BettBeat Media is like a breath of fresh air knowing that there are Educated Hosts and distinguished guests who can see through the Fog and eloquently explain it in depth for the listeners. Thank you Gentlemen for being on the Front Lines of the Resistance Much Respect !
This was a super cool discussion! I can’t wait for the next one. My only friendly pushback is this: Don’t expect the majority of people in the USA to be receptive to socialism anytime soon. Even the poor here worship the rich. They do not want to overthrow the system. They want to be a big shot in it. That is what we are taught to aspire to the minute we start going to elementary school, if not earlier. And if you confront people with the ugly truth about how we got to the point we are at now, let me tell you - people here freak out and get angry not with the facts but with the messenger. The cognitive dissonance is real in the USA and it crosses all lines - class, race, gender, sexual orientation, even geography, you name it. Americans are still acting like it is 1945 and I think in my lifetime (I am 51) they always will.
Alexander described very well what’s happening in Europe is mirroring America’s situation as well. In the States, a lot of our political and social elites are dividing the people into hating immigrants and those of different orientations, racial minorities, etc. It’s also getting more and more bizarre as they’re always finding new things to complain about and wanting the authorities to push strange policies such as open censorship and strict strange guidelines over our housing, schools, diets and family planning, etc. Both major political parties are practically doing same things just packaged differently for the public. As your guest states, these imperialistic sentiments are overstretch globally and turning more inwards in order to maintain control. I also think it can’t last too long, as we’re reaching towards a point where people are going hungry deliberately and skimping medication dosages to save money. If those political shenanigans push it any further, lingering starvation and homelessness is an engine for revolution.
Don't forget USA is overstretched already. It cannot fight wars everywhere AND it is 37 trillion or some such number in debt. Bubbles do burst. The billionaire class is out of control in their greed and lust for power. Trump is just a vehicle for them. They want to destroy middle class and go to serfdom . So time will tell how long the status quo lasts. I am just sick that the entire Muslim world is targeted by wars sanctions regime changes and never allowed to prosper or simply be left alone.
Starvation and homelessness bring right wing politics, good times bring revolution. That's why you won't find anything as nice as the welfare state of the 1960's in the USA ever again.
That was an exellent interview, Mr. Mckay is as articulate as ever. I'd point out that imperialists won't go out whimpering quietly. There needs to be organizing, even to the point of organizing armed cadres against an oppressor gone on a rampage. You can already see the contempt of American ruling class to its own people, nevermind what these plutocrats and their lackeys are willing to do unto foreign countries.
Excellent analysis. Not sure about his critique of Trotsky - it was Lenin's opinion that Russia depended on a wave of Revolutions in Western Europe. Even Stalin expected another wave of worker militancy after the brief stabilisation of the 1920's. The Left Opposition critiqued Socialism in One Country, but the policy of Industrialisation and five year plans which Stalin pursued was that pushed/promoted by the Left. I'm not an expert, but Stalin's policy towards China, Spain and Germany seemed disastrous. The Chinese Nationalists slaughtered the Communists, and the defense of the Spanish Republic, as opposed to the Spanish Revolution, seemed equally questionable.
The people of the Greater Middle East, including the Levant (most of whom are Semites, and the followers of Abrahamic religions) have been divided and ruled over by outsiders for centuries. *Because it is easier to divide people based on personal differences, than it is to unite them, based on what they have in common.* Strategically ambiguous outsiders make use of this, for own advantages. In the era of empires, first Rome/Constantinople, then during WW1 the seat of POWER playing these games changed to London/Paris (Sykes-Picot/Balfour Declaration/WW1), then after the 1950's as European colonialism's power decreased, starting around the time a bark by Washington DC in 1956 (Suez Crisis/War) showed who the new boss was, the role of divider was simply taken over by Washington DC (the entire ME was the playground during the Cold War). Now the intention is simply to avoid unity in the ME, in order to _rule over the dissent_ which is classical divide-and-rule. Today, their leaders are ALL tools. Draw lines on the map without asking any of those affected. Exploit and foster endless wars, meddle for constant dissent. *Divide-and-rule connects the dots on the timeline of history.* Who has had (in all historical cases in the ME/Levant) the GEOGRAPHICAL ADVANTAGE of distance from the events resulting out of the own meddling and political activities, being able to reach all the other regions, but could not be reached itself as hegemony, at any given point of a historical timeline? Pax Romana, Rome. Pax Britannica, London. Pax Americana, Washington DC. All they ever wanted was *pax,* because they said so, but who picks up the *pieces of great wealth and the systemic gains* when all the others can be avoided from uniting? *Different Empires. Different era. Same games...* ------------------------------------- The people of the Africa have been divided and ruled over by outsiders for centuries. Tribalism makes it easy to divide people, then keep them poor under the "kind foot" of exploitation. In the era of empires, first Rome/Constantinople in North Africa, then during the era of Western imperialism the seat of POWER playing these games changed to the USA/Europe, then after the 1950's as European colonialism's power decreased, Africa was the playground during the Cold War. Once the dividers had reached peak power for themselves, by simply drawing lines on the map without asking any of those affected (Congo Conference/1884) the own systems of gain could siphon off wealth like a giant vacuum cleaner. The intention was simply to avoid unity in Africa, in order to _rule over the dissent_ which is classical divide-and-rule. During the Cold War, Moscow took on the role of arming the resistance to the colonial dividers. Today, all African dissenters fighting against unity, including some of Africa's own greedy corrupt leaders, are ALL tools. Endless wars, constant dissent. _Give the weak mind money, and they will dance for the outside dividers..._ *Divide-and-rule.* Oldest trick in the book... Different people and systems. Different places on the map. Same games. -------------------------------------- The people of the Americas, including the USA, have been divided and ruled over by outsiders for centuries. In the beginning stages of era of European Imperialism, first Spain and Portugal entered the Americas, employing the divide-and-rule technique of top-down power on the local systems (Aztecs/Incas), and as European colonial powers' influence decreased during the 19th century, the role of divider was simply taken over by Washington DC. As the own power increased incrementally, the entire world became the playground after around 1900. Today, it is the globalists who employ imperialist tools to play divide-and-rule games on their neighbours. *Forget nukes. The divide-and-control/rule/conquer strategy is the most powerful force on the planet, because it can be employed equally in times of peace to CONTROL, in times of crises to RULE, and in times of war to CONQUER.* Ever since the two-faced snake slithered down that tree of unity (fable), speaking out of both sides of the mouth (lies, deceit), the wisest human beings have fruitlessly warned, and the easily divisable have continuously been warned against divisions within a peaceful status quo. When you bow to the division caused by deception, you will lose the good life..."and much that once was, is lost; for none now live who remember it." Such divisions create GAIN for OUTSIDERS (Eden as a system divided by lies and deceit). Now the intention is simply to avoid unity in the Americas, in order to rule over the dissent which is classical divide-and-rule. Endless wars on anything and everything from "drugs" to "terror" (sic.), constant dissent with everything's a war war war... Insert levers of lies, mistrust. The *two-party-duopoly* is two cheeks of the same hind which set out to create favourites: Favouritism, by granting access to the own POWER/WEALTH, to those who volunteer to act as proxies and extensions for the own power projection. The small picture lives of domestic political chaos, of the big picture reality of international insanity. Point the systemic (MSM) finger, everywhere else, by use of the own paid stooges of power by presenting their deep state-orchestrated three-letter-agency astroturfed violence on multiple tiers as being the reactions of "the poor oppressed people, who need our help for freedom and democracy" (sic.). Liars, deceivers, creators of the BLACK LEGEND for the "other side". *In February 1948, George F. Kennan's Policy Planning Staff said: "[W]e have about 50% of the world's wealth but only 6.3% of its population. ... Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity."* Kennan: A prototype GLOBALIST. And that is what they did to increase their own wealth. Set up people against each other, then siphon off the wealth of entire regions of the planet. *And that is what you are fighting for. That is what the hegemon has always done, pretending to be the "good pax", but playing "good cop/bad cop" with the world, from a position of power.* In the past, the "good cops" were the INTERNATIONALISTS, and the "bad cops" were the IMPERIALISTS. In the present that has morphed into the "good cops" being the GLOBALISTS/NEOLIBS, and the "bad cops" being the NEOCONS. Name-branding and doublespeak for the slumberland plebs, enchanted by their "bread-and-circuses"-existences. America's friends and self-proclaimed default rivals in Eurasia are still being burnt to ensure this disparity continues, with a (quote) "pattern of relationships" which are beneficial to the own rule. Set up European and Eurasian nations (including the Middle East/North Africa) against each other. It is how divide-and-rule is implemented. The imperialist playbook of Great Britain and the USA for more than 100 years. Read Halford Mackinder (Pivot of History, 1904) and Zbigniew Brzezinski (Grand Chessboard, 1997) regarding Eurasia for the template. Read W.T. Stead (Americanization of the World, 1901) for the guideline of political-, cultural- and economic capture. Read Smedley-Butler (War is a Racket) for the modus operandi of imperialism/militarism. Some say Europe is a divine goddess. I say, it is a humble apple tree, from an allegory as old as modern civilizations, because it is easy to divide. *Divide and Rule.* Oldest trick in the book... Four corners of the globe. Different cultures and religions. Same games. THE LINK OF THE WORLD. The entire system they favor in the USA/collective West is based on a pre-set *managed and moderated division,* for the benefit of a very few at the top of the pyramids accompanied by the often-repeated nice-sounding storyline. Create the script of the own heroes. Their entire scripted money-funded history sounds like a Hollywood superhero movie that sounds too good to be true. Guess what? It is. It is what they are NOT telling you, that they try to hide. Who wields the POWER? Who has had the GEOGRAPHICAL ADVANTAGE of being able to reach all the other little buck catchers (tools, and other Roman-era style instruments of POWER), but could not be reached itself, because of a geographical-, technological-, organizational-, military-, strategic-, political advantage at any given point of a historical timeline? Create the default rival/enemy on their own marching routes. It is usually the power most likely to succeed which is determined as the default rival/enemy. Notice how, as soon as a rival starts mass-producing products high up in the value chain of capitalism, and starts vying for markets, and becomes successful, it immediately becomes the systemic rival, and is then geopolitically encircled by the greater empire. It happened around 1900, as Germany started building high-value products, and it happened around 2000, as China started moving away from building cheap toys and labor intensive kitchen appliances... The games start on the home turf. The first victims are their own people in the USA/collective West, locked in the eternal struggle for wealth and personal gain which they have been deceived into thinking is "good greed", but which WILL be exploited by the snakes who deceive them on the domestic tier of the divide-and-rule system of power. Because ..."most of the great problems we face are caused by politicians creating solutions to problems they created in the first place." - Walter E. Williams *War is a great **_divider._** It goes straight through the heads of millions and billions of people from the very top tiers, right down to the individual level. War divides alignments and alliances, goes straight through organizations, divides political parties, tears through families, and finally at the very bottom tier, goes straight through individual hearts and minds as individuals struggle with themselves.*
Awesome! The previous one with Alexander was excellent. Super excited for this one.
BettBeat Media is like a breath of fresh air knowing that there are Educated Hosts and distinguished guests who can see through the Fog and eloquently explain it in depth for the listeners.
Thank you Gentlemen for being on the Front Lines of the Resistance
Much Respect !
Awesome comment. Thanks!
McKay is getting everywhere!
-Justifiably so
Great discussion! Thanks guys😊
Alex McKay is great!
It is going to be very very rough in 2025. Will we survive ?
Thanks guys...
Brilliant guest! Very clear headed about all the entanglements.
Excellent analysis.
This was a super cool discussion! I can’t wait for the next one. My only friendly pushback is this: Don’t expect the majority of people in the USA to be receptive to socialism anytime soon. Even the poor here worship the rich. They do not want to overthrow the system. They want to be a big shot in it. That is what we are taught to aspire to the minute we start going to elementary school, if not earlier. And if you confront people with the ugly truth about how we got to the point we are at now, let me tell you - people here freak out and get angry not with the facts but with the messenger. The cognitive dissonance is real in the USA and it crosses all lines - class, race, gender, sexual orientation, even geography, you name it. Americans are still acting like it is 1945 and I think in my lifetime (I am 51) they always will.
Not everyone but a majority at least. People revert to stasis even when stasis is very bad.
There was a burgeoning consciousness during the Depression. In my opinion FDRs New Deal was designed in a way to compromise that.
Terrific conversation! Thank you all for the much-needed context.
From New Zealand, always look forward to hearing Alex McKay from the CPGB(ML). Cheers bro!
Great to see Alexander back, Thank you for another very informative and educational talk from all of you.
Thank you so much for this conversation
Excellent discussion very eye-opening. Great guest
Thank you Karim, Alexander and Peter I appreciated this erudite deep dive into imperialistic ideology and the impact upon our current chaotic reality.
Alexander described very well what’s happening in Europe is mirroring America’s situation as well. In the States, a lot of our political and social elites are dividing the people into hating immigrants and those of different orientations, racial minorities, etc. It’s also getting more and more bizarre as they’re always finding new things to complain about and wanting the authorities to push strange policies such as open censorship and strict strange guidelines over our housing, schools, diets and family planning, etc. Both major political parties are practically doing same things just packaged differently for the public.
As your guest states, these imperialistic sentiments are overstretch globally and turning more inwards in order to maintain control. I also think it can’t last too long, as we’re reaching towards a point where people are going hungry deliberately and skimping medication dosages to save money. If those political shenanigans push it any further, lingering starvation and homelessness is an engine for revolution.
Don't forget USA is overstretched already. It cannot fight wars everywhere AND it is 37 trillion or some such number in debt. Bubbles do burst. The billionaire class is out of control in their greed and lust for power. Trump is just a vehicle for them. They want to destroy middle class and go to serfdom . So time will tell how long the status quo lasts. I am just sick that the entire Muslim world is targeted by wars sanctions regime changes and never allowed to prosper or simply be left alone.
Starvation and homelessness bring right wing politics, good times bring revolution. That's why you won't find anything as nice as the welfare state of the 1960's in the USA ever again.
Great stuff
Fantastic !!!!
Great chat. Awesome
Great Channel!
Thank you.
That was an exellent interview, Mr. Mckay is as articulate as ever. I'd point out that imperialists won't go out whimpering quietly. There needs to be organizing, even to the point of organizing armed cadres against an oppressor gone on a rampage. You can already see the contempt of American ruling class to its own people, nevermind what these plutocrats and their lackeys are willing to do unto foreign countries.
Awesome discussion 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾that you guys so much , you’ve given me some hope 🫶🏾
Begins at 3:40
Excellent analysis. Not sure about his critique of Trotsky - it was Lenin's opinion that Russia depended on a wave of Revolutions in Western Europe. Even Stalin expected another wave of worker militancy after the brief stabilisation of the 1920's.
The Left Opposition critiqued Socialism in One Country, but the policy of Industrialisation and five year plans which Stalin pursued was that pushed/promoted by the Left.
I'm not an expert, but Stalin's policy towards China, Spain and Germany seemed disastrous. The Chinese Nationalists slaughtered the Communists, and the defense of the Spanish Republic, as opposed to the Spanish Revolution, seemed equally questionable.
isreal and america are one
big ups
Assad’s plane is on standby
The people of the Greater Middle East, including the Levant (most of whom are Semites, and the followers of Abrahamic religions) have been divided and ruled over by outsiders for centuries. *Because it is easier to divide people based on personal differences, than it is to unite them, based on what they have in common.* Strategically ambiguous outsiders make use of this, for own advantages. In the era of empires, first Rome/Constantinople, then during WW1 the seat of POWER playing these games changed to London/Paris (Sykes-Picot/Balfour Declaration/WW1), then after the 1950's as European colonialism's power decreased, starting around the time a bark by Washington DC in 1956 (Suez Crisis/War) showed who the new boss was, the role of divider was simply taken over by Washington DC (the entire ME was the playground during the Cold War). Now the intention is simply to avoid unity in the ME, in order to _rule over the dissent_ which is classical divide-and-rule. Today, their leaders are ALL tools. Draw lines on the map without asking any of those affected. Exploit and foster endless wars, meddle for constant dissent.
*Divide-and-rule connects the dots on the timeline of history.*
Who has had (in all historical cases in the ME/Levant) the GEOGRAPHICAL ADVANTAGE of distance from the events resulting out of the own meddling and political activities, being able to reach all the other regions, but could not be reached itself as hegemony, at any given point of a historical timeline? Pax Romana, Rome. Pax Britannica, London. Pax Americana, Washington DC. All they ever wanted was *pax,* because they said so, but who picks up the *pieces of great wealth and the systemic gains* when all the others can be avoided from uniting?
*Different Empires. Different era. Same games...*
The people of the Africa have been divided and ruled over by outsiders for centuries. Tribalism makes it easy to divide people, then keep them poor under the "kind foot" of exploitation. In the era of empires, first Rome/Constantinople in North Africa, then during the era of Western imperialism the seat of POWER playing these games changed to the USA/Europe, then after the 1950's as European colonialism's power decreased, Africa was the playground during the Cold War. Once the dividers had reached peak power for themselves, by simply drawing lines on the map without asking any of those affected (Congo Conference/1884) the own systems of gain could siphon off wealth like a giant vacuum cleaner. The intention was simply to avoid unity in Africa, in order to _rule over the dissent_ which is classical divide-and-rule. During the Cold War, Moscow took on the role of arming the resistance to the colonial dividers. Today, all African dissenters fighting against unity, including some of Africa's own greedy corrupt leaders, are ALL tools. Endless wars, constant dissent.
_Give the weak mind money, and they will dance for the outside dividers..._
Oldest trick in the book...
Different people and systems. Different places on the map. Same games.
The people of the Americas, including the USA, have been divided and ruled over by outsiders for centuries. In the beginning stages of era of European Imperialism, first Spain and Portugal entered the Americas, employing the divide-and-rule technique of top-down power on the local systems (Aztecs/Incas), and as European colonial powers' influence decreased during the 19th century, the role of divider was simply taken over by Washington DC. As the own power increased incrementally, the entire world became the playground after around 1900. Today, it is the globalists who employ imperialist tools to play divide-and-rule games on their neighbours.
*Forget nukes. The divide-and-control/rule/conquer strategy is the most powerful force on the planet, because it can be employed equally in times of peace to CONTROL, in times of crises to RULE, and in times of war to CONQUER.*
Ever since the two-faced snake slithered down that tree of unity (fable), speaking out of both sides of the mouth (lies, deceit), the wisest human beings have fruitlessly warned, and the easily divisable have continuously been warned against divisions within a peaceful status quo. When you bow to the division caused by deception, you will lose the good life..."and much that once was, is lost; for none now live who remember it." Such divisions create GAIN for OUTSIDERS (Eden as a system divided by lies and deceit).
Now the intention is simply to avoid unity in the Americas, in order to rule over the dissent which is classical divide-and-rule. Endless wars on anything and everything from "drugs" to "terror" (sic.), constant dissent with everything's a war war war...
Insert levers of lies, mistrust. The *two-party-duopoly* is two cheeks of the same hind which set out to create favourites: Favouritism, by granting access to the own POWER/WEALTH, to those who volunteer to act as proxies and extensions for the own power projection. The small picture lives of domestic political chaos, of the big picture reality of international insanity. Point the systemic (MSM) finger, everywhere else, by use of the own paid stooges of power by presenting their deep state-orchestrated three-letter-agency astroturfed violence on multiple tiers as being the reactions of "the poor oppressed people, who need our help for freedom and democracy" (sic.). Liars, deceivers, creators of the BLACK LEGEND for the "other side".
*In February 1948, George F. Kennan's Policy Planning Staff said: "[W]e have about 50% of the world's wealth but only 6.3% of its population. ... Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity."* Kennan: A prototype GLOBALIST. And that is what they did to increase their own wealth. Set up people against each other, then siphon off the wealth of entire regions of the planet.
*And that is what you are fighting for. That is what the hegemon has always done, pretending to be the "good pax", but playing "good cop/bad cop" with the world, from a position of power.* In the past, the "good cops" were the INTERNATIONALISTS, and the "bad cops" were the IMPERIALISTS. In the present that has morphed into the "good cops" being the GLOBALISTS/NEOLIBS, and the "bad cops" being the NEOCONS. Name-branding and doublespeak for the slumberland plebs, enchanted by their "bread-and-circuses"-existences.
America's friends and self-proclaimed default rivals in Eurasia are still being burnt to ensure this disparity continues, with a (quote) "pattern of relationships" which are beneficial to the own rule. Set up European and Eurasian nations (including the Middle East/North Africa) against each other. It is how divide-and-rule is implemented. The imperialist playbook of Great Britain and the USA for more than 100 years. Read Halford Mackinder (Pivot of History, 1904) and Zbigniew Brzezinski (Grand Chessboard, 1997) regarding Eurasia for the template. Read W.T. Stead (Americanization of the World, 1901) for the guideline of political-, cultural- and economic capture. Read Smedley-Butler (War is a Racket) for the modus operandi of imperialism/militarism.
Some say Europe is a divine goddess. I say, it is a humble apple tree, from an allegory as old as modern civilizations, because it is easy to divide.
*Divide and Rule.*
Oldest trick in the book...
Four corners of the globe. Different cultures and religions. Same games.
The entire system they favor in the USA/collective West is based on a pre-set *managed and moderated division,* for the benefit of a very few at the top of the pyramids accompanied by the often-repeated nice-sounding storyline. Create the script of the own heroes. Their entire scripted money-funded history sounds like a Hollywood superhero movie that sounds too good to be true. Guess what? It is. It is what they are NOT telling you, that they try to hide.
Who wields the POWER? Who has had the GEOGRAPHICAL ADVANTAGE of being able to reach all the other little buck catchers (tools, and other Roman-era style instruments of POWER), but could not be reached itself, because of a geographical-, technological-, organizational-, military-, strategic-, political advantage at any given point of a historical timeline? Create the default rival/enemy on their own marching routes. It is usually the power most likely to succeed which is determined as the default rival/enemy. Notice how, as soon as a rival starts mass-producing products high up in the value chain of capitalism, and starts vying for markets, and becomes successful, it immediately becomes the systemic rival, and is then geopolitically encircled by the greater empire. It happened around 1900, as Germany started building high-value products, and it happened around 2000, as China started moving away from building cheap toys and labor intensive kitchen appliances...
The games start on the home turf. The first victims are their own people in the USA/collective West, locked in the eternal struggle for wealth and personal gain which they have been deceived into thinking is "good greed", but which WILL be exploited by the snakes who deceive them on the domestic tier of the divide-and-rule system of power. Because ..."most of the great problems we face are caused by politicians creating solutions to problems they created in the first place." - Walter E. Williams
*War is a great **_divider._** It goes straight through the heads of millions and billions of people from the very top tiers, right down to the individual level. War divides alignments and alliances, goes straight through organizations, divides political parties, tears through families, and finally at the very bottom tier, goes straight through individual hearts and minds as individuals struggle with themselves.*
Another great show, how do I find Alexander's youtube channel?
Why would the US continue supporting their failed aircraft carrier in West Asia…
Can you post Alexanders RUclips channel please
I mentioned the name of the institute. His YT channel has the same name.
'Marx Engels Lenin Institute'
“Whiteness” is one hell of a drug 😅Excellent discussion!
iclassic victim blaming from Americas global terrorism