A2 English Listening Practice- Communication

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 66

  • @andresbetag
    @andresbetag 2 года назад +11

    For me this is the best youtube channel to pratice listening, because the videos are short and explain only one topic. It's very practice.
    Teacher thanks so much for your videos.

  • @becomeanintellectual718
    @becomeanintellectual718 2 года назад +7

    Hi, I'm from VietNam and I'm thirteen years old. I think I can start at B1 videos now, but maybe I should listen to A2 videos for more vocabulary. As for your videos, They're very good. I ascertain that your channel is the best one about English, I've ever watched

  • @JrDUO-ss5zq
    @JrDUO-ss5zq 2 года назад +8

    your videos help me a lot, never give up I'm always here to help you your RUclips channel will grow a lot. and sorry if there are some mistakes i am studying english only for 3 months

    • @listeningtimepodcast
      @listeningtimepodcast  2 года назад +3

      You write well! Thank you!

    • @fidanvliyeva5652
      @fidanvliyeva5652 2 года назад +1

      @@listeningtimepodcast me too you are the best l like all videos

    • @sylvialupehernandez9154
      @sylvialupehernandez9154 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@listeningtimepodcast Can you do a video on countries and nationalities? Thank you.

  • @anfalnassar2735
    @anfalnassar2735 Месяц назад

    Communication is an important topic because it helps strengthen our friendships and social connections, facilitates the exchange of scientific and vital information, and offers many other benefits. I often rely on WhatsApp to keep in touch with my family and friends, as it's an easy and quick way to communicate. I particularly enjoy conversing with people who use humor and show empathy, as it makes our discussions more engaging and fulfilling.
    In terms of communication difficulties, I was quite shy as a child, but I’ve grown out of it. I vividly remember my first encounter with a native English speaker-it was rather disappointing. However, after meeting several native speakers since then, I now find it very interesting to engage in conversations with those who speak English.

  • @cristianofeo5171
    @cristianofeo5171 Год назад

    Thanks! You’re helping me to understand English.

  • @habibeors2915
    @habibeors2915 2 года назад

    I just started learning English for me your channel is a treasure thanks😍

  • @gulhankarakoyun2977
    @gulhankarakoyun2977 2 года назад

    Thanks a lot 👏👏👏 you’re podcasts are very helpful for me to improve my English… thank you so much 🙏🙏🙏

  • @dheajunita624
    @dheajunita624 2 года назад

    Thank you for this video, this is very useful for me, I'm from Indonesia, I always listen your video to learn English

  • @OdilovOdilov-xz8vq
    @OdilovOdilov-xz8vq 7 месяцев назад

    This channel help me improve my listening skll. Thank you very mach
    I am from Uzbekiston

  • @norhangahly8778
    @norhangahly8778 2 года назад +2

    Really I appreciate your efforts to make those amazing videos thank you teacher 💙

  • @احمدمحمد-ج4ث6ه
    @احمدمحمد-ج4ث6ه 2 года назад

    Your video is really amazing i have learned a lot from your video God bless you for sharing i really love the way you speak and the way you explained

  • @anastasiapaladi6937
    @anastasiapaladi6937 Год назад

    Thanks for your videos,their help me a lot to study .

  • @robertopablo8890
    @robertopablo8890 2 года назад

    You help me a lot with your videos, thank you so much you're the best

  • @omarahmed8052
    @omarahmed8052 Год назад

    Communication is very essential to succeed in our life . Without Communication we can break alot of relationship so we should make our Communication good . I believe we can learn Communication by observation someone who speak with other people and become curious and observe everything to know how they are speak and we should improve our communication on the stage with audience members because we can know the most important relationship. To sum up this topic you should be agood listener to be agood communicator. Thanks for your efforts.

  • @ThetThetWai-q2u
    @ThetThetWai-q2u 11 месяцев назад

    Thank you teacher!

  • @rafaellarodrigues2288
    @rafaellarodrigues2288 2 года назад

    Thank you so much for your videos👏😃

  • @wildminee
    @wildminee 8 месяцев назад

    hello, im from iran and im a little bit shy. but i will use your advice to decrease this property. and thanks for your useful videos

  • @Larisa-g4r
    @Larisa-g4r 2 года назад

    Thank you so much, very useful video 👍

  • @mirtadesimone3979
    @mirtadesimone3979 2 года назад

    Excellent dear teacher!!

  • @robertopablo8890
    @robertopablo8890 2 года назад

    greetings from Argentina👋🏽

  • @cuonghoangmanh1699
    @cuonghoangmanh1699 Месяц назад

    What a funny lesson! thank you for the video.

  • @creative_informations
    @creative_informations 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you🎉

  • @osairleal9623
    @osairleal9623 10 месяцев назад

    Very good thank you

  • @noyasan7932
    @noyasan7932 2 года назад

    Thank you teacher🥰

  • @yaseennawaz3529
    @yaseennawaz3529 Год назад

    Interesting topic thanks ❤

  • @suleymanyurtkuran6361
    @suleymanyurtkuran6361 2 года назад

    Thanks you for this video.

  • @juliana.schaadgiron516
    @juliana.schaadgiron516 6 месяцев назад

    Thanks you

  • @canazrbaycan.4009
    @canazrbaycan.4009 2 года назад

    Thanks a lot.

  • @guillermorueda6717
    @guillermorueda6717 2 года назад

    Thanks a lot!!!

  • @georgesaga8064
    @georgesaga8064 Год назад

    You are the best

  • @ABC-jf5ol
    @ABC-jf5ol 2 года назад

    5) effectively: có hiệu quả
    force yourself: ép bản thân

  • @wolfsorianomorales687
    @wolfsorianomorales687 2 года назад

    Hey pal i found you at Spotify 3 months ago. So i decided to search you on RUclips and wooow it's incredible to know your face because i've always been wondering "who is this guy"

  • @DZ-Elec
    @DZ-Elec Год назад

    yatik saha

  • @ayeayekhaing1608
    @ayeayekhaing1608 10 месяцев назад

    are the view and landscape the same?

  • @hasansheikhiani6574
    @hasansheikhiani6574 Год назад


  • @managlhorshil7833
    @managlhorshil7833 2 года назад

    Iam from india your video help me more

  • @Yotuel_rodri
    @Yotuel_rodri Год назад

    There are a lot of work behind each video. Thanks.

  • @rafaelnascimento_mr
    @rafaelnascimento_mr 2 года назад

    thanks a lot! This channel is the best!

  • @Ficflix_
    @Ficflix_ 2 года назад +3

    Dont forget of us here teacher

  • @pampusi
    @pampusi 2 года назад


  • @Matheus-it9rw
    @Matheus-it9rw 2 года назад +1

    Anyone who wanna practice English? I'm from Brazil and I'm 18 year old, I think I have intermediate English.

  • @zahraahussain616
    @zahraahussain616 Год назад


  • @safilsajad1664
    @safilsajad1664 Год назад

    I am Safil from Pakistan and I am principal of Christian school and I desire I want to become Bible translator but my listening is too weak ,sir how can I improve more

  • @stepansobko3648
    @stepansobko3648 Год назад

  • @adaneid5862
    @adaneid5862 2 года назад +1

    Everyday i request you your name why you not telling us your name

  • @naimaakther7118
    @naimaakther7118 28 дней назад

    Where I communicate denger people are everywhere so communicate is very much difficult for me . If I communicate other maybe they are not interest with me that time I will be disappointe mey be .

  • @rohanizabuly7006
    @rohanizabuly7006 2 года назад

    Your English is very well but you should get Islam

  • @tylerdurden4052
    @tylerdurden4052 2 года назад


  • @vimachaigriden4603
    @vimachaigriden4603 Год назад

  • @pabodhagamage3300
    @pabodhagamage3300 Год назад

    Thank you so much for your valuable videos ❤️👍🙏🏻

  • @LetegebrielMitiku
    @LetegebrielMitiku 6 месяцев назад