Sorry, but your repeated mispronunciations put me right off. I wouldn't say "lye-sesster" for Leicester... Perhaps you might want to have the respect for the people of the area to do a tiny bit of research into ancient place-names. It's not hard, honestly.
“Ballahoolish “ the Connell Ferry bridge was dual purpose with shared road and rail
I think that it must be a robot doing the voice over, as a lot of words are badly pronounced! It drives the folk who live there round the bend!
Looking at Google maps , looks like the Goods shed has now been demolished 😞
Balla-hoolish not Ball-coolish
Sorry, but your repeated mispronunciations put me right off. I wouldn't say "lye-sesster" for Leicester... Perhaps you might want to have the respect for the people of the area to do a tiny bit of research into ancient place-names. It's not hard, honestly.
Pronounced Ballahoolish !