I love them flirting with each other and I have to say that I hate fan service, but there is nothing that can be done about it. Jimin didn't like it at all, just like how Namjoon hates Jimin doing any kind of fan service, Namjoon did try to make up for it. I also love how they are always looking at each other and watching them holding hands as they walked to their car was everything. I hope that you do their moments from the Busan concert.
@@valyavalya2586 Jimin was there supporting Namjoon for "Indigo" and he looked very happy . He also made the comment "I fell for him because he was so cool". When he was with Namjoon making the cyanotype art they were laughing and having a good time, so they make each other happy.
They don't "flirt ....they just goof and tease in the name of showbiz!!! Deep down there is a lot of support among all seven. Kpop culture seems to be misunderstood!
@@Marguerite-wu3nw If you don't want to believe in them then that is your choice, but I believe that they are in a very loving and supportive relationship. They did buy those apartments together on the same day so that they can live with each other.
They are always very aware of each other, and are drawn to each other. It is a shame that the members have to do fan service, but it is part of the job and Jimin knows that he is Namjoon's world so I feel that they get through moments like this the best that they can and they always reassure each other.The Namjin moment was very fake , but the fans of the popular ships have to be kept happy. I love them holding hands on the way to their car to take them back to their place, letting everyone know that they are the real couple.
@@shaylee7256 Ellos saben que tienen parte del fand9m que realmente ama a MiniMoni de corazón.. y por eso nos dan esos pequeños pero grandes momentos entre ellos ...
Infaltable su brazo sobre Jimin como siempre lo a echo ... Jimin es de Nam . Los amo mucho nunca en mi vida me a gustado tanto una "pareja ".. como ellos dos ( bueno aunque no sabemos con certeza que lo sean ) .pero los respeto y admiro muchísimo... MiniMoni desde siempre ... gracias por el vídeo está hermoso .💜😍
Se la pasaron coqueteando a cada momento, se daban miraditas ,sonrisitas nerviosas y siempre se buscaban🤭 el momento de fan service molestó mucho a mini y lo entiendo es estresante que tengan que hacer eso para mantener felices a los fans de los barcos. Pero luego siguieron atrayendose y actuando de lo más lindo, y wow el momento de gloria verlos salir tomados de las manos hacia su auto dejando en claro quienes son la pareja real ahí, gracias por tan lindo video 😌 amo a mínimoni😍
Hola.... amo a MiniMoni y si es verdad verlos salir juntos es lo más romántico.. no se como el fandom se hace los ciegos y no los ven ... este momento paso desapercibido para tod@s sólo los q seguimos MiniMoni nos alegramos de corazón verlos .. y creo q ellos lo saben por eso nos dan esas pequeños momentos sólo para nosotr@s....
i hope after their military services, they can all reveal or be comfortable with their personal lives, and not feel like they have to keep 'performing' fake relationships, although i do believe all these young men love each other and often are intimate with each other, more than our western cultures are comfortable with sometimes. Namjoon always shows attention to Jimin, and often is seen looking out for him.
Namjoon looks at Jimin a lot and is protective of him, and I believe that they are in a very intimate relationship and have been a couple for a very long time. Unless their country changes it stance on same sex couples, I don't think that they can ever truly be themselves because coming out would cause a huge scandal and could put their careers in jeopardy. Since fans love their ships, I don't think that any of the members can ever be free of doing fan service, it is part of the job, and they all have to do their part with their assigned ship partners.
@@lilyrain3286 I personally think Sugar and Jimin was in a relationship, but JM was not fully committed. Sugar wrote Seesaw, and Jimin was uncomfortable about the relevance (some video).RM was aware of it and asked JM if he was fine. Jikook was close since 2016 and I believe definitely in a relationship; Jim and Tae became also very close and intimate, and I think RM was involved with someone else? However, RM and JM draw the red string of destiny early in BTS's beginning videos- showing that they are destined to be together, and RM never forgets that. He adored and still adores Jimin. They bought apartments together on the same day as neighbours (2020 or 21), and at the soup talked about what they will do when they back home. Also, I think guys stay so close all the time from such an early age, they would probably have intimate relationships between them. I read the other day about the guys in US Navy; between 60-70% of them have intimate relationships while there. Some people could not believe it, and thought it was less, but turned out to be true. For Korean guys who are far more affectionate and close with one another ??? MiniMoni supports each other and really built one another up to be better at whatever task is at hand. They are super great together, often in interviews in their own world, always touching and supporting. I just think they are perfect for each other.
@@raegagiano2425 Seesaw has two other writers besides Suga and he is listed after them, so I feel that they have more influence on the song's lyrics and I don't believe that it was written about a real relationship. While Jimin is close with all of the members the only one he is intimate with is Namjoon. There is no way that the group could survive this long and be as close as they are if the members were all being intimate with Jimin because it would have caused jealousy and strife amongst them. Besides Jimin and Namjoon have always had heart eyes for each other all of the way back in 2013 and they were very touchy feely especially Namjoon, he has always loved touching Jimin and does every opportunity that he gets. I have always thought that Suga and V have been a couple and that JK has always been in love with Jin. If you watch the 2016 Chuseok greeting that BTS did you will see Jimin wrapped possessively around Namjoon and Namjoon bought Jimin a very expensive ring which must have a very special meaning for them. In the v-live where Jimin and V pretend to be statues, Namjoon says that he bought Jimin in 2013 and that his name is Mochi Sexy. The fact that he chose a specific year and has a special pet name for Jimin suggest that they have always been a couple. jikook, yoonmin, namjin are all fanservice ships that were put together to please the fans, nothing more. On" In the Soop 2" it was very obvious that they are in a relationship especially seeing the hug that they share and when Namjoon couldn't sleep, it was Jimin who he contacted to let him know about his problem. When Jimin is feeling nervous he always turns to Namjoon for comfort and Jimin has always been there supporting Namjoon as their leader from day one. Namjoon wrote Serendipity for Jimin and it is a very personal love song written from the heart. It is about an unconventional love and the lyrics talk about how their love was destined by the universe and that it wasn't a coincident. It talks about them both being scared and how their happiness was meant to be. The lyrics say, your my angel, my world, you saved me, take my hand lets become a we, let me love you. It is a beautiful song and describes their relationship perfectly.
@@leonormba8639 Why would RM write a love song for Yoongi and Jimin? He wrote about a calico cat because male calicos are rare and something special. It is a song about his and Jimin's love story.
Qué bueno que estás en contacto ,muy bueno el video ,y cómo crees que va esta pareja ??? Con tanto fanservice uno tiende a confundirse, ojalá sigas sacando varios videos ,saludos
Nanjon mostrou em vários momentos ser mto ciumento,e acho que fez o Jimin sofrer,acredito que ficaram juntos por algum tempo,hoje não mais.Tanto que o Jimin esvaziou seu apartamento que fica ao lado do Nanjon e soube através de alguns comentários que ele colocou à venda o mesmo.
Ka akhirnya update aku nungguin bgt update kk 😭 thanks update nya ka, ka ada rencana mau bikin video jimin jealous lagi ga? Soalnya aku suka liat ekspresi jimin jealous
@@TYSGHy78 Through all of these years together they have had each other for support and comfort to face the challenges that the group has had to endure and that builds a solid foundation and a strong bond that cannot be broken.
How do you know RM true felling for Jimin ? Just because Jimin and JK are just like brother doesn't mean that How Rm and Jimin feel towards each other.
O Nan tem uma grande admiração pelo Jimim que não chega a ser um bromance.. há uma grande amizade e respeito entre eles.jimimbtb vê o Nam como uma inspiração. Mas não passa disso.👍❤️
@@elianevictor796until he says different don't s peak for them Why people like you come on shipping channels?You are not going to charge any one mind wouldn't is be best for you to annoy thing that you don't believe in,,,?
enserio me sorprende que tengan tanta imaginacion, he visto tantos edits y todo se ven iguales pero si ven los videos completos realmente no se ve nada
Are you denying the chemistry that Minimoni have? It is on display for all to see. They bought those apartments together on the same day very close together for a reason.
Извините меня конечно,я нечаянно забрела к вам.Я не вижу здесь никаких отношений между Намджуном и Чимином.Да.Чимин любимчик Намджун,он этого и не скрывает.Он восхищается его трудолюбием и талантом.Но отношений...нет,не вижу Я заметила,какие взгляды бросают друг на друга Юнги и Чимин Как они хотят приблизиться друг к другу и с какой опаской смотрят оба на Намджун а.Намджун это замечает и видно,как он напряжение в этот момент.Выражение его лица меняется,улыбка сходит с лица и появляется напряженность.Ао время речи на сцене Намджун встает между Чимином И Юнги,а когда Чимин И Юнги начинают смотреть друг на друга, то Нам напрягается не по детски.Как толькотЮнги И Чимин во время песни оказываются рядом И улыбаются друг другу,Намджун встает между ними и ребята меняются в лице.Нам зол,но не показывает вида.И это я замечаю уже не первый раз,а во многих видео на разных каналах. Намджуна напрягает именно взаимодействие Чимина и Юнги..
It doesn't bother him that much I see nothing but love between the members Especially between Suga and Rm.If Suga was in love with Jimin I think RM would accept that.aldo if Jimin is in love with RM I think Suga would accept that.I don't see any jealous in any member.Every one sees what they want.
@@Pemberleyresident I don't need to keep telling myself that because it is obvious to me that they are a couple. Fan service is there to keep the fans of the popular ships happy and to hide the real couples. If you cannot accept this than that is your choice, it is not your place to tell others what they can believe in.
That's the thing, there are "moments" between all the members, but you can see minimomi act differently with each other. Jimin is uncharacteristically shy with Namjoon, often you can see Namjoon reach out to touch Jimin and stop in the middle of the movement, which shows you it's unconscious on their part. Not to mention they live in the same building and bought the apartments together, the references to things only someone close to you would know (Namjoon knows about Jimin's sleep paralysis and no one else did). The way they talk about each other... it's not about blatant fanservice, it's about the subtle things. Obviously we can't know anything about their real life but there is no harm if you are just supporting the pair regardless of their relationship. Everything can be taken to an extreme, I don't think this is.
, bože môj ,už nevieme s kým dať dokopy Jimina ???dajte mu pokoj !!🙏🙏🙏🙏 áno ,benzín pozerá ,ale len preto ,aby " jikook " zas neboli spolu ,aby neflirtovali !!!!!! RM je pár s Jin!!!!!
I love them flirting with each other and I have to say that I hate fan service, but there is nothing that can be done about it. Jimin didn't like it at all, just like how Namjoon hates Jimin doing any kind of fan service, Namjoon did try to make up for it. I also love how they are always looking at each other and watching them holding hands as they walked to their car was everything. I hope that you do their moments from the Busan concert.
Where can i see the video they holding hand plz do share.. Thank u
Почему то я не вижу счастливого Чимина, думаю дело в Намджуне.
@@valyavalya2586 Jimin was there supporting Namjoon for "Indigo" and he looked very happy . He also made the comment "I fell for him because he was so cool". When he was with Namjoon making the cyanotype art they were laughing and having a good time, so they make each other happy.
They don't "flirt ....they just goof and tease in the name of showbiz!!!
Deep down there is a lot of support among all seven.
Kpop culture seems to be misunderstood!
@@Marguerite-wu3nw If you don't want to believe in them then that is your choice, but I believe that they are in a very loving and supportive relationship. They did buy those apartments together on the same day so that they can live with each other.
They are always very aware of each other, and are drawn to each other. It is a shame that the members have to do fan service, but it is part of the job and Jimin knows that he is Namjoon's world so I feel that they get through moments like this the best that they can and they always reassure each other.The Namjin moment was very fake , but the fans of the popular ships have to be kept happy. I love them holding hands on the way to their car to take them back to their place, letting everyone know that they are the real couple.
Where i can see they holding hand on the way to their car? Share plz
@@khartinahjmohamed5335 it is at the very end of this video.
@@shaylee7256 thank u so much.. Love love love the scene.. Im melting they holding hand 😍😍😍🤩😘
@@shaylee7256 Ellos saben que tienen parte del fand9m que realmente ama a MiniMoni de corazón.. y por eso nos dan esos pequeños pero grandes momentos entre ellos ...
@@kettynamu5307 I agree that they feel the love from the Minimoni supporters.
Infaltable su brazo sobre Jimin como siempre lo a echo ... Jimin es de Nam . Los amo mucho nunca en mi vida me a gustado tanto una "pareja ".. como ellos dos ( bueno aunque no sabemos con certeza que lo sean ) .pero los respeto y admiro muchísimo... MiniMoni desde siempre ... gracias por el vídeo está hermoso .💜😍
Nuestra parejita favorita son muy posesivos ,exelente el video.
Volviste que rico de verdad nadie ha sacado nuevos momentos los extraño faltan bastantes Gracias
Se la pasaron coqueteando a cada momento, se daban miraditas ,sonrisitas nerviosas y siempre se buscaban🤭 el momento de fan service molestó mucho a mini y lo entiendo es estresante que tengan que hacer eso para mantener felices a los fans de los barcos. Pero luego siguieron atrayendose y actuando de lo más lindo, y wow el momento de gloria verlos salir tomados de las manos hacia su auto dejando en claro quienes son la pareja real ahí, gracias por tan lindo video 😌 amo a mínimoni😍
Hola.... amo a MiniMoni y si es verdad verlos salir juntos es lo más romántico.. no se como el fandom se hace los ciegos y no los ven ... este momento paso desapercibido para tod@s sólo los q seguimos MiniMoni nos alegramos de corazón verlos .. y creo q ellos lo saben por eso nos dan esas pequeños momentos sólo para nosotr@s....
OMG i looooovveeeee this video of yours.. Love them flirting each other.. Thnk u so much.. Hope to see more to come plz hehehe
i hope after their military services, they can all reveal or be comfortable with their personal lives, and not feel like they have to keep 'performing' fake relationships, although i do believe all these young men love each other and often are intimate with each other, more than our western cultures are comfortable with sometimes. Namjoon always shows attention to Jimin, and often is seen looking out for him.
Namjoon looks at Jimin a lot and is protective of him, and I believe that they are in a very intimate relationship and have been a couple for a very long time. Unless their country changes it stance on same sex couples, I don't think that they can ever truly be themselves because coming out would cause a huge scandal and could put their careers in jeopardy. Since fans love their ships, I don't think that any of the members can ever be free of doing fan service, it is part of the job, and they all have to do their part with their assigned ship partners.
@@lilyrain3286 I personally think Sugar and Jimin was in a relationship, but JM was not fully committed. Sugar wrote Seesaw, and Jimin was uncomfortable about the relevance (some video).RM was aware of it and asked JM if he was fine.
Jikook was close since 2016 and I believe definitely in a relationship; Jim and Tae became also very close and intimate, and I think RM was involved with someone else? However, RM and JM draw the red string of destiny early in BTS's beginning videos- showing that they are destined to be together, and RM never forgets that. He adored and still adores Jimin. They bought apartments together on the same day as neighbours (2020 or 21), and at the soup talked about what they will do when they back home.
Also, I think guys stay so close all the time from such an early age, they would probably have intimate relationships between them. I read the other day about the guys in US Navy; between 60-70% of them have intimate relationships while there. Some people could not believe it, and thought it was less, but turned out to be true. For Korean guys who are far more affectionate and close with one another ???
MiniMoni supports each other and really built one another up to be better at whatever task is at hand. They are super great together, often in interviews in their own world, always touching and supporting. I just think they are perfect for each other.
@@raegagiano2425 Seesaw has two other writers besides Suga and he is listed after them, so I feel that they have more influence on the song's lyrics and I don't believe that it was written about a real relationship. While Jimin is close with all of the members the only one he is intimate with is Namjoon. There is no way that the group could survive this long and be as close as they are if the members were all being intimate with Jimin because it would have caused jealousy and strife amongst them. Besides Jimin and Namjoon have always had heart eyes for each other all of the way back in 2013 and they were very touchy feely especially Namjoon, he has always loved touching Jimin and does every opportunity that he gets. I have always thought that Suga and V have been a couple and that JK has always been in love with Jin.
If you watch the 2016 Chuseok greeting that BTS did you will see Jimin wrapped possessively around Namjoon and Namjoon bought Jimin a very expensive ring which must have a very special meaning for them. In the v-live where Jimin and V pretend to be statues, Namjoon says that he bought Jimin in 2013 and that his name is Mochi Sexy. The fact that he chose a specific year and has a special pet name for Jimin suggest that they have always been a couple. jikook, yoonmin, namjin are all fanservice ships that were put together to please the fans, nothing more. On" In the Soop 2" it was very obvious that they are in a relationship especially seeing the hug that they share and when Namjoon couldn't sleep, it was Jimin who he contacted to let him know about his problem. When Jimin is feeling nervous he always turns to Namjoon for comfort and Jimin has always been there supporting Namjoon as their leader from day one.
Namjoon wrote Serendipity for Jimin and it is a very personal love song written from the heart. It is about an unconventional love and the lyrics talk about how their love was destined by the universe and that it wasn't a coincident. It talks about them both being scared and how their happiness was meant to be. The lyrics say, your my angel, my world, you saved me, take my hand lets become a we, let me love you. It is a beautiful song and describes their relationship perfectly.
@@lilyrain3286los yoonmin se agarran de la cancion , por la parte que dice "gato calico" Haciendo referencia a suga quien es el gato.
@@leonormba8639 Why would RM write a love song for Yoongi and Jimin? He wrote about a calico cat because male calicos are rare and something special. It is a song about his and Jimin's love story.
I Iove you idol RM Jimin BTS 💜💜
I hope that we get to see their moments from the Busan concert.
I'm working on it😊
Любовь, это счастье!!
Qué bueno que estás en contacto ,muy bueno el video ,y cómo crees que va esta pareja ??? Con tanto fanservice uno tiende a confundirse, ojalá sigas sacando varios videos ,saludos
Nanjon mostrou em vários momentos ser mto ciumento,e acho que fez o Jimin sofrer,acredito que ficaram juntos por algum tempo,hoje não mais.Tanto que o Jimin esvaziou seu apartamento que fica ao lado do Nanjon e soube através de alguns comentários que ele colocou à venda o mesmo.
Not true.
Ka akhirnya update aku nungguin bgt update kk 😭 thanks update nya ka, ka ada rencana mau bikin video jimin jealous lagi ga? Soalnya aku suka liat ekspresi jimin jealous
Pasti ada, cuman ntar dulu deh ya soalnya kemarin udah sering 😁😁😁
@@aline_luv ok siappp ka thanks 😁
@@aline_luv eh...dari Indonesia?
Vhope, Jinkook, Minimoni : TRUE LOVE! PERIOD 🔥
Taegi jinkook minimoni
@@TYSGHy78 Your choice, my choice 😉😊
@@TYSGHy78 Yes, these are the real couples of BTS.
@@lilyrain3286 yup .
N they are still going strong
@@TYSGHy78 Through all of these years together they have had each other for support and comfort to face the challenges that the group has had to endure and that builds a solid foundation and a strong bond that cannot be broken.
Wszyscy patrzą na Jimina nie tylko Suga ale fajnie się ogląda ale RM to tylko bardzo dobry przyjaciel bardzo kocha Jimina ale jak brata
How do you know RM true felling for Jimin ? Just because Jimin and JK are just like brother doesn't mean that How Rm and Jimin feel towards each other.
😮😮😮😮😮😮😮QUE COSA?????PAREJA???
O Nan tem uma grande admiração pelo Jimim que não chega a ser um bromance.. há uma grande amizade e respeito entre eles.jimimbtb vê o Nam como uma inspiração. Mas não passa disso.👍❤️
Did he personally tell you that?
@@marionwilliams2436 essa pergunta te devolvo você tem alguma prova que seja além de uma amizade sincera?
@@elianevictor796until he says different don't s peak for them Why people like you come on shipping channels?You are not going to charge any one mind wouldn't is be best for you to annoy thing that you don't believe in,,,?
@@elianevictor796why are you on this channel.Some many things that you can be doing instead of watching something that you don't believe in.
If they are acting, then I'm laughing my ass off🤣
Se llega a ver que se van en el mismo auto?? Porque no logre verlo!
They always travel to and from the airport and events in the same car.
И я видела...
Eu percebo sempre um desconforto de jimin c relação ao RM
Minimoni shippers competing against Taekookers, Jikookers, Vminiers and Yoonminiers to see who is gonna be Larries 2.0. A tough competition indeed.
Dont be sad ☹️
what are you talking about?
🤣🤣🤣🤣hey, we all know what happened to Harry and Louis!!!...
@@Marguerite-wu3nw fallacy by anecdote....
enserio me sorprende que tengan tanta imaginacion, he visto tantos edits y todo se ven iguales pero si ven los videos completos realmente no se ve nada
Are you denying the chemistry that Minimoni have? It is on display for all to see. They bought those apartments together on the same day very close together for a reason.
Извините меня конечно,я нечаянно забрела к вам.Я не вижу здесь никаких отношений между Намджуном и Чимином.Да.Чимин любимчик Намджун,он этого и не скрывает.Он восхищается его трудолюбием и талантом.Но отношений...нет,не вижу
Я заметила,какие взгляды бросают друг на друга Юнги и Чимин Как они хотят приблизиться друг к другу и с какой опаской смотрят оба на Намджун а.Намджун это замечает и видно,как он напряжение в этот момент.Выражение его лица меняется,улыбка сходит с лица и появляется напряженность.Ао время речи на сцене Намджун встает между Чимином И Юнги,а когда Чимин И Юнги начинают смотреть друг на друга, то Нам напрягается не по детски.Как толькотЮнги И Чимин во время песни оказываются рядом И улыбаются друг другу,Намджун встает между ними и ребята меняются в лице.Нам зол,но не показывает вида.И это я замечаю уже не первый раз,а во многих видео на разных каналах. Намджуна напрягает именно взаимодействие Чимина и Юнги..
Надо знать всю подноготную их отношений с 2013 года...они очень близки
@@tatyanakostuhina4414 Хен и тонсен.Я все написала.Считаю глупо повторятся.
It doesn't bother him that much I see nothing but love between the members Especially between Suga and Rm.If Suga was in love with Jimin I think RM would accept that.aldo if Jimin is in love with RM I think Suga would accept that.I don't see any jealous in any member.Every one sees what they want.
For every Jimin/RM moment, there’s a Jimin/Suga, Jimin/JK and Jimin/JHope. This is getting beyond ridiculous!
There is only one real couple which is Minimoni, the rest are fan service ships.
@@lilyrain3286 okay, keep telling yourself that. 🙄🙄🙄
@@Pemberleyresident I don't need to keep telling myself that because it is obvious to me that they are a couple. Fan service is there to keep the fans of the popular ships happy and to hide the real couples. If you cannot accept this than that is your choice, it is not your place to tell others what they can believe in.
That's the thing, there are "moments" between all the members, but you can see minimomi act differently with each other. Jimin is uncharacteristically shy with Namjoon, often you can see Namjoon reach out to touch Jimin and stop in the middle of the movement, which shows you it's unconscious on their part. Not to mention they live in the same building and bought the apartments together, the references to things only someone close to you would know (Namjoon knows about Jimin's sleep paralysis and no one else did). The way they talk about each other... it's not about blatant fanservice, it's about the subtle things. Obviously we can't know anything about their real life but there is no harm if you are just supporting the pair regardless of their relationship. Everything can be taken to an extreme, I don't think this is.
@@lilyrain3286 well, I guess this fan service is keeping your ship happy. 🤷🏻♀️
, bože môj ,už nevieme s kým dať dokopy Jimina ???dajte mu pokoj !!🙏🙏🙏🙏 áno ,benzín pozerá ,ale len preto ,aby " jikook " zas neboli spolu ,aby neflirtovali !!!!!! RM je pár s Jin!!!!!
Jimin was never with JK, he has always been with Namjoon. There is nothing between Namjoon and Jin, in fact I believe that Jin and JK are a couple.
Maaf...punya akun instagram?