Hi, Just a quick note to help you with pronunciation in German. When 'E' and 'I' are together in a word you always pronounce the letter that comes second. So the German word for game is 'Spiel', the 'E' follows the 'I' so you only pronounce the the 'E' so it sounds like 'shpeel'. In the case of this game the 'I' follows the 'E' so it is pronounced Shp-eye-kerstadt. The 'Ch' in German also sounds a little different in German but maybe for another day. I hope that helps. Cheers, Ben
ben good reply. Speicher is more pronounced like Spiker, but not just like a "K" sound, my name has always been pronounced like spiker, but thats because i've been in the USA all my life.
I love this game. However, everyone should really hide their money to keep the game interesting. It's too easy to calculate your next move when you know your opponent has few / no coins. BTW - Amazon has this on sale for $17 + free shipping.
It is pronounced >Spizerstadt< And it is one of Feld very best gamed. Forget the point salad Feld games. This is mean this is interactive and a true board gem.
Just a quick note to help you with pronunciation in German. When 'E' and 'I' are together in a word you always pronounce the letter that comes second. So the German word for game is 'Spiel', the 'E' follows the 'I' so you only pronounce the the 'E' so it sounds like 'shpeel'. In the case of this game the 'I' follows the 'E' so it is pronounced Shp-eye-kerstadt. The 'Ch' in German also sounds a little different in German but maybe for another day. I hope that helps.
Ships are populated with cubes before bidding.
With the kaispeicher expansion this game becomes an entirely different animal. I highly reccommend giving that a look if you want to buy this game.
Ryan, I am pretty sure you pull the goods to place on the ships before you bid on them.
Good review Ryan. Will keep this is mind if I end up becoming a Feld completionist (which is looking more and more likely by the month)
ben good reply. Speicher is more pronounced like Spiker, but not just like a "K" sound, my name has always been pronounced like spiker, but thats because i've been in the USA all my life.
I love this game. However, everyone should really hide their money to keep the game interesting. It's too easy to calculate your next move when you know your opponent has few / no coins. BTW - Amazon has this on sale for $17 + free shipping.
I would like to have RM in my game group (rules reader)
It is pronounced >Spizerstadt<
And it is one of Feld very best gamed. Forget the point salad Feld games. This is mean this is interactive and a true board gem.
That's a good mnemonic trick for English speakers.
This game actually plays 2 to *5* players, not 2 to 4.