@@السعيدعنقاق When I was a kid I used to listen to Fairuz but merely because it was very plesant and emotional. My family used to say Umm Kulthum first then number 2 is a matter of opinion. If you compare Umm Kulthums live vocals with Fairuz they are not even close. Umm Kulthum was a far better singer and had a much stronger aura like a pharao. Anybody I showed their live performances would pay to see Umm Kulthum much more than they would Fairuz.
@@السعيدعنقاق صوت ام كلثوم اقوى بكثير من فيروز . أم كلثوم سوبرانو تغني كل المقامات بينما فيروز سوبرانو ميزو soprano Mezzo. يعني لا تصل لكل المقامات واامساحات . لا مجال للمقارنة . غير ان صوت فيروز مريح جدا الأذن يقال عنه ملائكي.
هذا الفيديو يجعل نصف مليار شخص عربي يحبك ويعرف أنك تتذوق معدن الطرب جوهره المحسوس البعيد عن اللغة التي ليست في الأخير إلا أداة .. ليس لأني عربي أقول هذا ولكن بصفة علمية: الطرب العربي والمقامات الصوتية العربية و الشِّعر العربي وعمقه في اقتناص المعاني ، و عظمة المشاعر ما يستدعي التأمل. رجاء شخصي مني إليك ، أشرك معك مترجما ماهرا في اللغتين وسيكون لقناتك شأن عظيم . متابعك من موريتانيا 🇲🇷🇨🇦
This was in France, but if the translation was better, you would enjoy more, and she had the most beautiful voice she heard, in addition to that, her songs are very long, and she used to sing more than singing, i.e. more than 3 hours, and she also sang this song at the end of her sixties.
كشخص يمني وعاشق لأم كلثوم، لا أظن أحدًا قد استطاع الاقتراب من مستواها المبهر على المسرح في الأداء والتفاعل مع الجمهور سوى المطرب اليمني أبو بكر سالم، لا أقصد المقارنة هنا، فأم كلثوم بعيدة كل البعد عن المقارنة، وإنما أقصد الأداء المسرحي والغناء الحي، فعندما أستمع لأبو بكر سالم وهو يغني على المسرح في أحد العروض الحيَّة أستذكر هذه السيدة العظيمة وأدائها، فلهم نفس القدرة على التأثير على الجماهير ولهم نفس القدرة على التحكم في مسار اللحن والأغنية، مع اختلاف مستوى القدرة بالطبع.
Umm Khaltoum gelmiş geçmiş seslerin en büyüğü 🥰 o zamanın teknolojik imkanlarıyla saatlerce şarkı söylemek ve her hangi bir destek olmadan, vokalistler olmadan, üstelik mikrofondan bu kadar uzakta 💞 herkesin harcı değil🥰 düşünüyorum da şimdikiler onun binde biri bile olamaz 🥰 ilk ve tektir 🥰 aşkımmmmmm🙏⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
senden uzak - Umm Kulthum Aşk için yaşadığımız tatlı bir anı hatırlat bana Ve beni bir kez hatırladı, birlikte duyduğumuz gün bir şarkı Hayatımı al, hayatımın tüm anlarını Seni gördüğüm saniyeler dışında Hasret, ah, hasret de bize ne yaptı? Çoğu zaman özlemimi gizlerim ve diğer zamanlarda bunun hakkında konuşurum Senden korkuyorum ve beni unutmandan korkuyorum Ve seni özlemek beni her zaman uyandırır Özlem beni boğdu ve bana işkence etti Ve senden uzakta olduğum gece beni eritti Ve ne kadar uzakta olursan ol, kafamı karıştırıyor Uykusuzluk beni uyanık tutsa bile Sen uzaktayken bile hiçbir şey beni değiştiremez Ne de günler beni senden uzaklaştırabilir - senden uzak
She is the best in Arab world who can reach all types of ppl the highly educated and the non educated with her way of singing , as she acts the words and the song with her natural emotions and expertise as young actress in old days.
Unbelievable reaction Man this is my first time I see you and I can’t believe how you understand her voice which some Arab people can’t your amazing man by the way I’m an Arab singer and I believe om kalthoom is the strongest singer came to this world peace upon all of you guys who are reading my comment.❤️❤️❤️❤️
Canımmmm 💞 canımmmm💞💞 allahımmmm seni cennetinde ağırlasın 🙏🙏🙏⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ah IJay sabah sabah ağlattın 😢 ama sonunda onu bize getirdin 🥰 teşekkürler 🙏🥰✌️👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Jay, you should do a lot more videos about Um Kulthum…her performance from the 50’s is stunning. For me she is the best vocalist of all time . Thank you for your effort
عظمة على عظمة يا ست.this was what was said the audience who were mesmerized and enchanted by her voice and great performance. She is still alive among us . May her soul rest in peace in paradise. Thx Jay for your nice reaction. I am very glad that you returned to Om Kulthoum again.
A very special and a long-waited for one IJAYREACTION! Thank you for really drawing the smile on our faces! Just imagine she is 65 years old here, since this concert was in Ba’lbak in Lebanon in July 1968 and all the revenues were dedicated by Umm Kalthoum to the effort of rebuilding the Egyptian army after the defeat of 1967 as a preparation for the Egyptian counter-war in 1973. In a nutshell, MARVELOUS!
Aaah, for the feeling and the voice that is of gold, the lady of Kawkab Al Sharq, creates a voice in this song that will never be repeated. Your choice of video is very good, really amazing ❤️🇪🇬
لندرك مدى عشق الجمهور لتفاريد أم كلثوم، قيل ذات مرة لو أن أم كلثوم سعلت على المسرح لأعتبر الجمهور سعالها جزءً من الأغنية وهذا إن دلَّ على شيء فإنه يدلُّ على تمكُّن السيدة العظيمة وخبرتها الموسيقية الكبيرة. والتفاريد تعني أن يتخلَّص المغني من اللحن الأساسي ويتصرف في الكلمات حسب خبرته الموسيقية، وأم كلثوم كانت ولا تزال رائدةً في هذا المجال الصعب. الرحمة لروحها العظيمة التي أسعدت الملايين.
When you miss a lover and you think about him day and night, you wish to see him or even hear his voice that feels is ( AL_SHOOQ ) الله يرحمها توحد الجميع على كل شيء يجي منها .
First time I comment here. Nice video and nice presentation. You love the great lady's emotions and I love the way you react to them Jalal. Now, these super improvisations were spontaneous, the musicians had no idea about them before they set foot to the stage, yet they were more than ready to cope with them (by the way Jalal, haven't you noticed they never needed written notes on stands in front of them!). The composer was the young genius Baliegh Hamdy (1965) This concert was in Lebanon on July 14, 1968 (the great Lady was almost seventy years old at that time!!) Best regards
First verse means: Remember a sweet moment that we lived for love. Remember a sweet song that we listened to together. @8:11: Take all of my life and let me have a few seconds to see you. @9:20": Oh the longing Oh the longing and its effects. @10:30: "Yama" means "many times" so this part means: Many times I've hid it, Many times I've told it. @17:00: I used to miss you when you and I were together in one place, a couple of steps between us. @21:00: See how we've become now my love. Where am I and where are you. @26:50 What to do? tell me what to do. The hope, you're the hope, why do you deprive me of you?. @28:30. There were eyes that envied me for my love, now they're crying for me because of my helplessness. Where are you, light of my eyes, soul of my heart. @30:30 where can I complain to you. I have many words and things (to tell you). My eyes, where are your tears? Crying sometimes gives me comfort.
Grew up listening to her..and we are talking about decades now. Only tonight did I discover that she says افتكرلي and not افتيكرني which I believe means remind me of and not remember
@@foraattheriver2745 I think it means remember something from me, she wants him to remember her through little things. If the meaning was remind me the word would be فكرني
كنت بشتاقلك و انا و انت هنا..بيني وبينك خطوتين..كترجمة حرفية اوكي..but I think the meaning should or could be, I used to miss you even when we were together ,two feet apart...translation is complicated yet a funny thing
You said you couldn't know the meaning of "ياما بدارييها" it means always I tried to hide it ( it refers to our days or feelings , memories...etc...) ❤
Thank you for your lovely reaction , This concert as you said in Ba Albak city in LEBANON... usually UmKulthoum like to do more in her songs .when she make concerts OUSIDE of EGYPT.like in this video to say the words in a manner caled MAWWAL ., and you would see more in other concerts in MOROCCO or Tunisia , or Syria and Lebanon..for example , this concert is a RARE one by the way, even the video is not available cus it cold be the right of Lebanon TV and they font play in RUclips...
إنتبه 👈 انا رسام🎨 = ف لما أُحرك قلمي مع حركات صوت ام كلثوم⚡ = يخرج من القلم عظيم الزخارف الملائكيه والهندسات الذكيه🎵؛ تخطيط قلب⚛️؛ كما افلام الخيال ومايخرج من عصاة الساحر من لولبيات بهلوان🎇 وترتسم الأدغال🌾🍀🌱 ويهيج البستان🏵️🌈🌺🌻 ويعمر الكرنفال🌀؛ ذكيه جدا جدا✖️➕➖➗⁉️♻️✔️ فيزيائية كيمياء السعاده💧🔥⚡ روحانيه ربانيه إسلاميه وطنيه إنسانيه جهد وجهاد وإجتهاد؛ مخاطبة الحس الفطري🎼 حتى عندما قرأت ترتيل سورة إبراهيم عجب العجب🌠 والتلذذ بالإستماع والإنصات وفن الإصغاء ورياضة الدماغ وعمان الخيال ؛ ثم ايقنت بعد الإدراك🤔 انها إستثنائيه☑️ ولا تُقارَن بالبشريه🧐 لأنها من صنعة الخالق البارئ المصور تقدست أسماؤه الحسنى الذي لا تقليد عنده؛ ف ام كلثوم ليست لون من الألوان وإنما مكتبة الوان😇 وليست طور من الأطوار وليست زاويه ولا ركن؛ ام كلثوم ليست عالميه فقط بل كونيه تطوّر وتطوير؛ الطاقة الثابته + ثبات الطاقه = حركةٌ دائمه " رب العالمين تقدس اسمه العظيم أهدانا هديه مؤقته لتضيف تراث وثقافه ودراسات مستقبليه بعلوم هندسة الرسم الصوتي و الترددات الموجات و ذبذبات الصوت وشحناته بالكمبيوتر الذي لا يحيط بصوتها و لا يستطيع مجارات عظمة ذكاء رسم صوتها لانه من صنع الإنسان؛ بينما ام كلثوم خلقها الله رب العالمين بحجه لا مثيل لها وجهادها ضد الصهاينه بفنها وأسفارها حول العالم واموالها وصوتها ؛ لا نظير لها ليست كالباقين الذين يلتصقون بالميكرفون🎤؛ وليست موهبه مصقوله بل ولدت وصوتها معها برضا الله لا برغبته ولا برضاها؛ برضاك ياخالقي🥇؛ فهي قيثارة ملكوت السماء🎶؛؛ إسألوا فيروز عن ام كلثوم؛ وإسألوا أسمهان ماذا تقول عن ام كلثوم؛ بل سل السنباطي عنها والقصبجي وعبدالوهاب وبليغ و الدكتور أحمد صبري الجريدي والشيخان اب العلا محمد و زكريا احمد وسيد مكاوي واحمد شوقي ورامي وبيرم التونسي ومأمون الشناوى وإبراهيم ناجي ونجيب محفوظ وطه حسين؛ بل سلوا الشيخ عبدالباسط عبد الصمد ماذا قال عنها؛ إسألوا كل هؤلاء وبلاش شغل التحدي و المقارنات فمهما وإن ظهر منافس؛ ماشي. فهو منافس ولكن منافس خسران في النهايه والنتيجه ثبتت بالعلوم والمعارف وليست بالكلام والا واق؛ نظريا وعمليا الشأن يقيني وليس إحتمال ولا إعتقاد ؛ سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك اشهد ان لا إله إلا أنت وحدك لا شريك لك نسبح بحمدك ونقدس لك؛ وصل الله على محمد وآل محمد وسلم تسليما كثيرا والحمد لله رب العالمين 🍃اخوكم : مشعل النمر. 🇰🇼⚡️💚⚡️
Thanks for reacting to another Om Kulthum song despite of all the hassle. "Baeed Anak'' is the title of the song and it means "Away from You", this performance was in the city of Baalbek
Hi Me. IJAY, thank you for this great video, I suggest that you try to search for the Egytion singer (ASMAHAN) the sister of the singer Farid Al-Atrach, you will not lose if you do so, on the contrary, you will be thankful to find such a treasure (Asmahan). thanks alot for your high taste.
ام كلثوم بلا جدال معجزة القرن
She is incredible, best voice in the Arab world of all time, and one of the best female voices in human history. Wow!
فيروز vu
@@السعيدعنقاق Not even close
@@السعيدعنقاق When I was a kid I used to listen to Fairuz but merely because it was very plesant and emotional. My family used to say Umm Kulthum first then number 2 is a matter of opinion. If you compare Umm Kulthums live vocals with Fairuz they are not even close. Umm Kulthum was a far better singer and had a much stronger aura like a pharao. Anybody I showed their live performances would pay to see Umm Kulthum much more than they would Fairuz.
@@السعيدعنقاق فيروز من ياعم مافي مثل ام كلثوم في قوة صوتها مافي مغنية تقدر تغني اصلا علي مسرح ٣ سعات وهي عندها ٦٠ سنة وقتها غير ام كلثوم 🙄
@@السعيدعنقاق صوت ام كلثوم اقوى بكثير من فيروز . أم كلثوم سوبرانو تغني كل المقامات بينما فيروز سوبرانو ميزو soprano Mezzo. يعني لا تصل لكل المقامات واامساحات . لا مجال للمقارنة . غير ان صوت فيروز مريح جدا الأذن يقال عنه ملائكي.
ام كلثوم الطرب الأصيل اللي يتسمع فعصر قلت فيه المواهب كوكب الشرق
هذا الفيديو يجعل نصف مليار شخص عربي يحبك ويعرف أنك تتذوق معدن الطرب جوهره المحسوس البعيد عن اللغة التي ليست في الأخير إلا أداة ..
ليس لأني عربي أقول هذا ولكن بصفة علمية: الطرب العربي والمقامات الصوتية العربية و الشِّعر العربي وعمقه في اقتناص المعاني ، و عظمة المشاعر ما يستدعي التأمل.
رجاء شخصي مني إليك ، أشرك معك مترجما ماهرا في اللغتين وسيكون لقناتك شأن عظيم .
متابعك من موريتانيا 🇲🇷🇨🇦
اخوكم من مصر واقول الله عليك ياكوكب الشرق تعبينا ازاي هذا الصوت يكون موقود 🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬
Oum Kalthoum voice and performing is super super super something out of this world Superb Excellent.
This was in France, but if the translation was better, you would enjoy more, and she had the most beautiful voice she heard, in addition to that, her songs are very long, and she used to sing more than singing, i.e. more than 3 hours, and she also sang this song at the end of her sixties.
My fav song ✨,
Best part :كنت بشتقلك وأنا وإنت هنا
أم كلثوم نسميها في عالمنا العربي(كوكب الشرق)..
شكرا لك لهذه التغطية الرائعة
موسيقي البداية روعة
Um kulthum the best in the world 😴❤️
ايه الجمال ده كلمات وصوت احلا ما يكون حتي الآن مازال الوطن العربي يستمع إليها ويتمتع بصوتها الخلاب 🌹🌺💝💖
Her voice is an everlasting secret that time will never repeat !! yes, it's Umm Kulthum ❤❤
الله الزمن الجميل
Your presence only reassures me Despite cities, distances and oceans ❤
كشخص يمني وعاشق لأم كلثوم، لا أظن أحدًا قد استطاع الاقتراب من مستواها المبهر على المسرح في الأداء والتفاعل مع الجمهور سوى المطرب اليمني أبو بكر سالم، لا أقصد المقارنة هنا، فأم كلثوم بعيدة كل البعد عن المقارنة، وإنما أقصد الأداء المسرحي والغناء الحي، فعندما أستمع لأبو بكر سالم وهو يغني على المسرح في أحد العروض الحيَّة أستذكر هذه السيدة العظيمة وأدائها، فلهم نفس القدرة على التأثير على الجماهير ولهم نفس القدرة على التحكم في مسار اللحن والأغنية، مع اختلاف مستوى القدرة بالطبع.
أم كلثوم حدها طربانه في هذا الحفل 💃💃💃
I love your videos about Umm Kulthum so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Umm Khaltoum gelmiş geçmiş seslerin en büyüğü 🥰 o zamanın teknolojik imkanlarıyla saatlerce şarkı söylemek ve her hangi bir destek olmadan, vokalistler olmadan, üstelik mikrofondan bu kadar uzakta 💞 herkesin harcı değil🥰 düşünüyorum da şimdikiler onun binde biri bile olamaz 🥰 ilk ve tektir 🥰 aşkımmmmmm🙏⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
senden uzak - Umm Kulthum
Aşk için yaşadığımız tatlı bir anı hatırlat bana
Ve beni bir kez hatırladı, birlikte duyduğumuz gün bir şarkı
Hayatımı al, hayatımın tüm anlarını
Seni gördüğüm saniyeler dışında
Hasret, ah, hasret de bize ne yaptı?
Çoğu zaman özlemimi gizlerim ve diğer zamanlarda bunun hakkında konuşurum
Senden korkuyorum ve beni unutmandan korkuyorum
Ve seni özlemek beni her zaman uyandırır
Özlem beni boğdu ve bana işkence etti
Ve senden uzakta olduğum gece beni eritti
Ve ne kadar uzakta olursan ol, kafamı karıştırıyor
Uykusuzluk beni uyanık tutsa bile
Sen uzaktayken bile hiçbir şey beni değiştiremez
Ne de günler beni senden uzaklaştırabilir - senden uzak
@@tahahasan1370 teşekkürler 🙏🥰 en sevdiğim şarkılardan biri 🥰
She is the best in Arab world who can reach all types of ppl the highly educated and the non educated with her way of singing , as she acts the words and the song with her natural emotions and expertise as young actress in old days.
Every nation has singing Legend And Um kuulthoom was our Legend
Unbelievable reaction Man this is my first time I see you and I can’t believe how you understand her voice which some Arab people can’t your amazing man by the way I’m an Arab singer and I believe om kalthoom is the strongest singer came to this world peace upon all of you guys who are reading my comment.❤️❤️❤️❤️
she was at 68 years old at that event and beautiful performance
16:54 كنت بشتاقلك وانا وانت هنا..! بيني وبينك خطوتين!
مقطعي المفضل 🤍
سعيد واحييك علي اختياراتك وردود افعالك الرائعه 🤍
ام كلثوم كوكب شرق
Everytime I feel not good , I just come here to relaaax ..
And I'm here tonight
🇪🇬Umm Kulthum creativity in sound, music and words Greetings from Egypt
كنت بشتقلك وانا وانتا هنا.. بيني وبينك خطوتين 😓😢😢
I like the sound of flute
OMG too much emotions
Amazing voice
The Planet of the East, the wonderful Mrs. Umm Kulthum
Canımmmm 💞 canımmmm💞💞 allahımmmm seni cennetinde ağırlasın 🙏🙏🙏⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ah IJay sabah sabah ağlattın 😢 ama sonunda onu bize getirdin 🥰 teşekkürler 🙏🥰✌️👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Umm Kulthoum is back!! the real meaning of Saltana♥♥♥♥🎶🎶 thanks Jay u made my day with ur lovely reaction🌸💜
Jay, you should do a lot more videos about Um Kulthum…her performance from the 50’s is stunning. For me she is the best vocalist of all time . Thank you for your effort
عظمة على عظمة يا ست.this was what was said the audience who were mesmerized and enchanted by her voice and great performance. She is still alive among us . May her soul rest in peace in paradise. Thx Jay for your nice reaction. I am very glad that you returned to Om Kulthoum again.
Listen to baeed anak = in tonisyaاسمع بعيد عنك. حفلة تونس. ضروري
Every Iraqi person loves her very much 🇮🇶💙
And we love iraq although bro🇪🇬❤️🇮🇶
We really missed your reaction on Om Kulthom's songs..thank you so much🙏🏻
Try listening to "Hayart Qalby" ..it's realy maserpiece ♥️
We listen to um kulthom right now . She is the base and history
It's a rare version, never heard it before, and it is a beauty, thx Jay
A very special and a long-waited for one IJAYREACTION! Thank you for really drawing the smile on our faces! Just imagine she is 65 years old here, since this concert was in Ba’lbak in Lebanon in July 1968 and all the revenues were dedicated by Umm Kalthoum to the effort of rebuilding the Egyptian army after the defeat of 1967 as a preparation for the Egyptian counter-war in 1973. In a nutshell, MARVELOUS!
The best and most exceptional chanel I have ever seen on RUclips. ...lots of love and admiration.
ست الكل 🌹🇪🇬
Aaah, for the feeling and the voice that is of gold, the lady of Kawkab Al Sharq, creates a voice in this song that will never be repeated. Your choice of video is very good, really amazing ❤️🇪🇬
❤omklsoom ❤
The best voice ever
لندرك مدى عشق الجمهور لتفاريد أم كلثوم، قيل ذات مرة لو أن أم كلثوم سعلت على المسرح لأعتبر الجمهور سعالها جزءً من الأغنية وهذا إن دلَّ على شيء فإنه يدلُّ على تمكُّن السيدة العظيمة وخبرتها الموسيقية الكبيرة.
والتفاريد تعني أن يتخلَّص المغني من اللحن الأساسي ويتصرف في الكلمات حسب خبرته الموسيقية، وأم كلثوم كانت ولا تزال رائدةً في هذا المجال الصعب.
الرحمة لروحها العظيمة التي أسعدت الملايين.
When you miss a lover and you think about him day and night, you wish to see him or even hear his voice that feels is ( AL_SHOOQ )
الله يرحمها توحد الجميع على كل شيء يجي منها .
finally ام كلثوم👏👏👏Your singing in Arabic has improved.👌🤗 Keep progressing💪😊
First time I comment here. Nice video and nice presentation. You love the great lady's emotions and I love the way you react to them Jalal. Now, these super improvisations were spontaneous, the musicians had no idea about them before they set foot to the stage, yet they were more than ready to cope with them (by the way Jalal, haven't you noticed they never needed written notes on stands in front of them!).
The composer was the young genius Baliegh Hamdy (1965)
This concert was in Lebanon on July 14, 1968 (the great Lady was almost seventy years old at that time!!)
Best regards
I appreciate you Ehab for dropping this informative comment.🙏🍁🌹😍
spend the time with om kalthoum voice it's treat worth million's.. *souma* unrepeatable ♥️
كوكب الشرق💕
الله الله الله عليك يا ست الله يرحمك
First verse means: Remember a sweet moment that we lived for love. Remember a sweet song that we listened to together. @8:11: Take all of my life and let me have a few seconds to see you. @9:20": Oh the longing Oh the longing and its effects. @10:30: "Yama" means "many times" so this part means: Many times I've hid it, Many times I've told it. @17:00: I used to miss you when you and I were together in one place, a couple of steps between us. @21:00: See how we've become now my love. Where am I and where are you. @26:50 What to do? tell me what to do. The hope, you're the hope, why do you deprive me of you?. @28:30. There were eyes that envied me for my love, now they're crying for me because of my helplessness. Where are you, light of my eyes, soul of my heart. @30:30 where can I complain to you. I have many words and things (to tell you). My eyes, where are your tears? Crying sometimes gives me comfort.
Grew up listening to her..and we are talking about decades now. Only tonight did I discover that she says افتكرلي and not افتيكرني which I believe means remind me of and not remember
@@foraattheriver2745 I think it means remember something from me, she wants him to remember her through little things. If the meaning was remind me the word would be فكرني
@عالم المنوعات الترجمة الحرفية ممكن تلخبط . التوكيد بالنكرار مثلا . انا هدفي توصيل المعنى اكتر من الصور الجمالية
كنت بشتاقلك و انا و انت هنا..بيني وبينك خطوتين..كترجمة حرفية اوكي..but I think the meaning should or could be, I
used to miss you even when we were together ,two feet
apart...translation is complicated yet a funny thing
@@foraattheriver2745 I think two is figurative not literal, just to indicate closeness
مساء الخير جميل جدا هذا البرنامج برافو ❤❤❤
I like u man .. i like ur reaction
It's no better than sound, melodies and performance. It's Egypt's fourth pyramid
U should hear her song
اغدا القاك and هذه ليلتي
Can't get enough of this video
OMG! So do I.
You should listen to her when she read Quran, she is amazing❤️
Û her bijî delal her dem serkeftî be🌹
This is a big mistake. You should not hear anything while reading the Qur’an haram
Great job brother and great taste. Keep them coming
I miss those days ❤...don't you?
I wish it didn't end
You said you couldn't know the meaning of "ياما بدارييها" it means always I tried to hide it ( it refers to our days or feelings , memories...etc...) ❤
Yes, "yama" means many times
كنت بشتاقلك و انا و انت هنا ... ❤
Thank you buddy, you are the best.
“The incomparable Voice” quote by Maria Callas
Umm, Kathloum is nicknamed the Planet of the East❤❤
Umm Kulthum means you sit in the balcony with a cup of tea and prefer to listen in the quiet☕😎
East Planet 😩♥️
Thank you for your lovely reaction , This concert as you said in Ba Albak city in LEBANON... usually UmKulthoum like to do more in her songs .when she make concerts OUSIDE of EGYPT.like in this video to say the words in a manner caled MAWWAL ., and you would see more in other concerts in MOROCCO or Tunisia , or Syria and Lebanon..for example , this concert is a RARE one by the way, even the video is not available cus it cold be the right of Lebanon TV and they font play in RUclips...
Right to the heart 🎯 , I Jay
You have a good mood Jay 😂..a good choice ❤️👏
إنتبه 👈 انا رسام🎨 = ف لما أُحرك قلمي مع حركات صوت ام كلثوم⚡ = يخرج من القلم عظيم الزخارف الملائكيه والهندسات الذكيه🎵؛ تخطيط قلب⚛️؛ كما افلام الخيال ومايخرج من عصاة الساحر من لولبيات بهلوان🎇 وترتسم الأدغال🌾🍀🌱 ويهيج البستان🏵️🌈🌺🌻 ويعمر الكرنفال🌀؛ ذكيه جدا جدا✖️➕➖➗⁉️♻️✔️ فيزيائية كيمياء السعاده💧🔥⚡ روحانيه ربانيه إسلاميه وطنيه إنسانيه جهد وجهاد وإجتهاد؛ مخاطبة الحس الفطري🎼 حتى عندما قرأت ترتيل سورة إبراهيم عجب العجب🌠 والتلذذ بالإستماع والإنصات وفن الإصغاء ورياضة الدماغ وعمان الخيال ؛
ثم ايقنت بعد الإدراك🤔 انها إستثنائيه☑️ ولا تُقارَن بالبشريه🧐 لأنها من صنعة الخالق البارئ المصور تقدست أسماؤه الحسنى الذي لا تقليد عنده؛ ف ام كلثوم ليست لون من الألوان وإنما مكتبة الوان😇 وليست طور من الأطوار وليست زاويه ولا ركن؛ ام كلثوم ليست عالميه فقط بل كونيه تطوّر وتطوير؛
الطاقة الثابته + ثبات الطاقه = حركةٌ دائمه " رب العالمين تقدس اسمه العظيم أهدانا هديه مؤقته لتضيف تراث وثقافه ودراسات مستقبليه بعلوم هندسة الرسم الصوتي و الترددات الموجات و ذبذبات الصوت وشحناته بالكمبيوتر الذي لا يحيط بصوتها و لا يستطيع مجارات عظمة ذكاء رسم صوتها لانه من صنع الإنسان؛ بينما ام كلثوم خلقها الله رب العالمين بحجه لا مثيل لها وجهادها ضد الصهاينه بفنها وأسفارها حول العالم واموالها وصوتها ؛ لا نظير لها
ليست كالباقين الذين يلتصقون بالميكرفون🎤؛ وليست موهبه مصقوله بل ولدت وصوتها معها برضا الله لا برغبته ولا برضاها؛ برضاك ياخالقي🥇؛ فهي قيثارة ملكوت السماء🎶؛؛ إسألوا فيروز عن ام كلثوم؛ وإسألوا أسمهان ماذا تقول عن ام كلثوم؛ بل سل السنباطي عنها والقصبجي وعبدالوهاب وبليغ و الدكتور أحمد صبري الجريدي والشيخان اب العلا محمد و زكريا احمد وسيد مكاوي واحمد شوقي ورامي وبيرم التونسي ومأمون الشناوى وإبراهيم ناجي ونجيب محفوظ وطه حسين؛ بل سلوا الشيخ عبدالباسط عبد الصمد ماذا قال عنها؛ إسألوا كل هؤلاء وبلاش شغل التحدي و المقارنات فمهما وإن ظهر منافس؛ ماشي. فهو منافس ولكن منافس خسران في النهايه والنتيجه ثبتت بالعلوم والمعارف وليست بالكلام والا واق؛ نظريا وعمليا الشأن يقيني وليس إحتمال ولا إعتقاد ؛ سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك اشهد ان لا إله إلا أنت وحدك لا شريك لك نسبح بحمدك ونقدس لك؛ وصل الله على محمد وآل محمد وسلم تسليما كثيرا والحمد لله رب العالمين
🍃اخوكم : مشعل النمر. 🇰🇼⚡️💚⚡️
Assala asfa from Kuwait 2008 ❤
Thanks for reacting to another Om Kulthum song despite of all the hassle. "Baeed Anak'' is the title of the song and it means "Away from You", this performance was in the city of Baalbek
You are great, good job
(Yama badariha) means: How much I was hiding from everyone
(Yama bahkiha) means: How much I used to tell everyone
بسبب تنوع الأداء في بعض المقاطع كانت تنسي بعض الدخلات والكلمات ولكن كانت تتصرف بعبقرية لا يشعر بها المستمع با يستمتع بالاداء
كانت تتدراك حتى لمى ترتجل
Question... Do you see Umm Kulthum as a global icon... and where is she in your assessment of singers in the world?
I believe no one can get close to her!
@@IJayReaction With this testimony from a non-Arabic speaker
It became clear to me now the meaning of the title (The Eastern Planet) thanks
So you remembered um kolthom at last 👍
ما عاش اليزعلك 😂❤️
Listen to ( ya. Tol. Athabe ) يا طول عذابي حفله
Could you imagine om klthome with asala nasty, that's crazy 🤪 😂❤❤
لازم تسمع ((( إلأوّله في الغرام ))) و (( برضاك. يا خالقي ))
Please u mast listen to
( el awelah fee Al gram ) & ( berdak ya khalki )
Great job Jay 👍🏼👍🏼
you are the best
Beni w benak khatwteen 😌💓
Here again missing someone 😔
افضل شئ عند العرب هوا دينهم
لايأتي صوت مثل صوت ام كلثوم
صباح الخير عليك صديقي 💙❤️
Wow @11:24
Hi Me. IJAY, thank you for this great video, I suggest that you try to search for the Egytion singer (ASMAHAN) the sister of the singer Farid Al-Atrach, you will not lose if you do so, on the contrary, you will be thankful to find such a treasure (Asmahan). thanks alot for your high taste.
Yama badariha means I keep hiding it (the feelings)
Please we need ur reaction to ( fakrony )( hayart galby maka)