For whatever it’s worth, Fnc has one extra fan from NA this worlds. I wanted to see Upset at worlds so badly man, and I hope whatever’s going on has the best outcome possible.
One more from Korea, its going to be hard but TPA had done it, FPX (looking back now they aren't really a underdog but at the time we thought) It's possible.
@@Neluv I do enjoy good banter, competition, and memes, but i definitely agree that region hate is really stupid. It also takes some of the fun out of it too for me. Some of these fans get way too worked up and toxic over this stuff.
Bwipo had a great lead, the casters are praising and hope he will carry the game but church of chovy is stronger. He could just clear camps and invade with adam but instead they opt to team fight which HLE has a better setup.
That lead doesnt indicate the jungle player gap at all. HLE strategy didnt expect that invade at all, and unfortunately Willer is starting raptors with E and planning to clear red and krugs in order to gank bot.(Thats how lee solo starts when bot dont have lane prior and lane will be freeze at lv2, also bot champs are easily trigger fights. The reason solo start is for bot to be in position earlier.) Chovy also did this before as a jungler lee sin. Bwipo is actually beaten by Willer so hard since he is keep investing himslef, did nothing but inted 2 kills to HLE in critical points and waste all his advantage early game. And u know what, in s10 worlds bootcamp Selfmade had lv1 graves versus a lv5 nidalee in super server, does that indicates player gap? Maybe, since EU and NA junglers dont know how the game works. Imagine a random asian jungler even from secondary league can beat Western famous player so hard. Can LEC teams gap their academy team such hard the way how asian teams won them? HLE #8 out of 10 in LCK with 39%wr summer split btw. Imagine random international students can be challenger in EU and NA and have a great ratio in high elo, and a random KR gm pro could reach EUW chally 1000lp 70%wr. How massive gap could that be?
@@platanusroad7685 calm down, Bwipo issue came from the fact that botlane never had the prio because of Bean, that got bot diffed already in eum. With Upset bot it would have been over.
look at Bwipo first death, bot and mid has no prior and he is positioning so bad. Even if it is not chovy, just put some random diamond player here, he is still able to press R after thresh knocked up the graves. And even if chovy is not there, thresh can just lattern aphelios with that slow and stun weapon, he dont even need the stun, graves is dead for sure. I am very surprised that EU top pros cant have a blueprint of how this fight goes. Also, the rift herald one, im very surprised to see that FNC especially Bwipo cant realize that if they traded flashes with HLE they dont win fights, and Bwipo is in such a free positioning while E by thresh, R by kennen simultaneously and chovy willer could easily follow in one second. Also, typical wildcard and EU NA teams who dont know how to play mid game, they are just mindless since lack of game understanding that originate by themselves, and they might be able to play early game only because they are easy to learn that from asian players by watching first several minutes of the game. First several games have less factors to impact so that they could analyse that easily.
And every time LEC LCS and wildcard is hard losing, they just get caught to lose, never seek for chance. If u see LCK and LPL, even the one sided games, the losing side actually seeking for more chances than the winning ones. Only super low elo players in Asia think that u should farm when behind, and even gold players already know u cant farm anymore in most cases when behind, but EU and NA high elo players obviously dont. They think farm when behind and perma engage when ahead XD.
A lot of this game just feels like a disjointed, demotivated team. FNC has every reason to feel this way with not having Upset there. Bwipos face as they came on stage was not happy. There is a very evident negative energy effect around the team as they sit down. You can't win a game with mental that just isn't in the game. I hope FNC is able to bounce back, but there seems much more here than we know. The better mental won this game.
Bwipo changed his bio to “ex FNC top laner” and unfollowed all FNC accounts. Might have a situation like nemesis last year where someone finds out they’re out while worlds still going on
Yeah that's not how he showed up on stage normally, nemesis fucked up in how he worded it and was disrespect to upset but man there is something up for sure
Hey don't worry, this is directly from dotesports: "he’s considered one of the best AD carries outside of the LEC.". Forget about viper, ruler, etc... BEAN is considered better or on their level.
Fnatic is astonishing. A basically flawless first five minutes of macro play followed by two absolutely moronic moves (bwipo on crab and rift herald with no combat stats fight). Fnatic sometimes look like they have no idea how their compositions work.
I'm starting to think that role swapping to jungle makes you a better have such a different perspective Ambition did it too and it clearly worked out for him
Phreak is the best because he caught the fact that Nisqy wasn't ahead after the gank. People ignore gold / item advantage too much and just say "More kills/Assists = ahead." Phreak pays attention to game states
I was actually thinking that FNC would get 2nd (even tho I'd like for HLE to get it since Chovy ♥), but after this match.... they have no fucking chance.
I feel like you could see how much upset was missing sadly. It seemed as if they just hoped that bean wouldnt get stomped and therefore never really fought on their own terms. Of course there were many mistakes as well, however its a shame to not see how they would play like if Upset was there ;( I hope Upset is doing fine though ;(
It kind of sucks that after all this time he FINALLY makes it to worlds for something to happen in his familly. I do hope everything will be sorted out and all will be ok.
@@lucius6449 this situation is very stinky. No one really knows what's happening, it can be either offical FNC statetmant version, or it can be sell out of upset to g2
Definitely what makes me upset about Bean, he plays way too passive. If he flash, then Hyli won't need to die there. Looks like a solo queue to me, but it must be because of lack of duo-ing.
honestly the game setup more or less was actually doing it to themselves. Top was autolose and bot was the rookie vs deft. Only through bwipos and adams early plays fnc got their lead but they HAD to press play after play to even sustain it since they were bleeding gold top and bot the whole time. at that point one shitplay seals the deal and that was herald.
@@Albertrossus yeah herald was the one that sealed their fate but I think it was due to an earlier play where Bwipo dies greeding for scuttle where HLE reversed the game. FNC had momentum when they got FB on Chovy, but when that scuttle skirmish happened, Bwipo disrespected the set up HLE had on the bot side of the map. Deft and Vista had prio, Chovy had Prio. There was no reason for him to stay there when he saw willer walking up with vista.
I think a lot of people are ignoring Adam. Like, I understand that he is building full tank because he is playing a safe lane and wants to dive a lot, but tank sett has been nerfed so many times that it is garbage now. He basically made it known to everyone on the enemy team that he will play passive in the top lane by buying bamis cinder, so lee knew he had all the prio in the world top side. Kennen gets free farm too. It creates so much pressure because Adam is a sitting duck in the early game as he has 0 kill pressure and Bwipo has to match any objectives taken by lee instead of farming and going for picks. Bwipo can't go top, because the whole team comp is reliant on bot winning. Yes bot lane is what lost it for FNC, but the whole team comp is essentially reliant on mf and graves getting big, it sucks.
No one underestimates the LCK. A lot of people have DK as their pick to win worlds and you saw how they SMASHED FPX whos is the other team everyone has as their pick to win. However HLE is the 4th LCK team and FNC is the second, so most people did expect fnatic to perform.
@@christopherryu9210 Same here. That loss to TL doesn't mean MAD can't still win their group. ALso I never expected MAD to 6-0 the group. THe only team I believe will do that is EDG, because I do think RNG will drop 1 game (vs who exactly not sure) and FPX will take their revenge on DK.
@@hibi9440 This has more to do with FNC, it has been at least 4 years of this Riot English broadcast being completely biased towards EU and NA teams, they even made a segment to talk well about Bean, the FNC ADC sub, before this match.
Tbh fnc and t1 are the kind of teams you always root for if youre an old league player. These are OG teams. So naturally everyones a bit biased. But this newbie squad seems like a mistake tbh
Quoting InvenGlobal "Upset is returning home from Worlds 2021 abruptly and just before Fnatic's first game at the event due to an urgent family matter, a situation in which Fnatic has asked for privacy for its AD carry. "
Farmer Bwipo sad, with all the lead he was busy growing crops, he was non existent after the initial stage, casters were praising him to be the next jungle god, against a blind man and a dude with a gun in early phase. They should’ve paused at the second team fight or the third, they had so many missed opportunities, maybe they would’ve won. Reasons could be, Nisqy thought realm warp was the opponents ability, or Bwipos screen literally went to next dimension and came back. Adam couldn’t 1v5 so it must be a bug. So many opportunities, sad.
Bwipo with the tensed face is like seeing the class clown in school suddenly wears the ready-to-murder-anyone face. Something fucked up really happened, we don't even need the clarity from it
I feal so bad for all of them... but being a business coach myself... i feel a lot with yamato... situation musst be fucked... it will be so hard to get the team into a kind of playable state... after all what they have achieved in eu playoffs its just hard to see that they cant perform to their potential... let us hope everything ends up healthy... the games just beeing second priority
People still don't like Phreak cause of the puns and jokes, but I feel like he's really leveled up his casting over the last couple years. He knows a lot about the game and provides some decent number crunched analysis as a play-by-play caster.
@@longers1028 NA casters dont know anything about the game compared to casters from the other regions. Personally this is the reason id rather listen somebody else.
@@michalskalski1376 I'm not saying that Phreak knows deep analysis of macro or things like that. His knowledge is more on numbers and stats of champions, abilities, items, etc. It might not necessarily be analysis, but it definitely adds to the discussion.
Yet more evidence of how blatantly biased and lame the casters are: "Oh Bwipo neutered Willer! He is the one of the BEST junglers!"; "Deft got the Bean treatment!"; "Chovy got first blooded!" A few minutes later? "Oh uhm looks like HLE is ahead..they are doing quite well" This was another hard stomp by the LCK and not even their top 3 representatives from Summer. The entire caster desk got CASTrated by HLE.
bro the casters cast in english, they are casting for a western audience, of course they are biased towards them and ofc they are gonna hype them because that is what fits their audience. Same with french casters hyping every move adam does when FNC plays a game. Same with Korean casters hyping korean teams and chinese casters hyping chinese teams etc... If you don't understand that you don't get how casting works
honestly, he seems to always perform at his best on trundle and veigo. veigo is busted, but he was banned. trundle is oppressive in pro play, but not god for FNC's team comp. I think they picked graves purely as a counter to lee sin.
@@AstolfoBestWaifu1 True but he could have invaded more I felt Anyways EU looking like a dumpster fire MAD lost to TL FNC to HLE Dang guess we were over expecting from them also LPL ( Even RNG did struggle a bit) Still is early but yea
@@Sivzram it's two games, doesn't really say anything, fnc without upset though would never have been favored to even make it out of groups, it would be a huge surprise. Invading without prio anywhere is difficult and a risk, on the other hand he clears faster due to his advantage, so he can snowball by just clearing. I think it makes sense to fault him for teamfights to some extent, but when Adam basically lost a huge amount of waves throughout the game, nisqy was getting clapped, hyli was inting with bad engages, and bean just didn't exist, its just a shitty team performance. Upset changes a lot because with him Fnatic were able to consistently get prio and a consistent late game carry. Now bwipo and nisqy have to carry, and bwipo is notorious for randomly mispositioning. Nisqy should be fine if he's not going up vs chovy.
I just worry that other regions will not allow cheesy level 1s to ruin their games. Bwipo deserves some well earned respect but I dont think we saw too many games from him during the splits and season finals where he didn't get a good slice of cheese early on.
Dude. Lee's laners stepped up. That's rare in a soloque environment. Imagine the rest of your team, griefs and types jungle diff while they're at it and just waits on ff every few minutes. On top of all that, rest of us just plays ranked games to ease off from work,school or paperworks/deadlines... Imagine the baggage.
@@TheCapable and imagine Lee doesn't tilt, plays the game get some good kicks off to set his team up for success as best as he can. I think you missed my point, which is if everybody stopped tilting the heck out of themselves then more games would be winnable. If you play them out you're going to win some of them and get a bit more LP than you'd otherwise get. Because whatever your elo, you might be bad and not able to take advantage or play as safe as the pros, but you're playing against other guys who are at your level and will make the same kinds of mistakes. I hate 20 minutes surrenders, because I'm rarely in a game that at 20 minutes seems unwinnable. I've won four v fives where the rest of my team was behind and our mid laner just pieced out. Of course I got lucky to get fed on Illaoi, but I've held out games as victor, sivir, Zac and poppy long enough to let my team catch up. I've had games with my jungler got crapped on like that, and I just put in chat, it's all right man, you got royally fucked, just ignore lanes and focus on farm, we can give up a couple drags and you can get back into the game. It works like 20% of the time (optimistic maybe?), and hopefully the other layers know from that chat that they're not getting jungle pressure so they need to adjust. Acknowledging them in a non-negative way I find helps stop others from immediately flaming them, because there's a plan and people do react to your vibe and match tone more often than not. Play champs that can push out and get map control when they need to instead of cheesy "op" champs that are useless if they're not fed. If I'm mid and can do it, which usually I can because I like playing Galio mid who out pushes anyone early in mid lane, I'll let the jungler know that I intend to get lane prio so that I can hover his side of the jungle between waves to stop any more invades. And I'll roam when I can and ping my jungler to catch my wave if it's pushing towards me. Same on backing to buy. Regardless of what the rest of your team is doing or saying, you can take the appropriate actions to help get your team on track. And before you say anything, yeah there are going to be plenty of games where that jungler melts down, someone else melts down, or everyone's inting, maybe even yourself, I know I have, and there's really nothing that's gonna work. But if you approach it positively it'll definitely result in more wins than getting caught up on a bunch of negativity from your team.
@@TheCapable btw, I am a single father of 3 kids under 8, all in school, and work a full time job, and I wish those were the biggest stresses in my life because just those things alone would be easy in comparison. I understand baggage. It's just toxic and immature to take that stuff out on other people. You need to bury your feelings deep inside and just keep smiling 😬 Oooooor get a therapist if you want to be a truly healthy, baggage-free human being and stuff weighs on you that much.
@@Alex-dh2cx honestly after reading this. I've played since season 2, got 1 account banned. staying optimistic is quite a feat that I'm starting to see that you have(taking the time to expound what you meant) but thing is, not everyone is like you. And honestly wished it were like that. On my region, players just like playing carry(squishy champions, whom are crammed with abilities but the skill ceiling is to high), with no respect to offense/defense, does not care whether they are in the wrong, especially when they think 'they had that' when all they had to do was sit in lane, farm exp, punishing basic stuff(if their lane opponent responds to a team fight bot or top, would it be better to take plates and play for yourself for the chance to carry?) and yes, the amount of times I hear that(maybe we can just talk to them, ask them if they can assist you do this and that...) To a point i just turned off chat from the game. It pains me that after taking every appropriate steps on what you just said(even switching main roles, from top to Jung, jung to mid, mid to support, support to jung for every 2 seasons i try to mix it up. Just so i can understand what can that jungler do. Or how/when that carry/mage/bruiser will go online and so on. I main Shen and Jax. Honestly. Its hard to carry games(like u said supporting jungle as galio) where they take for granted your ult, and just perma skrimmish taking dumb fights for no reason. 'In the vod, the lee played passive and just tried scaling back in the game' well in my country thats what we call "sana all" we can only wish to have that healthy and chill vibe... But as you said it also depends on the "vibe". Thats the problem with chat..... I may mean this like a jokingly approach/manner. But will you be able to hear my 'tone'??? That kinda defeats the purpose amongst people who just easing their stress on a game that says " ranked" and they just want to distress. (stucked on plat for 7 seasons what do you want from me?) Hey, mad respects for having 3 beatiful children. But even if you had 10... They will never try to be as better like you... Cause they think they are better... Or in their thinking/logic... Theyd just laugh at you to the infinity, after me choosing not to respo dumb fights anymore and getting myself killed for taking those flipcoin fights.
@@Alex-dh2cx I honestly got a theraphist, then when i asked my ex if she could come with me one of my sessions... That path for my betterment became all bout her. 🤣. I'd wish there are more people like you.. Mad respects Alex. And i hope you and your kids are always safe and well.
Awful game to watch. Not Bean's fault, he couldn't do more with Intyssang afk all game. It's really sad Upset can't be here. I hope he'll be back and for the next year they will change support + jungler.
@@Lilmajudi 3rd line here means that they should not even be qualified for worlds, they got #8 out of 10 in LCK with 39%wr. And as i know, any random guy from secondary league can beat EU top players. Thats why u guys saw new person each year in worlds. Ik someone is NA 900lp in 180ms and he cant even enter academy teams in china(him < academy < LDL < LPL) with academy storing at least 10+ players each team. Imagine 3 random students from CN and HK can be OCE champion and going to worlds XDDD. While NA and EU is still focusing about their talented high lp chally new players, CN and KR have hundreds of such players and someone dont even have a chance to be an academy player.
@@Lilmajudi Btw as i know in NA most diamond international students from asia are ranged from gold-d4 in CN at least, and china has 31 such servers, which even one of them already have more people than whole NA.
For whatever it’s worth, Fnc has one extra fan from NA this worlds. I wanted to see Upset at worlds so badly man, and I hope whatever’s going on has the best outcome possible.
One more from Korea, its going to be hard but TPA had done it, FPX (looking back now they aren't really a underdog but at the time we thought) It's possible.
@@tae-whankim9821 he is talking about Upset(the player) haha
What's this? A rare NA fan that doesn't hate EU? Good shit mate, this region hate is fucking stupid.
@@Neluv I do enjoy good banter, competition, and memes, but i definitely agree that region hate is really stupid. It also takes some of the fun out of it too for me. Some of these fans get way too worked up and toxic over this stuff.
Where is Upset?
Bwipo had a great lead, the casters are praising and hope he will carry the game but church of chovy is stronger.
He could just clear camps and invade with adam but instead they opt to team fight which HLE has a better setup.
this is everything gap forget about chovy 🤣
That lead doesnt indicate the jungle player gap at all. HLE strategy didnt expect that invade at all, and unfortunately Willer is starting raptors with E and planning to clear red and krugs in order to gank bot.(Thats how lee solo starts when bot dont have lane prior and lane will be freeze at lv2, also bot champs are easily trigger fights. The reason solo start is for bot to be in position earlier.) Chovy also did this before as a jungler lee sin. Bwipo is actually beaten by Willer so hard since he is keep investing himslef, did nothing but inted 2 kills to HLE in critical points and waste all his advantage early game. And u know what, in s10 worlds bootcamp Selfmade had lv1 graves versus a lv5 nidalee in super server, does that indicates player gap? Maybe, since EU and NA junglers dont know how the game works. Imagine a random asian jungler even from secondary league can beat Western famous player so hard. Can LEC teams gap their academy team such hard the way how asian teams won them? HLE #8 out of 10 in LCK with 39%wr summer split btw. Imagine random international students can be challenger in EU and NA and have a great ratio in high elo, and a random KR gm pro could reach EUW chally 1000lp 70%wr. How massive gap could that be?
@@platanusroad7685 calm down, Bwipo issue came from the fact that botlane never had the prio because of Bean, that got bot diffed already in eum. With Upset bot it would have been over.
look at Bwipo first death, bot and mid has no prior and he is positioning so bad. Even if it is not chovy, just put some random diamond player here, he is still able to press R after thresh knocked up the graves. And even if chovy is not there, thresh can just lattern aphelios with that slow and stun weapon, he dont even need the stun, graves is dead for sure. I am very surprised that EU top pros cant have a blueprint of how this fight goes. Also, the rift herald one, im very surprised to see that FNC especially Bwipo cant realize that if they traded flashes with HLE they dont win fights, and Bwipo is in such a free positioning while E by thresh, R by kennen simultaneously and chovy willer could easily follow in one second. Also, typical wildcard and EU NA teams who dont know how to play mid game, they are just mindless since lack of game understanding that originate by themselves, and they might be able to play early game only because they are easy to learn that from asian players by watching first several minutes of the game. First several games have less factors to impact so that they could analyse that easily.
And every time LEC LCS and wildcard is hard losing, they just get caught to lose, never seek for chance. If u see LCK and LPL, even the one sided games, the losing side actually seeking for more chances than the winning ones. Only super low elo players in Asia think that u should farm when behind, and even gold players already know u cant farm anymore in most cases when behind, but EU and NA high elo players obviously dont. They think farm when behind and perma engage when ahead XD.
Kobe mixing up 300 and Gladiator, unforgivable D:
Haha, still funny commentary though
Off with the head!
A lot of this game just feels like a disjointed, demotivated team. FNC has every reason to feel this way with not having Upset there. Bwipos face as they came on stage was not happy. There is a very evident negative energy effect around the team as they sit down. You can't win a game with mental that just isn't in the game. I hope FNC is able to bounce back, but there seems much more here than we know. The better mental won this game.
Bwipo changed his bio to “ex FNC top laner” and unfollowed all FNC accounts. Might have a situation like nemesis last year where someone finds out they’re out while worlds still going on
@@lukaskrause6022 Whatever the reasons, the team is suffering mentally. That mental storm is going to impact them.
@@zhejabello658 Bwipo changed his bio to "ex fnc top laner"???? That's definitely some breaking news right there. Think about it
@@docarwell he did that right before they announced his switch from top to jungle. It’s not serious
@@wagbager yes I know. That's why I replied to the guy saying it was some sort of sign the team was blowing up
2:37 this situation around FNC must be really intense, look at bwipo's face
like he is about to murder smbdy wtf??
Yeah that's not how he showed up on stage normally, nemesis fucked up in how he worded it and was disrespect to upset but man there is something up for sure
@@jorrevandekerckhove9818 his gf replied something about "wife debuff", im worried more about upset
@@janos2318 can you expand on this?
@@Habeev07 how do you know it isn't something serious? A video game isn't these guys only thing. They are human then player not player than human.
Sucks that Upset isn’t here :/
Hey don't worry, this is directly from dotesports: "he’s considered one of the best AD carries outside of the LEC.". Forget about viper, ruler, etc... BEAN is considered better or on their level.
@@vktesla9513 ah yes, the experts in league from dotesports..
why is not ?
nemesis was right its not about family issue lol
@@emilianomendoza4591 family problems
Fnatic is astonishing. A basically flawless first five minutes of macro play followed by two absolutely moronic moves (bwipo on crab and rift herald with no combat stats fight). Fnatic sometimes look like they have no idea how their compositions work.
g2 lost to those crips...😔 sad euw
@@moestinschmander that's because G2 is worse than them.
@@geskiez1954 yikes bad take
@@geskiez1954 and is that something to be proud of as an eu fan?
@@davidpereznavarro601 not really
chovy looses flash and gets killed by adam. still 20 cs up on nisqy at 10mins, wuut?
fnc top laner and jungler were griefing him the whole time too
Oh, there's a ryze? Just realized 😂
@@hyunjaycho9004 true af
I'm starting to think that role swapping to jungle makes you a better have such a different perspective
Ambition did it too and it clearly worked out for him
He couldnt khazix transform in mid so they made him do it in jg
Game starts at 11:15
thank you
Willer did a great job powering through that rough start like damn
The willer mentality though, he stood strong despite being so behind.
And that leads him to victory
sure cuz he was rigged to win
anyone appart from me noticed the ring on bwipos chest? he didnt show that one before did he?!
Phreak is the best because he caught the fact that Nisqy wasn't ahead after the gank. People ignore gold / item advantage too much and just say "More kills/Assists = ahead." Phreak pays attention to game states
Anyone know what the pick/ban music is?
Well after today it seems we will have 4 korean and 4 chineese teams in the quarters.
I was actually thinking that FNC would get 2nd (even tho I'd like for HLE to get it since Chovy ♥), but after this match.... they have no fucking chance.
mad lions will go through, they're actually really, really good, can't say for any of the rest though
I think TL will go through
@@damjanbabic6768 they won't even get second
@@thestoebz You're probably unaware of how good they are then. If you knew you'd know that that team has no business getting eliminated in groups.
I feel like you could see how much upset was missing sadly. It seemed as if they just hoped that bean wouldnt get stomped and therefore never really fought on their own terms. Of course there were many mistakes as well, however its a shame to not see how they would play like if Upset was there ;( I hope Upset is doing fine though ;(
It kind of sucks that after all this time he FINALLY makes it to worlds for something to happen in his familly. I do hope everything will be sorted out and all will be ok.
what happened to his family?
@@lucius6449 this situation is very stinky. No one really knows what's happening, it can be either offical FNC statetmant version, or it can be sell out of upset to g2
@@bartoszboboryko4684 you are so wrong about g2 staff. No player of upset caliber would be denied of a world stage game.
That is just silly gossip
@@5TA1KR of course , im soo wrong that the entire teams mental is yeeting , noone of the players commented on the situation , use your head a little
프나틱이 초반 설계를 한화보다 잘했는데, 실제로 굉장히 큰차이로 벌릴 수도 있는 상황이었다고 생각하지만 그 이상으로 선수들 개인의 실력차가 있던 것 같다...
Upset leaving was the reason and bean beeing a rookie
I can completely imagine Hyli at 18:25 telling Bean to flash and kill him, but bean just didnt want to and then hyli took the kill himself
Definitely what makes me upset about Bean, he plays way too passive. If he flash, then Hyli won't need to die there.
Looks like a solo queue to me, but it must be because of lack of duo-ing.
I didn't even watch this game but comp diff is crazy, how on earth do you pick Ryze/Sett/Graves into KENNEN YASUO 200YEARS AND LEE SIN
I get that FNC might be disorganized with the fact that Upset will not be present but it's concerning to see them lose an early lead like that.
honestly the game setup more or less was actually doing it to themselves. Top was autolose and bot was the rookie vs deft. Only through bwipos and adams early plays fnc got their lead but they HAD to press play after play to even sustain it since they were bleeding gold top and bot the whole time.
at that point one shitplay seals the deal and that was herald.
@@Albertrossus yeah herald was the one that sealed their fate but I think it was due to an earlier play where Bwipo dies greeding for scuttle where HLE reversed the game. FNC had momentum when they got FB on Chovy, but when that scuttle skirmish happened, Bwipo disrespected the set up HLE had on the bot side of the map. Deft and Vista had prio, Chovy had Prio. There was no reason for him to stay there when he saw willer walking up with vista.
Biwpo super mad 12:59
Wow, 3 Rookies in Fncs worlds team. Adam, Bean and this new guy Nidgy who really looks like Nisqy not gonna lie
Why did Adam go sunfire? Just, why??
I think a lot of people are ignoring Adam. Like, I understand that he is building full tank because he is playing a safe lane and wants to dive a lot, but tank sett has been nerfed so many times that it is garbage now. He basically made it known to everyone on the enemy team that he will play passive in the top lane by buying bamis cinder, so lee knew he had all the prio in the world top side. Kennen gets free farm too. It creates so much pressure because Adam is a sitting duck in the early game as he has 0 kill pressure and Bwipo has to match any objectives taken by lee instead of farming and going for picks. Bwipo can't go top, because the whole team comp is reliant on bot winning. Yes bot lane is what lost it for FNC, but the whole team comp is essentially reliant on mf and graves getting big, it sucks.
Why are these videos up and not epicskillshot?
Other channels besides this can only upload Worlds content 24 hours after its initial broadcast.
It just hasn't been taken down yet. There. 24 hr rule that stops this from happening
Guess people is still not aware of it, but, this is an official Riot channel for the VODs.
@@tensei3104 I'm aware, I'm just shitposting in comments. Be well ppl 💪🏼
Why upset dont play ?
This game is an example of how much of early handicap is not enough for FNC to win against HLE.
2:36. Holy fuck, bwipo does look furious.
lck won 6times in recent 8 worlds. and still some people underrate lck
No one underestimates the LCK. A lot of people have DK as their pick to win worlds and you saw how they SMASHED FPX whos is the other team everyone has as their pick to win. However HLE is the 4th LCK team and FNC is the second, so most people did expect fnatic to perform.
@@endefisto123 people do otherwise in the pick em mad lion wouldn't be #1 and geng will have a spot in the top 2
not just underrated more like hated
@@triggerbutton9208 Hated? Why?
@@christopherryu9210 Same here. That loss to TL doesn't mean MAD can't still win their group. ALso I never expected MAD to 6-0 the group. THe only team I believe will do that is EDG, because I do think RNG will drop 1 game (vs who exactly not sure) and FPX will take their revenge on DK.
the caster hoping fnc won, lol
Phreak said on his twitter that hanwha wont make it out of play-ins lol. He hates hanwha that much.
@@hibi9440 This has more to do with FNC, it has been at least 4 years of this Riot English broadcast being completely biased towards EU and NA teams, they even made a segment to talk well about Bean, the FNC ADC sub, before this match.
Tbh fnc and t1 are the kind of teams you always root for if youre an old league player. These are OG teams. So naturally everyones a bit biased. But this newbie squad seems like a mistake tbh
@@firebolt3976 true.
i waited a long time to now not see this roster at worlds, this is so sad i hope the reason upset is missing is worth it
Wait fnc bean? What am I missing?
Upset had to go to german for family problems
@@simoneirno6108 ty
Love seeing yasuo in worlds
41:46 HLE didn't lose a single member what an impecable team fight from their side.
Chovy looking like Pz zzang with that skin
Jg gap 100% hahahaha poor Bwippo dude.. it sux to lose like this playing like he did.
It was a nice trick in the early jungle but the Korean team prevailed because EU has no mental.
Why upset isn't here ?
personal matters
@@andoroi2787 yeah but why
Quoting InvenGlobal
"Upset is returning home from Worlds 2021 abruptly and just before Fnatic's first game at the event due to an urgent family matter, a situation in which Fnatic has asked for privacy for its AD carry. "
@@st3xarofficiel987 it must be pretty important to make him miss his first and maybe last worlds
@@Reia.P damn, whatever it may be, hope it will be all good in the end
I remember watching the 2018 hylissang braum using that skin, ahh, nostalgia
Farmer Bwipo sad, with all the lead he was busy growing crops, he was non existent after the initial stage, casters were praising him to be the next jungle god, against a blind man and a dude with a gun in early phase. They should’ve paused at the second team fight or the third, they had so many missed opportunities, maybe they would’ve won. Reasons could be, Nisqy thought realm warp was the opponents ability, or Bwipos screen literally went to next dimension and came back. Adam couldn’t 1v5 so it must be a bug. So many opportunities, sad.
The salt is strong with this one
FNC was so intense comparing to Playoffs. Imo something bigger happened in the team what we know.
Bwipo with the tensed face is like seeing the class clown in school suddenly wears the ready-to-murder-anyone face. Something fucked up really happened, we don't even need the clarity from it
These 3 balance each other so well on cast
I feal so bad for all of them... but being a business coach myself... i feel a lot with yamato... situation musst be fucked... it will be so hard to get the team into a kind of playable state... after all what they have achieved in eu playoffs its just hard to see that they cant perform to their potential... let us hope everything ends up healthy... the games just beeing second priority
HLE: we thought the wildcard groups were over
The holy trinity of casters Vedi Kobbe Phreaky, nice one
People still don't like Phreak cause of the puns and jokes, but I feel like he's really leveled up his casting over the last couple years. He knows a lot about the game and provides some decent number crunched analysis as a play-by-play caster.
@@longers1028 NA casters dont know anything about the game compared to casters from the other regions. Personally this is the reason id rather listen somebody else.
@@michalskalski1376 I'm not saying that Phreak knows deep analysis of macro or things like that. His knowledge is more on numbers and stats of champions, abilities, items, etc. It might not necessarily be analysis, but it definitely adds to the discussion.
Did we just forget about flowers?
I don’t like vedi he laughs at his own jokes 24/7 and tries to correct his fellow casters.
Yet more evidence of how blatantly biased and lame the casters are:
"Oh Bwipo neutered Willer! He is the one of the BEST junglers!"; "Deft got the Bean treatment!"; "Chovy got first blooded!"
A few minutes later? "Oh uhm looks like HLE is ahead..they are doing quite well"
This was another hard stomp by the LCK and not even their top 3 representatives from Summer. The entire caster desk got CASTrated by HLE.
too much cringe on these casters ngl
Maybe because you're watching the English channel, try watching the Koreans channel. Bit of life advice for you
bro the casters cast in english, they are casting for a western audience, of course they are biased towards them and ofc they are gonna hype them because that is what fits their audience. Same with french casters hyping every move adam does when FNC plays a game. Same with Korean casters hyping korean teams and chinese casters hyping chinese teams etc... If you don't understand that you don't get how casting works
That Graves doesn't know how to use their advantages in early game to win at all. He lacks the most important ability for a jungler: snowballing.
Yet he's a pro player at worlds and you're hardstuck gold 2k games
You can't snowball as a jungler when your every single lane is getting eventually destroyed
@@shade4033 but the fact that bwipo lost his advantage in mere seconds
nothing surprise to see Koreans stomping EU
I feel like bwipo really needs to be on an engage champ, although I understand the reasons toward why they picked graves.
Honestly, just give him Volibear I don't care what the meta is
Nah. Better be on wukong
honestly, he seems to always perform at his best on trundle and veigo. veigo is busted, but he was banned. trundle is oppressive in pro play, but not god for FNC's team comp. I think they picked graves purely as a counter to lee sin.
Lec is nothing wo g2 lol
This year they talked about other teams rising to G2's level, but it seems to me that G2 just dropped off completely
hyllissang plays so agressive. dies so many times.. An ADC with 0 kills so bad, if they keep like this they might just pack up and leave
Yeah that was depressing to watch. Poor Hylisang was still playing his brains out early.
@@Robert-xn3dc but he allways does the same thing. Kind a looked like a rookie team fnatic. And i am a fan of fnatic but was very disapointing
For a guy who has not payed a lot of attention, whu is bean adc atm?? I thought upset was there adc 😮
Bean is a last minute substitution, Upset had to go back to Berlin to deal with a family emergency
Bwipo really threw this one
You're so ahead as graves against a new jungler in WILLER yet you barely impact any lanes or invade smh
Impossible to play, when all of your lanes are losing individually and you have prio no where.
He didn't play the tfs that well, that's true.
@@AstolfoBestWaifu1 True but he could have invaded more I felt
Anyways EU looking like a dumpster fire
MAD lost to TL
Dang guess we were over expecting from them also LPL ( Even RNG did struggle a bit)
Still is early but yea
@@Sivzram He has no priority in any lane plus thresh was roaming a lot. So I doubt there was much he can do there.
@@CT-gc5rt yes Vesta smurfed on Hilly lol
Welp KR looking strong asf
Let's see how it goes
@@Sivzram it's two games, doesn't really say anything, fnc without upset though would never have been favored to even make it out of groups, it would be a huge surprise.
Invading without prio anywhere is difficult and a risk, on the other hand he clears faster due to his advantage, so he can snowball by just clearing.
I think it makes sense to fault him for teamfights to some extent, but when Adam basically lost a huge amount of waves throughout the game, nisqy was getting clapped, hyli was inting with bad engages, and bean just didn't exist, its just a shitty team performance.
Upset changes a lot because with him Fnatic were able to consistently get prio and a consistent late game carry.
Now bwipo and nisqy have to carry, and bwipo is notorious for randomly mispositioning. Nisqy should be fine if he's not going up vs chovy.
wooooow. what is this, Nisqy trying to be the new, Nemesis? Fanatic just can't get a good mid, anymore.
I feel kind of bad for Bwipo.
It's sad cuz he usually roams a lot
mucho bla con bwipo, pero una vez más Fnatic se va humillado por Corea
EU starting rough this year, lets hope our teams can come back for the revenge! At least FNC is looking decent, MAD was so sad to watch.
Yeah.. Sad lions made this look decent
@@triggerbutton9208 Fnatic had a very rough throw, mainly adam's build and scuttle
Honestly gotta praise willer for holding onto his mental this game
I just worry that other regions will not allow cheesy level 1s to ruin their games. Bwipo deserves some well earned respect but I dont think we saw too many games from him during the splits and season finals where he didn't get a good slice of cheese early on.
brruuuh referencing This is Adam as Gladiator 😭😭
Bean just using his ult whenever he shouldn't lol halfway through the match and he hasn't done anything with it both times he used it
Sjokz wearing a suit jacket yesterday followed by emily wearing a SHORT SLEEVE SUIT JACKET today!? Beat that.
do you really trust if there is Upset, Fnc can beat Chovy??
Chovy is the best mid laner at the moment.
It might be same.
You know its a team based game right? Chovy might be good, but without a team that solo queue shit wont work
I mean there would be a better chance, if upset was here yes
Who doesnt know the famous movie quote: "THIS IS GLADIATOR" No spartans or greeks involved. 100% rome.
Vista on 23 of 25 kills ahahah, HLE were so strong damn
Chovy is insane ..I'm happy I got see my main champ yasuo ...
I wish negative players would watch this, seeing how far behind lee sin was and he was still able to be impactful and make it back into the game.
Dude. Lee's laners stepped up.
That's rare in a soloque environment.
Imagine the rest of your team, griefs and types jungle diff while they're at it and just waits on ff every few minutes.
On top of all that, rest of us just plays ranked games to ease off from work,school or paperworks/deadlines... Imagine the baggage.
@@TheCapable and imagine Lee doesn't tilt, plays the game get some good kicks off to set his team up for success as best as he can.
I think you missed my point, which is if everybody stopped tilting the heck out of themselves then more games would be winnable. If you play them out you're going to win some of them and get a bit more LP than you'd otherwise get.
Because whatever your elo, you might be bad and not able to take advantage or play as safe as the pros, but you're playing against other guys who are at your level and will make the same kinds of mistakes.
I hate 20 minutes surrenders, because I'm rarely in a game that at 20 minutes seems unwinnable. I've won four v fives where the rest of my team was behind and our mid laner just pieced out. Of course I got lucky to get fed on Illaoi, but I've held out games as victor, sivir, Zac and poppy long enough to let my team catch up.
I've had games with my jungler got crapped on like that, and I just put in chat, it's all right man, you got royally fucked, just ignore lanes and focus on farm, we can give up a couple drags and you can get back into the game.
It works like 20% of the time (optimistic maybe?), and hopefully the other layers know from that chat that they're not getting jungle pressure so they need to adjust. Acknowledging them in a non-negative way I find helps stop others from immediately flaming them, because there's a plan and people do react to your vibe and match tone more often than not.
Play champs that can push out and get map control when they need to instead of cheesy "op" champs that are useless if they're not fed. If I'm mid and can do it, which usually I can because I like playing Galio mid who out pushes anyone early in mid lane, I'll let the jungler know that I intend to get lane prio so that I can hover his side of the jungle between waves to stop any more invades.
And I'll roam when I can and ping my jungler to catch my wave if it's pushing towards me. Same on backing to buy.
Regardless of what the rest of your team is doing or saying, you can take the appropriate actions to help get your team on track.
And before you say anything, yeah there are going to be plenty of games where that jungler melts down, someone else melts down, or everyone's inting, maybe even yourself, I know I have, and there's really nothing that's gonna work. But if you approach it positively it'll definitely result in more wins than getting caught up on a bunch of negativity from your team.
@@TheCapable btw, I am a single father of 3 kids under 8, all in school, and work a full time job, and I wish those were the biggest stresses in my life because just those things alone would be easy in comparison. I understand baggage.
It's just toxic and immature to take that stuff out on other people. You need to bury your feelings deep inside and just keep smiling 😬 Oooooor get a therapist if you want to be a truly healthy, baggage-free human being and stuff weighs on you that much.
@@Alex-dh2cx honestly after reading this.
I've played since season 2, got 1 account banned. staying optimistic is quite a feat that I'm starting to see that you have(taking the time to expound what you meant) but thing is, not everyone is like you. And honestly wished it were like that.
On my region, players just like playing carry(squishy champions, whom are crammed with abilities but the skill ceiling is to high), with no respect to offense/defense, does not care whether they are in the wrong, especially when they think 'they had that' when all they had to do was sit in lane, farm exp, punishing basic stuff(if their lane opponent responds to a team fight bot or top, would it be better to take plates and play for yourself for the chance to carry?) and yes, the amount of times I hear that(maybe we can just talk to them, ask them if they can assist you do this and that...) To a point i just turned off chat from the game.
It pains me that after taking every appropriate steps on what you just said(even switching main roles, from top to Jung, jung to mid, mid to support, support to jung for every 2 seasons i try to mix it up. Just so i can understand what can that jungler do. Or how/when that carry/mage/bruiser will go online and so on.
I main Shen and Jax. Honestly. Its hard to carry games(like u said supporting jungle as galio) where they take for granted your ult, and just perma skrimmish taking dumb fights for no reason. 'In the vod, the lee played passive and just tried scaling back in the game' well in my country thats what we call "sana all" we can only wish to have that healthy and chill vibe...
But as you said it also depends on the "vibe". Thats the problem with chat..... I may mean this like a jokingly approach/manner. But will you be able to hear my 'tone'??? That kinda defeats the purpose amongst people who just easing their stress on a game that says " ranked" and they just want to distress.
(stucked on plat for 7 seasons what do you want from me?)
Hey, mad respects for having 3 beatiful children.
But even if you had 10... They will never try to be as better like you... Cause they think they are better...
Or in their thinking/logic... Theyd just laugh at you to the infinity, after me choosing not to respo dumb fights anymore and getting myself killed for taking those flipcoin fights.
@@Alex-dh2cx I honestly got a theraphist, then when i asked my ex if she could come with me one of my sessions...
That path for my betterment became all bout her. 🤣.
I'd wish there are more people like you.. Mad respects Alex. And i hope you and your kids are always safe and well.
lck is crazy
That EU bias from the casters was awful.
They're getting worse and worse with it every year.
So true and so annoying
Such a bad luck for FNC. Bean did pretty good tbh, but I doubt they will make to the direct elimination bracket.
LCK No4 winning is no surprise. Neither is EU losing.
bwipo actually was so mad when he was going to stage
Classic Jatt over hyping things and being biased against LCK.
Jatt isnt even on the analyst desk or casting, what are you talking abt
It wasn't Jatt but basically the whole caster desk. Foaming like fangirls.
it's okey eu, we can lose together ^^
ah yes FNC's new mid NIDQY
Didn't do shit
@@io1921 coudnt do anything coz chovy destroys anyone noone can beat chovy in mid
@@io1921 You want a roaming mid to win lane against Chovy?
Bro this girl definitely smashed bein or whatever his name is
Awful game to watch. Not Bean's fault, he couldn't do more with Intyssang afk all game. It's really sad Upset can't be here. I hope he'll be back and for the next year they will change support + jungler.
lmao support and jg are u dumb its clear that the weak points are mid and top
Its solo laners diff fnc should change em after
Hle showed their willing to enter QF
I see what you did there xd
How in the fuck is Hylissang still on this team. This guy for years has been the loss factor for Fnatic.
Somebody tell their faces they won.... most of them look depressed.
lol they r 8th in lck league
No upset no party, so sad
welp it sucks that upset isnt here and fnc is just now done :c. im sorry i do not see FNC getting out of groups, better luck next year.
But of a tragedy really
Intro boys
This is what happens when you wanna look ''aggressive'' but you are not good enough
@@santchojr9693 I wish you'd just G2 21
So sad upset cant be there.
Casters oh so so biased my god
crushed into dust by a 3rd line LCK team lmao
HLE is LCK 4th seed, which makes it even worse LOL.
LCK seeds are 1 - DK 2 - GenG 3 - T1 4 - HLE.
Crushed with a sub who would have thought ?
@@Lilmajudi 3rd line here means that they should not even be qualified for worlds, they got #8 out of 10 in LCK with 39%wr. And as i know, any random guy from secondary league can beat EU top players. Thats why u guys saw new person each year in worlds. Ik someone is NA 900lp in 180ms and he cant even enter academy teams in china(him < academy < LDL < LPL) with academy storing at least 10+ players each team. Imagine 3 random students from CN and HK can be OCE champion and going to worlds XDDD. While NA and EU is still focusing about their talented high lp chally new players, CN and KR have hundreds of such players and someone dont even have a chance to be an academy player.
@@Lilmajudi Btw as i know in NA most diamond international students from asia are ranged from gold-d4 in CN at least, and china has 31 such servers, which even one of them already have more people than whole NA.
Always Fnatic 😭
Miss zero R and dmg
this is just a bad worlds start having mr. bean as your adc
You didn't watch the game if you think Bean was the problem
lo que bwio teda bwipo te lo quito
No upset nah mate
So sad for Upset, it's his first worlds and he can't play
A lot of hopium from the casters and analysis i see. A perma weak side top and you biggest carry not playing and still FNC got this no worries