Debate Church of Christ VS. SDA 4/5

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024
  • sep 24 2011

Комментарии • 42

  • @joshuaglennfiesta3856
    @joshuaglennfiesta3856 2 года назад +2

    Kapatid sa Church of Christ may nanonood pa Rin po ba ngayon comment please

  • @bisayanggala5574
    @bisayanggala5574 3 года назад +3

    Clear na clear sa Nakasulat sa bible na .na miamo ang ating panginoong jesu kristo ang nag sabi . Mateo 16:18
    At pati na rin ang Roma 16:16

  • @awachris6534
    @awachris6534 3 года назад +1

    Tanong ko sa inyo, sagutin nyo muna ang talatang 1corinto 12:28,bakit hindi kyo makareply sa 1corinto 12:28

  • @almarramos6821
    @almarramos6821 2 года назад +1

    Logical point na lang gawa 4:12 walang ibang pangalan sa silong ng langit na ibinigay na sukat nating ikaliligtas it means si Kristo. Chhrist saves kahit maghintay ng maghintay w/c means advent kung hindi kay Christ walng kabuluhan ang paghihintay. ❤

  • @awachris6534
    @awachris6534 3 года назад +1

    Ang namomono sa ibang reliheyon, yumayaman, pero may reliheyon na pinono, hindi mayaman,

  • @AimGobalWorldBibleSchool
    @AimGobalWorldBibleSchool 2 года назад +4

    Yun Lang ang founder nasapol, huwag kayong masaktan....Babaeeeh Bawal ang pastora sa new testament....o yun lang tibag na....

  • @awachris6534
    @awachris6534 3 года назад +1

    Khit anong gwin nyo, hindi kayo makasagot sa 1corinto 12:28,

  • @franciscoragas14
    @franciscoragas14 3 года назад

    Ang panahon ng pintecostes hindi lingo dahil hindi yon ang araw ng panginoon kundi sabado ang pang pitong araw ng sanglingo Ezekiel 20:20.

  • @Jsm205
    @Jsm205 7 лет назад +1

    assuming sa kanila daw ang 1cor. 12:28

  • @franciscoragas14
    @franciscoragas14 3 года назад

    Yan ang araw ng panginoon .

  • @niceone4510
    @niceone4510 2 месяца назад +1

    Hndi yan INC. Ang debate ng INC ay pormal o sa isang malawak na venue hndi sa ganyang walang maayos na moderator at venue. Haha.. paninira.

  • @jhunqconcha9902
    @jhunqconcha9902 5 лет назад +1

    mas lao namang hindi seventh day adventist yang tinutukoy sa 1cor.12:28

  • @novic19881
    @novic19881 10 лет назад

    #BEHOLD #I #COME #QUICKLY/ #JESUS says,because the time is near,at the door/ #Matthew 24;3-14 came the disciples to him and asked him;Tell us what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the world? Jesus answered them;Take heed that no man deceive you.You will hear the noise of wars,nation shall rise against nation,and kingdom to kingdom,and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places,then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted,and all the nations shall be hated on you because of my name,and will come out false prophets[ministers] and seduce many,grow cold compassion for most,this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations,and then the end will come/ #Matthew 7;13-14 Enter through the narrow gate,for wide is the gate and broad way that leads to destruction,and many there be that go-way,but narrow is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life,and few there be that find them/ #Matthew 7;15 Beware of false prophets.because they come in sheep's clothes but inwardly they are ravening wolves/ #Matthew 7;21-23 Not every one that saith;Lord,Lord,shall enter into the kingdom of heaven,but only he who fulfills the will of my Father who is in heaven.Many will say in that day;Lord,Lord,have we not in thy name prophesied[preached],are we not thy name cast out demons and miracles,then I tell them openly;I never knew you,depart from me,ye that work iniquity./ # Matthew 6;24 no one can master two[rescuers] can not serve God and mammon/ #Matthew 11;28-29 Come unto me,all ye that effort and you burdened,and I will give you rest.Take my yoke upon you and receive my teachings,because I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find peace for your souls/ #Matthew 16;26 For what is a man to gain the whole world and lose your soul/ #MARK 8;38 for he who is ashamed of me and of my words..the Son of Man[JESUS] shall be ashamed of him when he comes in the glory of his Father with his angels/ #MARK 10;14 allow the children to come unto me,and forbid them not,for of such is the kingdom of God/ #JOHN 5;28 the hour is coming when all who are in the graves shall hear the voice of the Son of God in and out of them.and will come out that have done good in the resurrection of life,those who committed the evil in the resurrection of the trial/ #JOHN 11;25-26 I am the resurrection and the life,he who believes in me will live even if he dies.And whoever lives and believes in me will never die.[Do not get confused,GOD first death called sleep,and after the resurrection comes eternal death or eternal life]/ #JOHN 15;18 If the world hates you,know that to me(Jesus) before you hated/ 15;25 but it would have to fulfill a prophecy which is written,,hated me without a cause,,/ #PART A. 2;38 repent,and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins,and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit/ #PART A 4;12 Nothing in one else can save,for there is none other name under heaven given to men by which we could be saved tO JESUS CHRIST/Jews loved the JEHOVAH and prayed to the JEHOVAH swore to the JEHOVAH,for the JEHOVAH lived,feared the JEHOVAH,and finally they crucified the JEHOVAH,because he did not recognize,not knowing the scriptures,there should not be for us to happen/ #PART 28;28 Know therefore that the Gentiles job salvation of God,and that they will hear/ #Romans 1;16 for I am not ashamed of the gospel of CHRIST,is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes/ #Romans 12;12-15 hope of rejoice,be patient in tribulation,persevering in prayer,be hospitable,bless those who persecute you,rejoice with those who they rejoice and weep with those who weep/ #REVELATION 1;7-8 behold,he cometh with clouds,and every eye shall see him,and who pierced him,and wail for him all the tribes of the earth,the amine,i am Alpha and omega,says the Lord who is and who was and who is coming,the Almighty/ #1Corinthians 15;51-53 Behold i tell you a secret,because we will all die and everyone will turn suddenly to blink an eye at the last trumpet,for the trumpet shall sound,and the dead will first be raised incorruptible,and we shall be changed.For this perishable body must put on incorruptible,and what was mortal to become immortal/ #REVEL.3;19-20 I(Jesus) who love them and punishing.beware,therefore,and repent.Behold,I stand at the door and knock,if anyone hears my voice and opens the door[of the heart] will come in to him and sup with him and he with me / #REVEL.14;13 Blessed are the dead[the soul] that from now on die in the Lord/ #Isaiah 26;19 to revive your dead,you get up the corpses of my wake-up and counting,dwell in the dust,for your dew,dew of life and the country will return to the shadows of day/ #REVEL.21;1-8 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth:for the first heaven and the first earth passed away,and the sea is no longer bese...He(Jesus) will wipe away every tear from their eyes,and death shall be no mourning nor outcry nor disease because the first thing was gone...who is thirsty i will give to him the fountain of living waters for nothing..But the fearful,and unbelieving,and the Gentiles,and murderers,and fornicators,and sorcerers,and idolaters,and all liars,their part is in a burning lake of fire and sulfur,and this is the second death/ #Isaiah 11;6-8 wolf with the lamb shall feed,and the panther will lie with the kid,the calf lioness and the goods will be together,and a little child shall lead them along the cow and the bear shall feed,and together their young ones shall lie down,and the grass will be the lion and the ox shall eat,and what kid sucking snakes will not play,nor will malfunction or damage will be/ #REVEL.21;26-27 I Be made by him the glory and honor of the people.I will not be in it[the kingdom of heaven] teaches nothing unclean and no one who would be vile abominations and lies,but only those who are written in the Lamb[JESUS] book of life.( #REVEL.13;8)/ #REVEL.22;8 And I John saw this and I heard,and when I heard and saw,I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things.But he said to me;Look,do not(nor angel can not worship,and he's a creature),because I am your friend in the service of your brothers the prophets and of those who keep the words of this book.Worship God./ #REVEL.22;20 he speaks of these witnesses;Yes,I'll come back soon! GLORY of Jesus Christ of heaven and earth,Thank you Father for existing!// #THE #LORD #IS #MY #SHEPHERD// #EZEKIEL 34;17-23 And you,my flock,thus says the LORD[JESUS,YHWH] eternal;Here I will judge between sheep and sheep,between rams and goats.Little you is that graze on the good pasture,and the rest graze their trample them under their feet,and they drink the clear water,and the rest with your feet obscure,and my sheep to graze on what you have trodden with your feet,and drink what you have fouled with your feet.Because this is what JESUS[YHWH] eternal;Here I will judge between the fat sheep and the skinny sheep.What push hips and shoulders,and his horns stab all the weak sheep,so I have driven them,because I'll save my flock,not to be more prey,and I will judge between sheep and sheep.I will establish one shepherd who will feed them,he shall feed them and be their shepherd/ #EZEKIEL 34;7-10 Therefore,you shepherds,hear the word of the Lord;As I live,saith JESUS eternal;What my sheep are become prey and food to all the beasts of the field,because you have no shepherd,and my shepherds(ministers) do not ask for his sheep,but the shepherds fed themselves,and my sheep graze,because the shepherds hear the word JESUS CHRIST[YHWH];Behold,I am against the shepherds(a preacher who does not speak the truth of God), I'll ask my sheep from their hands,and I will give them over to the sheep of my pasture(false doctrine),and they will fall over themselves,will deliver my sheep from their mouth,and those they will no longer be a prey.Thus says JESUS ALMIGHTY;Behold,I am his sheep to care,and I'll count them.As a shepherd his flock review/ #PSALM 23;1-4 The Lord is my shepherd,I do not miss.The green dog gives me a break,leads me to still waters.Refreshes my soul,straight paths lead me,for the love of their names.And when he walked through the valley of shadows of death,I fear no evil,for you are with me.Stick your rod and your brave me.// #FOR #IT #IS #WRITTEN;Jesus our Savior has left a strong message to warn us(protect) how to defend against various temptations.When he was tempted of the devil in the desert,Jesus always responded with,,WRITTEN,, warning believers not to invent something opinionated,but look at the scriptures,what was written,and of course I believe.Many scribes are trying to pervert the word of God,are made wise,are some of the reasons for their texts disagree with their religion,not realizing that with God there is no guessing/ #Matthew 4;4 Jesus answered;,,Is written,Man shall not live by bread alone,but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God,,/ The tempter said to him,jumped from the top of the temple if you are the Son of God Angels will save you/ #Matthew 4;7 Jesus said to him;and it was written,,not tempt the Lord thy God,,/ #Matthew 4;8-11 Take him to the devil at a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in their glory,and said to him;All this I will give you if you fall down and worship me.JESUS said to him;,, go of my opponents!For it is written;,the Lord your God with worship and him only shall you serve,,Then the devil left.And, behold,angels came to Jesus,and ministered to him,,(this should be our message,,keep the word of God and Kusatsu goes,a guardian angel come,,/ #Matthew 12;17 Jesus said,..that fulfilled what is written by the prophet Isaiah.../ #Matthew 21;42 Jesus said to them,did you never read in the scriptures,the stone(Jesus) which the builders rejected,he became the head of the corner/ #MARK 1;2 as it is written,in Isaiah behold,I send my messenger before thy face,which shall prepare thy way/ #MARK 7;6 Jesus said to them,Well did Isaiah it is written../ #Mark 14;49..and every day I was with you in the temple,and you did not arrest me.however is to fulfill what is written../ #LUKE 3; it is written in the Book of Isaiah,which saith,behold the voice of one crying in the wilderness../ #JOHN 13;18 I have not spoken to all of you,because I know whom I have chosen,but that it might be fulfilled written in the letter;who eats bread with me lifted his heel against me,,/ #JOHN 15;25 but it might be fulfilled the word written in their law,,hated me without a cause/ #Matthew 15;6-9 and so you are removing the word of God for your's good for you WROTE Isaiah;,the people of this mouth me with respect,but his heart is far from me.In vain do they worship me,teaching human sciences,,/ #REVELATION 1;3 Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the word of prophecy,and keep what is written in it!Because the time is near.

  • @awachris6534
    @awachris6534 3 года назад

    Sabe nga ng bible, khit anghel ang mangaral itakwel, apostol lng talaga ang mangaral,

  • @roberttiyang2956
    @roberttiyang2956 4 года назад

    Wala naman sinabi ang church of christ dto nasaan ang paliwanag mo

  • @jhunqconcha9902
    @jhunqconcha9902 5 лет назад +1

    Napaka sinungaling talaga ni ellen g white

    • @jay-armato9539
      @jay-armato9539 5 лет назад

      Mo nasabi... ha .. nabasa mo naba lahat ng kwento ni EGW
      Mgbasa k nga para maliwanagan ka

  • @mrClaw-mi3hq
    @mrClaw-mi3hq 3 года назад

    Nangingibabaw ang katotohanan. Sino na sa inyo ang nangingibabaw.?
    Lahat kayo ay puro mabababaw.

  • @nestortulisana4976
    @nestortulisana4976 8 лет назад +1


    • @almarramos6821
      @almarramos6821 2 года назад

      Nagtagpi lang naman ang SDA ng text out of context naman mali din sa hermeneutics ruling

  • @taxiHype-yk7tf
    @taxiHype-yk7tf 5 лет назад +3

    Sda talonan sa debate

    • @jay-armato9539
      @jay-armato9539 5 лет назад

      Magbasa ka muna mg bible bago k
      Mgcoment.. pwd.. wala k ata alam toy...

    • @churchofchristm-tube8883
      @churchofchristm-tube8883 4 года назад +2

      klarong klaro dyan na pinag babawal sa DIOS ang babae na mag totoro or maging leader. eh ang sda leader nila babae eh si Ellen g white

    • @hildapatindol7258
      @hildapatindol7258 3 года назад

      @@churchofchristm-tube8883 basahin you Mona ng maayos ang vers ng Bible, para matendihan you, lengo nabuhay c gesus Crist,

  • @franciscoragas14
    @franciscoragas14 3 года назад

    Nabuhay si jesus sabado hindi lingo,walang pagkabuhay ng lingo.

    • @ryantoroba2944
      @ryantoroba2944 3 года назад


    • @jadeblogcom1594
      @jadeblogcom1594 3 года назад

      Napakalinaw .. kapatid......... Marcos-Mark :16
      [a] 9 When Jesus rose early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had driven seven demons.......... intindihin nyo ang biblia.....

  • @RogerDagdagan
    @RogerDagdagan 2 месяца назад