing 1 button
For darryl autoaiming at close range is actually not a great idea against all brawlers, due to the fact he shoots two volleys per shot, you want to be aiming at the direction your enemy is moving to ensure all projectiles of the second shot hit. Not to say his super requires a lot of skill with bouncing
Which Brawler is YOUR Main, or favorite to play?!
Thanks to Ford for sponsoring this video! Check out the Mustang Mach E here: trb.gg/ford-mach-e
Ash and Bibi
Mecha mort 😎
My main is Poco and pretty much any support 😂
Definitely Bonnie and mike
New brawl talk is here!
I think that the hardest main is Edgar because your fingers might hurt after spinning for 20 seconds and spamming auto aim button.
Try and start using moving button without just circling along the same axis
Kairos: *explaining buzz and how to use good positioning*
The Frank in the bushes about to super:
Maybe he escaped the stun
@@AbhishekMSTE he did not
@@AbhishekMSTE definitely did not 😂
Moment before disaster
0:12 Jacky
0:30 Rosa
0:40 Edgar
1:02 Add - 2:30 end of add
2:34 Sandy
3:02 Poco
3:22 Shelly
3:46 Emz
4:18 Daryl
4:30 Ash
4:42 El Primo
5:05 Bull
5:22 Frank
5:40 Bibi
6:02 Nita
6:21 Amber
6:52 Max
7:14 Janet
7:30 Mr P
7:45 Griff
8:12 Gale
8:36 Crow
8:57 Buzz
9:17 Pam
9:40 Penny
9:54 Eve
10:12 Bonney
10:39 Tick🐐
11:00 Squeak
11:19 Bo
11:42 Colette
11:59 Meg
12:19 Leon
12:32 Jessie
12:55 Barley
13:17 Grom
13:36 Otis
13:51 Lou
14:06 Fang
14:24 Spike
14:47 Tara
15:15 Lola
15:51 Gene
16:16 Brock
16:39 Belle
16:57 Ruffs
17:14 Bea
17:37 8-Bit
17:56 Surge
18:24 Byron
18:45 Piper
19:02 Sprout
19:21 Gus
19:40 Carl
20:10 Nani
20:39 Colt
21:04 Rico
21:39 Stu
22:10 Mortis
22:35 Sam
23:07 Dynamike 💀
Really appreciate the end of ad
Tick is the 🐐
No way he called mortis hard 💀
@@athy47funihe probably is hard when he sees mortis
@@NoahAnderson-jp2jo AYO
I feel like this is more of a ‘how hard is it to pick up this brawler?’ tierlist. I feel like mastering short range brawlers is a lot harder than people give credit for, for example how to play them in their worst match ups. I specifically think Max, El Primo, Bull and Bibi should be much higher if we’re talking about mastering them.
Yes and no. Some of the top spot brawlers seem to have in mind the actual skill cap of the brawler.
Sam is the biggest example. You can use Hearty Recovery, shoot your super at someone, use the first gadget to prevent the enemy from running away and you pretty much won the match.
@@typicalgalaxy087 I agree that some of the top spots are hard to master, but they’re also hard to pick up. And just to be clear, I don’t main Max, El Primo, Bull nor Bibi (I suck with each of them). I’m just always impressed whenever I see a pro player play those brawlers to success. There’s obviously more examples, every brawler is hard to master in my opinion. I just feel like people underestimate that short range brawlers are hard to master as well.
YES!!! Thank you for saying this, melee brawlers without jumps/charges/rolls/dashes are much harder to master than people think
the only hard thing about brawl stars is dodging, not aiming, thats why fast brawlers are fun to play
There is way more skill to brawlers than just „aiming”. It’s one of the biggest myths in Brawl Stars that short range brawlers are easy to play, moving around the map and choosing your targets is much more important with them
For them the only thing that makes a brawler easy is the capacity to auto aim
Switching lanes and 1 v 2 also
Positioning specially in tanks is a skill thsts difficult to master
you slso need to br good at dodging
Facts, playing tanks at a high level requires much more skill than most people think.
21:50 i love how the mr p realised that stu had a gadget and tried to team
"Even my grandma can hit shots with curveball spike"
-connor 2022
Spike should really be in a low tier
@@uhhhhhh3527 Spike would be B tier with Fertilizer, F tier with Curveball. That stupid star power just turns him from something that actually needs you to do something, to being completely brainless and dependant on how much skill your enemy has, not yours. If the enemy is good at dodging your spikes, there will be no way to outplay them even if you're good, unlike with aiming brawlers where its mindgames, you cant control where curveball goes, you just mindlessly throw them and hope they hit.
@@wobblyjiggles "mindlessly throw them and hope they hit" spike in the mud😂😂😂😂
Yeah if your judging off of aiming a character mostly spike with curveball is def down there however I feel like curveball is needed sometimes cause it switches up how his attacks are so it’s harder to avoid by standing where the spike isn’t going to go.
that sponsorship is so bad 💀 what kid is buying a car
ikr xD
well maybe your parents are looking for a car like mine are and you wanna recommend them something. Im definitely gonna recommend this one.
@@logibonp if the only reason for recommendation is that you saw it in a brawlstars video, your parent wont even begin to consider it. Sorry if rude.
Bro my parents have gottten one already and it’s so cool
So you a kid
I feel that Ash is more skill needed that you may think, especially if you don’t have a healer. At high levels you need to balance health and rage meter to make sure you won’t die
Similar with Frank
Without a healer he is really hard deciding when to use gadget, when to stop, how to hit with delayed attack, using rats to increase rage. But with Byron he just walks in a straight line and auto aims.
Without a healer, ash is one of the most highest skill cap tanks in the game, the only time auto aim is plausible when using him is when you find yourself swerving against an enemy meaning body positioning is much more helpful to land your shots.
yeah I main ash and after playing him so much I don’t really need a healer, supering and then using heal gadget rlly good alternative to healers
@@nightarcher55 exactly, tbh what im about to say might sound a bit biased, but ash might be the best tank in the game, he has drones that can sort of counter single shot long range brawlers like belle, bea, piper etc, making running them down for the kill a great possibility, exceptional health comparable to frank without his sponge star power, and medium range that becomes even more useful when in max rage mode. Overall ash is a great tank and is definitely underated.
I feel like Bibi should be a lot higher, it takes skill to work around the knockback
Yeah, especially since she's a tank. And EVERYONE focuses the tank all the time
@@thelordofthelostbraincells not really she is super fast easy to dodge
I main her and Bibi is high skilled brawler for sure especially her super
9:14 the Frank ☠️
Gus-“if you miss your super it gets wasted”
Doesn’t that apply to half the brawlers?
I think he was comparing Gus's super to other supports super
lol your right
Poco: *Supers on the opposite direction of his teammates*
@@dhanger3450 the star power:
@@dhanger3450that wouldn't be a complete waste tho bc he still heals himself
Something I feel like you forgot to mention is positioning, not just aiming. For example throwers are easier than close range brawlers because you need good positioning
throwers take way more skill than close range brawlers it’s just that close range brawlers are ass, harder ≠ worse
Close range brawlers are generally able to get close to enemies easily, and throwers are really hard to attack people when they’re close to you. Close range brawlers just need good strafing but throwers need good aiming and strafing. Poor example bud, sorry
@@beaconxp5440I dislike close range brawlers, but he is right. Positioning is not as easy as u think on high level.
only Dynamike he is the only thrower that needs skill@@noahallen1239
@@noahallen1239 just sit in the bush and shoot. Nothing hard. Most of close ranged brawlers only work on certain maps and still have hard time getting their super that's usually the only way to get closer (and still not really reliable). And yes, on many levels worse = harder because it's harder to make a bad brawler work.
There are three things to consider:
1) Skill floor
2) How hard it is/long it takes to hit the skill ceiling
3) Once the skill ceiling is reached, how does it compare to other brawlers?
While I understand each placement based on why you placed them there, you kind of floated between all three.
I think you could do a their list for each of the three different criteria and you’d see something very different. Even averaging the three would probably look different then your list.
The main thing that separates good players from bad is positioning and map awareness, which is constant for all brawlers and is the biggest factor with #3.
Exactly ! That tier list is terrible
I’m also surprised about how little people are arguing for poco. If you teammates are literally Garbo, the amount of carrying you can do is crazy. Knowing when it’s good to save your super for teammates, or in a 1v1 situation. And your spacing/movement/predictions has got to be perfect to win any sort of 1v1/1v2 against any sort of brawl with movement tools
@@cooperelt1299 I mean, on a technical side, there are a lot more brawlers (probably most of them) with more complex tech. Poco's abilities kinda work independently from eachother so there isn't much skill to consider when to use each one (gadjets, movement options, star powers and basics) in combination. (not saying they don't synergize, just saying there isn't much skill in that)
" "- 🤓 🤓
Legit makes this tierlist make no sense
If this is how you're ranking this tier list, I think this is more of a "difficulty of use in general", not when you main the brawler. If you main a brawler like Shelly, you have to know the situation when using her super. True, the super does tons of damage and with shellshock it stuns for awhile. But, not every time you have to get up close and personal to be a Shelly main. It's easier, but that's like saying Bea's attacks are easy, but you only pay attention to her charge shots.
I was kinda suprised when she was so low
She should be b tier at least, gadget increased her skill cap a lot, but she is kind of underpowered. In sd she is very easy to play, although maybe that's just for me as I have some experience on her and have pushed her very high in ladder
i mean the s##t a good shelly player can pull off kind of speaks for itself
With that logic all brawlers would go up a tier or two
He also didn't take health pools and damage numbers into account
I think Lola’s super has a very high skill cap to use at the best possible way
I'm not sure how much I agree with this list, I don't really agree with a sizable amount of the placements. I think it's also good to consider that there's a difference between the skill floor and the skill ceiling. Seeing that you say how hard it's to *master* them I think this is meant to be about the skill ceiling, but especially in that case I don't think the weight factor should be so much on how hard it's to aim with brawlers. This is mostly relevant with the brawlers that have attacks that are so hard to aim that part of mastering them isn't just the strategy and positioning, but also just how to hit your shots in the first place. Of course a big part of positioning is also quite a general skill that applies to all brawlers, like playing in lanes, and paying attention to how far you are from your teammates and enemies, though a lot of it is also specific to brawlers, or at least types of brawlers (for example close range vs long range) That's just what I think though, and it was interesting to see your opinion on it anyway.
Why did you write a article
@@xyzGameri Oh trust me, if you think this is a lot, I have a lot more to say lol. It's because I like engaging in the discussion of it all.
@@determineddaaf3 lucky for me a dint ride that
Sorry for my English im from Croatia
Bro spoke the Bible 💀
You know our generation is fucked up when a small paragraph that’s read in max 15-20 seconds is considered long lol
I personally feel max should be higher in the tier list, as it's not really easy to master it. You must be able to land all 4 shots and at the same time be able to juke attacks from your enemies.
You juke at super speed while auto aiming, plays out almost like colt
@@foreignword2178 you can’t auto aim on max when your running a hundred miles per hour
@@braxtoncustoms4108 max is noskill almost the same typa noskill that surge and buzz is
@@KTSryder man just said both max and surge take no skill..💀 1v1 me
@@braxtoncustoms4108 agreed, most of the time while using auto aim at max speed you'll only hit like 1 projectile per attack
Amazing video. At first i thought rico will be probably A tier (random guess) but your explanations really made ton of sense. There are some things you didn't cover about rico. There are some mechanics that many people don't know for example my friend has 50k trophies and he first time found out that ricos super and gadget bullets can hit every enemy only once ( i told him when he was like 45-47k trophies) also being able to make a "healing spot" (using gadget in between 2 block gap) amd rushing fast enough so when enemies hit you you heal instantly can be tough. Also hitting you enemies that are kinda far apart can be tough (ofc its not in a map like Cavern Churn where u can stay in place and just check all the bushes but being able to while running and stuff perfectly hit corner of the wall with normal attack so you kill both enemies really takes time to master). There are many other stuff but i gotta clean my room or my mom will kill me 😂. Amazing video❤
Rico my main
I am not reading all this 😂
@@Kvfuffer nobody said u have to + why would i need that information?
Somebody’s sensitive
I’d put him D personally cause his aimining is very easy and solid range
Personally, I main Byron. I just like playing non-committal healers that can also dish out damage if needed, and I also just love his characterization. I will never get tired of the charismatic dealmaker villains
My exact reasons for maining Byron lol
My exact reasons for maining Byron lol
i hate it
@@noobsanddragons I don't think you know how that insult is supposed to work
Wait till Kairos sees the Dynamike in the opponent team that wipes out a mortis and a fang in knockout
I disagree with his placement of Nita. At least in higher players, Nita has a lot of "tricks" that require a decent of coordination. Such as using your bear to soak attacks, allowing you to essentially have more health against enemies that don't pierce. Or using her bears stun to stop certain objectives like people carrying the ball. She's not hard to play, but not one of the easiest to master either.
Toodyxs watching this 🗿🗿🗿
as a fang main, dynamikes almost never kill me
Mike is only ”Impossible” tier if its with the dyna-jump.
12:03 "her super decays over time"
little did he know...
@@theseekingsankta3106 her super had an update a while after this video which stopped the decay. The mecha only loses health if u hit it.
Little did u know that when this video uploaded it wasnt like this@@azgaming9291
Some comments already talk about this, but I feel like this tier list falls more in brawlers' skillfloor than their skill ceilings.
Because of their mechanics, it's pretty much objectively easier to play decently with El Primo than with Sam. However, if we talk about their skill ceiling (How hard is to master a brawler, how hard is to reach its maximum potential) then, even if it's more subjective, El Primo would have a higher skill ceiling that Sam, and so on with every brawler.
PS: Nice video nonetheless!
El primo and bull have high skill, only a few pros can play
Partially, but definitely not entirely. Brawlers like Mortis, Sam or Fang are easy to play but hard to master, they have low floor and high ceiling, and then brawlers like Nani or Colt require decent aim to even play, so their positions fit both skill floor & ceiling
Now, THIS is how you voice your opinion while also respecting the person who put himself out there in front of all of you.
Just because Kairos has 100,000 people watching his videos does not mean that he won't appreciate all those folks who spend the extra second putting themselves in his shoes and then stating his/her opinion with respect for the other party.
@@dank_meme01 nani and colt has a high skill floor, but the ceiling is just tightening up on your aim. nani is a little more interesting because of her teleport gadget and counterhit gadget, but that's about it.
Sam is op and wins games just by rushing down his enemies, but if forced he can do amazing things, aint no way simple tank like primo is harder to master
i think Bibi should be a bit higher because of the double bubble (when you time it perfectly, combining her super with her charged attack can make the enemy get hit by the bubble twice without it having to bounce off a wall
Skill isn't just about aiming, it is also about positioning and knowing your matchups. Tanks and assasins are probably the hardest brawlers to master, since most brawlers can counter them really hard or have an escape option. You should know how pressure enemies, so your teammates could damage them and you can finish them off. Also, bad brawlers in meta are usually the hardest to master. So I'm kinda surprised seeing Edgar, Mr. P and other worst brawlers so low
This looks like a tier list about how easy is to pick up brawlers rather than master them
Well yes but that's more mastering game play styles than brawler specifics. This is more of how easy/difficult it is to play a certain brawler
Knowing matchups is strategy not skill
bad brawlers are bad brawlers. That's like saying a useless brawler is the hardest master, when you can't even play the game.
@@rogelioserrato8488 it differs from brawler to brawler
So hyped! Brawl Talk and TV Royale tomorrow! It's a great time to be a Supercell fan! :D
I said the same thing in TC royale 😂😂😂
Yup,supercell is one of the best companies I’ve seen(even tho their ideas sometimes can be horrible)
Yes sir!
What is tv Royale
@Pranit Goyal that cang be penny skin cause there is a racoon
As a Rico main i can confirm rico is so hard to use because after rank 20 Edgars are too powerful for rico
I like how Gale is in the "learn to aim" tier when he can be played by a caveman.
And annoy incompetent edgers with a push of a button
Exactly. Such a dumb brawler.
Thank you for speaking the truth
Gale mains are monkeys lmao
Yea he’s really an easy F or D. I hate gale due to his recent buffs. Probably partially because Leon is one of my mains.
You might've forgotten what counters are, poco gets countered so much that its really hard to actually fully master him
Kairos: You need to know where your spikes are going to go
Spike: Hehe curveball go brrrr
lmao so true
Is that supposed to be funny
@@kellengaming2765with your pfp, I thought you would take jokes better…
Edgar is one of the hardest, most skilled brawlers' in the whole game because of how complex his mechanics are and how many counters he has.
So true!!!
Bruh you responded to urself lmao
He is no skill comapred to us Eve mains
Although EMZ's attack has a large range and her super is massive, I do think that she shouldn't be in F tier due to the fact that 1. to get max damage you need to hit people at the tip, 2. She is kind of an offensive area control brawler because her main attack lasts so long and 3. her super can hit through walls but her main attack can't so I think she deserves more credit
@@IHateEverybody4 Sorry to disappoint but I am not an EMZ main. I am fully aware that he doesn't main every character in the game but brawl stars is literally the guys job. Saying it would be hard for him to "comprehend" every character in the game simply shouldn't be said bc he lives and breathes brawl stars. Kairo does not do assumptions especially when he is making tier lists. All I did was give my opinion with points to back it up so I don't see the issue.
Emz is really easy. If you know when to restrict someone, then you're already close to mastering her. I would even go as far as saying that using her ult the way your team benefits from it the most is harder. You can do a lot with the ult, despite it being a simple slowdown with a large range. Emz can even win against Mortises and Edgars with the Friendzoning gadget. A good Emz is really dang strong
Any brawler that is played good is strong bro wdym
@@NinjalinuYT Yea but Emz when played correctly completely denies the enemy any chase of coming into the middle unless you have a direct counter
I really wonder how you managed to get Ford to sponsor a mobile-gaming channel 🤣
Especially that it’s brawl stars 🤣
with most of the close range brawlers it's really your game sense that needs to be good because you need to know how to position yourself in certain places, but that's pretty important for every brawler.
Ah yes Mortis
Highest skill but his users are the least skilled players ever
Pretty much like yasuo from lol
I'm not even done with the video at the time of writing this comment but I feel like your placement of brawlers on this tier list seems to based mostly on "how easy it is to hit your shots with them". The analogy you're giving seems to be purely on a surface level, like someone who only played a maximum of twenty matches with each brawler, then presented their experiences and thoughts. While you do touch upon various tips with each brawler, I think each and every brawler needs their own set of skills to use them optimally. It's probably just me, but I think you're really giving tank mains too much shit in particular simply because using them does not require much aim. You still need to know when it's optimal to jump in and go all damage inc. and when it's better to stay put, for an example. Just my couple 'o cents.
I’m a dynamike main…..AND ITS EASY TO MASTER❤😂
Fr and the stun gadget is so bs
No matter what tier list Edgar is in he’s always F 😭😭😭
Except fun ig
Except solo showdown tier list
oh my god it's the real kanye west 😮😮😮
@@LONGplays1 he's still bad in showdown ngl he gets countered by everything. the only reason he succeeds in showdown is because all the opponents are playing Edgar, mortis or dynamike
@@LONGplays1 not even in solo showdown lol (750+ lobbies)
I love playing Brock but he's become way more difficult to use once they took his projectile speed. Its cool that they increased the blast radius of his basic attack so now you can shoot through walls, but I miss the old Brock 🥺
Idk how much has brocks main attacked since one year but as a brock main myself I want to say that hitting brock shots is super simple specially at max range, its even easier.
I think that over all, Stu is a little bit harder to master than Mortis because even though Mortis is melee and Stu is ranged, Mortis can dash with each regular attack, while Stu has to hit an opponent to be able to dash ( besides Stu’s mutation that is). And also Mortis’s super can heal himself while you need a star power for Stu to do that and Stu doesn’t even heal as much as Mortis does. And to top that, Mortis has more base health than Stu does which makes it worse for Stu’s survivability and more reliant on
dodging attacks. And if you are trying to escape with Mortis or Stu, Mortis can naturally dash and for Stu, you would need to hit an opponent before you can try to escape.
The moment I saw the title I KNEW dyna would be at the end😂
“Aiming spikes attack and making sure you know where his projectiles go”
I guess this is a good time to say that I won a 1v1 blind folded using curveball spike. Should have been in F tier, no way he takes more skill than collete, spike is in the same tier as Jacky.
Even with jacky you actually need to aim your 1st atk, manage your stamina, etc
@@aliounethiaw1443 Jacky is arguably more skillful than spike lol
Curve ball is brain dead star power. Once you learn to dodge curve ball it's not as effective anymore, although it's always obnoxious. (you basically just need to walk towards or walk away from the explosion, you don't even need to get the right angle)
Nah griff in c is wild, he’s pretty challenging to use
Another thing that people don’t realise about nani is that her attack pattern can be used to hit people behind walls with its curvature. It’s really convenient actually on maps like shooting star which now have indestructible walls, so you can hit those throwers without them just dodging around the wall
as a dynamike main, I agree that dyna's skillcap is insane. if u play dyna in 800+, you need to predict the enemys' movement all the time. I sometimes can even beat a mortis or stew(hardest matchups for dyna) with precise aiming
There is no skill gap with Mike he takes no skill😂😂😂 and in high trophies you need to predict you’re opponent regardless of the brawler you use baby bro. Also consider the fact that no skill Mike can throw over walls and has a fat ass splash damage so don’t say stupid shit like that again
@@fernandogarcia2717your opponent* I would say dynamike is easy to use because of how powerful his attack is, you usually are behind a wall or away from range when using him he's quick and all, but he does take some skill to master. I wouldn't say he's the most difficult, if he was there wouldn't be so many people having him as their nain.
@@LenieWei-nw1dl try playing dyna at 800 then come back to me
@@the_parkourguy2879 get to 1300 then talk
@@fernandogarcia2717rage bait
Where is Gray
This was made in 2022 he wasnt out yet
I agree with your list with some exceptions. For me, there are two main components on how to play a brawler: movement and aim. And I agree that a lot of brawlers do not have this aim component so they are way easier to play (F, D, C tiers). BUT, Billy, for example kinda has a strange aim to master because of the delay plus positioning/movement skills that you have to master big time if you want to win a game. I would say it should at least be S tier. Sniper brawlers (like Brock, and Piper...) for me are S. You often lose a game just because you missed one shot... A 100% accuracy + the "covering" fire part + ammo management + positioning are hard to get. Sam for me is basically Rosa. Ok you have to think a little bit more but in the end, have your decisions/trade-off with your super any weight on the game ? I don't think so. And dynamike, well I see your point, but most of the time when you have a jumping dynamike in your team it is as if you don't have a teammate. I mean ok it's hard to master, but if you do, if you can do 6 jumps in a row or whatever, are you really going to be a strong asset for your team? I guess in most of cases it's a big NOPE. So, hard to master yes, useful, no: B tier, just average. But I guess each and everyone would have a different list because we don't main all brawlers aha
Ironically, you need to be very patient to master or even play Dynamike meanwhile Dynamike himself is described as very impatient
patient by waiting in a bush with gadget ?
patient you mean in finding teammates in showdown
L Dynamike player
F dyna
@@skinsarentskill259the people who wait in a bush with satchel charge are at low trophies, you cant get even get to 750 by doing that
Poko is an A or a B, he doesn't have much health, and he doesn't do much damage, so you need to know how to aim and hit all targets.
As someone who mains Frank i disagree. Its real difficult to actually get close enough so that brawlers cant just back a way but far enough so they cant just move around your attack. Also the big hitbox and high damage potential means your 11000 health is going to melt like butter.
looking back on this comment after the rework, lmao
I feel bad that your main is now getting bullied because only losers use it in the moment
Hot take: All tanks take more skill to use than any long ranged brawler
Its tough to say which takes more skill, ranged or close ranged. It really comes down to match up. Say a bunch of tanks running down a bunch of ranged brawers which happen to lack dps to take them out before the tanks back them up in the corner and comence spawn trapping. Both styles of brawlers have their difficulty, whether it's connecting shots as a ranged brawler or not feeding super as a tank.
Based on personal opinion tbh. What makes a brawler hard ? Ask people and you'll get different answers. If you think dodging and positioning is harder, tanks are more skillful. If you think aiming and predicting is harder, long ranged is more skillful. As simple as that.
@@skinsarentskill259 no i just find that most ranged brawlers are well equipped with stuff that allows them to escape fast when tanks are getting close while tanks are poorly equipped with such things to help them reach long ranged brawlers
Take darryl for example you roll onto a gale? Gadget Emz? Gadget Gene? Gadget eve? also Gadget
Whils his gadgets are this weird useless rotator and Mid tar barrel
Tanks arent well designed they are either broken asf or niche asf
@@Abdod I can totaly understand where you are coming from, saying that most ranged brawlers have some sort of way to escape tanks. And it could very well be argued that too many of such brawlers are being added to the game.
However i do believe the game is in a fairly balanced state, "fairly". Excluding Sam's star power and Gale's twister. Tanks are very viable, depending on the map tanks can carry the game, like Sneaky fields. Till then, ranged brawlers that have to use gadgets on tanks only have 3 attempts, so you can bait them or do small pushes. Which can be seen as anoying but gives the ranged brawlers a chance.
And of course you're not going to be using tanks in open maps like shooting star (which can work out don't get me wrong, but will make you're job 10x harder).
Also, when it comes to a power league match. You always have to keep in mind that the enemy can go a tank on 6th pick and completely flip the draft to their favour. Which is why tank counters like Griff and Gale have their place, although i agree Gale needs a bit of a nerf.
my mains i can remember go in this order of my likability:
1. most likable: Fang
2. i like: chester
3. meh: mr p
I'd say this is a tier list ranking not how hard it is to master a brawler, but how hard it is to play a brawler well. Every brawler is hard to completely master, with specific timing, spacing, and micro-interactions that set players like Rzm and Pika apart from us normal folk
Kairos disappearing for 2 weeks just to come back with 3 videos within 3 days
Yeah, and don't forget the Brawl Talk and sneak peeks
As a spike main, I have learned that you should NEVER auto aim with spike, because most pepole can dodge the projectiles. But they still get hit by the mini projectiles with the curveball starpower. I am also glad that he is that high up on the list because I dont want pepole to say that I play with an easy brawler. And for last, where was pearl, cordelius, chuck and the other new brawlers?
you silly goober this video was made a year ago, but really its not that hard to play spike cause of his curveball. but hes legendary for a reason
I've been playing for so long that I dont really have a main, I'm comfortable with 90% of the brawlers, except throwers
Same bruh is very hard for me to push with throwers
@@jajan254 I feel the same way You can't do anything with the Throwers
Same, but I play 95% of the time with Tick. People get VERY surprised when they can't kill me lmaoo.
I really hate barley because it takes CENTURIES for him to land his shots but then there's always that one barley in the enemy team that would DESTROY THE ENTIRE LOBBY
@@jajan254 agreed. My highest thrower is prolly 550 lol
finally, one tier list where dynamike is first
oh wait-
Bro really put Leon and fang at B tier.....
*the 14 year olds watching:* ....... Yes💀
I disagree with those short range brawlers being so low at the list because they are actually pretty hard to master. For example against counter comps it’s very crucial to perform your best with a short ranged brawler. Spike should be lower with curveball gadget it doesn’t require any skill to hit them
Literally. Bro said 'when knowing where the ball explodes and where the spikes go..." like bro that doesn't happen people just put on curveball and spam shots😭😭
Yeah, when i first got into the game i mained edgar, bibi and frank, you know how hard it is for Frank to ever use let alone hit with, a super?
Curveball gadget😭
In my opinion Poco should be at least 1 tier above, yeah his damage area is huge but a lot of brawlers range is longer, so you will find yourself hitting just a pixel to do damage a lot of times, also you can autoaim but I personally NEVER autoaim with him, thanks to his huge range you can hit more than one enemy if done right in a situation where autoaim wouldnt allow you to do this, you can be a much better zoner aiming your attacks.
He also has 2 different playstyles, agressive with his second star power and passive/support with his first, and we can talk about his second gadget too.
I like poco cuz I like support brawlers.
I don't really like the tier list because it's just based on aim. Melee brawlers are mostly based on who to attack (who is safe), trapping ennemies to get them closer and closer to you and dodging attacks. Aim is just an option to consider
melee brawlers take less skill
@@eli5897melees dont take aim skill, sure. Bur positioning and actually getting close to the enemy while not taking too much damage is why they are skillful. Its also the reason most people push primo in showdown.
@@SomeCowguyyou're right, that's why I refuse to used short range(melee)brawlers everything is about positioning and getting the right time to engaged
Brawlers like Edgar and Shelly can be skillful but not in a fun way.
Like their supers are really intimidating and just by lighting them up you can push back enemies and create a bit of panic. If you stay near an important teammate, then enemies will think twice about approaching them.
But that kind of play is very stale and not at all engaging. So everyone goes with the gadget-super-emote route.
As a former Jacky main, you're half right. The part that requires skill is being able to play Jacky in a long range map.
Being able to do that, shows you have the skills.
Why would anyone play jacky in a long range map
Colette should honestly be much higher its so hard to calculate how many hits you need to kill an enemy or how much damage you will do to them, considering her attack damage is based on the other brawlers hp. Also with the shield gear Colette has more proplems successfully killing the brawlers, because she won't be able to kill them with the usual 2attacks - super compo. Many brawlers have healing and shield abilities, which is another reason she can't always rely on her compo. Therefore she could be very complicated to play and kill the brawlers. Also her hp gadget is hard if you are facing low hp brawlers you can't know how much healing you will get and if it will be enough. Also her shield starpower is hard to aim. Iam saying this as a colette main. I had to learn how colette interacts with every brawler and how she can kill them and what compo and gadgets I need to use to kill the brawlers iam facing. For example when iam facing a crow or tick I need to use a completely different strategy and compo as if iam facing a primo. That means when playing colette you need to know about the other brawlers if you want to know how to kill them and not only know how colette is played. For example if iam playing Jessie , I already know how much damage she will do so I can easily calculate how many hits I need to kill the brawlers with.
Bro had to write entire essay
@@Tryvs ya he wrote a essay and no one saw
What is Blud Yapping about 🔥🔥🔥🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻💯💯💯
lemme summarise this:
colette has different strategies for different brawlers.
nah its same 2 shots and super and u kill and mid and close range u can auto aim .its easy to play and has alot health and gadget is powerful. u just need tank in opponents and less walls.@@ilyquackio
Well that's a surprising sponsor. Great list I agree with most of it. I'll just take your word on Sam since I haven't unlocked him yet
There is no way he said colt and nani are between the hardest to master
Him getting sponsored by Ford is just insane! Good luck with the road to 1M!
The visuals for Dynamike should have been the golden S tier that Kairos used to do.
Dynamike above s has to be a war crime 💀💀💀
As a sprout player the amount of times I have had an Edgar jump on me and then not only waste their super but die, is immaculate.
As an Edgar main, i approve.
Edger needs more skill than what kairos said.
Firstly, u cant just auto aim u have to swipe ur finger to the target u want to kill if there are other stuff ( example, colonel ruffs's beanbags).
Secondly, u can "outrange" other bralwers that have short ranges like edger (idk how to prove but i can do it)
Thirdly, u also have to time ur jumps
Edit: why did i even say this
Yes but other brawlers use more skill lol
But all the things you tell happens to every brawler
Bro is probably one of those kids that camp in the bushes for the entire game of showdown and also probably one of those kids that run around a wall with a thrower super no skilled if you do that I would say people that do that just quit the game fr
@@apex-aimbot8448 too harsh bro, too harsh, he is probably just a kid
Literally applies to every brawler
i agree on mortis its so hard because your finger is gonna be sore by auto aiming your brawl ball shot and running away from any half decent player
Bibi should be much higher. Positioning is difficult and also charging so that her knockback is used when you need to.
For example, you might not want to knockback a far-ranges brawler, that type of thing
Great to see my main in the S tier! I can’t believe I managed to get it to 800 trophies while I’m struggling to get 850 on the easiest ones..
It’s maybe cause you’re better with the hard one and not as good with the easy ones
@@cows_goquak Even tho it sounds weird, but probably, you’re right
@@DenasMour who is your main
@@DenasMour yeah , once you start maining someone , u will be better with them because u learned how to play them very good
@@Stereopp Nani
I'd say that Sprout is one of the at least 5 hardest bc you have to be really good at predicting how the attack is gonna bounce and the wall is also really hard to predict
I think it’d be cool to have a competitive version of this video. Like which techniques are harder to master
That Edgar comment hurt me.
THAT GENE KICK 😭😭😭 16:14
I love how Kairos is talking about a children's game but then talks about a car
My dad mastered Dynamike so it’s not impossible but as a Person who mastered Colonel Rufs I totally agree with his position on the tier list.Nice video as always,keep up the good work❤
Your dad plays brawl stars? Nice. 😎
Bibi should definitely be higher considering she gets out damaged by most close range brawlers like Edgar and it's hard to get up close to ranged ones like Brock or Bea. Amber also should be much higher because it is difficult to aim at max range which is what your mostly going to be using her at, most brawlers outrun the flames and keeping the attack constantly on the enemy which they are moving is not easy. Janet is also hard to use cause the bombs when she flying are hard to hit, her attack is slow if your at range and it doesn't do that much damage. Tick is absolutely no skill, just stand behind wall and spam. Collette is also somewhat harder then average since its hard to finish off an opponent since her dmg get reduced by a lot. 8bit should be lower, insane hp insane dmg and good supper, if u can aim a bit, u got it. Colt should be A, not much harder then other marksmen like belle or piper.
A car sponsor? Do they not know kids are like 99% of his demographic
As a tick main, there is so much strategy involved that it's a crime to say it takes an "average" amount of skill to be good with him.
ye thats why nobody likes facing tick, you could be versing a casual 30k player and still loose cause they have tick
Facts, I like playing tick because I play him more aggressively than I see most people do. If you aren’t actively trying to take space and force people even further back, you’re playing him wrong imo
as a sprout main im not sure what dynajump really does for dyna players except for short s with complete immobility + the skill of attacks is about in the middle of the 8 throwers currently in game and deals 3200 damage compared to sprout's 1960 damage on max power. also considering the skill it requires to counter an assassin with sprout or grom who also has similar/lower damage and even slower projectile speed. overall dynamike became popular for the dynajump that no one uses
Im sure we all thought the same thing when we saw the title
Bullshit list
Not everything is aiming, theres a lot more to being a good player or mastering a champion
My main is poco cuz I GOT A FREAKING POSTER OF HIM and at my work we got a spike tip jar cuz our entire team play's Brawl Stars
as a edgar main i can say that edgar should be A, he has alot of counters and you have to use different tactics to lure them in. You can jump on everyone and you can die to tank easily.
if you main edgar ur straight up 20k no cap
I main jacky and i always hate how people say she is easy. The game is not about just pressing the attack button. Every brawler has different mechanics and that's what makes them hard. Jacky has a lot of positiong, understanding which walls can give you the advantage and having a killer instinct as to when to ult all enemy team and kill them. Not the hardest, but cmon, the easiest?
gale is much easier due to the amount of solutions he has to even counter one kind of brawlers. the guy really can pair a slowing attack, a portable wall and a huge knockback on the same set. plus of that, his attack literally can't miss due to its pattern.
very true i think rosa is way easier than jacky it infuriates me when i see a roas mashing auto aim and running through an entire team, jacky has unique mechanics like shooting through walls that take getting used to similiar to eve water mechanic
Compared to every brawler, for sure she has the easiest mehanics.
i mostly agree with this tier list except for mortis
i don't understand what's so difficult about spamming the red button until the yellow one lights up
people will be like "but ohhhh he can uh he can teamwipe" well yeah by brainlessly spamming his auto aim and his super
it's harder with fang for God's sake since you can't just heal away every point of damage done to you in an instant by pressing 1 button
Bro put Crow in C tier! 😭🙏💀
For darryl autoaiming at close range is actually not a great idea against all brawlers, due to the fact he shoots two volleys per shot, you want to be aiming at the direction your enemy is moving to ensure all projectiles of the second shot hit.
Not to say his super requires a lot of skill with bouncing
Its Crazy that this Brawlstars video has a Mustang Mach-E sponsorship is crazy…
bro put max in C lmfao
Make an updated version
i dunno why but I main fang and Jessie 😅😮
And the car sponsorship is cool but it’s kinda like tesla
Never let bro rate again💀💀💀
1 year ago