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Assalamu alaikum I just wanted to mention that at 19:15 Safiyyah bint Abdul Muttalib was brother of Ibn Zubayrs Great Grandfather. Just a correction as Safiyyah was mother of Zubayr. The diagram errs slightly with all due respect. And Allah knows best.
@@KingRapz13 Wa Aleikum Salam. Barakallahu Feekum that is correct, a few others have highlighted it. JazakallAhu Khayran for being thoughtful enough to correct it, much appreciated
@@omarmzaham7248 History is an going war between the satanists like Yaziid and his followers, and Muminiin such as Imam Hussain and his supporters. This battle is not just a historical footnote; it is a stark choice between siding with the enemies of Allah, like Abu Sufyan, Moawiyya, Yaziid or with the rightful leaders, such as the Prophet (pbuh), Imam Ali(sas) and Imam Hussain(sas).
mashallah top class, the last half hour or so was a complete surprise and eye opener to me as someone raised as an orthodox sunni, politically it makes the lines between shia and sunni that much more blurred, theologically speaking there is a wide gap between the two. Learned so much may Allah reward you for your efforts and make your channel grow exponentially
I am glad you decided to uplaod this, sheikh. This presentation was absolutely brilliant and I hoped you would upload it for the public. JazakAllah khayr. Honesty is better!
The saddest thing for a Sunni is to miss out on the infinite wisdom that comes from understanding Karbala and the sacrifice that took place there. The orthodox sunnis and as they’re labelled sufis need to make more effort in passing on this knowledge and remembrance to the majority Sunnis.
@@yasmin4450 most of the sunnis today have nasibi leanings, because Ibn Taymiyyah now a days is hold in such a high regard among sunnis, and he was accused of nasibism by the earlier and later ulama. Ibn Taymiyyah's talking points on ahl bayt are parroted by most of the Sunni preachers and dai's today.
@@heyokah.2519I hear you…but I wouldn’t label the average sunni a nasabi…it’s more the ignorance of such events which help us increase our love for the Prophet (saw) and his family, which goes back to why has it been down played.
@@yasmin4450no, no, I'm not labeling average sunnis at all, I'm just saying what is the main discourse and tendencies among sunnis these days, unfortunately. I am from Balkans and muslims here (and they are sunnis) we're celebrating ahl bayt for centuries. Now a days (because of wahhabis and other such influences) ahl bayt is becoming a tabu topic.
This is about to be good for my plane ride home HISTORYUN - thank you brothers. Because you never know enough about a subject until you go back and retain the information. And nearly 2 hours is beautiful
@@Historyun Bismillah. Was in Istanbul,, though I have been in Tunisia for most of the trip. Thank you for that. I downloaded the video for the first transfer that has no wifi 🫡 - So thanks for covering about 3/4ths of my first transfer! (lol) Barakallhu feek to you and the team as always.
Love your work, glad to see there are Sunnis who are not just following the popular narrative and who are exploring information first hand to confirm as the Quran teaches us to do. May God give you the strength to continue your journey.
@@idrisanimagac.4086 and he was supposed to give it back to the Ahlulbayt and not appoint anyone afterwards. As was the terms of the deal. Or you just conveniently left that part out right
Peace my Bro.I have heard this story many times. But today you really put it in proper context. Thank You. Totally put the context the events , and the peoples involved into perspective.
Just goes to demonstrate that the Sunni Islaam construct that foundations came after this event, is about how those familes who had power before Islaam were able to usurp it back after the death of the prophet and the rightly guided.
Thank you, Thank you for this most informative video that I have ever listened to regarding Ahlul Bayt. I cried for Imam Hussain AS for the first time. This video helped me develop some love for Ahlal Bayt for the first time in my life as a sunni muslim. Thank you. 🙏♥️🤲🏽🕋
As Salaamu A’laikum, I have found this lecture honest and well done. I am Sunni (it seems we have to say that whenever we talk about Karbala) but I agree with you when you say many Sunni gloss over and sanitised this part of our history. Well done.
Brother Alhamdullilah at hour 1:10- you clarified and your not one of these naive people that think muawiyah son did not have direct responsibility to the murder of the Proohets grandson. I believe this was a whole covert revenge opp on the Prophets family from his daughter to Ali to the grandsons. Salute you for this video. Us Sunnah followers need to talk about this and not sweep it under the carpet like majority of Sunni imams
Brother yezid was no boy especially at a time being in your mid twenties you had already been an adult for some time but I have learned a lot from you may Allah bless you in your life and grant your more knowledge.
Jazaak Allahukhair. This video gave me chills sheikh cause how raw it is! (In a good way :). And I got very emotional hearing some of the details of how imam Hussein alaihisalam was martyred. If I have time, I would def. Love to sign up for historyun. Currently, still strengthening my fusha, just need to build my vocabulary in sha Allah. May Allah give us success
The prophet ﷺ is as informed by angel about the killing of Hussain أن النبي قال لإحداهما: لقد دخل علي البيت ملك لم يدخل علي قبلها فقال لي: إن ابنك هذا حسين مقتول، وإن شئت أريتك من تربة الأرض التي يقتل بها. قال: فأخرج تربة حمراء. مسند الإمام أحمد ٢٩٤/٦ An angel entered the house on me, he never entered on me before, and he said to me, ‘this son of yours, al-Hussain, will be killed, and if you wish I can show you the soil from the earth where he will be killed’. Then he took out some red soil”. [Recorded in Musnad al-Imam Ahmad, vol. 6 p. 294]
@historyun, this is a perfect example of knowing the truth but not really understanding the truth. On the day of judgement Allah will not judge you for what you did not know, but you will surely be judged for what you did know and you still didn’t see the real truth. I pray to Allah that he grants you sight to see through the knowledge you have gained to see the truth, to have true “Basira”
There is one big thing, that the sheikh speaking missed. That in the end of times, the ruler of the Muslim world will be from the ahlul bayat, InshAllah- so no matter how much they politicize is, no matter how much they try to hide history, no matter how hard they try to locate him, the last ruler will be the imam from the progeny of Ali ibn talib- But thank you for this informative video, it was a brilliant lecture!
thank you brother. all what is happening around gaza and all the support that palestinian people are getting from shia people and in contrast to the lack of support from sunny countries and armies has changed my thinking a lot and i think the time has come to stop using these separations.
Bukhari 2812 is where it all started.Muawiyah r.a didn't just die and yazid took over as he was named in his will to be his successor. Sulah e Hassan was violated as well.
Well Muawiya are not maqsum...iman and taqwa is not inherited. You can be a very intelligent person but your son can be the most stupid people in earth.
As A African American Muslim, I got A chance to read this story in Prison As A Sunni with No Bias Accept the Samolian Elders in the Mosque where I Learned the Dean had Always said to stay away from the Story & focus on Quran which made me more curious so it will be interesting to hear your take on it
@@andredrake7340 I always say that staying away from these issues may have been a good solution in the age before the internet and globalism but now it is important for Muslims to learn the history in order to protect themselves from the Shia narrative that is taught to them from when they first learn to speak
@@andredrake7340 how can be loving ahlul bait and speaking truth through Hadith be considered staying away from " these topics "? It's a crime against the ummah that we were never told the truth about why Karbala happened
@@yxmxxn a topic as important as this shouldn't just be learned to 'learn how to refute shias' or whatever. The massacre of Karbala should be taught to and reflected on by most if not all Muslims. It's not a sectarian issue.
@@stuffsummedup22 depends where you live. In my city we have a lot of shias and in the early 2000s there were some ppl leaving the religion for the cult, so yes it is important to learn for the purposes of countering the Shia narrative.
@andredrake7340 this is common in sunnism, with ablsolute no disrespect to our sunni bros, their deen is from the ummayads who construed it to lessen the status of the ahlul bayt. The sunnis prophets seerah is by yazids son, the son of the drunkard who ordered the killing of the prophets family....
The main reason the scholars of Islam, avoid entering into this field is not just because it's uncomfortable or inconvenient, rather because it's easy for emotions to overrun an individual and for the person to let loose their tongue in speaking about the companions in a negative sense starting from the killing of Uthman, fighting between Ali and Muaawiyah all the way till the killing of Ali may Allah be pleased with them all and gather them and us in Jannah, In addition The prophet peace and blessings be upon him foretold of these events either explicitly or by a way on indication, and in matters of dispute informed us who is close to the truth especially in the differencing between Ali and Muaawiyah in which Ali was in the correct may Allah be pleased with them both Historically speaking many of the narrations that are narrated regarding these incidents contain narrators who are considered liars or people who may alter the truth due to their affiliation to certain groups or ideologies at the time , as for the books of history than they do not abide by the strict laws that are considered when narrating hadith for this reason they are more complacent and laxed about narrating and place the burden of finding out about the authenticity upon the reader (if a scholar) or to ask if not. Ibn Taymiyah Also addresses this briefly in The creed of Wasitiyyah and that even if some of the companions made mistakes then it is considered Ijtihaad for which the one mistaken is forgiven for the mistake and rewarded for they're strive to reach the truth Upon us is to remember the saying of Allah regarding the attitude of the believers regarding the companions in surah 59:10 "And those who came after them say: "Our Lord! Forgive us and our brethren who have preceded us in Faith, and put not in our hearts any hatred against those who have believed. Our Lord! You are indeed full of kindness, Most Merciful."
The Islam you follow is the Islam of muwywaih which has led us to our sisters being violated in felxistain and not one of you scholars say a word of ji7ad but if it’s killing other Muslims they are all up in arms. Weak and a joke
It’s Ijtihad killing the children of the prophet nice one mate. It’s iktihad muwayiah going against his Khalifa. By the way Muhammad SAW was the messenger not ibn taymiah
I dont blame the Shia accusations of the Sunnis abandoning justice. If the ever has been a time when that was true it is today as innocent people are being slaughtered and the ummah is just going about their day 😢😢😢😢😢
Yazid didn't "just" become a khalifa, he was appointed by Muawiyah, who made a relentless campaign before his death to appoint Yazid as his successor. So all that happened afterwards is also Muawiyah's fault.
@@Oqa32467 Allah is pleased with all the sahabi?? Where did you get that from?? What is important here is that this what I said above is an historical truth confirmed by all sources. Also historical truth is that hazreti Hasan made a contract with Muawiyah that after his death khilafah should be back in the hands of the believers and that he will not appoint a successor. Well Muawiyah did appoint his son as successor after relentless campaign. So are you suggesting that Allah, s.w.t., is pleased with people who break oaths and contracts???
@@Topgmuslim listen I know what are you referring to, but that is just incorrect. In Quran is stated that Allah, s.w.t., is pleased with muhajirun and ansar, and all of them are around 100 people (go see the lists). ALL THE SAHABA ARE 124000 PEOPLE. Are you aware of the difference?? And, you may like it or not, but Muawiyah and his whole family were muallafat al-qulub (those whose acceptance of islam was motivated by material gain). Again go check it out, if you don't believe me.
Thank you for making this video and thank you for being open and honest. You have done better service to ummah than any school of thought in ahl-sunnh through the history.
I would like to point to a mistake in the lineage tree. Al zubair is the son of Safiya Bint Abdulmuttalib. So effectively he was the maternal cousin of the Prophet Be Peace Upon him and Ali (AS)
We Indian Sunni have no issue in saying imam Ali alaehis salaam which is not different from saying salaam alaekum which we say frequently to each salaam o alaeka ya ahlul baet
That was a great historical analysis. May Allah bless you. However: First, with regards to the death of Uthman, even within the Tabari source you have cited, and other classical sources, there is clear indication that A'isha was a key figure in getting Uthman killed. Unfortunately, you chose a comfortable version to show that Aisha cared about Uthman. Then, I expect you to mention Sulayman ibn Surad Al-Khuzai, a Sahabi of the noble Prophet (peace be upon him and his family). He was one of the prominent leader of Kufa that invited Al-Husayn. Second, thanks to be honest by not tried to protect Yazid or cover up the fact that Al-Hasan was poisoned. Second, dear brother, one of the most important historical events is the event of Ghadīr khumm. I look forward to your unveiling of the event.
Barakallahu Feekum. Please keep in mind that was not the complete session, it only covers half the material. The second consideration is that this is still a public platform and not one where the students (and their aptitude) are known therefore it is out of caution and consideration that some of the more sensitive topics are not being published on RUclips. There are indeed very challenging sequences and details that necessitate and merit more critical insight, however this is why we have a private study program which is conducted in a controlled and live environment. Barakallahu Feekum for your feedback and contribution
@@HistoryunI pray you continue to be unbiased & present the facts. It's rare coming from a sunni person & is a shame why Sunnis don't want to remember the sacrifices of the grandson of the prophet. I use to be a Sunni, but I found that the Ahlul Bayt are not given the respect they should in Sunni Islaam. The decendants, & the imaams are not even mentioned much or acknowledged & its bizarre we are not taught much about karbal. Yet we are told about Imam Mahdi who is a decendent of the Ahlul Bayt AS. So it only makes sense to give them the respect & love they deserve. I thank you & ask request that you continue to do unbiased presentations of events. Like Ghadir & Muhabala. The events that happened regarding Fadak (inheritance of Bibi Fatimah AS) also the events that happened after the passing away of the holy Prophet saws. Why was is to urgent to have someone elected before Janaza? Of the man who brought us Islaam. Why the rush? Why wouldn't you as best mates not be there to do the Janaza? I mean nothing will fall to pieces in a few hours right? Please be truthful as I can see you are & research from unbiased sources. Look at both sides & apply your intelligence. Sunni people need to hear it from another Sunni. At least they can start loving them & giving them the respect the Ahlul Bayt AS that is. they deserve it & its in our welfare to do so too. Like I said I usenti be sunnni & Alhamdulillah I have found the love of Ahlul Bayt AS. But its a shame that Sunni dont even know the basic history & its almost like they dont care about the prophet family. Which is wrong when I started to reflect. I mean he would want us to love them & remember them as we remember him. Say if we had a famine id rather my children eat then me. Its natural we would sacrifice fir our children our family our blood. So the holy prophet loved his family without doubt & so why would we forget them? I'm sure there are many hadith I read which state he siad whoever loves me should love my family. He said whoever angers Fatimah angers me. He had so much love for his grandson yet Yazid killed him & only his son Zain Al Abdin was alive & his grandaughter Zainab ibn Ali was alive when they told people of yazids court about the events Yazid had the azaan called even though it was not time. He has to get several azaan call to prayer called to drown their voices. He only let them go as people started to change & he was afraid they would turn on him. Or he wanted to kill them. Its tragic the actual events & breaks your heart. Hence why I decided Sunni Islaam was wrong as they seemed to big up the wrongdoers. Its like they (Yazid ) descendants had it written so they sound good. I look forward to hearing more from you & I will forward to Sunni people family and friends to listen as you explain it well enough for them to get it. I mean the Muharram Ashur argument is silly. That people forget that this day was a bad day in Islamic history when so many of the prophet's family & blood were killed. Women children & young men. Yet the Sunni celebrate remembering Musa AS crossing with his people. Alhamdulillah we are happy that Musa AS was supported & won. But if it was even on that date (which I doubt highly) shouldn't we remember the Grandson? I mean the prophet can't tell u to remember Karbala as it was after him. But no one uses common sense. Its bizarre how as Sunni I didn't know any of this & how we just gloss over it & make a more big deal about Muharram Ashur being related to other jolly holly events 🤦♀️ seems like a propaganda to me
”Qatle Hussain asal main marge Yazeed hai. Islaam zinda hota hai har Karbala ke baad.” i.e., ”the martyrdom of Hussain (as) is actually the death of Yazid. Islam comes to life after every Karbala.” -Molana Muhammad Ali Johar.(ra)
MashaAllah to you brother for sticking with haq no matter what, which is the core of the Quran! I was raised as 12er Shia, and many years ago, using a similar methodology as you, came to a Pro-alid Sunni/Zaydi middle ground ideology. Sticking to a genuine reasonable Quran-centric method will inshaAllah aide Sunni bro/sis to see the historical root of our corrupt rulers and have a more analytical approach to ahadith/history and also aide Shia bro/sis to come to a reasonable understanding to history and leave their idea of masoom imams and hidden Mahdi. Much love and Dua for you and your family akhi for seeking haq for the ahlulbayt and taking steps to bring people together over haq! Allah keep you.
There are some issues that are worth mentioning inshaallah for bringing the hearts of Muslims closer. Ali(ع) was raised by the prophet (ص) himself, if Sunna means to follow what Prophet (ص) either did himself or advised the Omma, that makes Ali (ع), the first Sunni. Also God almighty has ordered us not to become group group. From one side Shiah say, they follow Ali( ع), the first sunni man, and from the other side sunnies say let's not takfir this person, this might make shiah more desirable to us. May God almighty help us to become only Muslims and no other names.
You should do some research on "Shiasm" and "rawafidh" its not just the matter of of Karbala Look at there beleives and what they have done in syria and iraq with Muslims
Salaam Alaykum brother, pls do a series on a detailed account of kerbala. There are so many things that have happened. Including an infant of 6 months being slaughtered in the planes of kerbala which no Muslim (Sunni or Shia) will condone .. people need to know the detailed account of the atrocities that took place on the day of Ashura
My deepest sadness, respect, and love for Khalifah Ali and all his families. The saints of Islam. I believe ALLAH had welcomed all of them in Heaven very long time ago.
Brilliant commentary on Abu Makhnaf though and overall from the perspective you are coming from you did present the picture in a neutral and honest way. That is why I watch the content you put forward. A lot of the crimes done by the army of Obaidullah and Omar ibn Saad were also reported during the times of Mukhtar.
Because he's a sahabi who never loved and was loved by Rasullah sallallahu alaehi wasallam. Being a human he made an ijtihadi mistake but he was mukhlis in his decisions. Moreover Allah will not ask me about what I say about him but if I curse a sahabi i will be doomed because they are forgiven by Allah (not masoom from khata).
@@SyedZeeHussno need to curse by Muwayiah was a liar he lied to Hasan about Khalifa after he died. So no one won’t do RA on a lier and if he is in janah after all the fitnah he did then this janah business is pretty easy
you understand a lot why our teachers warn us about judging the companions. And it's really hard to distanciate personal feelings from how we see certain characters. Stories like this are very heavy to digest on my side, every time we talk about one of these righteous men who's acts at times look so not good, its a constant exercise of remembering that they were people with noble intentions and in the end their intentions will play a huge part on their judgment in the hereafter. As someone reading or listening and generally not knowing what's in the heart of the characters we learn about, taking position or judging can turn out to be a fatal error. There's a right state of mind to have to dig into these subjects, less they turn dangerous. May the good hearted reach firdaws. For the others, Allah shall do what He wills as its always been and forever will be.
MashAllah fantastic work, was looking for a reliable english version of the event. May Allah reward you! Also the highlighting authentic hadiths in Sahih ul Bukhari have been selectively omitted, resulting in a version that, while still respected, is not as comprehensive as the original collection.
When the Prophet Muhammad wanted to write his will, why was the pen and paper not given to him? He wished to write something that would prevent future disputes. The actions of Caliphs Umar and Abu Bakr later contributed to the division, and the fitna (civil strife) began. We saw how the caliphate failed when Muawiyah declared himself as Amir and, after him, his son Yazid, leading to a 100-year dynasty. As a Sunni Muslim, I believe that any of the Sahabah (companions) can make mistakes, and I think what Umar and Abu Bakr did was wrong. They were not even present at the funeral of the Prophet Muhammad, which deeply upset Fatima. As his daughter, she knew more about her father, especially regarding things discussed within the household. She knew Ali was the rightful successor. Yet, Abu Bakr and Umar went against Muhammad’s wishes. I want us all to be rational and intellectual, leaving aside all hadiths and scholars, focusing purely on reason and logic. I do not believe Shia accounts are fabricated or fanatical, but I do believe there was a plot to hijack Islam by the Banu Umayyah. Abu Sufyan converted to Islam at the end, as did his wife and children-the same family that had been enemies of Islam. Muawiyah never gave bay'ah (allegiance) to Ali ibn Abi Talib and chose his son to be the next leader. This led to Yazid’s rule, who was responsible for the killing of Hussain. I cannot accept this version of events; it doesn’t make sense to me. Uthman was an incompetent and lazy caliph who strengthened his own clan, leading to these issues. Uthman may have been a good Muslim and businessman, but he was not an effective leader. I’m sorry, but I also don’t trust Ibn Khattab or Bukhari. One must read general history from neutral sources and use their own intellect. The Quran itself is the ultimate guide, as Allah said: what He did to the Jews, He will do to us, as He has done to others before. Allah also said, “I show them all the signs, I gave them everything, yet their hearts were sealed.” For the Arabs, the Quran was in their own language, yet they still committed such horrible acts. The caliphate was a joke-it failed. They went against the Prophet Muhammad’s wishes and didn’t accept his will. They said, "The Quran is enough for us." Now, also read Surah Al-Baqarah, where it talks about the peacemakers. I am not Shia, by God. I was born into a Sunni family, but I reject all sects and cults within Islam. I follow only the Quran, my intellect, and the tafsir (interpretation) of the Quran from Ibn Abbas. I believe that Muhammad chose Ali to lead the Arabs after him. He made Ali stay in Mecca to return the belongings to the people and to sleep in his bed when the enemies approached. Muhammad told Ali, "You are to me as Haroon (Aaron) was to Musa (Moses)." He gave Ali the flag of Khaybar, his daughter in marriage, and Ali was the first Muslim. Ali was not just a warrior but also a philosopher, author, and poet. Raised by the Prophet himself, what better choice could there have been than Ali?
@@Iron_hustle beautifully worded brother, only one minor correction, Ali was the first male Muslim, the first Muslim was the Prophets (PBUH) first wife Khadijah, just wanted to point that out but I agree with everything you said I wish more Muslims would think like you inshallah
AZ three no words to express my deepest gratitude to you for the research and having the courage as a true historian to put the truth out,this was your boldest moment so far. This episode really put me to the Correct history of Islam surround the split and now I see why the Honorable Duce Muhammad Ali and Noble Drew Ali, take the name 'Ali' , leaving a sign that traces back to a Shia influence. This Episode has been most Enlightening. May Allah continue to guide you and keep you close, my brother..Amen..
Salam alaikum brother. Thanks for this presentation. I noticed you kindve skipped over Siffin and the civil strife between Mu’awiyah and ‘Ali, and Mu’awiyah’s transgressions against ‘Ali, as well as his setting up his vile son Yazid as his heir apparent. Do you mind making a video discussing that?
My questions are for Bakriyya who are quick to denounce Yaziid only now. Tell me, 1. Why is that your most favoured Abdullah ibn Umar, the great Faqih, never made bay ah to Imam Ali, but with the first opportunity pledged his allegiance to Yaziid? 2.. Who became the rightful Caliph/AmirAlMumineen after the martyrdom of Imam Hussain(sas) for you? 3. If you did not accept Yaziid at the time as your Imam who was your Imam while the Grandson of the Prophet(pbuh) was alive?
@1:14:08 Shia's do not call Sunni's Yazidis. They call Salafists the followers of the teaching of Bannu Ummayya. This specifically refers to the apologists of Yazid and Muawiyyah.
But most Sunnis are Yazidis as they love Muawiya Lanatullah who was an oppressor ruler and enemy if Ahlulbayt. He later put Yazid as his successor. Very few Sunnis hate Muawiya. So yes, most sunnis are somewhat Yazidis.
@@50secsare you even a Muslim bro? This comes from a Sunni. Seems like you're purposefully trying to start an argument. Also, learn something about those that you mentioned and maybe you will realise how wrong you were.
I acknowledge the tragedy of Karbala and the horrible massacre of the ahlu lbayt but now how can we reconcile with our shia brothers. Is there a way to heal the umma from the division ?
@@Trilliman707I’m not a Shia or a Sunni. But asking the Shias to change without changing yourself isn’t to reconcile with them, it is to make them submit to you. Answer his question honestly or don’t answer it.
Salam brother I’m Shia what would you like to reconcile? Best thing is we need to sit and eat with each other you will find we are the same. The problem is you have some crazies and we have crazies that harm each other. Main difference is I follow Ali and sunnah of his family. You follow sunnah of all sahaba I say not all 120 thousand where good. We have bigger fish to fry at the moment our brothers and sister are being killed by yahud
@@TheMahdi12349 Wa alikoum salam my dear brother. May Allah grant us victory against the genocidal zionists and the ennemies from within our ranks. Allahomma amin !
Great stuff as always! Quick question : in the chart about the family tree of Abdullah ibn Az-Zubayr, you mentioned that Safiyyah bint Abdul Muttalib was the wife of Khuwaylid, but iirc wasn’t she the mother of Az-Zubayr, hence the wife of Awwam?
@Historyun, Assalaamu'Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu, you mention about abu mikhnas who was born about 29 years after the tragic martyr of Hadhrat Hussain Ibn Ali Radiallahu Anhum, so i humbly ask you as to at what age he wrote Miqtaal Al Hussain Radiallahu Anhu, you also showed the Al Bukhari in Arabic printed in Beirut Lebanon, how reliable is the Beirut print Jazak'Allah Khairran Wa Ahsanal Jazah
@@googleuser-fo7td wa Aleikum Salam. We did not include the segment on the critical analysis and review of Abu Mikhnaf and his work. It's pretty detailed and includes citations and examines his background and circumstances. That is not for RUclips. As for the Beirut prints, they are typically very prolific but some students of knowledge are a bit reluctant to use them because of the lack of "Barakah" (due to the culture of the typists and translators, some who have been known to be irreligious and just doing a "job") however it doesn't take away from the utility of their work and these judgments are not true of all their typists/translators. In any case, the copy cited was also printed in Damascus - which is well respected and grounded.
(Quran 49:9-10) Abdelhaleem translation (If two groups of the believers fight, you [believers] should try to reconcile them; if one of them is [clearly] oppressing the other, fight the oppressors until they submit to God’s command, then make a just and even-handed reconciliation between the two of them: God loves those who are even-handed.) (The believers are brothers, so make peace between your two brothers and be mindful of God, so that you may be given mercy) (10) وَإِنْ طَائِفَتَانِ مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ اقْتَتَلُوا فَأَصْلِحُوا بَيْنَهُمَا فَإِنْ بَغَتْ إِحْدَاهُمَا عَلَى الْأُخْرَى فَقَاتِلُوا الَّتِي تَبْغِي حَتَّى تَفِيءَ إِلَى أَمْرِ اللَّهِ فَإِنْ فَاءَتْ فَأَصْلِحُوا بَيْنَهُمَا بِالْعَدْلِ وَأَقْسِطُوا إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُقْسِطِينَ (9) إِنَّمَا الْمُؤْمِنُونَ إِخْوَةٌ فَأَصْلِحُوا بَيْنَ أَخَوَيْكُمْ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُرْحَمُونَ
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله , Ajeeb, a few days ago i was thinking to comment on your videos that you should probably make a video about the event of karbala, looking at your knowledge of history. As its one of the most complex events in history of islam. And Subhan Allah, you did that. Just a side note, i think you haven’t mentioned umar ibn saad ibn waqas and his role in all of this, as he was the son of a prominent sahabi and plays a major role in this event. But all in all this video is amazing sheikh. Please tell me do you give private lessons or teach like a complete historiography course in any way. Barak Allah feek,
Wa Aleikum Salam wa RahmatullAhi wa Barakatuhu Thank you for your feedback. This is in actuality an extract from a 3.5 hour private lesson delivered live. Further details were covered in the complete module. We are currently covering the Umayyad Empire as part of a monthly series throughout 2024. You can find out more about the annual programs with the official website Membership is $10 for access to all courses and modules
Muhammad al-Hanafiyah is also a important figure in those times. When his half brothers Hussain and Hassan died. Mukhtar started the first real theological Shia sect called the Kaysanites and they traced the Imamate from Muhammad al-Hanafiyah. The fun part is that the Kaysanites were the biggest Shia theological group untill the split of the Twelvers and Ismailis during that split the Kaysanites declined. Abu Hanifa was also a Shia at ul Ali in terms of politics
That is true, he was imprisoned by Abdullah Ibn Zubayr for refusing to pledge allegiance to him. Mukhtar breaks him free. This is discussed in the complete presentation and the career of Mukhtar will be covered in the following lecture. All very interesting details and side-stories. Barakallahu Feekum
To be fair, the Sunni leadership has gone well out of its way for the past 100+ years, to prove the Shia critique of Sunnis following unjust leaders is more than based!
The Indian Sunni Sufi tradition is extremely reverential towards the Ahlul Bayt, Amirul Mu'mineen Ali (May Allah enoble his face) and his family are highly regarded. One can find poetic works replete with praise of the Ahlul Bayt (Allah be pleased with them). A controversial example is that of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan's "Shah e Mardan e Ali", I dont endorse the singer and many of his works, but it is interesting that him as a nominal Sunni's most hit piece is in praise of Amirul Mu'mineen (Allah be pleased with him). I say this being a Sunni and staunch defender and supporter of the righteous amongst the Ummayads, namely Muawiyyah (may Allah be pleased with him).
Great video keep it up you're doing amazing things Ibn Zubair RA was Hasan RA and Hussain RA second cousins also Zubair ibn al Awwam was first cousins of prophet Muhammad, Ali RA and Jafar RA and first cousin of Ibn abba RA
May Allāh bless Abu Bakr, 'Umar, Uthmān, 'Ali and the Mother of the Believers, 'Ā'ishah. May His Favour be bestowed upon the sincere and His Wrath upon those who curse the noble companions & family of His beloved Messenger.
Ibn Ziyad imprisoned and killed many of the people in Kufa. Like Mukhtar, Hani bin Urwa, and Maytham al Tammar. People who always try to say the Shia of Kufa killed Imam Hussain (as) are wrong. All the people from Mecca and Medina who accompanied him to Iraq slowly started abandoning him on his way to Iraq also. Ibn Umar and Ibn Zubair didn't help him the same way they both refused to give Bayan to Imam Ali(as).
The people of Iraq were and will always be a treacherous lot No poems by Al Mutannabi nor their wailing sir crocodile tears will wash away their betrayals and their heretical curses upon the Mothers of the Believers the First Three Rashidun Caliphs the Sahaba etc etc etc
JazakAllah Khayr for this lecture, it was so informative. From now on I’m gonna make sure to give even MORE respect & love to Ahlul Bayt ✨ But I also have a question; if the incident of Karbala took place years after the passing of Abu Bakr & Umar (رضي الله عنهم) then on what basis do the shias lay accusations against them? Where & how did it all start? If you could please shed light on this topic, it would be great. Thank you!!
That is a very complicated set of chapters as it is predicated on theological principles for both Sunni and Shia schools. We only over the time from Caliph Mu'awiyyah's reign onwards, nothing that predates his reign (unless it is by brief reference to set the narrative up)
@1:11:34 Today I feel like being a Shia, a worst of the worst the twelver Shia. Now let's break this down. Yazid came to power - He is a legitimate ruler bcoz Allah has given him the power. That is why all sahaba who gave bayat to him are noble and the ones who went against him are potentially not the righteous one (there are harsher words in the books but I will not go there). Ali became a Caliph - and Aisha has a better claim to go against him. Muawiyah has a better claim to go against him. Furthermore, Ali is the rightly guided one (perhaps not that much of a rightly guided one then after all) A lot of what you said doesn't align with the prophecies of Rasool SAWW rather retrofits on claims made by companions, perhaps because of the same reason you state.
سبحان الله وبحمده In all good faith i like how you bring a unique way of investigative analysis of pivotal events that wrote our history. Brother May Allah accept your good intentions and opens more doors for seeking knowledge. Firstly,As this video is ought to have huge sphere of audiences and In this most crucial video You lacked in paying best tribute to Rightly guided Caliphs the Salafs 3 generations those who have strived best for the sake of Islam. And Secondly, after discussing the both extreme opinions you haven't endorsed the authentic opinion being referenced by Great Scholars of Islam. @Historyun
This is the first time I have heard the story like this wallahi I’m about to cry what a savagery I’m shocked but the people of kuffa that betrayed Al Hussein was Shia and Shiism was established in kuffa.
AsSalaamu Alaykum ! I found this excellent. I am a Sunni who has always been an advocate of Ahlil Bayt for our spiritual guidance. I would like to know if “The Peak of Eloquence,” by Nahjul Balagha is considered authentic ?
Wa Aleikum Salam. Barakallahu Feekum, Nahjatul Balagha is often dismissed as a later work only attributed to Imam Ali. Only Allah knows how much of it is authentic, either way - it's a treasury of wisdom and beneficial advice.
Ws, in my view Nahjul Balagha is very authentic. Since I believe that any text that helps me get closer to our lord, Allah (SWT) is the one to go for. There is ample treasure to learn about piety, selflessness, zuhd and many many aspects.
If you was listening to these presentations while riding a horse to go and face/fight a different Muslim faction , you would probably change your mind on the way and look for a middle ground. Our factions keep us charged high with factionalism.
This english translation of history of Tabari can someone send me a link to that translation. Went on the internet archives and saw a couple. Furthermore can someone tell me part of the book to follow from jzk. I like this guy's channel
Brother can u do one episode on the Khawarij Groups from the time of Ali and so on as well as a bigger picture on the story of Hajjaj ibn yousuf this is Really needed from an Authentic Orthodox Islam POV 🤲🤝
Don’t you guys notice that these sects were all founded in Iraq ? Abu Bakr and Umar ruled upon a people like Ali While Ali ruled a people like those who needs enemies???
Jazakalahu likhair for the insightful piece of research. I have watched some scholars give Muawiyyah and Yazid a pass on this subject but you don’t have to be a Shaikh to see that the Sunni Hadith collections were missing a huge chunk from ahlul bayt when in fact Ali (ASW) was one of foremost Sahabah who witnesssed most events in the life of the rasool (SAW). Nonetheless, I think the Shias are wrong to call all the other Khulafa rashedoon as kafr. There is nothing left of the legacy of Islam if we go that route. My position has always been that the authentic Islam lies in between both sides. Walilahu ahlam.
Brother I need your help can you please guide me where do you get these clips to relate with your story I am about to start a channel like you for pakistani urdu audience,
JazakAllah Khayr. Great work. There are heavy loaded lessons from our great Imam Hussain aleyhi salat u wasalaam. Specially in the times when we are living under the dominance of Kufr systems and there is no Caliphate left. The imam stood up on the violation of method of how the bayah was violated. And here we are living under a Nation State with Capitalism dominant.
Why sunnis are supporters of Umayyad’s. If they deny abu mikhnaf then I would question all the books of Sunni scholars and Sunni scholars. I am Sunni and now after listening about Sunni biased opinion about abu mikhnaf, I am ashamed about Sunni Jamaat and their books.
First of all, great work and many thanks to summarise such a critical part of islamic history that definetly need due attention. Reason (by Sunni scholars) to skip this part in order to avoid greater harm that is to get a soft corner for Shias make little to no sense for many reasons 1. As you mentioned that is concealing a crime and that too related to Ahlul Bayt 2. If Shite was that much of a probelm why on earth Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim collected authentic ahadith in Saheeh Bukhari/Muslim from them? One of the argument given by present day Sunni scholars that those were the Rafidhi osf earlier time and righteous which is another lame argument. 3. Imam Abu Hanifa was a student of Imam Ja'afar which is a widely practiced jurisprudence in Shite sect. And the list goes on but in essence, infact there is alot in common but a political issue has been made religious over time. I'm not a Shia but when I read the history without prejudice then its clear who was right and who wasn't.
As a sunni from India what I was taught that we ahlus sunna too are Shia because we support Ali and consider muawiya RA to have made an ijtihadi mistake
As muslims we all agree that it was tragic and unnecessary but what the shias do with it is abnormal. For me neither the shiias nor the Saudis nor the sufis represent islam. We do need have a leader who simply follows the book of Allah and the words of the prophet svs. We still discuss old tragedies why ?!??! Allah will judge everyone, not us
Aslam alikum brother, Where i can find thr real sahih Bukhari hadith with Imam Hussain A.S. in Arabic (does it have tanween on them if not then also acceptable) because i belong from Sunni background.. Books recommendations in arbaic would be helpful for hadiths
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Assalamu alaikum I just wanted to mention that at 19:15 Safiyyah bint Abdul Muttalib was brother of Ibn Zubayrs Great Grandfather. Just a correction as Safiyyah was mother of Zubayr. The diagram errs slightly with all due respect. And Allah knows best.
@@KingRapz13 Wa Aleikum Salam. Barakallahu Feekum that is correct, a few others have highlighted it. JazakallAhu Khayran for being thoughtful enough to correct it, much appreciated
@@HistoryunAnytiime ya Ustaadh. Wa iyyaakum inshaAllah..☝🏽❤️.
Asalamunalaikum bro. I'd like to subscRibe to your history lessons In sha Allah.
@@Tj-vf3ll Wa Aleikum Salam. You may subscribe via the website provided in the description box.
Islam is Devine but our history is human.
Well said
@@omarmzaham7248 History is an going war between the satanists like Yaziid and his followers, and Muminiin such as Imam Hussain and his supporters.
This battle is not just a historical footnote; it is a stark choice between siding with the enemies of Allah, like Abu Sufyan, Moawiyya, Yaziid or with the rightful leaders, such as the Prophet (pbuh), Imam Ali(sas) and Imam Hussain(sas).
@@EthioKenya well said
Yes. Was it Yasir Qadhi or did he get this from someone else?
mashallah top class, the last half hour or so was a complete surprise and eye opener to me as someone raised as an orthodox sunni, politically it makes the lines between shia and sunni that much more blurred, theologically speaking there is a wide gap between the two. Learned so much may Allah reward you for your efforts and make your channel grow exponentially
Ameen. Barakallahu Feekum
I am glad you decided to uplaod this, sheikh. This presentation was absolutely brilliant and I hoped you would upload it for the public. JazakAllah khayr.
Honesty is better!
Barakallahu Feekum brother Afnan
Thank you for this vedio
Quality of the editing is top notch. MashaAllah
The saddest thing for a Sunni is to miss out on the infinite wisdom that comes from understanding Karbala and the sacrifice that took place there. The orthodox sunnis and as they’re labelled sufis need to make more effort in passing on this knowledge and remembrance to the majority Sunnis.
@@yasmin4450 most of the sunnis today have nasibi leanings, because Ibn Taymiyyah now a days is hold in such a high regard among sunnis, and he was accused of nasibism by the earlier and later ulama. Ibn Taymiyyah's talking points on ahl bayt are parroted by most of the Sunni preachers and dai's today.
@@heyokah.2519I hear you…but I wouldn’t label the average sunni a nasabi…it’s more the ignorance of such events which help us increase our love for the Prophet (saw) and his family, which goes back to why has it been down played.
@@yasmin4450no, no, I'm not labeling average sunnis at all, I'm just saying what is the main discourse and tendencies among sunnis these days, unfortunately. I am from Balkans and muslims here (and they are sunnis) we're celebrating ahl bayt for centuries. Now a days (because of wahhabis and other such influences) ahl bayt is becoming a tabu topic.
@yasmin4450 what are you talking about. Of course it is taught. But not for the reasons shites teach it
@@CheGuvera-ip8dc imam Mahdi is going to be from ahlul bayt no?
This is about to be good for my plane ride home HISTORYUN - thank you brothers. Because you never know enough about a subject until you go back and retain the information. And nearly 2 hours is beautiful
Safe arrival
@@Historyun Bismillah. Was in Istanbul,, though I have been in Tunisia for most of the trip. Thank you for that. I downloaded the video for the first transfer that has no wifi 🫡 - So thanks for covering about 3/4ths of my first transfer! (lol) Barakallhu feek to you and the team as always.
Love your work, glad to see there are Sunnis who are not just following the popular narrative and who are exploring information first hand to confirm as the Quran teaches us to do. May God give you the strength to continue your journey.
As a Sunni our family has always marked Muharram. It's only the Najdi Nassibi's that minimise the crimes of Yazeed l.a.
The person who made a Khalifa like Yazeed is responsible for everything Yazeed did
Are you aware that Hassan made Muyawiyya kalif right? watch your tongue
@@idrisanimagac.4086 and he was supposed to give it back to the Ahlulbayt and not appoint anyone afterwards. As was the terms of the deal. Or you just conveniently left that part out right
Peace my Bro.I have heard this story many times. But today you really put it in proper context. Thank You. Totally put the context the events , and the peoples involved into perspective.
Many thanks, glad to have been able to clarify certain points
Just goes to demonstrate that the Sunni Islaam construct that foundations came after this event, is about how those familes who had power before Islaam were able to usurp it back after the death of the prophet and the rightly guided.
It also demonstrates how u don't give a damn one bit of killing a khalifah. Who wanted to usurp it back?
What a great presentation. Thank you. Our histories as Sunnis and Shia overlap and intertwine, let’s reconcile. ❤
This was a very informative and well prepared video.
جزاك الله خير الجزاء اخي
Thank you, Thank you for this most informative video that I have ever listened to regarding Ahlul Bayt. I cried for Imam Hussain AS for the first time. This video helped me develop some love for Ahlal Bayt for the first time in my life as a sunni muslim. Thank you. 🙏♥️🤲🏽🕋
Barakallahu Feekum
Loved the background in which there are the lines of Imam Ash Shafi (ra).
As Salaamu A’laikum, I have found this lecture honest and well done. I am Sunni (it seems we have to say that whenever we talk about Karbala) but I agree with you when you say many Sunni gloss over and sanitised this part of our history. Well done.
Wa Aleikum Salam. Yes, and this marks the difference between objective history and propaganda. We must respect the sources
@@Historyunplease read treacherous alliance between iran and israel by trita parsi ( easily available in free download from the archives)
@@Historyun 100%
This was one of the best comprehensive videos on the subject
جزاك الله خيرا في الدنياء و الآخرة
جَزَاكَللَّهُ اَحْسَنَ الْجَزَاء
@@Historyun آمين و إياكم
Brother Alhamdullilah at hour 1:10- you clarified and your not one of these naive people that think muawiyah son did not have direct responsibility to the murder of the Proohets grandson. I believe this was a whole covert revenge opp on the Prophets family from his daughter to Ali to the grandsons. Salute you for this video. Us Sunnah followers need to talk about this and not sweep it under the carpet like majority of Sunni imams
Brother yezid was no boy especially at a time being in your mid twenties you had already been an adult for some time but I have learned a lot from you may Allah bless you in your life and grant your more knowledge.
Jazaak Allahukhair. This video gave me chills sheikh cause how raw it is! (In a good way :). And I got very emotional hearing some of the details of how imam Hussein alaihisalam was martyred. If I have time, I would def. Love to sign up for historyun. Currently, still strengthening my fusha, just need to build my vocabulary in sha Allah. May Allah give us success
That is a wise decision, learning Arabic will enable you to get more out of the primary texts and resources
The prophet ﷺ is as informed by angel about the killing of Hussain
أن النبي قال لإحداهما: لقد دخل علي البيت ملك لم يدخل علي قبلها فقال لي: إن ابنك هذا حسين مقتول، وإن شئت أريتك من تربة الأرض التي يقتل بها. قال: فأخرج تربة حمراء. مسند الإمام أحمد ٢٩٤/٦
An angel entered the house on me, he never entered on me before, and he said to me, ‘this son of yours, al-Hussain, will be killed, and if you wish I can show you the soil from the earth where he will be killed’. Then he took out some red soil”. [Recorded in Musnad al-Imam Ahmad, vol. 6 p. 294]
@historyun, this is a perfect example of knowing the truth but not really understanding the truth. On the day of judgement Allah will not judge you for what you did not know, but you will surely be judged for what you did know and you still didn’t see the real truth. I pray to Allah that he grants you sight to see through the knowledge you have gained to see the truth, to have true “Basira”
There is one big thing, that the sheikh speaking missed. That in the end of times, the ruler of the Muslim world will be from the ahlul bayat, InshAllah- so no matter how much they politicize is, no matter how much they try to hide history, no matter how hard they try to locate him, the last ruler will be the imam from the progeny of Ali ibn talib-
But thank you for this informative video, it was a brilliant lecture!
But not divine. Shias believe he is in occultation, like dajjal😅
We hide history but you outright lie and slander which is much worse.
thank you brother. all what is happening around gaza and all the support that palestinian people are getting from shia people and in contrast to the lack of support from sunny countries and armies has changed my thinking a lot and i think the time has come to stop using these separations.
Bukhari 2812 is where it all started.Muawiyah r.a didn't just die and yazid took over as he was named in his will to be his successor. Sulah e Hassan was violated as well.
Well Muawiya are not maqsum...iman and taqwa is not inherited. You can be a very intelligent person but your son can be the most stupid people in earth.
As A African American Muslim, I got A chance to read this story in Prison As A Sunni with No Bias Accept the Samolian Elders in the Mosque where I Learned the Dean had Always said to stay away from the Story & focus on Quran which made me more curious so it will be interesting to hear your take on it
@@andredrake7340 I always say that staying away from these issues may have been a good solution in the age before the internet and globalism but now it is important for Muslims to learn the history in order to protect themselves from the Shia narrative that is taught to them from when they first learn to speak
@@andredrake7340 how can be loving ahlul bait and speaking truth through Hadith be considered staying away from " these topics "? It's a crime against the ummah that we were never told the truth about why Karbala happened
@@yxmxxn a topic as important as this shouldn't just be learned to 'learn how to refute shias' or whatever. The massacre of Karbala should be taught to and reflected on by most if not all Muslims. It's not a sectarian issue.
@@stuffsummedup22 depends where you live. In my city we have a lot of shias and in the early 2000s there were some ppl leaving the religion for the cult, so yes it is important to learn for the purposes of countering the Shia narrative.
@andredrake7340 this is common in sunnism, with ablsolute no disrespect to our sunni bros, their deen is from the ummayads who construed it to lessen the status of the ahlul bayt.
The sunnis prophets seerah is by yazids son, the son of the drunkard who ordered the killing of the prophets family....
The main reason the scholars of Islam, avoid entering into this field is not just because it's uncomfortable or inconvenient, rather because it's easy for emotions to overrun an individual and for the person to let loose their tongue in speaking about the companions in a negative sense starting from the killing of Uthman, fighting between Ali and Muaawiyah all the way till the killing of Ali may Allah be pleased with them all and gather them and us in Jannah,
In addition The prophet peace and blessings be upon him foretold of these events either explicitly or by a way on indication, and in matters of dispute informed us who is close to the truth especially in the differencing between Ali and Muaawiyah in which Ali was in the correct may Allah be pleased with them both
Historically speaking many of the narrations that are narrated regarding these incidents contain narrators who are considered liars or people who may alter the truth due to their affiliation to certain groups or ideologies at the time , as for the books of history than they do not abide by the strict laws that are considered when narrating hadith for this reason they are more complacent and laxed about narrating and place the burden of finding out about the authenticity upon the reader (if a scholar) or to ask if not.
Ibn Taymiyah Also addresses this briefly in The creed of Wasitiyyah and that even if some of the companions made mistakes then it is considered Ijtihaad for which the one mistaken is forgiven for the mistake and rewarded for they're strive to reach the truth
Upon us is to remember the saying of Allah regarding the attitude of the believers regarding the companions in surah 59:10
"And those who came after them say: "Our Lord! Forgive us and our brethren who have preceded us in Faith, and put not in our hearts any hatred against those who have believed. Our Lord! You are indeed full of kindness, Most Merciful."
The Islam you follow is the Islam of muwywaih which has led us to our sisters being violated in felxistain and not one of you scholars say a word of ji7ad but if it’s killing other Muslims they are all up in arms. Weak and a joke
It’s Ijtihad killing the children of the prophet nice one mate. It’s iktihad muwayiah going against his Khalifa. By the way Muhammad SAW was the messenger not ibn taymiah
Beautifully put
I dont blame the Shia accusations of the Sunnis abandoning justice. If the ever has been a time when that was true it is today as innocent people are being slaughtered and the ummah is just going about their day 😢😢😢😢😢
Yazid didn't "just" become a khalifa, he was appointed by Muawiyah, who made a relentless campaign before his death to appoint Yazid as his successor. So all that happened afterwards is also Muawiyah's fault.
Muawiya was a sahabi. He is amongst those Allah is pleased with.
@@Oqa32467 Allah is pleased with all the sahabi?? Where did you get that from?? What is important here is that this what I said above is an historical truth confirmed by all sources. Also historical truth is that hazreti Hasan made a contract with Muawiyah that after his death khilafah should be back in the hands of the believers and that he will not appoint a successor. Well Muawiyah did appoint his son as successor after relentless campaign. So are you suggesting that Allah, s.w.t., is pleased with people who break oaths and contracts???
@@heyokah.2519 it’s in the Quran. It’s not exclusive to one sahaba or a small group of them, the tafsir refers to all of them
@@Topgmuslim listen I know what are you referring to, but that is just incorrect. In Quran is stated that Allah, s.w.t., is pleased with muhajirun and ansar, and all of them are around 100 people (go see the lists). ALL THE SAHABA ARE 124000 PEOPLE. Are you aware of the difference?? And, you may like it or not, but Muawiyah and his whole family were muallafat al-qulub (those whose acceptance of islam was motivated by material gain). Again go check it out, if you don't believe me.
@@heyokah.2519 surah al Fatiha
I liked this episode alot
This is the first time I’m hearing about this Jazakallah
Thank you for making this video and thank you for being open and honest. You have done better service to ummah than any school of thought in ahl-sunnh through the history.
I would like to point to a mistake in the lineage tree. Al zubair is the son of Safiya Bint Abdulmuttalib. So effectively he was the maternal cousin of the Prophet Be Peace Upon him and Ali (AS)
Amazing work Ibrahim! Masha Allah Tabarak Allah.
JazakallAhu Khayran
@@Historyun wa iyakom In Shaa Allah
We Indian Sunni have no issue in saying imam Ali alaehis salaam which is not different from saying salaam alaekum which we say frequently to each salaam o alaeka ya ahlul baet
May Allah give barakah in your knowledge.
Excellent program
13:17 Nobody cared about the death of Uthman, They only used that as an excuse to show their hatred for Ali and to make things difficult!
Beautifully dealt with a sensitive topic.
That was a great historical analysis. May Allah bless you. However:
First, with regards to the death of Uthman, even within the Tabari source you have cited, and other classical sources, there is clear indication that A'isha was a key figure in getting Uthman killed. Unfortunately, you chose a comfortable version to show that Aisha cared about Uthman.
Then, I expect you to mention Sulayman ibn Surad Al-Khuzai, a Sahabi of the noble Prophet (peace be upon him and his family). He was one of the prominent leader of Kufa that invited Al-Husayn.
Second, thanks to be honest by not tried to protect Yazid or cover up the fact that Al-Hasan was poisoned.
Second, dear brother, one of the most important historical events is the event of Ghadīr khumm. I look forward to your unveiling of the event.
Barakallahu Feekum.
Please keep in mind that was not the complete session, it only covers half the material. The second consideration is that this is still a public platform and not one where the students (and their aptitude) are known therefore it is out of caution and consideration that some of the more sensitive topics are not being published on RUclips.
There are indeed very challenging sequences and details that necessitate and merit more critical insight, however this is why we have a private study program which is conducted in a controlled and live environment.
Barakallahu Feekum for your feedback and contribution
@@HistoryunI pray you continue to be unbiased & present the facts. It's rare coming from a sunni person & is a shame why Sunnis don't want to remember the sacrifices of the grandson of the prophet. I use to be a Sunni, but I found that the Ahlul Bayt are not given the respect they should in Sunni Islaam. The decendants, & the imaams are not even mentioned much or acknowledged & its bizarre we are not taught much about karbal. Yet we are told about Imam Mahdi who is a decendent of the Ahlul Bayt AS. So it only makes sense to give them the respect & love they deserve. I thank you & ask request that you continue to do unbiased presentations of events. Like Ghadir & Muhabala. The events that happened regarding Fadak (inheritance of Bibi Fatimah AS) also the events that happened after the passing away of the holy Prophet saws. Why was is to urgent to have someone elected before Janaza? Of the man who brought us Islaam. Why the rush? Why wouldn't you as best mates not be there to do the Janaza? I mean nothing will fall to pieces in a few hours right? Please be truthful as I can see you are & research from unbiased sources. Look at both sides & apply your intelligence. Sunni people need to hear it from another Sunni. At least they can start loving them & giving them the respect the Ahlul Bayt AS that is. they deserve it & its in our welfare to do so too.
Like I said I usenti be sunnni & Alhamdulillah I have found the love of Ahlul Bayt AS. But its a shame that Sunni dont even know the basic history & its almost like they dont care about the prophet family. Which is wrong when I started to reflect. I mean he would want us to love them & remember them as we remember him.
Say if we had a famine id rather my children eat then me. Its natural we would sacrifice fir our children our family our blood. So the holy prophet loved his family without doubt & so why would we forget them? I'm sure there are many hadith I read which state he siad whoever loves me should love my family. He said whoever angers Fatimah angers me. He had so much love for his grandson yet Yazid killed him & only his son Zain Al Abdin was alive & his grandaughter Zainab ibn Ali was alive when they told people of yazids court about the events Yazid had the azaan called even though it was not time. He has to get several azaan call to prayer called to drown their voices. He only let them go as people started to change & he was afraid they would turn on him. Or he wanted to kill them. Its tragic the actual events & breaks your heart. Hence why I decided Sunni Islaam was wrong as they seemed to big up the wrongdoers. Its like they (Yazid ) descendants had it written so they sound good. I look forward to hearing more from you & I will forward to Sunni people family and friends to listen as you explain it well enough for them to get it. I mean the Muharram Ashur argument is silly. That people forget that this day was a bad day in Islamic history when so many of the prophet's family & blood were killed. Women children & young men. Yet the Sunni celebrate remembering Musa AS crossing with his people. Alhamdulillah we are happy that Musa AS was supported & won. But if it was even on that date (which I doubt highly) shouldn't we remember the Grandson? I mean the prophet can't tell u to remember Karbala as it was after him. But no one uses common sense. Its bizarre how as Sunni I didn't know any of this & how we just gloss over it & make a more big deal about Muharram Ashur being related to other jolly holly events 🤦♀️ seems like a propaganda to me
”Qatle Hussain asal main marge Yazeed hai.
Islaam zinda hota hai har Karbala ke baad.”
i.e., ”the martyrdom of Hussain (as) is actually the death of Yazid.
Islam comes to life after every Karbala.”
-Molana Muhammad Ali Johar.(ra)
I, as a shia appreciate your lessons, a fair and mostly unbiased rendering of the history. We differ on few and largely minor aspects. Thank you
You are most welcome
MashaAllah to you brother for sticking with haq no matter what, which is the core of the Quran! I was raised as 12er Shia, and many years ago, using a similar methodology as you, came to a Pro-alid Sunni/Zaydi middle ground ideology. Sticking to a genuine reasonable Quran-centric method will inshaAllah aide Sunni bro/sis to see the historical root of our corrupt rulers and have a more analytical approach to ahadith/history and also aide Shia bro/sis to come to a reasonable understanding to history and leave their idea of masoom imams and hidden Mahdi. Much love and Dua for you and your family akhi for seeking haq for the ahlulbayt and taking steps to bring people together over haq! Allah keep you.
There are some issues that are worth mentioning inshaallah for bringing the hearts of Muslims closer. Ali(ع) was raised by the prophet (ص) himself, if Sunna means to follow what Prophet (ص) either did himself or advised the Omma, that makes Ali (ع), the first Sunni. Also God almighty has ordered us not to become group group. From one side Shiah say, they follow Ali( ع), the first sunni man, and from the other side sunnies say let's not takfir this person, this might make shiah more desirable to us. May
God almighty help us to become only Muslims and no other names.
You should do some research on "Shiasm" and "rawafidh" its not just the matter of of Karbala Look at there beleives and what they have done in syria and iraq with Muslims
Salaam Alaykum brother, pls do a series on a detailed account of kerbala. There are so many things that have happened. Including an infant of 6 months being slaughtered in the planes of kerbala which no Muslim (Sunni or Shia) will condone .. people need to know the detailed account of the atrocities that took place on the day of Ashura
My deepest sadness, respect, and love for Khalifah Ali and all his families. The saints of Islam.
I believe ALLAH had welcomed all of them in Heaven very long time ago.
Brilliant commentary on Abu Makhnaf though and overall from the perspective you are coming from you did present the picture in a neutral and honest way.
That is why I watch the content you put forward.
A lot of the crimes done by the army of Obaidullah and Omar ibn Saad were also reported during the times of Mukhtar.
The saddest thing ist that the people of Kufa left Al Hussein alone .
@@rudolfoyt9767 So did the people of madina and Makkah. Also, everyone with Hussein was from Kufa. But you are ignorant.
How is Muawiyah still R.A. ?
@@kaksinho best comment so far ❤️
Because he's a sahabi who never loved and was loved by Rasullah sallallahu alaehi wasallam. Being a human he made an ijtihadi mistake but he was mukhlis in his decisions. Moreover Allah will not ask me about what I say about him but if I curse a sahabi i will be doomed because they are forgiven by Allah (not masoom from khata).
@@SyedZeeHussno need to curse by Muwayiah was a liar he lied to Hasan about Khalifa after he died. So no one won’t do RA on a lier and if he is in janah after all the fitnah he did then this janah business is pretty easy
Exactly my point too 😂
What did you say towards the end only cause fitna
Uthman was killed by Sahabi Amar ibn Hanak Al Khuzai and Eyesha launched a war against Ali. SubhanAllah
Very amazin story and very sad 😢
When is the history of the abbasids coming? If it doenst yet
Thank you brother very eye opening
you understand a lot why our teachers warn us about judging the companions. And it's really hard to distanciate personal feelings from how we see certain characters. Stories like this are very heavy to digest on my side, every time we talk about one of these righteous men who's acts at times look so not good, its a constant exercise of remembering that they were people with noble intentions and in the end their intentions will play a huge part on their judgment in the hereafter. As someone reading or listening and generally not knowing what's in the heart of the characters we learn about, taking position or judging can turn out to be a fatal error. There's a right state of mind to have to dig into these subjects, less they turn dangerous.
May the good hearted reach firdaws. For the others, Allah shall do what He wills as its always been and forever will be.
MashAllah fantastic work, was looking for a reliable english version of the event. May Allah reward you! Also the highlighting authentic hadiths in Sahih ul Bukhari have been selectively omitted, resulting in a version that, while still respected, is not as comprehensive as the original collection.
Barakallahu Feekum
When the Prophet Muhammad wanted to write his will, why was the pen and paper not given to him? He wished to write something that would prevent future disputes. The actions of Caliphs Umar and Abu Bakr later contributed to the division, and the fitna (civil strife) began. We saw how the caliphate failed when Muawiyah declared himself as Amir and, after him, his son Yazid, leading to a 100-year dynasty.
As a Sunni Muslim, I believe that any of the Sahabah (companions) can make mistakes, and I think what Umar and Abu Bakr did was wrong. They were not even present at the funeral of the Prophet Muhammad, which deeply upset Fatima. As his daughter, she knew more about her father, especially regarding things discussed within the household. She knew Ali was the rightful successor. Yet, Abu Bakr and Umar went against Muhammad’s wishes.
I want us all to be rational and intellectual, leaving aside all hadiths and scholars, focusing purely on reason and logic. I do not believe Shia accounts are fabricated or fanatical, but I do believe there was a plot to hijack Islam by the Banu Umayyah. Abu Sufyan converted to Islam at the end, as did his wife and children-the same family that had been enemies of Islam. Muawiyah never gave bay'ah (allegiance) to Ali ibn Abi Talib and chose his son to be the next leader. This led to Yazid’s rule, who was responsible for the killing of Hussain.
I cannot accept this version of events; it doesn’t make sense to me. Uthman was an incompetent and lazy caliph who strengthened his own clan, leading to these issues. Uthman may have been a good Muslim and businessman, but he was not an effective leader. I’m sorry, but I also don’t trust Ibn Khattab or Bukhari. One must read general history from neutral sources and use their own intellect. The Quran itself is the ultimate guide, as Allah said: what He did to the Jews, He will do to us, as He has done to others before. Allah also said, “I show them all the signs, I gave them everything, yet their hearts were sealed.” For the Arabs, the Quran was in their own language, yet they still committed such horrible acts.
The caliphate was a joke-it failed. They went against the Prophet Muhammad’s wishes and didn’t accept his will. They said, "The Quran is enough for us." Now, also read Surah Al-Baqarah, where it talks about the peacemakers. I am not Shia, by God. I was born into a Sunni family, but I reject all sects and cults within Islam. I follow only the Quran, my intellect, and the tafsir (interpretation) of the Quran from Ibn Abbas.
I believe that Muhammad chose Ali to lead the Arabs after him. He made Ali stay in Mecca to return the belongings to the people and to sleep in his bed when the enemies approached. Muhammad told Ali, "You are to me as Haroon (Aaron) was to Musa (Moses)." He gave Ali the flag of Khaybar, his daughter in marriage, and Ali was the first Muslim. Ali was not just a warrior but also a philosopher, author, and poet. Raised by the Prophet himself, what better choice could there have been than Ali?
@@Iron_hustle beautifully worded brother, only one minor correction, Ali was the first male Muslim, the first Muslim was the Prophets (PBUH) first wife Khadijah, just wanted to point that out but I agree with everything you said I wish more Muslims would think like you inshallah
AZ three no words to express my deepest gratitude to you for the research and having the courage as a true historian to put the truth out,this was your boldest moment so far. This episode really put me to the Correct history of Islam surround the split and now I see why the Honorable Duce Muhammad Ali and Noble Drew Ali, take the name 'Ali' , leaving a sign that traces back to a Shia influence. This Episode has been most Enlightening. May Allah continue to guide you and keep you close, my brother..Amen..
Barakallahu Feekum Lama and thank you for your ongoing support as always
Salam alaikum brother.
Thanks for this presentation.
I noticed you kindve skipped over Siffin and the civil strife between Mu’awiyah and ‘Ali, and Mu’awiyah’s transgressions against ‘Ali, as well as his setting up his vile son Yazid as his heir apparent.
Do you mind making a video discussing that?
My questions are for Bakriyya who are quick to denounce Yaziid only now. Tell me,
1. Why is that your most favoured Abdullah ibn Umar, the great Faqih, never made bay ah to Imam Ali, but with the first opportunity pledged his allegiance to Yaziid?
2.. Who became the rightful Caliph/AmirAlMumineen after the martyrdom of Imam Hussain(sas) for you?
3. If you did not accept Yaziid at the time as your Imam who was your Imam while the Grandson of the Prophet(pbuh) was alive?
Shia's do not call Sunni's Yazidis. They call Salafists the followers of the teaching of Bannu Ummayya.
This specifically refers to the apologists of Yazid and Muawiyyah.
"Son of Yazid" is a common slur.
But most Sunnis are Yazidis as they love Muawiya Lanatullah who was an oppressor ruler and enemy if Ahlulbayt. He later put Yazid as his successor.
Very few Sunnis hate Muawiya.
So yes, most sunnis are somewhat Yazidis.
Too bad your Maraja(Sistani/Khamenai) has asked you treat us(Sunni aka Yazidi) as your own. 😂
@@50secs same goes for your marja
@@50secsare you even a Muslim bro? This comes from a Sunni. Seems like you're purposefully trying to start an argument. Also, learn something about those that you mentioned and maybe you will realise how wrong you were.
❤assalaamu alaikum sheikh we love your teaching of the past love it ❤
Wa Aleikum Salam Abdullah
Barakallahu Feekum
I can't stand how try match these individuals who were disbelievers to Imam Hussain as
Yeah right? La illaha illalah
I acknowledge the tragedy of Karbala and the horrible massacre of the ahlu lbayt but now how can we reconcile with our shia brothers. Is there a way to heal the umma from the division ?
@@Trilliman707I’m not a Shia or a Sunni. But asking the Shias to change without changing yourself isn’t to reconcile with them, it is to make them submit to you. Answer his question honestly or don’t answer it.
Salam brother I’m Shia what would you like to reconcile? Best thing is we need to sit and eat with each other you will find we are the same. The problem is you have some crazies and we have crazies that harm each other. Main difference is I follow Ali and sunnah of his family. You follow sunnah of all sahaba I say not all 120 thousand where good. We have bigger fish to fry at the moment our brothers and sister are being killed by yahud
@@TheMahdi12349 Wa alikoum salam my dear brother. May Allah grant us victory against the genocidal zionists and the ennemies from within our ranks. Allahomma amin !
@@thepilgrimofinfinity4830 reconciliation ends merely because the shiism of Ali has turned into a theology
@@TheMahdi12349 brother we follow the sunnah of the prophet! You understand, I hope you can realize Ali was a Sahaba
Great stuff as always!
Quick question : in the chart about the family tree of Abdullah ibn Az-Zubayr, you mentioned that Safiyyah bint Abdul Muttalib was the wife of Khuwaylid, but iirc wasn’t she the mother of Az-Zubayr, hence the wife of Awwam?
You are correct Daouda, she was the wife of Awwam and mother of Az-Zubair
@Historyun, Assalaamu'Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu, you mention about abu mikhnas who was born about 29 years after the tragic martyr of Hadhrat Hussain Ibn Ali Radiallahu Anhum, so i humbly ask you as to at what age he wrote Miqtaal Al Hussain Radiallahu Anhu, you also
showed the Al Bukhari in Arabic printed in Beirut Lebanon, how reliable is the Beirut print
Jazak'Allah Khairran Wa Ahsanal Jazah
@@googleuser-fo7td wa Aleikum Salam. We did not include the segment on the critical analysis and review of Abu Mikhnaf and his work. It's pretty detailed and includes citations and examines his background and circumstances. That is not for RUclips.
As for the Beirut prints, they are typically very prolific but some students of knowledge are a bit reluctant to use them because of the lack of "Barakah" (due to the culture of the typists and translators, some who have been known to be irreligious and just doing a "job") however it doesn't take away from the utility of their work and these judgments are not true of all their typists/translators. In any case, the copy cited was also printed in Damascus - which is well respected and grounded.
@@Historyun Jazak'Allah Khairran for your quick response
@@googleuser-fo7td barakallahu Feekum
(Quran 49:9-10) Abdelhaleem translation
(If two groups of the believers fight, you [believers] should try to reconcile them; if one of them is [clearly] oppressing the other, fight the oppressors until they submit to God’s command, then make a just and even-handed reconciliation between the two of them: God loves those who are even-handed.)
(The believers are brothers, so make peace between your two brothers and be mindful of God, so that you may be given mercy)
(10) وَإِنْ طَائِفَتَانِ مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ اقْتَتَلُوا فَأَصْلِحُوا بَيْنَهُمَا فَإِنْ بَغَتْ إِحْدَاهُمَا عَلَى الْأُخْرَى فَقَاتِلُوا الَّتِي تَبْغِي حَتَّى تَفِيءَ إِلَى أَمْرِ اللَّهِ فَإِنْ فَاءَتْ فَأَصْلِحُوا بَيْنَهُمَا بِالْعَدْلِ وَأَقْسِطُوا إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُقْسِطِينَ (9) إِنَّمَا الْمُؤْمِنُونَ إِخْوَةٌ فَأَصْلِحُوا بَيْنَ أَخَوَيْكُمْ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُرْحَمُونَ
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله ,
Ajeeb, a few days ago i was thinking to comment on your videos that you should probably make a video about the event of karbala, looking at your knowledge of history. As its one of the most complex events in history of islam. And Subhan Allah, you did that. Just a side note, i think you haven’t mentioned umar ibn saad ibn waqas and his role in all of this, as he was the son of a prominent sahabi and plays a major role in this event. But all in all this video is amazing sheikh. Please tell me do you give private lessons or teach like a complete historiography course in any way.
Barak Allah feek,
Wa Aleikum Salam wa RahmatullAhi wa Barakatuhu
Thank you for your feedback. This is in actuality an extract from a 3.5 hour private lesson delivered live. Further details were covered in the complete module.
We are currently covering the Umayyad Empire as part of a monthly series throughout 2024. You can find out more about the annual programs with the official website
Membership is $10 for access to all courses and modules
Muhammad al-Hanafiyah is also a important figure in those times.
When his half brothers Hussain and Hassan died. Mukhtar started the first real theological Shia sect called the Kaysanites and they traced the Imamate from Muhammad al-Hanafiyah.
The fun part is that the Kaysanites were the biggest Shia theological group untill the split of the Twelvers and Ismailis during that split the Kaysanites declined.
Abu Hanifa was also a Shia at ul Ali in terms of politics
That is true, he was imprisoned by Abdullah Ibn Zubayr for refusing to pledge allegiance to him. Mukhtar breaks him free. This is discussed in the complete presentation and the career of Mukhtar will be covered in the following lecture. All very interesting details and side-stories.
Barakallahu Feekum
@@Historyun did a Sahaba Abdullah bin Az-Zubair really imprisoned him because Muhammad Al hanafiyah refused allegiance?
Ibn Al Hanafiyaa RA pledged allegiance to Muawiyah RA though if I’m not mistaken !!!
The Raafida used him like they used his Father and brothers
To be fair, the Sunni leadership has gone well out of its way for the past 100+ years, to prove the Shia critique of Sunnis following unjust leaders is more than based!
Awesome study, thanks for sharing it with us. What is that nasheed you used in the start?
The Indian Sunni Sufi tradition is extremely reverential towards the Ahlul Bayt, Amirul Mu'mineen Ali (May Allah enoble his face) and his family are highly regarded. One can find poetic works replete with praise of the Ahlul Bayt (Allah be pleased with them). A controversial example is that of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan's "Shah e Mardan e Ali", I dont endorse the singer and many of his works, but it is interesting that him as a nominal Sunni's most hit piece is in praise of Amirul Mu'mineen (Allah be pleased with him). I say this being a Sunni and staunch defender and supporter of the righteous amongst the Ummayads, namely Muawiyyah (may Allah be pleased with him).
Great video keep it up you're doing amazing things Ibn Zubair RA was Hasan RA and Hussain RA second cousins also Zubair ibn al Awwam was first cousins of prophet Muhammad, Ali RA and Jafar RA and first cousin of Ibn abba RA
May Allāh bless Abu Bakr, 'Umar, Uthmān, 'Ali and the Mother of the Believers, 'Ā'ishah.
May His Favour be bestowed upon the sincere and His Wrath upon those who curse the noble companions & family of His beloved Messenger.
Salam. What ever had happened 4 sure that all in Allah Knows....n Ilm... We must be vigilant in knowing enemy within that enemy infront
Wasnt it well known that Abu maknahf was known liar who based many of his key points on secret letters he allegedly had access to.
So we should all blamed the people of KUFAH for being treacherous! THEY ARE THE MAJOR CAUSE OF THESE TRAGEDY! WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE NOW TODAY?
Ibn Ziyad imprisoned and killed many of the people in Kufa. Like Mukhtar, Hani bin Urwa, and Maytham al Tammar. People who always try to say the Shia of Kufa killed Imam Hussain (as) are wrong. All the people from Mecca and Medina who accompanied him to Iraq slowly started abandoning him on his way to Iraq also. Ibn Umar and Ibn Zubair didn't help him the same way they both refused to give Bayan to Imam Ali(as).
@@brahim-313exactly brother the commentator is obviously upset and is not keen face the truth that even sahaba where within the army of yazid
The people of Iraq were and will always be a treacherous lot
No poems by Al Mutannabi nor their wailing sir crocodile tears will wash away their betrayals and their heretical curses upon the Mothers of the Believers the First Three Rashidun Caliphs the Sahaba etc etc etc
Meanwhile the people of Madina and Mecca were peacefully sleeping 😂😂😂
May Allah guide you
Jazak Allah khair. 🤍
JazakAllah Khayr for this lecture, it was so informative. From now on I’m gonna make sure to give even MORE respect & love to Ahlul Bayt ✨
But I also have a question; if the incident of Karbala took place years after the passing of Abu Bakr & Umar (رضي الله عنهم) then on what basis do the shias lay accusations against them? Where & how did it all start? If you could please shed light on this topic, it would be great. Thank you!!
That is a very complicated set of chapters as it is predicated on theological principles for both Sunni and Shia schools. We only over the time from Caliph Mu'awiyyah's reign onwards, nothing that predates his reign (unless it is by brief reference to set the narrative up)
@@Historyun Oh okay,
بارك الله فيك 🎀
Today I feel like being a Shia, a worst of the worst the twelver Shia.
Now let's break this down.
Yazid came to power - He is a legitimate ruler bcoz Allah has given him the power. That is why all sahaba who gave bayat to him are noble and the ones who went against him are potentially not the righteous one (there are harsher words in the books but I will not go there).
Ali became a Caliph - and Aisha has a better claim to go against him. Muawiyah has a better claim to go against him.
Furthermore, Ali is the rightly guided one (perhaps not that much of a rightly guided one then after all)
A lot of what you said doesn't align with the prophecies of Rasool SAWW rather retrofits on claims made by companions, perhaps because of the same reason you state.
سبحان الله وبحمده
In all good faith i like how you bring a unique way of investigative analysis of pivotal events that wrote our history.
Brother May Allah accept your good intentions and opens more doors for seeking knowledge.
Firstly,As this video is ought to have huge sphere of audiences and In this most crucial video You lacked in paying best tribute to Rightly guided Caliphs the Salafs 3 generations those who have strived best for the sake of Islam.
And Secondly, after discussing the both extreme opinions you haven't endorsed the authentic opinion being referenced by Great Scholars of Islam. @Historyun
I love you for the sake of Allah for saying Salam on the Grandson of the messenger
This is the first time I have heard the story like this wallahi I’m about to cry what a savagery I’m shocked but the people of kuffa that betrayed Al Hussein was Shia and Shiism was established in kuffa.
AsSalaamu Alaykum ! I found this excellent. I am a Sunni who has always been an advocate of Ahlil Bayt for our spiritual guidance. I would like to know if “The Peak of Eloquence,” by Nahjul Balagha is considered authentic ?
Wa Aleikum Salam. Barakallahu Feekum, Nahjatul Balagha is often dismissed as a later work only attributed to Imam Ali. Only Allah knows how much of it is authentic, either way - it's a treasury of wisdom and beneficial advice.
Ws, in my view Nahjul Balagha is very authentic. Since I believe that any text that helps me get closer to our lord, Allah (SWT) is the one to go for. There is ample treasure to learn about piety, selflessness, zuhd and many many aspects.
@@Historyun it's a collection of letters and sayings of Imam Ali(AS) and there's nothing in it to suggest it's not an authentic book
If you was listening to these presentations while riding a horse to go and face/fight a different Muslim faction , you would probably change your mind on the way and look for a middle ground. Our factions keep us charged high with factionalism.
This english translation of history of Tabari can someone send me a link to that translation. Went on the internet archives and saw a couple. Furthermore can someone tell me part of the book to follow from jzk.
I like this guy's channel
You want to look into chapters 36-38 of the collection
@@Historyun shukran can you send me a link as well to find the actual book
Brother can u do one episode on the Khawarij Groups from the time of Ali and so on as well as a bigger picture on the story of Hajjaj ibn yousuf this is Really needed from an Authentic Orthodox Islam POV 🤲🤝видео.html
Don’t you guys notice that these sects were all founded in Iraq ?
Abu Bakr and Umar ruled upon a people like Ali
While Ali ruled a people like those who needs enemies???
Jazakalahu likhair for the insightful piece of research. I have watched some scholars give Muawiyyah and Yazid a pass on this subject but you don’t have to be a Shaikh to see that the Sunni Hadith collections were missing a huge chunk from ahlul bayt when in fact Ali (ASW) was one of foremost Sahabah who witnesssed most events in the life of the rasool (SAW). Nonetheless, I think the Shias are wrong to call all the other Khulafa rashedoon as kafr. There is nothing left of the legacy of Islam if we go that route. My position has always been that the authentic Islam lies in between both sides. Walilahu ahlam.
Brother I need your help can you please guide me where do you get these clips to relate with your story I am about to start a channel like you for pakistani urdu audience,
The sad thing for shias is that they disobey the very first surah that f the Quran, and don’t realise it.
JazakAllah Khayr. Great work. There are heavy loaded lessons from our great Imam Hussain aleyhi salat u wasalaam. Specially in the times when we are living under the dominance of Kufr systems and there is no Caliphate left.
The imam stood up on the violation of method of how the bayah was violated. And here we are living under a Nation State with Capitalism dominant.
Peace 🕊️
Why sunnis are supporters of Umayyad’s. If they deny abu mikhnaf then I would question all the books of Sunni scholars and Sunni scholars. I am Sunni and now after listening about Sunni biased opinion about abu mikhnaf, I am ashamed about Sunni Jamaat and their books.
One correction...safiya bint Abdul muttalib was the wife of awwam whereas you have shown her attached to khuwailid....good work
First of all, great work and many thanks to summarise such a critical part of islamic history that definetly need due attention.
Reason (by Sunni scholars) to skip this part in order to avoid greater harm that is to get a soft corner for Shias make little to no sense for many reasons
1. As you mentioned that is concealing a crime and that too related to Ahlul Bayt
2. If Shite was that much of a probelm why on earth Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim collected authentic ahadith in Saheeh Bukhari/Muslim from them? One of the argument given by present day Sunni scholars that those were the Rafidhi osf earlier time and righteous which is another lame argument.
3. Imam Abu Hanifa was a student of Imam Ja'afar which is a widely practiced jurisprudence in Shite sect.
And the list goes on but in essence, infact there is alot in common but a political issue has been made religious over time. I'm not a Shia but when I read the history without prejudice then its clear who was right and who wasn't.
I disagree with you however i respect your point of view.
You actually using logic unlike this new wave of Salafis.
Disagreement indicates critical thinking. So long as where is respect, there is no problem in having different perspectives
@@Historyungood response
Thanks for this nice presentation. What is the lecturer's name?
As a sunni from India what I was taught that we ahlus sunna too are Shia because we support Ali and consider muawiya RA to have made an ijtihadi mistake
As muslims we all agree that it was tragic and unnecessary but what the shias do with it is abnormal. For me neither the shiias nor the Saudis nor the sufis represent islam. We do need have a leader who simply follows the book of Allah and the words of the prophet svs. We still discuss old tragedies why ?!??! Allah will judge everyone, not us
Aslam alikum brother,
Where i can find thr real sahih Bukhari hadith with Imam Hussain A.S. in Arabic (does it have tanween on them if not then also acceptable) because i belong from Sunni background..
Books recommendations in arbaic would be helpful for hadiths