The Masterson Method - Sacrum Float Technique with a nervous horse

  • Опубликовано: 23 янв 2024
  • If a horse has a lot of tension accumulated in the sacrum, hamstrings, or both, a good option to start doing bodywork on the Hind End is the Sacrum Float technique. This technique affects the entire spine through the back and into the poll/atlas. It helps release tension that may be putting “torque” on the sacrum and sacroiliac joints. To do this technique with your horse:
    1)Start cupping the palm or the back of your hand under the body of the tail.
    2)Lift it out slightly, looking for the slightest blink, lip quiver, change in breathing, or other subtle responses from the horse that might indicate “neutral” tension on the sacrum. Sometimes you might get a response within a 1/4 inch from the tail's neutral position.
    3)Hold that position when you get the first blink for at least two to three minutes or until the horse starts giving signs of release. It is a matter of staying long enough and light enough, the horse’s nervous system has to release tension.
    Remember that you should never grab or pull on the tail on any account.
    If the horse will not allow you to put your hand under the tail, you can try using the tail hairs to very gently lift the tail and search for the blink. This also gives you room to stand off to the side when doing this.
    Find further information about these techniques in the Beyond Horse Massage book/DVD. Or join one of our hands-on Weekend Seminars to learn the Masterson Method Techniques that you can use with your horse to improve mobility and release tension.

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