不是,它的網站是這樣寫: You can normally use eGates if you: have a biometric symbol on the cover of your passport are aged 10+ (10 to 17 year olds must be accompanied by an adult) are either: - a British citizen - a national of an EU country, Australia, Canada, Iceland, Japan, Liechtenstein, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland or the USA - a member of the Registered Traveller Service 詳情可以參考這網站:www.heathrow.com/arrivals/immigration-and-passports
You can normally use eGates if you:
have a biometric symbol on the cover of your passport
are aged 10+ (10 to 17 year olds must be accompanied by an adult)
are either:
- a British citizen
- a national of an EU country, Australia, Canada, Iceland, Japan, Liechtenstein, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland or the USA
- a member of the Registered Traveller Service
你好! 我5月尾6月頭第一次去倫敦玩。我3/6, 22:15坐CX回港。想請教一下, 我要提早幾多到機場先適合呢? Check in寄行李, 安檢會唔會好耐呢? 見到個機場好似好大, 擔心過完關要行好耐先去到登機閘口, Thanks.
@@thewalkstreetchannel Thanks!
希斯路機場有電子護照閘門(passport e-gates),容許旅客自助掃描護照,使用臉部辨識來檢查旅客的身份,並可在不與邊境部隊官員交談的情況下入境英國。
不過根據官方網站資料,現時可使用電子閘門的人士只包括英國公民以及歐盟國家、澳洲、加拿大、冰島、日本、列支敦士登、紐西蘭、挪威、新加坡、韓國、瑞士或美國的國民,或Registered Traveller Service的成員。
Reference: www.heathrow.com/arrivals/immigration-and-passports
你好,想問你call 車去機場係咪可以到左目的地先至用debit card俾錢?謝謝
我上次是在網上預約時用信用卡付款,但我見網站Q&A有提到 ”you can pay cash to the driver at the end of the journey”, 🙂
@@thewalkstreetchannel 出境淨係security check, 唔洗過海關?謝謝
係呀,出境嗰時淨係要過安檢,冇過immigration 🙂
@@thewalkstreetchannel 唔好意思,想問多一個問題,你call車直接去機場佢地係咪冇額外收費?謝謝
網站的報價已包含機場落客費 (Departure Lane Drop off fee by Airport authority included for airport bookings) 🙂