Having lived in northern Utah for high school, but not Mormon, I know what this means to him and his family. Praying YAH wakes up more LDS to His Truth 🙏🏽
I LOVE when the LDS and or the JE’s come to my door. Since coming to the Whole Bible is True I have learned so much and it’s easy and simple now for me to have conversations about the Bible, the Great Commission, Jesus/Yeshua… So much so they usually end up sending their lead pastor to come talk to me. I’m but bragging it’s just how it is now. When I was in the modern church for almost 35 years I cringed, I hid, I couldn’t defend my faith… I’m so grateful for the father giving the Ruach to teach me and ministries like this one to further my faith and knowledge.
Yes!! I'll have a 5th or 6th meeting soon with a couple of missionaries; it has been fun being able to confidently navigate the scriptures as I converse with them and hopefully plant some seeds. Excited to finish this video and gain more insight for the next meeting. To your point, though, I would have politely closed the door on them before when I hardly read my Bible. No way could I have defended my faith then.
I called the johovas witness headquarters( because they don’t have an email address 😂) and I asked them . Since there’s no and has never been a “j” sound in Hebrew, how can Gods name be “J”ahova O it was like I’m the first person to ask that . They can’t answer it
Thank you for this, Jake and Luke! I shared this. There are folks in our torah communities promoting the Book of Mormom like this "we dont promote mormonism, but the book of mormon has some value and everyone should read it, even though it sometimes doesnt line up with Scripture." You helped me see that it's likely those folks are seeking experiences and a faith led by subjective feelings. I am praying for you in your new role and for shalomy family relationships.
Sounds like this message is super timely then. I guess I didn't realize folks were doing this. I at one time shared the book He Walked the Americas with a Mormon friend of my father's. Well, I gave him the title. He was challenging me to read the Book of Mormon for him, if he read He Walked the Americas for me. I never did. He probably didn't either. I don't know what I think of He Walked the Americas (may be possible), but I for sure wasn't ready to believe Joseph Smith. I'd already been to the wilderness of Buddhism and didn't need another religion with another holy book -- as I was back to the Bible. Anyway, thank you for all YOU do!
I am listening to this now on the podcast but I often forget to come in the video and give it a like and comment to boost it so that is why I am here. Thanks again Luke, I am really enjoying this interview as I always do :)
Recently I reconnected with Michael Rood's channel, and there was this young fella Jake Hilton! I wondered, 'where'd he come from?' Now I know! What a life story so far, thanks for sharing Luke & Jake.
Thanks for sharing your testimony, Jake. Really enjoyed hearing your story. Thanks to The Life Podcast for hosting it. Luke, you do an excellent job, and it is much appreciated. Really look forward to these interviews. It strengthens my own faith. God bless! 🕊️
My husband was raised jw and did all the requirements, going door to door and all the things they asked of him. He asked to be baptized and they always said he wasn't ready blah blah blah. He was so confused on why they wouldn't baptize him. He left and explored other beliefs as an adult and after we were married about 10 years he found torah and introduced me to what he found and we've been doing torah for about 9 years now. But the brainwashing the jw do is hard to break from and his mother is still in the jehovah witness cult. My husband story is very interesting and full of twisted and turns but he's fully committed to Yah now!
Wow! That was powerful. I have Mormon friends and they are so extremely zealous, I don't know how to witness to them. They're kind, caring people too and I hate to lose them as friends. Ive tried quoting scriptures to them just talking about random things and I can tell something isn't right when I do because they get upset sometimes because they don't agree with the scriptures that I quote. I feel like they pick and choose bible scriptures that support their Christian like beliefs and the rest they do like Christians do and throw out because its the old testament, but even to another level, because it doesn't line up with their Mormon doctrine as well. When you said the bible is not their primary instruction, it made sense. Im learning a lot from you with this testimony of yours and had to go to your channel and follow you. I already use the calendar Michael Rood uses and my local church does too. I wasn't familiar with your ministry though. I will be spending more time taking in both of your teachings. There's just so much I need to learn. Thank you for sharing!
Shalom Jake and Luke. Awesomeness. What a blessing to listen to Jake and the amazing power of YHWH to take you out Jake. I really enjoyed the podcast. Thank you very much Luke for your hard work. May Yahweh bless you and Katey and all your kids
I'm so excited about this one! I love Michael Rood ❤ and the Rood Awakening so excited to see where that channel goes with Brother Jake! I've seen him before and I thought he looked like a young Michael Rood 😅
Wow! I didn't know Jake was an exmormon! Rood Awakening opened my eyes completely 2 years ago. I've been officially out of that cult for 1 year now...got my exit paper to prove it. BTW, Great podcast....thanks so much.
Matthew 28:19-> Andrew and Phillip - Greek Orthodox Church Thomas - Malankara Orthodox Church (India) Matthew - Ethiopian Orthodox Church Peter and Paul - Roman Catholic Church (Italy) Luke and Peter - Syriac Orthodox Church (Turkey) Mark - Coptic Church (Egypt) Thaddeus and Bartholomew - Armenian Orthodox Church
About a decade ago I had them coming in and having discussions. I brought up a lot of questions I had about real or even just perceived contradictions and/or things that didn't make sense (I'd been reading through the book of Mormon and took a spiral bound notebook worth of notes and questions to discuss as well as related Biblical passages. After a couple months they brought along the head regional guy (dont know the hierarchy nomenclature). When he couldn't answer most of my questions (things like where are the gold tablets now and blatant contradictions between rhe book of Mormon and the Bible) aside from "thats just the way it is" and "well isn't that just convenient" diversionary answers, the missionaries only came over I think one more time. They basically said they were instructed they could do short visits and provide services but not to engage in further discussions deeper than small talk.
The Greek word does mean the dawning of the day. For a jewish person the dawning of a new day is sunset. Read Matthew 28:1 when the sabbath ended (Saturday night) on the first of the week(Saturday night) at dawn(Sunday morning) . one of these things doesn't fit.
Luke- I LOVE that you know what colors you should wear! lol 😆 You always look wonderful in your colors! I know that’s totally irrelevant to this interview, but I’ve noticed you always wear the right colors for your eyes, skin color and hair color! Few men can do what you’re doing! Is it your wife helping you dress and pick colors, or are you doing it yourself because you’ve been taught? Kudos from a cosmetologist!!! 😂
Read the label of death wish. who they are dedicating the coffee too. Jake ‘s mic is good the other mic sound very hollow. Just a quick technical point. Not the first time.
1:05:01 The MOST important verse in the TORAH!!! Dt 4:2, 12:32 !!! Jesus NEVER added to or subtracted from the Torah of Father YHVH. Jesus violated the man-made baloney of the Pharisees (Mt 23:1-4, Mt15:1-9, Mk 7:1-13, ).
@Jake- I think you would get a whole lot more freedom from the religion of Mormonism if you were to break the toxic soul ties that were created in your lifetime. I’m assuming you’ve broken the vows that you made to the false religion, but you likely also need to command all the unclean spirits to leave you, that were connected to those pagan vows. There’s more freedom to be had, brother!
The same could be said about "Western Christianity". I was completely indoctrinated into faith alone in Yashuah alone, and that works(keeping Torah) is heresy..... Alk we can do is how them scripturally how it has been misinterpreted. And the rest is YHVH.
I was thinking the same think..the indoctrination in " modern Christian churches" is away from the Whole Word of YHWH and obedience is actual considered foolishness 😭
1:05:34, All "isms", religions or practices have an instruction set that is distinguishable from other instruction sets. There are NO EXCEPTIONS! Father YHVH's Instruction Set forbids changing His Instruction Set. This is HOW Jesus' prayer in John 17:23 that we ALL be PERFECTLY UNITED shall be fulfilled, when we humble ourselves before Father YHVH, learning of His Ways and humbly walking in them THROUGH the EXAMPLE of Messiah Yeshua, THAT WE MIGHT WALK AS HE WALKED!!!
What about Seventh Day Adventist, I think they believe same way to a degree also... if your not part or a Seventh day Adventist they will not receive anymore from you... im still prayer about things i saw and witnessed
2:03:58 John 17:2-3 "2For You granted Him authority over all people, so that He may GIVE ETERNAL LIFE to all those You have given Him. 3Now THIS IS ETERNAL LIFE, that they may KNOW You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent." ... 6"I have revealed Your name to those You have given Me out of the world. They were Yours; You gave them to Me, and THEY HAVE KEPT YOUR WORD. 7Now they know that everything YOU HAVE GIVEN ME comes from You. 8For I have given them THE WORDS YOU GAVE ME, and they have RECEIVED them. They knew WITH CERTAINTY that I came from You, and they believed that You sent Me." ... 11"Holy Father, protect them by Your name, THE NAME YOU GAVE ME, so that they may be ONE as WE ARE ONE." John 16:15 Everything that belongs to the Father is Mine. That is why I said that the Spirit will take from what is Mine and disclose it to you. John 16:27 For the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me and have believed that I came from God. John 14:21 Whoever has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me. The one who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and reveal Myself to him." John 15:10 If you keep My commandments, you will remain in My love, just as I have kept My Father's commandments and remain in His love. John 17:21 that all of them may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I am in You. May they also be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me. John 10:30 I and the Father are one." John 10:15 just as the Father knows Me and I know the Father. And I lay down My life for the sheep. Luke 10:22 All things have been entrusted to Me by My Father. No one knows who the Son is except the Father, and no one knows who the Father is except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him." John 3:35 The Father loves the Son and has placed all things in His hands. Matthew 11:27 All things have been entrusted to Me by My Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him. John 7:29 but I know Him, because I am from Him and He sent Me." John 10:15 just as the Father knows Me and I know the Father. And I lay down My life for the sheep. John 14:31 31But I do exactly what the Father has commanded Me, so that the world may know that I love the Father."
There was a time when I was in doubt about whether the Bible was "TRUE". Then YHVH led me to a RUclips video from a Christ denying follower of rabbinical Judaism that just blew my mind and truly cemented my faith in the Torah of YHVH! It is by Rabbi Kelemen and it is called "A Rational Approach to the Divine Origin of Judaism". It is 59:19 long and is entertaining as well! It is one those "hidden in plain sight" kind of things. It is SO BIG and SO OBVIOUS that you cannot see it, LOL! But the nature of the Mt. Sinai event proves, without a shadow of a doubt, that what was delivered is NOT "of the world" and that we can be "in the world" but NOT "of the world" when we take heed of the Torah of YHVH via Moses and put it into action, just like Jesus was "in the world" but NOT "of the world" when He put the Torah of YHVH into practice, free from the heavy, burdensome laws, doctrines and traditions of men (John 17:14-23). This is HOW we will be "perfectly united" as Jesus prayed for in John 17:23.
"True Believer" by Eric Hoffer explains why. For those who are psychologically predisposed to believe the lies of a cult are also the most highly susceptible to switching to another cult.
2:24:24 To say that the Bible has been corrupted, that you shouldn't but your trust, your faith in it because it has been handled by man, blasphemes Father YHVH. How dare you blaspheme the all knowing! He knew that The Word would be monkeyed with. He knew Mohammad was going to monkey with it. He knew Joseph Smith was going to monkey with it. And, yet, The Message is still loud and clear, thousands of years later, for anyone who does the work, who takes the time to read Genesis to Revelation over and over again. God is not stupid. He designed the ATP synthase in every one of your cells. He can cause The Word to exist and not have the The Message become unintelligible because of it being man-handled.
It's male or female for the Melchisedek priesthood, since in Yeshua there is neither male nor female, in Ruach Ha'Kodesh -- since this is a spiritual priesthood -- not of the earth.
Jake Hilton said in a recent interview that he doesn't believe in the deity of Christ. I contacted the Rood Awakening to see where they stand on that. I was surprised to learn that Michael Rood also does not believe in the deity of Christ. I stopped watching them at that point.
Hi there! Thank you for pointing that out! In that case, we totally disagree with him and with them. I believe that is an unscriptural stance. We select podcast guests because we believe they have something of value or of interest to say to our community. Having a guest on the show is not an endorsement of that person’s entire set of beliefs.
I agree with Jake here. I used to believe in the Trinity for many years, but I feel differently now. My husband and I have studied it out and I see scripture after scripture that tells us there is a difference there. Yeshua tells us to pray to the Father as he prayed to the Father. There is a hierarchy. I feel like the trinitarian view of God is still a bit of Christian doctrine that stays with Torah keepers and is hard to shed. People are afraid to even question this topic for fear of losing their salvation. I don't think this is a salvation issue though. I still believe that Yeshua is the Messiah and that I gain salvation through Him, but I don't think he is God the Father. We don't gain salvation by believing Yeshua is God, but instead, that He is the Son of God. Definitely a subject worth studying out. This view also aligns more with Judaism's view of God. The Shema - The LORD our God the LORD is one! A triune God is a pagan idea or myth that has no biblical basis and is not found anywhere in the Tanakh. Not here to be devisive, but I do hope that people really study this out. It is a man made Christian doctrine from the 4th century. Study it out in the Word and look at the history of the church and how they came about with this belief. Be blessed!🙏
@@rachel7502Trinitarians don't believe Jesus is God the Father either. They believe in separate persons but one God. Jesus is the Son according to Trinitarian teaching.
Nehemiah Gordon doesnt believe in Yeshua, (yes, I asked him). Yah would never give an unbeliever His Sacred Name...he sure did make a lot of money off it though didn't he? Poor, Poor Nehemiah. I hope he repents. The Melchizedekian Priesthood is in effect now and forever with Yeshua as our High Priest, there will never be a levitical priesthood, ever again, there's no need for one, the book of Hebrews explains this, and it says that would be trampling the Messiah and calling his sacrifice common. Yeshua has made us a nation of priests under His order and He is our High Priest forever! Amen The book of the law is done, under the levitical priesthood and the book of the covenant/promises is in effect under the order of Melchizedek and father Abrahams covenant 🙏🏻❤️✌🏻 This is a hard walk, sometimes, not hard to walk with Yeshua but maneuvering through man and twistings and lies. I pray for Jake that Abba would remove any wrong thoughts/beliefs and help him heal...I hope Abba gives you peace and quietness and you can settle down internally, peace brother 🙏🏻♥️✌🏻
Don't be ridiculous. The Bible commands men to have long hair when taking a Nazarite vow, therefore, what you were stating or at least what you understand is absolute nonsense.
@@rachel7502 Please give me your scripture here is mine. 1Co 11:14 Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?
@@Libertygal74 Long hair on a man is an abomination to Yehovah. 1Co 11:14 Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?
@@WOODMISER2023 Here is my verse: Numbers 6: 5 "All the days of his vow of consecration no razor shall pass over his head. He shall be holy until the days are fulfilled which he lives as a Nazirite for the Lord; he shall let the locks of hair on his head grow long." Yes, this verse you posted has sparked debate among scholars and believers about whether Paul’s words reflect a universal principle or a cultural practice of his time. At the time, in Greco-Roman culture, long hair on men was often associated with certain social or religious groups that early believers might not have wanted to emulate. However, this was not stated as a command from God but rather as Paul’s guidance to the Corinthian believers based on cultural norms of that time. Otherwise we would have to believe that Paul was contradicting the Word of God. There are examples of men with long hair in the Bible, such as Samson (Judges 13-16) and Absalom (2 Samuel 14:25-26). For Samson, long hair was a sign of his Nazirite vow to God, showing that having long hair isn't wrong, but signified dedication to the command to grow his hair out.
Having lived in northern Utah for high school, but not Mormon, I know what this means to him and his family. Praying YAH wakes up more LDS to His Truth 🙏🏽
I LOVE when the LDS and or the JE’s come to my door.
Since coming to the Whole Bible is True I have learned so much and it’s easy and simple now for me to have conversations about the Bible, the Great Commission, Jesus/Yeshua…
So much so they usually end up sending their lead pastor to come talk to me. I’m but bragging it’s just how it is now.
When I was in the modern church for almost 35 years I cringed, I hid, I couldn’t defend my faith…
I’m so grateful for the father giving the Ruach to teach me and ministries like this one to further my faith and knowledge.
Yes!! I'll have a 5th or 6th meeting soon with a couple of missionaries; it has been fun being able to confidently navigate the scriptures as I converse with them and hopefully plant some seeds. Excited to finish this video and gain more insight for the next meeting. To your point, though, I would have politely closed the door on them before when I hardly read my Bible. No way could I have defended my faith then.
I called the johovas witness headquarters( because they don’t have an email address 😂) and I asked them .
Since there’s no and has never been a “j” sound in Hebrew, how can Gods name be “J”ahova
O it was like I’m the first person to ask that . They can’t answer it
What an excellent testimony ❤
What an exciting time to be alive. Watching the Father call His people to Him. From every walk of life the Father is bringing His Children home.
Praise Yah!
Thank you for this, Jake and Luke! I shared this. There are folks in our torah communities promoting the Book of Mormom like this "we dont promote mormonism, but the book of mormon has some value and everyone should read it, even though it sometimes doesnt line up with Scripture." You helped me see that it's likely those folks are seeking experiences and a faith led by subjective feelings. I am praying for you in your new role and for shalomy family relationships.
Sounds like this message is super timely then. I guess I didn't realize folks were doing this. I at one time shared the book He Walked the Americas with a Mormon friend of my father's. Well, I gave him the title. He was challenging me to read the Book of Mormon for him, if he read He Walked the Americas for me. I never did. He probably didn't either. I don't know what I think of He Walked the Americas (may be possible), but I for sure wasn't ready to believe Joseph Smith. I'd already been to the wilderness of Buddhism and didn't need another religion with another holy book -- as I was back to the Bible. Anyway, thank you for all YOU do!
Thanks Amy!
I am listening to this now on the podcast but I often forget to come in the video and give it a like and comment to boost it so that is why I am here. Thanks again Luke, I am really enjoying this interview as I always do :)
Recently I reconnected with Michael Rood's channel, and there was this young fella Jake Hilton! I wondered, 'where'd he come from?' Now I know! What a life story so far, thanks for sharing Luke & Jake.
Thanks for sharing your testimony, Jake. Really enjoyed hearing your story. Thanks to The Life Podcast for hosting it. Luke, you do an excellent job, and it is much appreciated. Really look forward to these interviews. It strengthens my own faith. God bless! 🕊️
Thanks for watching! We'll keep it up.
My husband was raised jw and did all the requirements, going door to door and all the things they asked of him. He asked to be baptized and they always said he wasn't ready blah blah blah. He was so confused on why they wouldn't baptize him. He left and explored other beliefs as an adult and after we were married about 10 years he found torah and introduced me to what he found and we've been doing torah for about 9 years now. But the brainwashing the jw do is hard to break from and his mother is still in the jehovah witness cult. My husband story is very interesting and full of twisted and turns but he's fully committed to Yah now!
Wow! That was powerful. I have Mormon friends and they are so extremely zealous, I don't know how to witness to them. They're kind, caring people too and I hate to lose them as friends. Ive tried quoting scriptures to them just talking about random things and I can tell something isn't right when I do because they get upset sometimes because they don't agree with the scriptures that I quote. I feel like they pick and choose bible scriptures that support their Christian like beliefs and the rest they do like Christians do and throw out because its the old testament, but even to another level, because it doesn't line up with their Mormon doctrine as well. When you said the bible is not their primary instruction, it made sense. Im learning a lot from you with this testimony of yours and had to go to your channel and follow you. I already use the calendar Michael Rood uses and my local church does too. I wasn't familiar with your ministry though. I will be spending more time taking in both of your teachings. There's just so much I need to learn. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for watching!
Shalom Jake and Luke. Awesomeness. What a blessing to listen to Jake and the amazing power of YHWH to take you out Jake. I really enjoyed the podcast. Thank you very much Luke for your hard work. May Yahweh bless you and Katey and all your kids
I'm so excited about this one! I love Michael Rood ❤ and the Rood Awakening so excited to see where that channel goes with Brother Jake! I've seen him before and I thought he looked like a young Michael Rood 😅
Me too!
Wow! I didn't know Jake was an exmormon! Rood Awakening opened my eyes completely 2 years ago. I've been officially out of that cult for 1 year now...got my exit paper to prove it. BTW, Great podcast....thanks so much.
Awesome! And Wow, Rood is waking tons of people up.
Such a good testimony!! Wow, I received so much from this, thank you for sharing your story Jake Hilton.
Amazing interview with an incredible testimony of trading man-made doctrine for Torah of YHVH. Thanks Luke, for all you do in telling our story.
My pleasure! Thanks for watching!
So thankful for this podcast! Thank you
Thank you for watching!
We love Michael Rood and Jake! I’m looking forward to listening❤️
Thank you so much for.
There were several aspects of this podcast that really hit home with me.
This interview is SO good thus far, but I just have to say that Shepherd's Crook coffe is AMAZING! Thanks for promoting their product. We love them.
I totally agree! I just tried the Guatemala and I have never liked a medium roast until that coffee! I love it.
Against all odds, Jake Hilton has come out strong. May YeHoVaH bless him 🙏🏻
Matthew 28:19->
Andrew and Phillip - Greek Orthodox Church
Thomas - Malankara Orthodox Church (India)
Matthew - Ethiopian Orthodox Church
Peter and Paul - Roman Catholic Church (Italy)
Luke and Peter - Syriac Orthodox Church (Turkey)
Mark - Coptic Church (Egypt)
Thaddeus and Bartholomew - Armenian Orthodox Church
About a decade ago I had them coming in and having discussions. I brought up a lot of questions I had about real or even just perceived contradictions and/or things that didn't make sense (I'd been reading through the book of Mormon and took a spiral bound notebook worth of notes and questions to discuss as well as related Biblical passages. After a couple months they brought along the head regional guy (dont know the hierarchy nomenclature). When he couldn't answer most of my questions (things like where are the gold tablets now and blatant contradictions between rhe book of Mormon and the Bible) aside from "thats just the way it is" and "well isn't that just convenient" diversionary answers, the missionaries only came over I think one more time. They basically said they were instructed they could do short visits and provide services but not to engage in further discussions deeper than small talk.
Wow, such a good point made at the one hour mark about testing the Word of a prophet objectively, not subjectively.
Amen Jake.. Forever is Good!!!
I would tell a Mormon about Jake and Rood Awakening with hopes and prayer that they would diligently search it out….
I love your direction on the high days, only difference i see is when Christ rose it was toward morning(dawn)
The Greek word does mean the dawning of the day. For a jewish person the dawning of a new day is sunset. Read Matthew 28:1 when the sabbath ended (Saturday night) on the first of the week(Saturday night) at dawn(Sunday morning) . one of these things doesn't fit.
Matt28:1 affirms as it began to dawn
@@MrH4YAH keep reading sir, verse 6 says “He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.
Keep reading...
I LOVE that you know what colors you should wear! lol 😆 You always look wonderful in your colors! I know that’s totally irrelevant to this interview, but I’ve noticed you always wear the right colors for your eyes, skin color and hair color! Few men can do what you’re doing! Is it your wife helping you dress and pick colors, or are you doing it yourself because you’ve been taught?
Kudos from a cosmetologist!!! 😂
Lol! I usually don't think about that, but thank you! I will start trying to only wear royal blue!
Read the label of death wish. who they are dedicating the coffee too.
Jake ‘s mic is good the other mic sound very hollow. Just a quick technical point. Not the first time.
Thank you! i'm testing two new mics out today. Will constantly improve!
1:05:01 The MOST important verse in the TORAH!!! Dt 4:2, 12:32 !!! Jesus NEVER added to or subtracted from the Torah of Father YHVH. Jesus violated the man-made baloney of the Pharisees (Mt 23:1-4, Mt15:1-9, Mk 7:1-13, ).
I lived in SLC as a thirteen-year-old... I was shunned because I wasn't Mormon. How the times have changed.
I think you would get a whole lot more freedom from the religion of Mormonism if you were to break the toxic soul ties that were created in your lifetime. I’m assuming you’ve broken the vows that you made to the false religion, but you likely also need to command all the unclean spirits to leave you, that were connected to those pagan vows. There’s more freedom to be had, brother!
The LDS ruined my life and I wasn't even born yet. You sir have more tolerance to weirdos knocking on your door than I do
We love ALL as creations of Yehovah and YES Yeshua was sent and came to SAVE ALL from the satan’s will and ways etc…✌️❤️🙏
The same could be said about "Western Christianity". I was completely indoctrinated into faith alone in Yashuah alone, and that works(keeping Torah) is heresy..... Alk we can do is how them scripturally how it has been misinterpreted. And the rest is YHVH.
I was thinking the same think..the indoctrination in " modern Christian churches" is away from the Whole Word of YHWH and obedience is actual considered foolishness 😭
Salvation is found ONLY in Yeshua. For there is no other name by which we must be saved.
1:05:34, All "isms", religions or practices have an instruction set that is distinguishable from other instruction sets. There are NO EXCEPTIONS! Father YHVH's Instruction Set forbids changing His Instruction Set. This is HOW Jesus' prayer in John 17:23 that we ALL be PERFECTLY UNITED shall be fulfilled, when we humble ourselves before Father YHVH, learning of His Ways and humbly walking in them THROUGH the EXAMPLE of Messiah Yeshua, THAT WE MIGHT WALK AS HE WALKED!!!
What about Seventh Day Adventist, I think they believe same way to a degree also... if your not part or a Seventh day Adventist they will not receive anymore from you... im still prayer about things i saw and witnessed
1:09:29, Revelation 2:2. Jesus applauds the Ephesians for testing apostles against the Word of YHVH.
Correction.. "leaving that cult"
2:03:58 John 17:2-3
"2For You granted Him authority over all people, so that He may GIVE ETERNAL LIFE to all those You have given Him. 3Now THIS IS ETERNAL LIFE, that they may KNOW You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent."
6"I have revealed Your name to those You have given Me out of the world. They were Yours; You gave them to Me, and THEY HAVE KEPT YOUR WORD. 7Now they know that everything YOU HAVE GIVEN ME comes from You. 8For I have given them THE WORDS YOU GAVE ME, and they have RECEIVED them. They knew WITH CERTAINTY that I came from You, and they believed that You sent Me."
11"Holy Father, protect them by Your name, THE NAME YOU GAVE ME, so that they may be ONE as WE ARE ONE."
John 16:15
Everything that belongs to the Father is Mine. That is why I said that the Spirit will take from what is Mine and disclose it to you.
John 16:27
For the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me and have believed that I came from God.
John 14:21
Whoever has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me. The one who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and reveal Myself to him."
John 15:10
If you keep My commandments, you will remain in My love, just as I have kept My Father's commandments and remain in His love.
John 17:21
that all of them may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I am in You. May they also be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me.
John 10:30
I and the Father are one."
John 10:15
just as the Father knows Me and I know the Father. And I lay down My life for the sheep.
Luke 10:22
All things have been entrusted to Me by My Father. No one knows who the Son is except the Father, and no one knows who the Father is except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him."
John 3:35
The Father loves the Son and has placed all things in His hands.
Matthew 11:27
All things have been entrusted to Me by My Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him.
John 7:29
but I know Him, because I am from Him and He sent Me."
John 10:15
just as the Father knows Me and I know the Father. And I lay down My life for the sheep.
John 14:31
31But I do exactly what the Father has commanded Me, so that the world may know that I love the Father."
There was a time when I was in doubt about whether the Bible was "TRUE". Then YHVH led me to a RUclips video from a Christ denying follower of rabbinical Judaism that just blew my mind and truly cemented my faith in the Torah of YHVH! It is by Rabbi Kelemen and it is called "A Rational Approach to the Divine Origin of Judaism". It is 59:19 long and is entertaining as well!
It is one those "hidden in plain sight" kind of things. It is SO BIG and SO OBVIOUS that you cannot see it, LOL! But the nature of the Mt. Sinai event proves, without a shadow of a doubt, that what was delivered is NOT "of the world" and that we can be "in the world" but NOT "of the world" when we take heed of the Torah of YHVH via Moses and put it into action, just like Jesus was "in the world" but NOT "of the world" when He put the Torah of YHVH into practice, free from the heavy, burdensome laws, doctrines and traditions of men (John 17:14-23). This is HOW we will be "perfectly united" as Jesus prayed for in John 17:23.
Mormons aren't allowed to drink coffee (sink in) but everyone else can . 🤣🤣
What scripture is that
"True Believer" by Eric Hoffer explains why.
For those who are psychologically predisposed to believe the lies of a cult
are also the most highly susceptible to switching to another cult.
Nobody that loves Messiah is our enemy.
2:24:24 To say that the Bible has been corrupted, that you shouldn't but your trust, your faith in it because it has been handled by man, blasphemes Father YHVH. How dare you blaspheme the all knowing! He knew that The Word would be monkeyed with. He knew Mohammad was going to monkey with it. He knew Joseph Smith was going to monkey with it. And, yet, The Message is still loud and clear, thousands of years later, for anyone who does the work, who takes the time to read Genesis to Revelation over and over again. God is not stupid. He designed the ATP synthase in every one of your cells. He can cause The Word to exist and not have the The Message become unintelligible because of it being man-handled.
It's male or female for the Melchisedek priesthood, since in Yeshua there is neither male nor female, in Ruach Ha'Kodesh -- since this is a spiritual priesthood -- not of the earth.
Brother, you look way more masculine with a beard.
Jake Hilton said in a recent interview that he doesn't believe in the deity of Christ. I contacted the Rood Awakening to see where they stand on that. I was surprised to learn that Michael Rood also
does not believe in the deity of Christ. I stopped watching them at that point.
Hi there! Thank you for pointing that out! In that case, we totally disagree with him and with them. I believe that is an unscriptural stance. We select podcast guests because we believe they have something of value or of interest to say to our community. Having a guest on the show is not an endorsement of that person’s entire set of beliefs.
I agree with Jake here. I used to believe in the Trinity for many years, but I feel differently now. My husband and I have studied it out and I see scripture after scripture that tells us there is a difference there. Yeshua tells us to pray to the Father as he prayed to the Father. There is a hierarchy. I feel like the trinitarian view of God is still a bit of Christian doctrine that stays with Torah keepers and is hard to shed. People are afraid to even question this topic for fear of losing their salvation. I don't think this is a salvation issue though. I still believe that Yeshua is the Messiah and that I gain salvation through Him, but I don't think he is God the Father. We don't gain salvation by believing Yeshua is God, but instead, that He is the Son of God. Definitely a subject worth studying out. This view also aligns more with Judaism's view of God. The Shema - The LORD our God the LORD is one! A triune God is a pagan idea or myth that has no biblical basis and is not found anywhere in the Tanakh. Not here to be devisive, but I do hope that people really study this out. It is a man made Christian doctrine from the 4th century. Study it out in the Word and look at the history of the church and how they came about with this belief. Be blessed!🙏
@@rachel7502Trinitarians don't believe Jesus is God the Father either. They believe in separate persons but one God. Jesus is the Son according to Trinitarian teaching.
32:03 he injured his VaChina
Nehemiah Gordon doesnt believe in Yeshua, (yes, I asked him).
Yah would never give an unbeliever His Sacred Name...he sure did make a lot of money off it though didn't he? Poor, Poor Nehemiah. I hope he repents.
The Melchizedekian Priesthood is in effect now and forever with Yeshua as our High Priest, there will never be a levitical priesthood, ever again, there's no need for one, the book of Hebrews explains this, and it says that would be trampling the Messiah and calling his sacrifice common.
Yeshua has made us a nation of priests under His order and He is our High Priest forever! Amen
The book of the law is done, under the levitical priesthood and the book of the covenant/promises is in effect under the order of Melchizedek and father Abrahams covenant 🙏🏻❤️✌🏻
This is a hard walk, sometimes, not hard to walk with Yeshua but maneuvering through man and twistings and lies. I pray for Jake that Abba would remove any wrong thoughts/beliefs and help him heal...I hope Abba gives you peace and quietness and you can settle down internally, peace brother 🙏🏻♥️✌🏻
I guess he does not believe in all the words written in the scriptures and what they say about men with long hair. I will not watch this video now.
I suggest you study Scripture more. You’ve truly lost out on an amazing testimony.
Don't be ridiculous. The Bible commands men to have long hair when taking a Nazarite vow, therefore, what you were stating or at least what you understand is absolute nonsense.
@@rachel7502 Please give me your scripture here is mine. 1Co 11:14 Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?
@@Libertygal74 Long hair on a man is an abomination to Yehovah. 1Co 11:14 Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?
Here is my verse:
Numbers 6: 5
"All the days of his vow of consecration no razor shall pass over his head. He shall be holy until the days are fulfilled which he lives as a Nazirite for the Lord; he shall let the locks of hair on his head grow long."
Yes, this verse you posted has sparked debate among scholars and believers about whether Paul’s words reflect a universal principle or a cultural practice of his time.
At the time, in Greco-Roman culture, long hair on men was often associated with certain social or religious groups that early believers might not have wanted to emulate. However, this was not stated as a command from God but rather as Paul’s guidance to the Corinthian believers based on cultural norms of that time. Otherwise we would have to believe that Paul was contradicting the Word of God.
There are examples of men with long hair in the Bible, such as Samson (Judges 13-16) and Absalom (2 Samuel 14:25-26). For Samson, long hair was a sign of his Nazirite vow to God, showing that having long hair isn't wrong, but signified dedication to the command to grow his hair out.