If I am elected president of Korea, I will make it a my country that strengthens security, strengthens trade, strengthens welfare, emphasizes efforts, and strengthens culture. Long live the Korea-U.S. alliance! Long live Korea-EU cooperation! 大韓民國萬歲!民主主義萬歲!打破共產萬歲!韓日情侶萬歲! 韓臺斷交萬歲!
官 逼 民 反
你權利再大 也不能凌駕於法律之上
尹錫悅不冤枉 一切都是咎由自取
臣等欲战死 陛下何故先降😂😂😂
韓國 , 司法>政治
台灣 , 司法
If I am elected president of Korea, I will make it a my country that strengthens security, strengthens trade, strengthens welfare, emphasizes efforts, and strengthens culture. Long live the Korea-U.S. alliance! Long live Korea-EU cooperation! 大韓民國萬歲!民主主義萬歲!打破共產萬歲!韓日情侶萬歲! 韓臺斷交萬歲!