Psalteria - Stella Splendens

  • Опубликовано: 5 окт 2024
  • Medieval relligious song Stella Splendens. Played by music band Psalteria and improved with some pictures. I hope you will like it.

Комментарии • 86

  • @EliezerPennywhistler
    @EliezerPennywhistler 8 лет назад +35

    Stella Splendens ("Splendid Star") is a polyphonic song with two part voices from the Llibre Vermell de Montserrat, one of the oldest extant medieval manuscripts containing music. In modern times it has been recorded by many artists.

  • @Meikurasawa3
    @Meikurasawa3 9 лет назад +45

    Stella splendens in monte
    Ut sous radium
    Miraculis serrato,
    Exaudi populum
    Concurrunt universi
    Gaudentes populi,
    Divites et egeni,
    Grandes et parvuli,
    Ipsum ingrediuntur,
    Ut cernunt oculi.
    Et inde revertuntur
    Gratiis repleti.
    Principes et magnates
    Ex stirpe regia,
    Saeculi potestates
    Obtenta venia
    Peccaminum proclamant
    Tundentes pectora.
    Poplite flexo clamant
    Hic: Ave Maria.
    Praelati et barones,
    Comites incliti,
    Religiosi omnes,
    Atque presbyteri,
    Milites, mercatores,
    Cives, marinari,
    Burgenses, piscatores,
    Praemiantur ibi.
    Rustici aratores,
    Nec non notarii,
    Advocati, scultores,
    Cuncti ligni fabri,
    Sartores et sutores,
    Nec non lanitici
    Artifices et omnes
    Gratulantur ibi.
    Reginae, comitissae,
    Illustres dominae,
    Potentes et ancillae,
    Juvenes parvulae,
    Virgines et antiquae
    Pariter viduae
    Conscendunt et hunc montem
    Et religiosae.
    Coetus hi aggregantur,
    Hic ut exhibeant
    Vota, regratiantur,
    Ut ipsa et reddant
    Aulam istam ditantes,
    Hoc cuncti videant,
    Joca]ibus ornantes,
    Soluti redeant.
    Cuncti ergo precantes
    Sexus utriusque,
    Mentes nostras mundantes
    Oremus devote
    Virginem gloriosam,
    Matrem clementiae,
    ln coelis gratiosam
    Sentiamus vere.

    @VITOLLFOTOGRAFIA 12 лет назад +6

    The original score is in Montserrat's monastery in Catalonia, Spain, you can search for Monstserrat's "Llibre Vermell", which is where these topics are compiled.

  • @gammer0016
    @gammer0016 9 лет назад +5

    Well performed! :-) excellent voices and everything... just wonderfull

  • @ryanfarrell5887
    @ryanfarrell5887 2 года назад +4

    Non nobis Domine non nobis sed Nomini tua da gloriam

  • @bernardmarty9704
    @bernardmarty9704 8 лет назад +2

    J'adore ces chants d'un autre age

  • @Gutvald
    @Gutvald 4 месяца назад

    Pour les francophones curieux :
    Étoile resplendissante, en haut de ce mont,
    irradiant comme un soleil
    l’éclat de tes miracles,
    écoute le peuple !
    Montent de partout
    des peuples joyeux.
    Les riches et les pauvres,
    les petits et les grands
    gravissent cette montagne
    et les yeux éblouis,
    en redescendent,
    remplis par la grâce.
    Les princes et les seigneurs
    qui sont de sang royal,
    et tous les gouvernants
    qui font avec humilité
    l’aveu de leurs péchés,
    viennent battant leur coulpe,
    un genou à terre pour clamer :
    Ave Maria !
    Les prélats et les barons,
    avec leur noble suite,
    tous les moines
    et les religieux,
    les marchands et les soldats,
    les citadins et les marins,
    les bourgeois et les pêcheurs
    ici rendent grâce de vos bontés.
    Les laboureurs et campagnards
    mais aussi les notaires,
    les avocats, les sculpteurs,
    tous les genres d’artisans,
    les tisserands, les charpentiers,
    les tailleurs et les bottiers,
    tous descendent
    ici contents.
    Les reines et les comtesses,
    et les dames illustres ;
    les puissantes et les servantes,
    les jeunes femmes,
    les jeunes filles et les femmes âgées,
    tout comme les veuves
    escaladent ce mont ainsi
    que les religieuses.
    Une foule de fidèles
    réunis porte leurs vœux,
    témoignages de reconnaissance,
    et ainsi ce lieu
    conserve bien des trésors
    qui l’ornent et qui,
    quand ils les voient les réjouissent.
    En oration réunis,
    les deux sexes dévotement prions
    d’un cœur pur
    et confessons :
    Ô Vierge glorieuse,
    mère de grande clémence,
    pour vous contempler au ciel
    nous implorons votre grâce.
    Source :

  • @konstantinsorokin7775
    @konstantinsorokin7775 9 лет назад +3

    simply brilliant

  • @tulitula
    @tulitula 12 лет назад +4

    Sublime! Obrigado, Psalteria!

  • @mikaelycarvalho2274
    @mikaelycarvalho2274 5 лет назад +4


  • @Surealismo
    @Surealismo 3 года назад +4

    Wtf... onde eu vim parar KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK mas a música é boa

  • @malycestovatel
    @malycestovatel 13 лет назад +1

    Kategorie: Zvířata a domácí mazlíčci. Tak to je za moc. :D Jinak paráda. Jako vždy.

  • @ezramelchor8421
    @ezramelchor8421 8 лет назад +1

    Great song. Check out the Carol of Azincourt, the Maddy prior version

  • @AlbertCat93
    @AlbertCat93 9 лет назад +5

    Early medieval music:
    Llibre vermell de Montserrat.
    Red book of Montserrat.

  • @dancing_all_night_long
    @dancing_all_night_long 9 лет назад +16

    Beautiful (*゚▽゚*)

    • @MrBobor1
      @MrBobor1 7 лет назад +2

      No, you're beautiful.

    • @dancing_all_night_long
      @dancing_all_night_long 7 лет назад

      Ennognósius Oh How sweet of you !!! Thank you so much (^з^)-☆

    • @MrBobor1
      @MrBobor1 7 лет назад +2

      きたあかり You're most welcome. :)

  • @VoicesofMusic
    @VoicesofMusic 12 лет назад +2


  • @jmeli99
    @jmeli99 14 лет назад +1

    Missing here the Psalteria's best the Como poden...

  • @Retarior
    @Retarior  14 лет назад +2

    Díky :-). Snažil jsem se co jsem mohl, doufejme že mi ho někdo nesmaže, jako to předním... to víš, na youtube se do islámu nesmíš opřít ani trošičku, maj hned oheň u pozadí, utěrkáři posraní :D

  • @Jame243
    @Jame243 14 лет назад +1

    Yes!!!! Really great!!!!!!! Splendid!!!!!!I love it!! Thanks Retarior my good friend!!!!
    Islam out of Europe,out of Africa out of Asia,out of N and S America.
    Back to Arabia!!!!!!!!!

  • @xXSunshineDogsXx
    @xXSunshineDogsXx 3 года назад +1

  • @OstrogothRome
    @OstrogothRome 11 месяцев назад

    Splendid star indeed, it did not set in the west ahead of the 3 magi but somehow hung there in the sky like magic as it guided them across the plains from Babylonia towards, not intially Bethlehem where the infant Jesus lay but to Jerusalem, some half a day's journey north, where King Heroid was uneasy, having heard of prophecies of a future king. Herod meets the Magi, then commands them to return and report to him one they have found Jesus (but Herod does not of course tell them of his fears). The Splendid Star now veers south and guides the magi 12 miles down south to that stable in Bethlehem, where they do homage to Jesus. The Magi were to return to Herod but in a dream are warned to return to Babylon by a different road, and Joseph and Mary are warned to take Jesus down to Egypt, out ofr Herod's reach. Herod soon realises he has been stood up by those Magi, and in a rage orders the execution of all children in his kingdom of Judea aged under 3, to catch that future King, but of course he misses Jesus himself. And we today commemorate that Splendid Star when we put a star symbol on our Xmas trees, which we decorate up just a couple of months after Jesus' true birthday atround October.

  • @gammer0016
    @gammer0016 9 лет назад +2

    ...a ať se holky snaží jak chtějí a vyslovují špatně některé slova v latině (anglicky čtené G apod.), český přízvuk jde semtam poznat :D ale jinak paráda! Musím to poslouchat pořád dokola

    • @Skoogplay125
      @Skoogplay125 9 лет назад +3

      gammer0016 Tak to jsem rád že neumím Latinsky protože tahle varianta mi zní líp než všechny co jsem do teď slyšel a nechci si to kazit :D.

    • @JanCMichael
      @JanCMichael Год назад +1

      Zpívají skvěle a vyslovují docela dobře - uplatňují středověkou iberskou výslovnost, jež měla své zvláštnosti, odlišné jak od severoevropské výslovnosti (používané ve střední a severní Evropě), tak od jihoevropské (používané ve většině středomořských oblastí, ale též ve středověké Anglii).

  • @kadiryucel8484
    @kadiryucel8484 3 года назад +2

    Güzel işte uzatmayalım

    • @Retarior
      @Retarior  3 года назад +1

      Que Paganus Dicis?

  • @Retarior
    @Retarior  14 лет назад +1

    I had teacher on Fyzic on basic school, he was a philosopher and he told me his theory on the world... and I really understand why is he alcoholic. Rome was wicked and twisted, just like is the modern western society, believe it or not. We are behaving the sam way and we will be washed away just like as rome. We did the same mistakes. Just remember on reforms of Gaius Marius. You see its not about right things in this world...

  • @Retarior
    @Retarior  11 лет назад +1

    Ok, thanks for the correction :-). Unfortunately its bound to the video and only way to correct it is to remove it and remake it :-(.

  • @marcuscorder
    @marcuscorder 12 лет назад +1

    You'd have to research the Llibre Vermell de Montserrat. It's music written in the 13th Century. You might try Google... I've heard tales of its wonders.

  • @Retarior
    @Retarior  14 лет назад

    Shortly said that its hard to decide something from a position of leader or someone who is in charge. First of all people have basical feelings and usuaely thinks of their selfs first. Then on their family and then on their society and on the last place are other nations. This is the behaving which is the weakest and the strongest side of humanity. I dont want to start big Filozofical comments there. Just write on personal in-box and not there....

  • @MrKisrocker
    @MrKisrocker 13 лет назад

    like it!

  • @Retarior
    @Retarior  12 лет назад

    Yes, go ahead.

  • @antoine8278
    @antoine8278 Год назад

    Monthoux brought me here.

  • @YorkGod1
    @YorkGod1 12 лет назад +2

    where can i find the music sheet for this song?

  • @giuseppecapuano4511
    @giuseppecapuano4511 Год назад

    Europe,Europe, EUROPE

  • @Retarior
    @Retarior  14 лет назад

    Its hard to judge people individualy. You know we are all a piece of dirt in a big mud. From a human prespective you can complain on everyting and thikn its bad. But if you will try to see things above ordinary humans feelings and problems, you have bigger piece of puzzle. We all just belong to one big puzzle. And the basic natural laws are the same for all things on earth, no matter how we want to be better then animals. We are not far from the group of Wolfwes.

  • @geompon6505
    @geompon6505 Год назад +1

    Could this be another song? I ve heard Stella Splendes and it's quite different. Is it perhaps a variation?

    • @Retarior
      @Retarior  Год назад

      Yes. Even in medieval times, they had not pre-defined tunes. Every band had its own approach.

  • @Retarior
    @Retarior  14 лет назад

    To find solution for multiculutural problems in a way we would like it, it means in peacefull way its just not really possible. Its just not... there will be allways those bad and good, innocents and guilty... its like two Kinds of deers in one forest. The one is Sika Deer from asia and that other is Virginian Deer. They will just kill each other or they will be competing to the last, the strongest just wins. And many nations thinks that our laws and filosofy is our weakness.

  • @juanmanuel3168
    @juanmanuel3168 5 лет назад +1

    I'm listening at 0'75 speed

  • @Retarior
    @Retarior  12 лет назад

    I dont know.
    But you could try to track down website of this group of girls from the Czech Republic. They might give you some.

  • @Retarior
    @Retarior  13 лет назад

    Well I have uploaded different Como Poden on youtube.

  • @Retarior
    @Retarior  14 лет назад

    And in any case,when we want to compare something,whe shouldnt count human aspect.Humans have such strange gift of mixing up everything.And when we take Islam and Christian relligion and compare them as a single thing with all its improvements we really find out Christianity is much more better.And another fact is that christians judged the pope many times: Lutherans, Anglicans atc.I am not christian because I love that relligion,but because there isnt enough of christians.

  • @Retarior
    @Retarior  14 лет назад

    Some things that seems to be bullshit for common man of the west may be the sense of life for those others, you know, many people are speaking about tolerance and understanding and peace, but they do not understand to the counterside. West thinks that we have the best ways for people here and we are insulting small african school boys with machineguns.But they see it different way in fact. So we are so or so pushing our things against their will,no matter how we want to hide it.

  • @Retarior
    @Retarior  14 лет назад

    I am glad that you like music. Well the war, its such question if its better to be afraid of war so do you best to prevent it and sacrifice your whole nation, or just try to fight. Thats another spot I really know as a Czech xD. And you see, it wasnt that good idea. But I am not warmonger ofcourse. I will rather build here statue of Perun or Odin, but not any damned mosque! The Sharia Law and growing support of islamic ones frome the side of leftists drives me mad sometimes.

  • @Retarior
    @Retarior  14 лет назад

    And rightly mentioned, they did the same, but they are not doing so any longer... and we know how to hold the power of pope. But unfortunately you cant use the word ,,did,, in a case of islam.

  • @christopherhill2786
    @christopherhill2786 Год назад +1

    Great performance. Pity about the bullshit at the end!

  • @Retarior
    @Retarior  13 лет назад

    Cože? Já to mám v téhle kategorii? No krucinál xD

  • @Retarior
    @Retarior  14 лет назад

    I say that USA can have such ways because they were fomr beginning such as they are now, but for the others its just impossible not because its not teoreticaly impossible, but because its practicaly impossible. There are many teories which says it can be done, but the rules of OSN seems to be also ok but look how they look in reall... You mentioned gipsyes... well I live amongs them 18 years. I am not racist you know, but I must admit its really horrible to live with such ones.

  • @Retarior
    @Retarior  13 лет назад

    Ahááá :-D

  • @Retarior
    @Retarior  13 лет назад


  • @Retarior
    @Retarior  14 лет назад

    I have my experiences with living amongs the foreginers and etnics... and let me tell you something, there is eternal bad relation which is just impossible to stop. I really dislike them you know. And I am not wondering why the pople in Hungary chosed nazists. I am not telling that it is right or justfull. And I know what do you mean... but let me explain... its better to be the wolf than a lamb.

  • @Retarior
    @Retarior  14 лет назад

    But true is, that I really must admit that I feel to have better ways for example (Writing of music, theatre plays) than those ones in africa like, licking of cows asses or so. Why to not say yes we are really better, but why to push them what they dont want to anyway and hope we will change them and we will live in peace? You see there are some things that just cant be close to each other, no matter how we want it its not natural and not good.

  • @Wulkos108
    @Wulkos108 6 лет назад +4

    I absolutely love this song! But still be damned for the xenophobic message at the end.

    • @Retarior
      @Retarior  6 лет назад +4

      Then figure out what Xenophobia really is. Or try to tell this to the parents of the people who are beeing constantly butchered by the people we so willingly accept to out countries as a "poor refugees". Go shake your hand with that crazy Angela Merkel. Islam has no place here as is know for centuries (Hence the works of Alexis de Tocqueville, Burke, Montesquieu... and many other liberall authors). There is nothing wrong with keeping what is yours from the people who do not even respect your existence.

    • @alexr.m.6382
      @alexr.m.6382 5 лет назад +2

      @@Retarior Lmao shut up and let us enjoy the music without your racist keening

    • @phaulsgawds9945
      @phaulsgawds9945 4 года назад +1

      @@Retarior just like xtians respected the existence of those they converted at swordpoint? Of those who converted by bartering their vile beliefs for lifegiving food and other assistance, purchasing souls, so to speak? Have you forgotten about the crusades? Have you forgotten how the early church dealt with the peoples who were there before?? have you neglected to see how the church not only knew about sex-abusing priests, but actually hid and protected them, moving them around to keep them from being pursued by secular authority and so much more??
      Again, I am not condoning what islam is doing... but again, don't be a hypocrite.

    • @Retarior
      @Retarior  4 года назад +1

      Im really tired of repeating one argument all over, especialy when I answered those "white guilt shame" in other comments. Well Sir, there are great differrences that in my opinion make your argument a bit faulty.
      1. In Christian philosophy, such behaviour is unacceptable officialy. No one argues that some nobles and rich people in their search for personal gain and power did unspeakable things. But again, Church its self often protested, yet had no real power over those people. As an egsample we may take Padre Vittorio or Bartolomeo Las Casas who sued Spanish king and other monarchs for their doing. And they are not the only ones. Christianity is a conceptualy different, a lot different than islam is, and even though there is talk of "justfull rvenge" and re-conquest. There are no such offensive and downright biggot or extreme comandments as in islamic relligion and philosophy.
      2. I would like to point out, that christians in the first centuries were all hunted, tortured, molested by the pagans both of Roman, Eastern or European type. It simply was a bloody competetion, which in the end, turned in favour of Christians. The nobles often accepted the relligion pragmaticaly, without truly believing in to it. As we can learn from St. Franciscus complaints, St. Vojtěch of Bohemia said the same and again, many others. Also, do not forget, that christian space had been shrinking since the Fall of Rome: Nikaia, Antioch, Efez, Edessa, Chalcedon, Alexandria, Jerusalem, Constantinople, these were all Christian regions, christian metropolis. All had fallen in to the hands of Islam and really, there is going on a permanent genocide nobody gives a crap about it. Copts in Egypt at cetera. Even now! Take Serbians in Kosovo and Albania! Even in 2013 there have been purges from the side of muslims towards christians, but these crimes are somewhat accepted in silence! Also, do not forget that Turks, before 1st crusade exterminated Jerusalem! Turned it in to blood bath as later Crusaders did in revenge. Forbade Christians from entering. Islamic expansion since century spanned from Asia Minor, Africa, to Spain and Southern France, butchering of people by muslims on Sicily, invasion to Greece. Really Rome is and was all that was left, and Byzantine (which I agree had also fallen because of Catholic animosity towards Orthodox rivals). Take also Mongols! Genkhis Khan and Batu Chan after him, they both claimed that they will clense world of those who are lesser men with non Mongoloid features (I never heard Mongols feeling sorry for their genocidal aims or marking Genghis as a asshole). To cut it short, only and suicidal idiot (as we western people are nowadays) wouldnt use force in such times. There is a difference between philosophy behind Crusades and Jihad. Jihad is expansively aimed, Crusades is re-taking of lost. Yes crimes allways happen. Even now, in the name of democracy and Human rights we have commited many crimes!
      I will contiue in article 2.

    • @Retarior
      @Retarior  4 года назад +1

      Article 2
      3. If you are mentioning crimes of the Inquisition and Witch hunts, well...
      There have been arround 20 000 cases of inquisitional investigations only in whole middle age and reiniassance period. Most of the cases ended with taxative punishment and home internment. The issue were "wild" withc hunts made by people alone, very often by Lutheran parts of Christian belief in America or Europe. We have sources from Bishops and Local nobles who considered Inquisitors rampaging a big issue and a problem to their aims and often times they were the ones who stopped it as it often went over the top. Usuaely, like in Condrad Adenauers case or if you have red Maleus Maleficarum and about Mr. Boblig, the whole thing was started on request of the local poor village idiots who then were nable to stop horrors they unleashed. And quite very often it was deserved. Just in Bohemia of 14-15th century we have 50 cases of creating "Thiefs light" which is superstitious ritual of creating candle from the newborns veins and fat. Reall, village people were often horrible idiots in medieval times and repulsive punishment was needed to serve as a scare crow. Also we have cases like: Swiping a horse drinking dish by a new born baby which died afterwards ofcourse, only because of local supperstiton one Herbal Witch adviced to local farmer. She said his horses will be strong as there is a magic in it! So he bought poor womans child for it, which was forbidden, illegal on its own even by that time. One of the wifes of Emperor Charles IV. poisioned him with "love potion" again, recipe from local Swiss Hag she met on the road. She was forgiven, but old pagan mythos survived even untill Barok times and it is full of such stupid acts. Medieval judical system was quite strict. So you really cant say that Church mostly killed innocent people because of "stupid church thing". Did you know that untill century there was no inquisition north of Alpes?
      4. Europeans did nothing worse to the American natives, as they have been doing pretty vile acts to thems selfs even before Europeans arrived. Gunning them down is really lesser stuff in comparrison what Aztes, Inkas, Tlascalans and Mayans did to their foes and subjects really. Jesuite order even tried to form a Indian state made from converted natives, and take notes they refused and disliked forcefull conversion the Spanish monarch applicated. Many subjugated Natives joined Europeans just from hate towards Mayan or aztec masters, so you cant really say that "White guilt" is all that serious as it is beeing, quite ignorantly, shown today. Really, we have not that much to feel sorry for. Especialy as we could be considered Amateurs in comparisson with others, Asians, Africans, Native Americans alike. Lets not blindly follow "Noble savage" romantical construct. Also, it is very wrong to judge things in a past by a modern standards, by a nowadays point of view. You see, burning down of villages was basic war strategy that had been carried out by absolutely anyone! Till modern era. On the World! So to say "but, but we did also very wrong things because we killed and killing is bad..." well that is quite useless and hypocrytic whinning with the aim to make one look better.
      continuing in part 3...

  • @Ansila01
    @Ansila01 10 лет назад +12

    8 people have no taste :P

    • @Retarior
      @Retarior  9 лет назад +7

      +Mia Carrington
      9, or they are either muslims, or multicultural fascists :-D.

    • @Retarior
      @Retarior  8 лет назад

      +Hussein Kandil
      If you dont intend to apply Sharia to the Czech law system or any other system of European nations, if you dont take Quaran too seriously and if you respect Czech national priorities or other national priorities of the state you are living in, I have no problem with you and the words at the end were not aimed at you :-) and I feel flattered that you like our songs :-).

    • @Retarior
      @Retarior  8 лет назад +5

      +Hussein Kandil
      Then my friend this message at the end wasnt ment for you. You are musim I can tolerate and I bet you could be by some considered as "no true muslim". Unless you believe that everything written in Quaran is absolute true. Then yes, you can respect christians, and you also cant take them as equals (which is the case when you follow all sources of Islam as you should according to Quaran).
      Look I dont like Islam as a whole. I have nothing against muslims who try to take it not too serious. Like you said, not all muslims are fanatics, but "true Islam" taken strictly as it should be is fanatical enough to raise fanatics from its followers.
      I do not deny acts of violence from the christian side, that would be very ignorant from me. But the thing is, Bible is taken as an unperfect book which should be told in context and more important is the teaching of Jesus Christ, in which violence is acceptable only, when someone else does not tolerate your existence. On the other hand I found 8 points I reject and dislike about Islam and why I will allways believe that Islam in its true form is the only relligion in the world (apart from fanatical cults) that I can not tolerate and I will not. But I cant help my self and not point out, that taking Quaran to the letter will actuaelly create Islamo-centric individual from you more than any other faith would as it is very complex and can be bassed allone as a ideology including all aspects of life even free trade :-D. But again, those 8 problematic points I found are not problemati at all if you dont take it too strictly, but then you are placing your self in to the dangerous possition among the other orthodox muslims.
      But again, its the Islam in its true form I dislike, not the human person. If you are the person who you claim to be and you dont take it as unconditional truth and you really try to take things in much broader concept, then again, I do not consider you dangerous, nor bad. And I would raise weapon in your defense, should you be attacked from the side of the "true muslims" (alas my real capabilities are not so strong that I could actuaelly do it effectively, I still posess that in my heart).
      I do believe Quaran and Islam need more open minded people who will set the new course for it and I do know how hard for that people it is to do so.
      I guess we will agree that strictcli following Islam teachings to the letter as it is mentioned in Quaran could be considered bad though, right?
      I personally red Quaran more times than Bible, because I really did not want to wrong somebody.
      The message in the end was ment for the muslims in Europe, who do not wish to accept European rights and ways, that has been present even before Jesus Christ was born and we dont intend to change them, if they dont like our ways, they should have never come to live with us right :-)? I wouldnt dare to went to Saudi Arabia and criticize them :-D.
      And yes, we have many thing in common. Good willingness and helping the poor beeing our responsibility for egsample.

    • @psykopanda11
      @psykopanda11 6 лет назад +1

      Retarior I do not know what mr kandil said but stop being so apologetic and tolerant. Islam is made in such a way that it is uncorruptable there is no such thing as a moderate muslim. I have two ex muslims who are now honored allies in the fight against partialy islam. information i have gathered from people who used to be deep inside that cult has given me quite good insight. But you dont need that just read the quran or talk to the average muslim and he will at some point show you his true nature with a knife to your neck or a punch to the back of your head when you least expect it.

  • @Retarior
    @Retarior  14 лет назад

    And I had a Catholic teacher,and I must say she was almost saint woman.Truly good person.Educated and not wicked as someones.And I really know why my ancestors were dying and for what they have been dying for all those years. When we started trying to repair christian relligion,the whole europe burned our reformator at the stake,and look now,the church was reformed anyway xD.Do you know what I mean?We might not want to destroy them,but they want to do so.I wont allow it or die.

  • @Retarior
    @Retarior  14 лет назад

    Well man,if you dont like it, dont watch it its simple.At any case,writing things like,,Thousand years of opression ends now,, snt a blaming of something?Well if you think so, than I must tell you you are wrong,you dont even know how many people died in 9 century during arabic invasion.How many civilizations ended. And even now, when bloody catholic church hasnt its power the islamic countries are killing children for crimes.So I am sticking with facts,not with speculations.

  • @Retarior
    @Retarior  14 лет назад

    Doesit mean you are going with us against islam or what? I am also interested in northern mythology and if you would like remind me here on persecutions which christians did to pagans, you dont need to do so, I know it and yes it wasnt really good. But things like Blood-eagle, plundering villages and murrderring innocents isnt also good. It has been before thousands years and now is there new form of opression, Islam which is like disease in europe.

  • @cukka99
    @cukka99 6 лет назад +4

    Great music, with a bonus extra of gratuitous bigotry. Jeesh. (I mean, by the poster, not the ensemble.)

    • @Retarior
      @Retarior  6 лет назад +4

      Biggotry? Oh I see, so you must like what is happenning now through out the Europe? Tell me, does ignoring the massive rape and assault account while beeing a smartass makes you feel better? So who is a biggot here? No sir, beeing a biggot and beeing unstatisfied with the current state of thing is something different. Islam has no place here and it will never integrate. Tolerating system of islam, while criticizing other messed up ideologies, like natcism, komunism and fascism is an act of hypocricy. So do everyone a favour and stop beeing "correct intelectual". Or better, wisit some of European great cities during one of those "Rallye dakar-Europe" events, maybe you will think otherwise when you got flattened by a truck. And believe it or not, I had a chance to work with those "poor refugees". Most of the things they say about them that are beeing shunned as extremistic point of view are correct.

    • @toompyfloyd4074
      @toompyfloyd4074 3 года назад +2

      @@Retarior God keep you brother.

  • @Retarior
    @Retarior  14 лет назад

    It was and it is still about power, money and eternal compeeting. You will chose your side anyway. And if we dont want to be totaly ruined, we should act quickley, thats all. You see if the Cortez wouldnt kill all Aztecs, then the one of Aztecs could make Cortez of him self, and sail to Europe and slaghter Europe. Violence is causing another violence only when it is not done corectley. Corect violence can not be returned. But that is bad and cruel however.

  • @Retarior
    @Retarior  14 лет назад

    And dont think I am nazi or somehow. I am just pissed man who doesnt want to see the work of the honest people in ashes and on the place of that work standing one big Mosque. If I have learned something about islam in history, then it is a fact that every time the Islam wasnt under attack, it expands in really cruel way. Not even christianity managed this. Not that many times. Christians were just able to reform them selfs when it was needed. Islam is too conservative for this.

  • @jajarres
    @jajarres Год назад +2

    be afraid islam the day will come