Was the marbled look of the example achieved by the same technique of brushing on a gel coat? Except with multiple colors? What is the shelf life of the products and the lightfastness if the pigments? Thank you!
Yes, the marbled look was achieved by a similar brush-on technique along with using a L/S3 mix and our white and black pigments. You can find information regarding the shelf life of our L and S3 on our website FAQs: www.aquaresin.com/faqs In regards to the shelf life of the pigments, they can last for about 2 years but we recommend that you occasionally spray some water into the jar and mix to extend the shelf life. The lightfastness of all of our pigments is excellent, they all have a rating of I. We'll be releasing a video on our pigments next week!
Was the marbled look of the example achieved by the same technique of brushing on a gel coat? Except with multiple colors? What is the shelf life of the products and the lightfastness if the pigments? Thank you!
Yes, the marbled look was achieved by a similar brush-on technique along with using a L/S3 mix and our white and black pigments. You can find information regarding the shelf life of our L and S3 on our website FAQs: www.aquaresin.com/faqs
In regards to the shelf life of the pigments, they can last for about 2 years but we recommend that you occasionally spray some water into the jar and mix to extend the shelf life. The lightfastness of all of our pigments is excellent, they all have a rating of I.
We'll be releasing a video on our pigments next week!
@aqua-resin thank you and subscribed!