Is just alright you have not seen awesome Lion Dance with the poles from country in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Rome, Vancouver, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and you can check it on youtube comparing this is nothing ...Just wonder when is New York having Lion Dance with Poles and dont get me wrong they are better than some I have seen especially I always call them LazyLion Dance without the Tail where they love to stand and hold the tails rather than dancing with it ...Lion Dance suppose to be energetic, vigorous, and powerful to show their strength...
Stay tuned for more "Awesomeness"!
Is just alright you have not seen awesome Lion Dance with the poles from country in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Rome, Vancouver, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and you can check it on youtube comparing this is nothing ...Just wonder when is New York having Lion Dance with Poles and dont get me wrong they are better than some I have seen especially I always call them LazyLion Dance without the Tail where they love to stand and hold the tails rather than dancing with it ...Lion Dance suppose to be energetic, vigorous, and powerful to show their strength...
@@areebachewa8318 Nice to see you again areebachewa8318.