A support without a overpowered gimmick? whaaat? Even her ult not requiring LOS doesnt feel corny since the radius is small. Its kinda like a mix of valk and trans with a lot of play making opportunities. Very strong Control hero too
When Sam is complementing a support hero on their design and gameplay, you KNOW that you did well. Hats off to the devs that made her, cant wait to play.
and it REALLY says something that within 24 hours all other creators seemed to have already burned through the "we are so back/doomed/juno broken af/guys we need to talk about Juno" cycle.
@@Real_MisterSir They're gonna flame about how the hero is useless an weak an needs to be buff so she one shots with the auto lock. That's about half of what they're saying atm, other half is stickin to shes op. Even more strange, but also predictable, is both sides have come together to form a rule34 sub for her...
It's interesting I found that the Juno's on my team yesterday allowed me to play Rein in a way that hasn't been possible in a while. Her ult took some of the pressure off of me to protect everybody and let me assist with damage and allow my shield to recharge. Lots of fun.
Then only "meh" time I had playing her was jumping into a no limits game to try her out cause I didn't want to beat someone to clicking on her. No one was even fighting lol. All 9 other Junos were jus chillaxing skating around like that old dreamcast space station game.
to be fair, mauga on reveal was in a great spot. they just overbuffed him on launch, gutted him halfway into the season, then reverted the gut next season, and buffed him on top of that. lifeweaver is really the only launch ow2 hero that hasn't been revealed in a good spot. ram needed minor buffs, and iliari needed small nerfs. and both were on the safe side of good.
I wish Juno’s ult showed you what direction it’ll go in before you activate it, like Bap window or Mei wall’s outline before you use it. I didn’t even know that the ult moved until you mentioned it.
lol yeah I was flying around in the team fight and looked down to throw the ult at my tank, then realized it started moving BACKWARDS out of the point. Embarrassing.
It travels straight ahead in the direction you're facing when you use it. I could see a line showing how far exactly it will travel being more useful, but it won't take too long to learn.
It also feels like an ult that shouldn’t activate immediately upon use, if that makes sense. I don’t expect the ult to IMMEDIATELY launch, I definitely expected it to act more like window in that sense
Juno should be the blueprint on what the support role is and what they should focus on when creating a support hero. This kind of stuff is healthy for the game. If I want cheese, I will move to Wisconsin lmao. I want skill to matter in a competitive game.
I love this hero so much imma otp her when she comes out she has a clear list of strengths and weaknesses team 4 needs to give Alex Dawson more resources to do things like this more
I had a feeling this would be a positive hero when I watched Sam and ML7 and noticed how much their Juno was pushing their mechanical abilities. This is what I thought would happen to Sojourn too, but Blizzard buffed her out of control.
IM only playing Juno once she goes live FR. I grew up watching Buzz Lightyear of Star Command and Star wars. She EVEN HAS HAN SOLOS POSTURE. IM IN LOVE WITH HER DESIGN. SHE IS EVERYTHING I'VE EVER WANTED IN A SPACE RANGER THEMED SUPPORT HERO. New Juno main and proud to say so. I was a Kiriko main and I felt BAD saying that. But now I can feel good in saying that Juno is gonna be my bread and butter.
I Will say that out of the gate Juno is good. But that is if they dont decide to buff her ( i hope they choose to nerf other support instead ). So many things they can do with her kit to f it up. They can add a self heal to her glider, they can buff the lock on ability. This heroes output need to stay as is.
Juno's missiles, instead of auto-locking enemies and allies, should still home but the targets must be chosen by aiming: The longer you keep your crossair on an enemy/ally, the higher the amount of rockets that home to that target. There would still be a cap of rockets per target, a limit of max rockets, and healing/damage should be exponentally lower the more rockets that hit a target. For example, you keep your crossair on your tank for 1s, get 4 rockets loaded onto him, and you snap to an enemy nearby for half a second and aim 2 rockets to them, then you release all 6 rockets.
I personally just think that enemy rockets should just travel a smidge slower. Keep ally rockets the same speed. She’s been literally healthy to play with AND against too
The people saying that Juno needs buffs are just jaded by the fact that most supports are very overtuned. I should not be getting higher damage and elims than half the DPS I play with as a support character. Juno doesn't need buffs, support characters and in general need nerfs/reworks.
rework the illari plyon and I think we can call her square,Miora needs a range decrease (20 meters is Tracer max range for real damage),LW needs a rework in general and Bapitise either needs his base damage down or give him 1.5x crit like Illari. solves the damage problem and locks the super high damage to zen and Kiri,one of which needs headshots on a projectile and the other has no mobility.
Glad to hear that this character is a hit! @samito I have a brig rework idea and would be curious to see what you think. It solves the problem of brig’s inspire and rally ult.
After playing 6v6 more. JQ and Ram can counter double shield but for some reason I hardly see anyone play either. Which is crazy bc Ram is cracked. I think this game could use more Cleave/Bleed/or Dura-Neg heros
I only ever played OW for a few months this year before uninstalling, largely due to the reasons you state here. As you said, your honesty and personality is the only reason I watch your videos about a game I don't even play. Best wishes and I hope Marvel Rivals delivers for the sake of your sanity.
If they just redesigned all support on these principles: 1- no critical hit. 2- only passive self healing, no ability to self healing. 3- no auto aim shots. 4- no ability to make anyone immortal. And i swear this game will be as good as it came out on 2016
I'm still afraid that Blizzard will manage to break her somehow. She does a lot, have a lot, and any change to anything might mess her up. Also, I'm cautious about early test praises, Mauga was also greatly enjoyed during testing. Few days is not enough to see all synergies form and be perfected to the point of being annoying to fight against. Still, at least she feels good to play as
They definitely should change her right click. I think itd make her kit way batter if her right click was a 3 shot ability that can either heal or damage depending on who she aims it at. Plus itd ad more decision making behind it
Listening to Sam talk about this hero how much he wants to love this game. It's a shame that the direction the game has gone in the past few years has made it difficult to love though.
The orbital ray feels really situational. It almost felt better as a counter instead of a proactive one. So many times when I use it though it doesn’t feel like it’s getting value, I wish it had some kinda of audio or effect for when it was boosting damage or healing someone
Used to main Tank now Support, I was surprised she felt pretty balanced BUT some perma backpack supports complained she needs way more damage/ lock on healing (insane) & to be able to shoot while locking torpedoes.
The only thing I can really say is a bit strong is her ult... that ult saved so many of my games because how strong it is, going from being rolled to a team wipe is a bit overtuned in my opinion. No joke, I was tank, ram and orisa, both times I got play of the game because of that ult, full team wipes... that's just a bit much honestly
I dont really play the game anymore. But my first thought during the trailer was "Okay here comes dive" I just pictured that every engagement would team jump in while she goes up in the air and hit everyone.
Yes, there is damage falloff around about 40 meters, which is likely why you didn't notice it. I believe lock-on is based on distance over anything, I've noticed it lock enemies first when they were closer than my team, so I agree that enemies should lock slower, and perhaps it should even prioritize healing teammates. The skill expression is insane, there's a bunch of thought that goes into even just positioning, I'm so excited to see what she can do at the highest level
What makes Juno work is that it's a mashup of existing abilities, nothing new under the sun. keeps the possibility space the same while increasing interactions = fun without more complexity or cheese. Hanzo def needs that 5dmg.
I still wholeheartedly believe that the issue isn't support - the issue is supports with burst healing like ana, bap, and kiri. I don't think supports should be allowed to outright block people from dying
@@ScripFing ana is legit the most perfect support, has counterplay, strong and useful util and healing while also having downsides vs certain playstyles (dive + rush)
@@reinerbraun2192 having trouble killing granny with her 4 second ttk without nade,3 second ttk with nade,all of her cooldowns are on more than 10 seconds so you do have time to dive her after use if you don't wanna fight her with cooldowns. Every flanker has a way around sleep dart and every tank not named Mauga or Hog have something to play around sleep dart. she has no mobility so she can't sit in a place impossible to get to,so what's the issue?
Support is one of the few things I am very happy with in Overwatch 2. Juno I see very few flaws with. Lifeweaver and Illari are close to greatness, they just need a few tweaks to encourage their fun playstyles (creative petal/grip plays plus heavy thorn usage on weaver, constant pressure on pylon and needing to relocate/destroy it frequently on illari) and discourage the unfun ones (sit on a petal 30 feet behind the fight on weaver, keep the pylon in place all game on illari). Kiriko is the most problematic, her escape abilities allow her to be very aggressive and survive, which is good when it works as intended, but the problem is if she just doesn't be aggressive then she always has those escape tools available and just never dies.
It's kind of like turning a patch into a hero. She does the game loop so much good, everything seems to run smoothly when Juno is around. It's kind of crazy!
Yoooo Sport Science was an awesome show, they def should bring it back! Great analysis. Even in lower ranks she wasn't always impactful. You had to execute your abilities well to do well. I hope they don't giga buff her on her release. I am worried.
I was actually pretty surprised at how fair she is. The auto lock ability isn't too strong to be a big problem. I do feel like she puts out a little too much healing but that can be dialed back.
Honestly I was hesitant about the lock on ability, but I think it's fine. Takes a long time to lock on, you can't use other parts of your abilities at the same time, and the damage and healing is low. It's nice to use to finish off a pick or confirm a kill, as sometimes her gun fails to do so
Great work from them. Glad to see they are adding a character that focuses on player decision. I'd like to try her out but we are still in 5v5 so imma sit this one out.
Juno still worries me, mainly through her ult but that's probably just me. Her lock on is a little concerning. The burst healing doesn't heal as much as I thought it would and I think that even though you're locked on, it'll prioritize healing allies first if you're close to your teammates but that might've been just me testing abilities out. Just gotta see more once she officially becomes fully avaliable.
people think her dmg is low. just to put in to perspective, her dmg is quite a bit more than heroes like mei, ramattra which are also range and mobility limited. juno has range and mobility and output a lot of damage with generous ammo capacity and high precision hitscan.
fun fact, I only caught it once out of the few games I played as her due to just general healing from everything else but her secondary fire does in fact hit herself to heal herself. Incredibly hard to catch unless you're either alone or testing it specifically as evident of right here 9:19 notice he is LOS of Lucio but just used alternate fire and heals himself, unless that's the support passive that happened to kick in at the same time
4:10 If it were me I would nerf her damage from 7 to 6.5 or 6 and then give her a 1.5x headshot multiplier. Not enough to change any breakpoints but enough to reward better aim with more consistent killing power.
I feel like Juno has been one of the best designed supports since OW2's release. While I think her kit is very well designed and balanced in terms of what her abilities do, I do think they need a lot of numbers tuning. No immortalities and lack of crazy self sustain is such a breath of fresh air
Weird how this dude thinks Ana was great. Meanwhile Blizzard birth Brig, Bap and Kiriko clueless tying to fix the most broken mec in the game, anti healing. Anti healing was the downfall of OW.
I still think that it is better to have and design the game around difficult to use/pilot abilities that have good numbers, than to an easy to use/auto-targeting abilities that have undewhelming numbers. skill expression should be rewarded
I will continue to be a menace and run a whole dive comp against the new hero until her ult is able to be placed. One thing they did do right tho is making the FEELING of playing her like one of them old Astroid game. Pew pew and teammates and enemies, the movement and abilities all give me that old Shot the asteroids game.
I was scared you were going to tare them down when I clicked. That's actually why I didn't click right away, but curiosity got the best of me. I'm glad you praised them this time.
She has a great risk/reward ratio. The fact that she doesn't have self heal makes her play style a lot more dependent on her team, so that you can't just go off on a flank and be a second Tracer. There is a very real risk of you dying if you get caught
This is exactly why I watch your content. The raw, unfiltered truth is so real. You give compliments where they are due and roast Blizz for their mistakes. You also have a high-level understanding of the game and know what a downgrade OW2 was. I wish more creators were like you with brutally honest takes. I really respect you for that, lmao.
Speaking as a low plat high gold support. It feels weird not being able to HS. Literally the only complaint I have. Maybe give it a 1.25X multiplier. I just wanna feel rewarded for good aim. With Ana (the only other hit scan that doesn't HS) it feels more rewarding because the ticks of damage. When I hit an enemy and get the tstststs it feels so 👌
They finally made a balanced support and everyone was happy hopefully this is proof that we don’t need crazy hero designs and crazy abilities in the game.
Give this hero a 1.5x headshot multiplyer, let her self-heal for like 5-10hp per shot hit with her right click, and drop the cooldown on the ring to 10-12 seconds and this hero will be cooking.
I’ve heard some people saying that Juno is only going to be viable in higher ranks unless she gets buffs to her kit I don’t think she needs any buffs really
She will be better in higher ranks cause of her high skill ceiling. I see a bunch of metal ranked Junos not using her abilities correctly at all. Probably rarely ever use the speed boost ability for the team.
@@oyunboldboldbaatar5519To their defence, metal teams rarely stay together outside of team wipes, so it's not that easy for metal player to know when boost would be best spent if at least half of their team cannot use it
I'm not surprised that some people say that Juno is a flop, when every other support hero added in OW2 has overtuned stats while being incredibly easy and can get insane value and just by existing and occasionally press a button... Like, or course Juno seems bad, you have to actually try and actually be good at the game to do well with her.
They could easily make the rockets less corny by capping the missles at 5 or something so you have to be more selective about where and when you start to aim
I had my concerns going into testing her, but honestly she is so much fun to play and like you said no real get out of jail free card. I can def see her being useless into dive in lower ranks as metal rank Juno players won't save her ring or shift to get out so they'll get chased down easy. I thought she'd be decent in poke but I don't think that's where she will play best, I feel like hyper rush comps/maps will be her best match-ups and while I think you can play in dive idk if she will be your best choice. But yeah it's nice to see them put out a hero that requires legit game sense and decision making in order to get the best value and not just turn your brain off and play hero.
illari pylon should be redesigned all together. An idea I had is to make it like sprinkler in Splatoon 3 where it does good healing for the first few seconds but then gradually heals very little forcing you to replace it more or at least not making it so braindead.
That’s a bit convoluted honestly put it on a timer when it’s deployed ( say, maybe 5 or 10 seconds) then it automatically gets destroyed when the timer is up and call it a day.
Sorry but I have to say even tho I hate Brig and Moira, they are necessary evil to compromise for the solo play style, Brig and Moira needs to be in the game unless the game can force people to group up, communicate and play together, or they also delete Genji and Sombra
All the space characters are weirdos. We got a talking gorilla, a fat hamter, and (most horrific of all) a Dutch guy. I wanna know what's gonna be wrong with the new Martian girl.
idk if it’s been brought up before, kinda lost touch with this game but has anyone brought up the idea of role lock in comp but you’re stuck with the character you pick until the next round, I know this wouldn’t prevent counter picking but it would prevent counter swapping.
Sam applauding blizzard wasn't on my bingo card
Blizzard making a healthy fair fun skill based mechanical support hero wasn't on my card either xD
Hahahaha 🤣
Even Sam's lungs seemed to collapse under the pressure of vocalizing praise to Blizzard.
A support without a overpowered gimmick? whaaat?
Even her ult not requiring LOS doesnt feel corny since the radius is small. Its kinda like a mix of valk and trans with a lot of play making opportunities. Very strong Control hero too
Juno is an honest character. She dodging and her ult is her only sustain to keep her alive. No burst healing like bap and suzu is going to age bad
When Sam is complementing a support hero on their design and gameplay, you KNOW that you did well. Hats off to the devs that made her, cant wait to play.
and it REALLY says something that within 24 hours all other creators seemed to have already burned through the "we are so back/doomed/juno broken af/guys we need to talk about Juno" cycle.
Sam will always bash overwatch until 6v6 comes back though 😅
@@UTgohanRightfully so
But what are the forum shills gonna do now that they can no longer disagree with Sam and make rage bait posts off of his uploads? xD
@@Real_MisterSir They're gonna flame about how the hero is useless an weak an needs to be buff so she one shots with the auto lock. That's about half of what they're saying atm, other half is stickin to shes op.
Even more strange, but also predictable, is both sides have come together to form a rule34 sub for her...
"i got a B in the art class where you get an A just for showing up"
I feel that so much haha
that happened to me and i showed up everyday
“How is that even possible?!”
It's interesting I found that the Juno's on my team yesterday allowed me to play Rein in a way that hasn't been possible in a while. Her ult took some of the pressure off of me to protect everybody and let me assist with damage and allow my shield to recharge. Lots of fun.
I remember the first time I ring shot a Rein with pin they turned around and spammed "AGAIN, AGAIN!!" I think he liked the speedy pin 😂
@@texdoc89 I can vouch, I love going really fast and pinning
Then only "meh" time I had playing her was jumping into a no limits game to try her out cause I didn't want to beat someone to clicking on her.
No one was even fighting lol. All 9 other Junos were jus chillaxing skating around like that old dreamcast space station game.
@@sparquisdesadeyeah everyone just wanted to play her 😭
@@sparquisdesadeTried her for a bit in no limits then switched to Winston. 😈
Making Venture & Juno in a Row has really impressed me, lets go they threepeat with the tank later this year
they had to fumble with mauga just to release 2 really good characters right after
I'm fine with removing mauga instead of introducing a new tank
I vote to make Mauga weaker and turn into a DPS 😂
to be fair, mauga on reveal was in a great spot. they just overbuffed him on launch, gutted him halfway into the season, then reverted the gut next season, and buffed him on top of that. lifeweaver is really the only launch ow2 hero that hasn't been revealed in a good spot. ram needed minor buffs, and iliari needed small nerfs. and both were on the safe side of good.
Black girl tank pls
I wish Juno’s ult showed you what direction it’ll go in before you activate it, like Bap window or Mei wall’s outline before you use it. I didn’t even know that the ult moved until you mentioned it.
lol yeah I was flying around in the team fight and looked down to throw the ult at my tank, then realized it started moving BACKWARDS out of the point. Embarrassing.
It travels straight ahead in the direction you're facing when you use it. I could see a line showing how far exactly it will travel being more useful, but it won't take too long to learn.
It also feels like an ult that shouldn’t activate immediately upon use, if that makes sense. I don’t expect the ult to IMMEDIATELY launch, I definitely expected it to act more like window in that sense
I mean it travels straight for about 20 meters. Kirko ult would deserve an outline more seeing how it can get stuck on corners (both don't need it).
Wish we could place speed ring like bap screen so we can see where it will land and place it more accurately
Its been a blast to watch Moira players struggling with the new hero
I think they need to learn how to make non aim intensive heroes skillful lol. Something more like winston instead of moira
They did great with Juno, she can get punished when she makes a mistake, no immorality, and she doesn’t overpower the lobby
And she’s not too weak like Lifeweaver and Mercy
DMG falloff is 30 meters, tested it in training.
Juno should be the blueprint on what the support role is and what they should focus on when creating a support hero. This kind of stuff is healthy for the game. If I want cheese, I will move to Wisconsin lmao. I want skill to matter in a competitive game.
Team 4 opening the champagne and eating the cake after this review
Juno do got enough to go around afterall 😏
I love this hero so much imma otp her when she comes out she has a clear list of strengths and weaknesses team 4 needs to give Alex Dawson more resources to do things like this more
I loved the Goldilocks porridge scaling comparison 😂😂
Clever 🤣
You know I'm really amazed Blizzard was reasonable enough to not give her a self heal or really good vertical movement.
@@JhonnyStone100 being wrong is a choice
@@JhonnyStone100 maybe the other supports are just too strong lmao
@@JhonnyStone100you are part of the problem (coming from a support main btw)
This is laughable logic
@@JhonnyStone100 braindead support players cant play a character that isnt overtuned and broken, she is fine you just are terrible.
The competition is giving them post-popularity clarity
Stroking my shit rn
Now if only Samito could get post-nut clarity so he could judge Juno objectively
@@neilmallick20 isn’t that what this video is about 😅? Or are you being sarcastic?
First time I’ve heard samito so positive. Also, the delta gummies lifeweaver is real as fuck
I had a feeling this would be a positive hero when I watched Sam and ML7 and noticed how much their Juno was pushing their mechanical abilities.
This is what I thought would happen to Sojourn too, but Blizzard buffed her out of control.
IM only playing Juno once she goes live FR. I grew up watching Buzz Lightyear of Star Command and Star wars. She EVEN HAS HAN SOLOS POSTURE. IM IN LOVE WITH HER DESIGN. SHE IS EVERYTHING I'VE EVER WANTED IN A SPACE RANGER THEMED SUPPORT HERO. New Juno main and proud to say so. I was a Kiriko main and I felt BAD saying that. But now I can feel good in saying that Juno is gonna be my bread and butter.
"I got a peanut in my throat hol on" 💀
I Will say that out of the gate Juno is good. But that is if they dont decide to buff her ( i hope they choose to nerf other support instead ). So many things they can do with her kit to f it up. They can add a self heal to her glider, they can buff the lock on ability. This heroes output need to stay as is.
Juno's auto-lock ability would be even more satisfying with one additional player on each team to lock on to ;)
The moment i saw her healing mechanic was similar to ana instantly made me like her. I am so excited to see what else they bring
Sam is happy!!! Guys, Sam is happy!!! Ahhhhh!!!!
Juno's missiles, instead of auto-locking enemies and allies, should still home but the targets must be chosen by aiming: The longer you keep your crossair on an enemy/ally, the higher the amount of rockets that home to that target.
There would still be a cap of rockets per target, a limit of max rockets, and healing/damage should be exponentally lower the more rockets that hit a target.
For example, you keep your crossair on your tank for 1s, get 4 rockets loaded onto him, and you snap to an enemy nearby for half a second and aim 2 rockets to them, then you release all 6 rockets.
This is exactly how I wanted it to function, although you worded it perfectly
I agree
that is a fantastic idea, this makes the ability very thoughtful whilst keeping the cool animations they put a lot of time into
I personally just think that enemy rockets should just travel a smidge slower. Keep ally rockets the same speed. She’s been literally healthy to play with AND against too
The people saying that Juno needs buffs are just jaded by the fact that most supports are very overtuned. I should not be getting higher damage and elims than half the DPS I play with as a support character. Juno doesn't need buffs, support characters and in general need nerfs/reworks.
rework the illari plyon and I think we can call her square,Miora needs a range decrease (20 meters is Tracer max range for real damage),LW needs a rework in general and Bapitise either needs his base damage down or give him 1.5x crit like Illari. solves the damage problem and locks the super high damage to zen and Kiri,one of which needs headshots on a projectile and the other has no mobility.
literally dont change anything about her support players just want another easy character for them to just get boosted
Glad to hear that this character is a hit! @samito I have a brig rework idea and would be curious to see what you think. It solves the problem of brig’s inspire and rally ult.
After playing 6v6 more. JQ and Ram can counter double shield but for some reason I hardly see anyone play either. Which is crazy bc Ram is cracked. I think this game could use more Cleave/Bleed/or Dura-Neg heros
Which makes me realize why don’t we have durability negation heros
Who ever designed Juno and venture needs a fucking raise.
Juno for sure
Venture is dogshit
Don't try to lump Venture with Juno lmao
What's wrong with Venture?
@@Adventist1997 she’s boring nigga lol
I hate how Juno will have more skins than my beloved Sojourn.
No way you just said beloved. Screw that bitch 😂
@@Pekara121hahahaha 🤣🤣🤣
Barista Sojourn is all I need...I dont even play her and still bought it XD
@@ricey3952 I bought the OWWC Water Warrior skin and id like something new. But i still get comments today on where did I get it
Sojourn players dont deserve skins
I only ever played OW for a few months this year before uninstalling, largely due to the reasons you state here. As you said, your honesty and personality is the only reason I watch your videos about a game I don't even play. Best wishes and I hope Marvel Rivals delivers for the sake of your sanity.
Thanks brother, hope life treats you well
yo sam should do a video ranking all the new OW2 heroes from least healthy for the game to most healthy for the game
If they just redesigned all support on these principles:
1- no critical hit.
2- only passive self healing, no ability to self healing.
3- no auto aim shots.
4- no ability to make anyone immortal.
And i swear this game will be as good as it came out on 2016
I'm still afraid that Blizzard will manage to break her somehow. She does a lot, have a lot, and any change to anything might mess her up.
Also, I'm cautious about early test praises, Mauga was also greatly enjoyed during testing. Few days is not enough to see all synergies form and be perfected to the point of being annoying to fight against.
Still, at least she feels good to play as
She feels and looks great
Sill need October 2020 6V6 with proper balance and in game incentives
They definitely should change her right click. I think itd make her kit way batter if her right click was a 3 shot ability that can either heal or damage depending on who she aims it at. Plus itd ad more decision making behind it
Listening to Sam talk about this hero how much he wants to love this game. It's a shame that the direction the game has gone in the past few years has made it difficult to love though.
if Samito is happy then you KNOW the character is actually good
All i know is this new shadow the hedgehog got cake and hips for days.
@10:42 had to sneak the 5v5 dogshit in there ahha
The orbital ray feels really situational. It almost felt better as a counter instead of a proactive one. So many times when I use it though it doesn’t feel like it’s getting value, I wish it had some kinda of audio or effect for when it was boosting damage or healing someone
Used to main Tank now Support,
I was surprised she felt pretty balanced BUT some perma backpack supports complained she needs way more damage/ lock on healing (insane) & to be able to shoot while locking torpedoes.
ive enjoyed my time with juno so much and it reminds me so much of early ana days when the hype around her was high
If bap lamp aoe was smaller and moved after it was deployed, that would be cool.
I can't wait to see more videos like this.
The only thing I can really say is a bit strong is her ult... that ult saved so many of my games because how strong it is, going from being rolled to a team wipe is a bit overtuned in my opinion.
No joke, I was tank, ram and orisa, both times I got play of the game because of that ult, full team wipes... that's just a bit much honestly
man that tank vid is just perma back burner.
I dont really play the game anymore. But my first thought during the trailer was "Okay here comes dive" I just pictured that every engagement would team jump in while she goes up in the air and hit everyone.
Yes, there is damage falloff around about 40 meters, which is likely why you didn't notice it.
I believe lock-on is based on distance over anything, I've noticed it lock enemies first when they were closer than my team, so I agree that enemies should lock slower, and perhaps it should even prioritize healing teammates.
The skill expression is insane, there's a bunch of thought that goes into even just positioning, I'm so excited to see what she can do at the highest level
What makes Juno work is that it's a mashup of existing abilities, nothing new under the sun. keeps the possibility space the same while increasing interactions = fun without more complexity or cheese. Hanzo def needs that 5dmg.
juno brig is also a strong support line up
my dad is a brig main, it's been fun in qp lobbies to learn juno with him
@Sl4ts_ smart to duo support it's only way I've been able to play her
@@Treefrog47 just glad dad is willing to let me try it for a while lol but it's his turn tonight
It's refreshing to not heard "Support busted, brain dead, op, etc, etc"
Hopefully they learn from the positive feedback.
I still wholeheartedly believe that the issue isn't support - the issue is supports with burst healing like ana, bap, and kiri.
I don't think supports should be allowed to outright block people from dying
@@ScripFing ana is legit the most perfect support, has counterplay, strong and useful util and healing while also having downsides vs certain playstyles (dive + rush)
Because she's not. Hopefully they keep it that way.
@@fadesawaylmao ana is far from perfecr😊
@@reinerbraun2192 having trouble killing granny with her 4 second ttk without nade,3 second ttk with nade,all of her cooldowns are on more than 10 seconds so you do have time to dive her after use if you don't wanna fight her with cooldowns. Every flanker has a way around sleep dart and every tank not named Mauga or Hog have something to play around sleep dart. she has no mobility so she can't sit in a place impossible to get to,so what's the issue?
Can't wait to use Juno next season...
I'll actually be excited to play support lol.
Juno is super fun 😁
That was nice! Thanks Samito
Support is one of the few things I am very happy with in Overwatch 2. Juno I see very few flaws with. Lifeweaver and Illari are close to greatness, they just need a few tweaks to encourage their fun playstyles (creative petal/grip plays plus heavy thorn usage on weaver, constant pressure on pylon and needing to relocate/destroy it frequently on illari) and discourage the unfun ones (sit on a petal 30 feet behind the fight on weaver, keep the pylon in place all game on illari). Kiriko is the most problematic, her escape abilities allow her to be very aggressive and survive, which is good when it works as intended, but the problem is if she just doesn't be aggressive then she always has those escape tools available and just never dies.
It's kind of like turning a patch into a hero. She does the game loop so much good, everything seems to run smoothly when Juno is around. It's kind of crazy!
We've got Sam praise blizzard before GTA VI release
Yoooo Sport Science was an awesome show, they def should bring it back! Great analysis. Even in lower ranks she wasn't always impactful. You had to execute your abilities well to do well. I hope they don't giga buff her on her release. I am worried.
I was actually pretty surprised at how fair she is. The auto lock ability isn't too strong to be a big problem. I do feel like she puts out a little too much healing but that can be dialed back.
this is 'goodbye mercy, hello juno' moment
Honestly I was hesitant about the lock on ability, but I think it's fine. Takes a long time to lock on, you can't use other parts of your abilities at the same time, and the damage and healing is low. It's nice to use to finish off a pick or confirm a kill, as sometimes her gun fails to do so
Great work from them. Glad to see they are adding a character that focuses on player decision. I'd like to try her out but we are still in 5v5 so imma sit this one out.
Juno still worries me, mainly through her ult but that's probably just me. Her lock on is a little concerning. The burst healing doesn't heal as much as I thought it would and I think that even though you're locked on, it'll prioritize healing allies first if you're close to your teammates but that might've been just me testing abilities out. Just gotta see more once she officially becomes fully avaliable.
Juno boils down to this: Feels fun to play. Feels amazing to have on your team. Doesn’t feel annoying when she’s on the enemy team. W Support
people think her dmg is low. just to put in to perspective, her dmg is quite a bit more than heroes like mei, ramattra which are also range and mobility limited. juno has range and mobility and output a lot of damage with generous ammo capacity and high precision hitscan.
fun fact, I only caught it once out of the few games I played as her due to just general healing from everything else but her secondary fire does in fact hit herself to heal herself.
Incredibly hard to catch unless you're either alone or testing it specifically
as evident of right here 9:19 notice he is LOS of Lucio but just used alternate fire and heals himself, unless that's the support passive that happened to kick in at the same time
Shield regen😅
Honestly hearing Sam be this positive about the game is great to hear. I hope the devs see this and try to go more in the right direction
Juno and Lucio make Beyblade possible again. Like actually funny zip through enemy team with resper ult beyblade moment.
Deleting sombra will fix the game
How dare you
They need to just reset her back to the way she was
Deleting her permainvis would do wonders, but shes unfortunately just one of many problems now
I hate sombra mains
@@brickguy209huang4 how dare you
4:10 If it were me I would nerf her damage from 7 to 6.5 or 6 and then give her a 1.5x headshot multiplier. Not enough to change any breakpoints but enough to reward better aim with more consistent killing power.
I feel like Juno has been one of the best designed supports since OW2's release. While I think her kit is very well designed and balanced in terms of what her abilities do, I do think they need a lot of numbers tuning. No immortalities and lack of crazy self sustain is such a breath of fresh air
Weird how this dude thinks Ana was great. Meanwhile Blizzard birth Brig, Bap and Kiriko clueless tying to fix the most broken mec in the game, anti healing.
Anti healing was the downfall of OW.
this is good press for you too Samito. when blizzard does something right give em applause, love it
I still think that it is better to have and design the game around difficult to use/pilot abilities that have good numbers, than to an easy to use/auto-targeting abilities that have undewhelming numbers.
skill expression should be rewarded
I’m definitely gonna have play her a LOT when she releases she’s really fun
I will continue to be a menace and run a whole dive comp against the new hero until her ult is able to be placed. One thing they did do right tho is making the FEELING of playing her like one of them old Astroid game. Pew pew and teammates and enemies, the movement and abilities all give me that old Shot the asteroids game.
Let juno target slightly faster BUT give her a targeting ring that needs to look at someone for a bit, that will fix the problem
I was scared you were going to tare them down when I clicked. That's actually why I didn't click right away, but curiosity got the best of me. I'm glad you praised them this time.
She has a great risk/reward ratio. The fact that she doesn't have self heal makes her play style a lot more dependent on her team, so that you can't just go off on a flank and be a second Tracer. There is a very real risk of you dying if you get caught
This is exactly why I watch your content. The raw, unfiltered truth is so real. You give compliments where they are due and roast Blizz for their mistakes. You also have a high-level understanding of the game and know what a downgrade OW2 was. I wish more creators were like you with brutally honest takes. I really respect you for that, lmao.
Speaking as a low plat high gold support. It feels weird not being able to HS. Literally the only complaint I have. Maybe give it a 1.25X multiplier. I just wanna feel rewarded for good aim.
With Ana (the only other hit scan that doesn't HS) it feels more rewarding because the ticks of damage. When I hit an enemy and get the tstststs it feels so 👌
25~ meters is about where fall off starts I think. At 45m you do 1/4-1/5 damage
I LOVE that you give them their flowers when they deserve it. High integrity ftw
They finally made a balanced support and everyone was happy hopefully this is proof that we don’t need crazy hero designs and crazy abilities in the game.
This is what happens when you add a character with a dumpy. Thank you for the 16 min dumpy review Samito.
Give this hero a 1.5x headshot multiplyer, let her self-heal for like 5-10hp per shot hit with her right click, and drop the cooldown on the ring to 10-12 seconds and this hero will be cooking.
I’ve heard some people saying that Juno is only going to be viable in higher ranks unless she gets buffs to her kit I don’t think she needs any buffs really
She will be better in higher ranks cause of her high skill ceiling. I see a bunch of metal ranked Junos not using her abilities correctly at all. Probably rarely ever use the speed boost ability for the team.
@@oyunboldboldbaatar5519To their defence, metal teams rarely stay together outside of team wipes, so it's not that easy for metal player to know when boost would be best spent if at least half of their team cannot use it
I'm not surprised that some people say that Juno is a flop, when every other support hero added in OW2 has overtuned stats while being incredibly easy and can get insane value and just by existing and occasionally press a button...
Like, or course Juno seems bad, you have to actually try and actually be good at the game to do well with her.
They could easily make the rockets less corny by capping the missles at 5 or something so you have to be more selective about where and when you start to aim
"i got a peanut in my throat" same
I had my concerns going into testing her, but honestly she is so much fun to play and like you said no real get out of jail free card. I can def see her being useless into dive in lower ranks as metal rank Juno players won't save her ring or shift to get out so they'll get chased down easy. I thought she'd be decent in poke but I don't think that's where she will play best, I feel like hyper rush comps/maps will be her best match-ups and while I think you can play in dive idk if she will be your best choice. But yeah it's nice to see them put out a hero that requires legit game sense and decision making in order to get the best value and not just turn your brain off and play hero.
Love the new mustache it’s solid
off topic but Samitos beard and moustache style is clean asf
illari pylon should be redesigned all together. An idea I had is to make it like sprinkler in Splatoon 3 where it does good healing for the first few seconds but then gradually heals very little forcing you to replace it more or at least not making it so braindead.
That’s a bit convoluted honestly put it on a timer when it’s deployed ( say, maybe 5 or 10 seconds) then it automatically gets destroyed when the timer is up and call it a day.
Sorry but I have to say even tho I hate Brig and Moira, they are necessary evil to compromise for the solo play style, Brig and Moira needs to be in the game unless the game can force people to group up, communicate and play together, or they also delete Genji and Sombra
7:41 Preach brother preach, I 100% agree with you lol.
All the space characters are weirdos. We got a talking gorilla, a fat hamter, and (most horrific of all) a Dutch guy. I wanna know what's gonna be wrong with the new Martian girl.
idk if it’s been brought up before, kinda lost touch with this game but has anyone brought up the idea of role lock in comp but you’re stuck with the character you pick until the next round, I know this wouldn’t prevent counter picking but it would prevent counter swapping.
Juno is alright. Havent played her in a game yet, but i like the kit. The movement and play of heroes has been great for Venture and now Juno.