@man1of1steel halo didn't start online gaming, but halo made it into what it now is. k? k. counter strike or w/e you play is a great game, but halo brought in alot more opportunity for advancement.
@Runescapemania100 No average player can put up a decent match against these guys you can really tell the difference from Pro teams and Amatuer teams. Some amatuer teams are really good but Pro teams are at a different lvl. Its different watching the games than playing in them we all know that, you can watch these games and think to yourself you can do the samething but once you're playing its completely different. And these guys use alot of teamwork.
everyone acts like these guys are awesome, but honestly they arent any better than the next. most people that are truly good dont make a career out of it, its just a hobby they enjoy. all they do is play defensivley, any average player could put up a good fight against all of them. if memory serves only noobs Halo jump too, so these guys are noobs just like the rest of us. Biggest difference, they use a little teamwork, uncommon in COD, but true.
11 years late, but I think you fail to realize they are on a different level of gun game and play iq. I am a really good player, I’ve been playing cod since it’s existence… Again, I am a very good player… these guys are on another level.
4 rounds is criminal
whos here cause of The Eavesdrop?
go to 5:48 for the game.
@V1rtuaLxProductions Itso pro circuit. It costs credits to get in and the top teams go to nationals
@xFATALxSH0TZ why ? as long as the classes stick to the rules of the Gbattles it should be perfectly legal .
It’s currently 2024 March, I’ll be back March 2025
@man1of1steel halo didn't start online gaming, but halo made it into what it now is. k? k. counter strike or w/e you play is a great game, but halo brought in alot more opportunity for advancement.
omg you are one smart cookie.
Can we see some GOW 2222 ? pleaseee ?
@iTzBeAsTzZzRH it was taken off the live stream, thats why it isnt that good
i thought mlg was xbox and pc only
@spidermangreatone1 agreeeed :DD
@Runescapemania100 No average player can put up a decent match against these guys you can really tell the difference from Pro teams and Amatuer teams. Some amatuer teams are really good but Pro teams are at a different lvl. Its different watching the games than playing in them we all know that, you can watch these games and think to yourself you can do the samething but once you're playing its completely different. And these guys use alot of teamwork.
@xLoKoToXiiCx............ just no.
It doesnt work, halo was even pushing the envelope.
This is epic failzors.
aaaaaaaahahahahahahahah doing it in the booth aahahahahahahahahahaha
@PcCAvioN no
@Runescapemania100 Go play runescape.. You might know what your talking about when it comes to that.
@xLoKoToXiiCx haha touche..... good thing i wish i was black :(
lol ps3 rage quit
@spidermangreatone1 dude, regardless of MLG, halo is what made online gaming. gtfo
everyone acts like these guys are awesome, but honestly they arent any better than the next. most people that are truly good dont make a career out of it, its just a hobby they enjoy. all they do is play defensivley, any average player could put up a good fight against all of them. if memory serves only noobs Halo jump too, so these guys are noobs just like the rest of us.
Biggest difference, they use a little teamwork, uncommon in COD, but true.
This comment didnt age well
dumbass lol
11 years late, but I think you fail to realize they are on a different level of gun game and play iq. I am a really good player, I’ve been playing cod since it’s existence… Again, I am a very good player… these guys are on another level.
@xLoKoToXiiCx be better at sports :(
Wow. MLG and cod should never be. WTF?