I’ve found with this design the air tube connection to the pump isn’t secure. As a result the tube when wet will keep being unattached. To fix this I drilled the hole wide enough to fit the tube through and connect it to the pump before securing the pump with the screw.
Just got this frabill I just went ahead and changed the air hose for a different one that ain't coiled up.I'm running 4 batteries in it I'll see how long the batteries last in our northern winter temps.Great video
That was probably a good upgrade (the uncoiled air hose). Let me know how long the four batteries work in your cold climate. I'm interested to know. I'm glad you enjoyed the video. :)
Well I got an update on how long the four batteries lasted they lasted four fishing trips each trip was at least 10 hours in temperatures as low as 19° and the last one was freezing rain and light snow.
Thanks for this very informative video. I imagine they lose a lot of potential business because of the horrible lack of useful info on the outside of the bucket, as I was wavering between buying it or not (since I didn't see an air hose in any of them). Glad I found your video. They should fire their marketing director and hire you! 😂
Hahaha. Thank you. I had looked at this one several times before buying it. I always thought the hose was missing and finally took a chance. You're right that the marketing should have been much better. :)
Is the insulation particularly useful (other than helping to hold the tubing in place) or would you have happier minnows with just more water and a larger swimming area? 🤔
Thanks. I tried a few different things, short of swinging the bucket over my head ;), before watching your video. Great explanation.
I’m glad it helped. :)
I was losing my mind tryna open this thing thank you😂
When I bought mine, I was losing my mind as well. I thought I'd bought a defective one. I'm glad this helped. :)
I’ve found with this design the air tube connection to the pump isn’t secure. As a result the tube when wet will keep being unattached. To fix this I drilled the hole wide enough to fit the tube through and connect it to the pump before securing the pump with the screw.
That's a good idea. I may have to do that with mine.
Just got this frabill I just went ahead and changed the air hose for a different one that ain't coiled up.I'm running 4 batteries in it I'll see how long the batteries last in our northern winter temps.Great video
That was probably a good upgrade (the uncoiled air hose). Let me know how long the four batteries work in your cold climate. I'm interested to know. I'm glad you enjoyed the video. :)
Well I got an update on how long the four batteries lasted they lasted four fishing trips each trip was at least 10 hours in temperatures as low as 19° and the last one was freezing rain and light snow.
There's a gap in the Styrofoam for the hose to be tucked in, so the hose isn't coiled up like he just showed.
The one you have is different than in this video? Maybe they changed it because people were confused by it. I don't know. :)
Wow Frabill has many different sizes and shapes for this thing
I didn't realize that. :)
Thanks for this very informative video. I imagine they lose a lot of potential business because of the horrible lack of useful info on the outside of the bucket, as I was wavering between buying it or not (since I didn't see an air hose in any of them). Glad I found your video. They should fire their marketing director and hire you! 😂
Hahaha. Thank you. I had looked at this one several times before buying it. I always thought the hose was missing and finally took a chance. You're right that the marketing should have been much better. :)
Don’t take out the screw. Just open the white compartment to put in the batteries.
Is the insulation particularly useful (other than helping to hold the tubing in place) or would you have happier minnows with just more water and a larger swimming area? 🤔
That's a great question that I don't know the answer to. :)
Thanks you for this video ,I just bought my first one and it doesn't come with instructions! Lol
I was the same way. I had to figure it out by trial and error. I'm glad it helped. :)
Do we have to put the screw back?
Yes. The screw secures the pump. Without it, the pump can move around. Thank you for the question. :)
Theres a 😂channel in the foam for the tube to sit in
Thank you brother just got mine
I'm glad it helped. :)